Hi sorry I was out with friends. Still about fifteen to twenty minutes from home. Pick a show to start if you want, I don't mind if you watch whatever.
okay well that isn't going well let's death march instead
Sora Yori is a bang show too I think. Violet Evergarden isn't though, we could do that.
Ika is unresponsive now though.
oh I guess he did say that let's do sora yori then because it's better.
okay so let's start!
I'm going to need to restart if I'm going to finish that download in any reliably fast time. Alternatively we could do Sora Yori, Violet Evergarden, or Dame Prince.
>>419836 He did say he's only got Koi wa and Marchen.
>>419840 Evergarden is better than Sora Yori. Can we not do this aggravating thing where you presume your opinion to be objective fact as usual. I'm already kind of on short patience -- Okay fine.
>>419849 My post >>419842 came off as snippy and made him mad. I replied before he finished typing his post which is a pet peeve of his too.
If you can message him tell him I'm sorry. My fever is somewhat high at the moment if that helps.
It also involves disregarding the point of what I was saying to get in the snippy remark. But mostly I don't want to post much because I don't want to deal with the hassle of potentially having to write four different posts that are all cut up because of
Well, I am sorry that I assumed my opinion on it was the same as everyone else's. I think Violet Evergarden has had one really exceptional episode and a bunch of fairly good ones but I like Sora Yori more overall.
>>419862 This>>419858 was only when I was certain you weren't watching Sora Yori. The single other post you wrote concerning what you were watching was suspicious.
>>419865 Oh I thought you were shitposting tonight's spat because that's something that happens some times when I lose my temper.
dolls and leons hair!!
This ship crew is pretty chummy. It's concerning she needs to warn them all about it though.
okay let's do koi wa ameagari next this may be all i have fuel left for I am feeling quite bad
okay just need bang
okay everyone is ready let's start!
Working on a reboot so I can actually get the
ascendant bang
downloading quickly
Okay I have it now. Start if I'm blue or not I don't really have the drive to manage this accutely.
ascendant bang
Shafted by new friends.
ascendant bang
i won't be able to oh nvm
But like I mentioned, or were trying to mention earlier, there's a good chance I won't be around over the weekend. If I can't slip loose of being carted up to the cottage I plan on watching everything that needs Ika around on the list on my own. And I'll just re-watch what doesn't get cleared if I'm gone. So just watch whatever if I don't show. Seriously.
I'm so used to the North American concept of cities and delineating metropolitiian areas in different ways, that the fact that a city in Japan can seamlessly merge from one into the next is kind of weird to me.