Iamgine if that was a setting for some "race" some slime like creatures merging with skeletons to form human mimics and the creature itself isnt aware of this and just thinks it is a human maybe even inheriting the skeleton's memories
>>428626 I think that annoying mom might be trying to get me in trouble at the clinic because I was asked for my session notes today after the client contacted us and said she wanted to discontinue services. I didn't do anything wrong so I'll be fine but it'll still be annoying if there's an investigation.
>>428625 an archaeological dig just discovered that skeletons used to bury their dead as well
>>428629 I don't know for sure, but she presented as one of those bitchy helicopter moms that thinks their kid is the most sacred thing in existence . She seemed very dissatisfied with the 10 minute session she got even though I discussed it with her and told her I'd work out a way to fix it for the next session. She had one of those fake smiles that you see on bitches that are trying not to cause a scene.
>border >one giant bridge >with one giant wall with one giant gae >why not several gatehouses for extra layers of defense >no watch towers in sight to cover the body of water such shitty defenses
>>428635 Because we want to continue to be APA accredited without any trouble and if we do nothing and she complains to the APA, then the APA investigates the school and makes the school investigate me so then there are multiple annoying investigations because everything is bound by ridiculous rules that exist to protect the lowest intelligence people from themselves.
Luckily, I anticipated her being problematic for me, so I kept documentation on everything that happened including the stuff that wouldn't normally go into my progress notes.
hardest thing about it though is to write my notes objectively like describing how she came off as bitchy without saying she came off as bitchy and making it sound legit
yeah haha i am going to buy that tent actually well, the 2 person version it has really good reviews everywhere and ALPS is a great company i'll have to test it in the rain though since some of the reviews suggest re-waterproofing the seams
>want to make dinner but i'm waiting for an important phone call because the time we were going to make that call, the other person ended up in a different more important call
fish can't make burgers she'll destroy them her sense of time is worse than mine
>>428642 It has a monthly subscription fee that I believe is about the same price as any other pay-to-play MMO. But you can buy in-game monthly passes that other players have purchased and put up on the player marketplace or whatever it is. The serious players that want to play for free can use this to play the game for nothing more than in-game money. The conversion rate between the price of a monthly pass and the amount of in-game money they go for is also how the calculations that determine those "million-dollar in-game skirmishes" are valued.
Kirara π
i followed this cool indigenous artist/writer on twitter yesterday and now she's posting all this stuff about wanting to die and how the world would be better off if she were dead and like i just want to chill out and enjoy my evening but i also feel obligated to do something
It means that nearly every institution is not going to help them and that they have no opportunities for pulling themselves into a better place in addition to facing problems with the way people perceive them in society which further limits their opportunities for life improvement. They also take care of other people that are in the same position but also disabled. The world is rigged against them. They never had a chance at success and never will unless a lot changes.
I get what you mean I guess. I still think its just a little bit defeatist to say they never had a chance and never will have a chance at success (currently). But only a little bit.
It's similar to how if Nazis won, Jews that survived would never have a chance at success.
That's basically the situation for Native Americans in the US. They live in land that is occupied by oppressors that regularly kill them and steal from them and jail them. Native Americans are treated like subhumans by the government and by corporations and things are completely stacked against them. Their options are to abandon their tribe and "become white" or do sit on their reservation and wait to die, generally. There are only two or three tribes that don't fall into that dichotomy, although I guess some have technically managed to become successful while maintaining their non-whiteness by turning their tribes into caricatures of their former selves in order to elicit tourism money, like the Miccosukee.
They should just end the reservation stuff and treat them as they treat every other citizen or actually give them land to form an independent state of their own
Kirara π
yeah, they should be given large portions of their original land back at the absolute least but every time they get land, the government takes it away later because valuable resources were found there or because a corporation wants it
>>428665 That's really never going to happen, depending on what you mean by "large" .
We have our sami, who are treated the same as any citizen though they do have some privileges so that their culture can continue, like special fishing rights and reindeer herding rights etc amusingly, they //some of them have begun using the sjw tactics to get more recently well demand more rather.
Kirara π
nearly every single treaty with every tribe has been violated by the US government but the tribes have no way of fighting back
>>428666 by large i mean large enough that it will absolutely never happen unless we go full Shadowrun
but a reasonable solution would be to end the reservation status, grant the land they have now to them like every otherl and owner in usa owns land and treat them the same as every other citizen that wey they could atleast not be fucked over without fucking over the basic rights any american has and they could plead to the constitution etc and not some treaties
>>428663 The "leave the tribe and become 'white'" really is something more of them should do (I'm sure its very difficult and whatnot). But they have a better chance at success with that than rotting on the reservation. Assuming by "become white" you mean "leave the reservation and go to college or getting an actual career".
The whole reservation afterall was just a stop gap measure and also practically an interment camp at the time I don't see why that should still apply to modern world
>>428669 Unfortunately, if that happens, then the tribes lose a lot of autonomy that allows them to maintain their identity.
>>428670 Your way of thinking is wrong. There's nothing wrong with them living the way they want to live or as the way their ancestors lived, especially if it's not harming anyone. They should be able to find success on their reservations, in their tribes, without being forced to abandon thousands of years of heritage.
>>428673 indeed, it would fuck them short term and require them to really work for it but it might be beneficial in the long term might atleast be worth researching into,
The other solution is to go the micronation way and actually let them form micronations like ones in europe vatican, liechestein, andorra etc or hong kong in china you could cut away some of the reservation territories in turn, but give them large enough areas to form these countries there is lebensraum in the USA afterall
>>428673 Then what do they mean by "becoming white"?
>>428673 So is it truly impossible for them to integrate themselves into outside society without abandoning their identity? Also it would be nice if they could be successful on their reservation but we both know that's exceedingly unlikely and shouldnt be considered an option.
>>428676 That would be better, but still difficult since they have such little land.
>>428678 Ugh. You're thinking like a settler. Yes, that's impossible. They cannot continue their heritage and tribal society in the way they want to on the land they consider to be sacred if they leave and go to college and get a job off the reservation.
The fact that it's not an option is a major problem here. Because abandoning everything isn't an option either. So they're stuck in a horrible limbo.
>>428679 That is the main problem USA would have to give territory you'd have to be master of PR to pull that through people might be for it, but the elites are always against losing stuff even if it is some shit filled rock in the middle of the sea
and then the last solution I can come up with have the vrious tribes form STATES of their own states as in new states in the union
>>428679 I think I understand what you mean now. Although I'm sure anything I try to rebut will be dismissed with "you're thinking like a settler".
The first time I was on a reservation, I was talking to some of the Shoshone there, and they told me a story about an Arapahoe woman who left the reservation to go to college and when she came back, people had problems accepting her and called her an apple, which is the slur used by many Natives to refer to people that are "red on the outside and white on the inside" The first time I heard that story, I thought, "That's ridiculous. The Natives should be going out and going to college and becoming more civilized. It's the only way they can survive." But I understand now that I was wrong because now I understand that western values aren't necessarily right and that there are different ways to doing things. The reason things are so bad for them is because western values were half-assedly forced on them and their way of life has been under attack for hundreds of years now. I was thinking like a settler. Now I understand it a little bit better, and I think it's somewhat more reasonable. It's hard to accept someone that you feel as abandoned your people's way of life. The indigenous people deserve the right to maintain their way of life and to live freely on their land - not the land that was "given" to them, but the land that was stolen from them. The land that was stolen from everyone.
>>428684 I don't think anyone was in the wrong, but I don't think she was right to think she could go to college and then come back like it was no big deal. It was a betrayal of the values of that tribe. She broke taboos and insulted her ancestors and fellow tribe members.
I'm familiar with it. But who do you think was in the wrong there?
is the difference between all other conquest/colonisations around the world the locals elsewhere were integrated slowly into the society cogs into the machinery, meat into the grinder and slowly grew to be part of the society the invaders formed, whether as second class citizens or full ones, depending on area and empire but in USA, the natives were forced from their lands and into the reservations to scrape by, excommunicated from the society en large instead of being invited to join and work together
a quite unique position compared to the european imprialism
>>428683 They are never getting that land back and all of your poignant complaints about it and focuses on the way things should be or what they deserve does nothing but ignore the idea that maybe they'll have to make shitty compromises with whatever in order to continue their existence until maybe the US government does something to improve how the native's rights are enforced or something even better.
>>428686 Survival being all that matters is another one of those western values. There are many tribes that would rather go extinct than become white.
To say that they should just make a "shitty compromise" and integrate so they can survive and be successful is ridiculous and really ethnocentric. To say that we should just ignore genocide is ridiculous. To say that we should just ignore injustice is ridiculous.
>>428688 Then if they feel that they must die instead let them do it.
should all of japan be emptied because the ainu were there first, for example?
Curiously, some tribes in russia manage to keep their ways somewhat but I guess that is simply because russia doesn't give a fuck about them they live in the remote regions of russia and pay their taxes Though being the dicks they are, they enforce russian language and thus actively kill some languages every decade
>>428688 I never said we should ignore genocide or ignore injustice. And when I said "shitty compromise" I just meant some hypothetical thing, not the specific one you came up with.
>>428690 The land should be free land. The land never belonged to any tribe, though they did have sacred places on the land they inhabited. The land belonged to nature.
>>428692 It sure sounds to me like you think they should just integrate, though.
Well you can say that is how you think things should be, but if we remove the necessary evils such as states and isntitutions, things will be worse for even more people and for a long period at that than at the moment they are for few.
There have been many cultures over the years >>428693 I think you are entirely disregarding the idea that their culture can (I'm not neccesarily saying it should) change and that they can "integrate" while still maintaining their cultural identity. I'm not saying they have to, but cultures can change, if they feel that they need to do you think that they should not?
>>428694 I don't think that it'd be hard to do the bare minimum and designate portions of land as free land where those people are free to live as they please on their sacred lands and ancestral lands without large corporations actively destroying it.
>>428695 Cultures naturally change, of course. But that doesn't mean any people should be in a position where they have to take on values that contradict their own - as the western values contradict the ancestral values of most tribes.
The world isn't fair, it sure sucks what the US has done and cobtinues to do to them. I won't spend anymore time discussing this, I think I have a much better understanding of your perspective now. But this is truly unfortunate, like many other things that probably won't ever be truly solved.
>>428696 Well that is what I said in my micronation proposalΓΆ I think it would be the most reasonable and best long term solution just give the tribes the most important parts of their original land back compensate anyone who loses on part of usa and let them govern themselves
>>428700 Basically some of them would have to compromise is not like the reservations all are on their original territory
On a related note the Palestinians would be much better off if they just accepted the fact that they're never getting the rest of their land back. I'm still really pissed about the illegal settlements though.
>>428700 Hmm maybe all the reservations could be considered one nation like a federation of sorts that way they'd have more negotiation power as a combined whole >>428704 their current actions are indefensible, but in defense of them anyhow they tried being nice in the past and it didn't work for them
Kirara π
palestine would be better off if israel was less into apartheid too and israel stopped killing understandably mad palestinian protestors
>>428701 wrong quote >>428703 idk if there's any solution that would help short of the creation of a united nations that works and can hold the US accountable
>>428704 Yes, that also really needs to stop. I'm hoping for Israel to have a not fucking awful government run by far right Orthodox Jews some time soon.
>>428704 UN can only hold non-veto countries accountable and not even all of those, sicne many are allied to the veto countries UN is a joke and as big as a failure as its predecessor the League of Nations
Kirara π
>>428705 They're trying to push out Netanyahu for corruption so that's at least a step in the right direction.
Also most Israelis actually have reasonable opinions about how to deal with this issue, but the religious right seems to want to just annihilate the Palestinians and are trying to get the government to do it.
Kirara π
yeah, it's weird how much power the religious right in israel has managed to amass despite not even being the majority the way they've started regulating the wall and even buses is so messed up it's like nobody's allowed to live their lives
Well the zionists are a real thing afterall and have been even before Israel was founded well fought for, in the end
That being said Palestinian terrorists can fuck right off, every IED they set up, every suicide bomber, every person they shoot only makes the situation worse.
>>428710 If you think about it from nationalistic and imperialistic stand point stuck in the 19th century, their actions make sense but those don't apply to modern times anymore that much Not that it doesn't prevent coutnries from still relying on them
Kirara π
>>428712 yeah for every israeli they kill, israel kills like 100 palestinians
>>428715 i think it's a little bit lower, but i mean in the most recent "war" a few years ago i remember it actually being like, israel killed seven times more palestinians than palestinians killed israelis or something my 100 number was a hyperbole
>>428714 Is it really that much? Do you mean in modern times or back in the day,?
>>428715 even 1-2 ratio is too much actually even 1-1 ratio is too much what does revenge help in the end? rather work to prevent that such attrocities don't ever happen again, instead of fueling the cycle of hatred
Some parts of the Israeli military in the really early days would kill like 5 times as many people in an enemy country with a town near the border whenever that country attacked.
Kirara π
>Palestine launches a missile from 1930 that misses and puts a crater in a field, 0 injuries, 0 casualties >Israel responds by bombing a hospital shit like this just makes me so mad
Generally those rockets are aimed at Israeli schools and hospitals though. It's still overkill on Israel's part.
Kirara π
yeah true
israel has the resources to literally just take out individual hamas operatives somewhat frequently and still chooses to bomb and knowingly kill civilians in addition to their hamas target
i think they got accused of war crimes by UN a few years ago but it all got swept under the rug probably by big brother US
>>428721 >when meme becomes reailty >>428720 and each civilian killed means +1 hamas recruit
Kirara π
there was a story a few months ago about how this palestinian dude was just minding his business when he was caught in the crossfire from a bomb and lost his legs but he had a bunch of kids so he had to keep working and he'd wash cars and stuff, legless, and he managed to be super spry without legs, he'd slide around and walk acround the cars on his hands and shit he started protesting israel after that, too, peacefully he'd climb up flagpoles and wave a palestinian flag
a few months ago israeli snipers put a bullet between his eyes for protesting peacefully
>>428723 It wasn't right that that happened, but he knew the risk he was taking.
Kirara π
israelis also put a fake bomb rig on his corpse
Anyways >We cannot save each water pipe from explosion or each tree from being uprooted. We cannot prevent the murder of workers in orange groves or of families in their beds. But we can put a very high price on their blood, a price so high that it will no longer be worthwhile for the Arabs, the Arab armies, for the Arab states to pay it. Israeli military practice in the 50's.
>>428723 I have to question the morality of these people doing it I can understand the bigwigs who order this, they never do actually anything numbers and words are easy on paper afterall but the men and women doing it.
Kirara π
>>428728 seriously. what kind of person can look down the scope of a sniper rifle and choose to kill a disabled man doing nothing of all people killing someone violent to protect your comrades? i don't necessarily agree with the situation but i can understand pulling the trigger there but to kill a legless man
>>428729 I guess brainwashing and finally getting used to it propably by 5th time they are numb to it
i'd like to see how they justify that to themselves in the end, though or if they are religious, how do they bullshit it that they are good god fearing people?
>>428732 Enemies of Jews don't get rights during war.
Kirara π
i've always heard they're told that torah says to kill people who would kill you before they can kill you
>>428729 If early Israel had not been as aggressive as it was, there would likely be no modern Israel. That doesn't justify it, but war is terrible and not usually justifiable.
le bible has many questionable parts, especially in the old testament, but there aren't really that many "kill the unbeliever" et al
Kirara π
>>428735 i was told something like that by a rabbi when i asked about killing in self-defense once
And the only part that actually bears any weight to a christian should be "turn the other cheek", which by the way is actually an insult to the person back then the slap implying that they slapped you like a slave, so when you turn the cheek and how their hand is, they will have to slap you normally forcing them to admit you are an equal
>>428737 There are parts about it being okay to kill enemies of the Jewish people during war.
not sure if it was back handed slap or open handed
Kirara π
a lot of the rules for war and stuff for jews come from spoken torah rather than written torah
A christian should defend their homeland, but waging offensive war should never be an option Part of the "give the emperor his due" basically, don't be criminals/rebels
>>428759 This isn't a new thing, to make bills with contents unrelated to their names, a lot of the bills with "child safety" in their name (or similar phrases) would lead to censorship and or criminalize piracy of media
>>428766 Konjiki no Word Master was quite amusing a read still on going though
http://hotchocolatescans.com/fs/series/konjiki_no_moji_tsukai/ might as well drop the link for the scanlator site
Name sounds familiar, I might've read the first chapter a while ago.
>Okamura Hiiro is introverted and loves books. To him, books are his raison d'etre. His story starts with usual gimmick of summoning of heroes. Five people summoned, but one of them is just an outsider dragged in accidentally, that person is Hiiro. The four others are his classmates, but it's not like they are friends. Unlike him, they are riajuus. Hiiro decided not to help the country, his reason? "I don't believe you. I'm not friends with them. It's not my business, and I'm an ordinary person who cares for my own life, so bye," and he sets for his own journey. Little does others know, that this ordinary person, Hiiro, actually hides a power which could change the world! the setting is //synopsis is what got me into it
Oh right, I wore gloves 2016 winter in my previous place too the insulation in the windows finally gave away and the draft was damn painful then too Huh no wonder I am so used to this.
i don't think i'm cut out for HR i'm way too prone to bias a girl just applied who's got a lolita fashion youtube channel and i like want instantly to recruit her she did a good job too but i don't trust i'm treating it as fairly as i would be other applicants
trying to transcribe literal incarcerated gang members right now yeah this is enjoyable >>428939 yeah, which would be fine with proper recording probably i'm a patient person so i can sort through the muck this ain't though the subject matter is interesting enough at least but i sure hope they don't get mad at me when they try to record gangspeak from a smartphone
>>428955 A customer to my client, rather people sometimes complain that a transcript isn't very usable when the recording they provided isn't very usable but you know, it's always someone else's fault
>>428961 i find it pretty easy to sleep whenever i want it's one of the perks of being very connected with the dream world i know my brain and what kinds of problems i ruminate on during sleep, so i start staging those thoughts in my mind and the development of the thought process that follows seems to be equivalent to the process of falling asleep i'm not always interested in thinking about those things if i've got higher stresses at hand, though
I don't get enough sleep probably so when I have nightmares, I can't help but fall asleep Sometimes I get into nightmare chains where I'll have rapid fire nightmares that wake me up and start up again when I fall asleep again.
Controlling my sleep is always a struggle for me. I can fall asleep pretty much in any condition though. And if I've got an hour or so to spare, on top of the sleep duration, I can usually get into sleep.
i do get nightmares a lot, yeah they kind of muck up the process if i don't stage my thoughts properly before sleeping so i probably can't fall asleep whenever i want to but when i do want to, i am usually able to, unless there's undue stress or anxiety plaguing me
I don't know if I distinguish well between normal dreams and nightmares anymore. I'll get spooky dreams often enough that wake me up in a cold sweat and an inclination that what I just experienced was scaring the fuck out of me or something. But I dunno, that just feels like nothing to sneeze at. Or something. It's really hard to express and I know it probably sounds ridiculous but it's really hard for me to say I -get- nightmares . It just feels like I get dreams that are scary.
Every now and then I start to get paranoid that I'm sabotaging myself when I'm too much asleep to remember doing it. I woke up two hours after my alarms should have woken me up today, but my phone had no record of me sleeping through them, which means they were manually turned off. But I have no recollection of doing that. So either I'm capable enough when I'm just barely woken up, or someone's coming into my room and shutting them off, which shouldn't be happening at that time, really. It's not uncommon for me to shut the alarm off and roll over back to sleep and remember doing it, and generally I kind of assume I'm doing the same on days like today and just forgetting it happened. But it always worries me when it pops up again. I rely pretty heavily on alarms to wake me up from sleep and when it fails without reason, that's troubling.
My general solution to needing to get up early is to set a bunch of alarms at differing intervals. Like one 30 minutes before I ought to get up, another 20 minutes, another 15, another 10, then 5, then 3,2,1 And some after too just in case.
>>429008 Yeah, and I don't usually like partaking in stupid units like that. I got a -atk +res brave Ike on my free roll, so I guess he'll end up being used as steady stance fodder.
Tomato Leo is pretty scary. I was tempted to roll red because I'd like Mia with better IVs, but tomato Leo is scary. And I don't particularly want Ike since we're getting him free.
Kirara π
I wouldn't mind more legend ikes since he has warding breath.
Kirara π
But I'd rather roll red on fallen banner and get chill speed
I'm aware, I'm in particular narrowing down to the singular here. It just feels so much of ingratitude. What does it feel like for the teachers that might feel pressured into taking the program because their school doesnt have enough teachers to fill the ten-person limit from willful volunteers.
Kirara π
a $500 stipend for 132 hours of training is kind of ridiculous i guess but if you account for the fees associated with it like getting a license, background checks, drug stuff, etc i guess it's not the worst deal but it's still horrible
The fact that they get 132 hours of training is a little bit encouraging. It's still stupid, but its a bit less terrible than I thought it would be.
Kirara π
depends on what the training entails the training could be like 90% lectures
Yeah my bad I'm assuming they would be getting training that isn't retarded
Kirara π
Yeah, I mean, Im sure part of the training will be good at least But 132 hours is REALLY a lot more than what's necessary to become proficienct with a handgun are they trying to make the teachers marksmen or something?
Also, in defense of the school police officer who cowered outside, he was utterly unqualified to deal with that kind of situation and would likely have shot the wrong person by mistake had he gone in
>>429071 Also when are the teachers supposed to find the time to put in all those hours. Teachers work far longer than the hours a school is in operations for.
Kirara π
>>429073 I would assume during Summer vacation. They'd probably sacrifice their vacation to do a gorillion hours of firearms training. >>429072 yeah but there were three or four cops cowering outside
>>429071 >are they trying to make the teachers marksmen Dude what? It's gonna be training to deal with school shooting scenarios >>429074 None of them were qualified One or more shooters in a building with hundreds of innocent bystanders is an incredibly difficult situation to deal with, people need SWAT training or some other specialized training to be able to handle it effectively It's not as simple as just walking in with a gun and shooting a bad guy or two
Kirara π
>>429075 Even cops don't get 132 hours of that They probably get 20, absolute max, including simulations
>>429074 As the child of a lifelong teacher I can say with some confidence they'll be scraping pretty deep into the bottom of the barrel for that then. Teachers LOATH to be doing more work over summer vacation.
>>429076 Room clearing is also especially difficult
Kirara π
>>429077 yeah, it'll be bad >>429079 sure, but not something that's going to take substantial periods of time most of that time will probably involve sitting around while someone that can't keep up gets personal attention
Yeah, probably If the they (people who came up with this) weren't completely retarded the teachers would get some sort of SWAT training. But I doubt it will be that good.
>>429083 well it is We're gonna make it flat though
>>429084 If they don't you can make a freedom of information act request.
she's talking about how her class went through an "in the event of a school shooting" thing American school is terrifying
At 132 hours, that's 15.5 days of eight-hour sessions. And I'm not even assuming the actual sessions would run that long. But three work weeks is a lot of time to dedicate to this, especially if it's normally time the teachers would be getting as vacation.
What a fucking moron. Although on a not quite unrelated note, there are quite a few right wing gun nut Jews ...
Kirara π
i wish i could say jews tend to know what's up but they're distributed on every issue the same way as everyone else so there are always a bunch of crazy ones that want to give every toddler like three guns and a machete
I'd agree with that for the most part, but I think Jews compared with tge rest of the US have more knowledge of and better opinions on issues related to civil liberties.
I've seen it often enough and I've always figured it to be someone that slapped a bunch of corporate logos on an image without doing research. Because yeah, SoundCloud?
This manga is cute. http://ashitano.tonarinoyj.jp/series/FlR8CfEP78k
>>429103 Also, Purina and Iams are pet food brands. Should they -not- test on animals?
Raid is a bug spray brand, I would assume testing for efficiency would be somewhat responsible of them.
>>429103 Is SoundCloud on that one? I don't see it
Reminds me of when a new gas station opened up and people drove 400 klicks to go get "cheaper gas" here what ever you saved, you lost during your drive there and back people are idiots with these kinds of things.
>>429130 economy is the fabric of their existence over there it's a place where humans are basically a form of currency because there are so many of them >>429134 it's more likely excitement than panic watching the markets and taking advantage of good deals is like a hobby to them more than a hobby, a way of life like have you ever watched extreme couponing
>>429133 yes, but in reality we are talking about say 12 pack of toilet paper rising from say 2 dollars to 2,30 not a big reason to go panic mode and buy ALL of the toilet paper in 3 days
conservative journalist laura loomer is angry that although she was able to get access to the autopsy reports from the las vegas shooting, the police refused to provide her with the graphic photos of the victims she's saying it's proof that the shooting was fake
I wonder about those people always How do you just deny a tragedy like that? "I didn't see it just heard the reports so it is a false flag acted event" How powerful do you think the government/whatever is, that it could keep that kind of secret...
If there actually were conspiracies like that, all it would take is one guy wanting to be hero, famous and rich to break it out
Kirara π
>>429161 a lot of them think the Democrats did the shooting and that there were two shooters too
>>429161 The government is way too incompetent to ever pull off such a well co-ordinated false flag and cover up. They really over estimate the government
please make it happen it's exactly what we need in these troubling times
these trying times
shit i almost got it im a mind reader
Kirara π
im so tired that im not even hungry but i know ill get sick if i don't eat but i also don't want to get I lost my train of thought days like these really make me wish i didn't have ptsd
>>429191 Well people bought it for making servers and "super computers" and as they always sold it for slight loss, it made sense as a business decision those people bought it, but never actually bought games or additional gear that actually netted sony money
>>429192 There was actually a class action lawsuit about it. I would've gotten like $80 if I had bought a ps3 before a certain date.
I am surprised they lost it they have full right to modify their product's continued service like that and they never marketed it as a "linux supporting system" so I don't really see how that kind of lawsuit would go through and actually win.
>>429201 They did market it as that though. Oh wait it miggt still be in appeals?
So I guess they did that in the states they didn't here
Lawsuits are almost always complicated, but I've never heard of a settlement being overridden by a judge before.
Kirara π
law suits
Also Reminder that the woman from the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit was permanently disfigured as a result of her burns and eventually killed herself as a result of it
and just a cupfull? kinda weird to cause that much damage
>>429220 Water has a relatively high specific heat Not sure how much you know about how that works, but basically because of that hot water can cause burns that appear like burns from higher temperatures
i guess she wasn't wearing anything covering
Kirara π
she was wearing something too covering it soaked into her pants immediately and burned the shit out of her the pants were too tight to get off fast enough she had to get skin grafts and shit
>>429223 hmm that explains then the heat wouldn't dissipate so quickly not to mention liquid would just flow off of her
McDonald's was super-heating their coffee at that time when she got seriously burned. Like keeping the carafes that stored the coffee at way above the temperature most people would be drinking the coffee at.
But the pants explain it cotton or wool can absorb heat quite ridiculously from liquids, I myself have bad experiences with that too, though luckily to not that lady's extend
Before I swapped to diet soda I actually went up to 205 >>429250 about 5'11 so I think I'm technically considered overweight still? >>429251 I'm pretty happy And no, I haven't
How tall are you?
Kirara π
so you've lost like 25 pounds? that's pretty good are you exercising?
>>429249 Yeah I'm about your height, 175~ lbs is the borderline for what is considered overweight (although of course those definitions don't usually consider muscle mass)
>>429252 bdmi index doesn't consider some factors, but it is quite accurate as an overall I mean, you can quite well see if someone looks UNHEALTHY from just their amount of body fat in the end
Kirara π
BMI is only good for generalizing populations it's a fairly poor indicator of individual health body fat percentage is the best way to look at health for an individual
that person that was supposed to call me last night called me at like 9:30pm so i didn't answer and she told me to call back any time today and i called three times and no answer
I just came in here for a coffee and it's been ten minutes. I don't have tiiiimmeeee for thissss.
Oh wait, I can't verify that she killed herself. >>429263 That you waites for it to cool off? *waited
Kirara π
>>429263 become the white middle aged mom stand up and say "EXCUSE ME"
I have a test starting like right now, trust me, I'm tempted.
You should just leave and go get coffee somewhere else. Or don't It's up to you
>>429262 I strongly dislike when people try to call me outside of business hours. I can kinda understand like 5:00 but if you're trying to call me at 6 or 7 I'm not going to answer.
>>429269 Complain I assumed he was waiting in line You don't even need to be the middle aged white lady to bitch about poor service Although I have no idea how busy they are
>>429268 We had agreed upon 6:30 so it was fine with me because it was an important call. But I guess it's not important enough for her to stay on the ball even though she's the one that wanted updates!
>>429271 I usually do that, but there's always the chance that the order never made it to the person who is supposed to make it. So if you just sit and wait then you'll never get it unless an employee asks you what order your waiting for or something like that.
I like robert's cafe the most, since unless it is rush hours, the person who servedf you on the register usually also makes the coffee for you on the spot and you get it on the "receive" counter only rarely do they have you wait at a table for a product also they have good latte
Kirara π
>episode 7 of franxx is the beach episode oh trigger
and quiches
Oh wow Where'd this headache come from It's in a weird spot
>>429278 What state is he in? The right to refuse service thing doesn't prevent a person from refusing service to someone on the basis of sexual orientation in every state? Oh wait I'm being retarded He isn't actually a cake maker, he's just stupid.
I read that a court eventually said they didn't have to bake the cake. I don't think that guns should be restricted to 21+ though. If you can get drafted and die with a gun in your hands you should be able to buy a gun during peacetime.
>>429280 Depends by state Also requiring people to be 21 to purchase a gun is stupid.
Kirara π
they didn't have to bake the cake but they did have to pay the people they refused to bake the cake for like several hundred thousand dollars for the harassment campaign they ran on them or i might be mixing two cases together
There's been a bunch of them, so I can totally get that.
well if nothing else there's free rolls leading up to the 4th anniversary going on starting like right now Which by that I mean 1 free roll and 1 sr/ssr ticket every day it seems And then the actual 4th anniversary will probably be more generous
>>429292 Yeah. I've been up since 1am and only slept like an hour and a half. I got a lot of work done today, though. I don't have any more work to do until Spring Break is over, except for my progress notes from my sessions tomorrow and friday.
Well, I had an extra like seven hours today. I got my work done a lot faster than I expected, though. But by the time class started at 9:30, I felt super dead inside and half-assedly gave a presentation where I just rambled on incoherently, more or less.
I need at least some sleep to be coherent. I was a little sleepy today, I think I drifted off and napped for about half an hour while being unreasonably made to wait on something.
I was too tired to eat breakfast, so I just had an energy bar at like 4am. But I didn't have dinner last night. So I was not doing well today. Fish got some lunch in me but it only helped a little.
I'm still a little messed up, I think my sleep requirement is still slightly higher than normal since I'm in the end phases of recovering from the flu. You definitely didn't get enough sleep though!
Energy bars are for exercise, not for staying awake. They work fantastically. I can eat an energy bar when I wake up and go run three miles 30 minutes later.
>>429298 Yeah. I'll probably go to sleep early. But I just had dinner, so I have to wait a while before I can sleep.
You can't put a limit on what is too weird for Kojima. He is an indie developer. Unchained from his former company. Unchained from the need for money. You're going to get the most unadulterated Kojima creation yet. >>429338 Yes.
>>429331 It's a bot that is playing through it following the world record playthrough But It renders one frame every six hours And tweets a screenshot of it
>>429356 My friend is getting psvr when the new ace combat comes out. When he does, I'm going to need to buy the most recent Dead or Alive extreme game, since it has vr support
>>429359 I think it has to do with funding or something but that isn't important. What's important is that it's going to be huge, because Kojima is involved.
Kirara π
>>429361 most americans don't even know kojima, rika
>>429362 Most people who play video games have heard of him or metal gear though. You can't be trying to argue that Kojima is a nobody who people don't know. This game is going to get a lot of exposure because he is involved, do you agree with that statement?
Kirara π
kojima is somebody to us but not necessarily to others the game will get a lot of exposure because it is good and interesting why are you devaluing kojimas art like this
He's actually reasonably well known in the us gaming community. There aren't a lot of "household names" in the industry, but Kojima is one of them.
I wouldn't say I am devaluing his art. He is who he is because of his work. At the point where he is in his career, though, anything he does is going to get a lot of exposure though.
but instead of larva, the botflies plant fish into you that then fly into the sky and rain down
it is their natural life cycle
basically the fish is parasited by cloud spiders, which are parasited by the larva of the skyfish, which upon being consumed by the cloud spiders from within fall down which then on ground spawn from the corpses to feed and breed and they attach their larvae to the larvae of the rainfish, which they contract on parasiting the rainfish in the first place so when the spiders get consumed by the rainfish larvae, that look like botflies, that then inject their innards into human hosts to gestate into adult forms are in turn infected already buy the cloud spiders
I think I used to be able to roll my rs, I took Spanish for a while when I was a kid so if its a thing in Spanish i may have learned it. I think there may also be rolled rs in Hebrew as well.
in sentence en kerro kenellekkÀÀn, ketÀ kesÀllÀ keinottelit keskustassa "I won't tell anyone, who you were wooing during summer in the city centre"
though not a proper translation, since "keinotella" always means doing something in a fishy way like bribing your way into power "keinotella korkea asema" (illicetly achieving a high position/rank, literally)
keino already being an amusing word it kinda means well means to do something or a trick to do something etc but it can also mean artifical like keinokuitu - synthetic fiber or keinotekoinen - artificial /manmade
Also they released a patch or are releasing that will make the battle.net games support 24 players I think I might go intio mapmaking back soon well i will save it for when the actual remaster comes out would be fun if yours truly becomes the household name for lotr strategy maps and such
But if they do make the new wc3 support 24 players, they should also umph the map sizes and such the max sizer was it 256x256 wc3 units is quite small actually
well unlimited would be unreasonable but doubling it would be amusing Would be fun for strat maps too and as the engine gets betterm, it would remove the arbitrary maximum unit limits the engine simply can't handle beyond 200 units per one player, which can be seen as the units no longer moving properly and at 12x200 it most likely crashes so any grand /army control type map, had to impose the max 200 per player, or it would crash also the editor itself had countless memory leak issues
>>429448 What if they update the limitations on the engine so much that someone makes Dota 2 in WC3?
amusingly, some of the engine limitations carried over to dota2, since they became part of the core gameplay but in the first place existed because of the limitations.
I would play a Dota2 without cosmetic bullshit edition.
Well it would be fun if wc3 bnet became populated with people again with the remaster I loved playing custom maps Especially some giant strat maps, with huge fortresses that you had to siege for hours War of the THird Age minas tirith the best
>>429451 Though this has changed in recent times with the departure from updating the DotA 1 mod to be in sync with DotA 2. While a number of those engine limitations have likely become gameplay core mechanics, a lot has changed in recent times now that they're unchained from Warcraft III's engine.
>>429452 I'm mildly confused by the lack of a "force vanilla visuals" option for client-side. I have no real issue with the cosmetics; I can operate and distinguish heroes even with some of the more absurd cosmetic options. But I've also heard personally many complaints about the difficulty some people have because of the cosmetics. And in the end, they wouldn't be losing potential cosmetic sales because if it's someone throwing a hissy fit over other people having cosmetics, odds are they're not buying many cosmetics themselves.
is actually fun how much of the basic mechanics are hidden in the editor data like elevation difference (lower to higher) adds a 15% I think it was miss chance to all ranged attacks(save for "homing" type) like how would anyone know that except by peeking at the data
also about every spell can be modified to do the opposite like you can make death coil heal living and damage undead (enemies and friendlies) respectively
or make a stomp spell that stuns allies, but heals them well there were some limits still by the engine some negative values simply crashed the game
>>429439 This is a blizzard remaster I'll be interested in.
>>429456 Assuming this is one mechanic that was adapted loyally from the old engine, it's a miss chance on all attacks without true strike, regardless of ranged or melee. >>429461 I mean within the DotA 2 engine all attacks are pseudo-ranged, melee is just for the most part locked at 150 range.
>>429460 melee doesn't have, it is only for ranged attacks and the "homing" never misses, unless the target has evasion skill homing can hit you, even after you teleport, the missile will continue pursuing the target to the ends of the world which can look quite amusing at times
>>429460 in wc3 all melee is 100 ranged actually well that is default some have bigger I think 250 being largest with pitlords or such but if you make it bigger than 100, it will show up in the attack thing like melee 150 range you can actually have 0 range melee, but it looks quite silly the models will overlap at that point
Monkey King was the first hero they added to Dota 2 after diverging from the Warcraft III mod, and his attack range is absurd, while melee. Like he's got a longer attack range than some actually ranged heroes. It makes sense since he's based off the real life myth of Sun Wu Kong, who had a staff that could stretch incredible distances. But it's still pretty frustrating to go up against, hah hah.
then there are hmm was it 3 different splash types of dmg melee, ranged and ranged (line) line being I think only used by the ballistae units of night elves, though it gets removed when you research the aoe dmg upgrade and then become identical to all artillery splash dmg
I believe line remained in use for DotA for a long time; though I encountered it called pierce more often. I think relatively recent patches have removed it entirely except from Templar Assassin because it was hardly actually relevant. Melee splash damage (cleave) and ranged splash damage are still in regular use.
also the game contains I think 1 unused armour/attack type that wasn't used and you can use the wc3 ones in addition to the tft added ones the old normal armour alongside medium and old normal attack alongside regular normal attack etc
hmm rotc had normal, siege, piercing as attacks and as armour: normal, light, heavy, hero, fortified tft changed it to normal, siege, piercing, magic, hero and medium, light, heavy, hero, fortified and then there is divine and chaos ofc, but divine is rare as fuck chaos though is on some random creeps so when map making you actually have 7 attack types and 7 armour types at your disposal allowing for a more indepth unit counter mechanic than what the game normally has
Though it still has its limits for example, no matter how you change it "magic" is always magic it never hits immune to magic units and is always reduced by magic resistance passives or buffs but you can for example make magic into chaos and chaos into magic dmg, and then have "magic" be effective to all, but have the weakness of magic immunes being resistant to it
oh and then there is the hidden "spell damage" modifier, which makes heroes take less dmg from spells and well divine units take that flat 1% from them
btw so few games actually m ake use of the fully customable counter system, whicvh is a shame *maps it would make heroes much more interesting, if melee ones had armour that would make them quite immune to melee dmg, but for example be weak to magic or caster heroes having no melee protection, but being half immune to spells
That last bit has been sort of worked into DotA 2. Heroes that have Intelligence as their primary stat now get a bit of additional magic resistance based on their Int. In the end, even if you stack your inventory with Int stat items you'll rarely hit above 15% additional resistance with it. But in a serious event that can go a surprisingly long way.
>>429472 mm, without some wonky trigger stuffing, you can't do it in wc3 mechanics, without actually having different armour types
the wonky being, adding a spellbook based ability to the hero that has say passive "25% magic resistance" and then, hiding the actual spellbook ability from the hero. the passive skill is still there, but it isn't visible this way you can grant hidden bonus effects to heroes or units, but it does require some experimenting with. there was a wc3 custom editor, which basically bypassed these kinds of stuff and allowed you to do it directly it was really fun to use you could for example add a veterancy system to units, that they gain damage, hp and armour boosts from killing enemies
That was one of my favourite things I ever made, though made so that good players were rewarded with units, that were better than their enemies, if they looked after their army but it would still be quite impossible to mass a max veterancy army, because no one can micro that well
but say a 1-2 group elite core, was quite feasable
>>429473 Your spellbook notion is sort of incorporated into Dota 2 too, hah hah. There's talents heroes can get at every fifth level that give "hidden bonuses" to the character. A lot of them are generics, like increases to base stats or stuff like magic resistance or whatnot. But a lot of them are also crazy unique and can really change the role a hero is playing if you build around it. And if you have a team willing to play along with it, hoh hoh hoh.
the spellbook mechanic was basically invented to go around the maximum slot limit on heroes, when you already had lot of skills to learn but wanted to have say some attribute bonuses or special quest granted skills or passives say an aura from doing X thing so you made it a spellbook that you'd then unlock at some point few strategy maps used the mechanic, cause heroes weren't the main point in them in the end but rpgs and such had those
also say you want someone to have bash and evasion on same skill, you use spellbook but this tiem you don't have to hide it
shame there wasn't a feasable way to do a "15% chance to cleave" I mean you could, but it would be 100% trigger spell, which would make it plausibly a memory leaker in the long term
Also you could chain some commands for example, you could set up transports, ie. ships or zeppelins, to patrol a route,. and then order units to shift-board them which wouldn't interrupt the patrol, but rathet when it reaches a point closest to them, it would go and load them and then you could Shift-unlaod them at a location and the transport would continue its patrol route also, for example with ships, you could press the unload button at anypoint in the land, if you used the shift-unload, and the unloaded units would then proceed to move to that point as a group though I don't recall was it move or attack move. there were some other amusing things like this but can't recall
most amusing was windwalk+starfall you could turn invisible, while casting the spell an accidental combination in several early custom maps
hmm it would be fun if wc3remake introduced a "hold position and ignore" command would be useful if you could order your units to not attack even if something comes within range would be useful for ambushing etc
Most amusing thing I recall making in terms of units (*things), were the graymen from wheel of time, that were treated as neutral creeps, like sheep and pigs, untill they attacked you and units that could transform into trees, but I never figured out a way to make them really work aside from giving them hide ability
Also another addition that would be nice, if you could make multiranged attack deal same dmg as the hero normally deals without using triggers and same for passive attacks, like phoenix fire
>>429484 Knowing nothing of how the Warcraft III engine works I would imagine true strike is just a crit that does 100% damage or something. >>429487 Then it's a bash that stuns for zero seconds? Sounds confusing.
>>429486 it is bash since critical would pop up the floating message
or wait does it have to? I can't remember
Though in fairness I'm trying to remember the heroes with true strike or whatnot in earlier versions. It might be that before the departure from matching Warcraft III, the only true strike was coupled alongside ministuns, bashes that run for like, a fifth of a second.
cleaving attack can miss anyhow
>>429486 amusingly, if you set 0 seconds on bash, it will stun for eternity same for any buff or debuff 0= infinity
>>429489 yeah that is the most common way to do it 0,1 or 0,2 second bash it doesn't really interrupt anything, but a well timed minibash does work the same as full bash and interrupt spells or actions crit would be better way of doing true strike anyhow, but the floating message is the issue
In any case true strike is a unique thing now, though I believe ministuns are technically true strike since it's a skill triggering.
Oh and you could say make a howl of terror, normally "-attack dmg" do aoe dot damage or you could use silence, the aoe spell, to make units in the area attack faster or slower though having a debuff that grants you a positive, or a buff that grrants you a negative is bit iffy, since they still retain their "red for debuff" "green for buff" when hovering over the unit statuses
hmm and I think you could not make big bad voodoo ever target self I think that was a hard forced engine limit
or another big bad voodoo channeler, which was a bug in early game
another limimiting factor imposed by the game was animations forexample, no other hero but blademaster had bladestorm animation so if you wanted your custom units to perform some kind of animation upon casting or commiting special strikes, y ou actually had to change the animation prompts the spells used for example, a basic footman has no "spell" animations, so it would just stand still when casting spells not to mention some unique animations for some unique spells another limit the animations imposed was speed even if you had 2 heroes with the same spell, one could be interrupted more quickly, due to the model having slower spell animation. and same went with attack animations if you paired two heroes with equal stats to fight each other, the one with better attack animation would most likely come up top. worst hero in terms of spell animations is of course blood mage normally not a problem, since his native spell is ment to take a while to cast, but when you mix and spice them odel with other spells, it can become an issue
would be neat if they also added some starcraft mechanics into the game as options the carrier unit would be fun to use in wc3 or the worm thing that required you to buy ammo
Back when Warcraft 3 was no I'm thinking of starcraft. There was an attempt to create Warcraft 3 in Starcraft 2, but it never was completed as far as I know.
also another thing would be nice a some form of cover mechanic like if you shoot normal missile, not artillery ranged attacks through obstacles it would have a miss chance
>>429516 I do take good care of my dragons. I need a good red one though. I will probably feed brave Ike to adult Tiki once I get a Tiki with good IVs. My Myrrh has bad IVs too so I would need a better one to feed bIke to her.
And adult Tiki sure is easier to get. Too bad summer Tiki came out when she did...if she came out today she'd proably be an armored dragon just like Edgemaster White (M). Though...>another strong green armored unit
You hyped on new game mode coming? Getting to use Friend Units...and all.
New banner treating you well...? Since you got a BIke.
I was leaned over a piece of paper and not paying attention, and now I have a pretty sizable lock of tea-soaked hair to pay for my obliviousness. This is rather silly.
>>429533 I really liked that manga. The mangaka also hid a lot of references to music in it. I was particularly surprised since none of them were anywhere near mainstream.
>>429529 Well, Rival Domain was named. The try to take over a base, can "deploy up to 20 heroes" and "recuit from your friends". Gotta capture the base within 10 turns though. It's in the little News section...but they give no info on "The Blessed Gardens", which you need characters with blessing only for it.
Leo, Soren and Eirika getting weapon refine too-->still no Roy
I'm listening tto an interview with a musician I like, about how he quit his job as an elementary school teacher to go into music full time. All his co-workers thought he was nuts and that he wouldn't do well, so when he got his first million dollar check his visoted the school and showed it off. Then they thought he was crazy for doing that.
He's one of the top ten or so most prolific living song writers too. Also >He said of his teaching years: "I never went to the teachersβ lounge. But the teachers liked me. In elementary school, there arenβt a lot of male teachers, so they liked the fact I was around. Theyβd say, 'Why donβt you come down and hang out with us in the teachersβ lounge?' But I would go off and take a nap to try to get rid of my hangover. I had 14 years of that."
>>429593 it is an ethnostate with closed borders and no immigration allowed sure it is wrong kind of ethnostate when you consider them usually, but on paper they say "we just want every ethnicity to have their own ethnostate"
So far the alt-right havn't said ever how they'd accomplish their ethnostate genocide? force expulsion? or just paying the wrong kind of people to leave but the point is, on paper their creed is "we want ethnicities to live in their own states, with no mixture of cultures and such" >>429601 well point is no matter how you frame it, when your goal is an ethnostate forced by big government, it will end in atrocities, even if it is just forcibly removing all wrong coloured/thinking people from the country. you will still strip them of their livelihood et al
>>429603 hue hue I am not talking about what they think is morally right I am just talking about their values and in term of their values being "ethnicities in their own countries" wakanda is indeed an alt-right paradise
>>429610 at this point most of them are atleast the "core people" Anyhow, even if you take the most moderate path, at the point where they are in power and will do their "force all non X ethnicity and wrong thinkers out of the nation" it will become an act of tyranny anyhow, as some will refuse no doubt. even if you fully compensate them for say loss of all property, it would still be forcefully expoditing someone out of the country and seizeng their possessions.
>>429616 They killed the best character half-way through--but yes, it was. I proably don't understand things on a certain level cause I'm not Japanese and at times them getting new Titles/Names threw me off.
>>429618 Yes. Nobunga was a fucking boss. --ALSOS SPOILERS!
Riiku/Riku was great too. Muh old tea man. MC also was stealth badass. Taking the name "Sasuke" made me chuckle every time though...cause Naruto.
I know I'm supposed to proably feel more pity to Monkey-man but...fuck dat guy. If anime continued there would proably only be pure suffering...either in China/heading towards China or something involing Korea.
>>429628 I thought tea man was going to be a bad guy the whole time, I was worired he would kill Sasuke. In the end they had a pretty nice moment though.
>>429648 Basically just OCD Actually, I'd argue that it would still be ocd, just manifested in behaviors that are near opposite to the stereotypical OCD symptoms.
You just make something perfect-- then make it not perfect!
Bonus points for showing someone with OCD and seeing their reaction.
>>429666 Yes Half of them at random So exactly half of them are oriented incorrectly. It might not be a visually symmetric pattern, but the number of correctly oriented tiles would equal the number of incorrectly oriented tiles.
>>429671 One was considered correct initially, otherwise the others wouldn't be flipped. They'd just be referred to as oriented differently. Tge fact that flipped was used means there is a correct orientation.