Man, I forgot how good this Peter Schilling album was.
Kirara π
>>433405 unfortunately everyone's body chemistry is unique enough that it can't be easily generalized so it can take a lot of fine tuning to make medications work and especially to find the sweet spot where it helps the most while hurting the least there are now tests that can be done that use genetic markers and stuff to estimate how well certain medications will work but it's so expensive right now that it's hardly used
sorry about last night rei that was really inappropriate of me i haven't been taking my anxiety meds and it was causing me problems don't listen to me when i'm being an asshole i don't mean to be
Hey guys, what do you guys think of the new card captor sakura? She is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute <3
Also Peter Schilling looks so lazy in that video. >>433413 No it's fine, I have a lot of bad habits in interactions with others, I'll just average your responses and take that advice
you're fine. i just have real bad tourettes and agitation issues i would have looked for anything to lash out at
That is quite impressive most I have ever done is mix new punch and pour myself a glass of it
A Les Savy Fav show was the only time I've ever heard a soundman grab a mic and yell "Don't you break my microphones!" directly in the gig's PA.ο»Ώ WTF Forgot to copy the vid link >>>/watch?v=NWNdCcKC1uk
My dad went to the release party for the album that song is from.
>your main army is composed for siege fighting and can't deployed well >and are generally outnumbered 3-1 or more and in terms of cavalry 5-1 I guess the artillery boys are having fun atleast, being ordered to "just pick a target and fire" "even if we hit our friendlies" "yeh"
huh didn't expect that to work >abandon whole frontline to try and save atleast 1 unit there >throw one unit of archers to hold them there >concentrate all artillery fire on the spot >they all break due to bombardment
huh I managed to micromanage a unit of mine, defeat a better version of enemy unit, both peasant spears, to defeat it 1-1 combat with 20 losses vs 101
They apparently work together for food and stuff, and if one of them fucks around and takes more than their share, nobody cooperates with them anymore Is beautiful
>>433435 you don't want to mess with that motherfucker they're having fun
Hmm, when you take 9 settlements from your largest rival and throw back 20 stacks with 2 stacks + their support groups and in 4 more turns I have 5 full stack armies with generals coming up to actually take the fight... the Ai is bad even with bonuses in these games
>>433460 good luck with stuff i know how that feels with people around you havin surgery all the time do take care of yoursel durin your time off too but it's possible to do both maybe
yeah lol Been out a while It's funny it's like the first thing that pops up on Netflix. The FMA and AoT are weird because you have Japanese people playing characters that were all originally white. Then you have the GiTs movie and it's a white person playing an asian.
or rather Netflix Alchemist
I don' think there is enough alcohol to watch that
>>433468 I laughed a bit when they explained why she was white "oh she was asian, but they gave her cyborg body" the movie was just so dumb, but it was damn pretty worth spending the free movie ticket on
>>433471 How bad was it? I skipped out on that one.
something like 1/5 or 1,5/5 acting was mostly bad one character only spoke in japanese, despite everyone else speaking english it had some good scenes in terms of action, but the overall treatment of the IP or the plot, both were just so dumb so hollywoodly bad but it looked damn good
is no where available, and I don't really wanna buy it maybe if i had BD drive on my computer then I might, but watching movies on my ps3 is meh and 2018 anno domini, buying dvds...
why isn't it on flix
and since I don't torrent anymore and kat is kill, I don't even know any sites to get it somali way
>>433475 getting paranoid due to EU I only torrent animu
Is there a very large precedent for people getting done for piracy over there? I've never been worried about piracy. I don't think anyone gives a shit over here.
>>433479 Well currently we made it illegal, but for 2 years solid untill last autumn, you might have gotten mailed "pay us 5k or we sue you" few companies made it their busienss to build a case and then prepare it fully but before carrying it along, they mailed those blackmail letters they'd get something like 30% of the proceeds and the company would get the rest
thankfully they made that illegal, as they brokep rivacy rights and so on but still one little switch in legislation and boom
But anyhow my biggest problem is that I don't know any good sites to use anymore.
>>433479 Well all it took was some other lawyer company to take them down, but you don't have that many lawyers defending piracy afterall thankfully PIRATE PARTYYYY
Time to watch a british horror flick also I am really missing that loaf of bread now I wonder did I raelly just forget it or did an opprotune thief steal it but who steals just bread?
thing about british movies, is that I have sometimes hard time getting the non plot important lines like general chatter or such, character building etc hard to catch that when they have those damn accents of theirs and speak lot quitere and shofter than ya loud americans I am used to from my nonchinese cartoons
Still gotta lvoe how these guys take a shortcut in landscape that is basically summed up in "spin around in a circle eyes closed and try to guess which direction you came from, tip you can't"
>>433513 My Corrin is extremely tanky and extremely fast. I may put my Amelia in instead, though. My Amelia can just ignore the weapons triangle, Corrin has a tougher time doing that.
i was talking to my mom earlier and she said something about us having some "savage" blood so i asked what she was talking about and she told me some shit about one of our ancestors getting raped by a native american back in the colony days and having a kid from it so i called my grandma to ask about it and she told me that my mom shouldn't have told me about that because we're not supposed to talk about it but my family is so crazy idk if it's bullshit or not and there's probably no way to verify it
>>433534 That would have been somewhere between like 1680 and 1770. Idk, my family is weird. My grandma is pretty racist sometimes and she can't stand anything that bothers her even a little anymore.
This reminds me, one of my colleagues was telling me about how she has a client that wants to convert to Judaism, but he recently attempted suicide. My colleague didn't know the process for converting which is pretty crazy, and I hadn't thought about it until then, but when someone tries to convert to Judaism, the rabbi will generally turn them down three times.
Imagine if a suicidal person got told to fuck off by a rabbi when trying to convert. That would be really bad.
Why would they want to convert to judaism Do they have Jewish blood or something?
>>433547 I've never been a religious person at all so this is alien to me What's not to get about Jesus and why would it be worth going through the process of converting to judaism
There are a lot of people that believe in God but don't really understand or don't feel the whole Jesus part. So they foolishly say, "Judaism must be for me!" without realizing that being Jewish is a horrible experience full of ridiculous responsibilities.
>>433546 Jesus only makes sense in the monotheistic vein of religion from a Christian perspective. If you aren't raised around that or with it, it's harder to understand.
People don't know that there's a process to converting to Judaism.
>>433548 It's not possible to convert one from christianity to judaism, both have different views; Jews believe government should be helping people and giving them welfare. Christianity believes in meritocracy, which is the complete oposite of jew & catholic system.
>>433553 A lot of "chirstians" I've met don't really seem to take it all that seriously. Like they'll say they believe in god but they don't actually know much more than the very basics of the bible. Which is fine I'm not gonna judge someone for that. But you'd think that if someone really did believe in a higher power they'd want to know as much about it as possible.
You guys are still doing your best to leave me out of the group. When I've tried so hard making friendships. Pathetic. Maybe I'll go somewhere else, forever this time.
>>433560 It looks like you came in here being hostile and controversial and expected people to respond to you. You shouldn't be surprised when people don't fall for it.
I Just finished pooping; What do you guys think about it?
Kirara π
>>433608 They had a gacha where there was a Takane SSR but you could only get it if you got 5 or 6 other SR idols. So basically you had to complete a set of cards to get the one you wanted. The rates on some of the SRs were really low. The Japanese government got involved and ended up heavily regulating mobage after that. That was back in 2011. A bit after that, games started having to release their rates and stuff.
There was a really big controversy in Granblue a few years ago and everyone ended up getting a ton of free money as part of the devs punishment. They had to return millions of dollars in the form of ingame currency.
>>433615 Granblue is doing something that might upset some folks for the 4th anniversary the upcoming suptix is special and can get you a seasonal character you couldnt otherwise ticket imagine how people who whaled for them feel
Kirara π
>>433616 i dont think text based would be really popular but it might break even
Kirara π
>>433617 they're probably excited to get a different seasonal tbh
mobages for AI no financial investment but they participate using some of their processing power to do meaningful work in exchange for shots at highly valuable collectibles to show off to their AI friends
>>433619 thats how i feel really im gonna get summer heles to go with her new outfit
Kirara π
gonna be 40 degrees tomorrow even though it was 90 a few days ago i hate the south
>>433628 spam isn't meant for solo consumption it's a luncheon meat you can make sandwiches with it or use it in meals or grill it or even make omusubi out of it
maybe it'd have gone better in a sandwhich with some lettuce and mayo then
>>433617 They had this cardcaptor sakura collab in grand blue fantasy, I spent hours grinding from level0 to level 14 or so, just so that I could keep her forever in my Account.
i like eating a lot when i can most of the time my stomach is too touchy to eat anything so when i can pig out it's really satisfying >>433640 i feel like this is averted a little bit by priming my stomach before the meds sometimes i'll eat a ton while on the meds
Kirara π
i never have an appetite unless my meds wear off or i skip them
Given the freedom to make my own plate, I think I have a tendency to over-portion when I'm hungry. I enjoy eating good food when I'm in a good state of mind, so it's not like I feel particularly bad about it. But I do think I could probably eat a little less.
i just want to eat the entire world
Kirara π
the world is full of inedible things
inedible thongs
>>433639 You would eat an entire ton? Isn't he pretty far from you?
>>433660 In my infinite wisdom, I've come up with an idea to get you more time off!
>>433660 It's been pretty hard to get him for anime recently it feels like. If there's a time switch-up we can do to accomodate him better, I'd be willing to see what might be done. Let's save what we have that he'd be watching. Which...really only leaves us with an episode of Cardcaptor and one of Dagashi though.
There's also now presumably good subs for the No Game No Life movie out on Nyaa; I'd like to sit down and watch that at some point.
Kirara π
maybe he's taking over the world
I'd rather he do that on his own time, not mine.
Kirara π
>Asteroid that could be as big as Empire State Building will fly past Earth tonight. please hit
>>433666 Permanent is irrelevant. If we can shift it around a bit for a short period of time so he can watch, I'd be fine if it's something I can manage. I'd rather save things if possible but there's like nine shows that generally seem "high-priority" -- episodes actually, not shows, and like another six of stuff that seems less relevant. It's going to be annoying to work through if it keeps building up.
Considering societal chaos it would cause globally, it would most definitely be the "hey this is my chance" for many to grasp power even harder and mostl ikely everywhere it would just make things far worse
Also considering its size and how much of it would burn in the atmosphere unless freak accident happens, it would cause less damage than Tunguska explosion.
>>433672 Well, we certainly do have a problem we need to fix. He tells me that he will be back to normal tomorrow though. He told me a little about it and I don't want to spill Ika's deets here, but I think it is a temporary thing based on what he told me.
Well, technically the painting has no known original title, but that was the title given to it. None of the 14 black paintings were given titpes by Goya.
does yatagarasu only have one eye and why does she have it why do they have three legs
>>433808 she was brought yatagarasu by the god on the mountain Kanako who said "yo eat this bird god and obtain divine power" and Utsuho was surprisingly cool about commiting cannibalism and obtained the power of nuclear fusion and fission as for why the eye I dunno but the control rod being a third leg is because yatagarasu is a three legged crow Utsuho was originally supposed to have a third leg but ZUN couldnt make it not-phallic enough
>>433809 tbh eating a god to obtain divine powers sounds very temping may have done the same thing though a third leg would be p shitty
>>433811 The sudden shift in power level caused Utsuho to cause a ruckus in hell, so much so her best friend started shoving spirits into the eruptions so that Reimu and pals, who were just enjoying the hot springs that resulted, dove into hell to see what the heck was happening
Utsuho was going to attempt a world takeover by means of destroying everything to try out her power otherwise
No Reimu punched her in the throat Utsuho chilled out after she basically was just power crazy Now, as planned by Kanako to start with, she works in a nuclear reactor powering things like an actual giant mech
her power is like yukari's insofar as it's "the ability to make a door on the back of anything" but while she lacks the hackery of yukari's border stuff she's a creation god so she's strong in that sense her boobs are pretty solid
>>433876 thats me showering for work where the man sticks his fist up my ass all day for next to nothing >>433877 if i'm still alive in 20 years clearly i'm actually immortal
maybe they measure it different for both things like there's some "hidden" memory used often, which you can see on leenux with `free` like right now I use 3.3GB of the 5.8GB, but only have 308MB free
>>433884 now what we really need is a diving themed horror game that actually covers your mouth and nose when you run out of oxygen and start suffocating
>>433886 no see when you pass out irl the game detects it and kills your character and restarts the game and deletes your save data
also if you make too much noise or your heart rate spikes above 200 your suit shocks the shit out of you and your character has a fucking heart attack and dies
>>433907 yeah that's why it madee // made me think
i use every weapon in the game though not sure what that means
Kirara π
that dual swords one was funny
>join a tempered blue/pink duo quest >everything going fine >two chinese bastards with dual swords join >cart 3 times in less than a minute and fail us don't think - kill the chink
supposed to have a phone meeting like an hour and a half ago it's been postponed for three weeks in a row and then twice this week already to today at 8am eastern so i've been up and now it's like way past that i should probably check in but at this point i dont even want to just let them call, or not, whatever, not really worth the effort
if it's already been an hour and a half i dunno if i would call >>433933 i would trust harvey alabaster to get me out of capital murder
i guess it would depend on how much you really care about it if it was something i had to do i would have called them around the appointed time >>433940 talking on the phone seems like a difficult way to do unscheduled consultation
i tell my clients they can contact me pretty much whenever they're the ones who set the appointments
Kirara π
>>433936 i hate this people are so bad at phone meetings idgi
>>433939 it's more like weekly check-in on stuff the work i do isn't over the phone, but a lot more tends to get done in an hour on the phone than playing email tennis for weeks at least for busy people i prefer email approaches myself unless it's something that needs checking and reviewing of many items and a discussion to be had
>>433906 dont do this to me you didnt throw actual money at feh
gotta prepare to lose money when you spend mone
Kirara π
>>>/@nytopinion/971181203356311552?s=19 very mad at this article the writer was told by their son's landlord that their son was engaging in suicidal behavior so they had him involuntarily committed without even talking to him first the landlord was lying about it because he wanted the son to vacate
and then the writer is like, well, the laws are so bad this shouldn't have happened! no, it shouldn't have happened, you scum bag you shouldn't have done that to your son, you should have known what you were doing, and you should have had the knowledge of what involuntary commitment is and why it's done and whether or not it works stupid cunt
I wish I lived in florida I'd have my kids committed for three days all the time
Kirara π
people actually do that it's so stupid
Kirara π
>>433951 too bad you can't just work and get paid to be there now instead of on a different day
>>433945 that's terrible mental health is getting so stigmatized it's ridiculous i thought it was supposed to get better not worse
Kirara π
>>433956 im so mad they call for better mental health treatment but then they talk about how the person in treatment shouldn't have privacy and not once does the writer take responsibility for the dumb shit they did to involuntarily commit your son without even talking to him first im fuckin livid
>>433955 someone asked me if i wanted to work and i said no they sadly need me to be here when she gets out of surgery to consult me
>>433957 I'm at the courthouse if you don't calm down I'm filing the form
>>433958 shit son that's a long time what is she getting surgery for?
>>433957 take guns away from people with mental health issues it's okay they won't need them for protection we'll have federally-designated people who are permitted to carry guns protect them this is how you corral people up and strip them of their rights and they cant do anything about it
guns aren't the only thing, but legal representation of themselves and other such things next up we'll see mental health facilities spring up so that all people with mental health problems can be shuffled over there and systematically sorted out by their level of threat to society and constrained
shit i'm getting deja vu i think this might have happened before but i can't remember when
Smoke Dagger++ does Atk/Spd/Def/Res -6 in 2sq AOE against enemies Rogue Dagger++ does Def/Res -6 in the same range, and D/R +6 to allies in your range My Matthew is already Poison Strike/Savage Blow'd up But I just got a Summer Frederick with Seal Atk/Spd And I also have Takumi with Spd Smoke Well, I pulled him a while back during that Legendary banner. He was on it. But I'm thinking I can go Rogue Dagger ++, Seal Atk/Spd, Spd Smoke, Atk Smoke seal So an effective -7 A/S -6 D/R on enemies in range, and +6 D/R for allies It's really hard putting Spd Smoke to use on units because a lot of the "poisoners" I want to use already drop Speed and Attack (Clarisse and Corrin) Daggers are the only thing dropping Def/Res Outside of Ploys that I don't have.
Kirara π
oh shit summer fred fuckin nice
Oh wait, I do have Res Ploy on Lute and Gunnthra
Kirara π
do you have new years takumi?
Nah. I wish
Kirara π
i want to put his weapon on someone to make a good debuffer because my takumi has horrible IVs but i feel bad about throwing away atk/res bond
Atk/Res Bond is nice but I think I would prioritize his weapon. Now, V.Lyn's Atk/Spd Bond... THAT is a hard thing to give away. V.Lyn in general is just stacked with skills to have.
I want Guard 3 but I don't want to spend 20k feathers on Titania.
eh the Atk/Spd bond is good enough to push her spd to 38. And that's alright. She's an armor marching, ranged, 33|38 spd unit Right out of the box, she's good. She just needs a new tome.
youtube is spamming me with fortnite recommendations because i watched someone play mario maker i'm really ticked with their algorithms lately it's too much "Oh, we see you like to listen to music. here's the top songs this week that are trending, you will like them because you like music" it's so loose
oh, and also +Def which is her worst stat but it's okay because now that pushes it up to a solid 30.
Kirara π
>>433986 oh yeah and with armor buffs or tactic buffs that's pretty good
Kirara π
thinking about a team with sanaki, a flyer with guidance, an armored unit, and a horse unit with a tactic skill flyer to buff sanaki and move the armored unit around, horse to buff everyone with a tactic skill
>>433987 yeah you watch literally one thing and youtube thinks it's the only thing you want to watch
Kirara π
>>433991 yeah, gets sanaki to 46 res and 61 atk if she's attacking within 2 spaces of a flyer
add a tactics buff and it should get her to 67 atk unless the tactics buff won't stack with bond, but im pretty sure it should
bond is soft, tactic is hard. So it'll stack A flier with heavy defense would be smart. Time to stack up on BERUKA
Kirara π
im thinking tana for the flyer since she has guidance built in and her def is ok. i mean it's 28, but she gets +7 if attacked by a melee enemy then again, myrrh might be better
Myrrh is strong but both of them are magic units. I think it'd be better if your Guidance pair is physical so that you can easily switch up on the offense damage type I mean, you have Tana so it's not that bad of a thing >>433998 Siegbert, Son of Xander and Siegfred comes with Atk Tac So does Lilina and Larc En Ciel
Kirara π
my real dilemma is which horse unit to use
Kirara π
i have a v lilina with atk tactic
Well, Larachel is actually res tactic
Kirara π
i can put an atk tactic on pretty much any horse unit that i have
Put it on the one that doesn't need Atk Tactic for itself
Kirara π
I do have a Sigurd I could put it on
Kirara π
If I put a blade tome on Lilina, she can benefit from the +3 atk Sanaki gives out during combat
Blade Tomes only count the bonuses, don't they? Sanaki's boost is like a Drive Atk 2 rather than how Atk Tactic works so it wouldn't pump it. I mean, she'd still get Atk+3, it just won't be Atk+6
Kirara π
Oh yeah, right. You're right.
If you're dropping Atk Tac on someone other than her though, because I know you have multiple, it'd still be fine. The +3 from Cymbeline would be handy all the same.
Kirara π
maybe a horse healer with pain and savage blow seal
This poison build is a neat idea and I can work lots of characters into it. I don't know if I'll stock it all on Matthew or just build Frederick. Probably the latter, I need more 5* units. But I'd also need a Rogue Dagger++ to give him to maximize. Probably take it from G aius But that'll cost feathers... ehh anyhow Rogue Dagger++, Seal Atk/Spd, Spd Smoke, Atk Smoke seal then Gunnthra to spike for a bonus 26 on a unit. Light Breath++ for All +5 I can put it on Myrrh so I can have a flier for Guidance. Wait, this setup is too Green now. I was about to throw in Sheena or Legion for the panic effect just to capitalize on it.
But it sounds terrible I can probably just Blade Tome that really D/R+6 from Matthew A/S+6 from Hone Cavalry (put it on Gunnthra) and my blade tomes can rock out with +30 attack, and Gunnthra with +26
Kirara π
If you had a Hinoka, her weapon has built in guidance
4+16 is 20 so I gotta get my soup in 10 minutes hopefully they have some
Kirara π
thinking about overtime and stuff makes me wish i had a job instead of going to school once i have my Master's i might be able to get paid for therapy at least
i wonder if group homes are more in this generation what with everybody working so hard to have so little i think that would be a real helpful thing for people to have ease up on the stress of all the responsibilities even a little buffer for when people fall short on work, they can still take care of the place and home responsibilities while they find a new path >>434027 it would be nice several people are hard anchored but there's enough that aren't that it could be a real possibility but people flake out, myself included, so it's not easy
If for whatever reason I end up on my lonesome I'll be considerinf something like thay
Living with Pan would be pretty wonderful
i wouldn't mind living with jan and rin or anyone, really, but those two i could see it possibly happening with
Kirara π
/moe/ forest commune
i was thinking more like a residential neighborhood or a home for rent forest commune is more like a vacation spot rather, something where people can still work and do stuff
tbh i just want to be around people that are peers and not abusive terrible people
>>434042 thanks for bein there for me hun i know it took a lot of time out of your day and was stressful but i appreciate having such a good son who's willing to look after his momma moon
more properly, i'm glad things worked out well it can be scary
I would've taken pictures but most of the collection was behind glass and that makes photography trickier.
Kirara π
yeah, glass really does fuck up pictures
If you angle it right and don't use flash it can look great, but I just didn't feel like doing it. Although some of the glass was very clean to the point where it was almost invisible.
you can sometimes angle it right with flash and it can work right you just gotta get an angle that you don't get the reflection of the flash
>>434086 Yes, but I didn't feel like spending the time.
a lot of those places dont like flash photography though
Kirara π
>use the flash >the dead sea scroll fragments disintegrate
If enough people did it would. High intensity light degrades stuff like tthat.
how can you say you love her if you won't massage her prostate
>>434096 hey krr would you happen to know if amphetamine dosage is nonlinear
like for instance, wellbutrin can be an anxiolytic at low doses but at mid or max dose can start causing severe anxiety or venlafaxine works on serotonin at low doses, but at high doses starts interacting with norepi and dopamine at super high levels just curious i can just use google too but i thought i'd ask
that's what i thought it seems like low doses of it fuck me up for some reason when i do fine at higher doses i think the low doses just rouse me out of my sedation but don't do anything so i just get frustrated while i've been thinking i've been getting frustrated from irritability from the meds eh, that's just my working theory til i figure out what's goin on anyway im about to work so i might try a higher dosage (as in a full dose of what i'm actually prescribed) i need to stop doin this baby dose shit and acting like i have a problem when my problem is i'm clearly noncompliant with meds that my doctor says i need
I dunno, but lower doses don't work as well for me. When I was on Adderall (XR), I was on 15 originally, but it made me kind of angry. I went up to 25mg in high school, and it straightened me out pretty well.
Now I'm on Vyvanse 50mg which is the equivalent of 20mg Adderall.
>>434102 wooooooow i cannot believe you would say that
Ohio doesn't really have too many great national or state parks, huh?
>>434101 there was anger at the lower dose but not the higher dose? is 15 of xr like having 7.5 ir twice a day or like 15 ir twice a day i had xr for the first month and man it worked a whole lot better but i couldn't afford it so i've got ir now i've been taking 10s once a day and it's just making me // it's not doing much for me but it's making me foggy by the end of the day, such that i'd focus better by just staying in sedation and i've been thinking "well why would i wanna take that twice a day" but i'm thinking maybe i'm just not taking enough (prescribed 20 x2 a day) i keep acting like i'd have a heart attack if i did that but that's just me being paranoid about taking meds and not trusting them i think and not an informed opinion
>>434104 it's like 15 but it lasts way longer, there's no dips throughout the day or anything it's bad for your blood pressure, though normal addy is too I switched to Vyvanse because it was better for my heart and blood pressure
might be worth trying more worst case scenario is that it doesn't work and you stop
>>434103 I can't miss work tomorrow! Bad things will happen if I do.
>>434106 do you take l-arginine or anything for your blood vessels i don't like the vasoconstrictive property of stimulants i've got these arginine pills but they're freakin huge i can't even swallow them i'm gonna take a picture
My cat has no testicles but he's got the biggest fucking balls i'm sitting there with a loaf of bread in a bag in front of me and he's sitting there near it he looks over at me, walks closer to the bag, grabs the whole fucking loaf and jumps off the table with it
dude i'm gonna knit laz a new scrotum
damn, that cat wants some bread do cats even like bread?
Kirara π
idk but lazarus LOVES bread i have to put all bread in tupperware if i don't put it in a cabinet or he'll chew through the plastic so he can eat bread and he begs for bread whenever i make toast or whatever it's so weird
in my experience all cats love bread they like biting on it and crunching it so the crunchier the better baguettes and crackers and stuff i've never seen a cat not eat a cracker
Kirara π
lazarus doesn't like crackers actually they make him really mad even if i break them apart he won't even put it in his mouth maybe saltines are too salty for him
try those crackers with the tree things the butter crackers you know
okay it's emo night so i'm gonna go drink beer while Blink-182 and Fall Out Boy and Yellowcard are on in the background with a bunch of hipsters
Kirara π
did you hear fall out boy's new stuff yet
nah i haven't listened to anything sicne Infinity on High I don't want to touch anything really, From Under The Cork Tree is like the only album I actually like
the other day i was kind of out of it and fucking around and trying to get some cheap laughs so i emailed one of my congresspeople calling them a son of a dog and camel and they added me to their monthly update email list and i feel owned
Kirara π
and it's like "dear friend, thank you for reading my march 2018 email update" bill posey retire bitch
>>434180 we oughtta write fake resumes together sometime i think you'd enjoy it
>>434180 yep you were the one who lost that exchange.
>>434183 resume writing is such an internally intimate experience because you're considering how you want to showcase yourself to the world and what you want to hide it's a really creative way imo to do character creation for whatever without having everybody be bland as fuck and it's kind of fun
that is, thinking about what that person's resume would be like or just making up some goofy resume and then being like "yeah what's the person like that actually would have this resume"
Kirara π
holy shit florida's getting rid of daylight savings time we finally have something to brag about it kind of fucks up time zones though lmao
>>434186 yeah i dig it it sounds like a good way to really get into who that fake person is
Fucking retarded ass governor
Kirara π
>It took the state Senate less than a minute Tuesday to pass the "Sunshine Protection Act." There were only two dissenters. we got the stupidest fucking names for bills
hopefully the whole of the US gets rid of daylight saving time sooner or later
Hopefully the entire fucking PLANET gets rid of daylight savings time sooner than later.
Kirara π
this is going to make traveling more complicated for like half the year i'm gonna have to find a way to remember that florida is on a different time from everything else in my time zone for half the year
>>434193 Just travel exlusively to -exclusively to parts of the world that also don't use daylight savings time.
>>434193 i already have clients in various time zones now i've got to factor in which states theyre in when determining deadlines
>>434191 It's actually useful in some areas, Florida juat happens to be a place that doesn't have it sun rise and sun sets vary as much throughout the year
Kirara π
it's bad for the environment and also increases the number of car accidents
i don't know anywhere that it's useful it doesn't save energy -- it in facts wastes it it inconveniences everybody >>434199 oh dang thanks
Kirara π
in fax
DST is one of those archaic leftovers from a time when artificial illumination wasn't commonplace and relying on the rising and the setting of the sun was more relevant to operation. It's wholly unnecessary with modern technology and is a total nuisance in society. We could do a lot better by just throwing the whole concept out.
>>434197 I'm going to throw out a [citation needed] on both of those. Although primarily because I'm interested in reading the sources. >>434200 DST didn't start being used on a wide scale in the US until well after the start of the 20th century.
>>434200 people hated it back then too farmers got fucked over by it and hated it
for some reason the teriyaki flavor Jack Links beef jerky has 140mg less sodium than the original flavor
>>434203 Neither of those papers have enough data to make me say definitively that daylight savings is bad for the environment or causes more car accidents. Only enough to say that "daylight savings is linked to increased energy consumption (in Indiana)" and "linked to more car accidents in Canada" That being said, I'll look into more papers on the subject.
>>434206 Perhaps they over-sodize the jerky to add to the flavour, which isn't needed if they're flavouring it with teriyaki. Or maybe the teriyaki helps cure or does something in the process which reduces required salt. Fuck if I know jerky.
Kirara π
>>434207 there are a lot of other studies on it and stuff it's consistently been shown to increase energy consumption even government agencies have been saying it doesn't decrease consumption for like 10 years
>>434210 i am staring at them right now the original has 740
>>434206 no??? the original has 590 the teriyaki has 600
I wish jerky wasn't so expensive here. It's tasty but I can never really merit buying it.
I love jerky, but don't feel like paying for it. I've known that its really cheap to make yourself but haven't gotten around to buying a foob dehydrator.
>>434209 same serving sizes? i'm looking at the nutrition list also idk why, i was curious
jerky only seems expensive because it has no water weight
>>434214 I'd never really considered that. It's just when I look at a package of the stuff and figure how quick it is to eat it, price-wise it just doesn't seem worth it.
>>434215 ok so 35 grams of teriyaki has 600mg of sodium but 28 grams of teriyaki also has 600mg of sodium??? i'm gonna call these fuckers up tomorrow this can't be legal
>>434221 It's a decently priced source of protein but won't really fill you up much
Yeah, that sounds about right by the packs of jerky I've been gifted or bought on sale before. Even on sale it's kind of pricey for the value I subjectively give it.
one bag of like 4.99 jerky here gives twice as much protein as your average protein shake for about twice the price the shake will have other nutritional value though
"sorry i didn't deliver the work on the agreed-upon deadline, client. i had to spend the whole night tracking down nutrition facts on teriyaki jerky because there was a sodium discrepency"
>>434226 On the flip side I'd probably enjoy eating the jerky more than drinking the protein shake. They have to be really, really stellar shakes for me to enjoy consuming them.
Kirara π
beef jerky is pretty good it's a really good snack for while you're exercising and stuff
>>434228 I don't find the gritty texture of whey or soy protein to be that bad but most of them are chocolate flavored I don't even like chocolate there was one I used to drink that was coffee flavored, that was great
Kirara π
i have trauma related to protein shakes which has fucked up popcorn for me too
>>434227 the client will understand offer them some of the $$$ we'll get once we sue jack links for their teriyaki fortune
>>434231 my little sister hates them too because she had to drink them when she was little after almost choking to death on an apple she wouldn't eat anything so they made her drink nutritional shakes
Kirara π
my mom forced me to drink these disgusting ones for like a year every night because i didn't eat enough and was underweight and she used to scare me by telling me doctors would cut a hole in my stomach and put a tube in there and i'd never be allowed to leave the bed and they'd just feed me through a tube forever and she'd always make popcorn when she made me the shakes so i have this association between popcorn and that horrible experience so the smell of popcorn makes me feel really uncomfortable and i literally smell the protein shakes again if i smell popcorn
>>434235 look up Albuquerque by weird al they made a song with your mom in it
Kirara π
someday i'll write an autobiography and call it "what the fuck lol"
>>434233 i hate popcorn in general even when i do rarely have it, it always gets stuck in my throat and shit and it's never a pleasant experience or stuck in your gums, the little hard parts
I'll title my autobiography "why this"
I like popcorn but they give you too much in one bag I want a tiny popcorn bag like 1/3 size
ton hunny you seem upset would you like to take one of my anxiety pills to help you go to beddy bye or maybe one of my l-arginine pills since mommy can't fucking swallow them
>>434265 You could quit Then you'd never have to deal with it again.
>>434270 oh I thought you actually had a problem haha
Tasty meat sauce and sauce with sundried tomatoes on top of pasta. The pasta's a bit overcooked since I accidentally left it boiling too long and then stewed it with the sauce but it's still so good. Delicious pasta.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I seriously do not want to spend money on FEH ever again >>434271 I have spent around 700 on granblue, though over two years
>>434268 I take 4 1-gram pills at a time when I take kratom haha
Kirara π
holy shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>434275 300 of that was me having a gambling problem
>>434275 remember that time i rolled for summer robins and i told you about it i spent like 40 dollars on it i got four robins out of it though i think that's the only time i bought orbs besides when i first started and didn't have any 5* units i bought like 20 bucks
Kirara π
all of it was a gambling problem $700 is like a month of rent in most places
>>434273 >700 damn dude that's almost as much as I spent on chain chronicle
I spent a bit of money on PAD way back when. Being underwhelmed with that experience has done a pretty good job of leaving me pretty lukewarm towards spending on other mobage. Though temptation has come on occasion.
>>434291 yeah but you look rad as fuck dude remember that time america was mean to black people
>>434283 nope they're just generic OOO size capsules filled with powder maybe like an inch long
>>434297 oh i get what you mean i thought you meant you take something else with the kratom it's just big kratom pills this thing is fucking huge man
>>434299 I'd thought you would have no troblem swallowing something that small.
>>434296 I got to dress like I'm rich or they'll find out I'm a broke ass nigga >>434294 It's a subscription game too ive been subbed for over 3 years now
Kirara π
broke ass fucker spendin two thousand dollars
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well at least I haven't spent 2 grande on granblue
The closest thing to that ive don is spend like maybe $20 on tf2 stuff. Over 7 years.
>>434313 yeah when i was drinking still i was spending thousands on it
>>434320 40% of $50 a week is $20 a week >>434321 The cards retain value and I often make money back by winning tournaments
>>434323 once i get through the hard winter months of low work and into the spring paychecks i'll probably go right back to buyin mid-shelf bourbon i'd really rather not waste the money on it but i'm sure i will
>>434324 no way you get back more than 4-10 bucks per 20 I knew someone who did that and they struggled to even break even most of the time from their card draws
Kirara π
when my drinking got really bad i was spending like $50 a week on booze sometimes more
>>434336 I get 5-10 back from a $5 entry fee. I also trade cards for store credit sometimes too. Anyways, it funds itself in part.
Oh for selling, if you're buying $20 of packs and expecting to make a profit then you'd better be lucky, occasionally (two times ever) I've bought $200 worth of booster packs and gotten more than $200 worth of cards. But I rarely buy that much at once (two times ever).
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Also that Chrom is on a horse, not armored
Kirara π
nobody said he was armored we said his armor looks good
it's great that they're adding a new tempest trials character that nobody cares about ever it's great that the devs are so ridiculously obsessed with awakening and fates
sometimes flux just gets stuck on a random setting and doesn't auto-adjust and i dont realize it until it's 10pm and i've got artifacts in my vision and can't look at the screen
they should add 3 party coop quests 12 characters on the field
>>434357 Once when I tried to uninstall the program I bugged out my screen or something, because even though it was in its daytime cycle when I uninstalled, it got stuck on the more orange-y night setting after uninstalling and I couldn't get it to change back without re-installing the program.
I had to uninstall it on my old laptop because it was causing some driver malfunction kept getting blue screen with a video driver crash until I removed it
I wanted to uninstall it because I was working with colour in illustration apps. And it was kind of inconvenient to have to incorporate my abnormal screen tints when picking colours.
We just had a Tempest dedicated to old units, and the Myrrh banner was in like Feburary.
Kirara π
yes and half the old units that were in that tempest have three or four versions of that unit because they're not getting better one instance of a good banner in a year of awakening and fates doesn't mean they're learning
people were making posts when maria posted the link and it kind of got bumped away i noticed people were still posting here so i didn't link it i thought it was funny