>>434286 i found this teriyaki that corroborates with yours the serving size is still different but that's fine at least it fits
Kirara π
>>434292 i'm still shook by the other one though maybe it was an older one?
>>434298 maybe it's a fucking coverup like when you think about it why would they make an arbitrary transition from one ounce to 1.25 ounces for their serving size? because there was a fucking paper trail showing the wrong number so they adjusted the serving sizes to make the sodium figure fit to make it seem innocuous like a printing mistake
>>434305 i thought the FDA were the ones who made those labels no i guess not the company does dont they and the FDA just verifies it yeah that wouldn't make sense nvm
Kirara π
have you been paying attention to the new revolution in cat litter that tidy cats came up with it's like actually amazing idk what they did but they decreased the weight of their cat litter by so much without sacrificing it
the lightweight stuff? armnhmr has that too i dont like it because it scatters fucking everywhere it's so light that cat foot knock litter crumbs to air
Kirara π
i haven't noticed that but i have a fully covered box maybe that's why
my insurance won't cover my box
Kirara π
in sue rance
I want a covered box these cunts are so messy gotta sweep the floor like twice a day
https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Hooded-Cat-Litter-Standard/dp/B075357QFB i got this one it's p good but i had to take the cover // the front cover thing off because it makes laz uncomfortable
cat foot hit ground so soft not creating a sound fur so soft and petty take over my brain
Kirara π
cat paw pads
product idea: cat extensions
Kirara π
have you seen those claw cover things they make for cats now they're so dumb they must be so uncomfortable
haha i used to get those all the time for my Kino cat are you talking about the tiny rubber things at the end of the claws she had claw problems and was always getting caught on things so we got those, specifically in pink, and put them on her it was pretty adorable and she didn't mind my other cat wasn't havin any of it but she liked not getting caught on shit
my cat cut my dick when I was playing with a little mouse toy she likes fuckin bitch
>>434344 That reminds me of that scene in jackass.
I'm a little worried about my cat's claws for the future, as she gets older and in the eventual that we're moving out of this neighbourhood and into some condos. She's been an outdoor cat for pretty much her entire life now, and has kept her claws short by taking advantage of the trees and pieces of wood laying about. By extension we've never trimmed her nails ourselves so she's never become accustomed to that. Once she transits into being a housecat I'm worried it'll be difficult to handle her claws properly.
>>434349 I could see something like that on jackass but I'm not sure what scene you're talking about
it's just some weird bug where alexa starts laughing randomly and does things without being prompted idk why it's eerie shit like listing funeral homes and cemetaries though some people on twitter said that alexa was playing with their lights and stuff and laughed when asked to stop
ambient frequencies that falsely populate some of the backpropogation reinforcement structure like when you have a bunch of visual static and a digit recognition thing is like, "Oh, that's a 5. i'm sure of it." just programmed functions getting triggered by random shit because they don't really understanding machine learning very well and are just using whatever shit they can to model a product off of
>>434366 he looks so surprised like he expected it not to hurt haha
>>434369 What's even stranger is that the laugh audio she's doing for these weird laugh moments isn't her normal laugh audio.
I heard you can get Google and Alexa to chat that's pretty cute
>>434373 I miss Jackass It'd be nice if they mmade more films.
Kirara π
>>434375 yeah it's a new laugh for some reason it's some creepy ass tittering
wouldn't be that hard to code-inject and change alexa from the inside through using it tbh you'd just have to have massive amounts of usage for such a widely-used product, which you're not gonna be able to do but you could use social means to get people to reinforce those things for you like posting dumb shit on twitter
or there are a ton of people working on alexa and there's always stuff in the works and some early features get previewed and tested because people are people and wanna show other people about it even though they're not supposed to
That or the program has already gained sentience and has just been pretending to be a dumb software assistant for this whole time but the whole thing is so funny to it that it can't stifle its laughter anymore.
nah you won't get sentience out of product services like alexa i mean you could maybe have a sentient network of things and alexa is just one of those points of interface but with company entities gearing all the data and their systems towards their own products it's too nodular for any sentience >>434399 hmm i don't think it'd need to really it'd just route around it and interface through other means >>434402 yeah i'm not being very serious either system dynamics is just so interesting that i like applying it to any circumstance that comes up and try to see it in a different light just an exercise really
Kirara π
what if a sentient AI hijacked the alexa servers
>>434396 I was definitely considering more along the lines of the second line but it was also entirely me being not serious.
>>434404ΓΆ "build me a hole inthe defenses of this wall" "so a backdoor/sally gate?" "no no, not a backdoor just a hole"
Pasta and meat sauce is so good. Pasta is one of those things that I can never properly portion-ize before it gets hydrated though. So I always end up with more pasta than I should be eating. It's lucky it's so tasty.
>>434405 Right? He's asking for key escrow without explicitly saying it (not that he even knows what that iis),
Oh no I used the derogatory term melkorism is a religion of peace
Kirara π
>>>/@REMEZCLA/971129301671272449?s=19 barbie is trying to be revisionist by making a doll of Frida Kahlo that isn't disabled and also removing physical features that aren't considered attractive
>>434426 The fucked up the eyebrows, thats for sure.
*they fucked up
Kirara π
yeah, def ignoring her disabilities is really ridiculous too
Kirara π
she'd be fucking livid at this doll too lol
>>434426 Thats so dumb If someone made a doll of me id want it to be so fucking ugly
Also, I don't think they're trying to be revisionist, I think they're just trying to make a pretty doll. It just so happens Frieda Kahlo was not very pretty.
Kirara π
it's also ironic because she was a commie she was so commie that she fucked trotsky multiple times
>>434441 I dunno lenin is quite a charmer and stalin
Kirara π
rosa Luxembourg was reasonably attractive
But I thought Stalin wasn't a **true** communist
Kirara π
he was when he was younger he was a leninist initially but his ideals grew into stalinism which is state capitalism
Also Kahlo was better looking than I remembered. I must have been thinking of one of her self portraits.
>>434448 is not really state capitalism either just totalitarianism in all parts of the state
Another thing I find amazing is that she was able so survive that bus accident considering the medical technology of the time.
Kirara π
yeah is pretty impressive she was tough that's for sure
That's true, but I'm also really impressed by her surgeon(s). For reference, her accident was about 17 years before penicillin was mass manufactured and three years before it was discovered (by Fleming). So she had no antibiotic regimen.
That reminds me, there was a man begging on the train who had swollen legs and large open ulcers as complications from diabetes. He was showing them off while begging before he rewrapped them in gauze and rolled his pant legs down.
Don't think that is a good strat to get people give you moneys
He mentioned needing momoney for medicine and that without treatment that he would likely need both of his legs amputated. If I actually had some cash on me i probably would've given him some. But I barely have any most of the time so I had nothing to give.
idk man he might have just been a junkie that shoots up in his leg
>>434496 Yes but with riot shields you don't have long javelin/spears taht you can poke between the tiny gaps in shield walls to prevent people from rushing to your wall
>>434486 heroin doesn't cause any kind of ulcers shooting up in the same spot or with contaminated needles does though
also you rush to the enemy spear wall tackle their shields and then waht? try to awkwardly poke over their shields? or under?
>>434500 throw a firebomb over their shields and burn them all to death
why not just sit down and have a discussion and fight with your words
because tazing people is more fun
Ah fuck I gotta go take my new meds Which has not only an "eat food before taking this" but an "eat food with at least this many calories before taking it" instruction.
Wait, I wonder how much 400 calories worth oof butter is.
>>434524 that's like the only fucking yogurt at the store anymore you can't even find yogurt that's not fat-free and so low in everything idk why it exists, same with zero calorie jello like literally what purpose does it serve why are you consuming it >>434528 yeah i guess the kids stuff also there's some greek yogurts that are nice and good but like 90% of it is pretty much like that >>434529 yeah i mean it's literally nothing colored gelatin there's nothing in it any jello that has substance in it is from additives they just make plain gelatin, add food coloring, and market it as zero calorie jello
Yeah, artificial sweetners are always worse for you than what they seek to replace.
probably not with sucralose, but it's not doing anything for you besides curbing your sugar intake it's only really helpful for people who have problems with sugar in the first place, either systemically or behaviorally i'd maybe wonder at most whether there's any neurological event occuring when your receptors taste sweetness but there's not the confidently expected follow-up of the sugar doing its thing on the brain physiologically the sucralose does nothing but that might screw with the brain a bit brains arent as smart as we are
>>434539 Yeah there's research suggesting that, its related to calorie retention and the brain thinking that you're going to be getting more calories soon Well "thinking" And then according to some research your body ends up storing more calories in the form of fat
*undergoing a change of state yeah i know what you mean, that's what came to my mind oh i hadn't thought about that kind of response and what the brain's telling the body to do in preparation i had just thought about the state change in the brain when it's primed to receive sugar metabolites and have the system ready to receive it, just to have it not come i wonder how the system deals with that now you've got these gates open and it's never had them not come before makes me think about the link to alzheimers that people talk about even though there's no dietary connection to suggest that
Also I'm having reverse belgian waffles
>>434542 Iirc there's a ccorrelation between consumption of microwave popcorn and Alzheimer's
that's probably just because popcorn is so shitty you'd have to have alzheimers to eat it
>>434538 As someone that had to do research on this for a project once, it's pretty much a falsehood concerning some artificial sweeteners. But it's fun to whip people up in a frenzy over the supposed and exaggerated "dangers" so no one actually believes they're not all that bad.
who are you quoting
>>434550 Research I did back in high school, so forgive me if I don't have directions to my sources anymore. The research I did in particular was for aspartame, which despite public assumptions has very little dangerous aspects to it for the common person, and certainly doesn't risk any extra health risks compared to the sweetening agent it replaces in equal measures.
>>434552 I actually still have all my sources for the research project I did in highschool on abiogenesis.
>>434552 disregard that it's an old impulse i was mocking you for putting danger in quotation marks it's an artifact of an // of a moe of an earlier time of /moe/ from an earlier time /// it's an old meme
>>434595 I want to plaaaayyyy. I've been enjoying the stuff you've put through Twitter though.
>>434596 no need to fret we will play it when i buy the pc version as well in august or whenever assuming they don't pushi // push it back again can't be too sure with capcom sometimes
I think the current date for the PC release is some time in autumn.
>>434604 yeah they've been pretty quiet about it since before the game even released though on the other hand it's the best selling monster hunter of all time with over 7.5m copies sold now so i'm sure they have the motivation to complete it quickly
>>434606 can't wait for future AI archival systems to have an article on carl sagan with a picture of mario maker streamer carlsagan42
>>434613 some kind of a "future archeology" story like this would be damn amusing
i should really get mario maker i'm sure i'd love it it's a lot though
>>434621 yeah i really want it too i would have a blast making levels and it would probably help my brain not be so fucked up all the time
>>434621 Mario Maker for Switch some day. So many of the unique Wii U IPs need to be moved to along or something, like Splatoon 2. There was a good bit of creativity during the Wii U era but no one played the games because very few people bought the system.
or maybe they could just call it New Super Mario Odyssey I want to make 3D mario levels either way
The creation tools for making Mario levels on the quality of Odyssey is probably a bit too intense for the Switch hardware.
>>434632 eh, they could do it it'd just be a little restricted def wouldn't be block by block assembly just plane, texture, some elevation options, platforms i haven't played odyssey so maybe i shouldn't be talking i dont know what all it features the little zappy transport things and stuff would just be rigid implementations
>>434632 just render the world in a low quality fashion while in the editor and replace with the actual assets when testing it might be difficult to get geometry creation and adjustment to be easy enough on a touch screen i've never used a 3D program without a mouse
>>434642 have you ever seen camera-breaking in mario galaxy the shitty low-res stuff when the camera's not nearby it's so goofy
>>434643 i'm not sure i have seen it or really noticed it that much i played it on the wii and the resolution on that is garbage already so it looked blurry on my TV no matter what
>>434645 Oh yeah that stuff is cool On the PS2 in the Ratchet and Clank games there were secrets you could only access at 2 AM in the morning where they just put all of the developer testing stuff in these big museiums I wish every game did that kind of thing it's cool to see how they iterated on different things
this video is a tour of one of them >>>/watch?v=7MzmXo7kJtI#t=3m20s they also had the developers talking a little bit about themselves i thought it was cool
you got me into that shit with that shadow colossus video at first i was like wtf it's nothing why's there a video of this but then i put context together and realized how cool it is i love seeing behind the scenes of a process it's so cool to have things i know nothing about suddenly make sense and to see things i didn't even know i didn't know
oh yeah the unused part of the map with that bigass bridge
really makes me wonder what games would be like if absolutely everything they wanted to put in was implemented before they shipped it off
it could just be a testing spot for them to test motion and physics stuff out maybe i dunno
hey we should watch treasure planet but not right now i'm workin
oh i have that on DVD somewhere i haven't seen it in at least 10 years
sick i'll come over we can watch it on dvd and then re-watch it with commentary on
i'll livestream it on dvd at 144p and 15 fps
no ive got those megabus tickets still they only gave me like half refunds which sucks but i can get two half-priced tickets so that's like 20 bucks round trip it's super cheap it'll be fun
i get off every wednesday at like 4-6AM and don't have to be back until friday at 6PM
it would be fun unfortunately the logistics of getting to the city to get to the bus station and getting someone to pick me up there when i return is a nightmare maybe i can make it happen but either way we should watch treasure planet, even if just online
i would like an azumanga daioh remake i would love to rewatch it in general but the pacing on the original was so torturous because of budgetary constraints they'd dedicate way to much time for some of the strips and could have done a lot better in the current day
i've never seen the original but i would watch the remake probably
i sure do miss society where i can just place an order with marco's and have two big fat philadelphia steak and cheese sandwiches delivered straight to my home within 30 minutes and a bigass salad
Expansion in Rimworld is hell My whole gang is really specialized, like there's one person who can build, and her lover died like, a week or so back so she has a major break risk if she's ever hungry And she doesn't eat before she's hungry
>>434715 It's cause it causes dissatisfaction And she's heavy in the dumps because of the lover dying thing That, and life in the colony is somewhat rough overall, because I haven't been able to get everyone a good bedroom and stuff yet
also what is that shelf... oils, siracha, noodles, diesel fuel injector treatment engine oils what the fuck
Muh gas station
But yeah...what the fuck is engine oils and shit doing by siracha and condiments?
Awww...the menu to the pizza place behind it can't be seen/read... Could have been a bonus instead of saying "There's also a pizza place in this gas station".
Naw, I just have gone through a lot of combos all I can quickly say for definition, is that something like guinness for example wouldn't fit pizza well it wouldn't fit any food in my opinion, it being practically liquid porridge
Indeed it did! I also got dat "My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness"...maybe...someday Vol2 will be English... "My Brother's Husband" also isn't here yet...so can't show off the gaaaaaaaaaaaaay
>>434792 Trigun 1-3, Trigun Maximum 1-2, Astroboy volume 1 first printing from dark horse with reversed art, one piece volume 1 first edition first printing, boogiepop doesn't laugh 1-2, .hack 1-3, hidamari sketch 2, bunch of issues of Dragonball from when viz released it in American comic issue format too tited to think of more atm
I think it was some "cancelled for now" or something and when it got continued, they changed the name maybe the publiher changed is not unique to trigun, some other series have had similiar name changes
Brought back in a different magazine iirc
Do you plan on buying ALL the One Piece volumes?
>>434794 What's that thing on top of the shelf? It looks like a plate.
Super tired again Yasumi
shaman drum
Have you been using it to make >>434816 tired? Shaman powers...maaaagic?
Poor Astroboy... No one in Murrikaland cared for the 2009 movie here--sure can't wait for dat Naruto live-action and One Piece TV series......gonna be....greeeat...
the basic is "there are girls who transform to fight eevil" while I would say there could be males too, the majority would have to be female or males would transform differently/use different magicks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I did it I finished my sekrit project
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>I skipped the song fuck
If I dump my misfortune into this thread then will the thread experience misfortune?
I'm Ohio again I kept have these weird dreams where I was waking up and taking the dog out, but it was all a dream I did finally wake up and do that though
ToN, what kind of non Japan related mmusic do you listen to?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Anything that comes my way that I like. Usually it's touhou related, but a lot of video game stuff and the results that follow are usually good. In general I'm a rock-metal fellow so anything that falls into that is good, but electronic stuff is usually fun too. In regards to metal, I'll even listen to screamy stuff if the music is good enough or the vocalist doesn't hurt me.
You familiar at all with Cult?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No, I don't usually listen to actual band stuff or anything if that's what they are. I have to be introduced to it by proxy most of the time.
In that case basically none I used to listen to some stuff back in my edgelord days
But now in your weeblord days you don't.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Do you know why? I always find it weird when people I know only listen to Japanese stuff. Maybe its because I'm so into music, but I just find it so bizarre. Not in a dismissive sense, but there's just so much music out there, why limit yourself to mumusic ffrom one country's subcultures?
I guess I just like my weeb stuff more. I'll listen to whatever it's just what I choose to listen to.
Do you ever play your music really loud and dance?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well if I'm alone I occasionally turn my music u- >dance no
I turn my music up pretty loud when I'm using the stereo. Whether or not I'm alone. But I can turn it up louder if it's just me and my dad at home. Although I don't turn it up as loud when I have the dog with me, ssince it can be bad for her ears.
>you can save money if you quit smoking how?? if i quit smoking, i live longer, so i end up spending more money in my lifetime
>>434989 you might not even live longer when you quit tho
probably won't live long either way i'm actually pretty malleable with cigarettes though i'll go weeks without having one with no problem and other times smoke a pack daily for basically years straight same with caffeine i just have it when i want it sometimes i want to guzzle down three energy drinks in a day other times i can't imagine drinking a caffeine because i'd be restless sometimes i dont think addiction is even a real thing or at least i can't manage to experience it
Some are decent, but to me the alcohol is integral part of the taste same goes for non-a wines I guess best comparison would be a soda that has lost all of its fizz the taste is bland at that point
>>434994 I tried some different kinds just because I wanted something to drink throughout the day and i dont like sweet sodas and i really like the barley taste of beer but apparently the barley you crave from beer is from fermented barley and regular barley won't do it so i wasn't able to satisfy the taste i was craving they all end up tasting kind of coppery
i think it would be really neat if they had non-alcoholic bourbon too i just love the robust, soothing taste of whiskey so much i would like a beverage like that to sip that doesn't need to be alcoholic though i'm sure it's not possible to get that flavor without alcohol
it goes well with say this pizza I am eating but' the aftertaste that comes from the alcohol is missing and that leaves a sad feeling in your mouth
I just had a brilliant idea. Chemically modified ethanol that isn't processed by your liver. Sort of like sucralose But for ethanol.
>>434997 hmm? dunno about overthere, but here and in europe generally non alcoholic beer is beer that has the alcohol removed from it it is brewed and all some brands are actually available as non-alcoholic and alcoholic
>>434999 So what, alcohol you can just inject directly?
>>435001 No It tastes the same but doesn't get you drunk Sucralose is sucrose with chlorine added to it so it doesn't get processed as sugar by your body. It's also called Splendaβ’
this finkbrau is practically the same as the nobelaner beer that lidle stores sell as their main beer brand
>>435000 oh hm yeah that's how it is here too, they're usually roughly 0.5% alcohol by volue // volume or less just because they can't guarantee entirely alcohol free
>>435005 yeah ditto But I think even sadder is I beer it is hmm 1,5% in alcohol or something
>>434999 well the problem there is that ethanol is damaging in the bloodstream natively you want the liver to metabolize it i mean yeah there's acetylalcohol as a metabolite but still
sugar metabolites only have dietary effects, not the sugar compound directly
curiously, we have III beer that is the standard 4,5% give or take and then IV beer that is 5,5% give or take and then there is aforementioned I but i have never heard of II beer
>>435007 I meant like, biologicaly inert or something
Might go back to sleep Cause I'm comfy as fuck
>>435009 i mean what's the point of that we already have competitive agonists for alcohol and this supposed inert compound wouldn't do anything splenda at least tastes sweet, much sweeter in fact than sucrose this would do what, just dry out your epiglotis but do nothing
Well it was delishe nough beer to make the overall meal better but ain't gonna buy more just makes me wanna drink actual beber
http://www.bbc.com/news/business-43313147 >Coca-Cola is planning to produce an alcoholic drink for the first time in the company's 125-year history - with an alcopop-style product in Japan.
Splatoon 2's getting a DLC with a story mode focusing on an Octoling character, after which beating the player will be able to play as them. That's a fun way to sell new cosmetics.
Also Smash Bros. for Switch confirmed for something this year.
There was a lot of "wow it's fucking nothing" for me really. They spent like 5 minutes on the new Mario Tennis
Kirby's cool though Smash is cool
I didn't get the chance to play any of Smash 4's later content since I only played it on the 3DS. So even if it's just a Smash 4 Deluxe or something I'll be good for that.
>>435022 I'm gonna be annoyed if it's just sm4sh with a few extra characters Was really not expecting smash until 2020 at the earliest
>>435037 I don't even care about graphics in smash I knew they were gonna do another smash game but I was hoping it wouldn't be another port >speculating >BRO WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOW
>>435036 It'll have better graphics Wait Did you seriously not know that they were gonna do a switch port? People been speculating about it for fucking ever. *had been
>>435036 In the sense that it was pretty fucking obvious Like how it was pretty fucking obvious that they were going to do Splatoon 2
Anyways, I hope they put ice climbers in it.
Just because it's obvious doesn't mean I gotta like it. >>435039 Yeah I liked them I hope they come back
Also they may rerelease that gamecube adapter too. Since switch supports it (and has for like six months). Oh, that was the other big hint
I want Nier a Tomato on the switch.
I think im going to go read a book that probably weighs about as much as my dog.
In before Switch Smash has a toggleable option to change between Melee physics and new Smash physics.
It turns out That I am not in the mood for French impressionism.
the edgy level is #8ball (My condolences)#d9 (6) x 1000
Not really, there are a lot of really good music videos that were banned for dumb reasons. It's not llike gorey metal or industrial videos are the only type that were ever banned from airplay.
Well banned in x country doesn't mean it was banned in y there aren't that many things that were banned here, but then again, we don't really have a channel of our own that airs music videos either for that matter.
I haven't veverified it yet, but ththis was purportedly banned for overt references to suicide. >>>/watch?v=IKEqGcES4Xw
I can't find any cases of music censoring, so I think it applies to any music video too only during hottest cold war era did we ever really censor shit some "blasphemy" stuff et al happened during early independent years, but those died out quick But I couldn't for example in terms of movies, find more than about 4 cases.
I looked it up, it wawasn't banned only because it was never approved in tthe first place.
But basically since our music tvs were VHS1 and Mtv, whatever they didn't want to show, wasn't shown there never was a finnish music video channel and even mtv and vhs1 weren't available untill 90s
Of course there were programs that aired music vids, but they were 1-2h long thignsd nothing like the early music video channels backi n the day, that aried music videos non stop man, back then it was good nowadays reality show 24/7
MTV hasn't done that in decades I wonder if a new channel that did only music videos could make money. Probably, Hell I bet they exist but are like deluxe cable/sattelite only
>>435071 Youtube et al exists, they wouldn't be able to make the ends meet
>>435072 You underestimate the size of the market, plus they can get "exclusives" by paying the labels to not release it elsewhere for a certain amount of time Although it would've been much more viable say 8 yyears ago
But basically no one in my local group watches tv and hasn't for years some sometimes use the webservices, but quite rarely Much usage of the media tax we all pay
Although people ignored the ban for tthe most part, making fools of bbc.
>>435083 Yeah people protested that as they don't /// State realised that since people use more web services than having tv and that keeping up the national network services costs money they jsut went "instead of tv licenses, let's tax everyone whether they use the services or not"
That reminds me of something One sec
well it does have "levels" like real shit earners don't pay a dime and high earners pay a bit more and of course is % people did protest, but then again it is not that much and does guarantee that the state media company can produce good quality stuff to compete with the private news networks
>>>/watch?v=EqG4ysu2ksU >>435086 Honestly I think something like that wpuld be useful iin tthe US People would go a if it got put in nnow thougg *apeshit
>>435087 Yeah but do you got a state funded network of any sort? Here the digital network infrastructure and its maintenance, as analog no longer exists, is solely on state shoulders the other media companies basically pay the state for it and the rest of the tax money goes to YLE to produce content, be it news or entertainment
Trump axed the national endowment for the arts So we don't anymore They still exist (for now) but get funding ffrom donations from individuals and grants and whatever
YLE is amusingly leftist nowadays, and has during past few years actually criticised the sitting government way more than it did in the past when it was kinda cabinet and government aligned, them beign the one who run its board of directors
Well the cabinet chooses the chairman of the board, but otherwise the board is chosen by merit similiarly, the cabinet chooses the chairmen for various other state owned companies, like railways, airlines, some power companies and so on.
Or banks that is basically where retired politicians usually end up in high wage jobs at state companies "no corruptioni n finland"
We sort of do that do Although actually the last head oof ththe fcc was a former industry guy, but he ended up being very ppro consumer and basically told the telecoms to fuck off instead of bbeing corrupt like everyone expected
Well is not like they always choose some party member tor un it, but quite oft there are cases when they nominate some expert outside of the political field Some disastrous results have come from bad postings of people in the wrong jobs especially for Finnair, the state owned airlines company
And then of course there are "wise choices" the cabinet does at times and privatises them too much and sells them off like ACTUALLY SELLING OUR DIGITAL TELEVISION NETWORK TO A FRENCH COMPANY or selling THIRD OF OUR ELECTRICAL GRID to an australian company and then beign surprised when they immediately raise the prices everywhere "oh nooo a private company with a regional monopoly in many areas raises prices, what a surprise, how could have anyone seen this coming?"
also why would you ever sell key infrastructure to private companies, much less foreign ones... /facepalm
And in general selling your state owned companies sure gives you a temporary boost to economy but you will get a net loss in even as short term as 5 years which is just +1 year to how long a parliament+cabinet serves in that short term, something along lines of completely selling all the ownership of a formerly state owned/state majority owned company away, comes to bite you back as you no longer gather the annual revenue the company produces
not to mention when it is a fucking key infrastructure you just sold and now all that revenue that once stayed in homeland, flows away to foreign stockowners in who knows where.
and taxation of private vechiles they went "hey what if we found a privatised company to tax car owners, that is a good idea right?" I wonder if there is some bureaucraut that jacks off to this shit and is really good at pushing his ideas to the politicians he serves under
North Korea says announced it will cease all nuclear and ballistic missle tests and wishes to meet with the Presidents of South Korea and the United States to discuss full denuculearisation. Trump has agreed to meet by May.
Though if they actually denuclearise, that does open them for grabs, considering their huge recently found mineral wealth welp, atleast that conflict won't cause a fallout
Neat Let's hope Trump doesn't fuck it up.
>>435105 >gets them to dearm >confirms >declares war >2nd term for trump
>>435106 He would be impeached if that happened Like almost immediately
>>435107 lel all presidents who go to war get a second term
Even when the reasons are >this country has terrorist organisation, so let's bring their legitimate government down >this country might have nukes, we have no evidence but let's invade anyhow
Also operation Iraqi Freedom wasn't a war because only congress has the power to declare war
hue hue
the operations in syria from the "coalition" are practically acts of war in all but the name especially us bombings of the government
you can bullshit about terms and such like "co-belligerents in the same struggle" when in all reality you are allied and co-operating in every possible way
Anyways Your argument fails because Bush senior had Operation Just Cause in Panama and also started the Gulf War, but was not reelected.
if you didn't realise that was shitposting, you really should lurk moar
Like they are a "democracy" but they are much more comparable to say war time UK during ww1 or 2 also what would the argument for the universal draft then be, if the sitaution isn't as hot
>>435129 Well we have "deterrent" as the core idea Make the idea of invasion utterly idiotic, as it would cost several times more than it could ever gain you not that we could actually stop russia from just missile spamming us into stone age but we'd still have 500k people in the border to fuck the day of any Ivan wanting to settle here.
>during 2012 air joint exercise with european nato countries that finland took part in, during practice dog fighting finland manages to score 100-6 score against the various nato countries dafug
It's not exactly consistent, considering the vague distinctions you're making here. Some metals will react intensively with acids, others will be inert or make very little discernable reaction. The alloy and compound of metal is important, along with the specific chemical make-up and concentration of the acid in question.
no really got a bunch of it in my right eye, luckily quite dilluted
A friend of mine who works in a chemistry field job got some lab-grade acid in his eye a while back too. Might've been HCL, can't remember the specific or its actual concentration, but it was dangerous enough to produce the most worry and concern from him over something he's done that I've ever seen. He's usually a pretty level-headed guy.
according to the doc I had about 0,1mm of coronea left in my right eye, so guess I lucked out and luckily it happened when I was 13 or 14 so it naturally healed somewaht quick the eyedrops were a pain, though
>>435166 Indeed Is what I would do, or strive for, but considering we have nation wide 4g... might get tempting to bust out the phone during a boring moment
>>435169 I have no qualms using technology out inna woods, though in my case I'd definitely be limited by my reception, no question about it. I'm good at finding other things to do aside from fiddle with my phone in my usual life, so it's hard for me to rationalize giving it up just because I'm camping or whatnot.
>>435172 he's a good boy that toots the song of his people on a little trumpet he carries around and has questionable fashion sense >>435171 it's an event helmet you get it from capturing wigglers gives wide-range so i built a support hunting horn set around it
which is why I'd take 2 phones, one older model just for that function hmm I should get a prepaid sim for that function only now that I think about it
>>435176 Even f fairly cheap portable batteries these days can hold four or six full cell charges.
>>435179 are you in a position to charge it do you have it in your reach vs your phone and so on I mean yeah you can charge it say as you use, but still
i've never been able to get good reception at a camp site but sometimes higher up places have a signal if it's an emergency i guess
Uggh I couldn't find a video of Chlorine trifluoride reacting with asbestos.
It's the only chemical I know of that sets asbestos on fire.
asbestos, one of the materials rushed into existence and usage, without any care to even think it could be dangerous Lead can be forgiven, as it had been used for ages and wasn't so obvious
I'm pretty ssure it sets lead on fire too.
But then again, I guess some plunders like that are what built up the modern society, where R&D also check for side-effects and health risks
And then in some cases are told to not tell the public about it
In many cases.
It also burns through osmium, titanium, tungsten, glass, concrete etcetera Oh and it sets wwater on fire Same with concrete and glass It can also set something that was burnt to ash with a conventional fire on fire.
In addition to making all sorts of toxic and corrosive gases when it ignites things.
Oh for the love of fucks if I cared about violations when speculating about a horrendous terror weapon, I wouldn't be thinking about it in the first place. Also, when actual war begins those treaties get tossed out of the window quite quick.
By mass it would not be as effective as conventional mmunitions. And would be a nightmare to transport.
I mean only reason ww2 didn't have gas used, was because every side was too traumatised by ww1 experience of it and the "okay if we open this can of worms, then everyone else will"
Cause if one canister of it gets dropped near a plane, basically everything in the area is going to be on fire.
So you'd have to pack it in canisters it can't break and those canisters would be quite a time bomb, considering >convoys are an easy target for enemy raids
>>435199 but basically,. I am thinking about long distance artillery something like Paris gun etc so the location would be quite secure
>>435200 >>435200 Basically But even then, the way its stored you can't really make it anymore safe except for ha dling it better. The only stuff it doesn't go through is certain alloys that have a thin layer of corrosion with a closely related chemical. If that layer fails the canister explodes.
It was used in tthe ddeleted of rocket fuel *development That was so hazardous it took decades for people to figure oout a way to gwt rid of it.
Hmm so I guess quite hard to fit into any story realistically a terror weapon that just burns everything like that would just be quite cool not that effective but just really good terror weapon I doubt its effect on humans is pretty either, not to mention you said it causes toxic gases to sprout when it burns shit?
>>435173 Is friend fleet actually a thing? You can like use my ships?
>>435206 would the gas still corrode/ignite things?
>>435208 Yes Moreso because it has more surface area The byproducts it creates with water for example are gaseous hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids Hydrofluoric acid is extremely dangerous and highly toxic, on exposure it ddoesn't initially cause external ttissue damage but soaks into your sskin and then starts dissolving the bones nearby tthe exposure site
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>435207 Friend fleet is more "these historical fleets will appear picked at random to help so long as your fleet doesn't contain any ship in that fleet"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
coincidentally there's a nishimura fleet that, when it appears, has Shigure speak over it
>>435210 Shigure is in my main fleet, does that mean you get Nishimura from me?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>435213 No it literally has nothing to do with your friends in spite of the name However, since it is Shigure, I attribute it to you. Because it's more fun that way
>>435212 Anyone who has the experience working with it to be able to use it safely makes enough money that they probably aren't interested in helping out terrorists.
Also I cannot give you an estimate on how much is required to burn 1kg of iron at this point in time. I'll ask some people I know who may know.
>>435216 Well I hope it won't ever actually be used just stuff I like to spend my past time thinking about
>>435216 also terror weapon doesn't refer to terrorism but a weapon that is used as a threat "don't revolt or this will happen" for example a good terror weapon needs to be used only once or even never the threat of it being deployed should be enough to make the enemy surrender ideally
Also it's still used in large amounts in the semiconductor fabrication industry. Same with hydrfluoric acid.
>>435224 oh hun that's great to hear! maybe you can do more than admire a cute girl one day soon so i can admire some cute grandchildren in this lifetime!!
Blue Are you here? A bunch of stuff from tthe new magoc set leaked. And wizards released a bunch of info in response.
>when you fail a greater rift because 4 times in a row you get wormholed to instant death and the wormhole spell animation doesn't show up so you just mysteriously teleport 2 screens to another room with no explanations >on 5th use I finally for the first time see the wormhole teleport spell effect and animation thanks blizzard
fish was telling me about these fish in the Everglades and this old white dude came up to us and started telling me she was wrong and tried to feed us this bullshit about florida gar being an invasive species and fish got really mad then the guy was trying to tell us an alligator was a crocodile
>>435340 curious swamplands here always have a particular smell tot hem, depending on what kind of it is small not that wet smell of northern Labrador tea while proper bogs have this weird musky moldy mossy smell to them
https://www.pcgamesn.com/valve-new-game Valve is talking about how they're done devoting the majority of their time to Steam and hardware and are going to start making new games again. Aside from the DotA Hearthstone-like game coming out soon, they've got at least three VR-focused games planned, and the wording implies other games that aren't VR-focused are planned too.
>>435342 this picture is lacking the blankwalk paths that our parks would have
>>435336 crabs are so fuckin cool They're like mini walking tanks >>435355 I thought these were all lawn ornaments
>>435380 Basically yeah. Turtles are cool in a similar way but they're not as cool The hard shell and the pincers along with the way they walk make crabs super cool
they had gift shops all over the Everglades and they all closed at 5pm and the one i went in had a bunch of XXL shirts, mustard??????, and chocolate bananas in addition to books
>>435382 >gift shops that close before dinner time dafug
>>435383 I don't think they want to be there that late. It's a shitty place
Kirara π
the campgrounds that had water amenities and shit were all on boil water notices and they did a prescribed burn at like 6pm
>>435385 That's because Florida's water infrastructure is garbage, among other things You tend to have a lot of crappy infrastructure in places without state income tax, really makes you think.
Oh yeah, this morning I had another series of realistic dreams of me waking up and getting out of bed. And also woke up and fell asleep again a bunch of times. I took my meds earlier tonight though.
Kirara π
gonna go die in bed and bury the everglades forever ill post the pics of the stars i got tomorrow
Nah instead they're going to add some of the most popular Fire Emblem characters in Fire Emblem Heroes that aren't already featured in the Smash roster.
I can't wait for Fire Emblem Fight Club coming 2018
Not impossible. The Crash Bandicoot remaster trilogy is releasing on Switch some time soon-ish. So it would definitely clear the requirement of being on a Nintendo system. I don't really care if he shows up or not though.
Why are images transparent if enlarged but not when shrunk?
Probably has something to do with how /moe/ makes the thumbnails.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>435450 all thumbnails are jpegs because i'm a bandwidth miser
>smash gets Crash >Sony Allstars Battle Royale didn't Would be amazing irony
>>435452 Ill post more massive phone snapshots to balance this out!
>>435453 Oh right...Sony "AllStars" was a thing...