Corrin seems like she is in a position where she could get cut. I like Robin too, but Robin may be a little safer due to being at least a main entry on the previous roster.
>>436721 Chrome Sparks + Machinedrum co-headlining, maybe Rezz, What So Not, Less Than Jake, maybe K.Flay, maybe Sub Focus, maybe ATTLAS, maybe The Glitch Mob + Elohim
i got femorgan fourth try i'd be happy about it but my free run had no blues and i wasted 10 orbs trying twice more and only one of the two tries had a blue and i got a 3* est from the blue this is the first signal of good luck i've had from this game in like four months and even four months ago was rough because after a long haul of bad luck i got two grays which weren't even the focus unit i was going for i'll need something more to redeem my confidence in this awful game
laz has really sensitive eyes and sometimes they get a little irritated but today one of them looks really painful im gonna have to take him to the vet and see if eyedrops might help when this happens in the future bc it breaks my heart to see him like this
no, he's completely normal except for he rubs his eye occasionally he is prone to irritation so he's probably used to it but it looks so uncomfortable that it stresses me out so much
Yeah. I'm wondering if maybe the vet could prescribe eyedrops that might be able to relieve the irritation when this happens or might have suggestions as to what's causing it.
When I was growing up, cat litter didn't stop the poop from smelling, either. But now I'm a big, strong grown up! And times have changed, and cat litter is a lot better than it used to be.
I'm not a weakling, I'm simply refined and high performance. You don't just junky diesel fuel to power a jet engine. You have to use high quality jet fuel. Expensive machinery has standards.
well, you have to use jet fuel because diesel and jet fuel are different things it's not about the quality difference between the two types of fuel
moreover, being so adverse to something that you refuse to do it especially when it's something completely reasonable that hundreds of millions of people do daily is a sign of weakness
>>436790 I have my weaknesses, but the only things I absolutely refuse to do are things that will put me at danger or things that trigger my psychological problems.
it sucks with DST goes forward but it's awesome when it goes backwards it's like i lose an hour of free time one day to get an extra hour another day
>>436941 Yeah I'll definitely be home I may need reminding but I don't have anything for a few days
>>436946 So much of my life is disconnected from what time it actually is that the DST change barely even matters to me. It's super difficult for me to get into a schedule that would make it relevant.
You can't trust these random people on the Internet.
i thought i could trust goku if anyone
You gotta make sure you're getting the right Goku, man. You might be getting the Monkey King, who's about as far from someone that you should trust as you can get.
I really don't do a good job of keeping track of where I write what. So much of my random creative inspirations are scattered fragments across several notebooks and untitled and unsorted files on my Google Drive. Organization is difficult.
at least you write things down instead of keeping scattered vague mental notes
Well I've got plenty of those to spare in addition.
3.0 still Although web 2.0 doesn't refer to any sort of single specific standard but the change in paradigms of how the worldwide web began to change starting in the late 90's early 2000's >>437045 Not quite I suggest skimming the Wikipedia article on it, I'm too tired to give a good explanation As someone who has been using the world wide web for 20 years I think it gives a really good overview of the changes and how they affected the world and how people interact with the internet
So it's actually referring to user behavior more than software?
yeh, but if memory serves "sono" pfc written differently, is a demonstrative on the lines of "that or this" so sonoko would be "that/this kid"
Kirara π
it's written εε ε meaning garden and ε meaning child
>>437061 Japanese has many words that are pronounced identically but mean completely different things. I don't think anyone would assume the "sono" in her name is the object referential you mentioned.
"After dying in a mountain climbing accident, a 28-year-old man finds that he is reincarnated in an alternate world... AS A POLAR BEAR.
After taking a PAWS to get acquainted with his new body, the MC soon learns that he can fight better than aKUMA from Street Fighter after he BEARs witness to a beast girl being hunted by the army and gets ARCTICked off. The question is: is this new life a blessing, or a cURSUS MARITIMUS?"
>>437070 yo CNN published two articles titled "Complaining about the change to Daylight Saving Time? You're in the minority" and "Americans are fine with Daylight Saving Time"
>>437088 atleast in eu we are minority in wanting to get rid of DST
it's more about the aggressive titling that's trying to shame people for not liking it and it's based off of suggestive data, not very comprehensive polling studies >>437091 i guess
>>437099 if it is a remotely accessable satellite, those get muxed all the time so it wouldn't be much of an issue but if it is a satellite that would require replacement, then it would be a process that would take a lot of time.
However I think most satellites don't follow the GMT which has DST, but UTC which doesn't
What the fuck has culture become? You don't ask to "use something for a meme" you just do it. It's often easier to seek forgiveness than to get permission.
Just fine. I look forward to springing forward every year, because it makes the mornings darker and the afternoons longer. That's the way life should be.
>>437111 Sup samoorai Thanks for transparent png thumbnails
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
they will have de powa of de morning sunlight STREEPED EWAH
Also .gif thumbnails still aren't transparent though.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Although theoretically you could save bandwidth by making transparent thumbnails just be gifs for boths pngs and gifs.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
one more good reason to never use GIF again
>>437119 No one uses apng and idevices don't support webm. Gifs are here to stay until one of those changes.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
hello? m4a? gifv?
No one uses those Also isn't gifv literally just mp4?
>a craniotomy is when we do a surgical incision and take off the skull. for the most part, the patient is usually asleep -- Uh, let me start that over again woo
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
we giving out free head transplants peeps! first 250 get a numbered certificate!
hey sammy you were talkin about cbd oils once weren't you they can make that out of just hemp right does it still do its thing i've heard good words about it used for anxiety and as an antipsychotic i was thinkin about it but i wanna get opinions before wastin dollars
>>437145 my understanding is it's better to get CBD from cbd-rich strains than from hemp it's a little calming to me but i don't really use it anymore maybe you'll have a different experience! it's worth a shot
>>437147 is it like a body high or something? it doesn't do any of that wacky stuff to your brain like weed does does it i don't like not having control over my brain
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>437149 dude if you can find a drug that lets me not have control over my brain please let me know but yeah it's non psychoactive
>Ether is still sometimes consumed in border areas of Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania.
It's good for restoring MMP.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
ohhh right.
>The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.
still gotta finish that movie
haha that's what i was thinking of when i said it that movie is so good let's go hit up doc in vegas and do some mescaline and ether one weekend that'll be fun
The book is better.
I still remember the day I read it too. I was hanging out with my friend and some his sketchy friends and their sketchier friends.
there's no acting or cinematography in books though those are things i like so i like to watch the movies besides it was directed by terry gilliam
tfw you have a slightly annoying headache and you only have 800mg and 1000mg painkillers
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
prank it's a bro, justin
Sammu, I might be coming out to san fran in a couple of months. Wanna hang out and go to a concert or something?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
nice dood hmu let's do it are you coming to live here or to visit
It's not 100% sure yet, to visit On the off chance I found a job (which I won't because I'm terribly underqualified) I could move there.
you can probably find a job there man, it's not completely difficult the hard part is trying to transition to living out there until your first paycheck because it's so expensive i've got a couple opportunities out there but i can't chase them because i have no cushion to sustain me for a month or whatever
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
dude if you can pass a coding interview then you can get a jerb here
Oh yeah, i finally found my electronics crap, so I can do stupud shit with my Arduino now. *stupid Although the thing I thought of doing is infeasible due to the low bandwidth of the Arduino.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i wanna use ethereum state channels to make a new /moe/ or somethin somethin but it's so early
I'm going to listen to Nevermind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols again.
I still need to figure out what to compute for the blockchain for my stupid cryptocurrency idea.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
let me give an analogy for what Lightning network is first
say you want to give some money to someone. you could do a bank transfer, it's secure and insured and there are people who can arbitrate in case of fraud and stuff.
or you could deal in cash but that's risky and the counterparty could just mug you and there's not much recourse
or suppose there's a casino out there, a nice one with lush green roulette tables and friendly poker tables you have chips in there but they're not real money, but they kind of are you could give chips to someone or vice versa and they can't really mug you cause of the way the casino is set up
so you can transact freely with these people that you don't trust to transact in cash, and you can do it in real time without bank involvement that's kind of what Lightning network is for bitcoin bitcoin is secure but slow lightning lets you have a little room where you can securely transact quickly
Oh I see. I kinda understand how bitcoin and stuff works, so an etherium state channel is one of those crazy blockchain kinda things? And the legitimacy of the chips and stuff is verified because you have multiple people looking at them?
it's kinda like a way to communicate more quickly than the blockchain with the ability to revoke agreements or something? i think but that ultimately still gets updated to the blockchain like, uh, having a system that functions within the overarching system without needing to lag so much or maybe i'm way off
>>437181 yeah so an ethereum state channel is like the casino again, but instead of just exchanging chips, you can exchange more complicated data structures ... i guess it's like you could co-operatively play a video game or something,.
the way the legitimacy stuff works is interesting. it's kind of hard to explain but let me try
if i want to send money on lightning, i have to like make a piece of paper saying that i promise not to cheat and lie later about the money i'm about to promise to send and then i sign that piece of paper and give it to the other guy so we didn't actually move any money yet, but i did give that guy a piece of paper, and he gives me one that he signed
we're now in a situation where both of us possess the threat of being able to go to the cash-out counter and deposit the piece of paper but neither of us really wants to do it because we'd have to pay a fee but if one party decides to start lying later about how much money we really owe each other, i have the option of taking this nuclear route on the table at all times
>>437184 so the nodes of a lightning network don't need to be verified to the blockchain because the threat of verification itself would end their participation in the network? and that's less laggy? or what's the benefit did i miss it
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>437186 yeah exactly. when someone cashes in, that closes the payment channel and all funds that were locked up in it go to their respective parties
but if both parties keep it open, they can send and receive money (or state updates) as quickly as they are able to exchange these pieces of paper
so i'm imagining a forum where you have to have a little bit of crypto to sign up then you stake that crypto to open a state channel then you can post in real time and pay tiny bits of tokens for the privilege and if anyone wants to archive a thread permanently they could pay a lot more to have it embedded into the real blockchainz
that makes sense thanks >>437192 i mean it wouldn't have to be money right just make it a merit amount or something reddity like that yeah staking your credibility as a user
could you make opening and saving images cost tiny microamounts such that people could easily go find the images on their own but would pay just for the convenience of not having to
I would probably stop posting here if that happened tbh
>>437206 it's really the cost of opening the channel and navigating this pay-to-interact system not so much about the proprietary content micropay to enter a thread, participate in it
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'd definitely have to give away a lot of moebux so that people could post and get their friends in
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i wouldn't charge for read access opening a channel would involve staking some coins though they'd be locked up until the channel closed that's the main con of Lightning I think. there are some situations where your money gets locked up for a while if your counterparty is being an asshole
just the amount that it'd incur on you for bandwidth so that it's a self-sustaining platform no profiteering
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yeah. well bandwidth is fine, cloudflare pays for all of that the privilege of posting would be paid in nanocents per character the main incentive is that you lose your account if you get permabanned
it'd encourage people to make new threads so they don't gotta load up as much SHIT
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i had a thought like that before that would measure users' interactions and kind of give them an n-dimensional proximity to new content based on their interactions free for them to interact with anything but it'd be measured and their scope would adjust i was gonna do it with pictures of food that look good and call it snackexchange and the the top snacks for each digital geoscape would be freely available for that region's users like when we have instant transmittion food creation machines ya know
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
lol snackexchange
i came up with the name first and the idea second
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i think this is a good article about forums:
i want to see if we can make something warren-esque
>>437212 What versions of Unicode does /moe/ support?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>437220 idk man this shit is in javascript so it's all probably subtly broken outside the BMP
>>437221 Well, I was just thinking about variable width encoding and using characters that use more data if you charger per character.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh yeah shrug the charge by the character isn't too important, it'd take a pittance for normal posters a lifetime supply would be a small amount but spammers would be constricted and being banned would lock up your funds for like a week or something
probably just charge by the byte, UTF-8
Utf-8 supports variable width encoding
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yeah. everything would be stored and transmitted in utf-8 so it's the natural choice
Reminder that the Wikipedia article on Knuckles the Echidna iis llonger than the article on the echidna. Also it's locked for some reason. I guess they know the way to prevent vandalism.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i would be hanging out with this girl but we broke up a week ago today
>>437241 yeah they have to list all the commercial appearances and licensed stuff which is not necessary in the echidna article the sphere of commerce just has more pertinent information
>>437243 They don't actually have to list every appearance. Also it was still longer like a decade ago when there were a shit ton less sonic games.
is a del toro movie even if the story or such were crap, it would still be fun to watch just for the del toro experience
Kirara π
im watching it with my gf and dad and stepmom they described how the penis works and my dad and i were like, damn, that'd be great, i wish i had that we got some looks
Best lovecraftian film we have gotten out is Mouth of Madness or whatever that films name was
in them outh of madness
It wasn't an adaptation, there have been a few good Lovecraftian horror films, but like two good adaptations. Basically every adaptation has been b-movie garbage.
>>437258 I wouldn't even want a movie made out of that it isn't really a story that would fit a movie imo you'd have to change it damn much to make it fit and then it just becomes not lovecraft
>>437269 They'll let him do what he wants with less interference after the success of Shape of Water. Iirc production for at the mountains of madness was slow because he was refusing to do it anyway other than his vision.
Is kinda like that Thing prequel movie They shoot it all to completetion and have good practical effects but then some executive meddler comes along and says "hey let's paint over these with cgi quickly, that will make it more hip"
>>437270 It's really good. I'm enjoying it. Fish is, too. She's getting upset because I keep saying she wishes I looked like the fishman or that she'll leave me for a fishman.
>>437272 There are directors who eventually get to a point where they can do what they want. Take for example Christopher Nolan, he didn't even want to do the batman trilogy. But that was what he had to do in order for the studio to let him make Inception according to his vision. Or make at it all even.
>>437274 untill it blows up in their face like the hobbit films or star wars prequels
>>437278 There are also directors who get to a point in their career where executives should reign them in. Del Toro hasn't made a box office bomb. (Iirc)
Also I was just reading the article, everytime it got rejected from a studio was due to Del Toro refusing executive meddling.
well with the prequels, they aren't even that bad, well the 2nd and 3rd, it is just the dialog and well direction the overall story isn't that bad the hobbits though are a fuckstain they have few good scenes mixed in with the bloat stuff that was stretched and shat on it to make it 3 movies long
My father's side family anyhow moved to the capital region and changed their name somewhat recently, so whatever heirlooms the previous family had, mostl ikely went to the son who inherited the farmland I don't even know what the family name was back then.
I wish snows would melt soonish I wanna go back to cycling for shopping that damned 30-60 minutes extra snow adds to travel time to store and back is annoying
I would buy a bike if this area had biking lanes. It doesn't, though.
is the weird part about this place, though so bad pedestrian roads damn car region
Even with biking lanes, it's way too stressful for me to bike alongside cars and other vehicles. I need totally isolated routes to ride on comfortably.
i wish i could do japanese voices with english text that sure would make the game more fun for me
Kirara π
we got new fancy high speed train in florida around orlando i think in the like two months its existed it's already killed at least three people, probably more
>>437394 people keep ending up on the tracks and getting hit the first time it happened was the day before it even opened and they tried to keep it out of the news lol
Didn't every single person hit walk or bike around the safety gates?
Kirara π
the first one, idk, they hid the info about it and i never looked for new info the second one i know of, they got hit because the gates didn't work and their car was on the tracks or something someone today got hit walking on the tracks, i don't think they knew the train was coming
Yeah, I just read a bunch of articles, the gates were down in all of them except for the person who drove onto the tracks and then towards the train.
i dont see anything about someone driving towards the train but i found an article from jan saying 4 kills so i guess it's probably around 6 or 7 minimum now
Well I don't know if it was towards or away, but they were ddriving on the tracks not over the tracks. Also not every person hit has died.
>>437402 max speed differs here and there but it's like 79 in some places and 120 in others
>ignore rail safety gates and lights and noise >get hit >people keep doing it Really makes you think
Kirara π
it's what happens when you introduce something like this to a place that's only had slow cargo trains for the past 50 years they should have actually made new tracks that were safer
Yeah But you're still supposed to stop They say stop It's like a stop sign >>437405 Or people could maybe pay attention to the thing that exists to prevent them from being hit by a moving train
Kirara π
yeah but counting on people to follow the rules is foolish they should be making it impossible to get killed by it as much as possible
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
i'm ridin da drama llama
>>437407 Generally people follow those rules in other places Also by that logic the same should be done with roads and bridges that go over highways so people don't jump off
>>437403 Trains here usually go 50-60. 70 doesn't seem that fast but I bet 120 is fast.
I don't see people break the rules regarding train tracks much either, maybe it's a Florida thing.
people get run overI by the dart train all the time here but its not like its easy you gotta be really unlucky
Kirara π
the problem here is that the stuff you can get away with with a normal train doesn't generalize to the new one people are engaging in old behaviors because the new environment is oversimilar to the old one and dying because of it
>>437413 Stuff you shouldn't be doing in the first place, I understand why people do it But that doesn't make it okay It's stupid to do in the first place
>>437413 maybe you should lobby to have lighthouses built where those people got hit to memorialize them and keep others from making the same mistakes
Kirara π
sure but people do it and people are stupid and the state knew this would happen and the company did too and chose to cut corners
>>437415 maybe the trains are stealing their organs
the dart rail, our only passenger train system, goes around 40 to 60 mph haha
>>437416 Chose to cut corners by making flashing lights and armatures that say stop danger and make noises to prevent people from going onto the tracks?
>>437416 i wonder how many gators are gettin hit by the train
Kirara π
>>437419 cutting corners by using old infrastructure instead of new infrastructure like i said >>437413 it is problematic and this outcome was absolutely predictable
Are there not methods in place that say "there is a train coming right now, get the hell out of the way"?
>>437427 Wait in front of the rail crossing like a mostly functional human being that knows how to in theory not get hit by a train. People do that all over the country.
So people are speeding through the tracks instead of waiting I guess that makes sense.
Kirara π
yeah, or trying to walk across the tracks before tthe train comes behaviors that were successful hundreds of times in the past are now rarely successful and very dangerous and the consequences are too high for individuals to learn
Caution: Train may move faster than you expect >>437438 That's on them at that point tbh
Kirara π
people won't believe the sign because their past experience contradicts it it may reduce some of the casualties but we can reduce all of them by not cutting corners
>>437438 Then they've been conditioned to be stupid.
Kirara π
>>437439 yeah, that's what it is to be human in this world that we're not equipped to navigate
I jaywalk all the time at intersections that aren't in super busy areas, bit when I'm in an area where there are more cars I don't. This is because I weigh risks versus rewards. >>437440 This thing you've been going on about it kind of obnoxious and I feel that in ssome cases you are rrying to argue ot applies in areas outside of human device interactions.
That falls into being pretty expensive though wouldn't it? I know you dont' want them to cut corners but that'd be a lot of money to throw at it
Kirara π
yes, it'd be great if they did, but it's cheaper to let people die than to protect lives you don't care about the company that did the trains are corrupt
You'd probably be mad if they raised taxes or something to pay for it though too.
Kirara π
>>437446 only because i know the governor would be pocketing the extra money florida has no state taxes though
Kirara π
the original plan for the trains was to have the state build them and would include new rails the governor vetoed the bill that would have started it and gave a contract to build the trains to a company run by friends of his the state paid them to do this and the governor probably gets something out of it from them the entire thing is a scam and people are dying because of it
You are putting far too much of the burden on the rail company. Even if they did make the tracks "safer" somehow, people would still walk around the damn gates or jump over them or whatever and get hit.
Kirara π
if you make choices which are predicted to cause unnecessary deaths, then you are responsible for those deaths the rail company is responsible
Counter argument Any new intersection built ever causes unnecessary deaths by the people who get hit at that intersection. They would never have gotten hit there if the intersection had not been built.
Kirara π
that's a false equivalence and not a situation my argument applies to
You've made a fair point. It just sucks that this situation relies on people knowing people are going to make decisions they probably shouldn't make.
>>437452 Okay fine A busy intersection in an area without busy intersections where people jaywalk all the time and don't get hit by cars.
Kirara π
>>437453 it does, but human beings are not equipped to navigate the world we've created for ourselves, evolutionarily speaking we can't adapt quickly enough to the world and we're dying because of it even though our knowledge of human behavior can be used to eliminate the majority of these deaths
>>437454 again, not relevant do you understand my argument?
I have more sympathy for the people who die this way than the people who die from eating tidepods. But not a whole bunch more.
>>437455 I understand you argument, but it puts too much of the responsibility off of the person who made the poor decision and onto the people who did something that works fine in moat of the US. *most
Kirara π
my point is that we know how people will behave we can't change their behavior, yeah? but we can change the environment to prevent them from behaving in those specific ways by changing the environment, we find the most effective way to reduce the amount of unneccesary deaths
Well here's the reason why It costs money And money doesn't grow on trees So stupid Floridians are going to die until the rest figure out that maybe its not a good idea to try and beat the train.
Kirara π
except it does figuratively the amount of money necessary for this is a drop of water in the ocean compared to the money that the people involved with the project have and how much they make from it money isn't even real in the first place
You've only vaguely referenced measures that would reduce fatalities so I don't really have a good sense of what they are so I can't really estimate their cost.
Kirara π
i can recommend a few books on behaviorism that go into altering the environment to stop problematic behaviors from happening it's common sense that if people aren't engaging in behaviors that kill them, people will die less and we all know that we have the available resources to build new tracks
Anyways, Oh Building new tracks? That's not super cheap, neccesarily. Do you mean in a new area or replacing the existing rails and rail bed?
check out velocitization and highway design it's p cool
Kirara π
>>437463 not replacement tracks new tracks that people haven't learned won't kill them are necessary
>>437465 That would be absurdly expensive. Do you know what has to be done to build new tracks?
Kirara π
it would be very affordable if you consider the fact that we have the resources available for it the only way to argue that it's too expensive is if you actually literally don't care about human lives yes, they should absolutely be doing whatever it takes to reduce the amount of people their project kills
I actually don't care that much about people killing themselves in stupid ways. But I see your point. I also see a pattern in your beliefs about how things should be done and the disconnect between that and how things are done seems to cause you a lot of stress.
Kirara π
i guess you're looking at it from a very western perspective and ignoring scientific principles of behavior
Kirara π
>>437468 how things are done don't matter when they can and should be done differently when i see people dying for no reason, yeah, that bothers me
>>437469 I agree with you that they should be done that way. But I also understand that realistically they won't. Now that is not to say I don't believe people will never do things the way they should. But it takes a lot to change tge way tthings are done.
>>437469 Also it amuses me that you use "western perspective" with disdain.
Oh and saying that i ignore scientific principles of behavior is rude, I don't ignore them I'm just not surprised at all that people won't spend large amounts of money to prevent deaths that aren't legally responsible for.
I just had a thought What does a person like Owl do when the person they're taking care of finally dies? You know, the people who live off of uh what is it now you know, the government dollaroos
i sacced a career in pittsburgh and another one in san fran to take care of this bitch ass family because nobody else wanted to none of them have money and i have to do everything for them and they just die and i'm worse off for it in every way there's no transition you just get fucked and can't do much about it
i should have been making like at least 55k a year, five years ago now i'm making like 20k, paying over 30% of it in taxes, living in abject poverty with no healthcare literally in a trailer and want to kill myself every day i'm not trying to make this about me but you asked what happens to people who are doing that sort of thing