I hope someday I can see a wild flock of flying pantsu
>>431708 They did an event in Japan with flying panties https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-01-30/sora-no-otoshimono-flying-panties-event-planned Currently looking for pictures
>>431709 do post them if you find them I'm intrigued
http://en.gigazine.net/news/20100207_wf2010_w_fly_pants/ I'm gonna see if I can find one of these, if not I could probably just convert a regular ornithopter kit. Also I really like the word ornithopter
More footage from the festival >>>/watch?v=8ELpJnjCATM Someone made a remote controlled plane shaped like a witch riding a broomstick It's at near 4:00 I might look into making a marisa one
>>431836 all of the weapons are good mane they're all fun charge blade just happens to be a little bit more fun than everyone else but htat's white privilege for you
>>431841 Dude what time is it there? Seems weird off time.
>>431842 Daggers are not babies tho SwordShield is also most boring
+1 for my Matthew Smoke Dagger+ for him too. Though I can hold off on that now that I know that my Gunnthra is the worst of set Also I might want healers for that new map mode coming out.
>Special Training: Magic ...how WONDERFUL perfect to level a Raven on >>431875 I have not auto'd any of these because something bad always happens. Except for the ranged one when I was working with Hardin
Kirara ๐
unfortunately you can't just auto it with grima or he dies after the level 14 one
>no reports or evidence of salmonella in kratom after a month of government saying kratom is giving people salmonella >news reports come out saying government has no evidence and so they're misleading people >next week government suddenly finds evidence of salmonella in kratom samples ok i trust that
I can imagine it works for that too I guess for some people you just swap one drug for another, but that's... fine
The problem isn't really that someone's addicted, it's that they're addicted to something that's harmful to them
Well, in terms of importance
Kirara ๐
kratom is a miracle drug it can be used to treat so many things that people pay thousands of dollars a year to get treated of course you gotta pay for kratom too but big pharma is out to get it
Also I am going back on my medieval RPG bullshit but before that, have this image and also I watched a... I struggle to call it as such, but a debate between Zizek and some guy who was introduced as a zionist, who used to be left but is now a conservative The man unironically said the democratic party is far left, and what the left fails to understand is that people are different, so making them equal requires a big state removing their freedom to compensate
All I could think was like "this man was never left, or he was and is now actually outright fascist"
Kirara ๐
a medieval rpg about rand paul living under the taxes of feudalism
Let's get that BRAAVE IKE >no green orbs I swear if I break
>>431915 thats what i thought about lilina and look at me now
aw yeah +3000 feathers cleaned up my barracks a little I feel less hesitant about 5* people now I'll be getting another 5k~ by the end of the gauntlet >>431925 ...
Bonfire at 2 Hit: Charged Hit: Bonfire Bonfire at 3 Bold Fighter Hit: 1 Hit: ...Either Charged or it triggers I don't know what happens in that situation. I think it just charges So in short, if they can retaliate, they will eat it twice
Kirara ๐
we could test with glimmer or something on a quad attacker
Oh, Glimmer is a thing. Let me throw a random Brave Lance on Hardin. I'm sure I have a spare bucket shota
actually I might not lol. oh good, I do now I need a glimmer lol THANK YOU endless supply of Beruka
Kirara ๐
might be able to test it on one of the immortal enemies in story
>giving Hardin Fortress Res to lower his Atk a little
Oh, it drops to 39 anyway with Brave lance. Should be fine
Using this seems nice but I think it'd be better to just use Iceberg Or Sol, depending You reliably finish your damage The difference between 8 damage (Brave) and Hardin's 16 damage (Gradivus) weapon would affect the usefulness of Glimmer since you need to be doing damage for it to be worth anything There currently isn't any Wo Dao ability for Lances so I'd be hard pressed to rely on it. You'd have to go with... uh... shit. Hector? What about Hector? V.Hector
Zelgius/Black Knight Sol/Black Luna/Aether or maybe even Reprisal nah, not reprisal And you can have Alondite, Warding Breath, Bold Fighter |QR Seal Or Wo Dao++, DC, Bold Fighter, QR Seal QR sounds good if you're running Sol/Aether
Kirara ๐
firing off two black lunas would be crazy
does bold fighter stack with heavy blade?
I doubt >>431959 That will work sure but we need Bold Fighter Heavy Blade to work and I doubt
>>431957 therr's a video for this actually its a brave sword heavy bladed black knight
It doesn't stack. (in fact, the tip on Bold Fighter says it doesn't stack That said, you still get the double charge when being attacked So there's value in using the seal.
he gets like 3k a month from Patreon just from being so good at tweeting he also collabs with other big names like da share zone he did art for the da share zone game
I should get clean I napped in a chair, then ate, and forgot >>431998 Not that common but common enough. Well, more common than takagi kaguya at least which is what I need in life
>>431996 Well both girls are pretty heavy teasers. Even if one is pretty light-hearted and flirty about it and the other is bordering on malice and cruelty.
how about the waterpark that's more what i had in mind waterslides and wave pools and the sunken ship with water harpoons that you blast your friends with
I'd have to consider some things. But right now I have to take a shower You know, I have all this money now but I don't really feel like going anywhere or doing anything
Kirara ๐
people have different levels of sensitivity to things like rollercoasters just biologically so it can't be helped sometimes
>>432051 are you comin and bringin your kitty? the more the merrier we can have a cat party at the waterpark we'll get them a floaty catbed for the lazy river
looks like Oklahoma teachers are going to strike, joining the west virginian teacher strike
west virginia teachers aren't doing anything anyway that's the most fucked up state i've been to in the county
Kirara ๐
they're doing a lot right now with their strike it's a major wildcat strike action in 2018 it's a super big deal the teachers are even making sure that the kids still get fed since there's no school
Kirara ๐
with Oklahoma joining, maybe more states will start having teacher strikes it'd be really good and long overdue hopefully we get one in florida
they don't make enough money to survive and they don't have even reasonable health insurance schools get no funding so they can't teach properly teachers are expected to spend $500-1000 per year out of their own money without reimbursement on supplies for their classrooms
teachers have horrible working conditions
here in florida, a portion of teacher salaries are tied to the school's performance on the state standardized tests when my mom was a pe teacher, she would get paid less if the school didn't do well on FCAT naturally, teachers at low SES schools get fucked over by that really hard
a nationwide teacher strike would show the government that they need to do something and do it soon
>expecting employees to spend money on shit for their own jobs This should be straight up illegal
>>432068 >they don't make enough money to survive and they don't have even reasonable health insurance same
>>432068 can't wait until teachers' celeries are tied to how many guns they're carrying
Kirara ๐
there are a lot of industries that should strike so many people live in squalor for no reason other than greedy assholes at the top hog all the money
goin on strike until we get 20% less suffering, 40% less pain, and at least four more years
Kirara ๐
>>432075 we absolutely do our schools are pretty much the worst in the developed world (outside of university) teachers are treated like shit we need to make a lot of changes
>>432081 That's what separating the wheat from the chaff is all about. we need a system that figures out what paths the kids need to be put on so that we can get realistic outcomes for the ones that need realistic outcomes, and get the ones with potential the programs that they need.
Kirara ๐
>>432085 that phrase definitely doesn't mean what you think it means then
>>432108 worried that my falcon would eat them? yeah probably we can use a carrier falcon instead you just gotta have a big glove so they don't tear your arteries out of your arm when they land
>>432108 zooks works third shift and lives ~30 minutes away , and i'm unable to drive for annoying legal reasons for a while so the time in between is just frustrating i'm probably being a big fat bitch tho
i'm going to have a business call tomorrow and i think i'm going to have to tell my client about my mental health problems i think i'll probably lose my contract but i have to it's become a problem i'm kind of spooked
>>432113 i remember that life are you raking in the fattest dosh
attempting to be lighthearted is all I really know how to do
>>432130 don don't worry you were fine it was a separate person who said that i couldn't by offended by anything my son says he is so perfect and never does anything wrong besides when he leaves my packed lunches at home or forgets to put on his fresh clean undies that i laundered and then dried for him in the oven with some barked potates
>>432145 yeah sure is i dunno why i try to ask for help anymore
sorry i dont need to be making comments like that it's inappropriate
Samu ๐ !KW2DbpWwls
I went camping a few weekends ago but they stole my equipment
hello all
Who stole all the equipment? The campsite?
Samu ๐ !KW2DbpWwls
i assume some randoms saw it unguarded we were naively trying to save our spot
That's pretty shitty of them. I used to do family camping with my neighbourhood every year, and no matter where we went, I don't recall there ever being an incident where anything, at least anything sizeable, got stolen from the campsites.
shit I just realised there is a camping/hiking ground at a reasonable public transit distance from me I mean 4-6 hours but still But that would place me in the vicinity of the army barracks I served in, though >>432160 jackers
>>432176 maanantai, tiistai, keskiviikko, torstai, perjantai, lauantai save for "keskiviikko" middle of the week literally, all come from the nordic weekday names named after gods (monday //tuesday to friday), saturday named after "washing day" lรถrdag, and then sunday and monday obviously named after sun and the moon
>>432183 come to think of it I don't know why the days are named so in english. probably a similar concept.
well the names come from germanic culture monday - moon day tuesday .- tyr's day wednesday - odin/wodin's day thursday - thur's day friday - fria's day saturday - saturn's day from romans sunday well the sun day
though how do you get "perjantai" from freidag? how does the "fri" turn into per? maybe the day is actually named after perkele
also keskiviikko annoys me personally it is NOT in the middle of the week it is in the middle of the work week but not in the MIDDLE OF THE WEEK so it is incorrect thursday is in the middle of the week
english month names are silly, though mix of bunch of cultures most amusing is december "10th month" or november "9th month" good work there you fuckwits
Layovers from the previous ten-month calendar with a "dark period" of the year where no time was actually kept. That was how the Romans actually did things for a while before they wizened up and realized it was hard to tax people when you weren't keeping track of the month. So they just shoved two extra months in there (August and maybe July? I don't know the other for certain) so that the observed year lasted more or less the entire Earth's orbit of the sun.
>>432207 Nah, if i remember february was one of the months they added july and august already were there with different names and the nameholders just renamed them and also stole 2 days from february to boost them into 31 day long
Well it might've been January and February then. I can't remember that part well. But I'm certain the switch from a ten-month calendar to the twelve one is why November and December are the eleventh and twelfth months despite their naming scheme.
Who knows. Actual names // The why of the actual names isn't all that important. For the people handling all the paperwork this was probably the easiest route to take.
>>432216 they didn't actually add months, but switched from where the year began february was the last month originally making december the original october
So going back to months finnish month names are Tammikuu - lit. oakmonth, tammi being old word for meaning something strong or hearthy, later coming to specifically mean oaks helmi- lit. pearl month - name coming from "frost pearls" ice crystal formations growing on trees and plants during winter maalis - doesn't translate, name coming either from birch sap or "maa" finnish word for earth from how during this month the snow and ice starts to melt and ground begins to reveal itself huhti- doesn't translate, comes from "huhta" act of felling down pinetrees and burning them down in slash and burn agriculture touko - doesn't translate, comes from "touko" act of blowing the fields, planting the seeds et al, basically the first farming work of the year kesรค- lit. summer month, though name actually comes from "kesanto" word for setting aside a plot of land for the year, instead of farming it basically "letting it rest" heinรค - lit. hay month, comes from how hay is harvested in this month elo - lit. harvest month, comes from "elonkorjuu" basically word for harvest work. syys - lit. autumn month loka - mud month, quite descriptive marras - "death month", marras meaning death, signs of death or spirits of the dead and finally joulu-, lit. christmas month not much to say about that one
added note, we have two words for summer - kesรค (most commonly used) and suvi but amusingly just like kesรค in some dialect regions referred to the farming act, suvi in that region refers to "clear winter day" so the word "suvisรครค" suvi-weather, would in the past mean both "a nice summer day" but also "a nice winter day" go figure
children's card games are too convoluted to get into too many factors to get to know from the start same problem i have with any other competitive game with a large roster of characters really
I think the biggest issue with games like that is pure monetary investment one reason why I dropped warhammer quite early, cause 1) no muny 2) wood elves weren't sold in any finnish store in any sufficient stock
plastic ones atleast weren't that pricy got a box of 10 or 20 archers for a reasonable price >brother collects same wood elves so in bigger games we can just use each other's models >i use real faction paint scheme >he paints them randomly with ORANGE CLOACKS dafucking camo in woodlands is an orange cloack?
>>432322 i don't think monetary investment is an issue to me really i've spent a lot of money on dumb shit i don't need before i even have a collection of amiibos lined up in front of my 4K TV I bought even though i don't have any 4k movies and don't watch TV the great entry barrier is too solid
some of those amiibos did cool stuff in breath of the wild though so it was worth anyways i got a wolf link and it gives you a pet dog link from twilight princess
>>432324 Maybe they were the expendable distraction units and you just never noticed the real stealth units
>>432321 Magic has different formats, some of them are more complicated to get into than others. It is definitely a money investment though, well it usually is.
But that was it archers were cheap and plastic everything else was metal damn expensive figures, so neither of us had any melee units to tag the enemy from advancing to our ranged troops also both of us have shit luck at dice
Now all their stuff is plastic and costs more than the metal ones ever did. I really despise Gamesworkshop. Luckily I never really got into Warhammer so i didn't waste a ton of money on it.
As long as you make them for yourself, you aren't really breaking a law you can always afterall say they aren't warhammer or wh40k or whatever stuff just "they just look like them"
>>432338 Are we gonna steal from a convenience store
>>432341 Yeah about that I need to go look up a legal case real quick
>>432342 that's stupid, they don't have any money. better off tailing someone from their apartment and jacking their rent money when they go to the check cashers.
I wonder how easy/hard it would be to rob a gated community home actually?
>>432347 Yeah but they've got booze and crunchie bars
>>432349 we can buy the booze and crunchie bars at the convenience store when we launder his cash
I want them now though
>>432348 Just walk behind someones car and watch them enter the community gate passcode Then the gate's taken care of. That's how it worked when I used to live in a gated community
>>432351 I am not talking about rolling in big time with van that for sure would get caught but simple break in and stealing stuff you can carry on your person+bag a sneak thief that isn't even noticed immediately
>>432361 Necrons got a huge fluff change and some nerfs that really pissed me off, I have some unopened necrons I bought ages ago and considered getting more, but the new stuff just made me not feel like giving them money. I did see a decent army for sale on Craigslist, but I didn't have the money. Although the guy was also willing to trade them for a pinball machine.
I have been thinking would say lassguns work better against orks if they were painted yellow? Or would some fighters fly faster when facing orks, if they were painted red?
>>432369 well they are shards or something now and not full gods or whatever the lore now is
>>432370 Yeah, it's really really dumb They're now glorified pokemon.
>>432364 orks seem pretty cool i liked the orcs in the warhammer mmo as well
Tyranids would be interesting too
>>432372 I like Orks cuz they're fun. Everyone else is super serious and the ork just stomps shit because it's fun and they gotta prove they have the bigger gains than the other orks
I bet if you stacked enough orcs into one place, they would eventually convert a planet into a one massive hyper gargant that would then be essentially a space hulk
It's about an Elf that is stuck in Japan because she gained too much weight and is too fat to fit into the portal to her world. Because compared to her world, contemporary Jaoanese food is very fattening.
>sign in to bank to see if static bills have been paid >no they havn't >not enough money on the account I use to pay them >umm there should be enough >check transactions >see the + that should put it way above the needed sum to pay them >refresh couple times >doesn't show up >sign out >sign in >now it shows it ... can't make it easy and non-stressful nordea?
Double Fury Eldigan is actually more fascinating than I thought.
+3HP Would put mine at 48 Double Fury chops 12 HP. Which puts him immediately at 75%
I threw out my Lyn so I can't try it but I wonder how Sol Katti refined with Vantage works. Do both attacks happen immediately before the opponents because of desperation/brash assault effect?
>Jordan Peele makes history as first black writer to win best original screenplay Oscar i don't usually care about the oscars but this is exciting to me
I don't even need +. It sounds like that's just the difference between Fury and L&D Raven I don't have an L&D3 to spare but I can throw a Fury I'm +Atk/-Res too
>>432433 Wh How Who's denying the ruling class the thi- >>432434 EXCUSE ME?
Kirara ๐
the story is that there's nothing good left in the world so everyone just uses a massive VR world to enjoy themselves and then the creator dies and says he left an easter egg in the VR world and that whoever finds it becomes the new owner of the corporation so the entire VR world goes to war over this easter egg and everyone's pathetic release form the world becomes as bad as the real world but it's Good because it's got memes and also adventure and you get to be the capitalism if you win
In kingdom come deliverance, there's this quest where you gotta help some sick people be not sick anymore And part of it is you gotta go get 10 game meat, of whatever kind you want really, and give it to the nurse So I go out, I kill a rabbit, come back and give it to her I finish the quest, she's like "EVERYONE'S DEAD. JUST GO, YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH!"
If I'm reading this walkthrough right, the issue is I didn't cook it I was like "Yeah of course you don't eat it raw, but I figured they'd cook it themselves on the fireplace RIGHT OUTSIDE THE PLACE"
>>432454 Oh right. Black Luna would shred enemies terribly. 30 def because 6 in the face of it Bold Fighter sets that charge down easy. Quickened Pulse is a good touch since you go 2->0->Kill
Kirara ๐
>>432455 lmao holy shit they all ate raw rabbit and died??? im laffin
Also I have this quest where I'm supposed to do an exorcism Apparently this spooky ghost shows up in this woman's house at night and I gotta burn some flowers and stuff But I'm there now, midnight No ghost
I can burn it whenever, but I wanted to see the ghost, figured it was actually just some guy or something
People who are far behind in getting Coins for seals. I need to hit in the 13 range or was it 12 52, get Heavy Blade 2, go down to 2 + 10 from Arena + 45 from the next Voting Gauntlet round that's 55 57 yeah, I need 13 57 +13 is 70 and I'd be able to get Spur Atk 1 and Guidance 2
And soon the next map set should come out and I can get 10+ coins a week from that too. Making things faster But I really need Guidance at 2 minimum or else it's pretty useless I can live with HB2 for now
>>432483 that rainbow i sat in,, was your face beautiful
Kirara ๐
it's hard to talk to people i haven't properly groomed for my jokes like my mom is saying the hospital she works at, all the tech is down and i want to make a returning to nature joke but she'll never understand because she's not groomed to understand the intricacies of the joke
>>432487 i've got problems like that a lot too i'll just drop in a comment somewhere in the middle of a conversation and nobody gets what i meant by it so it just seems really awkward because it's looked at like a serious comment that just didn't make sense instead of something that's plucking at the absurdity of whatever
oh yeah i think i was having serotonin sickness the other day when i was spazzing out that kind of makes sense now and why i couldn't focus on work and was hallucinating
Kirara ๐
>>432490 yeah, lately i find it's harder to communicate with people i don't communicate with on a near daily basis because im just constantly incorporating new bullshit into my head and spouting it out
so if i don't see someone for a week they've missed like three episodes of development on my bullshit and it's hard to bridge the plot gap
it's especially bad when i do dopey voice + dopey comment because if someone isn't used to that they might just think i'm actually that dopey or having a stroke or something
like the "WELL ACKSHUALLY" kind of thing but i think most people are used to that by now >>432492 yeah i was really freaking out because i couldn't control my thoughts and i was getting paranoid about things i don't like feeling like that it's terrible
Kirara ๐
i hate having to restrain myself so that people don't try to interpret shit they can't which can taint all communication it's a lot of work keeping track of who is able to interpret what and how they'll interpret it sometimes
mostly yeah i mean i feel calm and sane anyway but a little weak and ... what's the word i dunno what the word is but there's a word for it malaise i guess >>432495 are you certain >>432494 yeah i think part of my problem is that i do the voices so good that people can't tell it's meant to be absurd
Kirara ๐
im looking at amazon and they have camelbak water bottles for preorder
>>432496 yeah i guess that makes sense you're probably right about serotonin
people should just automatically have their ability to follow my jokes upgraded periodically i see someone i haven't talked to in a month and they won't get any of my new absurd fixations
how can i stop serotonin sickness i think it's a recurring problem i've been wondering why i can't take my adderall anymore like i used to it didn't give me problems before but now i think it's just pushing me into that sero-zone that makes me sick
it doesn't help me focus at all anymore it just makes me feel sick is it kratom or maybe alcohol or the benzos? i think the benzos would help more than hurt that i can only function with the adderall if i take the benzos i can function fine with just the benzos and no addy too
>>>/watch?v=_ebqyw5vsLw if anyone's in the mood for a long video and not doin shit this is cool
Kirara ๐
>>432498 kratom doesn't have any serotonergic properties that have been recorded afaik benzos usually help yeah and you take a pretty low dose of the benzo too
generally you use lorazepam, Adderall, alcohol, and kratom, right?
prescribed 20 twice a day i can barely handle the 10 though i didn't used to have this problem
Kirara ๐
is there anything you could replace the addy with? sounds like it's probably the lorazepam+addy
i could just not take it, which is what i do most days loraz + addy is the only way i can handle the addy i didn't have my benzos the other day when this occurred and it's a trend i've noticed in the past that i start getting panicky around when the addy is wearing out and i can't think clearly if i take another addy (like i'm prescribed, twice a day) then it kind of helps but quickly gets worse i discovered at some point that taking the lorazepam at that point instead brings me back to normal and i can focus real calmly
i dunno, i can't really say that because there's not that kind of regularity to it i'm just remembering a few occasions where the lorazepam helped me focus and stay calm
>>432510 yeah, and i used to need it i dunno if you remember but i talked sometime about the change i had undergone in tennessee having been unable to find a new psych and having to go off my stimulants and learning to function without them i've gotten to where i can do it but it's rather taxing to do so and a day's work is much more difficult to do than it should be, and as a result only being able to work every few days instead of every day and if i ever want to continue working on my maths, which is, you know, what i really consider to be my real vocation, then i can't even understand my own notes without stimulants
i feel like i probably panic just because there's a lot to panic about with how shitty things have gotten it's okay though i didn't mean to sap up this much of your time i was just chattin this is gettin too cumbersome probably
I procrastinated registering in the online system the place I've been working at uses to document paystubs and provide tax forms. And now it's tax season and I can't get into the system because the code I need expired like five months back. It looks like I need to contact someone at the workplace, though I don't know who and trying to figure out who while trying my hardest to hide how dumb I feel for not getting around for it and risking getting lectured for putting it off is not a particularly appetizing concept. The fact that they still haven't called me in since...late January? Early February? Isn't really helping either.
Kirara ๐
>>432513 other than stopping the adderall, the only other option i can think of is to add a serotonin blocker but idk if that'd help much without disrupting your balance
sometimes it works fine i probably gotta be honest with myself and acknowledge that alcohol is playing a part if not serotonin sickness then maybe still other cns-related issues from rampant drinking i wish i could just stop but i dont want to
I'm guessing the account is managed by more than one person
It's one of those take accounts that posts screenshots of hot takes It's when someone says something really uninformed on the twitter machine
It's a very left twitter thing, but right wing twitter also likes to get in on it, interpreting "capitalism isn't when the government does little" as an incredibly hot take
what is the account i can't click on it what is a hot take is it like a hotcake
It's not supposed to be smart It's twitter shitposting
>>432524 somewhere between 3 and 8 probably 3 drinks a day most days and then spiked up to 8-ish (half a fifth, or a six pack of 16oz) after a few days of mild drinking then go dry for a little while after a few days of heavier drinking
Kirara ๐
>>432527 yeah i guess that could do it with the adderall maybe if it works sometimes, does it work when you've had less to drink?
>>432528 well it's not like i'm drinking while on addy but i dunno... i can't say whether it's worse when i've drank recently or not it definitely makes me crave alcohol though and that's part of why i don't take it too much anymore
Kirara ๐
well it sounds like just not taking it might be the best option for now maybe? or the easiest band-aid at least