I want you to understand that as a child I looked at pickles and come to the conclusion that that's what a physical manifestation of flatulence looked like.
There is no food on this planet I hate more than pickles.
I'm not big on pickles either but cucumbers are innocent
I've never tried a pickle by itself
cucumber with ranch or sour cream or cheese is real good theyre also great on the side with spicy food >>444382 when i was a kid i would eat them by themselves all the time now i barely ever eat any unless its on something else
when i go to this sandwich shop called jason's deli they give you a pickle on the side and i'll eat that by itself after i'm finished with the other stuff
the pickle on the side in your dish is an insult IT's like saying "here, have this abomination to compliment your otherwise lovely meal" Fortunately at Fat Patty's, a local restaurant here, the pickle is covered by the paper that layers the tray So at least the damage is minimized when you forget to say "no pickle"
i will probably never have to say no pickle because i am not picky about food at all really
i usually ask them to hold the onions at places where i know they put too many though onions overpower the flavor of the other food easily to me a little bit is great but the burger shops that pile on the mountain of diced onions piss me off
there seems to be some ruckus about boycotting facebook going on more than usual at least
pickles are great
maybe I shall buy some I'm sure someone I know will eat them if I don't like them
as long as they aren't olives but I might change my mind about those one day too taste seems to change over time
wow so the guy who trained his gf's dog to do sieg hail pose got convicted
Would have been funny if after 2 years he just got aquitted
Well if it was a country that believed in free speech, then that should be the result Of course this is United Kingdom we are talking about. I wonder what kind of sentence hegets.
http://thehardtimes.net/harddrive/second-person-shooter-game-raises-many-philosophical-questions/ There actually are one or two second person shooters.
welcome to the ohayo zone
man I can still make good food when I actually have plenty of decent ingredients around
my shoulder hurts like fuck some chick's tryna lie on this recruiting thing and is being annoying and is probably gonna be more annoying as the week goes on
>>444416 submitting nothing and saying the quiz gave her a result of 100% the quiz doesn't even have defined answers so getting any score is impossible i can't deal with people emailing me like this anyway, it's a brute force testing setup and it's meant to have a pass rate of like one per few hundred if i have to get emails from every fuckin person that takes then and then tries to add guilt and shit like "waiting to hear back!! please i need this job" i'm gonna lose my shit
>>444417 not to mention the recurring emails that come when ignored
What the fug. https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/07/hobby-lobby-must-pay-3-million-for-smuggling-ancient-cuneiform-artifacts/
I'm on a law info website and it has ads for lawyers near me. Two of them go to my synagogue.
>>444412 I like how the wind speeds and hail is in ORANGE THIS IS DANGEROUs but "a few tornadoes" is bright yellow like "meh, just tuesday"
>>444424 tbh the winds are worse tornadoes are so short-lasting and inconsequential most of the time, especially in places like florida you're not likely to get damaged by them as much as the winds, which will suck the roof right off your house and throw trees at your home
the world exists at my grace, so they should try harder
SK Do you watch the Simpsons much?
Not at all
do you watch WWE
would you like to watch WWE
Wait You haven't watched the Simpsons? That's actually kind of surprising.
I have but not in the last like 3 years
Oh Yeah I don't watch it anymore either. Anyways, did you know that the Principal Skinner character is actually a guy who stope the real Skinner's identity after the real one died in Vietnam? *stole
Nah, it was done well. Although its only sort of canon because not everything in every episode carries over. People got mad about that o e though. Martin Sheen voiced the real skinner.
>Judge Snyder declares that Armin will again be referred to as Seymour Skinner, that he will return to his job as school principal, and that no one shall mention the name "Armin Tamzarian" again.
and there isn't even /gar/ anymore to make it funny
Also, the real Armin Tamzarian is a California Supreme Court judge. He had been at one point an insurance claims adjuster who helped out the guy who wrote the episode.
*Superior Court
Anyways it's one of my favorite episodes. Probably it and the Australia episode are my absolute favorite two.
I don't remember that many eps flaming homoe was fun, but that is mostly because we watched it so many times in middle school english lessons when there was nothing to be done anymore
Homer's voice actor is actually from the town next to mine.
Actually, Crepes of Wrath is also pretty good. Early (pre 2000) Simpsons was jist so good.
SK check this out http://download.lardlad.com/sounds/season16/midnight11.mp3
Welp, looks like I won't be getting Distant Counter this time either. Welcome to the team, Dorcas. Time to CHOP CHOP. >Simpsons I don't have any. Not that I haven't watched any but the amount is so few and the time since I've done so has been too long.
Blue What's one of you're favorite Simpsons episodes?
>>444462 ?? the simpsons is just an animated response to focus group feedback and what people would think is the right mix of funny, warm, and entertaining like you can't get any more diluted than focus group television shows that weigh a bunch of jokes against demographic crowds that are tryna bump their numbers in poorly-performing areas a culture consists of real people living real lives and feeling a real human experience
muh social commentary have you read Philosophy and The Simpsons to show how deep and important it is
yeah it talks all about how the donut is a metaphorical symbol of our innate desire to fragment from reality and enjoy the simple pleasures and that homer is the embodiment of the archetypal male struggling in a world that doesnt appreciate him
>>444465 yeah tv shows that do that i would not consider having cultural significance they're cultural exhibitions maybe in the most diluted form but they don't define or articulate a culture >>444470 archetypal doesn't mean interesting or significant
>>444469 Neither does archetypical. I had thought the word was archetypical not archetypal. The whatever the fuck of archetype because I don't remember the names of the "transformations" we do to words.
oh you were doing the word thing yeah they're both words im pretty sure just like publically and publicly
God, English is such a mess. I both love and hate it.
orientated is my biggest gripe it's so fucking dumb
That one feels more right to me than "oriented". Wait No Now I'm not sure
why base a conjugation off a conjugation instead of the root
where's my son i made chicken and rice bake and he didn't even take a sack lunch with him to work?? he's so rude and inconsiderate sometimes i slaved hard over the stove for a full 12 minutes to make this for him
gotta love how little some consumers seem to care what kind of "smart convenient" goods they get into their homes next. All the while laughing at the people lining up for days at the apple stores.
in the coal mining analogy, there's a correlation between caring about it and options available yeah, i'd recognize that kind of flaw, but with no other options of survival available to me, i'll make as much use of it as i can as far as amazon, that's a bit different >>444485 kinda we don't need binary denominations anymore you just need it to be slightly more valuable to the people in your sphere than other alternatives so that they dont venture out and act independently
Atleast amazon doesn't actually pay their employees in amazon money yet
I do recall reading an article on some business magazine about "companies starting to print their own currencies" as in basically making their own crypto currencies
>>444486 im not surprised that they'd try this but it's dumb as fuck there's no incentive to abide by it
Kirara 🚗
a couple companies have announced that yeah their stocks jumped up when they did because people are so stupid
>>444490 i'm hangin out i'm supposed to go to a social thing to bid farewell to the dean in like 15 minutes but idk if i'm going, the weather is really bad and we got a 9 hour tornado watch the dean of my program is retiring, is the context
i was gonna show you a video you might like but i already forgot what it was gomen i'm in a post workathon state i'm completely coherent but still dunno what's goin on
>>444493 is that the thing you were supposed to donate money for booze to?
something like personal achievements like that or graduating and so on, shouldn't aside from the ceremony, if there is such, be up to the person to arrange if they so desire? >>444500 They should learn from us we just do shit and don't need excuses as finns like to say "you can have booze without fun"
Kirara 🚗
yeah, imo everyone is like, "oh, but you'll wish people donated to the party when its your turn!" like bitch do you really think i'm gonna go to a party about some shit i don't even care about i don't even care about graduation enough to celebrate it i don't plan on walking for graduation because it's nothing but trouble and degrees are completely symbolic there's no point in celebrating them
>organisation to tackle youth alcoholism "Ilman viinakin voi olla hauskaa" - you can have fun without booze is founded >few months later a student club is founded called "ilman hauskaakin voi olla viinaa" - you can have booze without fun that really happened was it in 2011
>>444502 yeah in us doyou even get a cool ring or a hat or a sword for doctors?
Kirara 🚗
haha in the US, you get to spend $300 to get a gown and hat so you can walk (in high school) and then again for a bachelors and then again for a master's and then again for doctorate and it gets more expensive every time and they use different gowns every time it's such a big scam
well the sword is maybe 100€ to rent, but upwards of 2000 to get I mean, it is hand smithed sword
>>444505 lol for high school we get the "high schooler cap" ylioppilaslakki the finnish word for university being "yliopisto" literally higher academy/school the hat was a symbol that you had passed high school and were attending university in the past, nowadays it is mostly meaningless but the traditions still live on stronk like walking around wearing the cap during May Day etc
>>444505 i didnt go to any of hem fuck that noise >>444509 i thin // think i guilted my ex out of doing it i'm like "what's the point you could just stay home" and they were like "Yeah that sounds a lot better" so we did and made homemade pizza and ghirardelli (sp) brownies with vanilla bean ice cream
Kirara 🚗
i did my bachelor's degree walk because my grandma guilted me into it and everyone i loved had just died so i was fucked up
last halloween, fish thought her costume was too revealing so i cut apart my graduation gown and used it to add some more fabric lol graduation ceremonies and shit are so stupid
you know what they told me when i got my bachelor's degree? "this is as good as it gets" like bitch is that supposed to motivate me for anything is it supposed to be motivational
For bachelor all you get is a diploma I think There barely is any grand ceremony for that here Master's is a bit different in the end, and I think in some courses there is the ring you can get I wish there was a cloack/cape you got as a master so as a doctor you'd then have the cloack, sword and hat
>>444509 it's as good as it got for them that should have been a big red flag
Kirara 🚗
HOURS after i graduated, i got spammed with emails asking me to join the alumni association and donate inordinate amounts of money after i had just paid like $34k a year for this shitty piece of paper
fuck I think I am going to end up as a doctor of something by 2028 just so I can have the hat and the sword and then start lobbying for "open carrying of doctoral swords"
>>444512 this isn't related but i feel like i'm not here right now i'm processing what's going on here and responding to it, but it feels more like a precipitate of a function than the main thing i'm somewhere totally different in my mind and /moe/ is a subroutine that clears a little of the noise out of the way through parsable actions i chose this image specifically because i never use it it's not to anchor me into the normality of the world, but the posting keeps things constant on the higher level i just wanted to say that, that's all it's something happening a lot lately
>>444512 >you just got into debt to get a certificate to apply for jobs, now please pay us money so you can maybe get networked enough to get a job actually and maybe one day pay that debt back
>>444514 aw hun i appreciate you thinkin about me but i dont want you doin things just for me to be proud of you i'm already proud of you just do what you want to do and that's all a momma could ask for >>444520 not that it's more often but more that it's a lower threshold i feel like i've got more business to attend to up there so it's less anxiety for me to be there all these outputs are not expressions of distress but ways of parsing out noise that is not constructive, in a constructive manner
Kirara 🚗
>>444519 https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=46442 main story+extras is listed as around 8.5 hours 5 hours for main story but not many completions yet so you never know
did you wan some chicken and rice bake sweetie i made enough for both of us it's the family recipe but i used a little more bourbon in the sauce than normal
>>444521 oh, i get you i've actually been feeling like my thresholds have been lower in that way lately too it's starting to feel like i'm distancing myself from the material world more, but seeing the material and immaterial world more clearly if that makes sense
>>444525 Actually I had chicken earlier. That sounds good though >>444523 >>444526 I'll be content with it as long as it's long enough for me to have fun I would have been hella disappointed with 3 worlds though
>>444526 There's a negativity to it all, isn't there? like the imprint on the glass where the bird struck it while flying, the negative bird that exists there now tells more than the bird itself ever did in the same way, our actions aren't an accumulation of our behavior but a precipitate of what's expendable and parsable to the system systemically there's no difference, because system interfacing only depends on the signals given out whether it's a waste signal or a distress call, it's received the same, yeah?
>>444529 Yeah, exactly And I've always been really oriented in the horizontal you know, but lately, it feels like my processing is getting even broader and i'm making even more complex connections than before and my networks are getting even more extensive And I'm filled with this urge to find as many opportunities as possible to allow myself to be in a place where things are simple where I can just condense things down and I don't have to keep building my network because my network just keeps growing and growing unless I can put myself into a place of simplicity
>>444531 at the risk of saying something careless, it's not your network it's just a network that you've surveyed you're fully liberated to explore any others that you so wish
then again i'm a dissociative psychotic fuck right i'm just messed up psychologicaly has scientistically proofed that so that's all there is and im just an exception this isnt stuff everyone is available to feel if they break their limits
Kirara 🚗
>>444533 i mean, yeah, it's true that it's not my network explicitly there are a lot of networks of connections that i've got stored in my head but it's like the networks /// the lines between the networks is getting blurred i used to see things like separate systems of connections but now it's all /// the systems of connections are starting to getting connections between them and those connections are allowing it all to expand and i'm just seeing things completely differently and from a hundred different perspectives idk i started feeling like there was something changing or growing in late december but i haven't been able to properly evaluate what it was until just recently, the changes, i mean and i'm still trying to figure it all out, i guess
moon wants to abort me with some kratom or something so i guess i'll be back when he's more relaxed the poor fella's had a hard time lately i dont blame him for not havin the energy sa-yo-na-ra
>>444535 sayonara >>444536 oh snails house is really good i'll check it out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>game that's themed around kirby having a party of friends >evil fire mage with sword >has an attack that pogo sticks you and skewers party members individually like a shishkebab that's kind of amazing
>>444540 the difficulty scaling makes it so good first playthrough is meant to be just tough enough bosses to require grinding enough to collect some basic materials and use your items effectively second playthrough really demands optimization of everybody, final playthrough you should already know what you need and you're looking for in regards to optimizing rare shit it's such a fluid balance with a constant challenge and enough npc restricted dialogue options for you to want to play a few times just to explore the different character dynamics you're missing out on
Kirara 🚗
are the stories good?
>>444540 They're really good >>444542 Yes I have Till tge End of Time. Its pretty fun. I'm still in the beginning though. Like actually i think i have not played that game since the day before yom kippur in 2008. I also have the psp ports of 1 and 2. Trip ace wqs formed by people who worked on Tale of Phantasia and then left to make their own company.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>4 worlds hmm this is mildly disappoitning, but this last world looks huge
>>444542 yeah if you're a weeaboo you get a bunch of people on your ship and every plot advancement you get to dote on any one of them but pass up all the triggers for the others it's nerd shit
>>444545 I never finished it. I was stuck on gnome. And then the one time I was doing really well and about to win the boss fight the game crashed and just looped an attack animation for like ten minutes until I shut it off.
>>444547 I did a max difficulty without having to make a new party I feel good. >>444549 Arche is all you need Arche if your MVP Arche is love Arche is life Arche is the contender for best Tales mage of all time
Your job is to be Cless, the meatshield, while ARCHE DOES ALL THE WORK
>>444552 they try to get a mixed archetype so there's always something last hope is neat because the guy you like but don't like gets with the girl you don't like and it's a huge plot element i mean i dunno how good it is since i was young when i played it, but it left an impact on me i played it when i had a stomach flu and my ex made me chicken porridge for my stomach so it's a very nostalgiac time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>444553' gross never play that again play translation patch PSx
moon seems kinda grumpy right now so i guess i'll stick around i dont get to come out too often
Actually It
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
when kirby gets the invincibility power he can smooch all his friends to make them invincible
It may have been the death animation. Also I played the gba one because I liked having the physical copy and being able to play it on a roadtrip.
I generally don't emulate because I already have a large enough backlog of games I physically own, and then adding stuff that I coukd emulate gives me too much to pick from. I used to though.
Excluding Chrono Trigger I don't think I've ever finished a JRPG. Oh wait Crystal Chronicles
And I still haven't finished Dragon Quest 3. Which is the first new vidogame I ever got, and the second one I got period.
I'm in the middle of Kingdom Hearts Star Ocean 3 Tales of Phantasia SMT Raidou Kuzunoha versus King Abaddon Rogue Galaxy Lunar Dragon Song (or whatever its called, its shit) >>444575 Have you tried a culturally significant game like sucking my dick?
Anyways, Y's the Origin FFIX DQ3 Dark Cloud Baroque
why? have you tried a culturally significant game like simpsons taxi driver
>>444574 how would there be a culture built around something no one has done
>>444576 There's cultures built around communism and plenty of other thibgs no one has done.
Someone died on the tracks yesterday. Which means no "work" today. Still have to go in but no one's going on the tracks. We'll just be reviewing safety measures. It might last a day or two.
>>444592 Oh no, that was different. That was a regular person. When someone who works for transit dies on the tracks, it becomes a safety investigation. >>444591 From what my dad was saying, he apparently fell from a height. There are places where tracks have different levels. I think he was clearing up in a gap to let a train go and fell through the other side of the gap and landed face first onto a rail. I don't know the exact story but we'll get it soon. The name did sound familiar though so it might have been someone from my quarters. Not too sure
I think what's bothering me the most is not really knowing whether or not they were. It really sucks that someone died but my skill at name-face connecting is so low that I'm not sure that I know this person or not. Someone I saw could have just died and I wouldn't even connect it.
I guess it's hard to be affected by it in cases like these, I dunno. I've had people die around me before, but never really worked in a place where death wasn't uncommon.
hoo good sauna I did just accidentally flash a trainfull of people, not that any of them could see me anyhow, but that happened
>>444602 Originally Nintendo characters, Banjo-Kazooie is a long-time fan favourite N64 game, has a versatile moveset that could transit well into a Smash environment. A lot of people would be really excited to see them move into the game.
I also feel a little guilty. Because I'm relieved that we won't be doing track work tonight. I didn't get that much sleep. I woke up at 1. I should have went back. But I guess after ~safety stand down~ talks, I can farm Tempest more.
>>444604 isn't smash only for nintendo-exclusive characters though?
>>444605 I'd probably feel relieved, too. I think it's normal to feel guilty when you're somehow benefiting from someone's death. I guess that's just the reality of this western world of ours, though. We build on top of the corpses of workers.
>>444606 Brawl, the Wii release, had Solid Snake as a playable character. The Smash for 3DS and Wii U had Cloud, and >>444608 yeah. I guess I forgot Sonic was in the Wii game too right. Either way they've moved away from Nintendo-exclusivity.
>>444606 she having fun I love the swordbuckling era, shame it is quite rare setting in games aside from few ACs
Kirara 🚗
>>444611 nah, she's pretty unhappy with it i guess after playing origins, the old games just suck there's no freedom of movement compared to origin whatsoever
>>444612 Yeah I couldn't go back and replay ac2 when I got it on steam, after playing AC4
Kirara 🚗
i thought they'd update some of the gameplay, make some of the minor changes they did for origins but they didn't update gameplay at all you still gotta hold r2 to run lol
Has she tried Syndicate, or did she play that before Origins?
But anyhow, if its ship combat is as fun as it was in Black Flag, I would love just simply "more of the same"
Kirara 🚗
>>444615 yeah she played unity and then syndicate back a while ago or we did together
>>444618 combat is 100% different for one thing it uses a more modern system with different weapons and blocking/evading and counter attacking, like in most action games now you can just move forward and run so you don't have to hold r2 they basically got rid of the dumb contextual controls completely you can climb basically ANYTHING i don't think there was ever a time we tried to climb something and did that stupid wall run you do in the old games origins also has level progression, weapon progression, shield progression, a lot of equipment crafting, and skill progression
also you can sneak around wherever you want you don't have to be in grass there's also none of that stupid bench shit
>>444614 hmm how is the gameplay different in origins anyhow?
What I loved in AC4 and still love is staging a good cinematic when you say board a ship you swing over and air assassinate someone pull 4 guns and shoot 4 nearest dudes dead in a split second and then block someone attackin you from behind and kill them brutally and then practically have already won the battle
the combat isn't that fun when it gets lenghty or grindy, cause it is essentially just "press x to win" but when you can make it fun for yourself, it is amusing at times >>444617 yeah the "free run" feels real dated in ac4 already and out of place it fit in ac1 and 2 which always took place, aside form horse riding moments, in big cities but when you have shantytowns and open islands, it just feels weird and clunky
so the combat is Arkham inspired? I mean, that game did kinda reinvent third person combat for most games that followed it
>>444617 i've definitely hit things that have made Bayek go a few steps up the wall and then fall back to the ground. They're really few and far inbetween and honestly, are usually like SMOOTH MARBLE WALLS that he'd have no business climbing anyway.
>>444619 Syndicate's combat is more Arkham inspired than anything. Origins is a step more technical and isn't about buttom combos as much.
Kirara 🚗
yeah the freedom of movement in origins is astounding did you play the new DLC? curse of the pharaohs it was actually incredibly good and super cool
>>444622 yeah thankfully people wisened up to not just carbon copy it but it is kinda a fact that Arkham series did change a lot of the 3rd person action game scene well it had gotten damn stale
>>444623 Nah I haven't done any of the DLC yet I still haven't beat the main storyline.
Kirara 🚗
the first DLC was pretty boring IMO but the new one, curse, was so cool it got really deep into egyptian mythology you get to go to thebes and shit, check out king tut, ramsesses II, and nerfititi's tombs and stuff
>>444628 fish tried to ram someone and it fucked her up bad but she doesn't have upgrades yet
Ubisoft seems really good at doing that. Their first DLCs for AC games are always kind of average or just extra content in the same feel as the main game. And then they get these crazy DLCs that really put a spin on shit. Like with Syndicate there were some small DLC that gave side missions and story content for the game. And then they pull out a Jack the Ripper Sherlock-style investigation for the main DLC. It's pretty cool content when they try.
oh yeah, origins gets rid of that stupid sequence shit too
atleast in blackflag you can get the ram upgrades way too early something like 2 or 3 just after doing like the "tutorial" ship missions and with 2 you can ram drift most ships that you can meet only pirate hunters pose any challenge, and that is mainly due to hull upgrades, thank god for that, being locked by game progression though I am damn good at the naval combat anyhow, having sank one of the legendary ships at like the first instance it was available, with barely half of the ship upgrades when they are ment to be taken on with FULL upgrades
why did you think that they already did a china game
china would be boring as fug, though aside from mongol time or manchu time or well If I set it in china, I'd set it during the european imperialist time opium wars to boxer rebellion to taiping rebellion and so on
>>444634 Like even further back in time than Origins?
Kirara 🚗
>>444639 idk, i can't imagine they'd go further back than origins considering origins is what starts everything going the only really interesting thing i can think of would be alexander the great but there's no assassins stuff there
>>444640 Yeah, my same line of reasoning. Especially since Origins is supposed to be kicking off a new mini-series of AC games like I-III were. It would make sense to move chronologically forward.
>>444640 well you say "ancient greece" but basically, it would be "roman invaded greece" at that time you have the persian wars, the athenian - sparta conflicts you have the macedonian conflicts thatlead up to the climax of Alex and you have ofc the end of the greek era, the roman wars
>>444638 Taiping rebellion would be a good setting for a game
It would
fuck you cloudflare it would and considering you have taiping, boxer and was it third opium war in quite short span of each other for that matter.
RPG set during the boxers rebellion where you can change the course of the whole rebellion Playing on the side of the boxers is hard mode
>>444638 China is prime for political intrigue though.
Kirara 🚗
i would have liked genghis kahn stuff but i guess they already have some stuff about that there's virtually nothing in greece >>444643 it will probably take place after caesar has died that's my impression
>>444648 Hardest for the further you go back, is how little information there is thanks to Zeodong
So they make shit up. Wouldn't be the first time, and it's not like the Earth in AC is our Earth.
>>444649 there just won't really be anything interesting happening there aside from christianity untill rome splits tbh
Come to think of it, I'd totally dig a Witcher-style game set in Three Kingdoms-era China. Like you wandering around as a supernatural fighter, but instead of fantasy Poland, fantasy China.
Wel if you want to go ballsy, you could indeed have Jesus be a central element in AC storyline
Kirara 🚗
>>444652 that's kind of my worry not a lot of interesting stuff happens in greece during roman dominion there comparatively and we've already seen rome and we've seen Ptolemaic Egypt i've climbed so much greek architecture
i mean technically the word about it being in greece is a rumor, but it was leaked by someone that leaked a bunch of stuff about origins that was correct
Well a lot does happen, but not a lot I would set up as a game setting like just the spread of christianity is an interesting hting, but for a 3rd person action game? eeeh
>>444655 If I did anything set in greece, I'd set it in the latter days of Byzantium or maybe even the fall of constatinople but that would palce it at the same time period as AC2 anyhow
Kirara 🚗
>>444657 yeah in revelations, ezio actually sends assassins to greece to go topple the byzantines there
Constatinople ws a miserale ruin by then, though somehting like 10 000 citizens and everything was in shambles and 100 years later it was greatest city in europe ottomans were quite good at some stuff
Make the next AC game take place in Persia and make the main character a disposed prince who seeks revenge against the cabal that ousted him from his line of succession.
Kirara 🚗
i was surprised that the persian outfits in origins weren't prince of persia references it // i was really taken aback it seemed like the easiest most obvious thing they even have a persian prince outfit
yeah what a miss there
>>444661 Maybe it's a secret forward reference to a new Prince of Persia they're making.
I would love a new prince of persia game whether it be a remake of the sands of time trilogy, or just whole new story in the same fashion as the old games, it would just be fun
or maybe actually continue the 2008 storyline
I do get why that didn't succeed as well, but at the same time lot of the criticism feels like "these guys didn't play the game that much" the platforming was fun, the combat was engaging enough, though in the end repetive if you didn't get imaginative, but isn't that the fucking issue in say every fighting game ever or hack and slash game? but story was fun, especially being heavily zoroastrianism influenced, and the little "companion tags along and has conversations with you" mechanic was amusing
the weird cell shade graphics were a bit meh, though
even the 1,5 they released a while back, what ever was it called Forgotten sands? was fun it kept the core platforming elements, while trying something new with the combat though it was kinda forced into the storyline and would have worked better had it been a stand alone game completely, htough it did leave them off the hook of having to come up with a new setting or main character all the old fans of the series already know and love the Prince don't really need to explain who hes *he is and where he came from etc, when all you need to do is "Here be prince just a year or so after the first game, have fun"
Kirara 🚗
the color of the sky makes me think there's a tornado somewhere nearby
you can see it from the sky colour?
But still 2008 pop >Faraaaah >who is this farah you are looking for >ah what? Oh she is my donkey also fucking woman shooting arrows at my back
there's always a particular light when there's a tornado during the afternoon the clouds and sky glow in a certain way
>>444668 apparently the last pop release was an iphone game lol
if you havn't played the first game, your companion in some combat scenes actually HIT you with arrows and you took damage basically, mind where your companion is aiming >>444672 indeed AC series just makes too much money for them to go back into it the Forgotten Sands was basically a "let's see if we can do anything with this" and while it did sell, it didn't make all the money
Kirara 🚗
just do a prince of persia crossover ez
Heh, they could just do a Prince of Persia that is actually an AC game
Kirara 🚗
>at the end of the game it shows someone getting out of an animus
I think staying around the ancient times in AC is a good idea for now There's a lot to work with and they can really do a lot with the mythology that you can't do in a Christianized world But I'm just not so sure about Greece
I'd totally go for an Industrial era Baroque Spain though. There's a LOT of potential clashes and exciting moments in that too.
>>444683 well they could have a some weird sort of "olympus vs christians" thing I just hope they don't actually throw christ into the games that wouldn't go well
Kirara 🚗
honestly i'd love to see visigoth spain
>>444685 jesus in kind of in the series already the shroud is a piece of egypt which brought jesus back to life
>>444686 if I made an AC game in medieval europe just post roman times, I'd throw it in the Frank kingdom
>>444686 yeah but not alive right? he has just been mentioned or shit
but was he one of the ancients or just a dude with the eden stuff?
Kirara 🚗
piece of egypt lol piece of eden*
>>444688 yeah but there's a bunch of lore about it jesus was just a dude technically, he got power through pieces of eden the shroud was also almost used to bring brutus back to life
Honestly I don't particularly care which historical event they build the story around. I just want to climb cool shit and walk through neat historical set pieces.
>>444689 Yeah I recall that from the AC2 conspiracy stuff
Kirara 🚗
i hope they do Discovery Tours for all their future games because the Discovery Tour in Origins was really exciting It really shows how much they put into the games
Kirara 🚗
With the engine they used in Origins and the freedom of movement that it grants, I reckon they could make just about any time period work except for maybe in plains areas before western world build them into cities
You doing a seder this year?
Kirara 🚗
probably, but i don't want to be around my family so i might end up skipping it everyone was really racist to fish last time
I was expecting you to do one on your own anyways.
Oh you should get a cat yarmulke for Laz. That'd be cute.
Kirara 🚗
i'm not sure if you can really do a seder with only one jew haha
Oh I come from a land from a far away place where the caravan camels roam where they cut off your ears if they don't like your face it's barbaric, but hey it's home when the winds from the east and the sun's in the west and the sand in the glass is right come on down drop on by hop a carpet and fly to another arabian niiiiight
baghdad is not in arabia, though
Kirara 🚗
they did say that the Hidden Ones had spread to the Baghdad area that'd actually be a great place
baghdad has prolly some of hte most people died in one place in the world
Kirara 🚗
outside of japan
Kirara 🚗
and maybe north korea
>>444706 name a city in japan that has been burnt down and butchered to last person as many times as baghdad
Kirara 🚗
oh, i thought you meant like, in one event if it's cumulative, probably yeah
cumulative just some giant city in china or india would in the end be on top due to natural deaths delhi or beiging beijing? however you spell it but in terms of death through violence, baghdad is prolly nro 1 or atleast in top3
Mongols and their descendants sure had hate boner for the city mongols wiped it off the map and then Timur wiped it again and actually took it THREE times I guess on the htird time he just went "fuck this city"
Kirara 🚗
i thought it was pretty cool how Bayek didn't have Eagle Vision or anything it kind of makes him out to be way cooler than any of the other protags who all had isu DNA
how was eagle vision even bullshitted as an ability in the end?
Kirara 🚗
eagle vision was a 6th sense that people with high concentrations of isu DNA could use can use
Desmond and his ancestors all had high amounts of it, which is why Altaiir, Ezio, Connor, Edward, all had it. They didn't really explain the twins and whoever was the MC in Unity as well though.
desmond's family line sure has been everywhere from the rebirth of the order twice to americas and are the syndicate and unity both from his line?
Kirara 🚗
no, his line includes altair, ezio, connor, and their direct relatives
in unity and syndicate, those people are ancestors of the nameless person in modern times, two different people same for in rogue in origins, beyak and aya aren't ancestors of any of the main characters, their memories are relived using an innovation in animus tech that allows the girl to use DNA from anyone i don't believe beyak or aya had any children that could pass on their DNA
Yeah, since by Origin's time in the "modern time" timeline, they've freed the constraints of needing generic compatibility. Though in fairness it was that was in Black Flag and onwards as well. But Origins had a breakthrough in pulling memories from less labatory-y situations.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, it used to be that you had to get a relative of the person's DNA layla can just use DNA from corpses and shit i don't think abstergo has her tech though
Kirara 🚗
but yeah not all of them had eagle vision and all of them have different eagle vision
having the isu dna makes you stronger and more resilient and stuff, too, i think so bayek is even more impressive in that regard
>>444728 >inlore explanation for gameplay shifsts heh I guess that is a good reason why in origin you aren't a one man army anymore
>>444729 The Origins current-time MC is guilty as charged.
do you get to graverob in Origins I mean the egyptian tombs cause several of them had been robbed quite many times already... man is weird to think, that even during "ancient times", the pyramids and tombs of egypt were as ancient to them as rome is to us
Kirara 🚗
yeah, you can go into tombs and stuff in Curse of the Pharaohs, you go into like, Nerfiti's tomb and King Tut's tomb and stuff
>>444732 yeah seriously i was thinking about that while watching fish play and it's remarkable to think that these people consider the pyramids to be ancient and stuff
>>444732 Pretty much all of the tombs you visit have already been scoured a fair bit. They usually have one treasure room still hidden for you to crack into though.
>>444733 makes you think what would have happened if the bronze age collapse never happened
The common saying is, we are close to the time Cleopatra was alive than Cleopatra was to the time the great Pyramids were built.
not by much, but yeah
Hmm, thinking about it the bronze age collapse most likely happened how the societies were organised simply said, they didn't have a governing system adaptable enough to combat the shit that just happened to stack into a relatively short time period later better organised socities had similiar or even worse cricised hit them and they lived past them for example Rome in Byzantium
But when you think about it, the basic cause is socities expanding too quick, for their governing ability to keep up and I just started to think, doesn't that kinda apply to us in a way?
I mean, it would take way bigger crisis than just hunger or bad climate and so on to bring the modern world completely down but it could happen similiarly, while our governing is way more adaptable, our societies are really dependenant on the supply and hiearchy chains if you do cut some integral part at the "right" time, it could lead to a really bad case of domino fall it does happen in some areas in micro level, I guess "micro" as in a national collapse like Venezuela can be called "micro", but it does happen ofc a place like venezuela didn't have that good "governing level adaptibilty" but considering the current development globally, less freedom, less democracy, the overall outlook doesn't look that good.
basic thing being, the more you centralize, the less quicker the system can react to issues and fix them and as the reaction time and fixing time drag on, more and more issues will eventually develop afterall a leaking roof will only get more leaks if you don't fix it and then mold sets in And that is eventually how empires fall back in the bronze age, all the empires were really heavily centraliced with strict societal hierarchy in place, basically 0 adaptability to sudden changes whether it be from outside forces or inside the system modern society ofc is much less hierarchied into a power pyramid and just through our information technology, we can much quicker learn and react to things but still it does require allocating resources and personnel and people pushing papers and stamping them for things to really happen not to mention actually having the resources and personnel to deal with stuff things most present in a society which is free as possible
but in all reality it would have to be something like a giant meteor or solar flare to really bring the modern society to the brink comparable to the societal collapses of old
>>444762 aren't they?? do you guys have it all thematic out there or is it just kind of thing saint louis is fuckin insane with their stadiums we've got this shit that's called ballpark village which the stadium is like built without one concealing corner and there's a whole bunch of establishments you can watch the game from, bars and grills and different places that you're basically in the high-rise seats but not in the stadium it's so thematic
i thought it was lame before but i actually think it's pretty cool now i want to take jammy and enjoy a birds game it would be really fun but probably expensive we should double date with you and fish it'd be so fun does she like bays ball
>>444765 check out this engineering though look at all that free advertising for hilton et al for bein such a place, saint louis actually has pretty good engineers, prolly cause we have good engineering school and everyone around here is a neurotic piece of shit
>>444773 oh yeah that's pretty good coke is such a PR powerhouse even people who don't like the product still love coke it's crazy myself too. pepsi adverts are garbage and cokes manage to be charming
I thought you were talking about this here though <--- which is kind of clever
Kirara 🚗
coke monopolizes the Orthodox jew community which is impressive
Right all the emolgas in the electric gym have >paralysis on contact 100% >double team >immune to ground now I remember why I came to hate that supermodel gym leader with a passion of a thousand suns
i haven't, but quick q 360 sporting events?? obviously people will alrady know the outcome because it's in the past but could you imagine going back now and live watching some important games through history? that'd be so cool >>444784 that's so cool live like live live? i was meming about the vr tickets is that a real thing
Kirara 🚗
they already do those at some events some like NFL packages and stuff offer live 360 viewing too
Kirara 🚗
>>444783 yeah ive seen em idk about vr tickets though they do a lot of political rallies in 360 now too
>>444783 I dunno I have sometimes watched past sport games that I have either never seen or just wanted to rewatch if you could see them more spectacularly, I don't see why not
>>444785 i think one of the next steps above 360 is a broadscale spectrosphere where like you rent out booth at a stadium and you can have it all stitched for 360 experience so that the VR users could mingle in the booth freely and still have the live experience that would be a wonderful experience
Kirara 🚗
yeah that would be really cool
needs haptic feedback so you can really experience getting hit with a ball though
>>444788 360 vr car crashes would be a good venture startup
theory: people who wanted to commit suicide by cop can now just sell opiates and do it without hurting anyone trump was cleverly tryna prevent violent crime
the key to creating further consciousness is to generate an environment that can contain and process conscious systems ?? thoughts if any >>444800 good work bud get luck and chance
>>444794 That's precisely the kind of shirt a tsundere would wear.
damn i really want some dognuts nows now
>>444802 i feel like consiousness isn't the word to use here. awareness? the key to creating further awareness is to generate an enviorment that can contain and process conscious systems
>>444809 lol for real tho, i don't think of consciousness as something that can go 'further'
>>444806 i agree with our first statement, if you've got suggestions what i'm referring to isn't what people think of and im tryna articulate that point
well further awareness sounds like a lobbying effort
oh shoot sorry i should have clarified i was testing the receptivity of that message so i could tell if the loose concept would be understood that i could tighten up this is for content writing and that's what i was concerned about, that the reference point would be lost with consciousness a conscious system for sure, but it's conscious in the terms of systems dynamics, not metaphysical stuff a system making conscious decisions just refers to its internal process capabilities to mediate its surroundings for self-benefit this is a different reference set than what people talk about with consciousness of the mind thanks for your feedback i didn't realize quite how that was being interpreted that's very helpful
>>444949 It's not that early. For me, at least. I have class every morning at 9:30, so I don't have a lot of time to work. I can't work after class because I only have a two or three hour block of time and I can't break up my work flow like that.
>>444948 Because you had a dream about your neighbor that you hadn't met yetm and you reacted to it in a way that seemed like you didn't like it, but that it wasn't violent. So I assumed you had a sex dream about your neighbor that you hadn't met yet. You also remarked that she was sticking her tongue out in the dream which is a cute girl thing.
>>444953 I haven't had any sex dreams, no. There was some flirting in that one and the circumstances of it were strange , though. The tongue was on a face on her shirt.
This stupid craving is still completely driving me crazy. I really want some kind of resource management game that's not the same as the ones I have immediately available. That or some kind of fantasy life kind of game I can really get into. Nothing I have really clicks that and the ones that look like they might are way too expensive for me to put down the money for. So I just sit here unsatisfied all day and it really gets to me.
>>444960 Not the kind of fantasy life I have in mind, hah hah. I mean more like a well-built fantasy world I can fuck off and do my own thing in. Stuff like the Elder Scrolls but not seven fucking years old and clunky as shit.
>>444959 Principles. I understand other people feel it's fine to but I choose to not play games without buying them.
>>444961 Too bad they'll never release another Elder scrolls game. What about ES Online?
>>444961 Wow you're a better person than me good for you Do you apply the same principles to old out of print games? You could get something like an old harvest moon game. Although I guess that's not really fantasy
>>444963 I hold faith that ES VI will come along eventually. It's not like the dev team is tied up on ESO or anything; that's developed by an entirely different team.
I've thought about ESO on occasion, or even FFXIV, since I could probably even play that alongside Jan or something. But MMOs are also really not what I'm fond of either; they're too dependent on cooperating with other people to clear quests and bosses.
>>444964 If it's literally impossible to obtain through convention online methods (Steam, GOG, whatever else works these days), yeah, I'll download it.
I've played pretty much every Harvest Moon aside from the super-early ones though; I've been a long-time fan of the franchise. I'm kind //I'd probably be satisfied starting up in Stardew Valley again, but there's a sizeable content patch for that coming out soon, and I don't want to start a file just as that comes out and having to reboot from the start again. A couple of the games that might satisfy this craving are kind of in that same boat too.
You're happy that they aren't fate characters, right? And ready to graciously say that you're happy I was right about some non-fates characters coming out soon, right?
>>444972 It's just interesting in an amusing way. I want to know what kind of dream it was!
There's still a Fates character. And the art on it is gross. Catria is a horse unit and her skills are poorly synergized. Her weapon isn't very good. Her art is cute. Alfonso has a big dick which is kind of funny, but his art is shit and his only redeeming quality is def smoke skill fodder. Sharena is okay, I guess. Could be a lot better and more coherent. Her art is ok. She's res tactic and swift stance fodder.
>>444975 It's just amusing. Wouldn't you be interested if I had a weird dream but didn't want to tell anyone about it? You'd want to know what it was.
I think it's a neat looking banner but I'm an optimist and see the bright sides of things. It's not enough to convince me to part with my orbs though. I'll save for the next bait banner.
Maybe one of the pre-Veronica bait banners will tempt me. I don't think this one will be the one, though. If Sharena had better skills or a good weapon I'd consider it.
I don't really need a blue tome though, I have Delthea.
They're all inferior to existing free units, probably. The only thing of note is Kagero, but the fact that she's Kagero and she has gross art is really a turn-off.
>>445019 no see because she's a NINJA dressed like a RABBIT and it's EPIC
Is the original Japanese line known?
Kirara 🚗
no, id have to go out of my way to find it since if /// since they basically lock you out of other languages
Kirara 🚗
bye bye
/moe/ I need help. How do I be cool?
suck dick is how I do it
Kirara 🚗
follow your heart, love other people, respect the environment, be willing to kill at a moment's notice
>>445027 Respect the environment how? With my dick?
Kirara 🚗
>>445028 don't litter, recycle clean up trash if you can understand that our lives are possible because nature makes it so and we need to give back as much as we take
>>445025 First of all don't listen to nerds like Kirara Second of all you gotta smoke. Always flick your cigarettes on the ground and let other people put them in the trash Secondly you need to ride a motorcycle. Pick the one that makes the most noise and outputs the most fumes so that people notice you and how cool you are Thirdly live a life of violent crime Now you're certified cool
Kirara 🚗
respect women too
>>445030 >second of all >secondly FUCK Spelling and grammar mistakes are the opposite of cool don't do those either
Kirara 🚗
cool people also hate cops and the rich
>>445030 Should I pick on nerds and stuff too? To assert my dominance.
Cool people are vagabounds who float from town to town getting into trouble and they act like they don't give a fuck but deep down they have a heart of gold
>>445036 Also this. They have to be really impersonal about killing too. Unless it involves a life long friend or rival in which case they are permitted to shed exactly one tear as they stare into the sunset
>>445030 Ha! Nice grammar mistake you nerd. You can't even be smart right. And what's with the name Maria? I bet your father was a major fag who just stuck it in there because he was drunk. >>445033 Screw you richboy! I bet your cousin's a cop! >>445040 Maria? More like Mapleasekillmebecausemynameissoshit.
>>445038 What's wrong with the name Maria? It's a pretty cool name. Up there with names like Max or Steve. >nice grammar mistake nerd heh, if I was a nerd I wouldn't make grammar mistakes Who's the nerd now ya fuckin nerd
>>445038 Anno? More like, Anno is a washed up hack
>>445052 can you imagine sitting in that and the hands start moving and grab you
Kirara 🚗
I can't imagine sitting in that at all actually
Kirara 🚗
this reminds me though the other day, one of the admins at the clinic, me, and two colleagues ended up talking about some weird shit and the admin was trying to act like he's an expert on BDSM because he's gay and gay people like BDSM according to him but he's never done it and i almost started to correct him on stuff but like idk i try to keep my personal stuff secret from my colleagues and we were also at the reception desk for the clinic?? so like people in the waiting room could potentially hear us and the last thing i need is for clients to know about my sexual history
Oh yeah, Tilde, are you planning on making the Philly trip again this year? Is mid-August a possibility for you? or is there an ideal time in august for you?
August would be open all through the month for me. I don't believe I have any pressing obligations or deadlines. Only real concern is money really At this time I can't really promise any travel plans for the future, but hopefully I can get over anxiety/find some one to work for that will actually call me in for shifts. Once I have money there shouldn't be anything keeping me.
Cool! I'll keep you updated on what the plans are and once I have an idea, I can do some cost estimates for hotels and stuff like that. I think we might have a biggish group again this year, so that might help with hotel costs. Right now, I'm tentatively planning on you, Jan, Blue, ToN, and me. I need to ask Notso if he wants to come again, and I need to see if Rook wants to or can, too. moon also might come if he can afford to, I think. I think we'll probably have 5 or 6 at most like last year, though. ToN has 8/19-8/25 off, but I go back to school on the 20th, so I was kind of looking at around 8/15 or 8/16 until 8/19 to make sure ToN can spend some of his time there, but I need to work out the schedules before I can really set that in stone. Jan just took a few days off in May to go camping with me, too. I think Blue is more flexible since he has some time off he can take, he said.
Where has Marsh been lately?
He's popped in and out every once in a while I believe I saw him either last night or the night before
>>445056 Why would you brag about being an expert in bdsm
We were just talking about a guy he and the girls thought was cute a little bit before that though we saw some people in a room on a camera and i asked what they were doing, and he started pointing out this guy in there he thought was cute The guy was attractive but def not my type
>>445068 Could you describe what the guy looked like? Curious now. I want girls to think I'm cute.
He's an ex-marine with a service dog and he walks with a cane. He's kind of muscular, but he's got a subtle build. He's got one of those squarish jaws and short hair, and I guess he was maybe like, 180cm? I only saw him through the camera and in passing in a hallway so I didn't get a great look at him, but that's the impression of him that I have. Oh, he had scruffy facial hair, too, like a little bit more than a five o'clock shadow.
Kirara 🚗
He's probably in his late 20s
gah i hate it when i wake up dehydrated
>>445072 I do this every morning. Can't even speak until I've had a drink. >>445070 Did they just think he's cute because of America's hardon for military personell?
I don't think so. I think his service dog got him some points. My impression is that he had a decent body, seemed well-groomed, and everything. It's not hard for me to imagine people would find him attractive. He's not the type of guy that I'm interested in, but I'd say he had attractive physical features.
>>445073 i mean like getting de shivers and sweatimg level shit
>want to buy some wrought iron? "nah I'm still working the last batch" > you smoke ice? "nah dude I already take addy" > want a cigarette? "sure buddy"
also these timbs are really comfortable after breaking them in who would have thought maybe the brand is popular and expensive for aI reason or something
>>445090 I already did. Adequate but it would have been better if you taunted at the end.
they apparently found and killed the guy who is suspected to be the bomberman in austin recently i guess he shot it out with the cops on I-35 >>445094 usually when this happens it's because the person in question started shooting
>>445093 like, this morning? i saw around like 5 hours ago another bomb went off or something
>>445095 yeah the news is breaking as of 15 minutes ago
Kirara 🚗
oh wow it kind of sucks that the dude is dead but hopefully that means there won't be any more bombs apparently one of my colleagues has a cousin's whose friend was one of those 17 year olds that got killed it's sad stuff
yeah you're telling me nobody wants bombings in their city
i wonder could you make money with bomb ransoms?
people have probably done so in the past yeah but information network systems make crime pretty tough nowadays as a way of life
yeh modt famous i can think of was a german bomber nicknamed uncle scrooge made quite hood money and escaped being caught for decades
Kirara 🚗
>>445104 wasn't he primarily targeting black areas and black people? i know some white people got caught up in an explosion but i heard it was in a black area
>>445109 never killed anyone and i think only one of his bombs ever detonated
Kirara 🚗
imagine being able to just call the police and be like "hey it me again, how you been cuties? i put a bomb in the library. i'll tell you where it is if you transfer me 10k"
>>445112 that is what he did, byt he called the companies and malls etc he targetted never cops
also he at times published his threats or info how to pay him in newspapers or just taunted the cops that is where the nickname came. he signed the messages "to my nephwes from unca scrooge" or domething
but he sucked at getting the money, yhough almpst always did get the companies to pay him the ransom obe time he built a remote controlled train to pick up the mobey suit case and it managed to slip detection but it derailed before arrivimg at his location
Donald Duck's family is really fucking complicated Scrooge AND Donald are uncles of the same 3 kids But Scrooge is also Donald's uncle
he could be their like great uncle
Kirara 🚗
there's someone in my mom's side of the family that everyone calls uncle he's my grandfather's brother, but my grandma and mom and mom's sisters and i all call him "uncle Alan"
my grand ub'ncle died yesterday that is what scrooge is to the kids btw
Kirara 🚗
oh that's a shame hope it was peaceful
>>445123 at his home and was found quickly luckily
dunno if in bed or the floor
well he was 82 or 3 already so a long life lived
yeah that's a pretty long life
bit't shame my only reaction was "didn't expect him to be the next to die"
were you not particularly close with him?
not since childhood no, but i kinda expected it tonbe one of my hospitalised/carehome living grandparents
ahh, makes sense. so he wasn't seemingly in terrible shape or anything?
They seem like a lot of fun though You could make pamphlets and put in them too
or fliers, maybe not pamphlets, would probably be too thick
why not a tshirt cannon?
more news on austin bomber he detonated a bomb in his car, injuring a swat officer
he was shot at at the scene but died to the explosion he set off, not to any shots fired 24-year old blond white male who was also seen on security footage at a nearby FedEx that was near one of the explosions
If they do find a manifesto it probably won't be released by the police. They really should upload those things before they do the bombings and get caught.
>>445159 Yeah, relying on the authorities to pass your messages on is pretty stupid. Maybe intended to release something later though. Might have thought they wouldn't catch him so quickly.
How could he get out the manifesto without it immediately being traced back to him, thus enabling the authorities to catch him before he finishes his bombings? If I was a bomber I would do one bombing then immediately release the manifesto on the internet. After that I'd do as many more as I could until the authorities catch on. Waiting to release it is stupid.
I was had. Right after safety stand down, we got deployed to the Bronx To do nothing And we have to go back there tonight Two hours earlier. And leave two hours later
the media is trying to shame black panther for doing so well, claiming that it's unfair because other movies aren't doing as well as they were expected and it's all black panthers fault
>This is an entire pre-summer slate of would-be event movies getting steamrolled by one very big tentpole> wah wah wah people like black panther more than my white movies
It would appear that in a world where everyone is competing for the same resources, someone doing well means others must do poorly, whether through their own mistakes or not
Kirara 🚗
>If this needs to be said, it's great news for Black Panther and folks who liked Black Panther (and what its success represents), but it should give pause to the rest of the industry now set on dropping would-be tentpoles every other week or so. wah wah wah
Kirara 🚗
>It’s dangerous when the consecutive wave of biggies threatens post-debut legs of the previous weekend’s big flick. It’s impossible when one big tentpole becomes such an all-audiences favorite and crushes every other studios’ would-be event movie. WAH WAH WAH IT'S DANGEROUS
>>445180 >One article is indicative of the entirety of "the media" united together in one cause
Kirara 🚗
>>445184 because every time someone refers to the media, they are obviously referring to every single news outlet or conglomerate and only posting one article is indicative that there is actually only one article
Well is this more than a single outlet, or are there more articles of people expressing similar concern.
Kirara 🚗
most of the articles are less whiney but there are a lot of articles claiming that black panther is succeeding at the expense of other movies
Which is fairly true in itself. People don't get to see every movie that comes out in a time frame. Eventually, you're going to cut away potential options. Hell, I see maybe one or two movies a year.
If everyone is spending one of their finite choices of which movies to see this season on Black Panther, they're not watching other movies. Regardless of your opinion on that being good or bad or whatever, it's true.
Kirara 🚗
a lot of articles hoping that pacific rim knocks black panther out of first place
Kirara 🚗
tbh i didn't even know Pacific Rim was coming out anytime soon
Kirara 🚗
>>445188 well sure, but you don't see articles like that when other movies are successful
I think the Forbe article tries to talk about that too. A lot of these historical box office smash hits have happened in the past like Titanic, or are holiday season successes, where the average person's limited movie-going time is larger on average. The time period that Black Panther has come out in doesn't have that extra time, so the draining impact it has on people going to other movies is heavier. I'm not in touch with movie theatre history and statistics so I can't say I know what they're saying to be an actual threat. But assuming they're using legitimate information here, the impact they're reporting on is something I can understand.
Kirara 🚗
I think you can report on the impact without using the tone that author is using. The problem is framed like it's Black Panther at fault for the other movies losing out, claiming that "would-be event movies" are being disadvantaged by Black Panther's success. It says that usually, the victims are small-scale movies that nobody really cared about in the case of Titanic. What it's completely failing to acknowledge is that at any given time for the past several years, there are a ton of these "would-be event movies". The landscape of the industry is completely different from when Titanic came out. If they want to discuss the impact, that's fine, but it shouldn't be framed as Black Panther being scary or problematic, it should be framed as the fact that movies are constantly packed year-round with these "high budget" movies. It's misleading to frame Black Panther as the center issue as the article does.