I don't believe in haircuts. Hair is precious and must not be squandered.
>>441921 Did they just hire a new graphics designer or something, just in time for Patty's Day. Not that this is a particularly challenging use of graphic design but the quantity is kind of impressive.
>>441928 idek it's so weird st paddy's day and an irish flag in a US army thing? it's so weird
>>441929 hairband, maybe? They're sex-neutral/androgynous so w/e works.
I've thought about getting a hairband. Though I'd only wear it outside since my headphones double time as a hairband when I'm at home. And I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with it outside.
I don't like torturing my hair with a lot of products or dyes. I also roll out of bed and get ready as quickly as possible because i am not a morning person, so the fewer tasks to do the better. My hair looks good naturally.
>>442051 Tie between Suika and Kagiyama Hinas design is beautiful and the idea of taking on other peoples misfortune is fundamentally appealing. She's a very nice girl and deserves the best
>>442139 Maybe if we put all our heads together we'll approach smart
tried that once we became genius
and then dumbass
like chaining together 20 ps3s unlcoking the true power of da cell
There really were ps3 beowulf clusters though. The US airforce even had one.
>>442149 I remember this fear over terrorists buying ps2s and using them to guide missiles
Off the top of my head I can't say for sure that that's impossible. But it probably isn't feasible. Missile guidance is hard, good hardware isn't the only thing you need. You also need good sensors and good software.
The fear was definitely real amongst a few people but there were likely better ways to guide a missile Maybe Muhammed just wanted an excuse to buy a ps2
Now it's just you and me Anno all alone All by ourselves
what could two anons possibly do alone together
They could take over the whole board in a coup de ta
the anime friends won't back down easy
jk they aren't even looking make me Secretary of Snacks
I could take off my shirt and they wouldn't even know No mods no gods
>>442162 Alright congrats I'm naming myself head of the millitary
I could post anime titties with NO MODS to tell me not to
quick chicken nuggets or big mac
nuggets have the best sauces Big macs are nice but all the sauce they use in it makes the bread soggy
this is the first time I've had WcRonald's in a decade
Outside of the States, McDonald's isn't something too horrible to have every once in a while. And honestly their chicken nuggets are probably overall one of the more decent entrees on the menu.
Mcflurries are really great
Maybe taste-wize but they're that kind of frozen dessert that's pretty garbage for you. I can't eat them anymore anyway; that oily dessert gives my stomach issues.
I dont know if I've had a mcflurrie or not the nuggets are fine, mostly because I don't have any other choicr besides big mac >>442179 chic-fil-a had better everything
i don't think mcnuggets are very good chic-fil-a has better nuggets
>>442177 That's okay I don't care about how healthy my body is anymore
but it's so far away i walked all the way to gate FORTY NINE
go back and throw the fucking nugs in their face then blame them for missing your flight try and get them fired
Please don't try to get anyone fired. The walk will be good for you, especially if your flight is going to run a while.
Man I worked at kfc and that shit was the worst bawwwww there's not enough salt on my chips
>>442183 i'm way too fucking lazy to do anything but calisthenics
boarding starts pretty soon i can live with no sauce
>>442190i mean thats how you start and then you're running five miles and squatting every other day
>>442192 god damn how do you squat a whole day must be heavy
that was an exaggeration i can't do that shit
anyway i do my hundo pushups and some squats and stuff like every day need those saitama muscles so i can move beer from one place to another and then from another place to the shelf
>>442189 people are such fags about food honestly no one orderimg ordering* fast food should even complain unless they're allergic or otherwise can't eat their order
>>442196 >I want my food within a minute but I also want it to be super high quality and no one in this massive lunch rush line is allowed to have a single thing missing from their food You gotta be realistic and accept that you get what you paid for Which is shit service to get your food fast
when they fuck up my order i always go back in to get the right thing unless it's like sauce on a burger because they are just gonna take my sandwich and throw it away and make a new one fuck that shit
i've never had anyone be less than happy to help in such an instance maybe it's because i don't carry myself like a fucking faggotlord
when they fuck up my order i usually just take it unless it's royally fucked up
one time whataburger gave me someone else's hamburger i was really confused when i went back in they were like panicking "WHERE DID IT GO I SET A SANDWICH RIGHT HERE PAUL DID YOU MOVE IT" shit was great
>>442198 that's fine What gets me is the people who shout at the people on the tills
so yeah apparently someone out there got a double with bacon for the price of a single sandwich and i got my sandwich freshly made everyone wins
Now the worst fucking shit is the asian families who come in with a massive list of food they want but they can barely speak english so it takes like 5 minutes to take their order
there's an asian guy who must be like 80 years old or something that shuffles his way into my store every other day he speaks so quietly and poorly it's like he's whispering drunkenly but he always wants the same lottery tickets so it's ok
>>442205 I feel bad for lottery addicts You're never gonna win You should just spend the money on video games or something
>>442206 i've seen someone win $110k but never a jackpot and i've sold maybe 10,000 or 20,000 tickets
I've kond kind of seen someone win the lottery I'm glad it happened to him
>>442207 Damn $110k is still a lot Like potentially life changing if you invest it right
>>442210 he bought a brand new car in full with cash using the winnings he spends like $60-140 a day on lotto
>>442224 this one's pretty cool i like how it keeps changing on each cycle
>>442227 Yeah. The way it's colour-coded makes it really easy to see what comes from where. There's a lot of attention to detail and little things from each show that mix together. Always fun to pull up every once in a while and see what I pick up.
>>442222 also the best one is definitely flipping all the switches in the cockpit
>>>/watch?v=ygECmAslHCI This short animation by the same guy is neat too. He does some pretty nice things with colour coding.
>>442230 >go to jail for stealing a bike >broken out >steal another bike
Well if you got to make a getaway and you don't know how to drive a car.
just checking in now actually just got out of the shower and about to get working for the day >>442250 hello yes i am doing kind of okay i am indeed still around on a daily basis, not quite as prominently as i once was though how goes it? is that a kuro or maybe a saka I see?
>>442257 yep, that's a my go er kuro I forgot how much you have to police your spell check on /moe/ I am very happy to know that you are doing okay
I was thinking about this the other day, but in online communities that people are a part of, it really does give you a chance to be in contact with people on a daily basis. And that in "real life" communication, once you leave schooling, the only people you normally do that with are people in your place of employment, or people you live in the same house as. It kind of feels like the online communication in that case is warping what the "normal" conventions of socializing are. It's interesting to me.
>>442258 Thank you for dropping in to say hello. That was sweet of you. i'm glad you did i should have dropped my new email in the email field dang my old one is closed out
>>442260 that's quite aalright, I just wanted to know you were alright. you seemed in perhaps not a good place last time I heard from you, so I was a bit worried. I'm just glad you are okay.
>>442268 Heh, I lurked a few times. Perhaps it would have been better to pipe up. i wasn't called Shianon for nothing I guess.
>>442269 >>442270 >>442271 I'll definitely be bback I want to know what my friends at /moe/ are up to, after all.
haa am dead
RIP in peaces, TN.
>>442259 With real life communication you're stuck with whoever's around. On the internet you can be far more selective about what groups you associate with.
>>442276 That's not what interests me. I'm talking about the frequency in which you interact with them. Once you leave school, you're not interacting with friends on a day-to-day basis, unless you make the either fortunate or unfortunate choice of working with friends. You're either interacting with workplace people, or people who live in the same house as you. But that norm has been warped by online communication, and you can now keep in touch with friends at the same frequency as those other categories of people. And how that's going to change the way people think and function socially is interesting to me.
i definitely think it helps me stabilize, having places like this around a topic comes up, we follow that thread of thought together and all play a part in the group processing of it it's stabilizing to have that group of familiar opinions and personalities around to interact with helps me be a more well-rounded person, interacting with a variety of people
if it was in-person i'd probably only be associating with people i'd be around anyway, so either people with the same occupations or same living conditions, and then i wouldn't get that scope and breadth of interaction it'd be isolating
a 50 inch tv is a nice big monitor, but how come dey all limited to 1080p?
Because 4K is only a couple years into its release and a television in the highest available resolution always scales exponentially with size.
>>442295 I think you'd have a hard time finding a 4K, fifty-inch monitor for a cheaper price than a similar television.
yeh, but monitors come with bigger resolutions shouldn't be that hard to include the option
Also, devices of a particular resolution can down-shift and display in a lower resolution. But a device manufactured to display at a certain resolution can not display at a higher one.
tfw 76 inch 4k tv
I'd have a hard time handling a screen that large. Too much space to take in and observe information.
it works well in the living room I couldn't imagine trying to use it as a monitor
yeah this 50 inch is already too big as a monitor imo it is good for animu watching though
>>442323 holy shit he looks so convinced as he's sayin it
Kirara π
ikr lamo "you just gonna let the thief go?!"
that seems pretty staged though or do these people just keep their phones on video mode every time they're walking to the parking lot
Kirara π
i think she put it on video when she saw her car with the shirt there she said the car wouldn't have anyone inside it if it were at home like it should be
Kirara π
a lot of them are staged but this one makes sense if it's not staged (or is staged well)
pretty good even if it is though
Kirara π
even if you are gonna stage that shit, you should always try to keep it coherent and tell a proper narrative tbh
so much stuff like that is staged that it's the first thing i think of and that's only a bad thing really if it's something whose sole value is "you wouldnt believe this happened!!!" kinda stuff or like staged cringe like kid-wont-get-off-xbox-love-mom-breaks-his-games i hate that that shit even exists
Kirara π
ywah, same there's so much stupid fake stuff out there like "i was walking home with my daughter who wears a baseball hat and someone told her girls can't wear baseball hats and she started crying that's when a heroic homeless man stood up for my daughter and delivered a heartfelt speech about personal liberties and the guy started crying and gave my daughter an apology and everyone clapped"
-that young homeless man's name??? Jesus Christ
reminds me of those fake scenarios written out and then posted on christian facebook
like that fake as fuck albert einstein one in college or the atheist professor and the marine then it gets like a million likes and i fuckin cringe
Kirara π
we should write a really good one and see how far we can get it to go some good old fashion lying on the internet for no reason
swift sparrow for memes or atk smoke for other memes though I like Lyn enough to prefer keeping her
Kirara π
personally, i think swift sparrow probably isn't necessary due to flier buffs, unless she's -spd a flier buff gets neutral spd morgan to like 36 or something which is pretty good more flier buffs can get her to like 40 you could also put inigo's B skill on azura to bolster spd atk smoke might be viable if you plan properly but since atk smoke comes as a seal, i'd recommend spd smoke for the C skill
Kirara π
are you gonna put m morgan's b skill on your f morgan?
i actually sacced one inigo to give olivia that b skill and im raising my other
probably giving her dull ranged since my mmorgan is -atk +res
yeah i actually was thinking of giving her spd smoke which also kinda negates the need for for swift sparrow a bit if she gets danced
Kirara π
i think if i got m morgan, i'd probably use him as a debuffer since his unique tome inflicts -5atk/spd maybe with watersweep i think the B skill is really good for a defensive f morgan though
i was planning on promoting olivia but i think ill beef up my other takumi for spd smoke 3
drinking liquid ice with solid water sure is nice isn't it weird how liquid ice turns into solid water when you cool it down?
>>442354 +hp -res, which while not ideal is manageable plus hp is actually a superboon for her, and i bolster her res with her tomes refinement to bring it back to neutral, plus summoner support and her buffs when she gets attacked
i got chrom and mmorgan actually rolling for dupes to + her
Kirara π
>>442355 yeah, that's not bad at all her magical bulk is technically better than it'd be at neutral with that especially with flier buffs that's not too bad at all
doesnt stop xander from being a HUGE DICK
Kirara π
what's xander doing
>>442360 being too big to die and sending his green mages to eat beruka
i gave her this to pair with either smoke as something I might not seriously use
if you have a drink with solid water, and you drink it before the solids liquify, do you leave them in the glass or crunch on them?
Kirara π
try harsh command to deal with panic ploy
>>442365 ill consider it. theres also the issue of his teammates being beefy enough to not die good so then they swarm like vultures and pick apart my less bulky gals
ive been considering building cordelia too so maybe she can help with him
Truly I am Ohio
Kirara π
>>442367 i'm kind of waiting to get a swordbreaker unit before i do infernal xander if i can put swordbreaker on sanaki, the whole thing will be a breeze
>>442369 amusongly enough my lilina has sword breaker so maybe i should let her relive her glory days
Kirara π
can you buff lilina enough? my plan is to have sanaki oneshot the red sword on the right and then tank and kill whichever green mage hits her she'll have 61 atk when attacking and 42 res when getting hit by the mages she'll then have enough attack /// HP left to use swordbreaker on xander and take him out probably
yeah thats kind of the catch i dont even know if classic lilina could do this let alone without summoner buff she doesnt have sanakis huge res to work with
yeah that giy has a whopping 34 or so speed
Kirara, what's your favorite song by Depeche Mode?
wait im stupid swordbreaker is there for that she just needs deeps
i do have death blow on her for that purpose er for smashing dudes
Kirara π
yeah, sanaki has like 26 spd
>>442374 idk, i havent listened to a lot so i guess people are people
>>442376 That's a good one. I'm listening to Black Celebration right now. I'd forgotten just how great of an album it was.
Fun fact The lead songwriter for Erasure (the band that did always) was originally in Depeche Mode. He wrote "Just Can't Get Enough" which was their first big hit. But he left the band after that album.
So apparently the new big bad in the D&D campaign I'm in is named Orrin. I was not at the last session so I need to make sure to make a bunch if Touhou jokes at the next one. The dm is the only guy that doesn't into Touhou.
If I were there I would've said "Was that a Touhou reference?". In part because the dm does JoJo references a lot and hates it when I ask "Was that a JoJo reference?", and also because he knows nothing about Touhou and would be very confused.
Pffffft It's a dude.
So your goal is to annoy your dm to death?
Yes It's complicated, but he does pretty much deserve it.
Also he throws in pop culture references into his campaign and is super overt about it. Like just short of literally saying "did you notice that, isn't it witty?".
So I counteract that by asking about pop culture references that may or nay not be there. *may
Another thing I do is solve his riddles/puzzles really quickly. The game is fun sometimes, but sometimes its really not fun so I'm taking a break. (he had the mob break my character's legs so I took two months off)
I can't have fun at parties with my significant other I like to get loud and stupid and crazy They like to talk exclusively to members of the opposite sex
So I found a record bin my singles pile titled Frank Castle Gonna Break Your Neck
>>442408 After playing around with it a bit, I've concluded that either Robin is the better choice for a mage with close counter. er one of the better choices
Close counter is wasted on a lot of mages because of bad defenses.
>>442411 I noticed on the mass duel simulator that fRobin sits around a lot of threshold points on matchups, so having a buffer with her makes her a much better unit. Just a few points in atk/spd significantly increases her killing power.
i use b.cordy with her for that reason they've got the ally support for each other and atk+speed boost, so it works pretty well for her
Kirara π
>>442413 blue is saying that eirika does nothing to bolster robin's stats except atk and Robin does nothing to allow eirika to use sieg in any meaningful way
Oh, I meant the tactics. Not the drive. The tactics one from this event.
Oh, Tactics work. Yeah.
Kirara π
that's far from the ideal way to use tactics you'll want a flyer to move an armored unit around unless you're using robin/eirika/two horses or two armored units which is a weird setup and not ideal
Well, Def Tactic is a seal so it's not like there's that much investment there. However, Spd Tactic doesn't exist yet. That said, putting tactic on a different unit is good because Eirika will benefit twice. Once at the start of turn from Tactic and again during combat from Sieglinde's effect. So you'd get Def+12 that way. Good luck getting Spd Tactic when it drops on some random rare unit though.
>>442424 Just a few days ago you were lauding using units that you loved, and now you have your nerd glasses on telling me that my setups aren't optimal!
just puttin a sticker on your car every time you see a new one
>>442441 yeah every time they see a sticker they're compelled to buy it immediately and slap it on
Kirara π
a horrible way to live
they wake up one day covered in stickers and scream
Kirara π
My savings are gone I dropped a couple classes so I could maybe pass a class, but I'm failing that one anyways I've alienated my family and all my friends My fitness is slipping
>>442446 I went through something similar too, except I have never been fit. I went for a while without a job and ended up fucking up my home uni course and wasting all my saving away. as a neet for a 1 and a half but I eventually found a new job and now years later I am looking to get back into university.
>>442454 i have been lazy some of this weekend but i am workin my butt off now i will have a very busy night tonight, day tomorrow, and busy tuesday morning i will probably be working with very short nap breaks most of the next couple days
if i went to buy rich tea biscuits they would probably call security on me and kick me out for not being rich enough to buy them they'll say go to the fuckin dollar tree and buy the poor tea biscuits you poor piece of shit that's what usually happens
>>442462 How nice that they've moved up from povertea
>>442469 It has been a bit stressful. the car my mom was driving up with me and all my shit in partial broke down before the 5 hour journey. and we ended up with a very slow car that was barely able to do 50mph and was really slow getting up to speed. it was an eventful drive.
All my things are still in boxes now. I just haven't taken anything out because I'll have to find my own flat at somepoint. staying at my sister's place is alright except everything closes super early. and the internet is slow! so slow! >>442472 SURE!
>>442473 Little sister. has a spare room. I am waiting on if // notification for my university applications - and working out all the stuff that comes with moving and student finance also had a load of bills to play. All my water/electricity/gas/internet bills added up to $1000 which was a pain to pay off all at once.
my bills are eatin me up too and now it's tax time and i'm a year behind on taxes hopefully they'll come take me and throw me in jail for tax evasion at least then i'll have a place to sleep and food to eat
good luck with your scholastic applications don't forget to holler at da moon if you some help with those pesky maths
to determine whether or not you enter, or determine where you start your maths classes? if they start you kind of behind, don't worry! it's a chance for you to learn it proper you'd be surprised how quickly you can learn what took you five years to learn as a child
>>442476 I thought you were studying Japanese why would you have to do maths
>>442481 Imagine if you had to pass a Japanese test before you got to start studying physics They aren't even in the same category The point isn't whether or not YOU would pass it
Hi Kannagi Hisashiburi
>>442479 Because schools in the real world have these things called "requirements" that don't >>442479 I'd pass it Anyways most universities require you do a few courses in things mot directly related to your major. The fact that yours doesn't is fucking bizzare.
>>442479 >I thought you were studying Japanese So did I. >>442477 It is just a entrance test so that they weed people out I think. They do everything: Maths, English Lit, English Lang, Science etc.
>>442479 yeah but linguistics has mathematical roots physics doesnt have japanese roots
I meet // or rather I went to a open day for one of the universities because I had to do an interview which went better than expected But it feels weird seeing all these young people. and they are so full of energy and chatty. I haven't been a education enviroment for years now and I forgot that people could be that energetic.
>>442488 I had several classmates that were over 30 in some of my advanced physics courses. Its not that odd. Although I too look forward to feeling terribly awkward about being like 5 or more years older than all my classmates when I return to uni.
In my first year I had a law class with some guy that looked like he was in his 40s
Wait Why were you in a law ckass?
At first I was planning on doing a double majour in law and econ then after that class I said fuck law and stuck to econ
I'll make friends with the dead fish eyes people who are the least normie. I say that but I probably won't make friends with people and end up NEETing it up until my classes start. >>442498 Apparently we only have 20 people per a class. What I really dread is that we had to do compulsory teamwork modules. I only like working in teams I have control of!
>>442497 Don't worry, your Japanese program will be ffull of fucking nerds.
Anyways, if I have to retake two years of courses and pay for them it would be a better idea to just enroll as a new (not transfer) student at a nearby state school. Because fuck paying $80,000 to retake courses if tgey won't reset my gpa.
>>442519 Physics? you can author papers without being a collegiate i plan on doing this i gotta do a lot of side work to sustain myself and family while i do my work but i'm still actively moving forward
Kirara π
>>442514 my program is generally ranked in the top 30 in the country and in the top 100 in the world so even if yours is ranked higher, it doesn't really matter plus Psy.D. programs are harder to get into than med school programs generally
idk about how the ranking was for my undergrad but i just checked and my undergrad tuition was $34560
>tfw if I had started uni 3 years later I wouldn't have had to pay any fees for the first year because of our new governent Born too early born too late
>>442524 Why even bring up whether or not you heard about it before me What's the fucking point
Anyways I've bbeen making a spreadsheet full of scholarships that I qualify for (or qualify to apply for). So when I figure out when I'm going back I'll apply for them.
All the universities in the UK are super expensive now. well compared to what they were before. If I had gone to uni straight out of school I'd have had it so much cheaper
that's hilarious on twitter, tories are always posting propaganda like HE IS GOING TO ABOLISH OUR SYSTEM OF ECONOMICS and jezza will just be like "lol damn right i will" it's so funny i guess they realized you can't misrepresent him because he always wins so now they just gotta turn him into a soviet agent
>I might be camping out in an abandoned church with PAN soon Kirara would be so fucking proud
>>442538 are you gonna make a lot of money after graduating
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>442541 Owl's house is apparnetly not in super great shape but there's a church on their property And we were concerned about where we'd sleep and then he remembers he has a big ass tent
well, you dig a hole 6 inches deep, do your business, and then fill it back in that's the standard
do you have sleeping bags and stuff? is the church structurally sound?
>>442543 Hopefully yeah. Probably like 70k Although my original student loans are almost payed off. I don't really want to talk about this anymore though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>442545 not currently church is more structurally sound than his house apparently when the hurricanes were hitting Owl and co went in there since they didn't want to go elsewhere
>>442541 Tories aren't that great at disguising their silly propaganda. They really hate the idea that Corbyn stands for a much fairer system for poorer classes. I love that anything to do with helping out the lower classes and admonish the upper classes is considered commie or idealistic coo-coo land.
>>442547 do you want links to the air pad and sleeping bag i use?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>442549 Sure. I have money set aside and a credit card for this kind of stuff
Kirara π
>>442550 here is my sleeping bag https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FU3KY8U it's not a mummy bag or anything and it's not good for winter camping but you can sleep in around 40 degrees in it if you wear a bit of warm clothes it's comfortable at 50+ it's the bag i use and the one i recommended jan for our trip https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B000MNBLXU this is the air pad i have, it's pretty comfortable although it can take some playing with to get it to inflate my biggest complaint about it is that it's rather large rolled up and although it's lightweight, it can take up a big of space unless i just lash it on to my bag
>>442557 4/29 to 5/4 is my vacation hours I'll try to drive down and back in single sittings (which will be painful but ideal). >>442559 That would be super cool
Kirara π
i have a final on the 5/1 and 5/2, but maybe i'll come camp with y'all on the 2nd and 3rd
Apparently the kitchen's floor, a required obstacle to get to the bathroom, is uh "not in great shape" to the point that Owl would rather us not go that way
>>442565 well, like i said, just dig a hole! that's normal you can get a lightweight portable shovel this is my shovel https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WZCSTO/
>>442565 wow i can see underneath his cleavage through the top of his blouse
>>442570 Living in a comfy little thing like that would be neat. I wouldn't want to actually drive it though since I hate driving anything larger than a car.
Oh yeah, when are you coming to the US kannagi?
>>442571 you gotta pay the glasgow tax if you go camping in the uk
>>442572 I love the idea of living in something like that but yeah I don't like driving to be honest. I haven't got a provisional license yet because of my fear of driving a car even.
>>442575 i don't mind driving but i kind of hate living division of labor? you do one i'll do the other
Well if you are camping in glasglow you're a a dumbass. I don't fancy my chances surviving in the wilderness with wild scots. >>442581 Sounds like a plan! I'll live the neet camper van life and you can drive into off a sheer cliff to end it all. It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down
>>442575 More people should be scared of driving. I'm not scared of operating the vehicle, I'm just a little afraid of the responsibility of piloting a massive vehicle at high speeds.
>>442586 Oh that makese me think of that news from a while ago about people claiming they could take your mind and put it in a computer and then had to put a disclaimer saying you'd need to be dead first.
Oh yeah the dark souls card game is out. Haven't played it ywt thoygh. *yet though
If you're worried about the camping experience, due to the amount of storage in there there isn't room for the tent. >>442593 No a/c in church or house So that'll suck
I tried out VRchat a while ago, it is a very weird thing that I sort of imagined that sort of technology when reading .hack series when I was younger. It is pretty terrible though and I don't think full sensation VR would ever be legally viable.
Do you kno da way?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>442602 Owl mentioned something about his mom's tv being switched out soon and that one might have it too
I'm actually kind of excited for this even if I can't sleep on their property. We'll need a cooler too
>>442594 What do they actually upload when you do this?
>>442610 I'm like 99.99% certain it doesn't work but surely they're uploading SOMETHING Oh my god people are paying tens of thousands of dollars to be killed That's absurd
>>442609 Probably nothing useful. I doubt it works. Im not an expert on the technology involved, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist at this point.
>>442609 I'm gonna try to get that billionaire to give me some money. Or convince him to not kill himself. And then he can give me like $500,000,000 for saving his damn life.
>>442608 If you can't sleep there, you can find another campground, although that'll have less solitude. You can find some with electricity. Most have electricity these days, or at least have a few sites with it. You'll want to find out ASAP, though, since camp sites can fill up quickly.
>>442611 I guess you don't kno da way to report posts.
>>442618 Do you have to die for that to happen? >>442619 I should have guessed
>>442621 I really want cyborg legs I want to be able to just jump down from the stair well instead of taking the stairs I can't wait for prosthetics to super advanced
>>442625 I'm gonna assume this is a reference to some media that I have not consumed
>>442622 you have to die in the process of embalming the brain to preserve the connectome it's not the only way to map a connectome but that's the one they're basing their startup around
>>442621 You already can, its just not very useful right now for most people.
tbh there's a good chance i might die before immortality is a thing and that freaks me the fuck out how did old people do this they were so brave and now they dead
>>442622 E.Y.E divine Cybermancy It's a fucking nuts fps rpg that is poorly translated but really popular on /v/ It supports like 32 players on a LAN
>>442626 they still live in an encrypted purgatory that we haven't created the processing power to parse their consciousness from it'll be fine soon but it'll be increasingly hard to resurrect their consciousnesses as we look further back in the timeline
Kirara π
eye divine cybermancy is a masterpiece available for like $2 every steam sale
Kirara π
It's also the first game I'm going to play after fixing my comp this week
I haven't heard of that game I will have to get at some point a steam sale when I have decent internet to even download it. >>442635 Nope. I haven't heard of that either. I've watched ghost slide though!
but the game is about being a ghost and doing ghost things it's a mystery/detective kind of game made by the phoenix wright team at capcom or maybe not by that team but in that style i think by the same lead person?? maybe
>>442638 A ghost solving his own murders and other peoples It's by the same guy who did Phoenix Wright
Oh I got a weird game about a ghost and murders >murdered soul suspect >>442643 How does it feel to have so much power? Riding a bike and posting on moe, inconceivable
Kirara π
posting while riding my bike rn ama
>>442643 why are you such a madman? What if you hit someone?
Kirara π
im not going ANYWHERE so i can't hit anyone
>>442645 If you're not moving anywhere then are you really truly riding a bike
>>442654 how much would I be expected to shell out for a week and I'm currently 24
Kirara π
probably ~400 but you can get an estimate i usually use alamo or enterprise you might be able to convince them not to charge you for the young renter's fee
I should do exercise. maybe I'll just do sit ups and weights.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>442656 that's not great but that's not horrible I'll be setting aside more money, and I have a credit card.
Kirara π
generally you want to use a credit card for car rental i use debit bc i don't have a credit card though
you also (technically) need express permission to drive a rental car out of state but i never worry about that and hope or assume i won't get pulled over
>>442666 Don't die! That poor heart of yours can only take so much super power aidoru modo
Kirara π
im gonna see how close i can get to a hour this is my first time doing this bike is only 7 speed so i got it at the highest gear which is alright i guess
>>442665 How the schwinn folding bike. Looking on amazon for exercise bikes and I have no idea what is even good.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>442663 I was thinking all in one day to save time but that might kill me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
as in driving twelve hours in one go
Kirara π
Schwinn 20-Inch Loop Folding Bike, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IASZ7QG?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf this is my bike, kannagi so i can travel with it
>>442670 >>442671 i can do it, but after 10 hours of driving, it's kind of miserable for me id recommend breaking it into two days and then trip back, decide that based on how you feel about the first trip it's ok to get a hotel last minute - it'll be cheaper
>>442679 Since I originally thought to do it in one swoop I hadn't given that much thought what do you recommend
Kirara π
motels are significantly cheaper but sometimes you'll get a bad one with bed bugs or something it's not that common in my experience but it does happen sometimes hotels are going to be ~30 dollars more than a motel at the cheapest for a hotel, you should book ahead online motels, you can stop when you're tired and see one and just go get a room that may be an idea for your first time, driving until you are too tired and then finding a motel if you can't keep going for a hotel, i recommend a big brand hotel for your first time, i usually use marriot or choice for motels, i like to pick unique ones rather than chains just because they're usually themed like the town they're in. they're fun out in the mountains and full of friendly people
listening to music doesn't make being alone for 10 hours of driving a day that much more bearable but it does for like half the time when im driving that much alone, i purposefully turn the music off though it's really mystical you start to experience yourself in a different way especially if you take lonesome highways
It's makes it less boring
Although I listen to music like 70%~ of the time I'm awake
Being alone for very long period of time has a sort of comforting feeling to me, I spent like 2 years without much real human contact at all NEETing it up. It is strange how sometimes now I can // or rather how I have to adapt to being with people again and then adapt to being alone again etc.
And on that note im putting another record on.
Kirara π
40 minutes now legs are starting to feel a little heavy
>>442689 yeah same i can do long audiobooks while driving or silence, but music is too intense and too short it makes me antsy and wanting to stop every time there's a rest area or gas station >>442692 i find it comforting being alone in just plain alone times but when i'm working it's very sullen to feel hungry and have no one around to help or take a break and have no one around to converse with, or take a 20 minute nap with no one to nap with and just have to keep pressing on with no real comfort at the end of it it's difficult and then feeling like you're exhausted but have to keep going throughout the whole night instead of resting and no one to stay up with you
I start talking to myself in those situations. Sometimes I pretend I've got an audience and that I'm on a podcast.
I don't get people who hang out everyday. I'd die. just once in a while is fine.
If I had my way I'd live in a house underneath a mountain with superfast internet and fluffy bed and no one around for miles and miles
Kirara π
i think understanding solitude and pursuing Independence is essential in living as a social animal
>>442699 What if it were hanging out with people on /moe/?
Anyways I listen to music when I'm alone because I tend to worry or think about negative things if I'm not occupying myself somehow. Also I enjoy music.
>>442715 Owl brought it up as something that might be a problem, but I can't really see something like that being a huge deal. I was worried he was going to say that he would be upset about us hanging around an old church.
>>442719 ι εΌ΅γ works just fine thank you. and the n and m are basically interchangeable. Except for a few things which are correct with m rather than n
>>442729 What puzzles are they trying solve? the ones from Database anime still? Didn't they find some temple in the middle of nowhere with a spooky altar or something with gps?
>>442744 Did you sweat so much that you had to put a towel down? I don't think I have ever worked so hard to sweat that much!
Kirara π
nah, the towel is there for my shoes and so id have a place to throw down my shirt
I'll acquiesce though It pisses me off that thia *this rule wasn't in my Japanese textbook though. Considering that Japanese is for the most part err I don't know the correct term for this but the pronouncing ions of letters *pronounciations Are generally consistent (including glides and the small tsu thing)
>>442745 Oh that's neat. It's pretty much exactly why I figured the 'n' and 'm' were interchangible without doing research. Trying to say a syllable that ends with 'n' and following it up with a syllable that starts with a 'm' is really awful sounding in pretty much any language. It's just more intuitive and aesthetically pleasant to make it an 'm' sound. And I meant a syllable that starts with 'p', whoops.
>>442756 You're not faulty! You just have to rip yourself free from that western decadence that keeps you in your chair! If you work hard, your brain will fill your body with good feelings. Running consistently is the best protective factor for avoiding depression.
>>442758 I fear suddenly exercising and then breaking something my body or getting a heartattack or many all the broke parts are just staying together because i am lazy and once I actually work them they'll fall apart!
That's true, but I also push myself way harder than you would!
I push myself harder than I should. I run almost every day, do a ton of push-ups, and some pull-ups. I also have some small weights that I plan on incorporating into my routine.
>>442766 One day you'll lose all your hair and then live wanting to feel the rush of being on edge but you'll be too strong. too strong for you to feel the inch close to death.
The running high sort of thing? I want to feel that but I'm basically wimpy about feeling whole body pain and the side cramps you get from running hard
I really want to make an erotic asphyxiation joke.
>>442770 After everyone I loved died, I almost got t-boned in my car. It was really close, like I managed to avoid it super narrowly. And my heart was going so hard, it felt so good. It was the best I'd felt since 2014. It felt so good that I had to pull over because I couldn't stop laughing because it felt so good. But I didn't really connect that excitement to my near death experience until I later almost got in a head-on collision, and I had the same reaction. It felt so good. So I thought maybe it was my heart rate that made me feel that good, so I started exercising way harder than ever before so I could get my heart going. I still do stupid stuff that might kill me, of course.
Around that time, I realized that if I unexpectedly got cut or burned, it felt really good, too. I couldn't get it to feel good if I did it purposefully, though.
Like if I touched a pan while cooking or cut myself while playing with a knife, it felt really good, but if I cut myself purposefully, it didn't really feel like anything.
I can sort get what you mean because if I gradually get myself used to hotter and hotter water in a bath or shower. The really really hot water would feel great even though it'd scald me. I am not a fan of just pure pain tough like when I spilt hot chocolate on my stomach and it burnt like hell. but if I have my hands on a hot radiator it can feel great even though it is damaging my hands.
I also have a super strong fear of heights that if I am on a bridge high in the sky and I look down or look up I feel a massive rush and feel like I'm gonna collaspe on to the ground. It is an addictive feeling like a mix of really unpleasant and a massive rush.
>>442778 I'm very careful with the risks I take. I only take risks that I'm highly likely to get out unscathed, but if it doesn't go well, I'll almost certainly die. I'm very selective!
The closest thing to that i get is peeling the skin off of my lips. Or peeling dry skin.
>>442777 It's more like, if I touch a pan and get an actual burn, that'll feel really good, getting burnt. Of course, scalding water in the shower feels really good, too.
I don't really have any fears, unfortunately. I obsessively confront my fears and anxieties so I end up without too many of them.
I used to be terrified of the dark but I lost the feeling of running through the house trying to get to my room at night. It is strange how scared I used to be about that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Kirara's summon is in my list that means he logged in recently hi
>>442786 I was afraid of everything when I was younger. I used to rig something to fall on my face and wake me up if my bed tipped over because I was afraid a massive death worm might burrow under my house and try to eat me.
But now I'm so fearless that it's unhealthy. I can do pretty much anything because I'm stupid enough to be fearless. Whenever I get worried about anything, I make sure to indulge in that. If I feel anxious about doing something, I make sure to do it as hard as I can.
I guess I'll have to use the new method mentioned Googleapps was good though.
>>442790 I guess I am the opposite with moments of fearlessness. I am scared of pretty much everything, I get pretty anxious about alsorts of circumstances. I hate entering rooms with close doors that I can't see inside of, when I enter them my heart is racing and I feel light headed.
Speaking about being light headed. I've noticed recently when I crouch down I get super light headed, it is actually pretty scary.
>>442791 I'm not sure when I started obsessively facing my fears but it probably was after all the deaths. Irving Yalom wrote about reckless behavior being a way that people can avoid their fear of death, so they engage in reckless behavior in order to trivialize death to themselves. That's probably what I do. Theories on trauma also talk about how one of the cognitive changes that occur during trauma is a realization that death can come at any time and the world isn't a safe place. I think that's probably what's happened to me.
What would you do if you saw someone you'd never met before in a dream and then saw that person in real life afterwards? And you could verify that you had never seen them prior.
>>442798 I'd probably doubt if I was still dreaming or in real life. or feel like I have huge feeling of de ja vu I sometimes feel like I have experience entire moments before like in a dream so it'd be like one of those weird deja vu moments for me
>>442798 I'd be amused. Assuming by "verified" you mean absolutely objectively verification.
>>442804 Are the clothes a particularly unique outfit, or more of a standard style with no particularly outstanding details of note?
>>442798 I'd probably assume it's a coincidence and move on A lot of sets of clothes aren't that uncommon Like, there's only so many combinations of pants and shirts colours And you dream a lot So the chances are that some day you'll eventually dream of someone who happens to later fit what someone else is wearing
>>442807 That's much more specific than what I was thinking of I dunno maybe it's prophetic Maybe they're plot important characters
>>442809 If we're just talking colours and not logos how big is it really relative to all the dreams you have?
>>442806 So let's say there are n possible shirt colors and m possible pants colors, disregarding styles, logos etc. There are m x n combination s So off there are say ten thousand different pants colors and 100,000 different shirt colors thats 100*100*100*1,000 which is one billion
>>442807 The first time it happened, it might be a little unnerving, but I think I could brush it off as a coincidence. I get a lot of deja vu too, so I'm pretty sure my brain is a little inclined to fall into tricks like that. If I kept bumping into the person or if more people from dreams started showing up in real life, I might get properly wigged out.
>>442812 >ten thousand different pants colours When you put it that way it's a lot of combinations However this is a dream so I'm gonna assume that Kirara doesn't necessarily remember the exact shade. Rather that he saw //// >>442817 I'm accounting for the fact that these are dreams and people often don't remember specifics very well I mean you ARE right about the numbers Okay I'm telling you that now then >>442817 Chill dude we're discussing a dream not something super important Actually if we're taking into account things like hair colour and body type you'd be even more right about the number being very large
>>442815 Then tell me that in the first place (I was actually planning on mentioning that)
>>442816 I am a very firm believer in the unfortunate fact that the world is a very mundane place! Things of super or para normal nature just don't happen.
There so much moving activity where you live. I guess it is a rental complex or something, right. I'm not really familiar with staying culture of places like that.
>>442822 You can't absolutely verify that you've never seen them before though.
No, I told Fish about it in the morning before I met the new neighbor. You could argue that I'm unclear about the face, but the fact of the matter is that she was wearing the same outfit
>>442829 Okay, so are you attributing this to some sort of actual precognitive phenomenon? Or just "huh, what are the odds of that"?
I don't think I have any kind of precognitive abilities and generally don't believe in such things, but I don't really feel right just dismissing it. >>442832 >>442807
What were the colors of the shirt and pants?
>>442807 Was it the rolling stones logo? >>442834 I'm aware but it's a dream so it's possible he's misremembered or something
Was it an emoji tongue sticcking out? >>442833 That's not a face (I considered it too)
No, it was probably some Native American name judging by the way it sounded. Or at least, the impression it gave me was that it sounded Native American. It wasn't like a reservation thing or anything, though.
>>442839 I think it was a food festival, primarily.
Sometimes things happen exactly like they have unfolded in my dreams and it is super surreal. I think I've got my sisters in the past and been like "Wow, this! I've seen this! you do exactly that" sort of thing.
It doesn't happen very often but it is super weird. like a prediction of the future.
>>442837 Well Thousands of people go to these sorts of things, and people wear denim shorts a lot in Florida. So you may have seen that tshirt before or seen in an image in the background. I wouldn't attribute any real signifigance to it. For example think about all the times you haven't run into someone wearing the same thing you saw someone wearing in your night's dream. How many people do you think you see in one day, on average?
>it's another nightmare about having a test or an assignment due Gettin real sick of those
>>442841 This happens to me too, but nobody believes me and I don't want to look crazy so I don't talk about it anymore. Every time it happens I feel like I have to do exactly what happened in my dream or something bad will happen. That part is probably at least a little crazy.
>>442842 I get what you're getting at and it's valid, but I can't shake my ominous feelings about this. I had the dream this morning and then saw the person. Realistically, I realize that it's probably nothing, but part of me can't ignore it.
Does it bother you? Either way I'm glad you brought it up if you can't ignore it.
Also holy shit this is anarchy in tthe uk but in french.
It will turn out that Rika is the mastermind behind it all that has been planting subliminal messages in your mind and arranging the who meeting event. *whole
>>442846 Not really bothered by it, but more kind of wary about it, I guess.
>>442855 Also you probably see quite a few more than that. For the purpose of the "how many people do you think you see in a day" I'm including people twenty feet away on the other side of the street but still within your line of sight.
>>442865 I don't think I left the house yesterday. I was on house arrest because Fish didn't want me to break into an abandoned mall. I only went outside to put the trash out, in the dark.
>>442866 Yeah it's literally just anarchy in the UK but sung in french
>>442867 You probably shouldn't break into an abandoned mall without me that is
I hope I get to sleep in a tent outside a church with two of my closest friends
>>442876 No I "broke in" to an abandoned mall because the door wasn't locked.
Kirara π
i want to go salvage whatever i can for the homeless
>>442876 I'm not sure if I could call it fun, because it was ruined. Like an industrial skeleton, the only life left being trees and bushes lucky enough to be blessed by a skylight and rainwater.
On the other hand, it was an irreplaceable experience, and brought closure as I had watched it slowly die over ten years.
They demolished it last year. It was abandoned for about 4 years total, thoughI parts of it were gradually gated off over the course of 2006 toI 2011.
>>442900 I expected less empathy from you since its a 200k porsche
Kirara π
>>442902 I don't really care about the car but it's fucked up that he got caught in the middle of a shootout and the government won't do anything for him people could have died there because the feds are idiots
one of my neighbors has a nice fuckin Porsche but he lives in the fucking barrio the property here is worth half as much as his car I dont fuckin get it
I am too addicted to the internet. tethering my phone to my computer to even be able to use decent internet speeds. >>442908 Wow it is nearly 4AM. well shit. time flies so fast.
Well you are usually right! It wasn't bad at all! a lot of americans get it wildly wrong.
Sam, I was at a computer store today. And I saw an ancient tome on 3d graphics programming for $5. Its about PHIGS which was a standard that predates OpenGL.