>>44022 Oh no I wish I could listen to this I guess when I get home
>>44027 i like when articles just say something went viral even though they're just writing the article at that moment and then it gets a bunch of clicks anyway
>>44032 it builds up anticipation in the reader's mind that something amazing is happening even when it's something normal it's the same kind of effect that you get when binge-reading facebook fails or something like that, then you go back to facebook regular and just read regular posts by people and your brain is still primed to think that there's something hilarious layered in what someone's saying and your brain will actually find it when there's nothing there it'll find irony when there isn't any
But why would someone click a thing that's supposedly viral? >>44044 But then it probably isn't actually viral at all
it's a fairly low investment to click and read and it innately triggers either frustration or sensation in our minds even people irritated by clickbait will get value for their investment out of clicking it because it's a chance to reaffirm their irritation with clickbait articles and people usually aren't entirely vigilant about that belief anyway. maybe something looks like an interesting concept but they dislike the clickbait, and can justify clicking it for the reason mentioned above but still have curiosity about what's contained
it's exposure to concept and affirmation of value for a click and a short read i mean, you watch videos that trigger you all the time just for the sake of criticizing them it's not much different
I know which way it always is but I can't help having that short moment of confusion when I see "transgender boy" "Is it mtf or ftm? I could see both being referred to as a boy"
>Poking fun at himself further, Bush said Saturday Night Live creator Lorne Michaels once told him he had a writer come up with the word "strategery." Bush said he told Michaels that he had come up with the word. "And he said, 'No you didn't say strategery.' I said, 'I damn sure said strategery.' He said, 'We invented it.' I said, 'Let me ask you this: Did he come up with 'misunderestimate'?"
>>44057 Cause, I mean The choice is You're either unfair to the tranny kid Or you're unfair to EVERY OTHER KID in the competition
all the criticism aside, even rpometheys was kinda good it was dumb at times, but it looked damn good and the robot was one of the best performances ever
Yeah it looked amazing
Prometheus just was one of those "3 writers" etc messes
Is covenant an actual Alien movie, or another Spiritual one like prometheus?
Prometheus is an alien movie now They un-retconned it Covenant will bridge them or something
>>44077 Oh boy I'm so very surprised Who would possibly think the person who false flagged terrorist, racist attacks would align with literally every other person who was discovered to do so in the past year and a half
there are so many rules to legal transcripts holy crap and it all varies by state this is super interesting though SK, you guys have courts up there you gotta have transcripts for that shit you should get into this it's great especially just getting to hear all the court proceedings >>44083 it'd be work you'd actually be interested in just a thought
>>44102 Uh I actually have no idea, but I would assume cross is when you have both sides asking a witness, direct is when only one is, and the other two is who knows
I followed this person because they liked a tweet I made and just had a ton of grils in their feed so I was like "Oh that is neat I might as well hit follow and unfollow if there's just spam of women" But I'm starting to think this person is further into the whole white nationalistic territory than first anticipated
Yaknow that warp drive that instead of moving through space, folds space around it to move fast?
The idea behind it is you can't move through space faster than light, but you can move SPACE ITSELF faster than light This is the cosmic equivalent of making your car's tires out of asphalt and speeding with the excuse that it's the road moving really fast, not your car
I'm actually upset that none of the people I'm subscribed to on youtube have even fucking mentioned that "sometimes it's the reverse" statement Not feminists, not skeptics, not philip defranco whatever he counts as Nobody Not even TYT so far, I think
God Having benzos and antidepressants makes me feel invincible I read like 250 pages of legal transcript examples already, have the formatting down and learned how to use this software I've got money in the bank (well, paypal), a solid income stream, I'm working hard and still using my spare time to seek out better opportunities to outlet myself into and feeling enthusiasm
i'm not bitterly exhausted i'm not curling up in a ball and crying in vulnerable pity i'm not overconfident, but i'm just exploding with enthusiasm
http://img.pr0gramm.com/2015/12/18/4dd2ed634aa28dfd.png is actually sad what has become of sweden for a minor nationt hey sure kicked everyone's ass whenever they went to war
ah whatever my body can handle it my immune system has never let me down before unless i have MS and it's eating my nerve cells, but i'm not sure on that one
shit, that reminds me i didn't ask this legal company if they pay by paypal or direct deposit i don't have/can't get a bank account so i can't do direct deposit hopefully that works out
wow this company has their own software which exclusively works with a footpedal and all audio is bound within the executable file for each project that runs in that software
ive survived this industry by using the ingenius tab shortcut and copying indent to my clipboard which makes all stopping, rewind, and playback fluid with my typing and not having to spend a hundred bucks on a footpedal Dumb!
i'll either have to give in or figure out another workaround that lets me keep using my own software
Dnno what tof eela bout finlandia nowadays is made here but is owned by the same shitter who makes Jack Daniels...
>>44263 Jack Daniels is just Jack Daniels. It's the name of the company. Don't confuse that with the brand name of Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey though. That shit is awful, but the company itself is pretty good.
It's a great brand, but that particular product is shit
>>44264 YEah but say your favourite booze was suddenly owned by russians? or Chinese
And it used to be american
Does the manufacturing location change? or have they just changed subsidiaries? as long as they're not fucking with the booze, I wouldn't mind too much.
Oh, there's porn on ara that I can't delete. Remind me to tell Samurai about that next time I see him. There's no point in emailing him about it because he gets the reports just like I do.
>Japanese men keep trying to pick up Blind by means of a specifically non-dating communication app meant to improve english for japanese speakers and vice versa
>>44315 You'll want a week off after a week of my work.
Funny story aobut epilators, if you google it all the pictures of men using them have the man in extreme pain and all the women are just like yep this is just part of being a girl and look normal. Where did you epilate yourself?
I'm going to epilate my legs because razors are incredibly expensive and I don't want to keep going through them. The pain on my hand wasn't that bad but it was more than I expected
>>44321 Well, that sort of thing is the kind of thing you get used to. Eventually you'll be plucking hairs like it's nothing. I kinda like the way it feels.
It's my understanding that epilators are best for attacking regrowth, so if it's too painful to do it just like you're doing it, consider waxing and then using the epilator on the stuff that grows back.
The newest Uber issue is hilarious >Tracking law enforcement to avoid them >tracking "problematic" government officials to avoid them >secretly tracking whereabouts of users en masse >mining app data and browsing habits from users' phones
But the thing is the way an app checks if a phone is rooted is requesting root access If it's not given it, it has no way to know if you have root access and denied, or if you don't have root access
Also, getting my friend into CS I'm realizing how much fucking shit there is to explain about this game All this shit that's second nature to me
>The European Parliament has launched a hate speech investigation into a Polish politician after he stated that "women must earn less than men, because they are weaker, they are smaller, they are less intelligent" during a debate this week on the gender pay gap. haha poland no
Is that really... hate speech? Like I thought hate speech was just you know, violence or something
Wow gee he thinks women don't deserve as much He's a fucking idiot and an actual misogynist, but... hate speech? For real?
>Janusz Korwin-Mikke is an independent member of the European Parliament who founded a right-wing political party, the Coalition for the Renewal of the Republic -- Freedom and Hope, in 2015. He has previously said that women should not be allowed to vote and was investigated for incitement to rape in 2014 over remarks he made to the European Parliament.
Yeah probably not hate speech anywhere but EU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sounds pretty hateful to me
Saying I don't want terrorists is hateful too Hatespeech isn't about it just being hateful
According to a European Parliament statement published Thursday, Tajani has launched an investigation on the basis of Rule 11 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure.
This rule states that "members' conduct shall be (characterized) by mutual respect" and "members shall not resort to defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or (behavior) in parliamentary debates."
Well, looks like he's off the hook unless you wanna say women are one person, foreigners, or another race
Xenophobic is pretty broad
So is defamatory
Yeah, but I dunno if you can really act defamatory against a full 50% of the population
>Melbourne man threatens to blow up courthouse over grandson's $30 ticket, deputies say Florida man no
Isn't Melbourne in Straya?
There's two
>Deputies arrested Mannino, who is charged with making a false bomb report. He was ordered held on $15,000 bond. >>44366 I live in Melbourne, Florida
Or does shit have their different channels for shit that is and shit that isn't anyhow this isnät Duwaay¨they are so lame, really? anyhow what was that Not their call but that water drops This won't end well bye bye
Oh man tax returns. I'd totally forgotten about those.
Maybe I can get a Switch and get away with it.
set my body free
>>44394 Nice I got robbed by the government for my taxes
>>44410 Direct comes first, it is when the lawyer first calls the witness. The lawyer who's turn it is to go, to be exact. Cross is when the other lawyer gets to ask questions to the witness, it needs to be about things that were talked about during direct. Redirect is where the first lawyer gets to go back and ask about things that came up on cross. Recross is where the second lawyer gets to go back and ask about things that came up on redirect.
And it goes back and forth until the issues are resolved or everyone is tired of arguing.
>>44412 Does everything thereafter count as recross and redirect? Thank you!! I landed this new contract today for legal transcripts and a lot of it is way over my head do you mind if i ask you questions now and again like that
Thanks! They're going to call me on monday for training prep stuff I just want to make sure i have all my ducks in a basket when the time comes There are so many rules I didn't expect about all this stuff courts are crazy about their transcripts. They have mandates, given by the state, about which line a question to a witness is supposed to be given on and a different one for the answer from the witness
// sorry, not what line, but what character per line the Q has to fall on, and where the question has to be begin, the character count, not the line count there are so many rules it makes me a little giddy inside, but there are some ways i don't know how to implement the rules, like depositions and separate rules for cross and re-cross examinaions I understand the formatting but i dont necessarily know when those things occur!
>>44417 Well the court reporters don't have finalized products. They capture everything that is needed -- notes, stenotype, or otherwise, in order for an accurate transcript to be made from the recording + reporting notes. As opposed to my work in the past, all name spellings and indiscernable dialogue should be noted by court reporters beforehand, with special notes like making sure "Your analysis" doesn't get mis-transcribed as "Urinalysis" That's a real-time job which is a lot more hectic than I currently do
I get about four times as much time as they have and transcribe verbatim what's being said with greater accuracy (In the past during a congressional hearing I had an assignment which was to modify the real time recording. One point of which the stenotype had converted the
>>44418 I'm not sure whether I get notes or not. I haven't started on this at all yet. I've applied and been accepted into training, with a bunch of reading assignments which I've already done. I do talk to some transcriptionists who work with court reporters though, and they get notes from the court reporter. I don't know whether I will or not! It's yet to be seen. I don't even know if the pay is better than what im currently doing, but I'm super excited about the chance to get legal TC experience. I know that's where the money is made, and gives me a segue into paralegal or court reporting, should I choose to do that in the future Although this company promises a fairly lucrative industry to begin with But given all the rules and formatting, I don't know that it'll be better or not. My initial guess is that it's about 60% higher pay than what I'm doing now, but it pays by page rather than by audio minute, like general trans. I don't know how much time on average passes for a legal transcript to fill up a page. I don't know how many sobbing women I'm going to have to deal with that take an hour to discern one page of content.
>>44418 oh, but to answer this question, stenotype is automatically converted into legible text, where applicable it's not always applicable it's a two person system that takes stenographer's inputs and assesses them on a digital system that identifies potential respective words those guys get paid like triple what i do, though, but they have to do it real time
Thanks! I'm really excited. If I pass training, they pay for me to fly to New Jersey to complete some certification course, too. That sounds like a totally good thing to have on my resume for the future. I sent my resume out of nowhere last night too and they got back to me same-day. I'm super glad I did. My resume is awful but I'm pretty sure they didn't even look at it. I think the only requirement was that you actually attached a resume, haha.
Acquiring new skills and qualifications is always a good thing. There's no shortage of things that need to be transcribed in the legal world, so if you can break in you'll have something very useful. Also the kind of thing that can be a career rather than a job.
My resume is really bad. I didn't expect to get a response at all. I'm one of those "I won't feel bad at failing if I don't try hard in the first place" people, so I scrapped together an awful resume It's self-degrading, cynical, and 100% unprofessional And they're like "Great! Are you available to work full-time?" And even though I have two other contracts, I said yes. 70 hour work weeks here I come I can't wait to buy a motorcycle I don't have time to ride and have a family I don't have time to care for this is going ot be great
Im not sure whether I'll have more disposable income or not! This is paid by page, rather than by minute It'll either turn out to be way better or way worse than what I'm already doing The pay-per-page rate -seems- pretty good, but legal stuff is complicated! If I have to spend four hours formatting each document, I'm not sure if it's worth it or not! But there is a guaranteed workload
I plan to balance both contracts out to about 60 hours a week, and that way I don't have any bad fallback when one is down for a season and I won't have to deal with having no work for a week keeping two baskets in one bush
>>44432 Okay I guess I won't go looking for a job.
>>44432 oh yeah, what exactly is a deposition? I'm supposed to list when that happens. And side-bar conversation, I'm supposed to list according to whether the judge deems it on-record or off-record I dont even know what a side bar is
>>44433 Have you just been making up idioms or are these weird Southern takes on them that I don't know of.
>>44435 A deposition is something that happens pre-trial as a part of discovery. Discovery is where the two sides swap information before the trial. A deposition specifically is a thing where the witness is asked questions under oath by the other lawyer. A transcript is taken of a deposition but no judge is present, just the lawyers for both sides. So it sounds like you need to note what day the deposition happened on, because it happens pretrial.
A side-bar is when during trial both lawyers go up and talk to the judge about something. Sometimes it's on the record, sometimes it isn't.
I'm watching a streamer playing BotW. He spent like four lives trying to kill a single Bokoblin in a ruined building to get at a chest. And after he finally did, he opened the chest...to find all it had was twenty rupees.
The kicker is it was the first twenty rupees he'd found in like, hours of playing. Money is apparently a rare commodity in the game.
>>44448 don't hatch all your chickens in the same basket
>>44444 nice quads is side bar colliquy? what is colliquy in the court context? or is that purely a transcript thing, when i'm referring to people by name and not WITNESS or THE COURT
haha you really are in over your head
I'm actually overqualified for the position this is all stuff that I'll be taught in training, and they only require six months non-legal transcription experience and intend to train the rest but I want to be ready I don't want to be trained for five months
>>44450 I'm not really familiar with that, other than that colliquy is a fancy word for conversation. A side bar is just when they talk to the judge about something.
>>44453 specifically the attorneys? or anyone? it doesn't apply when they attorneys are talking to each other, for instance? I really appreciate your help with this! These aren't things I'm supposed to necessarily know but I'm me
Law seems really complicated That's why I jumped on this though! It's not a pay boost, but it looked interesting and like something that would be good experience to have I guess now I just wait to find out more
It looks like colloquy is anything outside of the specified event e.g. if an attorney and wtiness are engaged in Q&A, and either refers to the judge, that's considered colloquy and marked outside the bounds of the Q&A
all these rules are pretty fascinating to me i'm excited about doing something new
I finished the main story in Nioh Took ~90 hours Still a ton of sidemissions and NG+ content which Jan said had a new difficulty mode with tougher enemy placement
The Kakariko Village of BotW has a really Oriental take on it this time around. The architecture, clothing style, even the town's background music has a very Japanese theme to it. It's kind of neat.
>>44486 Isn't it your fault for playing the jellybean game? When someone went "hey let's eat these jellybeans. some of them taste normal but some of them taste like poop haha" why did you say yes?
Answer the question, sugoi
i'm a fun person fun people play these games and take deer shots
>>44532 Yeah but is that a pro or a con Don't pretend like it wasn't realistic
A pro. Everyone should do that. If you can work out how long you should spend between faps you can operate at maximum efficiency. In fact it should be company policy.
I haven't masturbated in 14 years and I'm the epitomy of productivity
What's the difference between Cryptonomicon and Reamde
One is a less good Snow Crash
I intentionally didn't read reamde I told my english professor about neal stephenson and he immediately checked out reamde i'm like i dont even know what that is but after reading the opening i'm like you're probably not gonna like this dude
we can only hope
I did enjoy it maybe he has a secret fun side
have you watched mr robot
I have not
it's a very dark show, but there's one episode specifically that has a really fun side to it that comment reminded me of it, is all I'd recommend it if you're bored and want something to engage yourself in but it's not must-watch tier
I'll give it a crack once i'm done with Three Kingdoms but that will take a while
>>44556 I am saying this because I worked through the weekend last week.
>>44557 i took learning how to ride seriously and read through a lot of material and watched videos on my own i know the class will be helpful and most of all gives me some hands-on time with a bike that actually has gears, but all the essentials and best-practices are already things i've covered
just from the time i've spent on the road, i know i was meant for two wheels cars are a hassle the only thing i like about them is the safety (and to an extent the carrying capacity) i was born to ride
>>44563 Only half. Saturday was lost to a funeral, sunday to work.
well i'm about to lose my two days off to motorcycle classes\
and my manager talked to me today about getting promoted basically it's gonna happen in the next month but when it does i'll have to work like 50 hours every week at least i'll be able to afford things
i will openly brag about being safer on the road than anyone i've ever been in a vehicle with at least in the past two years but i have to take the classes in order to get the M endorsement on my license so that next time i get pulled over i don't go straight to jail i already have two Driving With License Invalid and if i get one more i'm fucking toasted
>>44587 i am in so much agreement with you that i entirely base my decisions in riding on statistics about rider death and injury
i will openly brag about how important motorcycle safety is
Do you really think so? Either way, you can still browse can't you?
I've really not been feeling much like anything today. The drive to do things just isn't there. Feels like I've been spinning my wheels for a few days too.
>>44735 You should be glad. If too many people liked the terrible things you do you'd lose elitist hipster points
then you'd need to find some other way to delude yourself into thinking you're somehow special.
>>44737 How about I fuck you up back to the dreamtime
>>44742 Yeah. But like.. no matter how popular that character gets it's still a character in a niche Japanese online game.
>>44741 Unfortunately in this case her wife boat is one of if not the singly most popular boat out of them all. It's a far cry from being able to claim hipsterism on it.
Kancolle isn't really niche man.
>>44744 Your waifu is far, far more niche than Kancolle is man. Even in Japan.
This is what happens when you spend all day on terrible anime boards. Outside of your circles, and Japanese pop culture Nobody knows what the fuck Kancolle is
I'm sure the posters on those furry forums expect their fellows to be up to date on recent developments in yiffing.
>>44751 It's all about frame of reference. The franchise is super popular in Japan, and considering this is a board with a community with strong ties to Japanese pop culture, it's therefore relevant to us.
>>44780 It's kind of strange - I'm actually getting through more anime these days now that I'm super busy than I usually did during my long months of inactivity.
And yeah. It's a fun show. Good background watching.
The last time I was ever wrong about anything was back in 2009 and I was going for my L plate test and they put in a trick question about intersections at traffic lights. And nothing since then.
>TYT panelist literally says it's unfortunate that the reporter who sent those bomb threats wasn't actually an anti-semite, because it means there's less actual anti-semitism, lending credence to the Trump supporters' claims that the uptick is smaller than its made out to be
>>44813 But I remember now! Don't you think you should take back what you said about me and ivory towers when I've done something so rugged and dirty that you haven't?
i haven't smoked in 5 days actually now it's 6 days because i just woke up
my lungs are now at the part where they're deciding to rid themselves of all the mucus they've been building up while i was a smoker and it's AWFUL
Are you intentionally trying to take a break or is it just happening.
for the first couple days it was just too inconvenient to go get cigarettes because i was so busy but then on day 3 i was like "you know fuck it i'll just quit to prove to myself that i can" so now i'm 6 days in and it will probably be a rough couple weeks but then at the end of it i won't smoke anymore so that's cool
Bang if you stop smoking I'll think you're less sexy.
All the more reason to quit.
i mean this is just so that i stop smoking regularly when i go downtown to clubs and shows, inevitably some girl i'm talking to will offer me a cigarette and i will be a few shots in and then smoke this is just the way things are it's how i started smoking the last two time
it's probably not a big deal if i only smoke when i drink thoug i cut down on the drinking really hardcore the past year i really only do it when i go to shows and maybe a few times a month on my days off
I drink as much as I did before just more justified through external circumstances
yeah I use straws whenever possible. I don't want to put my lips on restaurant glasses! but I'm fine with drinking out of them that seems like an off double standard
Just remember, the same fingers that cleaned your glass may have put the straw in it.
>>44862 Chefs are chefs though, so it's fine. I assume they wash their hands before handling food. And for the record, this is an assumption I don't want to be dissuaded from.
The fuck you on about, cunt? I'll drink without concern for germs. Unless I'm in some sketchy hovel or some third world country like Australia.
>>44864 most people in kitchens are pretty good about handwashing
>>44868 Great. And the new story of seasons is very nice and comfy. And now I am going to go nap for a few hours in my electric blanket heated bed even though it is very cold outside.
I had this tute a couple of days ago and people were arguing that politicians with dual-citizenship should be able to hold high up posts in the executive government.
Like they couldn't see how that could be a potential for a massive conflict of interest. spouting some crap about racism and multi-culturalism or something.
Conflicts of interest are fake news
>>44884 Well sure you'll never get rid of it completely. But that's not a reason to try to diminish it
Fake news, they're not real Media made them up to make our tremendously presidential president look bad They're fake news, like CNN and BBC
and german prison camps
>>44883 But conflict of interest can arise even from singly national persons as well. It's not like you need to become a citizen of a foreign country to become invested in it.
why did the nazis have to burn the jews it would be a lot easier to live in a world where they didn't burn the jews
>>44888 yeah. no kidding. that's beside the point though. A dual-citizenship is an obvious conflict of interest and one that's easy to prove in court. and just because there are many other ways that a conflict of interest can come about doesn't make it a good idea.
>>44891 Does it only work one way, or does that not matter? If someone is born Australian and is later dual-citizenshipped, can they no longer run for these high up roles?
It doesn't matter if you're born in the country. You just need a citizenship and when you become an Australian citizen, you're SPECIFICALLY offered the choice of becoming a dual-national or else denouncing your old citizenship
so these are people who CHOSE to keep their ties to their old countries and still want to run for office
and some people can't see why that could be problematic.
All right, I see. In that case I think the situation is mostly fair and encompassing. No complaints.
The only "issue" I would see is how available the information for the consequences is. If people don't know the full consequences of keeping or denouncing their previous citizenship, then it's not entirely a fair situation. And I believe the government has a responsibility to properly inform individuals of these consequences before they make such a decision.
Yah, seems fair to me as long as you can still denounce later
>>44897 What's the deal in the States? I know you have to be born there to be president >show us the birth certificate But what about running for the senate or congress
We don't really do dual citizenship But you can be born anywhere and get elected for anything that isn't President
Eg Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor of California, born in Austria, I believe
>>44896 I'm pretty sure you just need to denounce it sometime before you're nominated for the government role.
Arrnie is actually quite an interesting example. Looks like he was allowed to keep his Austrian citizenship while he was governor. I suppose since the US doesn't formally acknowledge dual-nationals its less of an issue there.