well Ika is going to sleep. The other two are missing. And I'm probably best served by getting to sleep soon too. So let's just write tonight off, it's a slow night anyway.
Feel up to an episode or half of some of the Ika-less stuff we've got?
It's not really unexpected, but I really like the outfits in this series. They're all varied and showcase a nice assortment of extravagant style or simplistic charm.
It's one of those magics that sounds like it's pretty widely functional. I'd like to see her get similar milage out of the card that made those trees uproot and run around.
Yeah Syaoran, you can't go around eating too much. You'll get fat.
I wish I could lie as in-depth and as creatively as that guy can at the drop of a pin.
well that was a good episode. I like that the cards are things that just happen, rather than a villain of the week type thing.
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing what some of the later card situations will be. Once she's got a number of cards in hand they might be able to do some creative scenarios.
Oh Kero's in proper Cerberus mode at some point next episode.