Video so laggy! But whoooo... dats sum dedication to Soran. ... Which I disagree! Ninos should be +10'd before Sorans!
Also so much new units I've seen that are already +10'd...! I wonder how many fucking orbs/moneys the whales pay for it to happen...cause I'd tried getting more than one of somebody--200 bones for them on banner...and I got fucking ONE. So much cash does it take to get 10?
>>419545 What'd even more meme is Xmas Robin's skill! I am trying for Lyn last...and doubt I'd get her...if did proably be good couldnt eat her knowing my luck so far.
SwiftSparrow and LifeDeath maybe for her later, she's pretty sweet though for now. Just happy my First Gold Ever Pulled got fixed up from being -ATK. Lucina's hated me gor such a long time.
As if I will ever even be able to interact with such a good skill. Lyn is an important pull for me because I don't have any of the cool new Armors except for Black Knight which was the easiest to get. Ranged Armor would make a hell of a difference right now I'm currently bothered that the game decided to give me 4* L'arachel at a time when all these GHB events are happening and are trying to get people to do movement teams Atk, Def, and Res Tactic GET, I guess. Completely USELESS for now.
Oh Knight Eliwood? Is his weapon ranged? I thought it was a Lance. Is the LANCE RANGED? >>419551 I CAN hold onto my orbs but I really want a 1.4x for Tempest. Ninian is just a 1.2x Hector would be best. Lyn would be great to have until the very end when I max out my score. Then feed her to someone I want or keep her because I need the tome. Honestly I need three Lyns. >LET'S GIVE LYN ALL THE SKILLS KOI WANTS
>>419556 Ninian is doing just fine. I haven't really done my tempest runs today yet. I wanted to beat infernal Ursula but I am coming up blank, it seems. My units are just ~so close yet so far~ I might be able to beat it with Black Knight ALONDITE-ing everything but I need to stack his res. IF I HAD A DISTANT COUNTER THOUGH, I COULD JUST BLAST EVERYONE WITH GWENDOLYN BUT NO ONE WANTS THIS TO HAPPEN
I do! It's a sight to see love put into a Gwen'! I shall try to transmit any luck I have to yooou --there's the Jap FE site that gave hints to the map...wonder if did Ursula. I also havn't beaten Infernal. Xander's was a cake-walk...and Valter's was the hardest but beat that one with Dancin' and Memes.
Valter's was fun to beat. Xander's was kinda annoying for me. But I managed. Ursula's is just "you can't move wwwww
Robin's was
I already beat Robin Infernal before but I didn't do it with a single movement type squad and I couldn't really hack it the other day with any of my current teams.
>Black Knight +1 >aw yeah, give me some res and def >+1 HP >+1 Atk ...
You can't buff him enough with NewYears Corrin?
I forgot it was Robin I didn't get to try Infernal.
Could have been speed, I guess.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>using nycorrin
>having NYCorrin If I did, things would be better for my flying team
Why are you missing certain Goldens?!
My phone was broken and I didn't replace it until a few weeks ago. I didn't have many days to roll on the New Year banner and when I did there were more important banners around
Maybe /moe/ needs a Pity System pool. If had complete crappy pulls out of everyone get the Google Cash card!
The other account was only made because I couldn't access my primary one. >Broken touchscreen >Broken charging port it was a miracle that I was able to set up a Nintendo Account with my mouse plugged into it with a faulty port The other account was me rushing all the way through Easy story mode because they had JUST announced the Sacred Seal Forge after my phone broke.
>>419577 I was in the basement talking to contractors who were fixing some clog. I was about to head back upstairs and my phone fell out of my hand. on its face I was using the team I ran last tempest (Ninian, Myrrh, Elincia, +1) but it's not working out that well for this. The final stage is really bad for me. Also the stages are set up in a way that's like... everything is out of pull range unless you have a cavalry. So, I need to get a good cav for my team to synergize with. I will probably be leveling Siegbert.
Luke has two skills based on having more HP than his opponent and this game thought it would be cute to give me -HP Luke I literally have the worst Luke.
Why the fuck does he gotta be so rare? He has no business being that rare besides the skills--which derverse to be obtainable anyway. Just like Alm and his Windsweep.
I really don't use him at all. He was nice for having a Brave Sword+ But right now he's just outpaced by everything. I also hate that he has three things that I want to take from him. Brave Sword +, Fire boost 3, Panic Ploy 3
>>419589 Panic Ploy > Fire Boost >>> Brave Zelgius tho' got guess corrected to Fire > Panic >>> Brave It's only fuckin' new Eliwoo', Summer Xander and Luke with dat Fire Boost. Missed my chance on getting a Fire Boost for Marisa last Legend banner--fucking cock-blocked by Azura again.
You don't have to roll for weapons in GBF either technically. Just rng them into existence or have patience. >>419604 Orchid, the character squid sparked as soon as she came out.
>>419605 Wow, you were going to spend money on a weapon, not even a character? I mean you get the character, but the weapon was your aim?
>>419606 I haven't. I'm sitting on 150 orbs and haven't decided if I will roll on this banner or not yet. I guess I did get limited axe Azura in 9 orbs from the last legendary banner, that was a nice surprise.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>419609 Well, I mean, I WANT Orchid more But now the dagger is amazing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There are two recurring limiteds left in the gacha that I want and Orchid is one of them. Medusa is cute and was among the things I could get so I was hoping for both.
>>419609 Good IV'd? ...well you already seen "this banner is cursed".
Multiply what you did by nearly three since it was 100 or so rolls.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ahem I mean multiply by nearly 10.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>419619 during this rate up, not only is Orchid's weapon rated up, but all -fest double ssr rate to 6% instead of 3. F/GO is 1% all the time I think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Had I spent around 500 more dollars I could spark Orchid if I didn't roll her. It's one thing granblue's gacha has going for it if you're insane or you have enough in-game currency.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
So as you might be thinking, yes I was about to do that were I not intervened upon.
Yes, it (kind of) is. Nice gold dunno but the 4th anniversary is coming up and if they do the same shit they did during christmas with free rolls it will be an ideal time to start. Just don't you dare try whaling.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>419629 yeah I dont' really need it anymore now that I have internet again
Tho' the most troublesome is Roy's Teacher for me...also at Bronze...and Arthur. I love the guy but...FEH knows how to really make you hate seeing someone...
So, Eliwood can negate bonuses from ranged enemies but his weapon isn't ranged
>>419661 okay let me get one more orb and solo roll this Lyn
You make me wanna give you 13bucks. ...or whatever is a full-roll.
>Gwen 3* GWEN +1 SOON
Oh, I have three gwen 3* GWEN+3 SOON
Zephiel is coming back. Does this ease your suffering...just a little?
I should 5* my Zeph He was on my queue to be 5* back when I had an order but that all fell apart now that all these cool SSR 360NOSCOPE ARMORS are around
yeah She's not even level 40 though. I don't use her much
Oh, so she's not built?
nah, I left her at 37 no extra skills on her I have enough SP to get the BA bonus on her though ...does she 2x strike first when she has Vantage with the new weapon?
>when you want to remain as distanced from your mother's involvement in that politcal campaign and then she asks if you'd think your workplace would let you hand out cards advertising it and gets mad when you're like " I really want to not be involved."
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also she's shouting jeopardy answers.
I hope she's watching Jeopardy. Instead of just yelling them.
one naked man two naked men three naked men four naked men and five naked men just walkin down the road would cause a heap of trouble for all concerned
You know when you open youtube before signing in and see the normal popular stuff and trending stuff and then think to yourself "is this what the majority actually watch?"
>>419921 I bought it for camping and even was wise to use fake firbes, so rain and such wouldn't be issue but then I stopped being a scout on the same year so I never used it really
WEll I am now short distance "short as in a day's cycling distance" from several camping sites, so maybe I will go leisure campign and fishing once snow melts
seems risky in terms of fire safety or trusting people to clean their shit up though I guess it being florida it is wet enough for that not to be an issue?
Hmm here it differs you can tent anywhere in most parks, but fire building is usually restricted in most easier to keep possible wildfires in check, when people use predug firepits though some places allow you to do whatever you want anywhere
Kirara 🚗
>>419955 this is a national thing all across the country, national parks have dispersed camping just gotta trust people not to burn down forests
Well it will be fun to meet up with cousins and stuff, but the rest is boring I hope I can spend most of the 90 year old party for my grandmother behind the scenes untill everyone is settled down I hate having those "so what are you doing" discussions with people you have met ONCE and will most likely never meet again
so I woke up at 11 or 12 and since then I've passed out and fallen on my head three times I think my mom is coming to get me and take me to the doctor so if I'm missing for a few days it's probably because I'm in the hospital or something so dont worry
>>419994 Well I'm pretty sure my mom is coming to get me and take me to the doctor so if I'm gone it will be because I'm getting medical attention. It will probably be okay.
well better hope it ain't nothing serious though getting stuck in the hospital even for a day or two is dull as fug
>>419997 Or you could get to the hospital and die there and be gone because you're dead! You keep falling on your head, you're going to get a concussion! And you have the killer flu!
>>420000 I think I'm going to be okay. I am worried I have a concussion though. I have fallen on my head three times now. I passed out on my feet and landed head first each time, from what I can tell.
I'm less tsundere than you are. I would own up to it if I thought something was really wrong.
I am concerned that I have a concussion but my speech is fine and I think that I'm thinking properly. My arms feel a little weak but I can type properly. My head hurts kinda bad where I fell down but that's really the only way I feel different than normal. I'm worried about why I passed out three times though, I've never had fainting spells before. I think I am either dehydrated or I have food poisoning at the same time that I have the flu.
Well, I'm sure it will be fine. I feel normal now, other than where my head hurts from falling on it. My mom should be here in around two hours and I guess she'll take a look at me. She's a nurse so she'll probably know what needs to be done.
Well, if I am concussed there haven't been any symptoms of it yet. I feel a little off balance and a little sleepy, but I think that's probably just the flu.
>>420033 The first time it happened I was feeling really nauseous, and sitting on the side of my bathtub. The next thing I knew, I came to on the other side of the room up against the wall. So I got up and headed to the kitchen, and the next thing I knew I was coming to on the floor making a weird high pitched noise. The base of my skull hurt too, I fell on the table leg. The third time was like an hour and a half later in the shower, I fell through the curtain and went forehead first into the door.
>>420036 I think it could be dehydration, yeah. That can cause loss of consciousness.
>>420035 you sure it ain't just dehydration or weakness from hunger combined with the flu?
I've been sweating a lot while sleeping, especially due to my electric blanket, and I had an upset stomach a few times too so I think dehydration is the likely cause. In the shower, which I did have on pretty hot, I started feeling heavy and it felt like I was falling asleep on my feet.
i really dislike phrasing like that nothing has inherent health-promoting attributes, it's all relative to system flux i had someone in the army tell me "why are you eating cake? that's unhealthy" i had low blood sugar and was like 25 pounds underweight and had a very healthy diet
i know you don't mean it to that extent but it's just a tangent
>>420053 I went to work and it was shit because I'm bad at work
>they'd get fat if they ate that much Sometimes I have TWO sandwhiches instead of one. Don't tell anyone.
>>420058 you madman i hope you get really fat i only eat open-faced sandwiches so technicall // technically i only eat half a sandwich
>>420060 i dont have a problem with psychics if they're not predatory i've spent my money on stupider things just for fun i don't really think the fortune is what people value about a fortune telling anyway
>>420059 some fuckin asian kid from california he was the same dude that was trying to tell me that imaginary numbers don't have real-world applications and that they're just an arithmetic novelty he was studying dentistry if i remember right and because an army dentist
>>420062 oh no, do you normally faint easy? are you anemic?
>>420061 Nope, I've never had fainting spells before. I think it's due to dehydration. I hope that's the cause, at least! I'm hoping I didn't get a concussion too.
ascendant bang (advanced mode)
my life has completely fucking transformed so quickly
>>420066 Do you ever get headrushes when you stand up quickly or anything? i get headrushes a lot but i dont think ive ever fainted outside of straight up having a seizure and losing consciousness
just beat xeno for first time woo that was such a cool dragon
>>420076 then i will defeat your stand and turn you into a sumowrestler
ascendant bang (advanced mode)
>>420073 i don't want to use the word girlfriend not yet at least it's kind of like my best friend and i leveled up but also both is the answer to your question i think the way it happened still feels so surreal
>>420065 The army was full of pathological liars there was some random dude who said he was an 11-0 MMA ultimate fighter and some other dude that said he made a million dollars investing in some membrane watch and just wanted to join the army to be a patriot, and that he had been in contact with nasa about a mechanism for FTL travel by taking a giant wheel X astronomical units in diameter and spinning it really fast and that nasa told them they were interested
shit like that's really easy to ignore, but what bothered me about that dentist dude was that he was generally a reasonable dude and thought he was good at math because he was asian, and tried teaching other people about derivatives, but didn't understand imaginary numbers saying they have no impact on the real world and that i was delusional for thinking so i told him about how a complex function still has effects on the real plane perturbed by imaginary numbers, and some of its functions in fluid mechanics (that's all i knew at the time) and he was haughty taughty the entire basic training
>>420077 xeno is cool as shit the xeno armor is so cool too literally Tyrael
>>420085 to an 18 year old that is plausible i guess >>420083 it was like everybody, man it wasn't like one or two people i was like 80% of people making up some bullshit tale or another boredom, or severe isolation and that was their first experience outside of their sheltered lives from their families, i dont know
>>420087 I wouldn't believe someone telling me they found an ftl mechanism if I was 16 let alone 18
>>420088 i'd believe they thought they did things like the spinning wheel or like "take a two-lightyear long pole and tap it, instantly transmit a signal two lightyears away"
but to say you sent it to nasa and they were interested in it was so dumb
>>420089 >two lightyear long pole Hahahaha what the FUCK
>>420091 in a hypothetical sense that's a valid premise what the general misunderstanding is is that rigid motion is not instant, but is mediated through vibrations in the molecules, and that response is roughly the speed of sound
The funny part is thinking that Nasa would think making a pole two light years long is feasible
>>420090 I'm about to pay 200 on the electric bill I can technically afford it.
>>420093 the case in question was the spinning wheel the pole situation is like one of the most common threads on /sci/ and is fundamentally the same problem but pointlessly large scale even just like pole to mars and tap it for instant communication to mars, but it's the same nonsense
>>420103 i hate games with lot of sets and legs, but no space to hoard them all
ascendant bang (advanced mode)
i've been so full of butterflies i've barely eaten the past couple days i also spent 5 hours on the phone yesterday, and 2.5 hours walking around the neighborhood during that
Kirara 🚗
vaal hazak and xeno were so fucken cool vaal hazak was spooky as shit too
I think it's pretty strange that i've never fainted, given my chronic low blood sugar, deathly low blood pressure, use of CNS depressants, and proclivity for sleep deprivation both of my sisters have fainted over fairly mild things
>>420118 is it that bad? get one without the greasy sauce and without shitty toppings and it can be not too bad
Well, I think I've lost most of my fluid through sweating. I've been drenched in sweat upon waking up every night this week, part of it is that I've been running my electric blanket pretty high because of the chills. Yesterday my pee was a pretty deep yellow/golden color, so that's a sign of dehydration. My pee just a few minutes ago was clear though, which makes sense, becauase I've been drinking water all day. I had diarrhea yesterday and the day before, so I lost a lot of water that way too.
>>420127 Tuesday night and Wednesday night, I took some PM advil that really knocked me out. I had trouble waking on Wednesday, so I decided to stop. Last night before bed I took some pretty strong cough syrup, I'm not sure that it was strong enough to cause fainting the next day though.
>>420137 i'm guessing you've got easy access to a doctor right don't hesitate to go see them if something's up this flu is way more deadly than most years
I feel bad because I'm ruining a trip she was on. She's a nurse so I'm hoping she'll just give me a clear bill of health and not make me to go the doctor or whatever.
I don't know though, I can't really say that I'm okay for sure after hitting my head so many times.
>>420145 If your mum is a nurse, I'm sure she can tell if you've had a concussion probably i'd ask if your pupils are dilated or unequal or anything but i doubt you can tell without getting up, which i don't suggest!
so i'll just say let your mum take care of it
>>420146 the fuck do you want kid haven't i taken enough care of you after all these years i'm dealing with a flu victim here i don't need to hear your whining go play your chinese cartoon games
>>420147 I checked my pupils out earlier, they're normal. I actually have one that's always slightly larger than the other, so I do have that going on, but it's to the normal amount. I noticed it a few years ago and was really worried about it, but the doctor said it was just because the muscles that control pupil size were weaker in one of my eyes than the other.
>>420150 Yeah, that's normal enough. One of my eyes has higher blood // intraocular pressure to the point that it's usually grey while the other is usually green, but they're sometimes both grey or both green
As long as you know what it normally is, it can be pretty helpful in determining if something is wrong You might have a mild concussion but I think you're probably okay! It's awful hard to tell online other than personality differences but things like antihistamines and cough syrups are going to have a bigger impact than a concussion itself, and also one's concern about a concussion would influence the way they interact with people
i think you're fine, or at least fine in my terms. i'm sure there's a doctor you can pay enough money to tell you that something is wrong though
Well, I've been watching for the signs of a concussion since I fell and I don't think I have any.
I am clear headed and can converse just fine, my speech is normal, my eyes are normal, and I haven't experienced that much diziness. My head hurts but it's normal since I fell on it a bunch of times.
I'm a little worried as to why I fainted in the first place, though. I hope it was just dehydration.
>>420152 Yeah, that's why i asked about your diet i wondered if maybe you were anemic or hypoglycemic it doesn't seem like you were particularly dehydrated -- i need to fine // find some more usable images now that i've lost my old harddrive
there's a stress range of fainting but you don't seem like a particularly stressed out person
Those are the kinds of times i tend to get headrushes, which are basically the same but a different threshold I think you're probably fine and just extra sleepy!
things sure are tough my clients all live so easily i try to do what i can to help them but i feel sometimes that i have to explain why m // my life is so fucked up compared to theirs and that's just a bad idea
and i don't like the idea of using my life experiences as an excuse to not be able to do a job ideally i'd like to have a job that i'm fit for given my life experiences, not use them as a handicap to do less of a job
too bad there are no companies willing to pay people to be dead and/or a social blight
I was speaking more on the metaphorical concept of it, but I'd consider the physical option too.
it's a pretty neat social experiment how you can say "yeah, i want to be dead" and "Yeah i'm going to shoot myself tonight" and "boy i wish i was dead" and it's just a typical 4chan post and that "man i just went to the store and bought some .45 acp rounds for my revolver" is just a cry for attention and that people know you don't really mean anything by it that everyone knows life is generally just a happy experience for everyone
I feel better right now than I have in days, but passing out like that was so weird. I hope I feel fine tomorrow so I can just not worry about having to go to the doctor or anything.