Thread #427608
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might have to die after a show or two things should be normal after today
You're so WEAK.
Fate/EXTRA Cardcaptors -Episodes 5-8 Dagashi Kashi -Episodes 4-7 Dame x Prince -Episodes 6-7 Death March Grancrest Senki Hakumei to Mikochi Takagi-san Kokkoku Ryuuou no Oshigoto Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho Toji no Miko -Episodes 7-8
no you ive watched nanatsu so far only from yest
You did look in to what you missed though, right.
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hmm okay what do you guys want to watch tonight?
let's watch 2 episodes of dagashi after ika dies
okay i'm out of ideas gimme the list
I'm fine watching whatever satisfies your comfy autism Rika. It's just fun how worked pu you get about it.
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okay ika are you dying after a few for real or can you go all the way? hmmmm okay death march ryouuou sora yori takagi-san if Ika dies we'll switch to cardcaptors though i may still want to do takagi-san last we'll see
yes dying if i stop answering i am dead probably one show
tilde want to marathon dagashi with me when we're done
also death march
>>427645 That one would be a little unfair to ditch on because it would totally be bullying Rika.
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death marcch maybe we can do dagashi instead of takagi-san, it's comfy too okay lets start!
i heard kirito becomes a god eventually
He's got enough stat points stockpiled still to get there probably.
Geez fuck girl.
Fuwa fuwa
Kira kira
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>>427657 feels like he can just max any stat or skill he wants.
Yeah. It's kind of a fun twist on the Gary Stu wish fulfillment characters.
>>427671 he should max a stat and then increase it by one and cause a universal buffer overflow
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
I guess she is using magic to dye her hair since she was purple again earlier.
Who needs money when you're on the OPEN ROAD anyway.
These dumb girls are pretty great.
one of them has floopy ears
One of them is a dog person and one of them is a cat person. He's also got a lizard person in his harem.
mc is basically jesus
>>427704 Nah man this is just him trying to make up for being a computer programmer in his past life.
Spooky owls
he's getting spooked on by an owl wizard
>Even dragons get knocked out of the sky by- HOLY SHIT OWL.
What is this pathetic fallacy.
that owl is spooky it spooked me in real life when he spooked the mc
this owl guy is going to get wanpan'd
ok i lied im alive forever let sgo
what did you do
How can you sleep when you're getting SPOOKED BY OWLS.
yeah im too scared now an owl might kill me
dude he might be behind you right now though did you check?
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu n(…).jpg )
>>427715 nice! let's move sora yori up then sora yori 8 okay let's start!
>>427720 cince since* when were you under the impression that im not the owl and behind you right NOW
>>427722 oh shit i'm too scared to look behind me i know he's right there now aaaa
now i have to download sora yori
ok fine let me turn around and talk to ika AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Savour your last touch of warmth, because it's gonna be ICE COLD from hereon out
Oh yeah it was KanaHana's birthday yesterday.
She's so bad at this.
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What a kakkoii lunch lady.
speedpeeling olympic champion
I kind of want to go on a long-term boat ride like this now.
>Working all-day in sub-zero conditions Sounds like my usual Tuesday.
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Boats are cool.
Travelling is pretty cool.
They're all so damedame at this.
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It's easy to get seasick in the belly of a big boat.
I've never had the chance to be on a large enough boat to test how badly I get seasick. I used to get super motion sick in cars but that hasn't been the case since before I was a teenager.
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It can be tough on boats. The big ones don't rock much unless the seas are bad though. I assume there are lots of rough seas around antartica though. I guess we've made it to the seasickness parts.
These kids are such doofuses.
Oh man they've even got the frame of the scene tilting back and forth. It really encapsulates that boat-rocking feeling.
i've never felt seasick or motion sick before i guess
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looks like they're going to get a taste of rough seas
Sounds exciting. I want to experience these crazy degrees.
waaaa>>427752 me too
Kita kita kitakitakitakitakita
this looks like so much fun omg
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 707x630, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
yeah it does look pretty fun.
I'd want to be out on the deck in conditions like this. Would probably need some kind of crazy-good tether and a secure location though.
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I don't think you can go out on deck in those conditions. It's too dangerous. The only people who do stuff like that are crazy crab fishermen.
If a crazy crab fisherman can do it, nothing's stopping me from it.
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they actually went out on deck the madmen
They really should close that bulkhead though.
they're going to fucking die of hypothermia
Aaaand there goes my wanderlust again.
rip ika
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 06 (…).jpg )
oh did ika actually die? I guess he hasn't posted in awhile.
We're eight episodes in and we haven't even seen a rearu pengiin yet.
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okay RIP ika which episode of cardcaptors are we on?
Cardcaptors -Episodes 5-8
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okay cardcaptors ep 5 okay let's start RIP ika
okay>>427777 nice getto
This show's got a staff role of one person dedicated to costume design. No wonder the outfits are so gorgeous and distinct.
Oh shit I may have made a mistake in my counting for the episodes. I believe Rika and I watched this episode already. My mistake.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 610x656, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 06(…).jpg )
yeah I think this was the last one we watched. okay orange for episode 6 okay let's start!
It was. I probably forgot to tick it off my torrent list when we finished it. Sorry.>>427785 That's right no bamboozle this time. Probably.
oh noo
ok episode 6
>>427783 i've been bamboozled twice already are we still watching takagi last
>>427793 Uh, I dunno. Rika, are we still watching Takagi-san tonight?
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>>427796 I'm not sure, I'll leave it up to you guys. Our choices are takagi-san, or two episodes of dagashi.
okay let's watch dagashi
China girl is cute.
>you're always so mean to me >he's eating it anyways
He is milking it for as much meaness as he can along the way though.
It's kind of weird for her dad to be calling her Sakura-san.
>when you accidentally put magic mushrooms in the mushroom steak
He's a smartphone strap now.
She needs to work on her storytelling. The way she says it is super stiff and unemotional. You gotta put the drama into the story!
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 06 [(…).jpg )
I should see if I can get a collection of these Japanese classics or something at some point.
Shaoran got played real well by Tomoyo.
That whirring sound reminds me of a film reel that's reached the end of its spindle. It sounds cool though.
>hey can you guys leave me and sakura alone in this room >there's something i need to do
Tomoyo is a really good subtle maneuverer for a middle school student.
Oh FUCK spooky Beethoven.
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he heard their song and HATED it
How can Beethoven hear anything he was deaf as balls.
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the same way a painting can record video
Can't argue with that I guess.
magic beethoven
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Beethoven
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This is a well animated ED.
Yeah it's got a lot of flair to it. That scene with the two of them singing in this episode was also really, really clean too. Like I've mentioned in pervious episodes that the animation in this show, while not always super-animated, is always clean. But everything is -But that singing scene was even a step above that in how clean it looked.
>>427827 if only the whole episode was as fluid as the ED
the lip-syncing and breathing animations were spot on
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
>>427829 animation like that is reserved for shows like slow start okay dagashi ep 4 okay let's start!
>>427831 cardcaptor sakura deserves a billion sakuga dollars more than slow start not that i regret them spending it on slow start though son of a bitch
All right I scanned this one to make sure I didn't make a second mistake. We are on episode four, this is correct.>>427834 What? How?>>427835 What a misclick to land on, hah hah. At least it's a quick download for a half-length show.
i have spanish subs
>>427833 puya subs was right above horriblesubs on nyaa when i searched dagashi 04
okay i have the english version now gomen
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg )
The convienence store near work has ice cream in a freezer near the front. I'm always tempted to get something from there.
I get tempted by those too when I'm in a conbini or some other small grocery. I never actually buy anything because frozen dessert doesn't really go well with my stomach, and just buying ice cream by the tub is more economical anyway.
we put them in the front in order to tempt people on purpose because it's an impulse buy item
Places where buses only come once every two hours feels super out-in-the-sticks.
>Poor Saya gets all dolled up for the fireworks and has to spend them with her brother
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Oh I remember reading this manga chapter. It was a good chapter if I remember correctly.
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yeah this was a super good chapter
The Disappearance of Shidare Hotaru
sweets girl gone mia
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episode 5 dagashi okay lets start!
Oh we ain't stopping yet. Ready.
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hai hai
what teimu
2"30 2:35 2:40 2:45
Coconuts is going nuts.
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 1280x720, [Chyuu] Fate⁄EXTRA Last Encore(…).jpg )
ironically, if they went out of business, hotaru would probably claim coconuts and take him back to her company and eventually marry ihm.
Oh no.
Breaking the pinky toe is not a fun experience.
He kind of passively has a lot of having lost it to begin with. It's hard to actually tell how far gone he is.
Japanese snacks are so weird.
He was so caught up in his moping he totally didn't notice the conbini opening up.>>427877 Even if he had realized earlier he would have lost anyway once the conbini opened up.
He lost his chance if only he had realized earlier
>>427876 maybe the conbini would have opened somewhere else if he capitalized on the market beforehand
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I don't like that hotaru is missing though okay thanks for anime!
She's gone FOREVER. Thanks for hajime. My list is properly pruned this time.
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maybe her diabetes killed her ;_;7
>>427885 hajime maishiteru