>>429685 (OP) man I downloaded gintama a million years ago and I'm still not done watching all of it every now and then I watch like 5 or 6 episodes and then stop
>>429724 no really the anime, especially jap dub really flanderised his "stupid" part over the years the manga has him as much less idiot or uncaring parent etc by super he has become almost a parody of the original character
but yeah he wouldn't know when goten was born, BEING DEAD at the time
Maybe Toriyama is just trying to see how stupid he can write the character before they stop asking him to make more Dragonball stuff.
Most likely why would you anyhow play as anything else, since they get the super saiyan forms no one esle has anything as cool maybe if frieza form had more transformations than just "golden" they'd be viable would be fun if you could actually design them with "1st form, 2nd form" and so on
But if they wanted to make a dbz fighting game that is faithful to the series spirit you should be able to not just "teleport behind" or "block" attacks you should be able to hit back the good old fisticuffs scenes where both punch each other and block that should be the basic combat
>drink a pan of coffee during night cause know it is long day coming and ain't sleeping today >bring second pan of coffee in thermos and drink it on the trip to the city >drink free coffee there about a panful >on way homu realise havn't eaten anything in 15+ hours and drank practically only coffee >arrive drink some water, take bath >dehydration and hunger hits >okay time to eat some... >FORGOT TO BUY FOOOOOD welp
and here I had actually all but brewed another pot of coffee to drink while gaming a little before sleep haa, I guess it is delivery food today can't be arsed to put on clothes anymore
>the west metro original price 750M€ >actual price in the end 1,2B€ >second part (further western expansion) original price estimation 801M€ >new price estimation 1159M€ hahaha aa, and the whole thing was late for 2 years from original scheduel and still doesn't operate at actual full capacity a fucking fiasco this thing
I have a feeling Kirara won't bother with the current granblue event wow I could have phrased this better but do you (Kirara) want any of the important LOOOORE spoilers for it
>with just few thousand € you can found your own grasshopper farm ... and you decided to publish this national broadcasting station? Haa, I wonder how many idiots jump into this thinking it is a get rich quick scheme
Yeah it sounds good, but then you realise you will have to actually make deals with the few companies making food out of hoppers... and keep a steady production of them and actually house some hundreds of thousands of hoppers somewhere
Not to mention, while now it is a new novel product people are buying with the high initial prices, due to actually being a niche product, once you saturate the market with plenty of hoppers, the prices will drop and once the novelty fades away, you will just have the tiny nische eating them and with finland having 5,5 million people just, the nische will be quite tiny indeed.
>>429867 If there's actual money in it, you can probably get a loan for storage of them or something It seems like a strange startup idea though, you'd think the market there is saturated
>>429870 that is why I laughed, cringed and facepalmed at the article that kind of news just promotes idiots to rush into the business and fuck it up for everyone and fuck their own personal economy
>>429885 You know the idiocy of the people who posed with the school stabber in sweden that, but the exact opposite
Kirara 🚗
>After leaving the school, Mr. Cruz walked to a Walmart, and bought a drink at a Subway. He also stopped at a McDonald’s. He was arrested by the police without incident as he walked down a residential street at 3:41 p.m.
>>>/watch?v=bQsyvPcHdrs >petition to make whiny congress men play violent video games still the best petition ever
Kirara 🚗
so the president said yesterday that the Holocaust wouldn't have happened if jews had guns and then started talking about taking people's guns without due process on the same day
I bet they would be concerned I'd be concerned too if I was a career criminal and suddenly the the statute of limitations on my crimes was increased by a ton
bayek in aco has it rough he's basically an anarchist and hates heirarchy and everyone is like, oh thank you great hidden one my beautiful mentor and he's like no we're equals as hidden ones but they keep doing it
>waitin on a business call at 11:00 it's 10:58 >phone flashes blue so i check it >automatically updating your phone, please do not turn off! it will automatically restart after update is finished. >6% ok thanks
>>429926 forced updates make me so fucken mad at&t does this shit all the time
I have mine set so it can't. Everyday at 5:12 it says "do you want to install your updates" and then at 5:13 I select install later and set the time to remind me at 5:12.
>>429933 you take an axe, you set your phone down then strike with all your force missing with one mm and then the setting turns on
>“We found that people who binge anime don’t do it because they necessarily want to,” Clarke stated. “But because the fucked-up content they consume makes them so uncomfortable about pausing on really any scene that they just end up continuously watching until the whole season is over.”
okay... I think that would apply most likely to all compulsionary bingers of any shows
and they ask netflix using normies
>Each of the participants — as well as Carmichael — ended by recommending the 2016 anime, KonoSuba, but also advised that people prepare for a binge watch because there was no fucking way they were gonna find a place to pause in that one. >>429939 It's fake news
>>429940 >can't find a moment to pause I havn't even seen the show but already know there are tons of scenes for that...
>>429941 I think the author just wanted to recommend konosuba.
also considering the wifi costs fuckton so either the person prepares stuff before hand or pays a quite a big sum of money for it also >can't hold it for the flight >or if you really are that lecherous, why not use the bathroom
Kirara 🚗
a lot of people literally walk around with porn on their phones like 24/7 i know a buncha people on Twitter that do at least one person on /moe/ does, probably two it's so weird
I'm 99% sure I have no porn on my phone.
#d100 (31)
i mean i dont walk around with porn on my phone but i will scroll through my twitter in a secluded area
I guess I'll just wait until the new mode comes out before I decide to 5* someone options are currently: First 5*: Zephiel, Corrin(F), Effie, Valter, Reinhardt, Clarisse, Raven, Caeda, also Soren and Eirika. I'm mainly waiting to see what their weapon refinements will be. +1: Gwendolyn, MaRTh??, Catria, Cordelia, Nowi, Tiki or 5* for skill : Tharja, Titania, Frederick, Nino, Klein, Saizo, Pulling Gunnthra has killed all my desire to +10 Cecilia so she's out. I can effectively replace her by grabbing Gronnblade+ from Nino and throwing it on her. then throwing her Gronnraven on Gunnthra and just using her as my Green Cav option. Probably won't go that all out though. I need as many 5* units as I got for Assault stages and the new 20 unit map.
As it stands, Corrin, Raven, and Clarisse are holding my attention the most. I need to train Zeph and figure out a spot for him. But Raven is #1 in my head because I want more Green physicals.
I only have one L&D3 available to me and that's on another Green physical 5* Minerva. But she's -Atk so I haven't felt like leveling her. I was also thinking of transferring her to Cordelia. Apparently, I put L&D 2 on Cordelia a LONG time ago and since Minerva also comes with Ward Fliers, it'd be nice to have.
Yeah. I COULD just live with Michalis. They have the same weapon. But I REALLY LIKE HAUTECLERE'S REFINEMENT. Wo Dao Slaying weapon is lovely but ehhh, -Atk really isn't worth it. It's just a matter of who SHOULD I feed this Minerva to. I don't have another Ward Fliers source.
Now that I think about it. I might as well every 4* Healer I have to the possibility list. Because that 20 unit mode is going to be a thing. I might need a second 5* healer I've got Wrys, Lachesis, Serra, Lucius, Lissa, Azama, Clarine, and Priscilla. it'll probably end up being between Lucius, Azama (Pain+) and Priscilla (Panic+, Cavalry)
All these 4* Camillas are going to come in handy lol
I really want to attempt Saizo/Gunnthra nuke. Refined Smoke Dagger puts -6 to Atk/Spd/Def/Res Blizzard deals bonus damage = to amount of penalties on a unit. So that's +24 on top of your lowered speed and res. Or I can just use Matthew for the Def/Res drop. Matthew, Corrin (F), Gunnthra, ... MYRRH WITH GUIDANCE AND HIT AND RUN
Managed to do All Infantry Lunatic Ursula Warding Breath is really good even if Ike's Res isn't the best. managed to give him +12 res and everyone focused him +12 res, +8 def, + 3 atk that was the situation and he ate half the map in a turn
>trash rolls ;_;
The Steam release for Final Fantasy XV has a free download for suit Gordon Freeman wears during Half Life. marking this the most graphically advanced Half-Life will ever get . They'll also have the option to download 4K textures in case you have some kind of super computer that can run that sort of thing.
just finished my 36 hour work marathon it took me, uh, let's see 55 hours to complete i got some naps in but i still feel like i'm in on day one of sleep deprivation (day zero would be the starting day) i have sleep deprived a lot in my life, and even during my worst depressions, day ones make me feel so euphoric and focused
for being a near-cripple and mentally deranged, i haven't felt this clear-headed and energetic and lively and pain-free in an awful long time i think that there are probably serious medical benefits to controlled sleep deprivation my anxiety is lowered, my concentration is focused -- i proofed all the work i did just a moment ago and things i had trouble deciphering on my well-rested attempt were picked up with such swift ease my joints that started stiffening and aching a day ago feel excquisite and eager to please silence is engaging and enjoyed more vividly than any music, rather than making me uncomfortable and craving distraction
the biggest downside is the light flashes and aura trying to read text, it looks like a massive cloud of inky smoke (smoky ink?) is creeping in around all the sides and trying to smother the contrast between the black text on yellow background white flashes speckle my vision field like fireworks -- just ones that go off inside your ocular cavity the tinnitus is such a welcome relief since i haven't had anyone whisper sweet nothings in my ear for way longer than i'm happy about and it feels intimate at least ive got something to stimulate my senses
Well, my client had this whole plan that he came up with himself to move out onto his own, and he'd be saving money for a motorized bike, and he finally got a job this week and he's like, "I decided I'm just going to live with my parents for three or four more years." I asked if he thought his parents would be okay with that, and he was like, "Why wouldn't they be? they'll be happy!" even though they bring him here to develop autonomy and the skills necessary to live alone
I guess you really can't underestimate the extent to which autistic people can have problems thinking about things from another's perspective.
Seeing him throw away his good goals is frustrating!
Sure, and I'm really proud of him, but throwing away all his goals as soon as he got a job is frustrating to me. I have to get him back on track.
He thinks he's going to become a survivalist suddenly, too. He watches anime so he must be watching Yurucamp. He's like 300 pounds, though, so he really isn't going to be able to do it.
>>430024 Yes, but he had trouble being clear about it because he's perseverating on the job. My impression is it's because his dad made a joke about borrowing money from him now that he has a job, and my client thought, "my parents need me here, I can't abandon them!"
I'm going to have to bring his parents into a session at some point, so that's one of the things we might address when we do.
Did you ask him why he changed his mind on the goals?
He can't go camping, though. He also suddenly wants to buy an AR-15. I'm hoping he's just excited that he has a job and won't actually start trying to buy a bunch of stuff he won't use instead of saving up for moving out.
Well, he probably will buy some crap he doesn't need when he starts working, everyone does that when they first start working.
Autistic people do it a bit more Oftentimes anyways
I know a guy who spent over 50% of the money he earned at his job on magic cards. Also for perspective, he did spend all of it. I'm just not sure what the upper limit on the percentage of money spent on mtg was.
I just want to make sure he doesn't abandon his goals! If he isn't going to move out for four years, he doesn't really need to be in treatment because we're trying to build skills for his autonomy. He indicated today that he didn't want to work on them because he has three or four years. I'm just a little frustrated that he went so far backwards.
We really had a financial goal for how much money he'd save up and then he'd move out, but we'd talked about him moving out within this year.
Kirara 🚗
>President Putin has unveiled Russia's new stockpile of "invincible" nuclear weapons, with a video graphic appearing to show missiles raining on Florida. oh come on
Yeah, but is that really anything new? How effective nuke interception systems has always been a bit of an unknown, because it's never really been tried. Who knows if it is any better than anything else. MIRV warheads are nothing new and it's always been possible for someone stupid enough to ruin the world with enough nukes. It's just propaganda, it seems to me.
I'm not supporting the death penalty for drug dealers, but drugs really are a blight on the country. Treating distribution and trafficking as more serious offenses, maybe more in line with some of the higher range violent crimes, may not be a bad thing.
>>430069 You can go to jail for life in some states for "trafficking" weed The sentences are already too high Giving death penalty or anything else won't reduce the level of crime, and there's a lot of research that shows this
The key, here, is to hold legal distributors of drugs accountable. The opioid crisis is the direct result of poor regulation on big pharma and allowing big pharma to propagandize.
>>430071 Big pharma has contributed to it, but there are still problems that revolve around meth and spice. Both are just absolutely horrid drugs that absolutely ruin people.
>>430077 Sure, but our legal system isn't equipped to handle synthetic drugs due to the way the DEA works. It's inherently incapable of responding to synthetic drugs with proper responsivity. Meth, I guess that's incompetence by the police, considering it's easy to find production labs. Meth is a white people drug, so it isn't targeted as much as the others.
I didn't know there were "white people drugs"
Kirara 🚗
drugs are absolutely racially divided there are drugs that only white people do like meth for every one thousand white people using meth, you'll probably find one black person that's because of where meth is produced generally crack is generally used by black people while cocaine is overwhelmingly white (due to socioeconomic reasons) opioids are generally used by everyone because most opioid addiction starts when incompetent doctors prescribe opoi // opioids like candy and don't talk to patients about how to use them most of those addictions are from people using legal drugs and many of them are from using opioids as prescribed
Happiness must be taken! From the cold dead hands of the oppressors! Don't obey the speed limits! except for in residential neighborhoods and when there may be kids playing
>>430097 Perfect. Time to move to Colorado and prescribe mary jane to myself for anxiety and depression.
Kirara 🚗
that sounds like an ethics violation
Kirara 🚗
some guy in alabama reported a sheriff for stealing taxpayer dollars and suddenly had his house raided and they found weed and charged him 6 times and are trying to give him
>>430124 check out this fat fuck i wonder if they're related >>430128
Kirara 🚗
>>430125 dude had like 20grams or something but they're charging him with trafficking and saying he had 1000+ grams because some of the weed was infused into butter and the butter weighed 1000+ grams
>>430127 >2 pounds of cannabis butter sounds like he was just ready to party I wonder what the law on that is like here I only know you need like five ounces to get more than a misdemeanor
shit this one aint goin down there it's my uncle's but it'd be fun she's such a wuss puss i don't think she'd enjoy playin if you bring lazzy to saint louis he could playdate my sister's fatty cats though
Kirara 🚗
>>430129 yeah and now he's got $55k bail and no priors and could get life
Kirara 🚗
>>430131 im plannin on getting laz used to being in the car so he can travel with me and shit
A wildcat strike is when workers go on strike without their union declaring a strike.
Their union negotiated dissatisfactorily for them and declared the strike over, so the teachers said fuck the union. 44/55 counties in West Virginia have no school because teachers refuse to work.
a lot of them are wearing red and black too it's habbening
Kirara 🚗
lmao bunch of anarchist teachers that'd be really something
i want them to go back to school and indoctrinate our children
For all of maybe five minutes. Then after the nth time of your shoe micro-slipping in the slush you'd go "oh yeah wait this is terrible".
Kirara 🚗
nah i just wouldn't go outside if it sucked and id enjoy it inside everything would stop working and the infrastructure would get closed so i could just chill
Nothing gets closed here for this slight a snowfall. Hell, there could be fifteen centimetres of snow on the ground by tomorrow morning and everyone would be expected to show up to classes or work all the same. I wish we got snowdays.
Kirara 🚗
our infrastructure would probably legitimately get destroyed by snow our bridges would probably crumble lmao
Kirara 🚗
and i guess a lot of old people would freeze to death we aren't quite as equipped for cold as Canada
>>430190 One of his "parlour tricks" for when he's hosting guests at his house is to throw himself down a flight of stairs into his basement. I don't get it but somehow he's gotten the knack of going down the stairs without seriously injuring himself or something.
No I jut live in the same country as him jks he's a permament resident in Azeroth I hear
My only regret is I missed Golden Age WoW, cause >having good internet back then >having friends
...it seemed fun in golden age.
>still don't have good internet
I missed out on all the cool mmos
Huh, I thought the tjread wss dead, the tab is supposed to show the number of new posts in it
>>430317 What was cool back then besides WoW? The only MMO I play--"play"--now is Black Desert Online. Used to play Runescape...but...good god they don't know how to manage that game to save their life.
>>430334 3 is a somewhat cool number. Although so are most numbers (all numbers). And if any numbers weren't interesting that would be interesting in of itself so then they would be interesting QED
>>430338 "3" is just a half of an "8"...a half isn't cool! That saying...I think "9" is cool...but not cause TOOHOO--it's just the biggest single numba.
>>430350 Ewww...letters in my numbers. --answer my question you nerd! >>430351 Picture? Oh no...what have I done...?
>>430352 I do like the Electo'...and chiptunes and certain Wubwubwub and UNTZ UNTZ. ...dat image... --youtube one. But this is the "rare" stuff I like...that soothing and BEATS. >1:23 ...but it's a tease...so short!
>>430354 I want /moe/ to support what /g/ does...and have little flags.
>>430355 >>430356 Why would you do this to me? I'm gonna feel dumb all...week. I could never into math or numbers. >>430358 You'd proably like her...proably--I'm not sure on your girl tastes.
>>430360 Nope. Pill-high...so I got energy for fucking days. I got dat mood where you could be violent depressed if no one is around--that one is always fun~ How you doin'? And do you really like sharks?
I want to fall to the bottom of society with minna
>>430362 this is an anime culture board let people enjoy talking about their stuff without feeling ostracized for not being interested in maths
>>430364 Fine, I'll literally go find an explanation of it from an anime or manga. Also "ostracized" is not really what I'm doing *ostracizing. That would require me to be much more rude.
>>430362 I will never understand...it's one of the things that no matter how much you look at it, told about and all that jazz...something in my brain just brings up the brick-wall. I am fine with being dumb as shit in this subject--you've skyrocketed to nerd-ist /moe/ tho'!~
>>430361 not particularly but i really like ebisu yeah i figured it was meds, but it's still you, too! i'm reliant on my meds to facilitate my moods but they're still my moods i do wish that i had some bone pills but i do not i do have some bone plants but it is not quite as strong as bone pills i have brain pills and brain drinks, but it's my bones that need pills right now plus they just feel good
>>430366 I like learning and I also like helping other people learn.
>>430367 You can do anything if you really put your heart and mind to it.
>>430369 Awww...but what about Shark Week? That line seems to rare to hear--err...read...the "still you"... It makes me confused in my brain-heart right now.
Can doctor not give them to ya? Bone pills or nerve and joint pills would proably do much more wonders for ya. >brain stuff How's that work out? ...I always hear brain and mood stuffs are always more Nulling/Numbing than fixing or postive.
>>430373 i like nurse sharks and tiger sharks i think those are pretty cool the big killer sharks though are kind of ugly and their skin and gums are all puffy looking and kind of gross it reminds me of watching surgical videos they're too ugly to like
>>430373 That really depends on ehat *what sort of "brain" or "mood" stuff it is.
>>430373 my brain stuff is amphetamines they're stimulants by brain drinks i meant caffeine beverages i don't find them to do much to help me focus. it can make me a little more durable while doing stuff though it actually does take some of the pain away, or rather stop me from feeling sore while doing things, but in the same way that drinking a lot of caffeine might
i don't think that i can get percocets from a doctor i could maybe get vicodin but i probably don't need it it would just be nice to have
>>430377 the whale shark is super cool it could basically sleep it's entire life since it doesn't need to do anything i dont think it actually can do that but just sayin
>>430374 What about a whale shark? Tiger shark is fucking sweet tho'. ...would a surgical video involing a big kill shark be the uglest thing ever?
>>430375 That's why "stuff"~ If ya say "stuff"...usually people know what you mean or will just explain it--win/win!
>>430376 Do you sometimes take a break off them or is that "dangerous"? And what are the favored caffeine beverages?! ...I have switched back over to Mountain Dew from Dr Pepper.
You could always try something like Norco --errr..."hydrocidone" or "naproxen"...they won't fucking murder you like vicodin would. Errr...but still that's like...if Doctor is fine with that.
Whale shark might as well just be a water-cat!
Sleeping one's entire life sounds mighty tempting most days.
>>430377 Mountain Dew is really bad for your teeth.
>>430379 Someone who doesn't give a single fuck about themself...caring about if it's bad for teeth? Hahaha! Also it's basically all soda anyway... >know it's bad >understand it's bad >drink it anyway ...thank fuck I ain't into alcohol and just sodas.
>>430378 Cause life boring or life shit...or just cause [reasons]?!
I don't even like soda but I buy itit anyway
>>430380 Mountain Dew is particularly bad for you compared to other sodas.
>>430377 >Do you sometimes take a break off of them Very frequently. If i take them at all i usually cool down for a day or two before taking another one it's safe to take daily, and would work better if i did, but that's mentally dangerous for me to do given my mental illness i function well by getting a good balance of up-time and down-time
>caffeinated beverages I have pepsi and i have whipped strawberry rockster energy drinks i will probably save the energy drink for work and sip on pepsi now
>norco or naproxen Norco is almost the same as vicodin. they are both hydrocodone. the only thing that makes norco different is the amount of acetaminophen it contains naproxen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, like ibuprofen, and both do help me a lot with my bones and inflammation i have ibuprofen and i guess i could take them it's not the same as norco or percocets though. i want to feel good!
>>430384 Well, tell me how much Coke I need to drink then!
>>430385 Any actual good ones? Or funny named ones?
>>430386 Well, it is more human to have up-and-down! (>cue debates elsewhere)
Oh right. You're a Pepsi guy. Rockstar tho' is surprising. Have you tried any of the coffee flavored ones?
Yeah...I feel ya. Dem pain meds are something special...if you were closer we could do the illegal and have you bum one of mine!~ You do know ya pills and stuff better than I though! --proably...>"hurrr oviously~"... Wouldn't you have to take a bunch of ibuprofen though? ...it's kinda wuss level on Pill Level of pain and stuff managment.
>>430387 One can of coke for one can of mountain dew.
>>430387 Charlies Honest Cola is really fuckin good but I dunno if it even exists outside here
>>430387 >know pills better i doubt it! i might know names and ingredients because i took a medical terminology class but you know the pills on a different level
>>430397 Oh wait i forgot about cream soda i rarely have it but that's my weak spot not the crappy pink/clear cream sodas, but those creamy yellow cream sodas with vanilla
they call it cream soda cuz it's so good you cream yourself
>>430398 I need all these things for what I am going to do tonight!
>>430393 Maybe~ --muh parents also got da Weed...if...like...into that. (I am not.) >>430394 ...almost sounds bad! >>430401 Your drink taste is really Australian!
... I am also glad /moe/ seems to be a "soda" place and not a "pop" or "soda pop" place.
>>430404 i have my own weed in fact i use it very rarely though, and in very low amounts it can be therapeutic for my nerves have you tried it, or is it something you just have a negative view of?
they make tinctures and lotions from it now that you use topically instead of smoking i have not tried it but my sister and my cousin who has various autoimmune/nerve problems (like us) uses it also topical ketamine it seems to help her a lot
i'm not sure if i'd know if anything was helping me or not i don't know what it feels like not to have these problems so how would i know if the problems were being fixed
I have never once seen anyone refer to soda as pop I've heard fizzy and soft drink
>>430407 It's mainly a US thing And not even on a national level, its a regional thing
>>430407 Soft drink's pretty much all I ever hear, at least when it's not just being called a drink since the context is usually pretty implicit or disregardable in that situation.
>>430406 I only view it negativily if someone is using it and obviously it has made them permentally stupider...since Ive seen that first hand from my uncle. ...besides that I just think its uncool, and its just on my normal "no alcohol, no drugs unless from a doctor"...I dont think itd help me and I already eat like a stoner, so never tried it.
Theres some of the lotion and "sleep pills" around here...again, tried nether. Tried certain rubs before though...they never do much.
Do you act different if on a rare Weed day?
>>430411 >That Saber figma Noice That's a figure I regret not getting, although I could still get it I'm just broke most of the time.
>>430411 mentioning food reminded me -- that's the main reason i ever use it, to help my appetite sometimes i am unable to put any food down and my mood is so easily disrupted that eating can make me feel lethargic and uncomfortable for hours i think there is something wrong with the part of my brain that controls hunger and those basic drives (and other drives too) if i have a little bit of weed it helps those basic drives out and i can eat and do other things
that's why i don't smoke a lot. just a tiny bit for that if i have a lot, i would get paranoid not bad paranoid, but just really uneasy and self-critical and thinking too much about how things can go wrong
>>430412 I regret not getting the motorcycle... But awww yeah...fellow Suit Saber lover.
>>430407 >>430409 >fizzy >soft drink ...I don't like it! "Fizzy" is more tolerable though..."soft drink" reminds me of my Japanese animus when "Can I get a draft beer?" happens...
>Put it in a brownie it's a different kind of thing if you do that, and also takes like an hour to kick in i just smoke it because it takes about 10 seconds to kick in i like quick onset stuff that lasts shorter, that way if i don't like it, i'm not trapped for hours on end that's why i dont like taking my amphetamines too much they last like five hours, and while i know how they work on me, if something happens throughout that time that stresses me out (something outside of my control, like if i ate some bad food and got real sick), i don't want to wait five hours to be back to normal i suppose it's always normal if i took it daily like i'm supposed to though, which i should really start doing
>brains sure are dumb i have pretty good control over my brain. i just don't always have good control over myself.
>paranoid maybe worried would be a better word than paranoid. it makes me think about my old cat whose health is declining and i might need to take her to the vet soon, or thinking about other people and feeling guilty about something stupid and inconsequential, or thinking about how close to death i am when i'm on the country roads out here, and then worrying about people i know who are on the roads at that moment, then start thinking about if the weather gets bad and the slide off the country roads or how it's inevitable that a deer will jump out
and so forth it's kind of a long line of progressively worse worrying. that's why i only have a little bit of weed that wears off quickly, because staying in that mindset for hours on end is torture
>>430416 >you've been allowed to fight and kill kill>butbut we can't let you have a beer before 18 I hate this in my animu
>>430418 Pffft! Like I'm one to know about weed workings! Makes sense though.
But the brain is you~ --unless you work solely on Heart...or...you're a robot...
Aw yes...the worry spiral. That seems like it's always loved clingin' to ya... I'd trade ya worry spiral for um...damn...what's that thing where you're out of the spiral...you know what will happen, not worry over it? And it's bad...but you know it's coming at least! >implying there is a word for it
Heeey...also...do you count as an AvatarFag? I knew you did when you used mostly cats and Mutas. ...and.../moe/ doesn't seem like it has much of those anymore...it's more NameFag--it seems...anyway.
you know how to worry though!
>>430419 Japan is 18 and not 21? ...they are such filthy drunks though over there...shocked it's not lower.
i avatarfagged as muta and then later as noel vermillion but that was mostly at times when it was relevant to the conversation who was talking otherwise i try to use imageboards to share images i still sometimes post an image that either captures the sentiment well or just to peek my head out so someone knows it's me i only have about 30 pictures on this laptop though so it's not enough to properly avatarfag
One of my favorite images on the sole reason it reminds me of two characters in one of my stories. ... Time to save it and keep it hopefully forever this time.
i dont play games very much these days, no i will watch no commentary playthroughs of a game sometimes instead though since i am very poor i can appreciate them that way at least somewhat not the same as getting to control it and do the things the way i want to but watching can be fun as well and less effort in some ways
story-swapping could be fun, one chapter at a time or something that'd be a way to build some motivation to write maybe if i ever get the time i mean, i have time, but it's mostly spent de-stressing from work and writing is something that requires focus i don't often have left
Who do you watch play the games? I would think you like Voidburger's Silent Hill stuff and Nubzombie's...uh...Silent Hill stuff. I've watched far more games than played and finished in past...two years. This year and late last has been really good for games though.
Dude...bets on who the slower writer would be? Me or you? I gave you something of mine...LOOOOOOOONG ago...and barely fixed that shit up and hammered the damn kinks out of it "recently". Do you write modern, medievil, sci-fi or...something else? Can't write anything sci-fi to save my life.
if it's a story-driven game, i don't care who as long as it's a no-commentary playthrough i don't want a personality speaking over the game just the gameplay. and hopefully they at least put a little effort into exploring and appreciating the scenery and optional dialogue and stuff, and not just blast through the game quick (if it's a game that has those things) i was really disappointed when i watched Ghost Trick, because the only no commentary playthrough on it, they just solved the puzzles instantly and didn't bother to let the viewer read any of the item descriptions or anything and they're somewhat tricky puzzles and he knew what to do right away so it wasn't very satisfying to watch
>>430429 i remember that you sent me something, but that was so long ago i can't remember it i think that was before i bumped my head too
i write... something else probably sci-fi might be appropriate, but it's hardly the kind of setting people think of with the sci-fi label my writing is pretty subdued though i care a lot more about evoking a strong feeling from a scene than exposition for the plot, and to some that's really boring i like world-building and letting readers explore it through the eyes of the character
i guess that sounds generic, but it's more about exploration than overall plot making a rich and vibrant world that goads the reader to explore and wonder, which i think are very much in line with sci-fi stuff
>who's slower i dunno, i mean i said i had been writing my VN for three years when i met you and sugoi and that was seven years ago and now i dont even like the VN format that much so i'd rather write it or do a webcomic
So you don't care much for TwitchTV? And what about playthroughs with Text/Subs but no facecams or them actually talking? Voiceless playthroughs vary so much...the people that skip and rush miff me the most.
Good! That version was bad...I wouldn't want you to remember it in that form!
You word like you write Adventure stuff and Grand Journeys, both are fucking great. And how can anyone not like feeling evoking? Sci-Fi would be a good combo...since the possibltys really are endless since can World Make, Race Make, Travel Make...Tech Make...etc.
It's kay...quite a few of my older doc's if I flick through them are from 2007 (havn't checked all for anything older) and alot of my shit reads like a Light Novel. Webcomic would be cool, I've also thought about it but >my art is shit >I'm too lazy...the /co/ "Work on Your Art!" threads and the "Your Webcomic" ones have been tempting to join...but >I hate people.
No. I've seen and heard of it though. It looks pixel perfect! Hurrhahaha
i think i have a sort of emergent writing style, kind of episodic that builds into an overall story i don't care about establishing setting and tone well maybe tone a little bit, but not overdoing it boogiepop phantom was my biggest inspiration i think, in that respect the way it told the story was so rewarding, regardless of style or genre that's what i'd like to do and that's what i mean about it might seem boring to some, since a lot of moments are just "what's the point?"
grand journey may be the right one, or adventure but isn't everything an adventure? i think that's a silly label even if you're not trekking through the jungle and raiding ancient ruins, even young adults have adventures when they're starting their careers or opening their own business social adventures
regarding twitch/commentating it depends on the game i guess i watch ryukahr play mario maker sometimes, or i will watch people play games that aren't story-heavy with commentary // story-driven rather like competitive games or mario odyssey or something that's just supposed to be fun
have you played D4 i think ive asked you this like a thousand times probably i think it's the best game ever made by mankind or animal
The one about the Cop needing to find "D"? That is not related to D the old horror game or it's series? I have watched that one. I really wouldn't know my "best game" but I think Deadly Premonition is pretty up there--the older verson. Supergreatfriend's play of both D and Deadly were 10/10. You should try LethalFrag for chill-Twitch-streams...muh go-to for chill.
The story style seems like it'd be pretty good for webcomic style. The most I thought about similar to that is Monster of the Week story about a mage..."similar". I've sadly never seen Boogeypop though...even though it's been on my drive for AGES.--and that I saw it sometimes flicking through TV (when I had it)...in dub form.
Young adults starting careers is no adventure to me! That's the boring to me!
i've watched people play D4 like seven times now and i never get tired of it i don't need commentary to see people's personality when they play it it just pulls all of it right out the way you navigate the game even though it's the same story every time, i would watch as many people play it as i could find, provided they're not just slamming through the plot and ignoring everything
>>430433 i read some homestuck yeah not a ton have you read the uno punch man webcomic or the manga theyre both great in their own way i love the webcomic though it's the most expressive
I've seen the anime--was thinking about picking up the manga. But webcomic better in your opinion? or just that is just more expressive?
It was fun and good...and a bunch of the "what is going on" in it. If you ever continue the Homosuck you'll get to see a creator murder his own characters and work in one of the worst ways you can.
--Dude... ...there's like...meat in the slow-cooker here... Beef. With HOURS left... and it's driving me crazy smelling it cook... So hard that I forgot the something else I wanted to say.
Awwww...yesss... This: https://www.polygon.com/2017/10/12/16464274/d4-season-two-canceled-swery-interview This and Blues and Bullets... Why games with "Seasons"...muh EPISODIC ones make me scared of them.
Then there's the shaky ones...like Life is Strange and--pretty much any Telltale game.
All usually have a good story...but that risk of being killed halfway through or even degrade the further they get in... Like a great book or manga...but creator dies and it never finishes. Or like HxH (hurryesdebatableasfuckhere)...good and solid and, in it's case, the creator illness drags it quailty down to record lows. Both are terrifying to me durrggerrhurr as a writer.
>>430437 they're all amazing i recommend going manga first then webcomic though because that way you're introduced to newer material each time you switch
>>430438 yeah im aware D4 doesnt get finished but that doesnt change anything swery is moving on to new opportunities so thats good >>430444 yeah it's got more... what do you call them the sketch panels for fun and stuff also it's still ongoing so it's got the newest stuff and the webcomic starts off pretty simplistic but tbh by the up to date stuff it's not lacking in artistic detail when it wants to be
>>430446 don't be silly, humans are still trapped in the physical they can't be on /moe/ it sucks that i need my human in order to be on here, but that will change soon
>>430443 Dat ending tho'... Unno...he seems kinda like a dick...but which human isn't?!
Does he do both? Actually draw the webcomic while working on the manga?
>>430451 Do ya like plot or characters more in One Punch?
Kirara 🚗
ladder animal pictures
Kirara 🚗
Spotify started throwing a ton of kero kero bonito at me and im kinda feelin it
>>430455 good question, tough call characters probably
>>430453 Turning into beta fish isn't progression! But we are in /moe/...who has "moe" within it. Who has people who like cute and moe things! ...who only seem to watch cute and moe things... So actually having anything to say about that is fucking dumb just cause where we are!
...still tho'...if /moe/ existed in times of G Gundam and Outlaw Star...it'd be more fun to watch those than cute things with the /moe/s.
But you are also wrong...I hate the cute things! I am the lone beast of /moe/!
...wonder who's the one that loves cute things the MOST on /moe/...sometimes.
>>430463 the anime didn't get far into the story you have time to change your mind i dont know // remember if tatsumaki's sister was in the anime or not
>>430465 Unno dudeo...lolis suck. Rare to come across a good one--though she's an adult...if I remember right--but no excuce! She looks like one. I like Rider. Which is funny cause picked up Samurai Flamenco recently...and at times makes me think of him--even though whole thing is more like Kick-Ass.
>>430466 We were already natural enemies you Twittertard! But this fight is unfair...you are on /MOE/...these lands aren't savage to you! ...and no one is up to debate you on love of cute things...you might have a rival!
>>430474 jokes aside, i wish there was a better balance between cute and cool the next gundam is going to be cute and macross is always cute now even though the best Macross is 7
>>430476 i have used every orb ive gotten on the valentines banner since it started
who are the leaders of the video game industry and what do they have to do with violence in schools?
kojima obviously and tbh kojima probably would have a good solution
but from a business perspective, him thinking like a businessman, it would be the market leaders and key opinion leaders and letting the public know that you're going to poll some KOLs of an industry that's often blamed for encouraging violence for a matter about violence makes perfect sense it's like when your mom is being hysterical and she tells you that you need to go tell someone that they're a piece of shit and "thanks for ruining my life" and you're like "ok mom i'll go talk with them" but really you're just gonna go say "yo how do we calm this bitch down"
i can't say what the administration's intentions are but i think that the video game industry will probably have to defend itself, which will probably end up being a good thing i'm pretty fuckin tired of the "i can get whatever i want and convince people of whatever i want if i bitch about it" moms doing their neighborhood watch politics
Kirara 🚗
kojima can solve any problem but trump has no chance at getting kojoma
lol apparently the video game industry leaders don't know who is meeting with trump
Kirara 🚗
>>430501 well the problem here is that video games being linked to aggression has been shown to be false in numerous aggression studies and the demographics of video game players are like way off from people in high school on average there's nothing to defend because this has been researched a lot since the 90s and even if trump is able to point out flaws in the research, it won't really matter
why's that a problem if it's demonstably shown then this will bring those things to light for all the ignorant garbage ghouls that want to do this and whine about video games causing problems
it'll certainly get media coverage and those kind of facts are ones that people on the opposing side don't go out of their way to find, so that'd be good i think
and then if it does dampen the video game industry, it's probably just going to be on a market share level where companies might hesitate to make more call of duty clones and hopefully we'll see less call of duty too it's like a win win all around
>>430499 gabe newell bobby kotick mr. Electronic arts
>>430505 it's a problem because it's an ignorant dance that costs the tax payers millions of dollars the news has been covering the fact that games don't cause violence and have even touched vaguely on the research (with the exception of fox who says the opposite) it's stupid and costly and the idea of my money being wasted so stupidly infuriates me because that money would be better in my hands even if this meeting gets coverage, fox will still tell people games are evil and the same shit will happen because nobody in power wants to fix anything for real it's just spectacle
>>430505 Coffee is both thought of as something that prevents and causes cancer. There will be no satisfaction of any side because there's no real need to be. >>430513 No, I don't think you get me. Even if we were to publish studies about if video games cause people to become violent (which we have, and which we have done in proving the opposite), there is no actual "drive" to satisfy the ignorance of this. Blaming video games is just a scapegoat. If someone debunks your scapegoat with a study, you can still hold onto it. Other people will still hold onto it. We can sit here and say "it does both" and then what
>>430512 there's a lot of causes to cancer though that's a system of systems working together there and lots of different cancers to cause
Kirara 🚗
also since he's not actually meeting with the people that matter, nothing can come of it
there used to be this really cute video on youtube where a mom is calmly and lovingly trying to get her son to turn off videogames and to come do something with her in the family room together, watch a movie together or something i dont remember and it's really cute and adorable and she keeps calling them "shoot em ups" and the boy is really cute too because he's like eight or nine or something and he does agree to do that
but i can't FUCKIN FIND IT because there's so much trash on youtube with these stupid staged drama channels where it's clearly people staging a dramatic argument and it's so spammy and obnoxious that i can't even use basic search terms to find the material i'd like
it's the same problem we // well similar problem to what we were saying about google, and i had that happen yesterday while working too i was trying to research street names in massachusetts and google fucking includes MASS as an equivalent to massachusetts as a search term and that sure as fuck obfuscated my results
Kirara 🚗
im still mad about google including hurricane in my search for research about typhoons
what i think you can do is include -hurricane but then it's gonna take out any page that has the word hurricane in it which is probably likely to come up at least once in a page about typhoons
Kirara 🚗
yeah it's so stupid and im mad about it forever
i'm getting more frustrated with google every day i use it i'm gonna piss in an envelope and mail it to them
Kirara 🚗
what if you made like a glitter bomb but it's a piss bomb
Kirara 🚗
>guy in shipping and receiving gets this shit
like you mean by boiling down the piss into urea nitrate so it's explosive?
Kirara 🚗
i was thinking more like a piss launcher but that works too
oh a spring-loaded canister would be easy but that'd just whoosh it straight up i'd want it to really spread shirt, tie, pants, keyboard, desk papers, all of it should be soaked
Kirara 🚗
maybe you could infiltrate the google fortress and connect the sprinkler system to the septic tanks
maybe we should use some polymers to viscosify urine and then inject it into hollow cadbury eggs
Kirara 🚗
what if kinder eggs but the toy inside is piss
kinder eggs were my first thought actually and that you'd break them open to get the toy but the entire egg is filled with piss so it gets everywhere that was actually my first idea to solve >>430524
yeah that sounds great to me they're in stores again too
oh what those are small where are the big ones that i'm thinking of
Kirara 🚗
i think the larger ones are still illegal there's some weird legalese shit that got those ones back into the us, i heard
is it actually illegal i thought it just didn't have distribution rights here or something my family has been bringing them from europe whenever anyone goes since i was a kid
Kirara 🚗
yeah, kinder eggs are literally banned
Kirara 🚗
it's illegal to import them into the US too
i think import is a commercial term i dunno oh well
Kirara 🚗
people have been arrested for smuggling kinder eggs into the US like large amounts, probably not just a few but i remember some big thing a few years ago where some folks got arrested for smuggling in like 50k eggs
are the collectables banned too or just the packaged product couldn't you just pack all the collectibles up
Kirara 🚗
just the packaged product the candies themselves
i wonder if they make sniper waterguns if we really want to reduce shootings and violence find a way to let people pissassinate someone instead as soon as hillary passes the knoll wham piss-sniped from three angles
Kirara 🚗
you ever see those water and juice pods? they make colored pods for water and stuff you could fill one with piss and trick someone into shoving the whole thing in their mouth
...Why did they break down the voting gauntlet like tihs? So far it looks like Grima Robin has the best total. Then the two Celicas Then Zelgius, Black Knight I don't know who to pick really. I'm ... the only leveled unit here that I have is BK
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah the darks and lights should've all been on one side it's dumb
and he's losing
then again, it just started so... ehh >Why did they make an event that spoils four of their most popular games
Kirara 🚗
>why did devs that are incompetent when it comes to characters poorly implement a character-driven event
I'm just gonna roll with normal Robin because his score is in the abyss. gonna ride that multiplier wave
Kirara 🚗
im gonna level my crappy duma Celica and use her
Kirara 🚗
maybe i can get a better one with the 20 orbs they gave me
work has been real scarce a lot of the work i have had is with nonprofit clients who have much smaller budgets because it's grant money and expect so much more because it's one person that's gonna be combing through 800 pages of transcripts with a highlighter and writing their report
but they're also doing social work type stuff and so they get bad recordings in noisy urban settings with people on the streets so long are the days of makin 25+ bucks an hour typing out stock market research questions and carefully worded answers it's tax time too everyone else is gettin their refunds i'm gettin slapped with a fat flat self employment tax last month i could afford health insurance OR heating man i just wanna cry sometimes
can't even schedule a day to get to a doctor because it's two hours away wtf am i even paying health insurance for
tax is so dumb i basically work four months out of the year for free that's what it equates to
i really want to get a proper psych eval not one done by a student through the university like before "oh, you're mentally sick. you can't work. we're gonna put you in a place where we can take care of you until you're better." i wish dreams like that could be real
nope it'd be "you're sick. here's a referral for therapy you can't afford and your insurance won't cover. there's some boxes in the dumpster by the back you can take for when you lose your home in a few weeks."
i've started becoming disoriented while working a lot lately and i'm so paranoid about the quality of my work that i'm not sure if any of it's right anymore like when painters get hyper-focused on an individual spot of the canvas and lose the overall picture and you end up with things that look really fucked up and you think "how did they not notice that"
constantly trying to distinguish whether a particle spoken is substantive or not i really do feel like i'm losing my mind and just as much so if i'm not making errors and i'm imagining it all
sorry to vent i'm just a little backed up carry on
>>>/watch?v=NXonAVf-Wk4 >failure to understand reality or distorted perception of reality imo the psychology associations fail to understand reality if they think that's remotely measurable or objective
Kirara 🚗
psychology associations are obsessed with medical model so they will never come close to even desiring to understand anything
>Somatization is a tendency to experience and communicate psychological distress in the form of somatic symptoms and to seek medical help for them aka being poor and having to deal
>>430598 it's one of those things where i'll probably never know if it's fine, i won't know if it's bad, they may just cope and probably cry in private in frustration because their work is also hard and a shitty transcript makes it harder if it's horrible they might send it back and ask for it to be edited a bit because they weren't satisfied but i may not even hear about it if that happens
and then sometimes clients have unrealistic expectations in the first place so any of those consequences might happen regardless this one was exceptionally frustrating because and research heavy and when i'd find terminology later that cleared up something i misunderstood earlier, there's literally 450 pages of transcript to sort through it becomes incredibly hard to edit at those volumes i did a lot of it while sleep deprived or even half asleep because that's what you gotta do sometimes
i realistically think i'm just finding something to store my worry in i'm using work as my worry bank if it did come back to me, it might just be "oh okay i'll fix that up over the weekend sorry about that" but the paranoia consumes me, i never know what others' moods are like
though realistically, in the professional world i've found that people are more warm and accomodating than i'm built to expect nobody's going to electrocute you for spilling spaghetti sauch // sauce on the carpet or demoralize you emotionally for trying to tell a joke when you didn't know someone was in a bad mood since those are totally likely things to occur in the professional sphere i guess
does keeping my laptop plugged in constantly drain the battery life on it oh whoops i thought i was on google