>people waiting for bus >plenty of seats/sitting places left >but no single spot that wouldn~t make you sit next/between people >so they all stand just finnish things
>>432584 I wasn't in NZ for most of Obamas terms. But in Australia they talked about him a bit, like oh wow he's the first black president. Obama wasn't nearly as controversial as Trump though.
>>432587 I don't think they did that much. People thought Obama was generally doing an okay job from what I remember His ears are pretty funny tho tbh
>>432592 That's not what its about actually, (also they totally did) https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Bill-Clinton-fondly-referred-to-as-the-First-Black-President
I have to have like 5 different passwords and two of them, I have to change every 90 days and another every 180 days so I don't get muscle memory of them
Lately I have been trying to use passwords that are high security but describe what the account is for so that they're easy to remember. For example an email would be SendMessages89%
It's high security but easy to remember. that's not actually any of my email passwords so don't try
geeeehhhhhhhhhh nearly five more hours of work
Just think of all the rolls you'll get with the money
That should be ZERO rolls he'll get with the money.
The falchion banner came up last night and I went to get my free roll and two red orbs came up so I was like okay let's grab them both
So the first one gave me a 5 star Katarina with good IVs (+spd - res) and the second one gave me 5 star horse Eirika with kinda bad IVs (+def -spd) But horse Eirika is good even with bad IVs.
can i please have lilina
Kirara 🚗
i want to roll for alms but itd be stupid to while everyone else is spoiling the banner
yeah it hurts pretty bad when i'm brushing my teeth i dont like it >>432631 that and migraines/ear infections caused me a difficult time in school poor kids have it rough
Kirara 🚗
>>432629 that's why so many poor kids do so poorly in school or one of the reasons at least no access to dentists
Kirara 🚗
poor adults have it rough too
and you're treated so bad when you're doing bad in school too the teachers are mean, the kids make fun of you because you're always getting called in to the counselor's office, your family scolds you for getting bad grades and then you're stressed out and anxious when you go home so can't do your homework and you get worried sick it's an awful system that doesnt work
i will probably be working some this evening but i'm not yet maybe i will put it off because my tooth hurts but my tooth might hurt tomorrow and then i'd really be in a jam
>>432650 i work three 12 hour shifts this week and then im off wednesday until monday however my mother is having surgery at 6 am on wednesday and wants me there
also i wish people would learn they dont have to bark into their phones
Kirara 🚗
some tribes used to make tea out of elm bark to help deal with tooth pain i bet kratom could help too
Kirara 🚗
i love how every time i am holding someone hostage in Dishonored 2, all their allies just stab me through them
Allies don't real
Kirara 🚗
there's a power that links people together so if you knock one out or kill one, the same thing happens to the people linked so i was going to knock one out and the other turned around while i was choking one out and tried to get me, so he killed her and himself
>>432662 There are some people who just go to jail on the weekends Or they're let out during the day so they can go to work
>>432667 yeah that exactly that's so fireign to me
Makese sense to let them work. They can do it so fuck it why not Why just let them rot instead of allowing them to be productive and earn a living for when they get out
I mean that makes sense and all but thats just weird I've never heard of this
>>432696 I have like 2400 flags saved because taco has been losing so badly and I don't want to spend without a modifier. We have a modifier now though so i was able to spend.
Kirara 🚗
i got a million points or so
I am addicted to a new phone game now that dissidia is out
there's like a billion FF characters and they're releasing a new one once a week and sets of 3 with story quests occasionally so I'll probably be collecting crap in this game for a very long time
The Dissidia series was really primed for a mobage at some point. I wonder if they'll do the spin-off series like Tactics or whatnot too.
it's the final countdown we're leaving for easiness
I'm looking at New Zealand's music chart records The longer I look the more confused I get.
How can Bat Out of Hell gone platinum 17 times if you only have 4.7 million people?
>>432746 Maybe we bought lots and lots of copies LIke 4 copies per person
>>432747 That is more than 3 per person Four per person would be 18 times over.
Also Who the fuck is Ed Sheeran and why has he sold so many goddamn albums?
wouldnt you be the guy to ask about obscure music
He sold tens of millions of albums in the past few years, he doesn't count as obscure. But he must be like super mainstream because thats the stuff I know the least about.
>>432749 I just know that he was in GoT that one time and it was really awkward
i ain't playin no games i keep it real you know what im sayin i aint about those fuck fuck games this aint -- i aint no immature punk tryna play games and that shit i keep it real aint nobody got time to be playin no games you aint got games out on the street its just real nigga work to be done
hi moon
>>432768 I've played nothing but Nier Automata and mahjong I'm doing the 9S route atm and it's pretty good
How does it take you 12 minutes to walk one building over
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's a fucking hospital it's a maze I'm in the basement, walk all the way over to the other side, then walk home
that makes perfect sense to me idk
Kirara 🚗
united was trying to get rid of all employee bonuses and replace it with a lottery system where some employees would have an rng chance to get something nice lol
>To congratulate the filmmaker on his big win, del Toro’s collaborator and friend, Hideo Kojima, took to Twitter. del Toro will be a character in Death Stranding, the mysterious action game currently being developed by Kojima and the team at Kojima Productions, and so it was only fitting that the celebratory image Kojima posted was of GDT’s character in the game. lmfao del toro is a character in death stranding
it's pretty scary tbh that north korea might have new, clear weapons
time is real insofar as there are systems through which it can interact that is, it exists in some realities it's not a particularly meaningful reality though
Time is still real
Kirara 🚗
>>432829 the only thing that's real,, is friendship
>>432832 ain't no mothafuckin friendship up in here lil bitch tryna come at me with that like fuck naw i aint yo friend that some punk ass shit gonna get yo wig busted for shit like that
i bought some watermelon juice at the store i wonder if it's any good
Kirara 🚗
that sounds good
i wish they had cucumber water like just in a big jug like the juices
>>432702 They have Type-0 characters already, that's into spin-off territory the other dissidias have only numbered titles represented in the roster I hope they add FFT and Bravely Default and so on
i think it's fake but it's pretty funny and unfortunately something that could be real without surprising me
The thing that makes me think its fake is the lack of pertinent Google results. And the fact that it doesn't say "Florida Man Stavs Date to Death ...".
i have a tummy ache there must be a monster clawing its way out of me
>>432841 googling that got me nothing to suggest it's real but it did show me a different article https://nypost.com/2017/07/24/man-sentenced-for-stabbing-date-119-times-after-learning-shes-trans/
>>432853 i doubt it plus i'll be busy working i don't think it's actually that urgent i just wanted to say that idk do places usually do same day appointments
Kirara 🚗
if they have time available, they'll usually do same day it can be hard to find appointments though
this sucks i shouldn't have cavities ive never been a soda person but i kind of got hooked on pepsi while on pain medications that week my back got hurt for some reason pain meds make soda taste really good
oh good for you how's it goin i've settled with just taking four-day healing breaks sober me is a little too crazy even for me to handle i've got a toothache though so i'm tryna soothe that a bit with some rummy
I think my current mouse is nearing the end of its life.
are you going to take it to the vet
Sam, stuff cool down at work yet?
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
>>432882 i'm still riding the magic dragon so i can escape the sober sam i'm waking up earlier and feeling better though, it's nice sorry to hear about your tooth, i should rustle up some tooth magic >>432890 everything is still basically on fire but we have opened the floodgates and trying to increase our rep
it's def the opposite for me when sober i sleep forever and feel paranoid all the time especially when waking up the magdrag makes me pretty paranoid too i keep away from it but it's a fun time every once in a while
>>432904 parties and whirlwinds huh that sounds like a lot of effort i dunno how you got the energy for all that tbh but good on ya >>432908 yeah me and my ex moved to san francisco then broke up she's like super successful out there now just shootin the shit nothin real meaningful behind the statement
Bitcoin is old and busted Mondeo is the new hotness
>>432946 It's almost double what it was at its most recent absolute low in that case. Every time I try to console myself over not getting into it, the pricing pulls something like this on me. Though I don't really have the money to invest regardless at the moment so whatevs.
>>432954 It's easy to say that in retrospect. But you didn't know that it would suddenly increase again. For all you knew it could have just kept falling. It might fall again. I know a guy who bought like 10 bitcoins early on and he lost the hard drive with the wallet ages ago.
>>432963 This man doesn't buy lunch He makes lunch
>>432956 He's just saying that so people don't ask him to buy them lunch
Anyways, the new DDoS thing is really funny.
>>432956 Nothing about that is wrong, but you know what? Consolation is a bitch-ass second place prize.
I mean shit I almost invested a few weeks before it dropped right off. Consolation sucks shit as a prize but it's better than speeding off a bridge
My friend just sent me a text saying that there's a serval on the late late show tonight.
Samu 🗞 !KW2DbpWwls
>>432953 what are people saying about monero these days?
>>432977 No idea, I just know that people are starting to use it for ransoming shit instead of bitcoin. I like it a lorlt, primarily because i thought of something similar to it before I learned about it. So i was really glad it existed.
Also, I told some of my friends about my idea for an IM platform that supports TeX/LaTeX and they thought it was a good idea. And those two happen to be actual competent programmers (unlike me), so we may actually slap together a prototype.
i can't really listen to imogen heap personally i mean i do for sampling purposes because there's a lot of great sampling potential there i mean i guess i do listen to get a good feel i dunno you get what i mean clams is p great though i love the feeling of following the rabbit hole of remixes though there's so much awful shit but finding the remix of a clams track which was already a remix that really hits everything you wanted man it feels good
Plunderphonic refers to music that either predominantly features or is entirely composed of samples. So like The Avalanches, or Negativland.
dj shadow endtroducing is entirely made of samples and so are a lot of the tracks i do never heard of that name though idk
but i mean whether or not i like stuff isn't related to whether it's samples or not
Okay, in my experience some people really don't like stuff that is really sample heavy. I mean I won't llike something just because its sample hheavy, but sometimes I do go out of my way to find stuff that is.
idk if i can explain it because it's kind of a complicated idea but i like stuff that sounds good
I think when it comes to music all we can really hope for is to like stuff that sounds good.
plunderphonics are a cool genre with the dumbest name of all time
genres aren't real
what makes you say that
>>433078 What about tardcore Also the name is great
>>433080 nothing is real so it's just a natural extrapolation >>433081 haha that's fucking hilarious i want to check out this genre just based off the name alone i'm sure that's a wonderful use of my time and really gratifying
>>433081 what ABOUT rei they should have just called the genre collage
>>433095 no it came from pol and pol trolls sci with it constantly
I think its a good term. It fits in well with the English language.
it's not a good term
It's the diminutive form of brain, it follows English rules.
what is the purpose in using it here on an anime imageboard regardless of whether it's got a use on sci (it doesn't)
Because I was insulting someone in jest because I implied that someone's disdain for categories came from the fact that they don't understand category theory, which is a branch of mathematics that is considered to be very difficult and abstract even amongst other difficult and abstract branches
you're not very respectful of this board and its community in any way i think it's a pretty legitimate question
and i'm not saying it to harass you, but just hopefully so that you actually think about it this isn't really a shitposty board
Wow, that's pretty rude. I'll think about it, but the fact that you single me out for shitposting with a post that wasn't particularly shitposty in the first place is a bit irritating.
i mean it's not like it was one post that planted that seed it's pretty recurring how many times do you spam FIRST!!!!oneoeneoeneoneoneoeneone" when there's a new thread for instance yeah once or twice is one thing, but every time?
Does it actually really bother you that much? I mean, I guess if it does I can try to remember to stop
yes, and others, and that has been expressed to you before too
just don't shit where you eat and sleep man shitposting is something we all do but try not to do it on your home board it causes dumb stuff like what i'm doing now to happen which just doesn't need to happen go spam /sci/ memes on /sci/ they'll love it i'll probably even love it when i go there to see it but i expect it when i go there
or if dutch is here i guess you can meme with him all you want that dude loves memes of all types but just like have some direction with it or something i dunno what to say really but it's really overbearing to the board lately tbh and i don't enjoy saying that
I'm not entirely unconvinced Dutch has not been replaced with a learning AI that's just been fed five too many memes.
i mean he's from the netherlands that's about all they got up there is memes
Yeah I guess that's true. Clogs? Total meme. Tulips? Never a bigger meme there was. Windmills? Just circulating meme engines.
>>433117 well not the tulips but it's not like he can talk about tulips all the time or he'd seem like a fag
Tulips and the Netherlands are pretty memetic here. Yeah not the biggest meme there was but they sent a bunch of tulips to us back during WWII when we sheltered some of the royal family.
>>433110 >FIRST!!!!! I've been doing the exact same thing Am I obnoxious
>>433121 yeah sorry i guess i'm just being grumpy and unpleasant have your fun. i don't want to stop people from enjoying themselves i'm the one impeding the rules // breaking the rules here by impeding others' fun that's our only /moe/ rule is to have fun and don't infringe on others' fun my bad i'll rescind my gripes
nah this place was built with fun in mind, not cultural preservation none of you are doing anything different than i did when i showed up just have your fun and do what you do at least that way there will be a solid foundation to build off of when other people leave and move to more fitting pastures for them to be around
There's finally "trusted" subs out for the No Game No Life movie. I really want to get to watching it, but there's already a huge pile of things on the watch docket. It's so hard to be good at things, even the fun things.
so i made a couple comparison shots of 4k upscaling with madvr
and the difference is so small that doushio won't let me upload the second one lol i'll just upload it to this drive thingy https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VukT5IXklPGuMUo23zL2XPPoLa72hdL4
the quality can go a small amount higher but it causes my relatively powerful GPU to churn already the difference in gpu usage between the first image and this one is 70% (from 30% to 95%~) i wonder if there is a better way to do this
they need to just render the anime in 4k at the studio and sell the uncompressed video to me for $30 an episode i'll do it
They both look the same How many anime are native 4k?
i think google compressed it or something >>433142 one
the one on drive looks sharper, especially edges
if you maximise the image you can see some difference in detail around her chin especially >>433146 yeah it does seem to there are options in here for filtering rings and such too but it's hard to tell if they're working for me
it also seems to have a little more ringing
when I tried the anti-ringing in madvr it worked pretty decently from your comparisons I'd go with the first image though, since I also see some more artifacts in the second image like on the gradients on her hair for example
i'm not sure the supersampling helps the video quality that much but the artifact removal works well with whatever magical sony bullshit the sharpen filters on the sony bravia do i seem to get a clearer image with whatever the fuck "reality creation" is none of the settings on this TV explain what they do at all in the menus i'm not sure why this thing is supposed to be a smart TV but it still lacks critical gui functionality
okay apparently it's the same shit as super-res but my TV does it it's not something that works too well on high resolution signals turning it on when playing a 4k game makes everything look fucked up
>>433142 i forgot to tell you i guess you might find it interesting but it's gundam thunderbolt december sky i haven't seen it however
>>433150 I thought there might be others. That's a good looking show. Shame I don't have a 4k tv. I think Gothicmade is native 4k but that's never been released outside of theatres because of reasons.
>increasing resolution is a gimmick wat all modern PC games look better in 2160p consoles that use checkerboarding are pretty gimmicky though it still looks pretty good and more defined than 1080p but not as good as real 4K
I can understand it in console games, since they are usually played on tvs but really what do oyu do with a 50 inch monitor? at that point you have to be quite distance from it
Also it goes back to the good old "graphic wars" when game companies were trying to out do each other with good graphics, but didn't even manage to delvier good 1080p experience.
I'd like to hit a standard of 60fps before 4k games
>>433161 that sounds like a dangerous plan how many organs do i have to farm to get what i want >>433162 hello marsh how are you doing someone told me to watch that show so i downloaded it and have been procrastinating watching it for weeks now is it any good? >>433164 i have a piece of arid desert in west texas what kind of fertilizer gets organs growing in the desert
I dunno, nothing really happens there there are some sights to see, like the museums and galleries or the city itself, though the city doesn't really have that much history being up untill 20th century nothing more than villages, untill it started with industrialisation start to form up into an urban area though, the nazies burnt it to ground in 1945, so there aren't even that many old buildings around anyhow.
there is the santa's workshop nearby for poplar tourism spots and some skii-ing centre too, which name I can't remember
But you are getting late to visit it, to get the winter experience and the summer season starts in late june so too early to visit for that well solstice ofc would be neat there, the city being in the "Nightless night" region ofc.
So the fall season, eh bit early /late almost for the foliage experience, though in the middle of the fall tourism season I'd say go for a hike then But then I wouldn't stay in rovaniemi more than maybe a night after the flight and head to Kuusamo, Saariselkä, Inari or Kilpisjärvei
for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karhunkierros
or go for the big one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordkalottruta >It begins at Kautokeino (located in Finnmark, Northern Norway) and of the 800 km, 380 km of the trail lies in Norway, 350 km in Sweden and 70 km in Finland. The trail crosses international borders 15 times and ends in the south in Sulitjelma (Norway) or alternately Kvikkjokk (Sweden).
Or just go to kilpisjärvi it has quite many small cottages for rent or you can just spend the nights in tent/wilderness cottages on the hiking routes using the town as a base, you can climb Saana-fell as a day trip, which is right next to the town
it has a 21km hike route if memory serves to the "three country border" where the borders of finland, norway and sweden meet, which is nice on the route, you can take a side tour to go flag both small and big Malla-fells or go for the big route and go flag the Halti-fell, our highest hill, which would be from finland's side about a 100km trip
But this being in the fall tourism season, there might be no cottages left, so bare in mind and the routes might be quite full of people, so the prepared "wild cottages" or prebuilt wickets might already be occupied also there might be bans on open fire, so a portable stove is a must
also a national park, so no littering, the fines are huge if you are caught
same applies for any major hiking/camping ground here
And no wild hunting almost every species here has a hunting season and doing it without permit and outside of season is fineable, with a hefty fine even a seagull has 20€ fine
but berries,. shrooms are free picking you can actually even to al imit pick them on private property "everyman's right" as we call it but to "your own usage" and to a certain limit like no going around and picking a private forest free of all shrooms
You ever hunt for magic mushrooms or does it get too cold for them there?
>>433193 You can then brag about being a shaman https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korvasieni https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyromitra_esculenta rather also this is 100% toxic unprepared to anything
top tips to any foragers here are "don't do it if you don't know/have a guide on you" there for example are berries, that almost look like blueberries but are deadly and berries that look like lingonberries, but are toxic
the magic mushrooms I was thinking of, the one with the cap, also have a few lookalikes that are toxic so pretty good advice yeh
oh those don't grow this north
yeah wasn't sure I have a friend in sweden who picks them in the autumn, so thought maybe in winland too
>>433202 Hmm maybe it just lists whatever grows that has the compounds but i bet they are toxic
so i bought watermelon water or rather watermelon juice, but you know...
yeah it tastes just like water
was it as good as you expected? ah so no?
and it smells quite bad
well it isn't like it is bad it just tastes like the water from watermelon "of nothing"
I bet it costs as much as half a watermelon
1€ for 2 300ml bottles
bit pricey, may as well just buy the fruit though it doesn't fit in your backpack very well
lol no the fruit is like 5€ per kg
maybe during the actual season 2-3€ per kg
but so few stores carry watermelons anyhow just the more expensive minimelons
yeah supermarkets here also only have the mini ones I get the big ones on the market
hmm if you mixed a bit of lemon to this this would be tasty and if you don't smell it when you drink it it isn't bad but if you smell it, that overwhelms your tastebuds oh well didn't cost me anything
Kirara 🚗
you suck sixteen dicks and what do you get another day older and deeper in debt
now here are a bit better defensives a moat, a draw bridge a proper gatehouse it lacks machicolations and the crenolations rare bit on the small side and the towers lack them, and the walls too but for just a city's defense it should be enough it ain't a castle afterall
But it is fortified enough, that an enemy can't just assault it right from the start they will have to fill the moat or empty it or atleast get the draw bridge down meaning they will have to siege it for a while, giving the defenders time to further fortify, like build pallisades or such and for reinforcements to be sent for
just a slight design mistake quite common >>433231 wehre does the metal fence thingie get raised into? as it is raised right now, it should be portruding from the top of the wall
>>433239 Well I guess if he plays it right, he can launch a political carreer from this.
Kirara 🚗
>>433240 because using a tragedy as a jumping off point to try to make sure the same tragedy doesn't happen again is considered brave and honorable too most people
just seems weird to have him on every thing as some sort of expert etc, him being just 18
>>433240 >>433242 Yeah I think it is atleast much more honorable for someone who survived it to use it as a launching stage than for the existing politicians to use it as drum fuel for their agendas
Kirara 🚗
there was a teacher there that was called a hero but some parkland kids just started saying he was actually hiding in a room and didn't let kids come in
Warrior Within had the ebst powers, though two thrones dropped few of them, though I didn't really miss them since it had that dual prince thing but I did miss some combat moves you could pull in ww sands of time had quite bland combat, but then again it was more about the platforming than about combat but some longer combat sequences just were damn pain to go through
WW had one cool power that made you move super fast and stopped time or something I don't really recall I only played the game twice, and havn't replayed it ever again due to "you fucking need strat guide to find the healing wells tog et the perfect ending2 and MAN are those health upgrade/healing wells hidden well
two thrones and sands of time had them hidden like "Oh that is smart" but warrior within was like "oh so I jump into suicide here and then don't actually die to reach it, kay"
$5 reward a picture of lazarus before everyone else gets it $10 a video of lazarus twice a month $20 lazarus will meow for you $100 a framed picture of lazarus $200 the negative used for the photo of lazarus ensuring it is truly one of a kind
>>433262 a kitty cam that is for patreons only it's password protected and passwords will only work for one user and everyone gets a new password so it can't be shared
that's a fun concept i bet there's some good ways to make money off that
Kirara 🚗
MUST WATCH cat with kitty cam chews through owners brakelines
donald j trump on the scene "I've seen the cat, i've seen the videos. And let me tell you, let me tell you, i know that cat's hiding WMDs and i'm gonna find them" *picture of trump with a bag and litter scoop hunched over*
>>433283 if you fill them with lead, they won't feel any pain any more, mental or physical they won't be poor anymore their heart can't be broken no one can fire them they won't have to deal with the modern media or constant political chatter
hmm this melon water could work well with some alcohol actually
something like 4 parts this, 4 parts something carbonated, maybe orange flavoured drink like fanta, 2 parts alcohol and then lemon/lime slice/juice as little spice
Heartwarming: This community got together to pay the ransom for this teacher's student to somali pirates
Heartbreaking: Youths on the street heard about the community initiative and remember that teacher always failing them in class so they stole the donation pot and used it to buy drugs from somali pirates instead
Comedy would be the best way to bridge cultures, though.
Kirara 🚗
not being pitted against each other by evil people wwould be
>>433301 probably not humor is so driven off of absurdity and comparing things different cultures find absurd is probably not always going to mesh up well
>>433305 see it is just slow brainwashing to get japan to become a world power again camping to make people more comfy with being on the field for the army fucking to get the brith rates rising
>>433305 i think those social barriers are there for a reason i doubt nation-wide fuckin can happen without a lot of the repression recoil causing people to become serial killers tbh i'm not even makin a funny i actually think that
But on a serious note I bet it did spike recruitment a little bit For the totally-not-just-the-army-with-a-different-name home defense or whatever it is
But did the recruits stick through the boot camp is a different issue.
Kirara 🚗
it was funny how GATE had this plotline about American imperialism being bad but Japanese imperialism being good
hmm I have a game that I got as a gift as received and still as a gift so there is a slight bug with steam, that a gift can duplicate interesting to know
Yeah not really summer time ofc will have a lot more, but still and I bet the clothes here are on average thicker, save for summer specific clothes, anyhow. Most clothes being designed for year around wearing in a country that is in cold climate.
Kirara 🚗
a typical t-shirt lets like 20% of available UV through it cotton t-shirts at least if i get a upf 50+ hoodie, i can wear it whenever without it getting too hot even if it's black
hmm 4-6 UV index during summer so yeah just minor
Kirara 🚗
haha we get like 9 in the winter
Kirara 🚗
9-11 is pretty much every day in the summer and winter is like 7-9
i have to get to my work but if rei shows up let him know i'm sorry about last night i didn't take my anxiety meds and really wasn't acting appropriately
Kirara 🚗
>>433335 to be fair, the reason it became culturally proper to use those colors is because they're better for the heat probably
>>433338 No you wore them to indicate you were either mourning or a widow it really is 100% pure cultural originally I don't remember the full story, but my former roomie told me so him being half greek with 90% of his family living in Rhodos
>>433338 thanks i actually feel really bad about it
Kirara 🚗
>>433339 oh yeah for the greeks i was thinking Bedouins sorry
But man do people look at you weird when you say wear a black woolen poncho during summer even my hat gets me sidelooks at times people are too normal and fashion conscious for their own good.
super skinny jeans on men are abnormal if you ask me.
Kirara 🚗
they're also horrible for heat jeans in general are bad for heat but especially if they're tight
only a few of his followers managed to get into the rally he got upset and started saying his side should ally with bernie bros and that antifa is evil for forcing him out of speaking even though it wasn't antifa and then said it's time to go back to hiding amongst conservatives lol
these film crews really have a lot of fun in the production process i want to be in filmography doing 10 or 15 different shots of the same thing with different emphasis and dynamics between the people in the shot is so much fun i wanna do that
Kirara 🚗
>>433360 to be fair there are a lot of violent people after them they have a lot to be afraid of
I think all the people who show up in black bloc are brave They risk a lot
Kirara 🚗
>>433364 yeah and it's reasonable to be since survival is coded into us
bravely smashing the windows of people who have nothing to do with anything they are protesting against
>>433366 indeed which is why flight and fight response is mostly "flight" the ones that stayed to fight, usually died
not maybe because they lost, but a minor injury can alawys spell death due to infection but that one who fought, most likely saved 10 who fled
Kirara 🚗
indeed a lot of research lately is suggesting a third response which is "freeze" i think that's something we've observed for long time but i question its categorization as a third response
i feel like freezing is still part of fight or flight it's just an assessment period because altercations are much more complex than the adrenal responses of encountering a predator when you're out hunting-gathering i spend a lot of time freezing and usually it's about trying to get a grip on the situation so i can know what to do, sometimes with the awareness that there's a situation about to unfold and i don't know whether it will escalate or be fine it's kind of just "pause and wait for more information"
and sometimes there's nothing you can do anyway but you're still in firefly mode
Hmm yeah it might be a reflex to empty the mind and allow you to scan the area well who knows, evolutionary stuff is hard to pin down, since the time immemorial when it was hard coded into us, barely has any info left.
not to mention, how much of that stuff has evolved further due to societal development
the adrenaline pumps and the nerves get primed and hyper-sensitive you're in a spot where any nerve signal can flood the brain and take over but when all your nerves are primed and hyper-sensitive, it's kind of in a stasis and you're just waiting for one of them to respond your brain doesn't have to think about unfolding the situation, it just has to look and scan and listen and smell and your body will respond to imminent threat without you really having to think about it you're just going on alert and letting your body take over fighting or flighting are kind of common ends to that process but they both inherently stem from it, i think maybe "freeze" is being mistaken for a third response, after fighting or flighting, but i think it's really just when the system is null and doesn't require action then you just stay in freeze until the situation dissolves and that's really gonna depend on the person and what their nervous system is trained around >>433382 i dunno if it's really like an evolutionary branch i think it's just part of the nervous system, an integral part of any system that's processing sensory and motor stuff i dont think there's an option for such a system not to have that maybe the adrenaline and the things which facilitate that are products of biological evolution, but there would be different things that would facilitate it if not for those it just might end up not being on a biological level if we didn't have those mechanisms, but more on a community level. might not have the individual able to process on that level, but still the community or colony or something would undergo that pause buffer
Yeah kinda like panicked quick reactions or if you are in a fight etc when you just move without thinking and such
So either I forgot my loaf of bread yesterday to the register or someone snatched it while I was paying and I don't forget things so... I guess my former home town still lives up to its fame damn
are you sure you didn't eat it and forget
in the 8 hours I have been awake and home after coming homu yesterday no
we are talking about 600g of rye bread you'd be stuffed if you ate that in less than 24 h
well do you feel stuffed
No I am hungry as fuck which is why I just made food and then thought "hmm I couldhave a slice of bread too" and began to search for the bread
I don't remember packing it and I definitely left the register table thingy empty
>>433380 i guess a better way to say this is that it's a major barrier that kind of guided the evolutionary process towards the development of a strong nervous system in the critters who don't have complex enough nervous systems for this kind of thing, you still see the response on the colony level, like ants and termites none of them individually have the capability to panic, but little things like the pheromone trails can cause a shift in the colony behavior