I ghad a moment like that in skyrim the other day, when a spell I had previously dismissed as useless, a skill that conjured a lightning strike, finally became useful high dmg spell and thanks to my high magic rege, I could spamm it non stop so I accidentally butchered 2 cities in a row + everyone living between them just running and shooting everything I came across with it
How modded is your Skyrim?
not even that much just something perkusmaximus did + few other spell mods but I would wager 50+ mods at the very least
imperials and high elves and then finally I added orcs just to make them easier to kill fucklers have so high hp and dmg resistances passively
>Not siding with the Imperials and realizing the Nordic rebellion is a brainwashed plot of the Aldmeri Dominion to destroy what remaining stability the Empire has left
>>435521 the one that adds more units to it? naw I doubt my shit could run it
Most of the mods that function like that are really bad for your game's stability, regardless of how good your computer is. The engine isn't really suited to tracking roaming parties and keeping track of "won" or "lost" regions of the map. After a while you're drastically increasing the chances of your game just giving up and crashing just by having it running.
I just have stuff that add more monster types and stuff I thought about the civil war thing, but I figured it wouldn't work with the combat modification and gear modification mods i have on that much especially since I have "open cities" mod installed and stuff like that and adding giant amount of variables and patrols to the map... nah
I already removed a giant npc/companion mod pack, cause it kept lagging and crashing my game
I just mean the one that adds battles between the two fractions--since the game does say >lol Skyrim is at cival war...and...if base game...like...nothing cool like big brawls even happen.
>>435526 I have something that simulates it by adding patrols and such that randomly clash with each other or thalmor fighting stormcloacks
something like 5-20 on both sides clashing at random places I once had a fight with 2 mechanical dragons while imperials and stormcloacks duked it out with eachother
those things are fucking imbalanced they spawn quite high level dwemer machinery with no cooldown and have a steam breath that does physical damage instead of spell damage so it throws like 100dps regardless of your armour or magic ress
Oh geez this new Nexus Mods layout is hoooorrible. Like the previous one wasn't particularly admirable but it was more than functional.
yeah the current looks like it was designed for a tablet
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12977/? Anyway this is a regular fixture of my mod loadout. It combined with OBIS generally means I can't go more than three minutes in the overworld without finding some dumb group of assholes that wants me dead. Honestly with someo -some of the other stuff I put in my loadout it actually gets the kind of hard that's less rewarding and more tedious. Means I always have obscene amounts of shit to sell for money though.
yeah I have that
I just want ES VI to be out already. Even with mods there's a really old feel to Skyrim. It's something even updating to 2K or 4K textures and adding in new lighting systems and rendering can't fix. The game just feels small. And adding in content from mods helps a tonne but it also makes the game then feel too packed or cluttered. Mods have great ideas independently but when you add them together it becomes disorganized and disharmonious. Some of them make efforts to cooperate and balance each other together but even then it doesn't have the same click that a game developed by a united team has.
hmm i have some vampire mods installed maybe I should become one but fuck if I join that asscunt count vampire he is so cuck that he deserves to die
>>435534 yeah and it would be fun if they took the concept that skyrim introduced bit farther a simple, but still quite complicated enough rpg system that is fun to mess around with
Though the vanilla >make alchemy potion of alchemy, and enchanting >enchant a ring of enchanting and alchemy >wear ring of alchemy and drink poa >make new potions >make new rings >rinse repeat >finally hit a cap where the skill doesn't increase at all anymore or it is abysmnally minimal >make final potions of alch, ench, smith >smith and enchant your +10000000000 sword
I'd also be happy if they worked in some of the mechanics of Fallout 4 into it. Merging the purchasing of your own land to build a manor on, with the customization and settlement qualities of Fallout 4 would potentially make for a rewarding subsection of the game to participate in. Especially if you can add modular shops -- and make the option menu expandible through mod inclusions. I'm not big on the rust-bucket design motif of Fallout 4 a lot, but if you give me modular and customizable building elements in a Medieval fantasy setting, I could probably waste away the rest of eternity, or a good portion of it, toying around with those.
Well was fun to forge swords that killed the strongest mob on hardest difficulty with 1 normal attack dunno really though what was the point anymore then
well mods sometime have bit game breaking difficulty issues or maybe skyrim does it on its own alduin's hp is bit... too much
I've never actually gotten to the Alduin fight myself, vanilla or modded. Skyrim just offers way too much for me to fuck off the beaten path and piddle around doing random stuff until I get over-saturated with the game. The same more or less happened with Oblivion really. The most progress I've ever done is clearing out maybe three of the guild questlines. Once I started getting into mods and stuff like the Legacy of the Dragonborn all hope of actually hitting the end of the main storyline just went up in smoke.
vanilla he was quite easy he had low hp, but quite high dmg, but you could dance around that I dunno if he has been umphed in patches or some mod did it, but that alduing was just painfully annoying to deal with took me solid 11 or so minutes to kill him, blasting super charged fireblasts that deal over 2k raw damage
didn't also help that he one shotted me with any of his melee attacks
I've never even actually wrapped up the civil war, since I never hit the point of the main story that needs you to.
Well the main story is quite "okay" the vampire story and then the dragonborn dlc story are much better especially the eldritch realms
Yeah I know the plots of it, at least the Dawnguard plot from the vampire side. I've seen people play through it. I was working on exterminating the vampires myself personally because they're DEMONIC SCUM and the Dawnguard bring crossbows and crossbows are sexy.
I will prolly kill the vampires and then become a vampire myself gotta eliminate the rivalry
>>435547 too bad perkus maximus made crossbows complete crap
they have crap dmg, but you increase it by forging super good bolts however making those bolts takes fuckton of time and effort, so... you just kinda go "meh" especially when longbows or shortbows have awesome perks like "stagger if moving" and such
I never looked into Perkus Maximus, I used a merger of Ordinator and SPERG. They both add a similar flavour of complexity to the perk trees and for some of the skill trees even add very unique mechanics. They also don't fuck around with crossbows which is really all I need to know about this situation.
makes the game a lot more interesting combat wise thopugh getting light armour pointswas kinda painful, when the system gears you to DODGE but skyrim requires you to get hit to get xp for it
One of those tweaks the light armor tree to give it an optional unarmed fighting option. Basically giving you drastically improved bare-handed fighting options if you're dressed entirely in light armor. Probably not enough to take on a dragon with nothing but your bare hands but good enough to fight garden variety mooks for kicks. With kicks.
>>435556 my favourite spell in the mods currently combine this with an alternation spell that automatically buffs you with 3 pre-remembered spells when combat begins I have this, a cloack spell + an armour spell added automatically so I can either just go slice dice or start throwing super charged lightning or firey explosions at my enemies
I use two mods primarily for adding spells to the game Apocalypse and Lost Grimoire. They both throw in so many spells that I have never actually found them all. And utiltiies like OBIS adds them to the pool of spells that NPCs can spawn in knowing how to use. Makes fighting mages in the game a little less repetitive. Oh wait not OBIS. APIS?AP-something? ASIS.
And then i have a fun buff spell i add to anything I ressurrect with conjuration basically, anyone that attacks them gets a 2 sec 10dps poison buff it isn't that much, but imagine ressing some quite bulky enemy and then having that enemy run at some enemy mage who does the spray spell at them suddenly they start stackign that buff on them and blam 200-300 dmg in few seconds dealt to them
I'm generally not huge on magic since they make up-close fighting too messy and aren't good for replacing bows for long-range. I'll use fire magic in situations where my sword's not ideal or not worth using. I've even got mods that balance out magic to not be so mediocre but it's just not fun to use. My screen gets so full up of fire or electricity or whatnot that I can't really see anything.
I tried to go for all-mage, but I can't really come up with use for illusion and alteration is mostly leveled up by some mobility spells like low gravity, warp and waterwalking conjuration I dont use that much, but it is an emergency back up basically summoning something to buy time to heal or to distract the enemy so I can cast something powerful
>>435570 yeah but at about 50lvl you have enough perk points to fill out the ones you want to use and enough hp/stam/mana well I do have Deadly Dragons mod, which allows to exchanging dragon souls for perks
Deadly Dragons is a GAAAARBAGE mod. Dragon Soul Relinquishment does the same thing but more and even lets you modify the exchange rate to suit your level of difficulty.
What, adds a good amount of dragon variety and a lot more dragon encounters and you can make them harder as you progress so they remain challenging
I think I have it on 7 per 1 perk, but I rarely use it only when I really think I want to speed things up like "okay I am going to get new smithing perk next lvl, but I also want that enchanting perk so I have actually better shit too"
hmm but legendarying dexterity(lockpicking+pickpocketing) once it maxes, should be a wise choice as I can unlock a master level lock on lvl 1 anyhow as easily as with lvl 100 skill
>>435573 I can't find the section that comments on it being lousy anymore so maybe it's improved in recent times. But I believe the issues were that it wasn't very cooperative and was unhealthy for your mod loadout, and there were other dragon mods that did the same thing but didn't have those drawbacks as much.
>>435576 yeah it started crap, but now you can customise it fully I have it on something like "a dragon assault every 40-160 hours" with anything being capable of spawning and all dragons umped up to quite a lot stronger at this point
>>435571 Also you're discounting completionists who aren't satisfied with only "the ones they want to use". And it's also a nice feature if you're working with more complex perk trees that have way more perk spending nodes than the vanilla trees. And the best thing about making a skill legendary is, you know what? You don't have to fucking do it if you don't want to! It's there for people that want it and doesn't make you lose out on something if you don't care for what it gives you.
Yeah you can keep lvling up infinitely with it and considering you then have the best gear around, the perk level doesn't affect that much so the first few levels come up quickly
>>435578 perkusmaximus actually compensates this by giving you 2 perk levels on some level ups
Does it also tweak the Speech skill to give you experience points when you use Shouts?
>>435584 best spell added to conjuration "soul cloack" costs fuckton of mana to cast and needs bit of upkeep too, but basically is AOE soul trap on anything hostile within 50 yeards orwhatever of you for about 15 or 20 seconds
oh yeah now that I think about it I forgot to add a deadric weapon mod to make them actually usable... need to do that before I start next time >>435588 infinite
Skyrim's combat isn't that much fun for me I did try a mod upon release that somewhat reworked the combat and it had some good impact but was still a little janky What kind of combat overhaul mods do they have now?
Also sometimes when you use an alchemy bench, you will float in the air, and when you exit that, you fall down and die on impact, unless you exit before you get far up
when i first played the game i encountered the first dragon outside whitebrim or whatever the fuck and he just fell through the ground i thought that was hilarious never encountered too many extreme physics glitches in the game otherwise though maybe i am just unlucky
>>435589 Honestly even modern combat overhaul mods are pretty janky. And nothing really makes the first-person fighting feel any more engaging than click your attack buttons until the thing in front of you takes enough damage to wring out the sponge. Or at least the ones that actually work properly and don't fuck with your game too much. And third-person fighting is as un-fun to play in as it ever was.
it would be so much more fun if there was some "impact" when you hit them
I think Bethesda needs to take a page out of Chivalry/For Honor's book for first-person, or alternative commit to using third-person for combat and take a page out of Witcher III's book. While I've never played Chivalry or For Honor, I have put a fair bit of time into Witcher III and for a fantasy game, it plays waaaay more fun than Skyrim ever did. Fighting feels good in Witcher III. Quests are fun in the game too. So much of that game is a stellar fantasy game. It's just not a fantasy life game in the same vein that Elder Scrolls is and I have a BURNING DESIRE to play me some fantasy life.
Too bad the games difficulty scale is just ridiculous on normal or hard it is quite easy but on the most difficult level, the end game enemies end up real damage sponges that just brutalise you to daeth in an instant and perfect block everything
Dragon's Dogma 2 would be fun or something that uses the same core mechanics
>>435611 monster hunter is vaguely similar but not entirely i don't know any action RPGs that have such a style of gameplay honestly >>435613 yeah i wish they let you climb around on monsters in monster hunter you can move to different parts but it's not the sotc style scrambling you can do in DD at all
>>435612 but I don't think it has that same "impact" feeling or climbing on enemies too bad DD didn't have any dodge mechanics or such, it kinda needs them
>>435607 I think for the character driven and story focused game the Witcher is, having a mutant monster hunter being your main character works fine. Geralt isn't even particularly a Gary Stu; the process of making a witcher isn't like a destined child thing or anything. But it is a defining characteristic of him, and it makes him stand out in a cast of characters that have other similar crazy aspects about them, which boosts the game's core values well. I really enjoy playing games in a fantasy world like that, but the part of me that goes autism-crazy over stuff that lets me "live" in a fantasy world isn't satisfied by just following a character's story or an engaging plot arc. The Elder Scrolls has consistently allowed to a limited degree the ability to do that, but by now even with modding, Skyrim is an archaic fixture that doesn't sufficiently deliver on wants I have for a game like that.
>>435612 They should go full shadow of the colossus on climbing does Monhun have severing limbs and such? That was my favourite part in dealing with some big monsters, the weak spot targetting etc
>>435615 yeah each monster has 3-5 body sections (usually skull, wings, arms, legs, tail and sometimes back) that can be severed or broken to inhibit various attacks the monster uses
but best part of DD was simply how powerful using a 2 handed weapon actually felt so few games do the fantasy feeling that well the whole Berserk killing monsters
when you actually smash something with a charged strike, you really do it
too bad the game just has some bosses you can't do shit to like the actual main dragon boss >beat him by jumping and then doing one attack under neath his weakspot >cause cant climb >no way to break legs to bring him down
and then in that weird island dungeon there is that giant floating eyeball monster you can't do anything to
>when you're finally done charging arc of obliteration tfw the universe freezes for 3 seconds on impact
>>435619 when i first got to that guy i had switched to magic archer so i just blew him up in like a minute then later i went through as warrior and was like ah fuck
Yeah I am prolly switching to assassin untill I switch back to the zweihander for the final boss
too bad I don't have it on computer would be much easier to just start playing it randomly
i got the remake a while ago and was having a good time replaying it but then monster hunter came out
heh i broke images again doushio can't handle tenshi's cuteness
My toaster can't run the remake on recommended settigns so I opted for the ps3 version
>>435629 i was trying to post a picture here >>435622 it just doesn't work without the anime screenshot i had in mind
I like the general charge attack more is easier to chain into combat and the damage isn't that much worse
i had both equipped with that full moon slash or whatever to clear rooms with the right timing though it's really satisfying to use
but the regular attack is better for anything that isn't a big lumbering dumbass like the gorecyclops or so on
oh yeah another good game where zweihanders really feel nice are the soul calibur games man the siegfried and nightmare are fun to use, though much more fun when you create a custom character on their basis
man we had much fun with that game we made like 10 custom characters just to play dressup and design cute animegirls to kick eachothers ass while drinking
>>435632 hmm if i remember right I have the charge, the spin attack then the arc thign that launches the enemy to air, as it deals RIDICULOUS damage to large enemies like you can blast entire or even two health bars off of dragons with it and then I think I had that headbash thing
>>435635 oh yeah the stab spatula flip thing i used that one instead of the spin sometimes but i ended up wanting the aoe in the dlc dungeon a lot of the time especially in the later half where you are surrounded by a skeletonne skeletons
but man is the dlc dungeon hard when you go with just you and your main pawn
and the game just doesnt give you enough anti-party wipe items like anti-petrification or the 10 seconds untill death curse
i always went with my main pawn and my sister's pawn sometimes i would buy a riftslut to throw at death and post it on the /vg/ thread that always got them pretty salty
no online without psnetwork or whatever so...
but in terms of survavibility I should make my mainpawn back into basic mage and not wizard since then she could heal and dispell but muh fancy AOE
wizard is really satisfying to play as but my pawn seemed to be mentally handicapped or something and could not position himself anywhere he would not get destroyed i think all the levels as fighter and warrior made him thick
mine uses them real well and sometimes even manages to ice pillar boost me to deal big dmg
oh yeah, and i made my guy look like SUPER ARYAN HITLER since you could give your guy a hitlerstache man the cinematics looked creepy
my pawn was good at close combat and archer but woefully inept at buffing or casting he always challenged the strongest monster available and would interrupt anyone going towards the party from his inclinations or whatever
my sister's pawn was a dedicated healer and support item user though so i could just give her all my potions and shit and she would use the group heal stuff and keep everybody buffed with holy
my pawn is basically trained to support me with magic, so I can go and slash them with my big fucking sword she really good at it too
kinda like a I go aggro it she starts channeling some spell that will blast it down or stun it then she unleashes it and then I go do my sword magic and then rinse repeat the AI is quite good at that kind of learning in it not that it always works or that she doesn't spam a spell that makes it damn hard for you to see what is happening at times but overall she is damn helpfull
>>435648 is there anything that is resistant to holy really?
(nothing in the DLC, everything in there is weak to fire or holy) >>435650 the AI in that game was pretty great it seems to pick up a lot of cool things on the way through the game depending on how you play
i had to manually train mine out of gathering random items and shit because he kept getting distracted though but after a few visits in the chair he stopped picking any items up at all
it's not a good idea to have your beefy swordsman picking up a rock instead of stopping the hydra
too bad the combat chatter gets old quite quick THE TAIL IS SEVERED
after so many hours listening to it i'm not sure i even notice it anymore it's all the same shit that gets drilled into your head for 90 hours so i kind of don't even hear it they're masterworks all you can't go wrong
like how if you listen to a song for hours on repeat it turns into background noise
but really the AI companions are the hilight of that game in the ends
i would like another game in the series maybe with 2-player 2-pawn co-op i had high hopse for that deep down game but not only is it vaporware but it was revealed to be a F2P multiplayer game they really yanked me around announcing that shit right after the DD mobage
yeah 2 player coop would be ideal 4 would be too much
yeah it would become too cluttered and the pawn system is too good to get rid of or ignore each player having their own pawn could open up some great party customization
yuop and you could hilight how well you have "trained" your pawn then
there are just too many good games and hundreds even that i enjoyed greatly and forgot about
And would solely counting the fact that they made you happy be enough to merit them being the "top" games? Some of the most rewarding games have been ones that definitely frustrated me, and if you consider "net happiness" definitely come out as negative. But that doesn't make me regret working through them and succeeding in the end. Ranking stuff is so arbitrary there's no real value to it.
>>435668 I'll finally be doing a full run off all of them soon!~ >like 4th time playing through the First One Kinda less hype for that part tho'...
Gimme sum names of the "fustaration" but rewarding games! At least! >in before "Dark Souls"
here's my top 5 osu spongebob battle for bikini bottom hexen timesplitters 2 bloodborne
>>435673 Yeah, a rocket science question would have methodical and scientific calculations and computations involved and could produce an objective "correct" answer. This question is undeniably entirely subjective and you're right, couldn't be further from being rocket science.
devil may cry 3 was extremely frustrating but worth it in the end
LISA and OFF are frustrating and depressing the entire way through but they're worth playing too
>>435674 How good are ya at Osu? Awww shit, you've played that SpongeBob? Timesplitters 2...dat vintage gamin'
>>435676 I'm still in the middle of the first DMC...cause I'm a shitter--those old controls tho' Seeing my mother play it is also halrious. Is 3 the best game of the bunch?
>>435677 I fucking love LISA. Best Boy died though...
metal gear rising has incredible gameplay but such a lack of content i couldn't really hold it up to the gold standards like bayonetta and DMC
Nier Automata is a soul crushing experience too but also worth getting your soul destroyed for
10/10 would destroy my soul for
>>435678 3 has the best bosses and level design but 4 has improved gameplay over the previous one at the cost of the game's length >>435681 destroyed my soul and save data >>435678 i am not very good at osu
DMC1 is a stellar game but the controls are a little clunky not as bad as DMC2 at least, the combat is satisfying and weighty and the sound design isn't garbage so it feels intense >>435683 Nier is a one of a kind experience Some people are put off by having to replay the game as 9S before the really fun stuff starts but it's worth it to see the finale
>>435682 Is Osu still bulky in terms of harddrive space? I remember it taking up a bunch when I repeatedly sucked at playing it...and I only had abit of "levels".
They are very very clunky! --and the "HD" collection makes me question if these are good versions to play...or should have snagged the PS2 disks. But then so the 1-4 are all very solid? How about the "Remake" with the black-haired punk-teen "Dante"? When that one came out...everyone jumped on that bitch for >no White Hair etc ...and couldn't hear how the gameplay was over all dat noise.
>>435682 >>435684 With Automata, you gotta replay it like 3 times or something for "everything", don'tcha?
>>435683 i haven't played it and have zero interest in any metal gear now that kojima has left their talent he's the only reason the other games have any of the character that made MGS a household name
>>435685 the first Nier has an amazing and touching story as well that also leavess you feeling empty and drained when you finally get the "true" end. But it has a lot of problems. There is too much backtracking, mandatory sidequest-esque content, replaying the same dungeons even, and that's before you even get past the first ending. The combat isn't nearly as fast paced or interactive as Automata either, but if you play it first then you won't be missing anything. Automata improves upon almost everything that Nier did right and abandoned everything that it did wrong. no dickgirls though that's a bummer damn shame
>>435686 How's his new game lookin' for ya? Besides fucking weird as shit.
>>435685 also, in Automata, you play through the first part of the story as one of the main characters, and then again as another main character. After that, the second half of the game is one playthrough alternating between three characters until a certain point. From there you can get one of two endings. If you get them both and also complete some other story threads, you earn an extra special ending sequence. There are also 22 other endings that are triggered by doing various things in the game and are mostly all just humorous what-if type situations. Almost all of them end up with something horrible happening, of course. >>435688 Looks like more unintelligible hypetrain bullshit like he always does before a new release. I'm pretty sure he is just committed to making people guess as much as possible.
>>435687 Sounds good! Playing the first before Automata isn't needed though, right? ...I'd play in order anyway...cause that's how roll... I had got Asura's Wrath over the first Nier. --need to group buy both now! >>435689 >Almost all of them end up with something horrible happening, of course. Sounds great!~
... Gwuh...makes me relize how much seem to like abit of DARKNESS in games or game-plot though. Should ask /moe/ for "Comfy" games.
>>435690 Yeah, it's unnecessary to play the original before you play the sequel. But since they are both set in the same world and universe, with automata happening a long time after the conclusion of Nier, having played the first game not only gives you insight into the story of several characters in the sequel, but heightens the emotional impact of certain dramatic scenes at the end of ending A and B, as well as the secret superboss. Playing them in order is ideal to get the most out of the game's story, and that's the strongest charm point the series has.
I've been on abit of a spree. Refreshing my BlackDesertOnline account, getting Kingdom Come, got DBZFightZ, [what's in the image], got Cuphead, the .hack// 2-4 (going to buy GU), bought Fire Emblem Warriors (it's fun), PuyoPuyo/Tetris, the staple Zelda and Mario, bought FEH orbs (hurrhurr>"Game buy")...
New to either download Ghost Trick still, get FE DLCs, get the Niers... ... Proably forgetting things but oh wells
>>435690 Asura's Wrath was weird. I liked the anime style but the QTE focused gameplay wasn't that appealing to me. The animation looked beautiful, though. I would recommend Killer is Dead if you liked Asura's Wrath. It's also a playable anime, but it's by Suda51 so it's very bizarre at times.
I like games and stories with exceedingly grim settings and events too. But sometimes it's nice to play something like Rune Factory or a city builder, those are relaxing to me. Most JRPGs are pretty relaxing too. Just some kids saving the world with friendship and shit. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was an amazing game. The characters had real chemistry together, the dialogue between the protagonists is always my favorite part of JRPGs and it knocked it out of the park for me. FFXV did the same thing too, but that game gets really anxiety inducing in the last third of it. I still haven't played the expansions for that though.
>>435692 No, I bought it on release and beat it in a couple weeks. Haven't played it since, as when I was finished with the game there was no turning back. I got the 100% completion trophy though, so it's not like there's any stones left unexamined.
I haven't played any game except for Monster Hunter World since MHW came out. I have clocked about 220 hours in that game since the 26th of january.
>>435693 I love beat 'em ups, can never have enough of them! --awww shit, I got Killer is Dead in my Steam Library! So one game I don't have to buy~ Is it very much like Killer 7?
Rune Factory 2 was the chill-ist. --I hate Elves...but I married Cecilia (also stole her off the alter from JackWagon1).
Xenobaldes...has some pretty terrible sounding dub voices though.
FFXV looks fun--but MC seems like Worst (least interesting) Boy out of the bunch. --another game on the buy list too...
>>435694 I'd say it borrows the style heavily but with less emphasis on the psychedelic stuff. Not a lot less but a good amount. The art style is straight up Killer7 HD. The story isn't quite as interesting or unique, though no less bizarre. The gameplay is more akin to No More Heroes I suppose, but it's ditched the colorful and goofy style entirely in favor of a more brutal and disconnected from reality experience.
I play the girl character and married Leon in 4, the last one I played.
The ridiculous accents were my favorite part of the game honestly. I played Xenoblade 1 and X with english voices too. I like Nia and Zeke the most and they have great accents. Rex's accent isn't really as nice as Shulk's was though, and Pyra sounds pretty generic. The only voice I didn't like much at all was Mythra.
Noctis seems like a generic emo kid at first glance but he's actually a really nice guy. He cares a lot about his friends and his country and always tries to be generous and benevolent to every character in the game. He's even understanding towards the big bad. The reason he looks and seems so depressive at first is because he's extremely shy. The three you set out with on your road trip are literally his only friends, despite being a prince. At one point you find a stray cat and Noctis tries to get it some cat food but he won't eat it, so he decides the best thing to do is to fish up a fresh catch and grill it like he's serving human food before even asking anybody who's cat it was. It turns out that one of the cooks at the resort nearby owns the cat and feeds her gourmet food so she's a picky eater, and Noctis was worried that the cat was hungry for no reason. That sums his personality up pretty well I think.
If I had to pick a best boy it wouldn't be Noctis though. Ignis and Gladiolus are way better. Ignis is cuter too.
>What weapon(s) do ya use? Greatsword, Longsword, Dual Blades, Charge Blade, and Hammer. Also the Bow, Insect Glaive, Lance, SA.
I never played No More Heroes...a gaming sin.
Thoughts on Stardew Valley? I think it's mega-grindy and...well...ugly, very ugly.
Is Xeno 1 or 2 better in your opinion? Either is not a super serious game, right?
Yeah...I'll hate him. He sounds like Anime Protag #100. >find a cat ...more games with finding puppies needed!
I don't know any of them yet...since havn't played--but my looks...MuscleMan or Glasses will be best bro'.
Mostly good taste in weapons! --Dualies are EZPZ like LongSword though. ...main reason I switched to main GS, longsword made everything too easy.
I play with every other weapon depending on my mood and what I want to be hunting too. In a party I often use Heavy Bowgun, Hunting Horn, and Gunlance with a friend who only uses GL/GS. I've been playing this game for a very long time, so most of the weapons are muscle memory by now. >>435696 I thought Stardew Valley was pretty good but the graphics do leave a lot to be desired. There is some charm in them but they honestly look worse than the GBA Harvest Moon titles which are like 15 years older. Even the original SNES Harvest Moon doesn't look that much worse than Stardew Valley. if you added a bunch of foliage and shit like that to the map, they would look almost the same. Lot of content though, so it has all of the other 2D Harvest Moon style gamess beat in that department for sure.
He's like a generic anime protagonist except he doesn't believe in the power of friendship and his dad was murdered and his kingdom was anschlussed and his fiance went missing all at the same time. He acts kind of thick-headed for a little while after you leave the capital but eventually acknowledges that he has a job to do and starts opening up to his friends more. Ignis is the glasses guy, Gladiolus is the swole boy. Ignis is the greatest wingman and best friend of all time, Gladiolus is so strong he just fucks off at random points in the story to get other shit done while Noctis and Co. search for the macguffins. He's like Noctis' stand-in dad or something. Prompto is the comic relief that tries to cheer everyone else up even as the world around them is going to shit. He has a couple moments where his optimism is broken as well and he loses his shit at one point later on in the game, but in the end he seems the most emotionally grounded one out of the main cast. Most of his baggage is already cleared up by the time you set out.
I find GS to be the easiest weapon to use honestly. It's really simple. You just have to know what the monsters tend to do to know when to smash
Have you at least picked up Gunlance with your friend and double Wyvern Blasted a sleeping monster once? It's also the best part if got a friend or two--group Gunlance blastin'.
There's also a Harvest Moon on Steam now too--do you think it was to try to snag the light off Stardew?
>>435697 I think the best Pretty Rich Boy in a game (that I can think of right now anyway)...is Luke from Tales of the Abyss.
GlassesDude sounding better and better! >stand-in dad is one of your only friends ...sounds weird.
Seeing people that have never played a Monster Hunter before pick up and try a Great Sword is fucking halarious. >how can you use this?! >it's too slow! >I can't hit anything >this fucking sucks Then you rape something with it and see their face of disblief...10/10
>>435698 I've quadruple blasted 16 bombs with a full party of gunlance users and Large/Mega barrel bombs a few times in my career. All that my usual crew has done like that in MHW so far is syncing up the True Charged Slash with 4 GS. Everybody wants to use different weapons all the time it's hard to get people to all use the same thing.
>>435699 Noctis doesn't have a lot of friends. His besst friend was basically his father figure before his real dad died anyways, because a King has more important shit to do than look after his spawn all the time.
After you've hunted Rathian 500 times, you can use the Mystic Eyes to see where they're going to be in 15 seconds and start charging ahead of time.
>>435701 I'd like to do that kind of thing more in MHW, I bet it would look even more spectacular with actual grafics. The 3DS and PSP don't do the series justice.
I hate both of those fuckers so I don't mind that they're missing. It's weird to not have at least one of them though. I guess Pukei was supposed to be similar to them.
What we really need is Tigrex and Zinogre and Gore Magala. Those monsters are all great. Shagaru Magala would look incredible in HD for sure. >>435706 I really thought Hermitaur was going to be in the Waste when I first played the game. It was a little shocking that some of the monsters were missing in the initial release. They need to crack down on this lack of variety fast, that's the only flaw the game has. >>435704 u2 bae >>435705 I'm sure I'll be playing it on PC with a person from here at least. I'll probably buy Monster Hunter World G for PC and PS4 too because I'm fucking dumb and fall for the same trick.
Well, people are guessing that Ice Level will be added as DLC. Then we're already getting Deviljoe...Tigrex would be a nice add. It actually feels really weird in MH without him.
Was surprised at Kushala Dora--wasn't happy to see his stupid ass though... MUH WINDS MUH WINDSSS
Which leads to a few other "complants" of..."every monster is basically a dragon". The crabs, the bear/rabbit/armadillo would have been nice to mix it up with Not-A-Dragon. ...also I thought it was kinda a waste they took out the swimming. HD swimming with all the swimmin' monsters would have been somethin'.
Oh, and this motherfucker. I don't know who decided to have him spawn in every single investigation. That guy needs to go back to the hell he crawled out from.
>I see you on a mission >BOMBS EVERYWHERE
And the motherfucker is indeed a damn stalker--him and Deviljoe are gonna be..........somethin' together
Or SpikeyHellMan.
>Hello, I am here to bodyslam ONESHOT you or your party!~
>>435710 I would honestly be relieved if a Deviljho came to mess with me in my hunt instead. But Bazel is literally everywhere. Every single quest, he shows up to blow shit up and be a nuisance. His fight is pretty cool and his aggressive bombing of you and anyone else caught in the collateral is a neat gameplay mechanic, but it gets really repetitive when you experience it all the time. I would take a Bazel that couldn't be frightened with dung and only showed up every 2-3 quests over the way it is now. Free topples from him before he eventually does beat it are more than welcome however.
It really is like every damn quest!
Oh...and my biggest complaint was that the Giant Monster Battle was boring as fuck. Lao in the old PSP was nicer than muh Magma Rock Bore of a "fight I think the best one might have been the giant sandfish from......I forget which Monster Hunter.
>>435712 Super Saiyan Goku is going to be in the game eventually for sure, but whether or not it's before or after the inevitable G-rank expansion is another thing. They might just save that for when people really think they're unkillable.
Rajang is coming? ...hmm....if they do add Ice-place that would also make sense.
>>435718 Billions of gallonss of hunter blood and Je Suis Monte can only keep him satisfied for so long. Plus, the game is in need of some more difficult end-game content. Farming tempered Elder Dragons for decorations and streamstones is fun and all but some variety would be nice.
>>435729 I hope they include some Bloodborne No discussion about violence in video games is complete without the King how many games let you literally soak yourself in blood until you're completely drenched and leaving bloody footprints everywhere
>these goofy ass clips of people literally exploding into chunks SO REAL no WONDER our kids shot up the school they got expelled from
im pleased also kirara granblue roulette kicks in later today i think people are guaranteed a 100 roll on the last day if they dont get one before then
>no child left behind has even infected mobage what a world
Kirara 🚗
no child left behind actually just forces children into settings they aren't capable of functioning in
well they are falsely advertising the everglades in nearly all media
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what are they saying
Kirara 🚗
that you can experience the swamp, that the glades are basically a wide open swamp that you can hike through and see wildlife and the entire everglades is basically woods and marshland
I'll start to put a cap on actual boat stuff now that I've unveiled my secret, but that aside this dialogue is really unfair when I consider I only have one ring left.
I actually would be okay if they were like "just kidding there is no phase 2 it's over" >>435812 This event's ending would be a strong way to end the game.
Kirara 🚗
they should kill kancolle tbh
Kirara 🚗
the strongest ending kancolle could possibly have would still be horrible and i hope they feel terrible about what they did to the game and their profits
Also every time I said thanks for the assist was in reference to the Friend Fleet mechanic which I could get behind except it doesn't actually use your friends
Kirara 🚗
i see
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(it picks from a set of fleets that don't have ships you have with you and has them help at bosses)
https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kancolle/images/3/3a/Winter_2018_Event_Ending_Song.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20180225134337 I like this song
Kirara 🚗
you don't have shigure?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh I do, I meant ships you don't have in your current fleet compo taking on the map
for now yeah Guard may replaced with other stuff Especially since she's so anti-mage as is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
er I mean, to make her even more anti-mage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I gave her res weapon because she's actually +HP/-RES which is bad for her in a sense except it seems HP is actually a superboon for her the +3 res actually brings her up to neutral
Kirara 🚗
i would probbaly use vantage for the B skill if i were using her as an anti-mage tank
yeah im cold and everything hurts supspeciosa was like "we're backlogged until may 8th so no new orders will be shipped out before then" so i'm like ok i'll wait until the 8th then in case any coupons drop and then the 8th came and they're sold out and can't process any payments i got a little sample pack of green that came with my last batch but it's not doin what the reds do
Kirara 🚗
if morgan had good def, she could be a really strong anti horse bow unit i guess spring camilla is better for that with dull ranged
Kirara 🚗
>>435867 sold out and can't process payments? wtf i wonder if the government's anti-kratom shit is doing anything that is pretty rough did you look at those other companies i mentioned?
that's what i thought, so arbitrary to also not be able to accept payments when there's no orders that can be placed it could also just be financial stuff too like setting up or switching business accounts and don't want any slippage in between i havent checked the others out i dont trust a happy hippo because hippos inherently arent happy
i guess i could try but im kinda picky i guess idk i cant afford more expensive either im tight af
Kirara 🚗
kratora is higher quality stuff than SS but it's like 33% more expensive
happy hippo has about the same quality stuff but i'm not sure what the current prices are, they're probably around the same price as SS i've actually never used HH but i know some people that swear on it
33% more expensive? they're showing 15 dollars for one ounce lol that's fuckin jank
Kirara 🚗
oh wow that's more than i remember it being
179.99 for a pound ss is 119 for a kilo that's uhh lemme think yeah that means 396 per kilo from kratora
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
tfw the only Inigo in this game is dancer Inigo so I can't pair FeMorgan with cool swordboy Inigo
Kirara 🚗
>>435875 you can pear morgan with chuuni lancer though lol pear pair
i know of a dude that's real into kratom, i learned about SS and all the dosing and stuff from me let me see if he has any advice on what to do while SS is down
>>435892 One of these days, you will understand the difference. B Dance skills are field (hard) buffs. Only the highest buff applies. In combat (soft) skills are the ones that stack.
Kirara 🚗
>>435893 yeah i'm gonna sign this also i asked my dude i'll let you know what he says when he replies
my insane heating bill last year kept me from buying a $900 bitcoin that i wanted to use just for things like purchasing kratom and stuff online that woulda fuckin carried my supply of things for years but nope winter has to be a dick and now this year's winter heating bills are keeping me from being able to afford the kratom that i shouldn't have to and didnt want to out-of-pocket for
i hate being poor it's impossible to make any headway people be like "just save up your money and dont spend it" yeah fuckin all the things that rich people can do for free, poor people have to pay to do don't have a bank account to do automatic billing? that's okay just pay by card over the phone for a $35 processing fee
>Sieglinde: During combat, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest bonus on allies within 2 spaces. Each stat bonus calculated independently. ??? So, she takes on the bonuses of her friends. So you could Light breath right next to her. And she gets the +5 All, and the Light Breath unit gets +5 all, and she goes into combat with an incombat buff to +5 of all for a +10 all
>>435896 if you have a good idea you just have to market it and you'll be rich :)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>435900 She GAINS the bonuses of her friends So if you have ATK DEF and SPD tactics, she gets the effect of the tactics AND the buff from her friends Yeah you get it Ain't that some shit?
>>435903 just gotta build the right networks and make the right connections :)
yeah fuckin like people with money are gonna just build connections with poor folks show up to an investment meeting wearing a casio $40 watch and see what happens they're just gonna think "yeah i dont want my name attached to this dude"
Kirara 🚗
>>435905 all the rich shits that talk about building something from nothing are talking about 1 million dollars when they say "nothing" it's so ridiculous
or being self-made because they went to school, did well, built networks, and thrived like fuckin you don't even see all the work you didn't have to do for yourself like afford to be well-nourished in your teenage years so you could even focus at school or have a stable home life that let you go to school and offered you a low-stress, low-anxiety path through all of that fuckin they don't even know that they don't know about these things they just think their upbringing was baseline and they only can see the effort that they've felt in their own struggles and they haven't had any struggles so they think it's easy and poor people are just lazy
>>435904 I guess Eirika can be the red unit for my stat spray team
Although it's hard to call this a team. It's more like a group of modular units. But I needed a red for this Do you think it's worth the 20k feathers to grab Spd Smoke 3 from Takumi or would SS2 suffice.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
rainbow tactics
Kirara 🚗
>>435907 yeah they have so little insight into how well off they are and what they have and they're so ungrateful
i'm signing up for an account, and they want my password to contain capital letter, lowercase, a number, AND a symbol and it's a fucking cat food rewards program so i can get points for the cat food i buy like why haha someone's gonna fuckin hack my cat food rewards
no someone's going to hack all that sweet personal info you give them that they store in plain text
>>435914 you mean my account name and email address
i had a bunch of rewards on my old credit card like 8 years ago and they just fuckin stopped offering rewards at some point so the whole thing just disappeared that's pretty lame
i can buy a dyson air if i store up a million cat points though
>>435924 that's crazy maybe my guy can tell me something cheaper that's good
laz eats 9lives plus care
it's weird being out this fuckin far from everything even though valerian root is just straight up sold in pharmacies it is easier and cheaper for me to buy kratom if i go try to find valerian root i have to probably go a few different places to find the mixture that includes hops and the other extracts, i dont remember what all the extracts were but there's a blend that makes the valerian root a lot smoother taking it just by itself is pretty bland
SO IS SEAL ATK, AND DEF PLOY man, and here I almost crafted Heavy Blade 2
Kirara 🚗
using blue's elincia, ton's fae, moon's robin, and rika's corrin with my alm in brigades and it feels Cool
>>435927 i really hope they don't make kratom illegal
Who do you want more ffor smash, Doomguy or Chosen Undead?
>>435931 WAR ON OPIATES >opiate users start using a safe herb to replace opiates and help with their health so they dont need to use opiates BAN IT
i dont see how they think that's a good idea at all
Really activates your almonds.
>>435931 can you only use what your friends' main unit is i could put my bridge cordelia up i think she would be helpful for my friends with +5 res/def and +3 atk/spd and double breath of life
Kirara 🚗
>>435933 it would be bad if companies can't make as much money off you
>>435935 yeah only the main unit i'm getting use out of robin since they keep throwin horses at me nonstop
If they come out with the Guard seal, I'll be happy. but man does buying QR with coins hurt my already feeble coin pocket Atk Smoke 3 and Heavy Blade 2 will have to wait.
>>435936 think i should swap hp/def 3 for atk/def bond 3 or somethin i only have the one fjorm though
Kirara 🚗
it might make her better for this but i don't think it's worth killin off fjorm for
i haven't gotten a 5* in months i've been so apathetic towards this game lately i'd like to get back into it but it feels like a lot of work now
whose nowi is this krr has the alm, rika has the corn there's a pretty nice soleil im lookin at too
Kirara 🚗
i don't think any moes have nowi as their main rn
I do
Kirara 🚗
oh, i don't have you added then what's your #?
I'm just fucking with you. I don't play mobage.
oh it's kori's nowi
i'm really sad i didn't get the extra robin from clearing infernal with a cavalry team
Kirara 🚗
who is kori
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
God fucking dammit
>>435948 A phantom that that Brazilian troll is looking for and accuses us of hiding.
Kirara 🚗
i know that troll keeps talking about them but i've never heard anyone actually say their name other than them so i'm just wondering, they must go to another site or something
Also I love how autosuggest suggests troll automatically as the next word after Brazilian.
this fae isn't s-slotted cmon ton i raised you better than this
i tried infernal, only cleared one camp i think i needed more dancers it just got too clustered in the middle and i couldn't get enough actions in given the map space >>435976 not one dancer and one singer maybe? i think some positioning skills would really help lunge or knockback would get a lot done i think
Kirara 🚗
you can only bring one dancer to the whole thing i'm still trying to find a strategy to help
You gotta do some Guidance and some flying and some Pivot and some Repositions
Kirara 🚗
a savage blow unit would do a lot of good since they spawn so close together too
>triangle adept and cancel affinity
>My Frederick is -Spd wow If I had known this sooner
maybe i'll put close counter on robin and change her seal to def instead of distant def
Kirara 🚗
i hope they give us a GHB or TT unit with close counter someday
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I should try using my Jaffar
Kirara 🚗
i'd need like 1500 sp to make my jaffar usable and i just don't want to put in the effort
*glomps internally*
this dude made a gofundme because he got robbed i dont really get it "hey someone stole my money so i want other people to pay it back" it's like finding volunteers to be stolen from instead of you >>435988 okay i'll look at it
Kirara 🚗
hey moon my guy said to try Legit Kratom the prices look pretty good and if he says it's good quality and safe then i'd trust him on it it's like 50g for $15
they sell CBD oils too neat i wonder if those would help me
Kirara 🚗
>>435992 from what i understand yellow is like green but you get more powerful stimulation and more powerful sedation i've never tried it
>>435994 i looked it up very briefly and saw something about it being like super potent white strains that are just yellowy could be wrong though i didnt dig deep
Kirara 🚗
i think it's pretty uncommon since i've only heard about it a few times before >>435993 might be cool
hehehe, it's working it's worrrkiiiing bully every unit
Kirara 🚗
wondering if those blazing skills might be good to have for brigades if you had a tanky unit that could fire off a blazing special and also debuff enemies -7 to all stats or even -5 or something, you could weaken all of the enemies enough that they can't do anything to you while you get everyone set up and just kill all the enemies in one or two turns to prevent reinforcements
>>435999 it ignores color triangle too so it could be good reinhardt comes with it natively so i might try it just because he's already got it
i think merric comes with the good one though i dont remember i think you'd probably want the square over the barbell
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i think so too
i didnt get the heavy blade seal ive just sat out of the last several TTs
Guess I'll start putting + on my Matthew I really like how this has turned out. The Poison Strike/Savage Blow stuff was fun but this is turning tables I need to put Light Breath++ on Ninian now
Kirara 🚗
ideally, we'd want someone with infantry pulse somewhere if the unit using the rising/blazing special is an infantry unit, which is kind of what i'm planning i was thinking new years corrin may be good if you bolster his res, but clarisse's bow does - atk/spd so there wouldn't really be a need for atk/spd smokes lowering the enemies' def/res might not be necessary if you do this with a unit that has high enough atk to lower the enemies enough that even high def won't stop your units from finishing them off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>435998 why are you suddenly posting good granblues
there's a lot of people sayin cbd really helps as an antipsychotic if it's manufactured from hemp it's fully legal in the us too so i can order some online with no problems i dunno i wanna try it but if it's bunk then i just wasted money
@kirara got a quarter kilo for 25 bucks with a coupon code tell your buddy thanks for me with that discount i might be able to afford some cbd oil too maybe that'll help with my problems
i got those problems again the other night and it didnt seem to be serotonergic btw
she and robin make up my frontline and then i've got alm kind of hanging around and cordy doin the buffs and a dancer i'm having some difficulty actually clearing out the camps though because the map gets so clogged up we were just discussing maybe using a blazing special to unclog things a bit
>>436015 I'm still working on the infernal version of the map as well. The deluge of enemy units is hard to keep up with. I'm experimenting with using a flying team to try and attack the fortress while most of the enemy units are in the choke in them the middle of the map.
>>436021 Oh you don't get it. Seal Atk/Spd is for the unit she's in combat with Smoke skills affect the units around that enemy unit you're in combat with. If you have all three, you touch all of them.
Kirara 🚗
with dark breath, she's already inflicting -7 atk/spd to the target and units around them
Yeah, but with my setup you do all that and get the +5 to all stats making your opponent's combat step miserable.
Kirara 🚗
oh i see yeah, that would make it impossible for them to remove fae while she whittles them down for culling
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>436022 +HP -SPD so no not really, kind of the opposite however HP is a superboon and I gave her +res on her tome so now she has 4 extra hp with neutral res
Fae and all friendly units within 2 squares of her. It's a team buff and enemy team nuke.
That's why this is so nice. You don't get increased attack but instead you whittle their def and res and increase your own The light breath setup gives you better speed to kill things but thief setup gives you the survivability. I think the dragon one would turn out better anyway since they have better overall stats.
We just need the combination light/dark breath Chaos Breath
Kirara 🚗
i can just use light breath and spd/atk smokes and then have a dagger user apply additional debuffs or i guess i could just have a dagger user apply all the debuffs while someone else obstructs
Yeah, I just had a 1320 run where I killed a ton of units. You have to whack their fortress once to win on infernal.
I was right though. Guidance, Reposition, and Pivot are great for making their forces stagger around You don't really have enough people to go out and take the fortress right out but it slows their advance to the camp by a lot and you can just get everybody over there. And the Matthew nuke was very much good. makes the difference between which units die in combat.
In truth, I would have destroyed their fortress had I left wings of mercy on Black Knight. he'd have just swooped down and beat it up
No, I was complaining that the trails were all just in the woods and they were paved. I saw a little marshland but there was no way to hike through it.
Since you can't access the actual swampy stuff, it wouldn't matter. Most of the swamp has been drained and what's left isn't accessible by foot traffic.
It's not accessible without a vessel, and the actual swampy parts are pretty far from anywhere you can bring a vessel. Canoes and kayaks are generally restricted to lakes and ponds around the park.
You can only access the marshlands, generally, and even then, barely any of it.
yeah the whole thing is just a tourist trap and they mislead you about it on the website
The entire park is in such a state of disrepair, too Broken signs everywhere, missing signs everywhere Even with two different maps, we could only find one trail that wasn't paved There were gift shops everywhere too, but they all closed by 5pm
The one campground I saw was actually really nice and would be comfy to stay at, but the rest of the park was so dumb that there wouldn't be a lot of fun in camping there considering it's so far out of the way.
There were some places that were really far away from anyone where we could just sit and listen to real silence in nature and that was cool.
But they were doing a prescribed burn in the evening for some reason?? even though it wasn't scheduled that there would be one at all when i looked last week like a third of the park was covered in heavy smoke
im sorry that your experience was lame that is unfortunate
>>436077 i don't regret going but it was still pretty disappointing i want to go up state to apalachicola national forest next that one will probably (hopefully) be a
No. I mean... highly doubt? But the user's name is Pochi and they have a Fae+10 with Lightning Breath, Steady Breath, QR3, Panic Ploy, Dist Def 3, and 55HP
Kirara 🚗
Do you guys even lose that many units on this? Fae is #10, Ike is #11
Kirara 🚗
i only lost units on infernal
Kirara 🚗
i probably only lost 5-6 yeah
By the time I'm in front of their door, I probably lost 1. and Black Knight just teleports in to say hi and smashes face and then we keep going. I guess I lost 4 on this one since Lucina is #12
I looked at the health information for the dressing my mom gets with her salad from the pizza joint I've been getting stuff from lately. She uses 2-3 of those on her salad, and it's explaining a bit.
Salad dressing is the intentional subverting of the health benefits involved in taking up eating salad.
Testing out Blazing Flame... I feel like it's too slow for me. I mean, I say that, but clearly I finished this whole thing faster. Anyway, you can find out for yourself if you try my Matthew.
If you're doing that Infantry Pulse thing, Kirara, it might be alright
Okay I destroyed the enemy fortress on infernal. It didn't take too many tries. Eventually I just kind of went with a rushing them down strategy and it worked.
Kirara 🚗
why do we even have a government if its so incompetent it can't keep websites working consistently
>>436119 depends on their needs but generally therapy is once a week or sometimes more than that rarely more than that but it's not unheard of at private practices once every two weeks isn't uncommon either
It was a pretty fast season. It was the kind of season that is lowkey good. There were a lot of shows but I feel like there wasn't a huge showstopper that everyone is screaming about the whole season.
oh shit apparently they found amelia earhart's bones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that sounds difficult
>>436145 Were they proven to be a sufficiently high match or is it still just speculation. I read that the bones were a high-percentage comparison match for what would presumably be hers, but that's the last I heard of it.
They're saying the bones have "more similarity to Earhart than to 99 percent of individuals in a large reference sample" so it's not like they're saying it's absolutely her but it seems like they're saying the match is high enough to say it's her
>>436158 Then you should understand that I can't pay my full attention to something! Like 50% attention for me is 100% attention because I can't pay 100% attention unless I'm really in the zone.
>>436162 Yeah. Mine's hyperactive AND inattentive AND higher severity than yours! It is different! You have it way easier than me! You just don't want to pay attention!
Come to think of it, I still havn't even once sat down and eaten at that table I just use it to assemble my meals and hold stuff
>>436182 I'd agree with you if it was a public-facing dining table or something similar, but I kind of like the character that not using coasters gives a personal eating space. Though I personally use an old knitted square I made when I was a kid these days for my hot drinks at my desk.
also whty the fuck does windows have a maximum file lenght name that includes the full path name?
Because if the system wasn't recording the full path name it wouldn't actually be able to find the file.
how can i pull so much hair out with the brush every day but still have hair?
>>436288 because >>436299 it needs the full path somewhere in the information for a file and it's stored in a short way to save space i think the full length of a file path is only like 1 byte or something >>436306 by this point i am not sure, computer processing power should be way more than enough to handle it i think the only thing that would make sense would be if it a holdover from MS-DOS and is in an integral part of the kernel so they don't want to fuck with it.
>>436303 I know this question very deeply. I relinquish so much hair on a regular basis but my hair is still so thick. It is a mystery.
>>436304 So guess it is a legacy issue or something that just never was removed? Kinda like that windows 9/95/98 thing
It's limited because the -because all information in software has limits. I don't know the full extent of what data structures the procedure of tracking filenames involves, but how ever it's designed, it evidently knows the limit of how long it can go before the data structure is filled up.
this is a weird format are the digital comics cut in 2 from how they'd be if they were published in a graphic novel/issue? or did the scanner do this. I wonder.
ok stackoverflow says the reason why file path references have a certain limit is because each file on an NTFS harddrive is referenced with an 8 bit integer unless the operating system uses junction points to reference multiple sets of these 8 bit integers at once windows has the capability to use junction points but it isn't on by default >>436313 yeah that one can only store information in blocks of certain sizes or some shit i think i remember having to format my flash drive to FAT32 and use a program to convert ISOs to the proper block size of 512mb/1024mb or the wii homebrew game loader i was using wouldn't recognize anything
fat32 had some benefits to it, though I think faster transfer rate or something
I mean these common-use formats will always have benefits if there are glaring faults involved in them. Thinking of it from a pragmatic standpoint, they wouldn't be in common use if their faults were the only distinguishable feature they had.
no moving parts means they don't suffer bit decay and other problems magnetic disc hard drives have, and the ability to seek to a point without having to rotate the disk physically means that loading times especially when loading programs that are on different parts of the hard drive concurrently are greatly reduced this means you can boot your OS from an SSD extremely fast read times on SSDs are higher as well so loading things like massive texturess in games is done at a noticeably faster speed putting an SSD in your PS3 and playing RAGE on it would cause the texture pop-in to disappear completely for example, even without actually changing the processors at all but its new technology relatively speaking so the industry hasn't optimized the size of them that much yet you can still get enormous drives but they are prohibitively expensive so most desktop PC manufacturers either include a lower-size SSD alongside a 2-3TB HDD or no ssd at all >>436315 at this point, the distinguishible feature HDDs have over SSDs is only their price they are worse in every other way
oh yeah i don't really know too much about file formatting systems i'm sure that if NTFS really had that many drawbacks it wouldn't have siezed hold of the monopoly and kept it for so long, it's not like microsoft and apple or google don't have enough resources and industry power to replace it if they wanted something better by now
>>436319 that looks awesome actually it would be fun to go and watch it drain with your friends
I've been considering getting a new solid state drive to dump my games onto. Aside from one game I keep all of them on my HDD and even when it's not wigging out and giving me grief, some of the games I play do end up with some large-ish loading times. At the worst of it, I'll even end up with objects in game not switching from their "far distance" textures to their "near distance" textures if my player character or whatever its in is moving too fast.
I wish computers and their parts weren't so expensive especially right now I was looking at getting a new video card and wondered if the prices were still fucked up same card I got for $200 three years ago is $240 now lol
GPUs are still really bad too because of the cryptocurrency craze driving prices up. And there was a shortage in the production chain for something for making RAM that was leading to a RAM shortage too, causing those prices to rise above the normal trend too.
>>436327 just squat under the spout and drink directly from the tower >>436326 i had read an article about it a few months ago but I didn't think it was really that extreme I want to put some monstrous shit in this old case from my dad's last computer Monster Hunter World looks good at 2048x1152, I bet it looks amazing at real 4K gotta get my battlestation upgraded before then
The kicker is, GPUs aren't actually that ideal for crypto mining, but they're the easiest functional piece of hardware for the task for the common person to obtain. But facts don't matter, only what people think will get them the most money in the easiest fashion, so GPUs get bought up and prices climb.
>spending thousands of dollars to mine 0.00001 of a bitcoin a day
The number of cryptocurrencies has completely ballooned with the current craze, giving potential miners a whole bunch of diverse options to mine and potentially make it rich on. A 0.00001 of a Bitcoin in one day is still like a hundred dollars a day.
you mine a lot more than 0.00001 a day with actual hardware though i'm sure this site with a calculator says you can make a whole six bucks a day with typical equipment
I don't actually know the numbers one bit really. Mining has never struck me as a sufficiently low-risk investment for how much it costs.
The other concern is that mining is a pretty power-intensive task so unless you're sapping electricity off someone, your electricity bill is gonna climb too. So you want your mining income to at least pay that off first before you can consider making profits.
My aniki has been doing that and now has something like 20k in the bank, thinking "fuck I wanna take the money, but then I will be fucked over by the taxation"
>>436338 i think the idea is that you can get a shitload of different kinds and there's no real monetary investment after you've recouped your hardware cost so it's basically free money aside from the electricity you use
I have a few friends elsewhere that are really getting into the cryptocurrency market and have made a pretty decent return on it. Or have made returns, then dropped down to losses, then up to returns, then rinse and repeat. I don't really know where they stand at the moment.
Man I should have taken a loan and bought into those coins too, but... yeah
>>436340 indeed, but some coins can't be mined at all and the initial ivnestment can be as low as few hundred bucks while the hardware can easily cost twice that
>>436340 Hardware costs can get pretty steep though. I've seen individuals buying like ten top of the line GPUs for their mining rigs. And the electricity you use ends up being a LOT of electricity.
>>436342 You really shouldn't have. But I feel you.
>that moment you toss random image >why isn't uploading >oh it was huge
also dat upgraded 40-80 upload speed feels gutman
>>436346 There's already horror stories of people that have taken out loans for cryptocurrency and invested at the opportune moment for the floor of the prices to drop out from underneath itself and them to end up with 70% of their invested money on a loan they have no means of paying off the interest of. Gambling with your own money is whatever, but taking out a loan to place a gamble is seriously suicidal.
I wonder would I get better reception back in the city with better coverage, but more users compared to here in the "boons", where the coverage is less, but users are also way less
>>436345 It's hard for me to imagine it being profitable when I see how many graphics cards those mining rigs cost. Some of them look like they cost like 20,000 - 50,000 USD.
Yeah, I've thought about it a bit and the whole situation is kind of puzzling to me. But there seems to be continued new interest in new independent miners so I guess it's either one huge, well-kept hoax, or the operation pays well enough for enough people.
oh there is going to be an animated suicide squad movie set in the dc animated universe that should be fun
And maybe not a dreadful adaptation. The DC animated stuff tends to be more enjoyable than its life-action one.
tsch only a teen titan movie since Justice League dark has come out shame the animated justice league universe is just so good not as good as the original tv series universe, but close
Also still waiting for "The Red Son" storyline to get an animated adaption
but weird part in the new animated movie verse, is how they have the guy who was iconic for playing superman in the animated series and such, in the movies, but as just some random human guy from wonder woman comics. Just why? I guess maybe to distance themselves from the old cast But still
the cap fell off the salt shaker tonight like when someone plays that un-screwing prank.
ruined like $20 worth of chips. It was a big order too, and the customers had already been waiting a while.
People saw. Some laughed.
It was a low point.
Yeah, that's the kind of thing that would probably get me blush-faced if it happened by my hand. Granted I have an obscenely high tolerance for salt-food ratios, but I can imagine that would probably scrap the chips for most people.
And that is actually true from being most common cause of death in 1980s or 70s, it dropped to about same rates as in other countries, due to national enlightenment program on dangers of excessive salt the "national sickness" of heart and circulatory diseases went away in few decades thanks to this Shame programs like that can't happen anymore.
>>436386 Well is weekend take some time off from whatever you usually do to chillax or a long walk if something hits you like that, you will need time to figure stuff out in your own way
Don't give in to her seductive wiles Tony. She's just trying to paint you RED.
>>436386 No, I get it. Maybe in a different timeline where different things had happened or not happened before it, it might've not tipped you over. It's kind of weird some times how the most seemingly random things can set someone off. Try and breathe easy, mate.
>>436387 I add salt by hand to pretty much anything I make over a stove. The only probable exception is when it involves butter, since my house doesn't stock unsalted butter.
Supposedly Far Left Mainstream Media Completely Ignores Massive Worker Strike "Just more proof the media is ruled by literal commies," local intellectual powerhouses have been noted saying
Kirara 🚗
that's a strong headline
Street Fight had a call-in from one of the teachers It's such a good podcast
Kirara 🚗
too bad teachers are all [checks notes] bourgeois brainwashing machines and not workers
Hey Kirara there's a free MLB SL10 weapon of each element waiting for you in your crate. except light and dark get fucked and get harp and spear instead of the ideal weapon like everyone else
>>436458 I don't really know is it like, or just that those are a plenty
>>436469 He's done a lot of parodies of those. Disproportionately towards works from the dutch golden age. A lot of the people who do these art parodies just do really famous paintings (Mona lisa, creation of adam, anything by van Gough etcetera), but I really like that this guy does a lot of stuff that hadn't been parodied previously. Its nice to see some "fresh" stuff.
Oh I see. Well I guess I probably did kill a lot of units.
The way I did it is I had an infantry team start at the closer fort, and a flyer team start at the southern fort, and just flew across the river and took their first fort really fast. Then I just pushed at their main fortress with everything and killed units until the enemy units couldn't spawn as much because I was standing on their spawn spaces.
>>436527 My main pushing force was fCorrin, Amelia, Azama, and axeAzura. A lot of turns I used dance on Azama so he could heal both Corrin and Amelia up to full.
I thought I'd need a healer for this but I really didn't. Or I guess Recip Aid + Renewal beacon was good enough
Azama is cool because he's both a healer and a tank. My Azama is a 40+7 4 star unit, and has 41 defense. Every melee unit wants to hit ihm too since he can't counter.
Someone on my friend's list has an INSANE 40+10 Felicia that I used fairly high on my roster. She is +10 and has 47 atk/38 spd. Those are kinda low numbers compared to some units but when combined with her unique weapon she usually kills something and debuffs a whole lot of other units in doing so. I kind of want to copy her.
Thief debuffing is so good. Don't be fooled by the low attack power. They will consume you. >>436537 Nah. The only friend units I have used is a Cherche and a Myrrh.
>>436536 Felicia's new weapon has the same effect on it as lightning breath, it attacks against the lower of def/res. And unlike dragon's breath it applies when she initiates an attack. Even though her attack power lags behind other units she still is very effective at killing (at least my friend's unit it because +10) because she gets to pick the lower stat.
>>436538 Technically all the dragon breath skills have that. You just need Distant Counter to take advantage of it. But yeah, Felicia's Plate is pretty good since she can snipe the lower defensive stat
>>436549 i've just ignored the past three TTs because ive been so disgruntled no 40% or 20% units tried to dump a good amount of orbs getting whatever it was i wanted i haven't had a 5* in like three months and 350+ orbs if i didnt have friends keeping me interested i would have stopped entirely it's so dumb
I've gone to 40k on them, but not past that. I will probably just do that this time. If you do your 2 bonus runs with a 1.2 unit every day, you can get 40k.
Kirara 🚗
i hope we get a new alm or a banner with alm in it without a spoiler hopefully not a horse alm i guess they could do armored alm since he had a shield
>>436554 This may not be what anyone wants to hear, but I think the most obvious alt for Alm is archer since the ability to use a bow was the big thing he got as he leveled up.
>>436557 The only person I know who uses it unironically is super reddit.
Kirara 🚗
>>436558 that'd be fine with me archer alm would be cool but i doubt they'd get rid of falchion for him
>>436558 there are like three people on /moe/ that unironically say spoopy sometimes
>>436559 There's some precedent for taking falchions away from falchion users, neither of Lucina's alts have it. One is seasonal and one is CYL though. One of the CYL themes seems to be giving units weapons they wouldn't normally use.
Kirara 🚗
>>436562 except for /// yeah that's true but im not expecting a seasonal or cyl alm although seasonal would be fine i was thinking like how they just did a new chrom
I was surprised they just went and stuck a falchion on him like that. I would have said the same thing about Chrom, since the big thing he got if you promoted him into the second version of his lord class was the ability to use a spear. They even paid some lip service to the fact that he could use a spear with the CYL Lucina.
Kirara 🚗
his new falchion is really good
there's also an axe chrom he's got two swords, plus his seasonals
It's a pretty good weapon. I don't have much interest in horses though.
Kirara 🚗
yeah alm needs an even more OP falchion although his is already better than new chrom's
Kirara 🚗
i would personally use brave sword on the new chrom if i were going to use him if i actually got him id put chill defense on someone with a brave weapon
I guess chill defense would work well for a brave sword, yeah.
Speaking of chill skills, I saw something neat during this latest gauntlet. By coincidence, all three units on the enemy team had the same speed, and I had a cursed Celica on my team. Her chill speed skill applied to all three of them. So if two units tie for the top stat on the team, a chill skill will hit them both.
I'm looking forward to a banner I actualyl want to roll on though. One of my interests is making high merges of decent units with good IVs. Good IVs can turn a decent unit into a great unit in some cases.
For that I need to roll! But none of the recent banners has appealed to me. I have like 260 orbs.
>>436581 Just a unit that makes me feel like I need to have it. The last one was Myrrh. I imagine if something better doesn't come along before them, I'll spend a lot on Veronica.
ill just cyl veronica
Kirara 🚗
ill probably choose veronica too unless she's a horse user
>>>/@y_o_m_y_o_m/965368452293697536?s=19 draws a lot of pantsu but does great sfw stuff too the artist is so well known for drawing tights that 3D people recreate his art as photographs
>>436636 That's because the truth about being at the summit is that it's barely distinguishable from being at the bottom. You've stripped so much of the superficial away to have reached there.
Yeah, like a blind super-samurai who doesn't even need to see to be the best. That's actually a pretty good template for the strongest. Maybe you'll understand when you've developed your zen a little more.
More like someone aristocratic that can't see how badly the poor live! Weak, but certain they're strong and completely convinced the poor don't have it bad.
The difference between the top and the bottom is big! You can't see it from where you are, though.
Again, your problem with metaphor is very revealing. It sounds like you're the one obsessed with the material world. When we talk about the immaterial world and immaterial energies, we use metaphor, comparing them to material phenomenon. That's just standard. Don't you know anything?
If the strongest understands stuff, they should then be able to explain it simply enough for anyone else to understand it too, atleasto n some basic level the fact taht you can't means you aren't strongest, atleast in your own terms.
>>436648 I use metaphors all the time, but that is one of the two contexts that metaphors are useful in. Metaphors are useful for a) explaining to people who wouldn't get it otherwise and b) tricking people.
>>436649 Oh yeah, there is a big difference in strength and weakness. Like I said, they're internal states.
>>436653 I just said that being at the top can be similar to being at the bottom. The internal states are very different though. There's lots of people at the bottom who haven't stripped away the superficial and are obsessed with it.