5'd my Car >Car Fae Have another Fae on deck to 5 but that one is to feed to Myrrh Will likely go all out on making her speed passable because - def +Spd Myrrh is suffering. Great Flame isn't as useful.
Out the frier that is praying for VLilina and getting nothing, now I can look forward to FeMorgan, the unit I want the most to be added to FEH, and not rolling her. And she's in the gacha forever
>>434821 Pfffft...if I had anyone that wanted QR! I set one Klein up to be used (and making him a +1 in the process)...might feed one to BLyn for the Bow--or not cause >wasting QR fodder--then there's the third... ...then the silvers...and no one I like wanting QR OR Death... I am lacking units I actually like so bad.
Anyone you trying to get?
>>434822 So no VLilna? How about a Hector? Morgan(f) is fucking sweet! She looks close to perfect just out of box! ...wonder if you can take her book and give it to someone...
>all that >42 ...oh my... So it's normal to have the "Felicia Problem" with Matthew?
...and Dead People Banner when?
I'm using the Neutral Matthew that you start the game with His base attack at level 5 is super low. Summoner Boost, Fury, Rogue Dagger++ is like 17 Atk so his base is like 25 normally You don't use him for the Attack, you use him for the POISON and IGNIS
Remember what I said about applying -atk/-spd? This is my desired method. Rogue Dagger giving your team +6 to all defenses, reducing your enemies defenses by 6 and the BCS skills reducing their attack and speed by 5|7 Your opposition sits with about -22 or -26 total stats The point shift is strong. Then you add in Gunnthra's tome bonus and have her hate on someone.
Basically after a year of nothing I returned from retirement to fight the final boss of Kancolle
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I feel accomplished
how awful congratulations
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/kancolle/images/3/3a/Winter_2018_Event_Ending_Song.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20180225134337 it helps that this song is good
>>435444 Boey isn't terrible, terrible. He gives me a couple of good skills if I want to throw him away. And he was a 5* free roll on the 4-5* focus banner so it's not like there was anything super special I missed out on. Technically, I can Boey+1 now because my alt account LOVES getting 5* green mages
>>435446 Glimmer needs a high attack threshold to be good. That's why all those V.Hectors are running Glimmer. High Attack, +10 damage, already cleaves through armor units pretty well. Got glimmer on my Basillikos Raven I haven 't used it though because training him requires him to survive. So I've been farming him with Sol on still
Nope. No refinement for Grimoire Spd/Res would actually be really beautiful. 37 SPD and a decent case for Iceberg/Glacies >>435724 >5* Red Mages man. I really have to get on this
>actually having Celica >actually 5*ing Arvis or that other guy >using Henry >Thotja
>wanting Henry
Lyon is more useful than Arvis in my opinion. Even though he is basically just better Robin. Always fuck BowLyns and Dagger scums.
Hey...I havn't pulled a good Tharja either.
Arvis is basically Celica...but slow--and I think best use if he's fucking +4 cause he then has 36 SPD, and can be given a SPD Seal to be on par with all the other speedy mages.
Having a Robin in red is great. Like that's the thing about mages, blue units generally have good RES, green ones don't. But you have all these good green and blue mages and a small amount of good red ones. >+4 As if I'm spending 100k feathers on that one dude
Who's your best mage? She may not be my best...but this is my Nino, she's been with me since the start of my game. She was my ONLY mage for a long ass time (and also Silver). ...which game said how long you've had someone and what banner from. *wish = which
Yeah, and I think you can only get 4 right now...so missing one to make dat 36 Speed.
Cecilia and Ursula have been my most useful back in the Cavalry stomp days but my favorite to use now is Delete ...DELTHEA. Lute as well. She's been good in GHB events in particular.
I beat infernal Takumi with Lute and she didn't even have a B skill or a Special skill. Now she shreds Fliers with Luna >>435735 About to feed Oscar to her for that Rally Spd/Dev
Oscar noooooo muh Lancerbreaker!
Dude...she's gross even without a B skill, what the fuck >being able to beat Infernal Takumi ...envy.
The artist for Lute also nailed the female face. There's nothing off about it like...a certain OTHER few...
My Infernal Takumi team was intense Galeforce Elincia was the true MVP but everybody played a super important part Lute's abilities weakened that one red unit that shows up on the left enough for Ninian to OHKO him.
Galeforce and TWO DANCERS She clears the left ... no, the right side, almost entirely. Hit and Run is nice because you don't have to keep moving the dancers. She just pulls right back to where you want her and you don't over extend into enemy space
investing in galeforce is a tough call because I'd need to 5* someone to do it. It hurts my heart to say it but giving Elincia Galeforce cost me my Lyn. Which is why I usually call her Elyncia now. They have become one. I hadn't used Lyn at all though. Even with her new refinement, I couldn't see myself running her mst of the time. If I want to use Galeforce on anybody again, it'll have to be a unit that strikes a lot but I can't really think of anyone better suited for it than Elyncia. She's got the best brave weapon in the game. Maybe someone good that uses daggers wait nvm, galeforce can't go on anything but swords, lances, or axes.
>>435745 Yeah...better IVd than mine >neutral ...ha, Ninian really does like coming to you.
>>435748 Ninian is my FEH love. I one shot rolled her on the final day of her first banner. Escape Route isn't wings of mercy but enemies like to target dancers whenever and she helped me get Michalis on one of the first few tries. Then whenever I'd roll for a blue banner, she'd show up Telling me I didn't need those other blue
And she was right
Oh and for Red Swords, they all have their place. Go to is usually Lobster King Recently, it's become Vanguard Ike because speedy Aether. And there's also Lucina. Eldigan for Cavalry purposes Black Knight for Armor purposes I need to raise Siegbert, Marisa, and MaRTh???
And Elyncia for Flying, Grand Hero spiking, and a couple other things. I think I use Elincia the most now actually.
I like Ike but Elincia is a lot more fun to use. You really need to experience Galeforce Hit and Run Amiti purging units. Especially when you throw down the Brash Assault seal + Desperation B 4x strikes all over the place. V.Hectors getting V.Murdered
>>435758 The Michalis GHB. She was important for winning it a long time ago. I haven't really used Michalis much though. I only recently maxed his level. I had him stuck at 4* for a while.
And since when has IS had the rights to ... uh... Robin?