if i call my cat a motherfucker when i'm next to her she wants to be pet but if i call her a motherfucker from across the room she immediately runs why is this scientists please explain
Human language is irrelevant to cat all that matters is tone and situation.
>>437500 well i was using the same voice and volume, the cat was just flopped on the ground/couch just hanging out doing nothing i dunno man i called her a motherfucker when she was next to me and she looked up and then started acting all cute later i called her a motherfucker when she was on the floor staring at the ground and she looked shocked and offended for some strange reason
some people think that language is a latent ability, and that it's the attachment of words and sounds to the language that is learned
>>437501 Well, assume she awknowledges that calling out to her like that is your intent to catch her attention. Being close to you, she's probably quite happy to deign you the chance to groom and massage her. But if she's off doing some other cat thing and you try to catch her attention, it might be more of a "hey I'm doing something here, can't you see?"
>>437503 thank you dr. science i am enlightened now it all makes sense >>437513 i told my sister i saw a kpop dance that looked cool the other day and she trapped me she kept showing me different videos literally since i made this post >>437501
what convenient timing i just finished killing him
My imouto and my dad are arguing about some silly point of the valley trails close to our house. I don't really know why but they're divided on whether you need to cross a bridge to get out of the valley and back into our neighbourhood.
chime in and tell them they're gonna have to cross a whole bunch of bridges to get to the hospital if they don't shut the fug up
>>437684 I've never actually seen G-gundam all the way through Might just not have been big enough to have its own gundam Neo Israel might not even have existed. Who knows what happened with Israel and Palestine in the G-gundam timeline
>>437723 It wasn't a very big tournament it was just with some internet people I got to the semifinals and lost there. One two matches lost two against the same person. And when I say match I mean a best of three set >tfw had a winning position but the timer ran out
>>437602 >Some Minor Character From Final Fantasy That Everyone Fuckin Loves For No Reason that guy's my favorite
>>437735 >Middle Schooler in a Naruto Sand Village Headband That's probably my favorite, but thete are so many great ones on that list its hard to pick.
Also the me now is happy that middle school me never bought one of those headbands.
>>437736 definitely maining paul blart: mall cop in the new smash
That is always the issue I have with fatnasy castles they never really adapt them to the world and just copy real life locations If you have magic, then walls would be built to defend against magic assaults if you have dragons, cities and forts would be buiilt to defend against dragon assaults
Kirara 🚗
why are there no domed cities to protect against dragons
>>437762 that is what I liked in the setting ofdeath march, eventhough it is just average in terms of plot or characters the setting is well thought wyvern towers, anti-monster domes around cities etc
I guess people should research first our history before designing fantasy stuff, if they have special stuff going into it there is a big reason why forts and such were built the way they were in any given era.
IE. during ancient era, quite rarely did people build forts the cities themselves were fortified, as the population living there was a good resource in the defense of the city and as armies were massive back then, they simply had the manpower to always build the assault equipment and constructions to take down any fortification so a siege was simply manpower vs manpower how much ground could the defenders give and rebuild new fortifications, before the sieging army broke through them all and as the armies were massive, starving out a settlement wasn't that viable, as you with the bigger force were more likely to starve out.
And then there is the side that people oft ignore say logistics a few wizards who can make caravans so light, you can pull several times the normal amount with just one beast would actually be much more valuable than some fireball tossing battlemage
>Gerome is a 1.4x unit Nice. I can stop rolling now
cleaned up about 20 hours of work in the last day this used to kill me every time i had to do it but i dont even think about it anymore i just do it all and then think "ok what now" i guess i'm happy to have some work after the rough winter months i guess there's a general kind of malaise about it all though feel a little empty coming out of work i didnt want to be doing and then realizing there was nothing else for me to be doing anyway
>>437790 i mean all the languages ive used work so
some people argue that language is a latent ability and that it's the words and patterns we attach to meaning that are learned
language most likely evolved on basis of the more inherent communications, the basic sounds of anger, relief, joy and sadness and body language and so on
>>437799 i'm of the opinion here >>437798 i think that all the things we express through language were always bundled up within us, connected and entangled with many other things, but the social juncture of hunting together, celebrating a big kill together, and sitting around the fire to enjoy it together gave rise for the need to parse and express very focused emotions which then became the construct of a communicable language between individual systems the spoken and written languages are channels that we use to navigate external social systems, but all the encoded language still is inside us regardless of knowledge of specific language sets we just tend to organize them internally with language so that they're prepared and ready to be exhibited to the social environs for quick I/O feedback i think how eagerly we're prepared to acquiesce with the environment around us also determines some of how well we use the spoken language, and why some people tend to stutter and use a lot of filler words, while others seem very articulate and well-spoken some people keep their focus on that communicable aspect, much like someone selling a horse or a vehicle who's eager enough to have a price planned out and ready to finalize a deal, as opposed to someone who didn't even know someone wanted to buy their horse, so it takes longer to negotiate language really feels like that same kind of transaction to me
Maybe on most basis level, like taking it back 1000 years or so but considering how far languages have come and how much they have been shaped by the society, culture and advancement in technology et al, they are quite different from the basic form they once existed as.
I'm not really saying these things to preach at people by the way or to tell them what's true I'm really just trying to use you guys as a sounding board to see what reverberates I'm having some mental health dilemmas and I feel a little eased when i can, one; portray my train of thought clearly and two; that it's followed and that i'm not making delusional gaps or seeming altogether incoherent
Nah, is just that I do etymology as a hobby at times, so I kinda have a feel to language. So I don't kinda think language is an "ability" inherently but rather communication is and language is just similair to society, a more advanced evolutionary form of it.
that thought about a latent ability was just a quote and i sometimes think of it and compulsively say it i think if i were to articulate language, it would be some cognizant encoding process that isn't actually latent -- i.e. that a baby isn't born with it or that it's not in the systemic neurological structure i think there's a threshold where we begin to encode stimuli in one way and then be able to decrypt it through some subroutine that allows it to be stored and recollected in an easy wa way* the point i agree with is that language is // language in the brain is probably separate from the language we learn externally when we're learning an interpersonal language, we're really learning a ruleset for how to parse tangled data into discrete entities through that channel we have to learn what words, sounds, expressions, body language, overall context can carry what information and use it in a way that's got a low linguistic entropy so that the recipient can clearly receive it i think what's going on in the brain during lexical processing and the arrangement of information is a lot more complex, but also that the knowledge of these myriad external rulesets can help organize them internally knowing interpersonal language can definitely help you organize thoughts, and i think that's a large basis of some cultural developments too like the japanese having an overtly technical language and their propensity for technical thinking -- though you could argue it's a commercial arrangement after ww2 and just the geopolitical pressures but i think language is just really interesting in general and i dont profess to be some scholar of it but i do find it awfully interesting and don't shy away from thinking about it
you'll have to forgive me, i spend like 12 hours a day as a scribe so processing all the language coming through is what i do to keep myself sane and functional especially when i do 20+ hour sessions i'm a little distanced from the world by the time i come out of it
boy i sure do hurt today chronic pain really sucks does anybody else have that i wanna talk to someone about how shitty pain is without seeming like an emotional leper
I don't think I really have anything like that. The closest I can relate is my tendency to get headaches, which seems like it might be a genetically-increased frequency or disposition to getting. There was a period a few years back where I was getting them like almost clockwork every three weeks or so.
Migraines, clusters? I don't know if you believe this or not, but there was a time I didn't drink alcohol I used to only have caffeine and a ton of water, and i got clusters like three twimes a week and it fucked my schooling up so bad i've only had two of them in the four years ive been on benzos -- six years -- and they both involved revisiting a very stressful experience, like visiting my ex to pick up my things i'm not sayin to take benzos but i think central nervous depressants can help with headaches a ton not alcohol, but catnip tea, valerian root, anxiety meds, et cetera
>>437797 Ebin I assume you've never used php then.
Functional programming is a paradigm, like how there's object oriented or imperative or procedural. But although many languages support different paradigms there are languages that don't. So by "functional language" I meant a language that primarily supports functional programming. Or even a purely functional language.
>>437810 I'm not really familiar on the specifics of headache terminology, between my mother and I, which if there is genetic connection, would be where I get it from, the distinction between "headache" and "migraine" is pretty much all we use, with intensity of the pain being the differentiating factor. For the most part I can generally track my headaches to physical situations that cause them like dehydration, but I also think sudden air pressure shifts can make me get headaches more often too. At the least, I've seen a correlation there. I keep some simple painkillers on hand and my headaches are slow, oncoming things that I've gotten pretty good at noticing when one is whipping up. It's often super-rare that the actual pain is bad enough that pre-emptively taking something for it isn't enough to keep me functional.
>>437813 What do you feel "coming on"? Can you describe the pain that occurs when it kicks in?
>>437815 It's a building pain, difficult to really describe objectively because of the natural subjectivity of pain. But if you can imagine magnitudes of pain intensity relative to a really painful headache, it basically just starts off as a minor level of that and just builds over time Generally the pain is focused on my temple roughly at the height of my browline, or right behind the ear on the skull's topography. I don't really know how "deep" into the head the pain feels though. It starts off as that weak state of what feels to me a properly incapacitating headache, and as far as I've been able to tell, if I don't take something to dull the pain, it's just going to grow in magnitude until it hurts so bad that I can't operate.
>>437816 I was asking specifically to hear you describe it without influence My question regarding temples is whether it's lateral or bilateral does the debilitation feeling from the pain feel like, "Oh man this is terrible i want to cry and cover my head in the covers and not look at the light or move" or is it more, "FUCK I CANT SIT STILL FUCK FUCK"
and whether it's a slow, constant, nagging pain or whether it's the pain that hits you like chinese water torture where it hurts and hurts and hurts then kind of not hurts for a while then hurts worse and hurts worse and hurts worse and not hurts for a while and follows that escalating pain to a cyclic climax that comes and goes every once in a while >>437817 hey did someone say disoccation i'm here to talk so am i we're both here to talk i guess
Dammit I was going to post a funny page from a manga but Kirara hates it.
>>437818 Sorry, open-ended questions are just really hard for me to function in. The frame of reference helps. I've had both bilateral and lateral headaches, but I think they tend to favour being lateral, especially the most painful ones. Light has actually never been a major factor in my headaches, I haven't noticed being in a lit or dark room having a particular impact on my tolerance of the pain. The debilitation in particular is more of a "I can't stop thinking about how much this hurts how am I supposed to do anything when every possible line of thought I'm having right now is hijacked by thinking of this pain". I can't function if I can't think; it's kind of akin to an invasive thought.
Again I've had both of those kinds of headaches. Most of them are super-intense kinds of the first case if they get to blow out of control, but I also get ones where I have what is almost a throbbing pain (pretty much always lateral and on a consistent side of my head) that will run for a while and that shift down into something more akin to the constant ones, before returning. By that point I've pretty much always found the painkillers I take for it will kick in, or, since I commonly get headaches at night, I'll somehow manage to fall asleep, which usually helps to kill the headache too.
>>437818 I have that particular numbness that comes with a dissociative episode, but I'm not actively dissociating. I feel in control of myself and don't feel spacey or trapped in my head. I usually have full dissociative episodes when I have them. Partial is unusual for me.
>>437823 do you feel that layered consciousness like you're interpreting what's happening and then layering it underneath with some visual imagery that occupies the brain but not the vision field i have had that a lot lately
I also feel like I'm on autopilot, but I also feel in control. Like I could disengage from autopilot in a meaningful way but I'm not and the numbness is reducing my motivation to do so.
>>437825 systemically you're just out of sync do things to get yourself back in sync, like engaging some music or if you need to be doing something specific then occupy the other parts of your brain healthily that's really loose verbiage but it's what i think about when i'm not thinking straight if theres any connection there you'll see it if not then i'm a different case and probably not able to relate
>>437820 that sounds like what i'm used to it sounds crude by cut off whatever's causing the propensity for triggers through upsetting you on such a fundamental level, tke something to boost your stress threshold like valerian root or benzodiazepines, or learn to function throughout that pain there's a hidden layer 2.5 there which i actually consider to be the sae as option 3, but to overload your bloodstream with sugar and caffeine just before/during the moment it hits and it almost completely aborts it and you get a pretty pleasant feeling by comparison if you find a way to endure it good for you that's great
oh yeah i suggest against tylenol though that shit's bad for you
I only stock ibuprofen for myself. A while back my mother passed off a self-labelled bottle of excedrin that I think she's used for her worst headaches, though I've never actually taken any of them.
I was completely off caffeine and i would get them with heat triggers during a heat trigger i was able to quell them slightly with a half a can of black soda, like coke or pepsi it was not much though caffeine seemed to be the greatest helper and i would consume in excess, but it always returned the next few days they weren't always unfunctional headaches though, but i feel i can function more fluidly (but slower) now valerian root was the best for quelling those headaches, but occasionally gave me nightmares benzos do not do that melatonin can help with the trigeminal neuropathy leading to those headaches, but the oral route isn't really well absorbed sometimes it's all wasted in fact and just inhibitis your body from producing the constant melatonin stream it works for some people, or in some situations, but it's not all-inclusive but melatonin withdrawal is nothing like CNS withdrawal from benzos or valerian root or alcohol probably on-par with catnip, which i strongly suggest non-ironically the tea formulation is supposedly quite good
After Cecilia died, // Teacup died, I started having them regularly for the first few months but I think I only told Saku about it. I would leaving for school and then it'd be 6:00 PM and stuff like that. I don't have those like that anymore but I occasionally do, err // I don't have them often anymore. I don't usually have partial ones like today.
ah yes, it's that time again where I have 20k feathers now what do I 5*
Kirara 🚗
ill probably 5* gerald so I have a 40% unit quickly hes a better cherche and ill never get a + anything cherche so I might as well just build him and put him at +1
Oh, interesting. Well he'll get some attention from me just for being 1.4. Putting the 1.4x unit in the wait putting the tempest unit in the 1.4x category is a good decision, though I suspect they only did it because they only had three gacha units this time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Taylor Henry is just an alias for Jamieson Price I thought so
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can't hide that voice from me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
fiddlesticks I don't really have the resources I would want to invest into Caeda yet
this guy is so fucking talented amazing attention to detail he knows what the fuck he's doing >>>/watch?v=UGwDTozj9AY
Kirara 🚗
my godson's mom put a bunch of pictures of him on Facebook for his first birthday and i commented "looking good, kid" and a bunch of people got really mad at me idgi
i'm getting to that point where i have literally too many clothes and i have to get a bag and fill it full of clothes to give to goodwill this is always so difficult
>>437964 I also have too many clothes but iI am unreasonably attached to them and won't get rid of anything I dont even buy clothes often theyre all gifts
if you mail me your clothes, ill wash them and send them back
the post office is just as far away as the laundromat or i honestly would tbh
i've never lived in such a shitty place it's hard to imagine that just 8 months ago i was living in real living conditions in a real city
Kirara 🚗
how close is the market?
about an hour
Kirara 🚗
is that a lot closer than the laundromat?
nah they're close together
Kirara 🚗
do you go to the market often? i guess im trying to ask where you get food
every few days, but it's hard to budget three fuckin hours to spend at the laundromat and the money to spend at the laundromat because it adds up it's like 40 bucks per trip with all the laundry that accrues i really would give anything just to live in a place with a washer/dryer and have stores nearby and people nearby
>>437982 would it be more convenient to just send me stuff to run through my washer sometimes? because i don't mind
>>437984 no lol that'd be so expensive holla if you got a room for rent though i mean it's fun being completely isolated but i can't stand it
Kirara 🚗
unfortunately i don't but ill hit you up if that changes fish is working on her anxiety in therapy now so that won't be a problem eventually
>>>/watch?v=kEKha3ejgA4 i wish i had my apartment in tennessee still we got that place with the anticipation of jan joining us but he never did i'm scared i'll never be able to make a transition again because i may never have a cushion of money to move again now i'm just fucked by taxes and can't get ahead not to mention student loans but fuck them they'll have to arrest me or some shit
>>437994 that'd be sick but you dont wanna live in florida do you
i want one of those heating irons to melt cheese i'd use the h*ck out of that
>>437995 what the fuck the video stopped playing when you opened this post >>437996 >>437995 i'm sure i would hate the weather it might not be so bad with you and matt and all though
>>437999 i love alton brown i kinda had a crush on him when i was younger because he was so cool but i like this guy yeah he's awesome >>437997 well let's fuckin get a place somewhere else then matt's got matt things to do
>>438000 alton brown is the only TV chef capable of catching my attention i've watched a shitload of Good Eats the constant barrage of factoids is super interesting that's probably why i've seen all of how it's made too >>438000 i would probably find some reason to chicken out when you move in with him anyways >>438003 i guess factoid isn't the right word a factoid is more like the eyecatches in the show
it's not just factoids, it's a cohesive structure behind why you're doing something or why food does what it does that's what's interesting, is it's actually following a thread of understanding instead of just "oh here's a recipe to try, write it down and remember it" you come out of an episode of Good Eats understanding something you didn't before, and you don't need a recipe to make use of it >>438002 i dont think moving in with him is actually in the books i think we wuz just talkin i wanna move in with my bae
whoa 18th century fried chicken looks incredible >>438005 yeah it looks really really good it's got an old style marinade made with young grapes and fried parsley as a garnish >>438006 i wonder how much it actually costs to get that old cookware it would have to be somewhere firewood is easily sourced i suppose bet it's much cheaper than electric cookware haha
is it? i have seen that preview but i havent watched it its gon make me hungry
let's find an old ranch home with a kitchen like that and live there
>>438004 oh no, good solid cookware is really expensive, even for that old stuff maybe not unaffordable but it's not cheap even nice pizza stones and things -- though you can get cheap pizza stones too but wouldn't it be more fun just to make those things ourselves i have some metalworking experience, you know!
the pizza stone in the oven at work costs like $300 i thought that was crazy what do they put in that stone that makes it so good >>438007 we're gonna have a blacksmith at the ranch too?
>>438008 i had a good pizza stone and some idiot washed it even though i said not to wash it and now it's ruined someone else ruined my good teapot -- two people ruined two of them, actually people ruin everything
alright well i guess i'm actually bored enough to sleep more so i'll do that bye moe
>>438024 prettt great now that you're >>438053 oh okay bye bang :(
yes and noI'm doing an assignment that's due tomorrow
>>438169 Yeah I should do them on the day they're due like a real man
Wow Maria you shouldn't have put off assignments until only scant few hours before its due. I would neeeever have eeeever have done aaaanything like that.
>>438168 oh no is it a tough one what have you been assigned
>>438169 always make sure you complete your work as quick as possible so you have the optimum amount of free time to fuck around without a care
>>438171 It shouldn't be tough but I'm fucking stupid. Utility maximization problems involving lagrangians and derivatives
>>438173 Nice When's it due in hours from now? Wait, Lagrangian multipliers? I actually never covered that, we skipped that. >>438176 I have no idea what time it is for you.
i'm here i may be able to help if you need no guarantees that i can though
Also for reference, you have not taken multivariate calculus? What about single variable?
math party
>>438185 ay mayn where you is weeza bout to head over to shelly's house bruh she got some girls comin over we about to soak ourselves in some crystal math yo
>>438184 I've done singlevariable stuff before but not lagrangian method I think >Use the method of the Lagrangian to solve for optimal savings s* I just wanna understand what I'm doing being given the solution is like cheating
Hrrrm This is actually really similar to Lagrangian mechanics which I aam familiar with. >>438187 Yeah that's cause its multivariable.
>>438186 no way bruh don't bath with math havent you seen the commercials
Okay, I was planning on giving up for now because my comprehensive calc book is upstairs, but I actually do have a book that probably covers this literally within my reach from this couch. But I'm still not going to get up and work on paper because im going to attempt sleep soon and that would really wake me up
>>438200 yeah don't keep yourself up for this >>438199 Getting the derivatives of the lagrangian and re-arranging them
>>438200 just imagine you're calculating sheep and you'll fall asleep
>>438201 I normally would but I have an appointment tomorrow and also I don't have a good sense on how Much my new meds affect my sleep
Can you post the full problem?
>>438204 The full problem is >>438187 >>Use the method of the Lagrangian to solve for optimal savings s* That's it
Uhhh what's with the less than or equal to in parentheses after the equals ssign? Is that just meant to be less than or equal to?
>>438207 That's the budget constraints with y1 and y2 equalling income. So consumption plus saving is equal to or less then y1 and y2
>>438209 I'm assuming that it's less than or equal to. Consumption can't exceed income plus savings
>>438208 No, I mean Did they just mean less than or equal? It looks like a typo
>>438207 yeah i've never seen that either and was wondering i just assumed it was local minima such that it's less than or equal to y minimum rather
Yeah but it goes =(≤) I'm just going to assume it means ≤
it's arbitrary yes s is a variable but r is the interest rate so it's just a constant actually there was a footnote I missed In a recent lecture they also had slides with a method they reccomended do you want me to post that
Not yet lemme rewrite the equation
Let's denote 1-gamma with d And let ** signify exponentiation So then (((c1)**(d)) + beta(c2**(d)))/d is to be maximized Subject to c1≤ y1-s And c2≤ (1+r)s+y2 So then the derivative of f(c1,c2) with respect to c1 is (dc1**(d-1))/d = c1**(d-1) And the derivative of f(c1,c2) with respect to c2 is (dbetac2**(d-1))/d= betac2**(d-1) Then substitute in the right hand sides of the c1 relation and c2 relation into that Maybe I know the mathematical operations i did were correct, not 100% sure they're relevant.
You said you needed the derivatives right?
>>438219 I'm not sure they are since it's in relation to the lagrangian method that the quesiton
>>438221 requires you use. Do you want me to post the example they gave us of the method? I think I've got the derivatives I need but I'm not sure how I'm meant ro re-arrange and use them.
These quizes for what job suits you are so dumb "How important is x to you in a future job?" My dude 0, I need A Job, I'm already beyond the point of demanding anything but money
>>438222 Sorry I'm too tired at this point I can probably help tomorrow, but going Err Emailing your teacher and asking for help setting up the problem is also an option, or visiting them during their office hours
>>438230 that's cool.. I'll give it another shot tonight. I emailed
>>438231 what it meant in the lecture when it said to re-arrange the derivatives and he just said "you need to combine them" If I can't figure shit out tonight I'll go into his office
>>438229 i can't help but see oingo boingo and think that "I love little girls" was released and everyone's just like "Yeah, okay, that's acceptable"
>>438232 I'll take a look at the example if you'd like if it's too much trouble or distracting you from working then nbd
>>438233 Well yeah, its not like they're saying pedophilia is good, its a song from the perspective of a pedophile It's a narrative
>>438236 What I don't get here because I'm a dumb idiot is how they got that bit on the bottom from all those derivatives I've got the lagrangian and the derivatives I
>>438233s It's not really that they said "yeah, that's acceptable" they saw Oingo Boingo and were like "what the fuck" and nobody did anything but laugh at it because everyone was too stoned at the time
>>438238 I know plenty of people who listened to them not stoned when that record came out Some people don't care that a band writes weird songs they just enjoy it Another great example is Devo
>>438236 hey sorry my kitty made a mess im still tryna clean it up at 5 in the AM man it's awful are you still workin this stuff out? it looks like if you got the gradient calculated then you've just got the algebra left to do based on the example anyway, in terms of getting to that final number i'm not sure how the concavity of the utility function plays in the example was smoother since it was just set to one that doesnt really seem like a huge issue though, just something else to keep track of
They're already well accustomed to cramming way too many people into too small a span of ground. Living in the Bay Area has evolved them for this next step in their lives.
ive gotten like 20 followers in two days though im startin to make it im gonna be big
yo i just finished thor ragnarok and the bonus features
10 outta 10 movie gotta say it's almost as good as dr. strange and gog2
what is this bonus feature you're talking about
gag reel, deleted scenes, audio commentary, standard stuff pretty much there was another one that's a continuation of the roommate thor skit too that was great
also when hulk drops in on the bridge in the climactic finale i laughed harder than i have at a movie in a long time
>>438285 it's the funniest marvel movie i've seen for sure the jokes were on point from start to finish >>438286 whoa really? i had no idea is it going to segue into infinity war?
Kirara 🚗
gog3 is going to be big it's getting an ENTIRE year to itself 2020 it's after infinity war
I still want to see Ragnarok too. And have to remember to try and get a Black Panther screening before my classes at some point before it goes away.
>>438288 oh shit it better be good enough to live up to that year all for itself >>438291 fuck yes dr. stephen strange is the best i was so excited when he showed up in ragnarok
Kirara 🚗
also doc strange 2 got announced and spidey 2
yeah I wanna see black panther still too went to the cinemas a few days ago, but went to see Game Night with some people
Ragnarok's not on Canadian Netflix. I wonder where's an easy way to get to watch it. I don't really ever have to go hunting for things that aren't anime.
>>438306 It's going to be really messy once Disney finally rebrands Hulu as Disney online or whatnot. They're gonna have to pull all these things from all over the place.
Kirara 🚗
i watched the shape of water
and a movie called cold skin both have scenes where fish people get fucked
>>438356 did you not use any squatty potties in japan it is not at all unpleasant it's much easier and more sanitary and causes less discomfort and health problems
>>438355 Who the fuck is the Shrek director. Does he work in music when he's not selling his soul to Dreamworks.
Kirara 🚗
>>438359 no, he just writes and directs movies afaik
>>438358 Not once. They're not as prevalent as people assume they are anyway. But I'd rather just sit for the two or three minutes I need at max when using the washroom anyway.
toilets in czech were so low it may as well have been squatting
about a month ago, went with some people from my study association spend most of the time in prague have you ever been there?
just squat on the rim of the toilet like a fucking savage
Well apparently there's going to be a Shrek 5. Learning this on the curiousity binge of who this director is, is a more distressing realization than that music news anyway.
>>438365 you think you're better for not squatting?
>>438364 no but some lineage there i would like to know more about it but i never will
>>438380 oh boy i love having koch kin in charge of the CIA
Kirara 🚗
yeah they're all murderers basically tillerson might not have authorized any murders explicitly but he's a big time oil guy the rest have ordered the extrajudicial execution of children
>>438382 magic eight ball will I seize the means of production singlehandedly?
>>438383 oh wait i misred he was already in charge of the CIA well, i guess im not surprised
>>438390 lmao i hope so i saw someone with his stupid pineapple shirt the other day
this new feature is pretty cool
I've got a hankering to play a management-style game, like a city builder or a colony management game. But nothing I have on hand really feels like it fits what I want and I can't really find anything that sticks out as suitable that I don't have. It's a really frustrating feeling.
>During his confirmation hearing, Pompeo stated that Russia "has reasserted itself aggressively, invading and occupying Ukraine, threatening Europe, and doing nearly nothing to aid in the destruction and defeat of ISIS.” ehh
russia should have taken ukraine before the US propped up literal neonazis as their leaders
russia did nothing wrong i hate hearing politicians treating them like they're a threat to europe russia is rightfully leading a lot of eastern europe and we dont need to protect those places from russia it's retarded
>>438396 Factorio, SimCity 4, Cities: Skylines, Banished, Dawn of Discovery, Oxygen Not Included, They Are Billions, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2; to name a substantial few.
I wish russia-kun invaded us :(
Kirara 🚗
they celebrate nazi birthdays in Ukraine now and shit it's fucken sick
Kirara 🚗
sick in a bad way
>>438399 how about those games TN-kun sometimes plays?
Grand Strategy like Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings II aren't quite what I'm feeling at the moment. There's a degree of impersonality to them when it comes to the organization you're maintaining which doesn't quite fit.
man these creme brule things are neat snacks not only do they cost like just bit over 2€, they come in glass containers, so y ou get dessert bowls for free if you keep them
I love it when I get a good heir, the claim is always low or average and when I get a shitty one, the claim is high is the brederode family a bunch of inbred retards, that everyone knowns when the wife or king has gone around fucking a local wench, and that the son is a bastard?
I'm gonna +9 Florina Although, I wish I started the process later. Should have gotten Eirika to 5* so I can Refine that Sieglinde into a monster and party with Fae
Huh This snow is unexpected It's snowing really hard, but its not going to stick. Visibility is like out to 100 feet or so.
And for some reason which I can't explain the admiral leading the combat NEVER uses these fucking GIANT european gunships and isntead stuck in some japanese rowing boat fucking "honoru"
I saw a really ridiculously dressed man today, it was like something you'd see on the internet. While I was getting lunch, a black man came in and he was wearing white shoes, black and green lounge pants, and a purple suit jacket with no shirt underneat it. It was crazy.
It's pretty cold too and his chest was like half exposed.
>>438524 He was a little too hmm I don't quite know how to put it in words, so I'll say he looked like he was a little too familiar with the street to qualify for being described as artsy-fartsy.
There is no excuse to look like a clown. To make things worse, there was a black guy that was really well dressed there too, his suit was crisp and his color coordination was on point. He would have been the best dressed person in the room if there wasn't a guy that was obviously a lawyer in there. Lawyers always have the best suit game because they wear suits for a living and make them look so natural.
>>438547 Not really I mean, in the sense that every actor is a random actor then yes. He was the protagonist in Being John Malkovich, which is a pretty significant movie.
>>438562 He was in High Fidelity, Gross Pointe Blank, 1408, Being John Malkovich and some other shit But he was helpful in getting Being John Malkovich made
I feel like he's someone who's famous amongst movie people and not the general crowd
1408 was a Stephen King adaptation and had Samuel L Jackson in it, so I'd say people should at least know he's the guy from 1408
>>438560 Where would you put the cutoff then? Nicholas Cage?
If there's a cut off rather than fame i thonk it should be called *think Referred to as the "people who barely kmow anything about film won't know a person" cut off
>>438567 Jeff Bridges maybe? everyone knows who nicolas cage is i mean he's from the cappola family so he's artificially huge >>438570 Jeff Bridges is that guy from the big lebowski, and he was in that movie we watched with ewan mcgregor and george clooney he was that hippy army dude that was teaching them how to use super powers
>>438569 Well, the cutoff for relevancy is going to be someone everyone knows, but barely. I don't know who Jeff Bridges is.
>>438569 Most people don't kknow he's a Coppola Also Jeff Bridges was in Tron and was a huge childstar in live action Disney stuff like 40 years ago The Wrestler also won an academy award iirc
>>438572 you'd probably recognize his face though, even if you dont know who it is i think that separates a person from the face in the crowd >>438571 yeah, he's franny ford coppola's nephew and people dont really know that but that's tbh probably the reason he has a career at all he's not very good, though i did like him in some things like matchstick men
>>438573 He changed his name because he wanted to get into the industry without replying on his name Also he took it from Luke Cage Powerman. Oh and he isn't a terrible actor, he's just in so many bad movies because he has a castle and classic car purchasing addiction and acts in basically anything cause he needs the money.
>>438573 "The crowd" for actors is going to be full of vaguely familiar faces that the average person who isn't all that into movies can't name. People who are past the line are people that people like me will know the names of.
There's also a generational thing Because there are actors that older people may know than younger people don't *that
>>438586 it seems like something a lot of people think these days
She was home for the weekend and one night I had a three-way discussion with her and my imouto, and her argument was basically boiled down to "well the rest of the world should stop being such crybabies about everything".
>>438583 I've handed it in My answer is wrong but I'll probably get points for showing the correct method
>>438589 Later I want to see the correct answer and work for it If that's possible
>>438590 ALright I'll show you the correct answer when we get it
He's saying I remind him of Maslow And then suggested I might admire Maslow because of that resemblance My professor worked with Maslow before so I guess it's a big compliment but I don't think I'm that close to Maslow relative to other existential/humanistic psychotherapists
Sounds like some good constructive criticism then. hoh hoh hoh.
The report was on a guy with a big criminal history that ran with a gang and killed people and stuff but ended up with PTSD after watching his friend get shot up My colleagues all diagnosed him with antisocial personality disorder but I saw him as someone who felt a lot of guilt and wanted to become capable of living a less violent life He talked about how he wanted to and how he felt guilty, but my colleagues took it all as lies because of his criminal history and admission that he manipulates guards I think my professor compared me to Maslow because Maslow was really into trying to find people's strengths and positives
>>438617 Sometimes when I pop my the joint in one of my hips I'll get a bit of pain when I try to swing the joint afterwards. It tends to go away soon enough though, especially if I just walk it off.
>>438620 Yeah, women shouldn't have to wear shirts either, I guess.
>>438621 I hope that's what's up. I was going to ride my bike tonight.
I feel private establishments have the right to decide what sort of clothes get worn in the establishment, as well as have the right to all the potentially negative publicity involved with utilizing that freedom.
>>438624 Wow, what's with the totalitarian regulations? This country was founded on the ideas of freedom.
>>438623 Maybe women can go shirtless at that restaurant too
would be a neat if there was a game like GATE setting factions with shit tech, but high magic and fantasy stuff and factions with hight ech, but no fantasy stuff and maybe some with bit of both would make interesting nonsymmetrical gameplay Total Annihilation Kingdoms is bit like that, but old as fug
>>438625 People will be free to choose whatever shirt they want to wear.
>>438626 From a practical standpoint a conflict of these societies over a sustained period of time would probably develop a superior level of magic or technological power. If you could contrive a situation where all these socities had suddenly been dropped into a struggle against each other it might make sense, but if they'd been at odds for a long time, one of them would have likely already reigned supreme. Also I don't really know what "hight ec- Oh you just messed up the space I see now.
The series has been around for maybe 30 years now. I think one got an official release. There's Err official English one There's also Sengoku Rance And then tactics type games like ff tactics
>>438628 this keyboard has a wonky spacebar Is why I said "setting like gate", the premise would be the sudden clash of such civilizations and I guess "mixture of both" would be some faction that arises as the conflict wages for longer times.
>>438627 How authoritarian. The founding fathers would be ashamed!
>>438636 Well I think as long as the magic system involved isn't reality-warping-tier, GATE already demonstrates pretty accurately the collision of technology against magic prowess.
Huh it's 35 years old https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobunaga%27s_Ambition
>>438638 it just is too lo on the magic umph or fantasy the empire should have like that giant fire dragon tier level monsters on its side and magic on the level of high explosive missile strikes ro artillery barrages to even out the fights
Even the fire dragon was pretty much a non-issue though. The only reason it was dangerous in the series was because they could only spare like five people to go off it. Imagine putting it up against a full batallion, it wouldn't last a moment.
And the thing about magic is, what is the magic? Flame? Other basic elemental magic? Spells of telekinesis? Magic is ultimately just a human resource within a reasonable magic system; one common linking theme between them all is in some way the magic gets exhausted, at which the mage is now just a piece of paper. Endure the magic barrage and you have the advantage. Sufficient technology can resist elements pretty effectively, and provide defenses for physical offenses.
and more "hero" characters like that gothic loli that joined the mc basically fantasy super powered chars that can take on armies alone
>>438641 Indeed, but now imagine 10 of them with wizards riding on top of them casting spells
I am talking about like Warhammer fantasy level magic stuff, which the gate lacks
Kirara 🚗
if there were many dragons, the Japanese would just bring more guns and dispatch them easily unless the mages developed shield magic which doesn't seem possible
>>438644 well that is in the gate, which has the fantasy world at quite shit level magical development I am speculating about actually havign a fantasy world, with magic development on the level of our technology development with every army of say 10 000 having 10-100 champions on it on the level of that gothic loli from gate, that can take on shit ton of punishment before dying
This is why I said Warhammer Fantasy level magic cause that has insane magic spells from moving continents, to just making cities go "poof" off the map
That anyone can do? Cause anybody who can use a mortar can use the davy crockett artillery nuke.
>>438652 The point is, that when you nuke them, they magic nuke you or vice versa when both sides realise that destructive potential, the war most likely stops for a time.
What constitutes a magic nuke though?
>>438655 somethign that causes destruction on the same level as a nuke it can be literal boom or it can be giatn earthquake or summoning a volcanic eruption or a magic plague
And then when each side infiltrates the other we find it easier to kill powerful wizards than they do towards any dingus who can press a button or call an artillery strike?
Kirara 🚗
>>438654 yeah but then the tech side can just destroy them
>>438657 Dude we are talking about persons of mass destruction can your random assassin kill the main character of your anime? these people look at the random mook and it dies or never existed
Kirara 🚗
you only need to know where they are you don't have to assassinate them unless they can survive a nuke
>>438660 The radiation would kill them most likely atleast untill they learn to counter it but say a mage can cause that kind of boom with their power, they could reasonably also defend from it
That too
Just drone-drop a nuke on the mage encampment.
>>438661 Can they do it all day? Also wizards being squishy is a classic staple of fantasy
if a mage can continuously be nuking things, they must be drawing mana from leylines or something so you could just destroy the leylines
You're making too many assumptions about the magic system
>>438670 This is kind of why I've been nagging about what kind of magic system is involved here. We can define technology; we have very clear understandings of its current limitations. But if you don't define the magic system you pretty much can just say "well anything goes" and then the discussion becomes useless.
At this point its just magic That probably has some sort of cost Otherwise they'd spam it
Anyhow, it is shame that such settings are rare and when done, they don't really go all the way gate is more like "medieval vs modern" than high fantasy vs modern >>438672 Which is why I constantly said "for example warhammer fantasy, which has a clearly defined magic setting"
>>438677 YEah tech wins cause soldiers are more common than mages unless the magic is extremely ridiculous and common, but that would then require even higher scifi to combat it
Kirara 🚗
If it's like mages can just mass produce staves that anyone can use to cast spells from, that might be a match
>>438686 There's plenty of paintings and portraits.
Kirara 🚗
>>438688 theres no evidence to suggest those are accurate and even if they wore shirts, they would have advocated for the right to go shirtless (for men)
>>438716 is not actually a public place, though it is a private property with the rules of the property owner so if they deem "shirtless is fine" anyone can be shirtless
>>438727 I'm going to consider this argument my win if you're feeling the need to change the discussion in such a drastic way without any kind of natural transition.
>>438728 I'm not changing the discussion. Restaurants count as public places even though they're privately owned because they invite the general public in. I can't say "take off your shirt and see what happens" because you're all guys and the law is sexist. But you can commit indecent exposure in a restaurant.
>>438730 Did you call the police on the shirtless guy?
You have to be really causing trouble to be even told to go home by cops here, if you are out drinking and in park areas etc, you can do it anyhow, if you aren't causing a ruckus. and usually, you don't even get fined or anything, just told to go home or forced to spend a night in the locker
Kirara 🚗
on a /// in a lot of communities, if someone calls to say their neighbor is being too loud or something, and they're really drunk, the cop will convince them to step out of their homes and then arrest them and drop the charges in the morning it's especially prominent on indian reservations which have non-tribal police
If someone is causing too much noise post 22 a neighbour can all the cops, but they usually just go tell them to quiet it up and also you quite well destroy any good will with that neighbour. It will take quite continous or huge ruckus to be fined and you will need to sue them to actually press any charges to get compensated etc. At that point we are talking something really special kind of ruckus.
>>438750 That's a lot better than convincing them to step outside and then arresting them and not dropping the charges
Kirara 🚗
i read a presentence investigation report where the guy being wrongfully arrested for public intoxication ran and the cop fell down and broke his finger while chasing him and the guy got charged with assaulting an officer and was considered responsible for the injury
>>438739 Our discussions aren't about winning or losing to me.
Kirara 🚗
>>438755 Yeah, but not on Indian Reservations. And it can depend on the person running. Most of the people who get arrested on the res have been arrested before so they can be really harsh.
>>438759 Many do. Some have tribal law enforcement as well as federal law enforcement.
>>438768 I've had shit like this happen too Sometimes they don't bother stopping they just drive right past
>>438771 >waved before leaving Madman playing with fire here
yes I had 4,03€ on my bus card and the ticket was 4,04€
>>438769 the guy mad e eye contact and waved at me before going
Kirara 🚗
one time jan and i, with rook and tilde, tried to get on a subway and couldn't figure out the payment properly so the guy running it was like "just fucking get in"
>>438769 I had so much stuff on that driver that I propably got him fired and banned from ever driving a bus by the time I filed the complaints
>>438772 It's really a coinflip on whether you get a decent person or an asshole for public transit. I've had bus drivers stop inbetween stops as I'm running to the one ahead of me to catch it so I can get on. And others that have pulled out of the station as I'm running along side it trying to flag it down.
Our subway stations have been having a massive overhaul too, switching old fare-based turnstiles into card-based gates. Because of the complications I've seen a couple of people both get waved past the fare stop and sneak past it.
I think the oen that tops ev erything was one driver >queing up to get into bus >slams the doors on me just before I can get in >I have hand stuck in the door >he opens up the door slightly for me to pull my hand back >closes doors and drives off
Kirara 🚗
>>438774 i think that subway driver could tell that jan and i were fuckin yokels too
we don't really have public transportation here unfortunately
Kirara 🚗
well in this city in particular we have buses actually
To be fair setting up subways in areas of sufficiently low population is pretty reasonably more effort than it's worth. Especially in Florida where building under the ground is probably suffering. Places like there could probably benefit from more thorough bus coverage though.
>>438778 yeah, you can't build underground here haha the only passenger train in the southern part of the state is racking up kills quick too apparently California and Florida trains kill the most people of every state
>>438779 >missile commander >averting nuclear annhilation is border control Holy FUCK Sonic is like the opposite of right wing It's as anti authortarian as it gets
Kirara 🚗
sonic the hedgehog is about RESTORATION OF THE NATURAL ORDER which is very right wing
>>438779 so wait video games cause nazies and are the reason why people do mass shootings?
As unhappy as I am making the argument, there's a better argument for Splatoon being propaganda for a capitalist society because the culture in the game takes what's effectively a paintball game and formalizes it into a sport instead of letting them form naturally, paying out the squids you're a kid now with money to drive their obsessive purchasing of new clothes to show off to their friends. Like really the whole flow of the game is "win money, buy clothes". There isn't some ulterior character-building moral in there at all.
Kirara 🚗
>>438782 the president said so and renewed the discourse
>>438782 Video games cause everything bad in the world Video games killed my dog
i was just asked to contribute money specifically to buy alcohol for a party that my program has every year and i declined because im not going to give people money to get something that's going to trouble me and said i would be willing to contribute to something else and the person (a psychologist) got mad at me for being selfish
i was but i certainly won't now people will be interested to hear about how our colleague alienated me from the party by targeting my mental health issues
speaking of parties, I am bit conflicted about the one I am going to on saturday I kinda don't want to buy alcohol of my own there, cause Lent, but at the same time not having any would be boring and being sober there would be just awkward
>>438790 Yeah that's generally my response to people running guilt trips on me. In the right situation, sure, you might be able to make me do the thing. But irregardless I am going to be fucking pissed with you for stooping to that.
>>438793 this type of person is always a curious one, if you ask me getting pissed off and showing it instantly, when they don't get exactly what they want. One would think that basic compromising and negotiation were things any human would be capable of, but I guess not.
I am known as stubborn, rude and hard headed person set on doing thigns my way, yet I am still capable of co-operating and compromising when required. >>438797 Must have great carreer ahead of them in abusing people.
Also going abck to the "modern meets magic" setting' what aboud diseases? Considering how much plain old diseases caused havoc when different regions met up in just our own history, be it the massive depopulation of native americans in both continents or how the tropical diseases of africa and asia fucked over the europeans when they got over there
How would some fantasy plague healed with potions fare against modern medicine andw hat about the countless diseases we carry, but are immune/resistant to thanks to modern medicine for the fantasy people?
We can assume that at the very least modern people will probably have better hygiene than medieval fantasy I think that depends on how the magic works and wether or not it can heal foreign diseases and infections Does the fantasy world know about things like proper sanitation? And can the fantasy world diseases be researched like normal diseases or do they function like magic
I'd guess both would meet some new diseases of the other party, but modern people would fare better, unless medicine/healing was easily available free of charge for the fantasy people so once again depends on their magical and societal development if for example priests of various church can ehal any disease with their powers, any plague going around would cause casualties, but it wouldn't be depopulating factor
I wonder how would you design a world that would be equilevantly developed as our, but instead of technology they had magic be the source of their prosperity
Cause unless the fantasy world is developed to the point it can sustain high populations, in terms of just war of attrition, the modern tech one would win more meat to the grinder, simply said.
But I think these 2 hits were ment to be public for a reason basically "we can get you whenever we want" it is a message to the ones who left Putin's circles due to the trade sanctions and personal sanctions
Kirara 🚗
absolutely the russian embassy's statement made it super clear
>You oppose me you die a quite clear to Putin's enemies I guess they thought his old age was making him soft and less dangerous That is one ivan I wouldn't mess with, a guy who makes EU and USA dance to his pipe whenever he wishes
a spy and his son died, a British paper headlined it as "Russian spy kill d with nerve agent" or something russian embassy tweeted "British spy, actually. He was working for MI6
It's so strange to me that people can be spies. Like back in the day that's the kind of thing you would keep super secret and if you died no one would know. Now people are just spies as a profession and countries trade them regularly becauase everyone is unabashedly spying on everyone. It feels stupid, kind of like the ridiculous system of alliances that led up to WWI.
>>438856 I think they talked about the supply ships and if they were just food and water, they wouldn't need that many
Kirara 🚗
they showed a map of it in an OVA, im pretty sure it had a reactor
Nuclear energy is so good
Kirara 🚗
has the potential to be so good*
It's still pretty good
Kirara 🚗
in a vacuum considering most of the reactors in the US are like 30 years overdue for upgrades and are poisoning the environment, id argue they're not currently good
>>438864 That's because people got brainwashed into thinking nuclear energy is bad and people haven't been able to build new ones. Oh and hydroelectric power plants and coal are pretty bad for the environment too
Kirara 🚗
they started thinking that because poor maintenance led to various nuclear reactor disasters capitalism isn't equipped to realize the full potential of nuclear energy because there's no incentive to
>>438866 Don't blame capitalism Blame people Also the largest nuclear disaster was caused by a major fuckup not poor maintenance The second largest nuclear disaster was caused by people improperly storing things which also isn't maintenance
>>438866 planned economy led tot he worst disaster, though just because "let's see what we can do with this"
Kirara 🚗
im not saying communism would be better at running a nuclear reactor
wouldn't capitalists want good maintanence to protect their big expensive reactors that their investors paid for Their big majour assets Maybe not for the proper disposal of waste but the protection of the reactor itself
>>438869 also if I am not mistaken aren't nuclear plants in usa also partially run by gov? atleast the one that went overheats
Kirara 🚗
>>438871 they are monitored by the govt but run and managed by the company that owns them
Three mile island wasn't that bad anyways
>>438870 Waste caused by coal power plants is a much bigger issue And by mass uranium is a much better fuel source
Kirara 🚗
>>438870 historical evidence suggests the answer is no
This is how much better it is With a fuel that good, replacing coal powerplants with nuclear powerplants is worth it and will result in less waste per energy used
but that explains the supply ships I bet most of the power comes from burning, which I presume are similiar to trash and such burning facilities here and in japan quite enviromentally friendly bio/trash facilities