Thread #441973
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Any sign of tilde?
3-gatsu no Lion Beatless Cardcaptor --Episodes 9-11 Citrus Dame x Prince --Episodes 8-10 (We watched episode seven last night Ika) FranXX Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-11 HakuMiko Mahoutsukai no Yome Poptepic Slow Start Takunomi Toji no Miko
Oh wait Ika was there for the DamePri
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oh there's tilde okay 3gatsu pop team XD citrus slow start
I had to type up the list in Notepad to avoid lagging out in the middle of it.
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3gatsu>>441986 The last few weeks we saved it until sunday and were able to get jan/bang/samurai. I would like to watch it right now too but it seems like we get more people if we wait.>>441986 oh but you are jan I thought you were tilde Can you do Franxx tomorrow or do we need to do it tonight? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. okay be orange for 3gatsu tilde I'll assume you're watching if you drop just waiting on ika okay lets start!
No Franxx?
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>>441984 I'll be here tomorrow too. I'll join you guys for the other three shows tonight.
Take three. Oh I got orange this time. Wonder how long it'll last.
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Oh it's been awhile since we've seen the sisters.
Guess cats aren't the only chatty pets in this series.
Those girls really did a number on that girl.
It's always really homey when the sisters are involved.
Hina's class is so bad even the teachers are going out of their way to avoid it.
i wonder if bully-chan will be reformed now
That's kind of an interesting endcard. They've got Hina as and Akari wearing the slutty sweater thing. And I know I recognize the reference they're doing with Rei but i can't but a name to it.
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oikay okay pop team XD okay lets start!
Well this is different.
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It got even more different.
Who hangs loaded guns on the mantle like that.
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>>442009 axe murderers
It went The Shining there at the end.
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This segment seemed really well animated. Maybe it was just CG.
All the French bits are well-animated. They just don't really have much animation, usually. I think it's because the French studio uses CGI, yeah, instead of frame-by-frame animation.
>>442012 Yeah it was cg, done by that french studio
What is this plot development.
i would watch hoshiiro girl drop
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The commentary for this is good. This stuff keeps the fact that it's the same thing twice worth watching twice.>>442019 hmm maybe we should do FranXX tonight since we have two of you here.
This commentary is great.
i'm bang and i'm here and i'm probably gonna be here tomorrow night too probably no promises
if there's a good chance sammy will be here tomorrow night, i'd rather include sammy
I'm pretty sure Samurai is behind, so there's not much reason to factor him in.
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in that case, franXX is next. About 8 minutes from now.
o i c yeah i'm down for which oh next fuck wow alright i see
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>>442023 You'll be able to watch with us, right?
>Although I don't stress about millenials and stuff alot
>>442024 yeah its fine
He's not even paying attention to the show anymore. Oh now he is.
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His mustache is so bushy.
Oh he realized it was parodying The ShXXXng too.
za endo
I can't "koi ni doroppu doroppu" this week because he doesn't do her catch phrase.
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franXX okay lets go
i wasn't paying attention so i'm downloading it now
ok ready
sorry CR was having high traffic should be ready now
he did it
what a hero he got covered in monster goo
>staying in the clothes melting goo on purpose
maybe he's hoping it does the same thing
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02 is bummed because she didn't get to go all out.
Zorome and Miku are really on such a good synchronized wavelength.
that kokoro looks so happy she's os excited to dress up
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I thought the world was a little more post-apocylaptic than that. They have a nice city.
I think the surface is pretty post-apocalyptic, and the actual civilization is well-established underground.
owie oof my pride
Nana was seriously evaluating how much of a potential problem it is to let them walk about unescorted. She probably made the wrong call here.
>trusting zorome
their outfits are really cute
hes gonna die
they remind me of the Academy's outfits in BlazBlue
he better not fucking die
this is a strange situation
he's going to learn the world is a shit
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ara ara conehead
i hope she doesn't get murdered for this
her eyes they're so dead
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Is that a heart on her chest?
It does kind of look like she's got something engaging with her body.
oh boy this is getting really dark really fast
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Looks like he's just chilling in virtual reality. oh not even that he's just wearing a happy helmet
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck O H F U C K
Well it looks like his tsundere-ness is stronger than her kind of weird urging.
zorome just needed like 2 minutes with an adult to figure everything out
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He's going to kill her by talking to her like a human being.
Maybe he found his grandmother or something.
She probably just worked at the center where they grew the children
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I wonder what all this is about them being infected.
Yeah, they said that kind of off-handedly and moved right on.
The kids from the other faction seemed to know about why they won't become adults as well
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what a dream crusher
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slow start!>>442103 thanks for anime okay lets start!
>thumbnail is a huge picture of tama's face this must be a good episode
slo w
w-what time
1:00 1:05 1:10
Aw yeah a yukata episode.
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This may be my favorite cute girls show this season.
It's my favourite since New Game I figure. There's so much character.
it had a slow start but it really got into the groove
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I'm surprised you agree. I would expect most people to pick Yuru Camp. I think I like this better though.
Hm, that's a good point. I think Yuru Camp's got more merit than its cute girls though. I'd say Yuru Camp's a better show but this is more focused on its cute girls, and is more of a cute girl show.
this show is th e funniest anime i have watched in a long time
Indie farm markets, huh.
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Japanese countryside is C O M F Y
And they've got Internet out there. So all of the rural bonuses with far fewer of the drawbacks. I'd still take the city though.
Poor Tama-chan.
Woah Tama you're messing with the camera. Please stop that it's throwing my head off.
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Kamu bullying is a good pasttime.
i want choconana
You can't stop the gay with charity.
Ara ara ara ara
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks for anime.
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thenks 4whatch
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