Fate/EXTRA Black Clover Cardcaptor Sakura -Episodes 7-8 Dagashi KAshi -Episodes 6-7 Dame x Prince -Episodes 6-7 Grancrest Senki HakuMiko Takagi-san Kokkoku Overlord Ryuuou no Oshigoto Sora Yori mo ANTARTICA Toji no Miko -Episodes 7-8
I wonder if Climb will get strong. He seems like the kind of character that will always be weak, will somehow get tangled up with Ains, and will die and Ains will get mad, like he did in the first season when some weaklings died.
oh there's Sebas.
teleports in front of you
Justice Butler part two!
Cimb -- Climb seems like the -- Urgh focus is hard.
Climb keeps getting told "you might die from this" and how low his actual talent is.
his naim is brain. name i wonder how i mispelled that so badly.
His main naim is brain but I call him blaine.
What's absurd is the katakana for the two names are the exact same. And calling him Blaine would have worked as a fine name anyway. What the fucked happened where they went to get the proper English spelling and the creator went "yeah no he's actually Brain". It's so ridiculous.
It seems like a skill named "slash" shouldn't do blunt damage though.
Well you shouldn't be fucking naming people after INTERNAL ORGANS too. But look where we are.
Serious when was the last time you heard of a legendary hero Pancreas. Or Holy Knight Liver.
i like this arc sebas is so cool
I'll be surprised if she isn't wrapped up in this whole Eight Fingers business before long.
The art in this PV is the kind of thing that makes my envy burn HARD. I wish I could paint like this.
this ending is so good i think it might be my favourite from the season that i can remember
Dude I've been saying it's excellent since it showed up. You're just a bandwagoner.
>>428877 From super-skimming SK and TN talk about the series since they've read or some other fashion know about details from the LN, they really don't seem to like Climb and this arc he's in. Don't really get it though, it's been fun,.
>>428923 Fighting over how inferior peasants are is very serious business.
What's next, are the main cast gonna get pulled into a weird fantasy world where they're Mary Sues, or get trapped in a hypnosis that pulls their mind into a weird fantasy illusionary world where they're Mary Sues.
Or is one of them going to get abducted and they need to run off chasing their captors.
So the silver guys are bigger elitist jerks than te golden guys.
I think a couple of the golden guys have been low-key elitist asshole or outright elitist to Asta's rival. Even Glasses-kun was kind of dickish to him at first. The only golden person we've seen that was consistently nice to him from the get-go was Mimosa, but she's nice to everyone.
It's surprising she has just now started with camera drones.
>>428949 Well the previous series was written back when drones weren't even a concept. It's actually kind of funny seeing smartphones and drones here. In-series, it's only been a year since the original series. But technology has leaped like ten or fifteen years.
There are some crazy-fast drones out there. I've got a couple friends that are super into drones and I've seen some surprisingly impressive stuff from them.
When the weather's like that you should just go all out and be as ridiculous as possible. She might not like him as much if he wasn't as weak to teasing as he is though.
What a prepubescent boy reaction to getting asked that.
That one shot of her there looking particularly smug. I think Blue's blue'd the manga panel of it.
Yeah that would be a really cruel punishment.
Oh wow and an even worse one.
>The first time I've ever touched her That must have some specific connotation in Japanese or something. Because it's not really accurate. Maybe it's just him being hyperbolic because he's a kid.
Also man that's a good thing for him to know in the future when they're much more intimate.