They established that he was fast witted last episode, I guess it's decent writing on their part to have him flip sides.
he looks like that evil guy from yu yu hakusho
The way turncoat-kun is explaining the bad guy's reasoning for what he's doing actually makes it kind of appealing. I'd love to see what the world of the future I could never see with a mortal life span looks like. Maybe even commit evil to obtain the ability to do so. It's a tempting allure.
Looks like he acquired a new maid harem member, but didn't manage to acquire the dryad.
He's still got 99+ skill points to spend. So many he doesn't have the UI to count them properly.
>>435305 Well the Dryad said herself that she lives as long as the forest is alive. So she's probably tied to it or something. He can't go adventuring if one of his waifus is stuck attached to a forest.
That dungeon made a lot of salt.
>Youngest elf in the forest So what, eighty years old?
Oh wow he got a whole BUNCH of new members for his harem.
>This is becoming somewhat surreal >Somewhat Only NOW has it become surreal?
She was always annoyin and delusional but she's rapidly become yandere.
It's a crazy short fuse too, how quickly it triggers.
This scenario seems kind of absurd. What sort of reservation can you not turn down, but also not just ignore, especially if you're still going to pay for it after foisting it off onto someone else. Never minding the crazy giant gyoza to boot.
>>435381 Yeah, I was trying to think of a situation that would call for that. Maybe a restaurant that punishes you for making a reservation and not coming and getting stuff. But that doesn't seem like it would be a thing.
Sasuga Koizumi-san
blue hair has been pretty irrelevant until this episode
I don't think relevance is quite the concept here. For the sort of "first" lens we got to see Koizumi through she has had not much of the screen time.