>>436827 FranXX Grancrest Senki --Episodes 8-10 HakuMiko --Episodes 8-9 Mahoutsukai no Yome Pop Team Epic Slow Start Takunomi Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-10
>>436839 Tomorrow I'll throw on takunomi. I thought about throwing one on tonight but tonight is daylight saving's, so it's going to take us three hours to watch four shows because an hour is going to disappear.
The visuals for this show are so artistic some times. I hope future anime productions take advantage of SHAFT's use of these for stylistic value.
>Almost sixty Oh okay I was about to be surprised about that. Being close to seventy still feels kind of young to be wholly worried about being too old to play shogi though.
She's cutest when not overdoing it with the tacky stuff.
Yeah, I agree. I don't really like the gyaru style in almost any situation for that reason.
Kyoto has some great sightseeing opporunities. Opportunities, even. If you don't mind being on your feet for most the day you can walk through a whole bunch of historical places.
>I just met this girl this morning yet here I am spilling my emotional complexities to her
Ika has been quiet for awhile, I wonder if we lost him. hmm do you watch digital sports in-game in dota?
oh there he is okay let's start!
He's been In-Game in DotA 2 this whole time. Maybe he's only been PRETENDING to watch shows this whole time but as actually been watching DIGITAL SPORTS.
>>436913 Yeah, they have a pretty thorough live game viewer built into the game that you can use to watch the games of your friends, or any other pub game that's playing that you know how to find, or the games of tournaments you've paid the right to view.
Yeah. It feels kind of excessive to me, but I'm also sympathetic to people having personal worries like that which seem minor concerns to other people.
Being the landperson for one of these small apartment complexes seems like a bit of a cosy job. The way they're always full of eccentric people in Japanese cartoons probably helps romanticize it a bit too. But it does look kind of nice.
ahhh daylight savings give me back my hour
>>436945 Just wait half a year and you'll get it back.
I want a room light that goes off on remote like that.