I got a bunch of cleaning done this week. Although a lot of it was decontaminating the bathtub after stuff came out of the drain.
don't you hate it when you're trying to take a shower and some eldritch fucking horror ejects itself from your tub drain into our dimension
I only ever get insects in my shower coming up from the drain.
i've never had insects coming up the drain but one time a tile fell off the wall and probably 20 or 30 roaches came out from the gap inbetween the tile and wall
>>426229 You know, I've only ever seen one cockroach out in the open. And that one time it was scurrying out of a grate when I was walking downtown. I've never seen one in a building.
>>426229 There shouldn't be a gap between the tile and the wall.
>>426233 you're telling me i think it was attached to insulation or something and then the tile was attached on top but the stuff behind the tile is all fucked up also the area under the tub is hollow and water backs up in the pipes and exits into the fucking walls so the area underneath the tub forms a little reservoir of disgusting water or somethiing this house was built in the 50s they were on some heavy shit probably >>426235 it's caused some pretty nasty water damage so the water now floods into the house instead if it backs up but because the pipes are so riddled with roots and shit there's not much we can do to stop the water from backing up except not turn the water on for a long time >>426232 i've seen some shit my favorite sightings have been at a grocery store people are so stupid about storing groceries it's fucking crazy
>>426236d no way it was delicious i got so hungry i immediately started shoving fistfuls of succulent live roaches in my mouth the umami of their sickly-sweet inside and moldy bathwater juice basting ascended me to the next plane and i understood what it meant to be alive
The bleach based cleaner I used to clean the tub got on my feet and now the awful smell coming from one of toes that I thought may have been caused by a fungus is gone. So it probably was a fungal infection.
it's like 6 chemicals but ammonium hydroxide does all the work
why buy windex at all then
If you spray windex (or some other ammonia based cleaner) at flies or mosquitoes it knocks them oht. *out
>>426251 the additives make it easier to get a streak free shine in half the time dude other window cleaners aren't quite as good at cleaning without leaving any streaks
Since insects inhale through spiracles (holes all over their body) they'll inhale ammomia vapor and get knocked out.
you can also just kill them with bug spray
or even better a glue strip flies love that shit right
I just use my ar-15
that's what it was invented to kill so good job
>>426255 I don't have bug spray, but I do have an aomia based glass cleaner. *ammonia
>>426259 you do know that bugs aren't glass, right?
Last I heard it was just one guy He hid behind a van or something I think
There to protect and serve
Kirara 🚗
nope there were several new information
holy shit
Kirara 🚗
>Coral Springs police officers say that not one but several Broward County sheriff’s deputies waited outside the school building in Parkland, Florida, while the February 14 shooting was underway, according to reports from the Florida Sun Sentinel and CNN. At least three deputies held back from entering, police sources told the Sun Sentinel.
Kirara 🚗
>It has previously been reported that Scot Peterson, the deputy assigned to protect the school, waited outside the building instead of going in; Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said this week Peterson waited for four to six minutes even though he could “clearly” hear gunfire. Peterson resigned and subsequently retired after being suspended without pay.
if i was a parent of any student at that school i would sue him and the police department and destroy both
Oh yeah, you can Heavy Blade with Alm Elincia's ATK isn't that high but she's got the best Brave Weapon Is that from his Refinement? I can't remember what it does.
Kirara 🚗
and guaranteed 2x attack with falchion easily get quad strike with a speed buff
Kirara 🚗
yeah, his refinement gives him brave falchion
instead of lute and elincia he had vlilina and cordelia cordelia was firesweep however
>>426328 Ah, so it's brave for one turn but he's likely to heal back up. Man, too bad they didn't give Lucina/MArtH??? that one I'd kill people with speed
Kirara 🚗
yeah right now with aether, it's always brave though pretty much he'll brave attack with heavy blade and then enemy attacks him and he activates aether and heals back up otherwise he doesn't get healed back up and he heals anyway
>asked to go do somethijg i have no interest in but it wasnt formed in a question even though no pressure was said so there was very clearly pressure >>426335 i only have one twitter and more importantly blame the artists who like other artists
>Manafort caught doing money laundering and fraud by leaving a paper trail in his emails >Couldn't convert a Word doc to PDF so he emailed it to someone to do for him.
lol, he did BOTH. He needed help turning it to a Word doc so he couldn't //could edit it in the first place. Then he did it again to get it sent back. So they have the original AND the altered
Kirara 🚗
he should have asked his grandson to do it for him lmao
Kirara 🚗
idk how people like that get where they are when they're so bad at crime and yet do so much of it
Every time I listen to Bjork, I remember that thread about Bjork being an elborate video game character in all her music videos and I want this game.
Oceania Bjork: Mother of All Life is best Bjork.
i wonder if anyone made a spinner that works like a crank generator just much less friction but it'd store up a little bit of energy every time you're doing it and stores it so you can quickcharge your phone or device with it
yall never had tomato jam that's not even a new thing >>426401 how about pepper jam you at least see that in the stores it's definitely very jammy tomatoes can be jammy and kind of a savory-sweet
No. paste? sauce? but jam?
I've never seen something explicitly say pepper jam but after googling it, I've seen the one that says "pepper spread"
im not getting any of those by the way but i did consider it
My biggest problem with double Fury Eldigan is whether the second Fury is really worth it. His good stats are good and his abyssmal stats are abyssmal A second Fury would give me 54/27/43/25 I don't even use his Fury on him because his Res is so terrible If he was Green, maybe. But there are too many good blue tomes
The extra 3HP would help though But I might just run the +2 Atk +5 HP version
very angry eldogan smashes himself for damage and then runs away to Prisilla who rehabilitates the hell out of him
If I had a Heavy Blade and Aether to give him, maybe. I didn't even create the seal yet It's not worth it until you have the full version most of the time.
id give him aether if i had someone free to sacrifice sadly id need to spend feathers
I have so many people I want to give Aether to. I 5* a Chrom that I never used to feed Gwendolyn
my next 20k are for nowi to get lightning breath+ from herself
I got another Sheena that isn't -Atk (it's +Spd -HP instead...) So I'm going to 5* her and then feed my old Sheena to her.
>>426406 when you read batman lines do you use kevin conroy or baleman voice?
>Distant Counter is an overrated meme skill he says to me, as he tries to convince me that Vanguard Ike was going to be useful for anything other than built-in DC quick Aethers or being fed to built-in DC units for Warding Breath
I want my god damn Hector
give me a damn vlilina
ill even throw you the good hector im keeping for her just please
>>426432 She's pretty cool I wish they would stop putting Stat Tactic skills on all of the Cavalry units though. V Lilina has Atk, L'arcenCiel has Res, Scoobert ... also has Atk. Only VL Ike has one and is non Cavalry
I'm thinking about going to this. https://www.honorflightchicago.org/event/hockey/
>>426441 I was going to say "Put the Drives on instead" but I just remembered that Drive Res is only on two rare units. Glad I have an extra Green Azura.
He won that vote against Tharja and Hector and someone else
Kirara 🚗
it kind of sucks that ike won since he's not particularly good or better than other sword users and he doesn't have very good skills for inheriting >>426470 yeah all ill be using him for is training armor units with blessing warding breath isn't that good
he's going to come with a blessing and he's got Warding Breath that people will feed
>>426469 You know there's going to be a new mode for Blessings, right? Where only Blessed units go into
Kirara 🚗
yeah but all of my armored units will have earth blessing, so or at least most of them will
And Warding Breath is good if you already have a DC weapon.
or are ranged
Kirara 🚗
I feel like there are just better skills for an A spot on a unit that im using for DC
like what?
Like Warding Stance.
Kirara 🚗
like a bond skill or, i dunno, distant defense
Kirara 🚗
maybe warding stance could be used on Felicia with glacies but it's still inferior to distant def
It's not about the +res it's about the charge The Res is like... a bonus.
Kirara 🚗
oh, i was thinking it was warding stance for some reason
Yeah, Vanguard Ike has the same A skill has Brave Ike except it's +4 res instead of def Steady Breath IS nicer but Warding Breath pads VL Ike's primary weakness and gives him a faster charge to his already Faster Aether
That's why you see him with QR3 all the time
If his opponent double strikes and doesn't kill him, he'll Aether you on the spot
Kirara 🚗
maybe ill put that on grima
>>426483 i actually think ive only seen him in arena once or twice my bst is too high
a lot of people are sending complaint errors that the recruitment test isn't working we're using a third party site to do the test, and they're trying to use their login for that site to log into our site our site's login is for customers i dunno how this happens
It's difficult because I don't really feel much of the internal mechanism It's hard to tell if a pin is stuck above the sheer line or whatever, or if it's just loose
>>426541 I might get a new set https://www.amazon.com/Longans-Leather-Titanize-Scissors-With32PCS/dp/B078W7QG2G/ref=sr_1_2?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1519594865&sr=1-2&keywords=lock+pick&refinements=p_n_shipping_option-bin%3A3242350011 I was looking at this cause it comes with a practice lock >>426544 Naw, I bought it at the hardware store for like a few bucks, years back Regular old padlock
Man there are lot of lockpicking channels on yt >>426548 started wearing gloves on my computer increased comfiness 50%, decrease typing accuracy by 50%
>>426548 handling work things even on the weekend people aren't navigating the process right and end up in places they don't need to be on the website and keep complaining about it all the instructions are super clear they just aren't taking the time to read them
aaaa I can't figure out how to do this reliably it'd probably actually be easier on a door lock, cause my hand gets strained holding the lock AND the paperclip, which I have to keep tension on
>>426559 I'm pretty sure you should be using an actual tool instead of a papeeclip.
I actually never managed to open it with the tension wrench that came with the kit >>426566 I'm using actual picks though, cause I still have those But I have a pouch for them so I can just keep them on me
Kirara 🚗
being able to pick a lock with a paper clip is a good survival skill
people are forwarding me their error messages from the server with their passwords contained in the forwarded email i am incredibly uncomfortable with this
o // i have several clients sharing their billing information with me for processes they don't want to do themselves, rather than authorizing separate accounts but they're emailing it to me as raw text and that's incredibly distressing to me it's not worth their time to be drilling them on stuff like this either since they're paying me to save them time in the first place, and i'm so poor i have to acquiesce >>426572 i work with small businesses, where the company president and the customer support are usually the same person
Is there a chief security officer or something like that that you can contact? Like to have them send out a security thing? Oh nvm
legit question it's fine believe me, i wish i was consulting with big companies i would if i could do things like advertise my own website and business but i struggle to afford my own health insurance how am i ever supposed to do that
Also I just realised how HC the storyteller guy in diablo 2 must have been he travelled alone with no aid from the middle of the desert, into a city corrupted by evil across the ocean, and littered with demons and survived Must have had crazy stealth powers
I was driving by the beaches earlier, and it got me thinking. What kind of absolute jackass sees something beautiful and decides to ensure that only they and those they allow are allowed to see that thing?
I'm afraid to use that website though. I don't know if I actually do want to know.
Also I only have one irl friend whom I have any suspicion of being a furry. And I'm reasonably certain that he's never been to a furry convention (yet).
Kirara 🚗
>>>/@thehill/967931479664807937 lol nobody even cares anymore people just do whatever they want and don't try to hide it like half the time now
>>426609 I don't believe in aristocracy ever holding power like that, atleast power passed on to their children but I would fancy titles like that if they were gained with merit just as honorary things, like the british sir
Well that is a nice principle and even if someone now founded a merit based achievement title system, it would for sure become an actual elite class of privileged people, who inherit the positions through just blood eventually
My mom told me a weird story. She has a friend whose son died last July. The friend is a nurse. The other day, a patient dropped a ring with her son's birthstone into her pocket as she walked by. When she asked why she did that, the patient told her that someone named Bran told her to put the ring in her pocket. Bran was the nickname of her son.
I don't know if I believe that this really happened or not, but it's kind of a spooky story anyway. She got really mad when I called the story spooky, but I think the idea of a ghost hanging around and compelling people to give you their belongings is pretty spooky.
>>426614 it still is a pet idea I'd like to have work, but alas even if I could have it set into place, I would have to tear it down before I died, lest it become what it wasn't ment to be.
>>426618 It seems like compelling to me. The patient was told, not asked, to put the ring in the pocket, and the patient did it because she felt like she had to. My mom said the patient said she felt like she had to and didn't know why. She wouldn't accept the ring back because she said she felt like it had to be given to the nurse.
>>426617 If I was a pilot I wouldn't even want that to change the awesome task of flying to just pushing papers and spinning pens
Even people who enter a career chasing their dream job don't necessarily stay in love with it the full career.
I mean yeah it would be a good retirement post with high wage, but it would also mostl ikely be a quite demanding job no head of organisation usually has it easy in the end.
Kirara 🚗
he could still fly and just have the title and make a lot more money
Coincidentally, here the board director for our biggest and state owned flight company is chocen by the government from amongst their ranks( a politician) or someone who is up to the task. We don't have anything like FAA though
>>426625 Conversely, >Jensen, we're letting you go free of a job that can require intense and exhausting concentration for hours on end and letting you take up a placement that will let you see your family more often and provide a better financial security for your children
Also it is trump's personal pilot is not like he flies that much as normal pilots
>>426630 Not really. Regardless of who you ask, nothing I said is subjective about the change in employment. Being a pilot is a demanding job while you're in the air, and requires you to be away from family much of the time, and I doubt however they're getting paid now, the head of the department will almost certainly pay better. My point is you can't actually speak for the man on his opinion of the job and which he can prefer at this time in his life. So really, look at the facts.
>>426633 It's more worrisome than heartwarming if you ask me. Usually you'd expect a message, "I'm okay" or something. Stealing someone's ring is weird.
>>426637 no way that's totally different and there are conversations in which you should act under that premise, like if you're discussing flat earth and the mechanics of how that world would work including how it doesn't have gravity
A feeling that included his name and also instructions? I could say okay to sending a compulsion to behave in a certain way, but not a name. If you can send a name, you can say you're okay.
i think it's hard not to believe in spirits and stuff
but whether you do or not, your belief is still just a belief people act like denying the supernatural means you're based in reason and logic but it's as much religion as accepting it unconditionally
Ghosts actually have some research going for them, there are areas where electromagnetic weird stuff is happening and you can go and observe and weird stuff happens in those places. I'm not saying it's ghosts but saying that everything is known and science has proven this stuff to be completely false isn't exactly right.
>>426660 denying it vehemently defies reason as much as any belief but nobody has ever even presented a half assed argument for it literally the closest I ever got to understanding spiritualIty was tripping on shrooms because nobody has ever gone past asking if I'm a believer or not
>>426662 it's hard to call it research because the scientific method isn't used and the observations you can make are just circumstantial at best but yeah there's a lot of weird stuff
I want to believe in ghosts and supernatural because it would make for a more interesting world. But I haven't seen anything to indicate to me that it's the case.
>>426675 I got my income tax back so I'm doing pretty okay. The figures in question would be ordered and come in later so I wouldn't be billed until then anyway
I'm mostly setting aside the income tax though Especially with that May trip coming up
>>426679 While temperatures have been gradually increasing over a long-term basis, I think it's best to worry about that with as much a grain of salt as you can. The nature of the weather in winter is not necessarily a prelude to the weather you will see in summer, and vice versa. There's just way too many complications and variables in the formation of weather patterns that predicting based on the behaviours three or four months out is leaning a lot on probability.
Kirara 🚗
>The Bering Sea has lost roughly half its sea ice over the past two weeks and has more open water than ever measured at this time of year. regardless of climate change, it's an observable fact that it is incredibly hot right now idk if climate change is the direct cause or not but this year is probably gonna be really hot winter weather is def an indicator of how summer will be here in florida
Kirara 🚗
we're probably also going to get a ton of horrendous hurricanes last year we broke the theoretical limits to a hurricane's strength already
>>426686 Yeah. Mid december until just a week or two was really really cold here.
Kirara 🚗
Global Weather Oscillations predicted that this will be the strongest hurricane cycle in 70 years maybe florida will get wiped off the map and i can live off the land in the ruins of civlizations
in any case ill be prepared for anything now that i have a ton of camping gear and survival tools
Also I ought to get a job so I can have money and buy nendos again. Figures have not been something I've been willing to spend on in a while. Aside from the Gudako nendo sort of. But that was in a gift exchange so I technically did not purchase it.
>>426703 i wouldn't have enough people to play it with
>>426704 Nice >>426704 Yeah I thought you'd respond with that. Well, if you ever do have enough people to play with that you can access on a regular basis you should try it.
Teach Fish and make her play Bloodbourne
Kirara 🚗
she's played Bloodborne but rei just said the card game needs three people
https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/195856/bloodborne-card-game This has a good overview of it. There's also a Dark Souls boardgame but I don't recommend it at this point in time because its $150 or so and also very complicated. Oh, there is however a Dark Souls card game in the works. Supposed to be similar to the Bloodborne one.
yeah but then id have to homebrew a ton of shit that i really don't want to work out
>>426715 I actually know someone who has considered making it. If he ever finishes it I'll let you know. Although it's technically not homebrew with GURPS because you can do basically anything with the existing rules, rather than creating entirely new things. Although that depends on your interpretation of the term. Anyways, GURPS is very versatile.
Kirara 🚗
I think Savage Lands would be a little better for Bloodborne but that might just be because I like that system more in general
Lamentations of the Flame Princess is actually a bit similar thematically. But I can't really recommend that system because its unbalanced against the players. Wait, that'd be a good thing. Well, I still don't recommend it.
I enjoy hearing bands with additional instruments past the standard guitar, bass guitar and drums. Violins and harmonicas and penny whistles are especially good additions and aren't hard to work into a song.
bass is really the only standard instrument i appreciate live i think
well they would be violating my explicit interest pretty badly i guess i would probably be mad if i am still able to perceive anything without a body and flesh
isn't it normal to respect the wishes of the deceased though? they will probably me properly. // bury me. >>426756 I just want my dead body to decompose and be returned to the soil and shit. It's really hard to fuck that up.
>>426755 Get buried at the grazing fields of some farm and then your decomposing body fuels the growth of the grass there which fuels the growth of meat and then other humans consume thatm eat and then they are little bit of you
The new forbidden fruit of the catholic priests and better than the last one, this one can't run home to their mommy and cry about how the clergy touched his wee wee weirdly
>>426783 yes perfect just orchestrate a movement for cannibalism so i can get someone who knows what they're doing to cook my body this plan is getting fucking complicated
Just remember to call it the TN style funeral >>426785 just masquarade it with some weird yearly meeting of the rich and powerful with a funny society name so even if stuff leaks like "they eat people there" everyone will just ignore it as tinfoil stuff
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-29804266 I don't consider egging to be an "anti-social behavior". Generally kids go egg houses with their friends so it is a social behavior.
Also in one of tthe Twitter threads about that someone called England "Thoughtcrime Island". I think I'm going to refer to it as that now.
i hate how google and other search engines will consider certain words to be equivalent to each other in the search for example searching for research on evacuation behavior in typhoons will also give me evacuation behavior in hurricanes
What påeople want is sites that pay google for propping them up
>>427035 Put it in quotes That should help a little bit. It used to help more but they've broken it a bit too.
Basically Google has gone overboard with their giving the right answer to the wrong questions. So now for searches with less results that don't have a typo they swap it with a similar search. Fucking hate that shit
duck away
I use it too, but it rarely gives me results on stuff that google failed to give results for.
>>427035 this and the inability to search for punctuation in search strings are very infuriating
I have options this week Nowi for Dragon team, Michalis for whatever Armor team will get me a pretty high Arena score though. I can make it to T19 in the next few weeks from that
It's still fucking hilarious to treat a fascist threatening to burn a house down and 'destroy' the children, followed by uh, the house burning down and the children disappearing... as a mystery It's a pretty clear cut case
>>427077 There's this thing called "physical evidence" that's generally required to convict people. That or witness testimony (of him doing the crime).
>THE SALESMAN WAS ON THE FUCKING JURY >the fire department strangely used 7 hours to get there >the cops' story is both that EVERYTHING, INCLUDING THE BONES burned up, AND they found a heart
gee dude I wonder what exactly went down after this literal, Mussolini-fanatic fascist, threatened to burn the house down
Mussolini is a weird case when it comes to dictators in the end he was actually nominated the primi minister whatever, by the king him thinking, he was the only guy who could keep the country in one piece at the time. Though in all honesty his black coat march was essentially a coup detat
Our little fascist dictator also tried a coup, but to mark the genius of such people he launched it at a tiny rural town 120km north of Helsinki less than day in, he and his would be revolutionaries were surrounded by the army
Like imagine someone in USA launching a coup not in washington or new york but in some rural michigan town
Nobody wanted dictatorship of any kind be it monarchy or fascist or commies even the "Monarchy" of finland, we were planning with the germans initially, would have been similiar to modern day sweden or norway weith the monarch having no say in anything
Anyhow he was somewhat popular, Ville Kosola, that is and his Lapua movement, even managing something like 10-20k march at one point, which is impressive considedring out population but anyhow, then he became too bold targetting popular public figures with his harrasment and shit not to mention, he never even founded an official political party or got anyone elected or had support in the army/such >>427101 He was is a weird how he was quite good with the masses, but him being just some rural finn, didn't really have the brains to pull through
Is that a bowling pin? Are you sure this was a real fascist movement?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapua_Movement well you can read about it on wiki if ya want in essence it was peasants(land owning farmers) getting tired of commies initially
>One common treatment was "muilutus", which started with kidnapping and beating. After that the subject was thrown into a car and driven to the border of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union executed many of the Finns deported by the Lapua Movement for "nationalism" Left Unity is alive and well, I guess
Accusations of nationalism are funny coming from Joseph "Socialism in one country" Stalin, too
>>427108 Considering they used some finns who had fled to soviet union to stage a "official finnish government" during winter war to appeal to foreign nations that this was the actual new body of the finns speaking and that finland wanted to be commie too maybe should have spared some of those for that
THe mistake was calling it "lapuan liike" lapuans are known for being stingy as fuck, never willing to spend a penny to save their grandmother's life
>>427110 the most amusing part is, how a law that was used to curtain communist movements, that they pushed for, was then used to curtail their movement
But basically as a good part of finland's population was land owning farmers, is why communism never took hold and as there were no big cities save for helsinki, there wasn't the kind of labourer popuilation that could be easily swept into radical movements also we never had that much middle to high class people anyhow, and still don't really have that high divide between the "classes"
well when it came to lenin, he had to collab with some of the land owning and factory owners at the start and maintain trade etc the country had just gone through the great war and a bloody civil war needed some trade and such to get things rolling and he didn't have the power pool that Stalin later had, so he couldn't just go 5 year plans initially either
>>427124 hmm yeah you could actually compare it to the 19th century monopoly magnates give one of them a country to run and you'd end up with something similiar to USSR I bet
But those guys are comparable to the dictators of europe in the 20th century they just abused a system that had no rules or regulations to limit them or put them in their place. They saught monetary gain first while in europe people sought political power well, we did have anti-monopoly laws in place already because of similiar cases though USA is about the only place where the giga-rich have happened like that
>Why then, one asks, cannot commodity production similarly serve our socialist society for a certain period without leading to capitalism, bearing in mind that in our country commodity production is not so boundless and all-embracing as it is under capitalist conditions, being confined within strict bounds thanks to such decisive economic conditions as social ownership of the means of production, the abolition of the system of wage labour, and the elimination of the system of exploitation? Hot take by our man Stalin-kun
Kirara 🚗
anarchy ends up in some ism in the end, though and most likely not a democratic free society
Kirara 🚗
the only way to have a true democratic free society is to have a very small society of educated people imo
the only free society is the one that's dead we can never be free everything is a prison our bodies are prisons our choices are prisons FREEDOM IS A PRISONNNN
ive been looking for black panther takes on Twitter and ive come across a lot of takes misunderstanding Killmonger's intentions or actually supporting them oddly killmonger wants to arm blacks across the world with super weapons so they can kill the whites and become the leaders of the world it's really weird to me that people unironically prefer that to t'challa's goal of working to elevate blacks to a point of equality with whites
deadpool comics are a blast when it comes to checking out the various artists employed by marvel they go from crap to super crap at times
Oh yeah Absolutely I read just about all of Deadpool a few years ago, the difference between dome of *some of the art was incredible.
>>427182 Not that I have the full context here, but is that really surprising? It's kind of reminiscent of the branches of feminism that swing more hardly for opportunities to subjugate males or take revenge on the male sex for the long history of persecution.
>>427185 Fucking Garth Ennis is great, he's super edgy though.
>>427182 >>427186 Thats because many people misunderstand the golden rule. And "justice" in general.
>>427182 Is it so surprising to see that some people like the idea of subjugating another type of person in order to lead the world? Shit's been happening for years.
>>427186 It's a little surprising to me. In my experience, most people that are fine with a violent revolution want to eliminate oppression through it, rather than just becoming the opresser.
>>427189 Yeah, as a minority myself, it's surprising that minorities want to make innocent people experience what we experience.
>>427191 It just feels like the kind of thing I can understand, though not necessarily agree with, when I see it go both ways. I've seen plenty of women act like men need suffer the same abuse they have for humanity's long history, and seeing black people get onboard with what I'm understanding from what you're saying here doesn't seem too different from the ones that say white communities today need to be punished yet for the slavery and oppression the blacks of the world went through. I dunno, it just all doesn't seem too beyond the state of beliefs I've seen some people hold.
>>427191 Consider that people enjoy revenge fantasies The goal /// the appeal of subjugating others isn't necessarily limited to those currently doing the subjugating and they may feel that it's "their turn" to have a go at it People who're subjugated are still human and there's nothing inherently good about them. They may have the same desire as the opressor but simply drew the short stick.
>>427191 the majority of people, even the majority of minorities, are still vulnerable to sensationalism
>>427196 today's oppression was not oppression throughout history, and this kind of thinking heavily bothers me certain liberties were afforded to the people who paved progress through humanity's darker chapters in history it's not that people were oppressed from being able to move humanity forward, but the groups who moved humanity forward were able to reap priorities so they could continue to lead oppression came from the generational amnesia that grew out of those pockets of disparity it still happens today people that work hard and do a lot to give their child a good life end up with a spoiled piece of shit kid who bullies people for not being as well-off as him at his school
The funny thing with the left is "REVOLUTION BORN FROM RETRIBUTION" is extremely the anarchist aesthetic, but anarchists generally actually reject retributivism And MLs are the ones who go like "Uh, the revolution isn't retribution it's the march of history or whatever", and they're EXTREMELY retributive
Kirara 🚗
mls are just capitalists and don't realize it so that can't be helped
It's just funny how the 'look' of both is flipped on that point I guess anarchists are just more angry
>>427213 i think anarchy is one of those groups that gets a lot of people subscribing to it and a lot of people speaking on its behalf that are not synced with the ideology of it but just wanted to see it as an incarnation of their perversions
Naw, I'm talking about the same people on both points here Like, ancoms I know have good politics still fuck heavy with the "GUILLOTINE LET'S EFFIN GO" shit, but really are like "No, no more prisons, we don't even necessarily need to do the killing thing"
>>427214 >but just wanted to see it as an incarnation of their perversions this is why I like anime
An Incarnation of Perversions is a fucking killer name for a punk or nu metal band
>>427230 Why would that be bothersome? >>427238 yeah good luck with that mate flea is like third in the world after squarepusher and that one dude with the shitty youtube channel
>>427248 tbh i don't know i am not a good sample of a typical american i also toss words like that out but i'm pretty staunchly non-sexual despite my eagerness to joke about sexual things i think americans are probably a little prude mainly due to high work stress though as an adult you find someone you like and then go on a date like once a month maybe because you're both too busy