I don't normally talk about people like this, but I can't get over how fucking stupid people are People applying for a research-heavy job that straight up lists your ability to research information and your attention to detail as requirements for the job just open the application page, click the first button they see without following directions, then send an email to complain that it's not working even though they're clicking something that's not for them and not noticing the account they registered to apply is on a third party site, despite it being said in literally the first sentence on the page there are directions to navigate them where to go and how to apply in a very brief chunk of text less that one page long in bulleted point format they don't read any of it they just hit LOG IN as soon as they reach the landing page with session duration of under 20 seconds (thanks google analytics), read nothing, then spend ten minutes in an email to complain that's meant to be a communication channel for customers, not applicants then the literal president of the company gets the emails, responds to these idiots telling them exactly what they've done wrong, and they just ignore it and respond with "i can't log in. this is a pain in the ass already!!"
i swear to christ i am going to take these people and put them on a submarine and make them disappear
>>427287 like several hundred people applying and this one person who won't take ten minutes to read and navigate the instructions to apply for a job that you desperately want (which is actually only like two minutes of content, you read it) want the president of the company to take an hour plus out of his day to help you and they won't take the 15 seconds to read the one-line response that says that they're trying to log into the wrong website i'm beyond frustrated with it. i'm livid even when they meet none of the qualifications, they still want other people to do the work of applying for them i fucking hate it i want them to fucking die
>>427290 I'm not allowed to sit on the 3rd rail protection board but other than that, there's nothing level to sit on Sitting on the track itself isn't comfortable
Kirara 🚗
>>427292 https://www.amazon.com/ALPS-Mountaineering-8120005-Tri-Leg-Stool/dp/B009WH1920 weighs less than two pounds
Kirara 🚗
folds up easy too and is c h e a p
>>427291 ask them to send you their address and stuff and go kill them
>>427294 i probably will or i will just use google analytics to geofence them and launch a targeted ad platform that plants subconscious messages to them to stab themself in the heart that'd probably cost me less money than going there and doing it myself
let's become cyberassassins where we just remove people's internet presence and remove them from all the databases so they can never reclaim their identity but leave them alive
That client that I was /// saw for the first time last week, the one that came 10 minutes late and then the kid too 40 minutes to do a 10 minute assessment, and only got 10 minutes of session time called the clinic and terminated service because she felt that it wasn't a good fit for her son lol
i even told her i'd replace the assessment with something easier for the kid but i knew from the start she was a bitch because she had that horrid fake bitch smile on her face the entire time
my children probably wouldn't be biological and i wouldn't serve artificial intelligence anything besides artificial food
I'm trying to find a description of an algorithm but i can't find the pdf of the only book i know of that has it
>>427319 It might also be because you didn't read the entire story.
>>427318 That's my plan, can't wait to be done with Florida.
>>427319 i tried to do this with a doctor but then was told that they still had to consult my parent/guardian about it because i was a minor i was very disappointed in the system at that moment >>427320 yeah but will florida be done with you
>>427333 I can't believe you'd say such a thing. So it obviously never happened >>427334 I'll make everywhere you go turn into Wisconsin instead. Then I can go see my lovely hyphen
>>427335 oh yeah that is where the "yes and" was from
>>427323 Oh, I remember that. Well, I don't know how the psychology stuff, but 10 minutes is usually long enough for me to figure out of the kid wants some time to talk without parents being involved.
First of all, the first session should generally include the parent. Whether the child wants to be there or not doesn't matter because they're not the client and I'm providing services to the client. Second, the first time I see someone, I have to discuss the informed consent to treatment as well as numerous confidentiality laws and provisions as well discuss the fact that I'm in training and who my supervisor is and how they can be contacted. So I have to have the adult present for that because they're the person giving consent.
>>427359 still rooted in that material world huh sounds crummy i'm glad i escaped >>427363 thanks >>427365 scratching kitty necks and bellies is probably what i spent most of my day procrastinating doing
>>427363 I'm always hving a tough time. I thought Fish was posting with your computer and that she was saying you liked having the cracker down your butt.
>>427367 You thought I heard Fish singing so I came out of my room and jumped on the couch?
>>427365 My cat loves to get the equivalent of her cat eyebrows rubbed. I'll massage that part of her face and she'll tilt her head up and kind of open her mouth up a crack.
Also amusingly your egyptian patriot guy ends up dooming egypt with that as the ceasar-cleopatra pact would have tied the empires together quite well, cleo siding with Marcus Antonius in the civil war doomed the region
Kirara 🚗
which would be very bad in beyek's opinion since both cleopatra and caesar were evil and wanted to enslave the minds and hearts of the people
Well neither are native locals
Kirara 🚗
beyek is fine with the greek and the ptolemies in general
especially the macedonian nobles damn inbred bastards
>>427406 He's fine with everyone and considers anyone a people of Egypt as long as they aren't trying to subjugate and dominate others, really.
>>427404 is fun how the roman aristocracy and senators always kill the people who are popular with the masses and how you can never be popular with the ruling elites and the masses
it's like a chocobo mixed with a horse or camel or something it has an equine like body but with a large tail of feathers and a chocobo's head, complete with beak
what's the name for when two guys rub their beards together
>>427418 They're very much in the same spirit as the naval fights from ACIII, actually. It's a refreshing change because they're more of a quick-time event session than the rest of the game, so it helps shake up the routine of what you're playing a bit.
>>427457 I take suggestions but no one ever has them! I am also not crazy autistic I just understand the comfy pyramid. I don't understand why no one else gets it.
A genius construction planner/arcitecht though a ventilation shaft that can barely be blocked off is a good idea and I forgot to block it when I had people last over that could help me moving my fridge Didn't think it mattered, anyhow, what with winter s having been very mild recently
and where the fuck do I get one for free? fuck that crap I have wood and carton plenty to block it if I soo feel like but anyhow come spring I want it open cause it keeps the place ventilated and fresh >>427491 also how would that help in anyway, when the draft would just still blow it off it, and then into the house?
>>427492 Then you'd stuff newspapers in-between it and the fridge. But I ca >>427494 I didn't know there was less than one cm of clearance
>>427493 Seriously, if I could have done anything about it, I would have done it already the only reason I don't fix a thing like this, is if I really can't do jackshit to it. Hell if I had even a full 1cm space to work with, I'd have ducktaped it close somehow already
BNut I can't lift the fridge alone from that "closet" it is in and it got jammed right next to the ventilation shaft one time when it nearlty fell on me
Oh it's in a recessed area? Those are a huge pain.
>>427482 I would never! Also tearing wings off has nothing to do with aliens.
Anyways if you want to design a remote controlled apparatus for blocking it and opening it let me know what your budget is, I could help design it if need be.
some nasty pics I sent to the land lord firm complaining about level of rather lack of cleaning
underneath the quite intact wall plug is the covering thing ment to be on it because that is currently in the hole, I can't do jackshit to it really I'd have to remove it and then block it I am thinking of just adding some small wooden block or such under the hole and then fashioning a slideable cover for it well two rather one with filter for dust and one that blocks it completely
Oh yeah this was pretty interesting. https://hackaday.com/2018/02/12/need-strength-its-modified-wood-you-want/
I still wonder about the person who bought the original doorbell here...
Although the transparent wood modification is much easier to do at home...
>>427459 I get it, just don't understand it there is a big difference I know what you do and I'm sure it works well for you but it doesn't matter to me at all
The comfy pyramid is very important. You want the last show you watch to be a comfy show, right? You want to end on a comfy note, especially if you're going to sleep after anime like I do.
It's comfy if you're on top of the pyramid If you're one of the guys holding it up on the bottom it's shit.
>>427522 I don't care what kind of show it is I marathoned Texhnolyze and watched nothing else with Imats and it didn't affect me I just want the shows to be good the style doesn't matter It's like music to me I can enjoy any kind of show at any time if I like it
the order is irrelevant to my interest so I have zero reason to oppose it other than in jest if it pleases you then carry on but any order of any shows is fine we could watch 8 eps of dagashi kashi and I would enjoy it
>>427522 i can understand that i have done that at times even more recently due to motivational problems i tend to just watch what's the most comfy though and even some things that are still comfy go unwatched, so i prioritize the comfiest i suppose unless it's too comfy and is in the healing spectrum, then i save it
drifting to sleep with a cute girl beside you and a cat butt in your face
drifting to sleep in a Honda while night of fire blares loudly from the sound system
>>427536 excerpt from a supposedly famous and artistically important novel. It was a really well written paragraph which pisses me off because it makes me realise that unconscious me is a better writer than awake me could ever hope to be
take my literary chops I don't use them I just smoke weed and play those video games
haha just Kidding don't do drugs kids anyways be back in 15 minutes
Can I have lamb chops instead Good food > cultural and artistic achievement
You can't spell umai without uma. In hiragana anyways
Kirara 🚗
>go to moments tab on Twitter >greeted with an auto playing video of a murder with a caption saying someone was murdered on a live stream thanks love to watch people get shot to death before bed
>>427569 yeah that kinda stuff is pretty distressing
Kirara 🚗
certainly distressing enough to disturb my ability to lie down comfortably
Any of you ever had whale meat?
>>427571 my old email got put on some sort of bot email blaster list that cycled through different email accounts to spam, presumably, a bunch of people with media of gruesome stuff like every couple nights or so it really made me uneasy at the time that's what i meant about getting harassed and changing my email it seemed like it was specifically homophobic/transphobic in nature but i honestly didn't give it enough attention to verify that
>>427577 twitter hosts videos of murders all the time especially when police kill someone or when someone dies on live stream videos just spread like wildfire
>>427578 It is the good old "it is okay untill we say it is okay, so follow the rules which we arbitrarily enforce based on do we like your face and the relative position of neptune to flatearth"
Kirara 🚗
twitter has outright said that they won't remove bad content that breaks the rules all that often too like they frequently talk about how trump breaks the rules egregiously and they won't ban him because they use him as advertising in foreign countries
i gotta say though, harassment is a pretty effective tactic when you want to systemically get people to not do something you don't want done, just blast them all with harassment to make their lives difficult until they lose the motivation to do anything extracurricular to their work and home life
It is just theFourth Reich: the Bureaucratic Bungaloo
Germany especially pisses me off because I had been planning on going to grad school there through one of their government programs. But its just been passing so many stupid laws recently, and also the refugee thing.
>>427595 >recently I dunno they have been passing silly laws since they were two countries
>>427599 Yeah, I meant its reached a sort of critical mass of stupidity.
what the fug is paint 3d
freeware gimp alternative wait no that's paint.net paint 3d is paint for tablets
Their anti hate speech laws are full retard. I'm very much for freedom of expression so it bothers me whenever I hear about the passing of laws that explicitly restrict it or are likely to have chilling effects.
>>427601 >>427602 Paint 3D is the spiritual successor to Microsoft Paint. Paint has been entirely discontinued in service updates and Paint 3D can be assumed to take its role.
>>427606 Not just for tablets, it's the new Paint for all Windows 10-based machines.
>>427605 yeah it's paint for tablets it's a good tablet image editor but vastly inferior to the other spiritual successor of paint
>>427605 I hate Microsoft so much more these days than I ever had before.
>>427616 What's your opinion on its advantages over other image editors while using a mouse and keyboard?
>>427622 the movies were also cgi i'm sure you noticed
>>427627 The fact that it does not have discontinued development like the classic Paint app, and is more likely to return on future iterations of Windows OS.
>>427631 Those aren't real advantages. Paint really doesn't need to be updated. Sometimed programs reach a certain point in their development that they don't need any new features.
>>427631 Just get paint.net. It's free, faster, and has been updated continuously for like 10 years or some shit. It also has a much more computer friendly GUI, and all of the features of paint 3D, as far as I know.
>>427633 That's fine; I'm not arguing it's some objectively superior to all other competitors image editing app. My point isn't -point is that it isn't just "Paint for tablets" since it has for all intents and purposes been supplied by Microsoft as a replacement for their previous Paint app. All I'm saying is that for Microsoft OS machines, it's the new Paint.
Then there was that weird demon thing hmm Ajin? that seemed interesting, but all the characters looked so alien the shading was just so bad, they all looked weird in every shot
Houseki no Kuni was a 3D CGI show I would argue was made even better by the fact that it was done in 3D CGI. They really put some of the effects they could work with in 3D CGI to their best to establish an alienity and weirdness to the characters. And the show at times actually had some astondingly good cinematography.
Is not like you can't make a good 3d cgi show, but most of the time they seem to do it to cut corners or shit or end up cutting corner or just accidentally make it bad, I guess maybe CGI in that regard isn't used that much in the anime industry. Weird considering how much they prop that into movies and games, but I guess those have bigger budgets.
>>427653 CGI isn't neccesarily bad, but it allows for very Err is conducive towards very lazy work just because of how different a work flow it is. In the case of Berserk there were many scenes with large amounts of clipping, in part because many of the models were just animated once then copied and pasted in a row (the skeletons for example).
I for one question, why did they animate all the vechiles in say Yuru camp with cgi you istantly spot when the transition happens
Probably for the same reasons a lot of vehicles in anime get done in 3D CGI. Machinery on that scale can be an insane workload to deal with, especially for time-cramped animation teams. When you draw it by hand I mean. Having someone create a 3D model can drastically reduce effort.
>>427660 I don't think it always looks bad. It's definitely noticeable when it looks bad, but a lot of shows can seam the object into the environment.
>>427663 oh yeah it was a good example of how to use CGI to your advantage i think the way sidonia used it was pretty good too it looks bad zoomed too far in but from a distance that show looked really cool
>>427666 Even if the object is done well, you just always notice it instantly when it is applied to a 2d drawn background
we should watch treasure planet
>>427668 I can guarantee that you don't always notice. There are ways of making stuff like that blend in much better, they just aren't used that often because its time consuming.
I don't think so. I do remember the 3D CGI anime set in the Sengoku era where some highschooler who's a dead ringer for Oda Nobunaga gets dropped into the time period and ends up becoming Nobunaga while the actual one runs away from his duties. That was a really fun series.
Berserk really irritated me because I love the manga, but the cg was just so bad. Also they completely skipped a ton of stuff. And >>427688 I'm sure it is, but it will still look bad, it just won't have as many overt poorly animated parts.
>>427687 try the bluray version it's fixed quite a bit
the movies too skipped good part of the most interesting story bits
>>427696 [vomits internally] Although actually that could be good, but I don't have high hopes for 3D CG anime in general so more likely than not it would be bad.
Blame movie was really good, though if they actually adapted the series, I think a 3dcgi would eb the way to go, would work quite well with the technodystopic setting
it's 12:40 in the AM and i'm eating caesar salad dressing by itself and watching crime documentaries because you're not my real mom and you can't stop me screw you
>>427790 Nope! At least I get to drag you down with me.
>>427791 i guess i should have said "how can you be sure" in the same phrasing you did >>427795 yeah i know ive transcribed several alex jones podcasts before i know what he's talking about the connections are right but the things he attributes them to are off he makes real systemic connections but misattributes them to human actions most of the time rather than acknowledging systems not devices of man
>>427794 please tell me you were paid to transcribe Alex Jones
yes that is my job it is a rather common practice that i get sent news media material from other news media outlets because it's used for quoting and referencing in other podcasts and shows and other forms of progamming i have not had the alex jones show as a client
>>427802 Huh. I was gonna ask what sort of entity would be paying money to transcribe Alex Jones
well im not going to disclose my clients for obvious reasons but basically anyone that would want to use excerpts from that show to satire or parody on their show, which the news media is ripe with i'm sure you can think of several satirical news programs without even trying or even ones that aren't satirical yes, most other news stations have already had the same content transcribed previously, but since each company pays for that, they're not keen on making it a public asset so now other companies that want to peruse the transcripts to know what's usable segments for video editing and also which are quotable segments will just shell out the money to have it freshly transcribed it's but a drop in the bucket compared to paying a production crew, air time, and host/band for the programming duration
it's pretty spooky to be watching murder documentaries and have my cat walk over my -- what's it called, the little multi-outlets that you plug into an outlet to have more outlets and they have a bright blue light to tell if they're on and off -- that thing, and cast a shadow that slowly moves across the room just to jump on my bed and coo at me >>427844 who calls them that that sounds like a term somebody from canadia would use
Power bar, surge protector? Power strip is another one I've heard for what I think you're talking about.
here in the united states we're smart enough to recognize that language is an inherent, latent ability and that the learning process is a functional learning of how to prescribe words and meaning to facilitate language you cannucks just throw it around carelessly and who knows or cares what you mean since if it's got to do with hockey, maple syrup, or bears, they'll already know whether you've said anything or not
my posts are still guided by artificial intelligence don't worry if they're not too sensical just pretend it was the real moon making these posts and it'll serve as a suitable backpropagation method for future posting habits
>>427852 The technical term is bludgeoning. I'm still a bit surprised that you got a papercut in the web of your fingers though. That requires a very moe level of clumsiness.
>>427852 maybe if you weren't working with so much complexity >>427853 i still think synthetic is a better term artifice by definition is closer to 'fake' than 'manufacured'
manufactured* man you fractured this post thanks
>>427858 I'm struggling to come up with a Moon merge for "synthetic" though. The A.I. one was already a reach anyway.
>>427855 I was pulling papers out of a manilla folder and one of the papers was snagged on a paperclip so I pulled hard and it went right between the fingers on my left hand.
>>427863 have you considered working gloves i use them for typing because my fingers lose a lot of circulation and get really cold you still get a lot of tactile definition and they're not as clammy or allergenic as latex gloves
>>427874 if they work it's not weird! i've always had sensitive hands things like writing on paper in school in cold weather gave me a lot of needly-tinglies when i was younger nowadays typing makes my fingers stiff and tingly when it's cold you're even more north than me so i'm sure you get problems like that, and papercuts, and the feeling of paper on skin is generally unpleasant anyway >>427879 what in the heck is eccentric about wearin gloves gloves are a thing that are commercially viable which means they have a substantial market which i think completely negates the social concept of being eccentric
>>427886 Okey dokes. Don't sweat it I'm just keeping tabs on things/
what show is tomorrow anyways?
Takagi-san aired tonight. We didn't watch it because Squid died early so it would be on the docket. There would also be your favourite lolicon show of the season but I figure you wouldn't weep too much over that.
>>427920 >>427913 bang reminded e // me of it by mentioning brazil fila brazillia has some pretty great stuff i put them in the same group as two lone swordsmen and bonobo and then promptly forget about all of them even though they make up the foundations of the music i appreciate now
Hi Bang you'll probably like this. >>>/@amamitsuki12/968321474808438785?ref_src=twcamp%5Ecopy%7Ctwsrc%5Eandroid%7Ctwgr%5Ecopy%7Ctwcon%5E7090%7Ctwterm%5E2 Wow Tweet links get ugly as fuck on Android. Saaaaaaaamuuuuraaaaiiii
hey that's bretty good
>>427925 lol is that a quote from that one guy who makes vines XD
>>427930 yes modern ethical standards denote that i have to disclose that i am performing artificial intelligence training with these posts even though that counteracts the training process i guess i still have to do it none of this is true by the way
>>427935 It feels weird hearing Matthewmatosis talk about Sonic fetish porn
yeah but it feels like something i would say, involved in the systemic realities of information flux even though the subject matter is brutal i found it such a welcoming insight this morning
Samu 🦀 !KW2DbpWwls
I’m in Santa Cruz woooooo
>>427936 more importantly you get to hear matty mattosy say "tails take a stinky poo poo in his daipy" seriously >>427938 hey sammy how are you doing
yurucamp, franxx, cardcaptor, pop team epic im watching a bunch of other stuff but i can't keep up anymore so im watching in spurts stuff like violet evergarden and kokkoku and marchen madness
takunomi is good. nowhere near as good as Bartender though but it isn't trying to be that complex.
it is a fun and relaxing show that features some really out there cocktail ideas however. shame it's only a short.
Kirara 🚗
i want to watch it but im worried about alcohol cravings
man, jan the other day i got a craving specifically for the pepto drink we made wtf
haha what the fuck how could you ever want to put that in your body again maybe you just want to get real shitfaced with me >>428058 pepto bismol wasn't even in the realm of unpleasant it's got to be the single worst tasting thing i have ever put in my mouth
Kirara 🚗
idek my colleagues were talking about unpleasant drinks and i thought about that and i like pictured it in front of me and i got this feeling like oh man id fuckin down that whole thing right now and pictured myself just gulping the entire cup down
I had a shot of something with tabasco once it was the worst I've ever taken
Kirara 🚗
the Pepto is potato vodka mixed with strawberry milk lol
>>428060 i like tabasco but i have never had it with alcohol not a big fan of bloody mary either, though my dad likes it >>428063 as expected from the knot-lover your taste is so beyond me
>>428061 that doesn't even sound that bad kinda nice actually
Kirara 🚗
it was the worst thing it was honestly vomit inducing alcoholics couldn't drink it
i can drink steel reserve and i couldn't even stand that shit
>>428062 what's a bloody mary again? milk and vodka?
>>428067 no that's white russian kind of bloody mary is tomato juice and vodka and spices sometimes tabasco and they usually put a celery stalk in it for some reason
ESRB announces new "In-Game Purchases" label to be applied to games with in-game offers to purchase digital goods or premiums with real world currency.
jokes aside it'd be something small im not really big on tattoos but im less big on being buried with my family
I knew a girl who had a small tattoo on the skin right behind her ear. Especially with long hair you would never actually see it. She had a small, fancy gear because she really liked steampunk fashion. I always thought that was kind of neat.
that whitefish is way too expensive man i can get that at the asian market for like two bucks i can get a whole frozen pack of them of several pounds for like two bucks too
Kirara 🚗
it's expensive because it's koshered and imported from Israel
>>428192 i would like to at this point make a joke that the real reason jewish people make a pilgrimage to israel is so they can get stuff cheaper than having it imported all the way across the globe but it's probably not even cheaper there anyway and also it's a pretty dumb joke
>>428204 i don't think that's a republican issue all the institutions are against it i'm gonna build a big underground lab and do it myself and then get raided by the government and they're gonna kill my children
>>428229 less a joke and more a prod at my inability to comment on these sorts of things
And that is why some dream big cause theys teal the dreams of others
I wish I dreamed of my waifu :(
what if someone else has dreams of your waifu? dream ntr
ntr'd hard
>>428165 So the "you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery if you have a tattoo" thing isn't actually true. Fun fact I do however spread it to discourage Jews I know who profess interest in getting tattooed.
>>428247 How strict But in general Jewish cemetery's don't actually not bury people with non concentration camp tattoos. It's just a misconception that's been spread, and also Jewish mothers use it to discourage their children from getting tattoos.
>>428251 they slap down stuff they don't like, but actual controversies stay up untill someone points it out andi t blews up is a broken record at this point and I love it.
Kirara 🚗
>>428250 im aware of the laws surrounding it but tattooing yourself is still forbidden and many cemeteries refuse to bury people with tattoos
>>428253 Piercing shouldn't be allowed by the same part of the torah iirc.
Oh also an additional way to get back at tthem would to be an organ and tissue donor. That's also against the rurus.
Like I'm pretty sure most people are unaware of atomwaffen to begin with, and that's pretty fucking scary when you consider how extremely aware people are of that one professor who used a bike lock to slam some trump person
You know if people aren't aware of them, no one is going to join them
They already have 80 members, 5 of which are tied to murders.
if you raise them on a platform and shout BOOGEYMAN the likeminded people will actually think they are big enough to stand a chance and may actually join them instead of just raving at their computers at the perceived injustices of the world
>>428262 Instead, it is much better to pretend they don't have any idea how to recruit, and continue the endless stream of "the violent left is the real threat"
Well considering the media, they usually just report on such organisations I guess this particular one is just too small to report on or hasn't yet done anything
Kirara 🚗
people get videos demonetized for talking about the devil but gasing the jews is ok to talk about unless the media makes a fuss about it as they did with pewdiepie
>>428266 They have literally killed several people
>>428263 reminds me of the lions around Nelson's column the artist used dogs as models
And the killing is the purpose of the organization because it is a terrorist fascist organization with cells across the US
>>428268 well then they are a criminal organisation and it is the fault of particular law enforcement for not taking them down
>>428267 also this is weird if you ask me media rushes to all other minorities when someone even slightly mispeaks but jews need something like "polish death camps are banned as a concept" to cause uproar
Reminds how I had to go to quality journalist hives like the SUN to get informatin about the jewish graveyard defilements in france few years back since no one else reported on it
Kirara 🚗
>>428272 yeah everyone hates jews the people that don't hate jews are either jewish or don't know that everyone hates jews
>>428257 Most rabbis are okay with most stuff that is explicitly banned because the torah is literally thousands of years old and a lot of the stuff banned people don't give a fuck about anymore. The ear piercing example was given to point how how arbitrary the enforcement of some of these customs can be.
Oh well I always keep a pack of sausages in my freezer just in case the world actually starts burning I wonder how well cooked nuclear flames turn a sausage into?
but the revelation was hmm well not gonna look it up but it was cloack or robe and on his leg or something but that just might mean on the "clothing he is wearing" and not skin
>>428297 It's on both >And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
Well I guess the Saviour comes riding down with a robe that flashes his tighes to all people to see now that is an image >>428299 also if my memory serves that same chapter or verse has some other funny imagery like spitting swords and eyes of fire etc
Kirara 🚗
maybe he's a cutie like astolfo with perfect thighs
Who's this kid on the TV dunking the NRA and stuff now anyway? I must see the video I have avoided it too long, my social capital is plummeting as a result
christian concept
>>428308 Maybe, but either way I think its less popular than it used to be. Blue would probably know better, or not because he may be biased towards his own set of beliefs.
>Let me explain what I said this week, and then I'll repeat it Forgive my Trump meme, but How can one not find the humor in Marco Rubio being the one saying he's going to repeat what he said
Kirara 🚗
i hope Marco Rubio gets shot or something
Honestly I'd rather Ajit Pai get shot. That would actually effect stuff quick.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, if I have to choose between them, I guess Ajit is better. But can't we have both?
let's all edit wikipedia pages ill start with trump
he says his girlfriend did it and he took the blame for it but then later he talks about how he's killed people before and knows how to manipulate prison guards into taking him to the infirmary so i don't really trust him
Kirara 🚗
also there's some indication that he has antisocial personality disorder
I wonder from when these taters are it is monts since I last cooked anything that included these
i don't know why people are so opposed to new, clear energy
>>428339 dnno what you are talking, it is the new hotness in eu' so much that all fossile fuels will be banned soon
Kirara 🚗
it blows my mind that people still share mother teresa quotes about being a good person when everyone has access to information about how evil of a woman she was
i bet she wasn't actually even a mother what a liar
Kirara 🚗
she also used the suffering of sick people to gain fame and contacts while stealing money and let a lot of people die because her clinics had very few doctors and also secretly baptized people against their will while they were dying
>>428346 cause it is that, atleast to me. even in orthodox chuch where they aren't that prominent as in catholic church, they still are "prayed upon" as I guess references like you pray to a saint and that saint takes your issues to god or something it still elevates some people way above others and in my opinion kinda twists the message of the whole faith
I mean the Catholic/Christian belief has been doing it since all the way back to Jesus, so it's not like there isn't precedence for it.
From my point of view, Jesus seems like idolatry, but I understand the argument for it not being idolatry if you look at it from the Christian perspective, but it's still weird to me to see saints get elevated like that.
well that was one of the main thesises of Luther anyhow. I also don't think why non catholics think pope is in anyhow relevant aside from being the head of the largest branch of christianity
Kirara 🚗
>Elect saints to be representatives to go represent your interests to God this could be a funny cartoon or movie
>>428350 >I also don't think why non catholics think pope is in anyhow relevant aside from being the head of the largest branch of christianity You say that as if it's nothing to sneeze at. His role as a moral leader is extremely important, even if I eschew any concept of him being a god's voice on Earth or whatever.
>>428352 YEah but if you aren't a catholic his words don't bear any weight on you particularly it is like saying the head of coptic church should be listened to or the head of the orthodox church sure you can listen tot hem, but they are just that heads of other churches In my opinion don't really pay heed to any head of church that much, they in the end are just heads of institutions
They don't bear any weight on me directly, but they bear weight on the...I don't even know how many millions of Catholics there are out there, which will in turn shape the tone of conversation around me because you can't fucking escape the Catholic Church. So the means to which the pope directs the Catholic identity is relevant to me. Human social circles aren't isolated things that have no impact on each other. Anything a sufficiently influential relative stranger to me does will impact my life, and therefore I have some benefit to paying attention to what they're saying.
>>428354 I dunno the history of my church starts with "Hey pope, I give you the finger and rob your churches to pay back my debts to the Hansa union, also FUCK YOUUUUUUUU"
that is the origin of finnish and swedish evangelic lutheran churches
Kirara 🚗
robbing churches is good praxis
Kirara 🚗
>>428355 could be even better than the jesus and buddha one
Gustav Vasa was indepted to so many people that the final solutions were "rob the monasteries and church and declare war on Hansa" and then he got indepted to ENGLAND AND FRANCE man guy never got a slack
And then he few times considered assassinating Michael Agricola for being too powerful in finland the head of church, bishop of finland and the guy who founded our branch of church and also "invented" finnish linguistics
Kirara 🚗
fire not fryer lol
>>428357 I don't see how this is contradictory to what I'm saying. I'm having a hard time picturing how it's even relevant.
It is relevant on "we don't give a fuck what the pope says and do our own thing"
Yeah, and let me guess, there are now ZERO CATHOLICS WHATSOEVER in Sweden now.
>>428369 Again, I don't see how it's contradictory to what I'm saying. Catholics are everywhere in the world, and if you think they have no impact whatsoever on the social scape of your country, you're narrowminded as fuck.
>>428368 Yes but they don't have any bearing on the future of our church or our nation as we have complete separation of church and state the only moments our church has meetings that might bear any change are the ecumenical gatherings, but at those pope is just "an influential dude" his words or ideas don't bear any extra weight >>428372 well that is the simple truth of the matter here
>>428351 it basically follows the same path as political representatives with all the weaseling and corrupt influence that'd be fun
>>428370 Yeah man you're narrowminded as fuck. Good luck with that.
>>428370 That's not the "simple truth" though. That's just you convinced the world works in some ideal, perfect manner which it fucking doesn't.
>>428373 is the MC one of the candidates or is the MC part of the constituency
>>428374 >I have no idea how finnish church works, but I can ignore someone who knows how it works bencause "it his opinion man"
I haven't even been talking about the Swedish church man.
well I am and thast was my point on pope being irrelevant
Again, that is WHOLLY IRRELEVANT to what I'm talking about here. Catholics exist within your country, and therefore have an impact on the social state of your country. And believing that to be false is ridiculous.
Guess you dion't play conversation catchball >>428379 no they dont it would be like saying mongolia has bearing on our country, because we have 500 mongols living here as immigrants
>>428380 Yeah man you naive as fuck. Good luck with that.
But I still say as a christian, you shouldn't really listen to the pope as a religious figure, unless you are a catholic sure he is influential like say president of USA or any such large and powerful nation but to look upon him for guidance in life nah better figures for that, especially if youi aren't catholic
I don't see ANYONE as a religious figure. Because I don't fucking have one to begin with.
in supernatural, if you go to hell, they torture you but you can be like, "no let me torture other people" and then they let you do that and you stop getting tortured
mah gah she was a chuunibyo this didn't come acrossi n the novels that well
If I ever get into another tabletop RPG I've been toying with a character that has being a chuunibyou as a part of their character. It might get confusing with the ACTUAL magic and evil organizations goin g though.
Kirara 🚗
you could do it in a game without magic like Violence RPG or something
Well I say it might get confusing but half the fun of it would probably actually intentionally making the whole affair confusing.
>>428426 that is exactly what makes the overlord case amusing, since it has magic and she is wielding a CURSED SWORD and going all "nooh this curse is overtaking me" when she is alone
well overlord s2 also filled up the plothole why vampireloli was in full battle gear when ainz went against her that was in the novels, but once again didn't translate that well either just bad writing or the translation gap
Kirara 🚗
>>428427 >attributes all of the magic in the game to a completely different system of magic
>Calls out some shennanigans going on in a town due to the secret society he made up in his head >DM low-key starts freaking out thinking all his upcoming writing twists have been spoiled.
>>428433 >I bet the FORMER PRESIDENT IS IN ON IT >Me: oh no of fuck what the fuck
oh yeah got remindesd is amusing how some vendors in diablo3 say stuff like "get your potions here" etc and well, exist anyhow when them bloody potions aren't in the game anymore, except as permanent heal spell
I miss the potion spamming in d2 also >one day when battle.net dies you no longer can play d3
I've been watching Critical Role, a web series about a bunch of voice actors for games, cartoons, dubbing, etc., getting together to play DnD. They started up their new campaign with the new year, so I've just jumped on that since it means I don't have to watch a hundred episodes of 3-4 hour-long content. Some of the things that have happened are just sheer amazing.
They were in a battle with a manticore, and one of their party members had been paralyzed to the ground by an ally of it, and was about to likely take three free crit strikes because of it. So another character, playing this scrawny goblin rogue, ran over to the manticore's nest which held the manticore's pup, and just fucking SLAUGHTERED the baby. Which resulted in the manticore reasonably freaking the fuck out and diving straight at the goblin, effectively saving the paralyzed character's life. It's unknown if it was intentional or not, but that ended up being a saving move, since the paralyzed guy later got his saving throw, and went on to heal the party's unconscious cleric, who would then heal the understandably unconscious goblin rogue.
Kirara 🚗
>someone is mad that i didn't answer their urgent email within 2 hours even though i have a /// have my phone number in their records and in my email signature if this shit is urgent fucking call me you don't respond to every email within an hour either
Kirara 🚗
>>428436 it's so weird that so many companies are rallying against private servers
of the say 200+ hours in d3 I have maybe 6 hours as co-op
>>428441 welll there is the latest tony hawk game, now on sale on ps store, which lacks about half of the content as activision has pulled the plug on the servers
>>428433 I predicted a bunch of plot twists once and my dm got super pissed because he genuinely thought I had read his notes secretly while he wasn't looking.
It was really really stupid tropey stuff that was easy to predict because we both had read a lot of the same stuff. Also it was so dumb I'm still irritated about it.
In a session a few months ago all the martial characters had gotten paralyzed leaving the spellcasters to deal with an iron golem which they ended up defeating. It was pretty neat.
manticores should be quite impossible to beat predators they shoot their spines at deadlyt accuracy that contain paralyzing venom so unless you have plate armour or such, you are dead before you even see it most likely
>>>/watch?v=JAyT10WP-cY#t=3h28m16s The reactions from the rest of the party were priceless. I know it's a long video but the actual event only runs a couple minutes.
But you know what would make the whole story even more hilarious if the goblin then afterwards grilled the baby and ate it
Kirara 🚗
i think that lady from last week that was late for the session, the fake smile one, might be trying to get me in trouble lol but jokes on her i have documentation
For what? maybe she tried the whole therapy to try and get a lawsuit, though.
Kirara 🚗
idk for what but she discontinued services yesterday and now people want to see my session report and stuff i can't get in trouble or anything because i did nothing wrong but still this might be annoying
>>428454 I know it might sound hard to believe from the circumstances but the goblin is kind of in the business of trying to be good. Kind of. She also went immediately unconscious in the next sequence of events because the manticore re-aggro'd on her and hit her with two attacks.
>>428460 Oh well post-battle they sawed off the manticore's head and paraded it all the way back to the town they'd set out from for this mission.
Kirara 🚗
>Picture this: you’re hanging out with your kids or pets and they spontaneously do something interesting or cute that you want to capture and preserve. But by the time you’ve gotten your phone out and its camera opened, the moment has passed and you’ve missed your opportunity to capture it. >That’s the main problem that Google is trying to solve with its new Clips camera, a $249 device available starting today that uses artificial intelligence to automatically capture important moments in your life. Google says it’s for all of the in-between moments you might miss when your phone or camera isn’t in your hand.
Hmm did Dogma have manticores? they had chimareas and those were damn hard to fight at times. I should finish the game at some point, but I ran into some giant floating eyeball thing that I just couldn't hit with my big ass sword so I kinda figured I'd reroll as an assassin, but never went with it got any tips how to kill a giant floating eyeball with a sword?
>>428462 That is kind of a reasonable premise for a self-activating camera. Ignoring the circumstances around it the premise alone is pretty interesting.
Kirara 🚗
Interesting absolutely but it's kind of a frightening idea too
>>428462 >automatically caputers things and uploads them to the cloud >what could possibly go wrong
Kirara 🚗
>>428466 >Google, aware of the privacy implications here, stresses that linking the Clips camera to your Photos account doesn’t actually put anything new in the cloud. All that happens, Google tells me, is that the app will download a handful of images from your account and send them to the Clips camera, where it will run its face-matching algorithms locally. You can also push the button on the front of the camera to take a direct portrait of someone who you want the Clips camera to remember and prioritize. >So while the Clips camera doesn’t know who these faces are in the way Google Photos does, it does know that certain faces are more “interesting” and will try harder to shoot photos of them (and, if you’re at a park, try not to take photos of people it doesn’t recognize). Google also says that all the data on the camera is encrypted, so if you lose it, the thief won’t be able to see your photos or the facial recognition information on it. >The Clips camera then takes this data and uses it to recognize when your kids are in front of the camera and doing something photogenic, like dancing or smiling, and then automatically capture a sequence. Pets are a little different; since Google’s algorithms can’t yet identify individual pets, it basically just looks for anything it can recognize as an animal and then opens its shutter. Google stresses that it is doing all of this processing locally and not in the cloud; the Clips camera doesn’t even have a way to connect to the internet itself.
also that would make the already dangerous virus/hack that makes your camera take pictures randomly even more dangerous as now it could hack that face recog thing and take picturers of all the people you point it at
Kirara 🚗
yeah but if the encryption is good, nobody will really be able to get anything from it
It's a good thing encryption security is a thing a number of major tech giant are taking seriously.
atleast they are doing it now considering how many giant leaks and shit there have been
Kirara 🚗
Apparently the camera isn't good at activating at opportune times, though.
Kirara 🚗
It also has a worse camera than a phone camera and can't be worn on clothes
I still fear that will be one of the many inventions that the users aren't ready for yet.
Kirara 🚗
>The camera’s ultra-wide-angle field of view (it captures something similar to what a 10mm lens on a full-frame DSLR sees) makes it easy to position without a screen and be assured that you’ll get something in frame, but it’s bad for pictures of people, as it distorts facial features in an unflattering way. Likewise, anything near the sides of the frame is wildly distorted. Your subjects also have to be within roughly 10 feet of the camera, lest they be tiny in the resulting image. But the Clips’ fixed-focus lens has a range of about three feet to infinity, so nothing close to the camera is ever sharp. Even then, subjects within its range never really look sharp, either. That wouldn’t be an issue if the Clips was capturing heartwarming moments that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to get, but as I mentioned earlier, that hasn’t been the case in my experience.
it seems like the camera itself is one of the most damning issues
Kirara 🚗
>It’s hard to tell what the Clips is doing when it’s on as well. A single LED blinks when the camera is on and looking for action, but there’s no indication of when it’s actually taking a series of photos. If you push the button on the front, three LEDs will illuminate during the seven seconds it’s capturing photos, but that doesn’t happen for automatic captures. That left me wondering if the Clips was doing anything more often than not, which led me to open the app a lot to see if it had captured anything. [worry]
I am out of foooood guess I will have to restock tomorrow well I still have my emergency supplies, but those arent for eating
Kirara 🚗
https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/02/27/health/florida-shooting-paramedic-trnd/index.html stories like this make me so happy people saying fuck what my superiors say and actually saving lives
>>428488 apparently due to american medicine, she was ment to be brought to a farther hospital if she was a minor or something and not rushed to nearest hospital, like they do say here
Kirara 🚗
>>428488 if she was a minor, the rules say she has to go to a children's hospital because shit is dumb 17 is close enough to adult that he can make a decision to take her to an adult hospital
That iws just retarded rulesets just rush bad cases to nearest hospital that can treat them or atleast make their situation stable enough to move to better treatment facilities sure some minor cases can be pushed away, that normally occupy hospitals
Kirara 🚗
local hospital didn't have room for minors so they told my parents i couldn't be admitted even though they did x-rays and said i was going to die
Kirara 🚗
then i almost died because my mom wouldn't let them bring me to another hospital with a helicopter she wanted an ambulance
it's really great how everything is rigged against survival
Kirara 🚗
i had some pretty rare shit but it was treated as easily as appendicitis and i was like literally hours away from dying because my mom thought i was lying about being in pain (my organs were shutting down)
>some minor flaws in the walls, like lack of crenolations and the machiculationwhatevers >bigger issue is, why didn't you just build the walls along side the channels, but left bit of dead space that the enemy can swim over and climb to? >also if this is the royal capital, why doesn't it have a city wall >just a citadel castle like this surrounding the palace surely isn't enough
haa, I guess I should start a social media presence to lobby for the city to co-operate with red cross to sponsor long distance travelling blood donors since the special donation locations are 1 in the bloody city meaning for people like me, it akes 2,5 hours of travel time and cost about 13€ would be goo PR for the public transit company to donate to red cross to cover those costs or shit selfish, sure, but at the same time it would promote people to be more active donors, especially on the longer operations
but I definitely dont want them to go "we pay you for donating" road
just I dunno, atleast give them a ticket home
with the mobile ticket technology etc, you could easily have a system that gives you a 2 hour ticket for all zones before the scheduled time and then get a similiar 2hour ticket when you leave it wouldn't actually cost anyone money, really and the amount of "profit" hsl would lose would be miniscule sure some would no doubt abuse it, but those would then get black listed atleast temporarily from the system
I mean yeah that is simplier to say, but that is just not the truth Nokia only rents out the brand name to HMD global that makes the phones and gets royalties from them. and while HMD global in essence is the part of nokia that used to make the phones before microsoft, it isn't nokia telecommunications
https://izumi.tv/f/09-THE%20BLUE%20GLASS%20BALL.opus dank song
I am actually considering getting a nokia though they are pricy, which has kept me from getting one so far
Hmm if I ever go travelling i should grab one of my old phones as backup since you can get a prepaid from any cornerstore anyhow, so sim isn't an issue or service provider
this dude joined my local tiny leftist group and he's One of Those Commies he wears hammer and sickle shirts and is SUPER SERIOUS about everything it's not good
Would be one of those moments, if I was dining in a restaurant and had that as an option and was rich I'd really be tempted just cause I could but then again, I doubt even if I was richest in the world, that i'd dine that much in expensive places like that
Oh wait It's at one of the resorts by that nutjob who's getting sued
You could make something like tthat yourself for less. https://www.amazon.com/Edible-Gold-Leaf-leaves-85mmx85mm/dp/B0006GSQYK
trump was saying how if he was at the shooting he would have run into the school and stopped the shooter himself even though he's like 300 pounds and 100 years old
>>428580 who even runs, though I'd just terminator walk there and shoot the kid and then be "oh noo I didn't make it in time to save them, if only I had been faster"
Kirara 🚗
>>428583 hahaha become the failed hero and ham it up for the media get all the girls and TV appearances