>>418587 i've had like a stone stuck in my head since someone mentioned audioslave for no reason at work he was like "hey that sounds like audioslave" it was deltron 3030 -3030 maybe they sampled one of their songs or some shit
>>418587 I was listening to it while I made the thread because I had nothing else to say. >This Lilina will do 53 damage to my Ninian if I approach. Looks like I'll be taking Triangle Adept off for this one next time.
Aaa I can't put pity the protagonists of thsi movie they are so outmatched This is like a brig vs a ship of the line 1st class and that is not that far from the truth
>>418590 I stopped playing that game like half a year ago. Is it power-creeped to hell yet?
I messed up big. I forgot to swap to my Tempest skills >>418592 We powercrept a few patches ago Healers actually do dangerous damage. Everyone runs Armored units in Arena now. As foretold in the Dead Koi Scrolls
>>418593 >healers can do damage dude wat how is my main man hector faring is he hopelessly outmatched by the likes of green ike or something or is he still amazing
>>418595 Hector recently got a new version of himself that has three different skills and weapon abilities on his Armads. When his health his below 75%, his special charge increases by 1 at start of turn His special deals an extra 10 damage And the usual second hit at certain health
>>418602 >>418600 that sounds insanely strong, I think I saw a video where someone had a green ike with similar stuff and he was soloing max rank arena matches he was hitting with his special every turn somehow
>>418610 Unit customization and strategy >>418611 Urvan Ike is really strong. His ability is similar to heavy blade. When he's ATTACKED, his charge goes up by 1. And he has an Axe that lowers his cooldown charge. So his Aether defaults to charge 4 and just getting hit is filling him up by 2 counts.
oh yeah blue with that hector, im getting 710 in arena switching effie out for eliwood in my offensive team will be so good putting slaying spear on him and also maybe ridersbane vantage
happy 13th birthday kid you just lost your RIGHT ARM
>>418612 I think I got that ike before I quit playing I was in the process of leveling him when I lost interest The only mobile game I usually play now is animal crossing and MHW has stripped me away from that too and everything else
>>418613 If only. hmmm I don't know how I'll build him. >>418618 It's okay. Armor Domination was expected but it saddens me that I had my phone break and now I'm far behind in building it. >>418622 There is no way that those boots can go on anyone but armored units.
>>418619 oh no it finally just kicked the bucket huh mine has something wrong with the battery or something its dying insanely fast now i guess the battery got worn out from being discharged and recharged over time not sure if its worth to buy a replacement battery or just get a new phone
Kirara 🚗
you need a concealed carry permit to bring a flare gun anywhere like camping or boating in Florida wtf
here there are few laws considering flareguns, just that you can't really get them unless you are the type that will need t hem like boater or hiker of course if you fire one invain you get fined, but... fucking how do you prove that
>>418636 Yeah I could understand restricting flareguns in euuuurope buti n USA where guns are anyhow quite legally available why the fuck would you limit flare guns?
>>418642 that's for sure, but it's only really viable against unarmed targets. even then, you might only temporarily disable them, especially if they're wearing any kind of protective garment.
Kirara 🚗
>>418646 ships look a little older than the ones i love good naval tactics?
>>418648 dese be da best ships when men were steel and ships were wood also Russel Crowe as main character
Kirara 🚗
>>418647 yeah if someone shot me with a flare gun id probably just get back up and beat them down unless they shot me in the face and killed me or something
>>418641 the most fun way to play that game was instant kill remote mines only preferably on some dumb-ass custom map you made to fuck with your friends
Is a movie based on novel series "Masters and Commanders" which was quite accurate historical fiction based on the napoleonic war naval combats >>418650 quite very accurate for the time
>>418661 winning hearts with that +8 5* florina in arena
Kirara 🚗
i hope they do a flashing blade seal Imagine that on my armored eliwood with 41 spd
>So, should you use Florina? Absolutely not. Don't do it. She's way too expensive to build. Lest you love the character or are willing to experiment, then go for it! wow thanks wiki
Should’ve changed his twitter name to something fun like TRUMP IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR so they would have to use that as the credit. 1 reply 1 retweet 85 likes
>>418680 god damn how many felicias did this guy have to pull
I would have upgraded parts but I was late My motherboard is so old you can't attach practically anything modern to itn ow
i was lucky to get the card at the price i did, they have increased in price over the last 2 years somehow and other video cards are even more expensive
well I knew I was going to drop my tablet eventually but to actually do it haaa and for it to actually break down so it "works" but doesn't actually work fucking annoying piece of shit
lmao they got Valentine's day shit all over the shop so i said to the cashier that they were going hard with Valentine's and she looks at me and she's like "fuck Valentine's day"
my bones hurt so bad i can't sit at my desk to work ugh
I've had some slight head pressure or something all morning. Like that feeling of a building headache without actually getting one. I feel like I've been getting a somewhat increased amount of headaches recently. I don't really want to take painkillers for them as often as they come, but I also don't really want to deal with the head pain.
big nipples, big life
Kirara 🚗
>>418756 it's fucked up how much bone healing juice costs these days
that logic is so fucked up using such arbitrary endpoints to define work and labor
>>418762 I mean to say nothing of whether they should or should not have, it -is- slavery. I don't agree with using it as crutch to portray this as a bad thing, but it is what it is.
Kirara 🚗
I feel like slavery has connotations that aren't present here Certainly, it's forced labor but I don't think I could consider it slavery
With due respect I feel that's because of your aversion to the term. Slavery is forced labor. Plenty of slaves during America's past were treated excellently in the households they were tasked to serve, and many may have served in healthcare positions for those who owned them,
the crime of kidnapping encompasses all of it they were held against their will you could view the performance of the request the conditional to be released, but even without that it wouldn't change it
Kirara 🚗
>>418767 sorry but you're wrong that's not the definition of slavery
Kirara 🚗
slavery implies ownership that's the defining characteristic of slavery forced labor is a component of slavery but it's not slavery
these people were kidnapped, forced to work, and immediately returned to their workplace once they were done
and the guy arguing it's slavery, that's such a moot point anyway like what even changes there he's just trying to slap a slavery label on it for what purpose it's not like kidnapping isn't a serious crime
Kirara 🚗
yeah it's weird
apparently there's a $2000 bounty on the guy's head for this though even though nobody was even hurt or threatened the kidnapped dudes said the kidnappers weren't even aggressive
>>418773 Probably because that's the lens through which he's been given to view it with. In terms to the slavery. And because of that, the slavery supercedes the kidnapping in terms of gravity.
And the forced labor they did was oh so awful literally delivering a vaccination is an injection the stuff has been prepared and the kidnapping means the paywall has been removed from letting the people have it it didn't involve taking people to home-brew the innoculations in a basement lab his exact argument about the nature of their work is such bullshit
Kirara 🚗
was just sitting here on the couch and my left glasses lens just breaks out of fucking nowhere
Kirara 🚗
if that's not a bad fucking omen i don't know what is
Atmospheric pressure's out to get you or something.
>>418782 Or more, more realistically: Your stalker neighbours are testing the waters with how much they can infringe on your wellbeing with their advanced military technology without you taking too much notice/forming too much suspicion.
Kirara 🚗
>>418783 they've had their windows open for like two weeks even though it's like 30c they must be using some kind of gas on me oh no
Kirara 🚗
guess im wearing the old round frames that i got when i was like 16 lmao
I've got like a hundred hours in They Are Billions and I still haven't even managed to beat the first map. I guess you could say I've gotten my money's worth out of the game but at the same time there is a deep disatisfaction in all that time spent without any sense of accomplishment involved.
bayonetta on switch is out shadow of the colloseus is out and i still have a thousand more hours i have to put in mhw
The Shadow of the Collosus remaster is another reason I want to pick up a PS4. I never played the game but from what I hear the remaster is faithful to the original game's mechanics. It's pretty much just a visual touch-up, which I'm honestly always appreciative of.
Kirara 🚗
I never played the original but I've wanted to play it for like 10 or however many years. ;_;
I've beaten jt *it Borrowed it from my friend like 8 years ago It's currently on loan to my old college roommate When I get it back, I'll finish the new game plus and return it to my other friend Well We aren't really friends anymore, but thats unrelated to the game.
There's so many things I want t o buy/save up for. And I still haven't been called in to work since like three weeks ago. I really don't want want to go looking for a new job in the middle of winter.
But tl;dr he has some mental health issues including some that make him somewhat delusional. And he just sort of sees me as someone who is out to get him.
Which kind of sucks cause I've actually known him longer than just about all the friends I have who I am still in contact with.
I think I've been settling back into a sleep cycle. At the least I'm no longer waking up in the afternoon. Though the past few days I've been doing broken up sleep bits and usually napping in the early evening, but I won't have time for that with class tonight. So I'll see how exhausted I am when I get home.
It's almost as if providing guns to stop gun violence is not actually a sufficient preventative method.
It's possible that the officers were unarmed, although I don't know the specifics of how every single us school district equips their school posted officers.
Police aren't a very good deterrent against someone who's resolved to die anyway
>>418825 If you were a bank robber would you rather rob the bank with or without armed guards?
Hrrm, sounds like the cops at the highschool were armed. My guess is that they only had handguns though (not that they should have rifles). I'm assuming the shooter had an ar15 or something, so they wouldn't have been able to get in range as easily.
>>418829 Is not a question topical to people who are resolved to die.
>>418827 Are you saying you won't share it with me?
>>418831 Obviously they weren't resolved enough because they didn't off themselves.
I'll give you all my cough and flu! WAGA AI
Hey Kannagi
>>418834 I've become sickproof through my endurance of a real Deadly Japanese Cold. Nothing so paltry as the sickness of an Englishwoman is going to get to me.
So kannagi, I thought of a great idea for programming project to do, but it turns out someone already did the exact same thing using a method similar to what I'd thought of. But like 19 years ago.
I don't think he uses doujins Apparently his access to it is restricted but he still gets images somehow and then he jacks it and cries because he feels guilty lmao
I dunno. I don't know anything about this guy. I was just told I'm getting this new client who already had an intake done, but I can't figure out who did the intake or why the intake is so devoid of information. He had some medical conditions at birth including jaundice and then it says they all cleared up, but it doesn't say the jaundice went away so does he have those problems still? I don't know.
I'm not happy about it!
>>418869 If god didn't want us to whack it to hentai he wouldn't have allowed its creation. By whacking it to hentai you are actually honouring the fruits of gods labour
But I'm still unhappy. I don't have any information about this guy and they're telling me to just go ahead and provide therapy! I don't even know if he's taken any assessments or not.
I'm going to the Everglades on Monday. Gonna fuck around and take some photos of the night sky without significant light pollution. And then maybe sleep on a swampy beach in a hammock.
oh man you know what sucks i put out an invitation to something with my cohort and the one person i did not want to accept did i think i'm gonna ditch them
>>418922 I don't need to return to the forest. In fact, if not for electricity, I'd be even sicker because I wouldn't be able to cook myself with my electric blanket every night.
so my professor, the one i work for, the other day, she told me she believes in ancient aliens and that the Egyptians had computers that ran on electromagnetism and she was serious and i don't understand why my life is like this
I'm sure there are very qualified surgeons and stuff out there who have some crazy ideas that are unrelated to their jobs. They would be fine to operate on you, right?
Is not the fact they have crazy ideas that's worrying. What's worrying is that they're crazy enough to buy into those ideas and that said craziness may show up in other areas that do affect their work If they're crazy enough to believe in ancient ayyy lmaos then it's possible they'd also believe in hokey psych stuff and they just don't talk about it
If I had /moe/ people watch a selection of presentations for the public on pilot wave theory, there's probably a handful of people who, reasonably, might buy into it and think "Yeah, that seems reasonable"
it's not batshit insane to believe in something like that, but it would be for someone real deep into the field of physics
just sayin people can believe in stuff without it meaning they're crazy or unreliable it's a depth exposure thing they're probably very well-grounded in their specialties
I think it's fine for people to have a few crazy beliefs as long as they're good at what they do. She probably isn't very well read in archeology and stuff but is a well-read psychologist who would be resistant to crackpot stuff in that field.
the same goes for disbelief, too some very rational people might not believe in things that are totally real just because it's so distanced from their realm of experiences
some people who are otherwise rational people find imaginary numbers to be only for mathy stuff and have no real world interpretation
>>418939 I don't know what pilot wave theory is so I guess if you told me it was real I'd believe you What you're saying makes sense but at the same time Ayyy lmaos dude That's something that you don't need to be an expert to call bullshit on
>>418942 it's easy to dismiss but i think part of skepticism is precision too, arguing the right points, not towards the right end
it's a dumb theory because it's demonstrably shown that the egyptians had the engineering prowess to do the things they did on their own, and that many civilizations of the time could as well, and that the disbelief of the feats is partially due to our perspective of time and inability to intuit how much time was spent on their engineering feats, and also partially the purpose behind those feats
it's not bogus for the reason that it involves aliens it's bogus because there's already an organic explanation
Yeah, I think that's where the ancient alien theories come from. People see ancient civilizations doing really incredible stuff and think that aliens must be involved even though it was just plain human ingenuity. People are really clever.
>>418944 People today also are really perceptually distanced it's hard for them to think about that ancient egypt lasted so long it was much longer, start to end, than end to now
kind of like the dinosaurs, and how t-rexes are closer to us on the timeline than stegosauruses
t-rex to humans is a shorter time period than stegosaurus to t-rex* just for clarity there
that's how i've kinda been lately too my body's been real sore and i can get two or three hours of work in and then i'm back in bed with a heating pad sleep long hours, wake up sore and take a while to get started on my day it's been rough
>>418939 I (from what little QM I know) don't think that pilot wave theory is a valid interpretation of quantum mechanics. I do however really like the macroscopic droplet experiments.
>>418950 It's tough. I can't wait to recover and get my energy back.
There is a really nice guitar and chello duo in the subway tonight. It's a very pleasant sound. And they're playing music from Les Miserables. I love riding the subway.
hey guess what rika has a buddy i got flu aaaayyyyyyy
>>418964 that one made me think it was like an AI impersonator that was pretending to be Lilina but couldn't quite replicate the details
>>418954 Neat, musicians performing in public places can be really good sometimes. I know a girl who does that with her cello sometimes. She iirc was in a professional orchestra at some point.
The walk up the street from the bus stop to my house was really stressful. It was really mild throughout today and the considerable snowfall we've gotten recently melted into puddles all over the sidewalk. But it's been cooler this evening and sufficiently shallow puddles froze over into smooth sheets of ice. It was pretty hard to tell which lengths of glossed sidewalk was a puddle or ice, so I was on alert the whole walk up, and even then I was still slipping a lot. The awareness needed for all that is actually kind of exhausting.
high of 74 tomorrow high of 34 friday man that's so disorienting
>>418976 Yeah, once temperature swings that widely it really starts to mess with you. The atmospheric pressure changes in rapid warming/cooling weather like that also makes me pretty headache-prone.
I know right? It's supposed to be summer but all I see are clouds everywhere
I made bad decisions in mobage but reasonable humans talked me out of worse decisions so im going to not spend on mobage for a bit or gravely curb that
i wonder if the fact that i havent felt utterly awful from the flu means im doing really well or if it means im about to suffer real bad
Might just be the particular strain isn't as harsh on you than the normal effect it has on people. This year's strain is apparently really brutal, but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll fuck you over personally.
>>419009 theorhetically going from "day i felt worst most recently" which they considered the day i started, if that happens to me friday is going to suck
>>419013 The main event is already over. I have a 10:00 tomorrow and like a 2:00 friday and then I'm done for the week. I plan to spend the rest of my time resting.
well it was more of a good morning i had a good day and then a good night and then a good morning and then i only slept for 3 hours before work and still had another good day
>>419050 welcome to governments since mankind has formed them enjoy your stay
Did you actually read the article? Anyways, the holy shit was about specifically the people who sent the letter.
dancing bangu
the debate about wanting government backdoors is old as fuck there's probably some new development i guess
There's a US senator who has been trying to get the FBI to disclose which alleged crytopgraphy experts told them that a perfectly secure key escrow (fancy technical term fir back door) was feasible. And now two of the top five leading experts in cryptography are backing this senator. *top five in the world Oh and two other significant people
what the real problem is, is that i've had 3 hours of sleep since 9am yesterday morning so i'm going to go pass the fuck out now thanks /moe/ goodbye see you tomorrow
Someone stole my bag. It had a work vest and my rulebook in it. If it was a coworker, they can get fired for "stealing system property". but not reporting it is a bad option on me because having the rulebook with you at all times is a rule in itself.
There's nothing personally valuable to me in that bag. If there were, then I would have. Luckily, I have been procrastinating on buying the Switch specifically because I don't have a locker to stuff my bag in. The only things in there of note are the work vest (which I have two extras of) and the rulebook (which I need for the sake of having) And my vision form which I WAS going to go finish today but now I have to go back to the office for one. I'm not really in the mood to derail someone's life because of a bag that I didn't even buy myself. but if it becomes something of a problem for me, well, my head's not going under that bus.
That said, this IS a security problem. In the case that it wasn't an employee, someone now has the work vest as well as the rulebook which goes over various guidelines of how things are done in the stations. It might be a necessity to report this.
Two of the supervisors from my location were asking me what I was doing walking around and I told them I was looking for my bag >You left it on the platform >Why didn't you take it on the tracks with you? (Note: It's against the rules to have a bag with you on the tracks if you can't take off its straps) >It's gone, bro >What was in it? >Do you really need your bag? >Either a homeless person took it or maybe one of the cleaners but it's definitely not going to be at the lost and found, that's for sure. And then they left.
lol one of them was the guy who told me that he would work on getting me a locker in the quarters we stay at thanks guy
It doesn't matter how unhelpful they are. My dad is a ~Superintendent~ If I really REALLY wanted to find this bag, or the person who took it, I could. In fact, it would probably happen against my own wishes if my dad asks "Where's your bag?" and I told him the truth.
There were a lot of familiar faces in that station. The cleaning gang who was there tonight are the same ones who talk really loudly in the break room at our quarters. Imagine getting canned because you stole the new guy's bag. Sure, I was naive to think that I could just trust these surroundings because nothing happened when I did it yesterday. But I was definitely ready to fuck someone's life up after talking to the supervisors. I needed time to calm down.
like yes but also not quite? we've been really close for a minute now, just never really were physically affectionate, but then now we are, but neither of us are looking for a relationship at the moment, but we were already planning on rooming together come summertime i'm not sure how _exactly_ things will pan out but i can say for sure i'm happy with the moment
dancing bangu
i have high hopes but i don't want to invest too much because i'm bang
>>419132 Well dunno never watched past s2, but it intentionally isn't goofy when the action happens
Kirara 🚗
like it has serious parts but even the action is hilarious sometimes the show doesn't take itself that seriously
Supernatural has had episodes where Dean and Sam go to a convention for fans of the Supernatural show. It's incredibly self-aware and when it isn't handling a serious plot thread it goes incredibly silly.
Kirara 🚗
there was an episode where Sam and Dead end up in reality where Supernatural is a TV show and everyone thinks they're their actors
>>419136 the meta episodes are so amazing that guy in the crowd like "why don't they just attach their guns to themselves with bungees since they always drop them" and dean is like "that's actually a good idea"
Even in the earlier seasons that I watched they had stuff like them getting stuck in a black-and-white old timey cinema.
I think most amusing episode was the one where they ahd to deal with a ghost spawned by internet belief in it and they also pranked each other nonstop
Kirara 🚗
there was an episode where dean takes an elixer so he can talk to dogs to ask a dog about a murder it witnessed and it accidentally turns him into a dog in a human body
and eventually sam and dean are just fucking around and solving crimes with the king of hell
But can't really commend them in their crusade, since they do about 20 cases of credit scam a day
Kirara 🚗
there are buddy cop episodes with an angel and the king of hell it's so ridiculous
Kirara 🚗
the episodes with metatron are great too
especially the episodes with metatron and God
Which I can never unassociate with Megatron.
Kirara 🚗
yeah castiel was like "the scribe of God wrote those... metatron..." and sam got really mad and is like, "You're telling me that a transformer was the scribe of God?"
>>419145 Which considering in some of the Transformer backstories, the robots seem to have been keeping an eye on Earth and the humans since the Stone Age, doesn't sound entirely impossible.
Kirara 🚗
in a story where angels and demons fuck around all the time and God just spends his time fucking around and everyone just fucks around it's probably inevitable that there will be an episode where a car turns into a robot
not gonna lie i never watched the original incredibles
It was really good. Pixar consistently puts out really good movies. The Director, Brad Bird, refused to make a sequel until he had a good idea to base it around, which is generally considered why it's taken fourteen years.
>>419181 yeah that was so hector i fuckin love hector
He showed up with some crazy ass Armads too Like his current one wasn't fucked up enough. "Hey, Hector from that world where you're still alive there's a Valentine's tournament. Wanna come?" >Goes to a weapon refinery twice
Kirara 🚗
i wonder if they'll eventually let you upgrade the original armads to berserk
Once again, Lyn is stacked with a bunch of skills that I want to put on other people. Armor March and Atk/Spd Bond are good things to have And a ranged armored unit would actually give me a moderately good armored team I want Armor March on someone. And Atk/Spd bond on my Lucina
i did also get the 140 orbs a bit ago though which is also bad dont do that
>>419229 Actually this isn't true my payday is delayed two weeks after the two week period I earn the money in so I got money last payday. But I won't get anything at my next payday.
Kirara 🚗
wow i fucked the spoiler up it's time to donate it all to charity
confratulatipms what are you going to actually do with it in this capitalist society
Kirara 🚗
travel, survive, etc
Buy me a Cintiq.
for exact numbers they cut me off around 300 i think btw which is good
Kirara 🚗
man what the fuck
Kirara 🚗
anyway i bought a ton of camping gear and i'm going to go on a trip on monday and also a trip for spring break and then two more trips this summer since i'm getting paid that much again in the summer
yeah i think i shpuld avoid gambling ever
You could have bought me most of a PS4 Pro with that kind of money. I COULD BE PLAYING MONHUN RIGHT NOW.
Digging through my pan cupboard in the kitchen is a really tiresome task. It's a deep corner cupboard and is pretty consistently dark so it's really hard to see into. And we've got dozens of pots and pans and other kitchen utensils stashed away in it. I've got grab a flashlight pretty often just to sift through it to find the pan I want.
>>419244 Hmm What if I disconnect specifically my credit card. I will still want the occasional costume GBF pumps out even if I want to punish myself by not getting any for a bit.
Kirara 🚗
just reconnect your card when you want something it'll be such a pain in the ass that you'll hate doing it
or buy google play cardss
Or just find somewhere that rips the image files for the new outfit and save the image files to your phone.
>>419246 this is the way to go disconnecting the procedure from the compulsion is a solid way to think through whether it's a wise investment these words coming from an ex-pro-gambler
The labelling for this chocolate says it's dark chocolate with roasted and caramelized hazelnuts. But it doesn't taste particularly dark. I guess the stuff from the last bag I was pickin g out of must've been a lot more dark in comparison or something.
>>419309 wowee kids today can't afford the luxury of rebelling because the parents who rebelled can't offer any cushion for their kids so we're all doomed unless we take life super seriously and act responsibly all the time while people say millennials are lazy and don't value things
a lot of millennials are in fact burdened with taking care of their parents very early on so baby boomers were taken care of until they were old enough to have a bunch of kids to take care of them and also had the best government-provided security and care
Trying to eat breakfast while watching a swarm of ants devour a cockroach. I don't know why I do these stupid things to myself sometimes.
does it bother you? i don't think that'd bother my appetite too much, but it would probably bother me from doing certain other things, like changing my clothes or taking my shoes off
Yeah, it's a pretty strong bother. I'm not sure if it's actually the consumation part of it or the swarm factor though. Or more likely which is the major factor in the situation.
Watching ants is kind of calming to me they're like tiny little robots they're so mechanically precise and the hive is closer to being a conscious thing than the individual ants some bugs give me anxiety but not anties they're great
I can't call them calming for me but it's definitely an engaging and fascinating thing to watch, for pretty similar reasons as yours.
I would never be able to observe them in colony numbers up close and personal though. Too many ants that close to me unrestricted would be way too much for comfort. But in a controlled, separate environment like a contained colony or on videos it's not as overwhelming.
ants are incredibly precise counters, but they don't consciously do so they count out the exact steps taken on their way to a foods, zigs and zags and all, and can navigate back to the anthole without failure in a straight line, even if they didn't take a straight line to get there just the interplay between the local ganglia of each of the legs and the brain stem's group reception that makes the inputs more responsive for action potential not cleared so the side of the legs that have cleared more of the "noise" in the brain stem (by exerting more) will have that lesser sensitivity and the other side will be more responsive and it all just evens out, allowing them all sorts of directional compassing
In the 4th grade, in public school, we had a typing class on some really old computers in the library and there was some instruction about "Create new user login" or something and the librarian gave a PSA to the entire class that this was improper usage of the word create, and that it should say "Make new user login" because to create something is to make something from nothing, and only God can create and that we can only make
i remembered this just now because tilde said learn to make you are own tacos
I even avoided buying the usual diet soda case when I went to the store recently. To try and drink more water, which is why I got that tea to try.
Kirara 🚗
>>419328 even so making a choice to eat taco bell when you're sick demonstrates that your judgment is still poor medicine won't make you better you need to work with your medicine to make yourself better when you eat crap like that while you're sick, you're making your body weaker and making it harder for the medicine to do its job it's like watching people self-harm sometimes
Your mom aint helpin bringin that garbage home you need a roommate who can cook tasty homemade high-nutrient meals so you can eat healthy and have more energy and feel better and live better
>>419329 That's a bit overwhelming. I'm glad I didn't have any overbearing teachers like that when I was in school. I haven't been raised even remotely religious and and in fourth grade I might have even been entirely confused by what God even was here.
>>419338 With due respect that's kind of pedantic to the comment I'm saying. And as far as I remember most librarians in the schools I've been a part of were also teachers or otherwise assisted in the learning environment of the school. To remove them from the profession of teaching may be technically accurate but not entirely appropriate.
There's mexican foods that can be healthier than taco bell like black bean and corn instead of refried beans >>419344 granola in yogurt
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what kind of breakfast do you recommend that she can get somewhere
Kirara 🚗
you can make a solid, healthy breakfast in like 10 minutes at home
>>419344 Moon's got the right idea. Cereal granola in yoghurt is a really nice, five-minute breakfast. Get a nice fruity yoghurt or cut some up yourself and throw it in there and you've got a balanced, energizing starter for the day.
french toast and berries is a nice simple breakfast too i don't slather my french toast in powdered sugar and syrup though i usually put apple butter on it instead of syrup
>>419352 This is probably true, when I think about it. But I do want to be a bit healthier.
Understanding what sort of nutrients and substances your body needs at certain times in the day can go a long way for improving your health. As well as having an open palate to new flavours and foodstuffs.
I'll never chew you out for not liking something for the texture of it because fuck texture that shit ruins the enjoyment of food like nothing else.
i wish i could cook for /moe/ it's no fun cooking for myself and not getting to share it
Yeah, same. There's a few dishes I'm pretty proud of polishing my make and prep of that I'd like more people to enjoy. I only ever get to cook for my family.
kirara is two teasps too much kratom for one dose i've never had more than a heaping teaspoon (maybe like 1.4) in one dose >>419375 weren't you kind of sick from 5 grams you said?
>>419360 It would be a fun experience to occasionally cohabitate with some /moe/s. I used to joke with some other Internet friend groups that if one of us struck rich we could all live in a mansion together too. It's definitely something I'd rather do than mostly only ever talk with people online.
>>419374 it's a little bit of a dream goal but i don't mean it jokingly at all i really need to be around my friends for my own sanity it'd be nice to have something where either several of us could live, or maybe many of us could less frequently visit grouphomes are definitely a viable option if people are willing to commit but it's logistically difficult to organize the realistic method comes at an unrealistic price, to just buy a big home and welcome everyone which is why i say if i win the lotto or something
>>419378 you can still cohabitate while being introverted -- it's not problematic at all. if anything, i think it helps because everyone's doing their own thing and maybe come out for meals if you want, but dont have to
Yeah, I consider myself fairly introverted but those one or two times a year that I get to meet up with friends from online communities, the experience is always one of the highlights of that year for me. And I definitely feel more satisfied being around people I like in person than just being in communication with them online. It would still probably have to be something of a controlled experience though; I'd definitely get burnt out on it left unchecked.
can't wait for season 4 season 3 was insanely good the scene setups and cinematography in that show is so satisfying every scene feels immersive and impactful
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>419395 my mom doesn't want anything from where she's getting me breakfast so now I'm getting her 16 dollars worth of food from a pizza place.
wait, did you decline the taco bell and go for something else? well, i kind of just meant the criticism in general, not that you had to go undo today's choice but good on you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes breakfast
for 16 dollars i could buy 5 cans of black beans, 5 pounds of frozen veggies, two dozen eggs, a bunch of flour tortillas, a loaf of bread and a small bottle of olive oil
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she's getting a sandwich and salad and will be very mad if they dont' have the dressing she wants 3 of
You're not painting a particularly flattering picture of your mother.
yeah, i agree rabbit is pretty great for a lot of things but it's not a real flavorful meat it goes great with things that lend flavor to it, or fried in butter and well-seasoned
>>419387 they seemed to have changed the setting quite much from the original novel
Kirara 🚗
effects are impressive
Kirara 🚗
nobody wears bras though nipples popping out everywhere
>>419418 I popped a cough drop in before bed, so my most immediate dream after going to sleep was about young sir tongue, who was shunned by the rest of the populace for being a recluse who lived in the cave called mouth, who was tasked with delivering a golden treasure (my cough drop was yellow) to appease the king of loogies who was causing trouble down in the lungs. It was a weird dream.
Later in the evening it was like super short and fast nightmares that would wake me up and I'd fall asleep and have another one. Stuff like spiders on my head and stuff.
>>419424 sounds like fantasy version of fighting a flu
I had a weird setting in a dream from last night. It was a museum of some specific my brain didn't bother to detail, but I was also aware in the dream that it was a similar museum I'd been wandering in, in a dream I'd had weeks or months back. Somehow the knowledge of that I'd been there before didn't disrupt the dream immersion or whatever you want to call being unaware you are dreaming. I was stuck wandering it when I dreamed it before, but in last night's dream I found the exit and was trying to leave. But I had to sign a guestbook or record or something and writing my name out in it was a real chore. At first I tried to write it but I ended up writing in a super narrow space between to -two names already in the list. And then when I tried to write my last name it came out as a scribbled, unintelligible mess.
It made me wonder if writing, or at least writing names, is one of those things that's supposed to be intensely difficult to do while in a dream. Like looking into a mirror.
>>419434 Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii In addition to what Kirara said, it plays a bit with adult culture, like dealing with office life and having RESPONSIBILITIES while wanting to be a kid. It's a really sweet, light-hearted series.
>>419436 Yeah, by sheer virtue of double the content. But a lot of these SoL skit-based series seem to be getting half-episode series lately.
>>419441 true that I guess round here you just don't get that many television series around it, though but in terms of books and comics, I guess same applies
>>419442 >>419437 well I guess they realised that 1) easier to produce 2) no need to force filler stuff to bloat the episode lenghts and 3) it still sells
Kirara 🚗
>>419445 Imagine all the cosplay endcards or intermission cards.
Kirara 🚗
>>419446 yeag. half episodes are better received than no episodes and make more money too
>>419447 One of the Tankobons talked about how the drama CD seiyuu they got for Narume did an amazing job of rolling the Rs in some of her lines. They probably aren't getting the same actor back for the anime but I'm excited to hear some voice lines like those. I can't roll my Rs so I always enjoy hearing a variety of other people pull it off.
>>419452 Nevermind, it looks like the seiyuu from the drama CD will be returning for their roles for the anime. Or are at least returning for roles in the anime. That sounds good.
>>419472 They were like "yo dude you had some weird activity going on last night did you mean to spend [REDACTED] to google?" "Y-yeah, I made bad life choices." "And also spent 6 dollars at wendy's the other day"" "Yeah."
People always comment on how neat my handwriting is. It's like, a perpetually consistent statement that comes up whenever I end up showing my writing to new people, or even just having it on hand when they're around. I had three mentions of it when I was in a lecture last night.