>>384802 i like lucina all right i was just making a jab at freddy what's new
>>384804 I like how when I call him "Freddy" other people do. Fixed my -ATK Lucina...now I have two +ATK -HP ones! ...so all you have to do for better rolls and IVs is bitch the game out...for about a week or two.
FEH is an M. Spread the word.
I also need to eat... My deep regret that I never hired you as my personal cook...
>>384805 it'd have been fun in the day these days i'm not doing much better physically than you are probably a little bit, but i get about 10 minutes of walking a day and that's with a cane most of the day is spent on a heating pad with either pain or anxiety meds and my bed laptop stand which is kind of cozy except the power has been going out for half-days at a time here and it's very cold
i might make some instant mashed potatoes but sometimes i just hit a really good song and decide not to get up
>>384806 Pfft! Overshare is good. --Just wait till a StalkerAnno busts out their insane document on all of /moe/!~
Oooh! We are cane-bros! Mine you can take off the top...and theres a huge pointed spike inside. It looks deadly as shit. >>384810 Sounds like youve been playing Saints Row a little too much!
>>384808 instant potatoes don't need a combo you just crack an egg into them while they're getting firm and add some cheese it gives it all the texture it needs for a full meal
is that a real thing in saints row? i never played it i had saints row 3 that i tried to play but it froze at like every loading screen so i gave up
Kirara 🚗
a guy in this show got (or is getting) ptsd and they're portraying it very realistically and also using EMDR to treat it realistically and im astounded
>>384817 i had meat earlier i tend to separate my meals these days and just have one thing at a time several times throughout the day one big meal is too much for my tummy >>384817 he's 4* and not plussed? those stats hurt to look at...
>>384820 you've had avery chance to steal this from me and you go to TUMBLR to get a shit version of it
>>384821 I definitely have that gif you posted, but i didn't feel like searching for it. Also I dislike the fact that yours cuts off before the fish wiggles after its head has been bitten off.
yeah like you arent what's a normal human's hair weight to body weight ratio and what's yours
you clearly don't realisew hat mutants are
well schizophrenia isn't a mutation
true dat, but it will anyhow just further the herecy condemnation so whatever
i'm probably just gonna start ignoring the posts instead of responding to them if you're not actually saying anything no offense it's just wasting time
Schizophrenic guy who made his own OS from scratch. He believes that god told him to do it and helped him. He also believes that he speaks with god through it.
were you just talking shit the whole time and engaging in a conversation you're not informed about >>384862 he's great i dont even mean to make fun of him he actually has really interesting perspectives you can see the moments where he disjoints from reality and actually understand why
I think this particulr guy had a moment of spotlight on moe a year or few before
>>384870 i used to watch his streams with SK around then, yeah i still do we just don't talk about it because he's not a meme >>384868 ive got so much respect for the dude he's definitely disjointed but it's all followable it's not through mockery that i enjoy watching him
>>384869 I hope they do something good with itm I read something about us getting a free unit in January.
>>384874 this kinda bothers me about the 3d stuff in games they maek this shit up they model them they do a lot of coding and yet the hair does that it is just jarring in the end
You have an outright flaw that is way too easy to spot and then you start noticing more of the minor mistakes you wouldn't normally, if something didn't catch your attention to pay more attention tot he bloody picture.
As someone who has Caeda, I don't agree. Low attack can't be fixed. Low speed can still do damage, at least. Plus Corrin's base speed is 30 which isn't particularly good.
Oh, you think it's a power move? He's manipulating her?
>>384916 there's a difference between a compulsion to and a desire to sometimes we don't want to and that's why we ask for protective measures
>>384915 i think he made a rash decision and it's going to be on his medical record for a minute now
>>384919 having that in the records provides access to a lot of resources that otherwise aren't available or accessible if he actually is in need of this intervention then it's possible that it will help him more than hurt him
>>384917 I believe so, yeah but I just found out today from only a couple sources so we'll see If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but given the severity of suicide, I wouldn't be so cavalier about calling him a big bitch if I wasn't sure he was being one
if it's not necessary then yeah it could kinda fuck things up but if you're genuinely in the space where you're afraid you're gonna harm yourself then in most cases it helps not all
>>384913 Wow, literally in a mental hospital? that's impressive.
>>384924 Not really sure yet, we've been texting but she hasn't brought it up Either she doesn't know, doesn't want to bring it up until the next time we hang out, or doesn't care that much
For some people, a breakup can push them over the edge. The best protective factor against suicide is a strong social support system. Most people that are considering it don't feel like they have that system.
I certainly wouldn't ever check myself into a mental hospital but my mental state wouldn't be very good if something happened to Fish, for example.
>>384933 A lot of times the mental issues are what trigger a breakup, which can be a threshold for seeking help for some people it's not necessarily that the breakup solely caused that level of mental anguish
I feel like you guys are convincing me that he really wants to kill himself but I feel also that I'm only feeling that because what other response would you give me
>>384936 people don't usually want to it's a feeling that they
>>384936 I think you know the person better than us and are a good enough judge of character to be able to make a trustworthy judgment here.
I think he's been making bad decisions for a long minute now and when he finally fell to the bottom of the hole he'd been digging, he's screaming and kicking like a toddler throwing a tantrum He really just needs to buck up and stop buying anime figures and DDR cabinets
>>384939 it's pretty common for close friends not to know, though, too
Yeah, that's true. I don't think anyone I know offline other than Fish knows I almost did it. Nobody would probably suspect that I've gone there except for you guys.
The hard part is that it's a selfish thing to do, but to justify your reasoning for doing so seems really petty and makes people feel guilty and there's no way around that really
Man, selfishness has absolutely never been the issue for me it's literally just fear of not being alive anymore sometimes i really really don't want to put up with life anymore but i've just accepted that there isn't really a choice when the other option is just nothing
i have some commentary i'm struggling to contain but i don't think it would benefit anything or do any good so i'm hoping it'll just pass if i suppress the urge
You know /moe/ is a strange place when you have to think.. "Do I really wanna open /moe/ right now?" "What fucking weird conversation are they having now?"
Like I appeared once and you guys were talking about gonads...and selling them. Now it's apparently offing yourself--which people are trying to change cause obvious reasons!
DB > DBZ > GT > Super Robin = Luffy, for best crew. HxH is dead and never will be good again. Berserk was better without muhcrew. Boobs > Butts Short hair > Long hair night /moe/ > day /moe/ Rika is female. Bang would be the manliest in real-life out of /moe/s. All card-games are shit. Digimon > Pokemon Over-easy eggs are gross. Anime nowadays is mostly shit. Doggirls > bunnygirls > catgirls Cartoons are mostly dead. Cartoon Network needs to die. Rick and Morty is bad now. Bojack Horseman is far more depressing than funny...but still funny.
Hxh is shit
I agree about berserk
Kirara 🚗
anime is better than ever and old anime was frequently crap because they would ruin great concepts by stretching the series out by an extra thirty episodes
Anime was always bad It's just bad in different ways now
I need more manly MCs. Hot babe females...not moe blobs.
>>384989 You know Kyoji?!?!?! Have you seen that man?!
Was that a Jojo reference?
No it was a Getter Robo reference. . .
Best Jojo is the... First > second > third
Speaking only for Jojos that I personally read part 2 > 7 > 4 > 1 > 3
Kirara 🚗
jousuke is the best jojo
>>384995 his hair is gay which knocks him down a rank
Kirara 🚗
>>384996 what the fuck did you just say about his hair, señor?!
I said it makes me feel gay He's very handsome
Kirara 🚗
that's true
Oh gotta correct... Third Jojo is the worst out of all them
Part 3 can feel a bit repetitive And I feel like Polnareff would have actually made a better Jojo than Jotaro Jotaro is cool but he's also a little bit dull, although he has his moments I like him better as a supporting character
I liked Zero best because every master was fairly interesting and had something going on I read UBW and only cared about like 2 or 3 masters I get that it's Shirous story, but I like the Battle Royale element of Zero better
y'all really out here at 1 in the morning enjoying incest?
I ... "my body" really woke up four hours later to let me check my dreaming touhous character unlock. But it was Satori not Koishi so I'm going back to sleep
>>385043 Maybe if you painted her with like anime eyes or something I ain't gonna judge you but I do not find her attractive
In other news I found a magic card with "maga" in the name.
Huh, my russian Exava seems to be worth quite a bit more than an English one.
Fuck make.girls.moe isn't working
i don't think bang is gonna make it much longer
Oh no
You going to bed soon then?
i don't want to but i don't think i have a choice against my body
I did something so crazy it's almost insane - i put steamed broccoli into my grilled cheese before grilling it It turns out I was not crazy, but in fact, a genius
That actually sounds pretty good.
Well, depending on how soft the broccoli is. I dislike broccoli cooked to the point where its really soft.
no no no in a grilled cheese sandwich, you want - need the broccoli to be soft
it became instead a broccoli-cheddar sandwich
Soft broccoli is kind of gross though
You ever put cheese in your ramen?
/moe/ I'm really bored
it's kinda just now hitting me that anime isn't happening tonight rip bang see you guys tomorrow night
Bye Bang
Yasumi bang
Maria Learn anything interesting in school recently?
No but they've been on my watchlist for a while *to do list I should see 7 samurai soon
Also holy shit the secondary bomb in TH16 is broken
Seven Samurai is really good As is Yojimbo, Rashomon, Ran and Dreams I haven't seen anything else by him. Although I just got a dvd boxset with four of his films, two of which I have not seen.
I thought maybe it was referring to the dubbed "legal marijuana" which is not marijuana, like K2 and that other garbo that gives people seizures idk that's pretty dumb we really need more people in prison for marijuana use yeah that'll help
Kirara 🚗
it can't be helped when everyone is corrupt, stupid, or evil they want to make the overcrowding in prisons even worse
it costs them 40 grand a year to lock each of these people up and somebody consciously thought, "This is a good thing to spend your tax dollars on" fuckin it'd be cheaper to offer government funded rehabilitation programs that would improve the lives of drug-users and the communities they were pulled from not that we need to be spending salary-levels of tax dollars for each individual pulled off the street it's so wasteful
Kirara 🚗
it would be cheaper for the tax payers yes but the private prisons benefit from more prisoners and the politicians that create law that create more prisoners benefit from private prisons benefitting there's no incentive to reduce spending or help people
i wish someone would just lock me up so i don't have to work and can spend my days proving navier stokes smoothness
Kirara 🚗
you could go get arrested it's pretty easy
yeah the legal procedure is a little stressful though i'd rather get hired as a systems analyst but yo i couldn't go to grad school so im fugged i hate this shitty system
well she's fuckin out of commission for a while i tried backpropagating and fucked it all up i gotta fix that but i gotta get through this winter hell first and hopefully eventually afford a lambda blade so like 2021 maybe
Kirara 🚗
2021 is pretty far away im lookin for some immediate gratification
usually it's voluntary just because there's nothing to do there's also sometimes work classes that are offered so people can learn a skill sometimes there's other benefits, like getting to shower earlier so you can be moved to the kitchen as a cook in time for breakfast and so forth, and it helps the day go by faster some places might have mandatory work or mandatory shifts between the, uh, what's it called different prison halls, i don't think they're called halls though
Kirara 🚗
some do have mandatory work since slavery is legal in prison settings most aren't mandatory
>>385172 is that contingent to the sentencing like sentencing to labor or is it just whatever
Kirara 🚗
>>385173 any crime the thirteenth amendment abolishes slavery but has a little add on that says "except for in cases of punishment" or some wording along those lines so many private prisons use forced labor
Kirara 🚗
in fact, lesser crimes are more likely to end up in slavery
>>385194 basically it appears so quickly that it's basically exploding into existence it's a very rare winter cyclone that has pressure characteristics similar to a hurricane it's basically a snow hurricane that just exploded into existence to destroy lives
Koi...- - -...
>>385196 something something gay people existing on the coast
im just waiting for it now
Kirara 🚗
>>385197 those DAMN GAY COASTAL ELITES God is PUNISHING them with the SNOW wind
citrus just doesn't make sense it has bad drama for the sake of bad drama the characters rarely act according to their supposed characterisation and it is just all over the place and every chapter in the what first 8 I read ended in a cliffhanger just pure garbage
well ov erlord 2 is a given there is some original kyoani oh wait ln adaption >The anime's story centers on high school girls going to the South Pole, "a place further than the universe." They struggle and grow together as they cope with extreme conditions Might check this out cause "le wut?"
holy tits I didn't even see overlord 2 defintiely gonna watch that too
HAKUMIKO that is a must watch forgot it was getting an anime
and yuru camp oh there is a new basilisk anime well not gonna check that ouy when it airs
Yeah, I know. Especially if we throw in the Fate/Stay Cooking short. But I have work in the morning so I'll be falling asleep in a bit, and my recent track record with waking up before midnight has been pretty bad lately.
>>385253 My cousin's husband doesn't know how to shovel snow. He lives on long island. My parents were visiting them a few years ago and got snowed in and my dad had to do all the shoveling.
>>385255 i'm going to make a pile come home and not deal with it
My grandmother has people from trinidad over. They're staying in the spot that I was for last week. And I had to stay in this tiny dust-filled room. They were SUPPOSED to leave today but surprise surprise, their flights are canceled all the way up until Sunday night The same time that I stop having to be down here in her house.
>>385290 You actually use one of those huh? I could see it making a big difference in mentality when it seems like the weekend comes faster i don't believe in that level of organization though
> lol >https://bato.to/comic/_/comics/kobayashi-san-chi-no-maid-dragon-kanna-no-nichij%c5%8d-r20353 A spin-off of Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon focusing on the daily life of Kanna.
>>385296 Trying to organize stresses me out more than it helps me I function best when I can go with the rhythm as long as I keep the time-sensitive things in perspective I don't lose track even though I work from home I still attend stupid phone conferences and have to do webinar stuff i'd spend more time making a schedule than time saved by using one
i think it's a good habit it's just one that doesn't work for me i'm stressed very easily and i do great work when i'm not stressed planning things out always works out worse for me somehow
But I will still consult my calendar nonstop, cause I am paranoid as fug about misrembering times and schedules not that I need them actually since I am never wrong but i just need to confirm it every now and then
is kinda like how I sometimes miss the bus cause I suddenly think I left the fridge open and have to rush backt o check it out or can't do anything whole day, cause I think I didn't lock my door properly
wow also wat is dat? like what mod is that or just ps4 layout?
>>385331 yeah it's the ps4 interface it's a little bit more inconvenient for sorting large amounts of gear >>385333 it's some level 50 something i created a new character for the new season
also 200 armour leoric crown man that is bad roll I had like 500 armour one
also i critted 12 billion last time I played hwo the fuck that happend since it was like twice my record crit but oh well
>>385334 i usually play in the current season eventually i'll have a 70 of every class in this one too probably unless MHW really does steal all of my free time >>385337 some of them aren't that fun for me either not a big fan of crusader and monk DH and wizard are definitely the most fun to me
Monk and crusader are both like faux palladin man I miss doing HAMMER SPAM or useless heaven lightning or just ZEAL ZEAL ZEAL ZEAL ZEAL spam there was nothing more amusing than playing nightmare with your friends who were all ranged chars and you were frontlinign there with your pal and doing zeal for 0 dmg cause shit weapon and nothing had dropped for AGES that could make it better but since you were half immortal so easily with that char it didn't matter since your friends killed them all and you just HAKC HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS MIS MISSMISSMISSISSMISSMISS HACK HACK AHCK
>>385338 necro is quite fun but for the price i'm not sure i can really justify it literally all you get is access to one class 10 years ago you would have gotten an expansion pack with that money
>>385342 lord of destruction costed THAT MUCH in markkas, though
>>385345 How did the bosses work for you? that build just fucking sucks imo at bosses
>>385347 we just destroyed most of them before they could manage to do any real damage and used town portals to help dead people get back if necessary there were a few instances where one of the other hammerdins respecced to smite to tank for us though
>>385348 HAHA you should have seen my trios go at hell diablo... me with once again not that shabby weapon as zeal pal friend as raise dead necro and third guy as somewhat fucked up but still quite good druid build it took like an hour to kill that fucker man I miss the boss fights in d2 they were just so BRUTAl
diablo especially was just fucking scary ball *baal was always just fucking easy he just took a while because of bunshin no jutsu, but he had like 0 dmg dealing abilities the aura blast was only one that did some dmg, but if you were on him, it dealt like 0 his mana drain was also fucking annoying
My favourite char though was "masteryofbow" that ended up beign pure spear build... I guess that is what happens when at lvl 5 you get a "500-1500 poison dmg spear" dropped on you or something it had like FUCKING 1,5 second cd on attacks but especially in pvp it was really superb one hit and it was usually kill
I don't think that char ever hit lvl 50 even, cause it was post 30 just a pvp troll char, but it was so fun to use just run around and then stab someone in the ass with that fucking 3 metre poison lance and then repeat untill dead
I still bit miss the ludacricty that was the early d3 difficulty that entire thing and the miniscule drop chances of antyhing of use just forced me to do a completely ridiculous build on my wizard basically, it was just "all on hp regen" as long as nothing one shotted me, I could regen the dmg in seconds and then I just spent rest of the time dodging, while spamming blizzard and poison hydra to slowly kill any foe
and then I finally got a decent weapon and went full glass cannon, since by then I had memorised the exact hitbox of every attack that the game had so I went "might as well DODGE everything coming my way and then one shot the thing that send it at me" worked damn well too
Goosd Atleast you got one this time seriously those are quite harmless even indoors and really useful if you are prone to losing power or your cabin just lacks power
>>385395 I dunno. I wouldn't really have an interesting reaction because I'm not into the whole gender thing. I guess it'd be annoying since I'd have to get new clothes. Djeeta probably has a hard time buying clothes because the size of her breasts change all the time.
>>385397 I'm probably not going to watch the ramen show but the other two were really good.
>>385398 It probably wouldn't be very amusing. I'd be fine with continuing my relationship with her if she magically had a male's body, but I think she'd be very unhappy.
>>385415 how is that an insult since pearls are just invertibrate excretement while swine are very complicated creatures that produce most consumed meat by humans in the planet
fuck the japanese dub of moomin is good bad good as in there are so many good voice actors doing good performances but at the same time failing at the actual characters
the finnish dub isn't that good etiher but at the very least they nail the characters head on and work their best to get the best lines delivered without actually being able to change the lip sync
I went to check on my laundry and it is not finished because I filled it up and put the soap in and then just walked off without closing the lid. one day I'm going to die because I forgot to breathe.
>>385531 If you fuck with an iguana, it'll bite you. Iguanas have incredibly strong jaws and very very sharp teeth, so they can fuck you up. But they give a lot of warning.
>>385534 You probably didn't get bitten by a real iguana if that's how you remember it.
>>385536 Iguanas have very sharp serrated teeth, so if you got bitten by a real one, you'd be in trouble. Where the hell did you even get into contact with one?
>>385538 Yeah, you shouldn't really fuck with them, but you can feed them and hang out with them. They're pretty chill if you're not mean.
>>385541 What kind of iguana was it? There are some iguanas with weak jaws, but Florida has green iguanas.
>>385543 They feel like any other lizard. Next time you're in South Florida, you should play with one. Iguanas are pretty smart and they have good eyesight. You can play fetch with them.
>>385545 it was green I pet its head and it raised its head and I took it like "pet my neck too" like cats do and so I did and then it went "OM NOM NOM " on my index finger
actually fuck 14 years or whatecver I said holy shit it is 18 years at minimum more most likely
If you look at the top of an iguana's head, you'll see a small, white circle. That's the third eye.
It has poor eyesight but it can detect movement, so it's hard to sneak up on them! The two normal eyes of the iguana have really good eyesight, though.
>>385556 actually not sneak up on them, but rather rush up to them sneaking up very slowly would work
Kirara 🚗
>>385558 not if you're not positioned well you'd have to do it so you don't interfere with the light around it whatsoever
>>385560 well yeah it is quite impossible to do so honest, but basically it is realted to some forms of insect sight that say praying mantis prays upon move so slow it registers as inanimate objects
>>385585 they had short tails before, but when a gap to hell opened they toojk their chance to flee however the DEVIL caught them all by them their tails but they flapped and flapped hard and eventually fled but by that time their tails had lengthened by three spread
>>385591 Well, either way, iguanas are really cool lizards. They're a joy to have around even if they'll fuck up your garden.
We don't have them where I live right now, but we have wild peacocks instead.
>>385591 When I lived in Australia there was a particular magpie who got really mad If you walked even remotely close to her nest she'd swoop you and try to claw at your scalp
is not a random thing or anything they go for eryes because they make any predator harmles quite quick or any predator flee the quickest no predator afterall wants to lose its eyes and as for "magpies and crowbirds like shiny objects" no proof of that
cobras make like rattlesnakes seem friendly and those fuckers shake their tales before biting usually and cobras still have STRONGER VENOM and can also spit it
> Squeezing the larvae out is not recommended, as it can cause the larvae to rupture; their bodily fluids have been known to cause severe anaphylactic shock Fucking botflies
>>385636 >>385637 >brain What the fuck This is some Alien tier stuff
Kirara 🚗
there are cases of botflies getting in people's brains, ears, etc
>the larva can end up in your brain
At least there's no squeezing to be done if they end up in your brain.
Kirara 🚗
it's fucking horrifying
second worst thing after that thingf is thebrain eating ameba
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah they got that shit here
Kirara 🚗
yeah lol
in rivers and swiming pools
Kirara 🚗
we don't have any rivers that are slow enough for them and most of our rivers are brackish water but they'll show up in pools, yeah
fuck that species why does it spread like that and it gets to a human IT EATS YOUR BRAIN
in like 99% of cases
Kirara 🚗
i think there's a cure now but you have to catch it like within a few hours of it getting into your head
I mean sure there are lik 10 cases so far in record but still
>>385649 AND HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT I mean most likely you get symptoms after a week or two or a month
Kirara 🚗
get yourself checked out after you ever any body of water lol
rey still didn't get any training but still does things like she was trained for life snoke was wasted the whole finn side story was 100% waste despite him being like most likeable character in the new trilogy
You're making claims without giving any evidence.
Kirara 🚗
careful not to spoil anything for people that haven't seen the new movie
>>385672 All the ones that affect bugs do is make the insects inclined to engage in certain behaviors. That's what the ones that infect humans do, too. The difference is that humans are more complex so it's hard to affect them to the same degree as parasites can an insect.
There are also parasites that can increase the chances of getting schizophrenia and stuff.
>>385673 That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying the fact that it breaks it is no indication of it being bad.
so a movie set in an universe with some rules et in place and new one breaks them and then the second new one breaks them even futher and then shits on them practically and it is good?
It doesn't break the rules of the Star Wars universe. Everything follows the rules. But it breaks the pre-conceived notions people had about what a Star Wars movie "should" be.
also half of the story makes no sense or could be removed even without impacting the main storyline AT ALL
>>385677 I bet this is what people said to the defence of the JJ abrams Star Trek films
>>385677 I liked TLJ, but in the context of star wars the hypser space ram was dumb Because it begs the question of why they don't just have dummy missiles with hypser space drives attatched. Could probably have skipped the death star trench run. Could probably have skipped the whole battle of endor too. Previously it was just sort of accepted that Star Wars was a science fantasy movie where the space ships operated on ww2 dogfights, which is fine for suspension of disbelief. But now that they've introduced this new tactic, it completely renders all the previous space battles as wrong. Was Holdo just the first person to ever think of this idea? It's not like hyperspace drives are that expensive since every X-wing has got one.
>>385680 do we have a plan admiral, no we don't have shut your face you hot head shit and get out of my bridge REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE one mutiny later OH WE HAD A PLAN
>>385687 Just don't eat any cat poop and you'll be fine!
>>385692 Holdo could have been so much more bearable if they just had a single throwaway line about the possibility of imperial spies and had her act less dismissive of Poe the first time he asks her about the plan. Literally just "don't worry Poe we've got a plan but there's a possibility of spies on board so it's a need to know basis" Instead it's "heh, you don't need to know that fly boy. Get out of my face ;)"
>>385695 Because >generally speaking it's good for soldiers in the chain of command to understand what their tactical goals are in case they need to take the initiative or if the higher command dies >because Poe is reckless and impulsive and not having him in on the plan could lead to him doing something dumb which is exactly what happens in the movie >also because despite being demoted Poe was still an ace war hero who blew up starkiller base There's basically no reason not to tell him Or the rest of the fleet for that matter Even if there's no reason for Holdo to tell Poe the plan she could have done it in a way that's not increadibly dismissive of valid concerns Remember that Poe and the rest of the pilots are entrusting their lives to Holdos plan and they're in a tight situation So let's imagine you're a soldier, times are tough, and suddenly a new commander comes in that you've never met before to take charge So you ask him what the plan is and he tells you something really vague and wishy washy about hope He doesn't even say he has a plan Are you gonna leave your life in this mans hands? Has this man earned your trust and respect? of course not Holdo is an incompetent leader and irritating to watch
>>385692 Why should she need to inform a whiny, impulsive, and reckless soldier who thinks he deserves to know everything? He'd only shortly before shown himself incredibly incompetent in his position.
>>385694 but didn't general leia already demote you? get out of my bridge I think a literal fucking line in the movie
>>385695 so he doesn't fucking be a whiny impulsive soldier and fucking do a coup detat
>>385695 also FEW FIGHTETS AND BOMBERS FOR A WHOLE FUCKING DREADNOUGHTY? that is dream casualty rates for any commander >>385700 and what? leave that same ship to kill the same frigate Leia was on which it would have DONE oh wait canät have that happen it would have ended the rebellion
>>385699 That was also pretty much their entire offensive fleet gone. You're right that the exchange was good in terms of exchange, but in the larger picture he crippled their entire fleet.
>>385696 A lot of people have no problem with eating undercooked meat. It's weird!
>>385701 The bombs were on electromagnetic rails that pushed the bombs "downwards".
>>385703 they have photon torpedoes they have long range bombs even established in THE MAIN TRILOGIES BEFORE but nooo gotta have fucking gravity falling bombs int his one
but had captain purplehead told hothead boi about her and leia's plan, they would have never had the side quest, which would have never had the alternate B hacker on the first order ship, which would have never had them being told for somereason that they need to also scan for stuff that are not frigates? WHAT WITH THEM HAVING TECH LIKE SNOKE'S PRIVATE SUPER TELESCOPE THAT CAN ZOOM INTO THE ACTION!? OR WHY CAN SHIPS THAT ARE CLOACKED BE SCANNED BY ANTICLOACK SCANS? IF YOU HAVE CLOACKED SHIPS SHOULDN*T THEY BE IMMUNE TO ALL FORMS OF SCANS? I MEAN WHAT IS THE PIOINT OF CLOACKING TECH IF YOU CAN JUST SCAN AND FIND THEM WITH SETTING B SCAN?
Kirara 🚗
because they lost their other bombers already obviously
Yeah it's pretty clear that the remaining forces the Resistance had at the start was pretty much whatever scrappy ships were remaining.
I don't see why people got worked up over Luke drinking milk He's just drinking milk Have you never seen anyone milk a cow before?
>>385725 Yeah it's not like Jedi are above drinking milk or something
>>385724 that was amusing and it worked into the "jedi master is crasy" thing like yoda
and he even went with the taunting eyes like "hahaa look at me drink milk now go away I am crazy"
but still luke's story made no sense in terms of his character from 4-6 movies
Kirara 🚗
that yoda laugh after her burned down the tree to fuck with luke
>>385729 Which isn't exactly a good thing to go off since it's been thirty years since then and he's had his share of a rough life inbetween it.
>>385732 I can save my father who is a genocidal maniac and hs been doing this shit for longer than I have been alive but I can't even conceive of saving my nephew who hasn'ät even done a singlöe wrong thing yet better pull my light saber off and kill him
>>385733 He did fairly little in "saving" his father, really. He just showed up and was a weak-ass bitch and Anakin felt compassion for that.
>>385733 Luke only briefly lapsed in judgement before changing his mind. Even during the vader fight you could see Luke giving a little into anger and slamming on vader before cutting off his hand. It wasn't "luke was gonna murder Ben" it's "luke had a momentary lapse in judgement while making a value call because he was worried that Kylo might grow up to become literally space hitler" Ben just happened to wake up at a bad time Although I remember it being pretty vague as to what Luke was sensing other than "dark side potential" Maybe the scene would have worked better if we saw Ben training during the flashback and there were a few more practical examples of dark side behaviour, like he pulls the wings off a fly or something
Again, I'm sorry that it shatters your pre-conceived notions but that's no reason for it to be a bad movie.
Yeah bud I like Star Wars too and this movie was a great Star Wars movie.
>>385735 it would have worked better if we had I dunno had a flashback with say luke nearly killing snoke earlier or something like showing why he tought snokes influence was so absolute and comnplete and he had no hope of saving him or I dunno SOMETHING
Kirara 🚗
something similar happened in extended universe anyway
>>385744 The Extended Universe is not a bar of quality
>>385743 Also we still don't know much about who snoke was or how he got so powerful. Or why Ben was susceptible to Snokes influence was so strong over kylo before Luke ignited his lightsaber I feel like these movies are good but they really could use editing in their script. I definitely think that the small two year gap between movies hurts the scripting since they've got way less time to write and direct and edit these movies. Like a good example of this is in TFA where Rey is somehow an expert pilot with the falcon on Jakku. I could accept it if there was a throwaway line like they had for Luke and blasting womp rats in his T-16. Something like "oh I salvaged a flight simulator and played with it so I know how to pilot stuff" but there's just not. Lots of little details like that which really mess with with the film that could easily be fixed
but they fuckign wasted like 40 minutes of the movie with that useless finn+chinesemagical girl storyline that didn't do anything except wasted finn's heroic sacrifice which would ha ve actually been fucking amazing but noo "don't do it I love you"
>>385747 Luke's been a pretty lousy hero since the original trilogy anyway. What does he actually succeed at in his own power during it? Blowing up the Death Star?
Kirara 🚗
yeah luke has always been a fuck up the only thing he has going for him is that the force is strong with him he never knew what he was doing or how he was doing it
>>385748 If you watch closely his speeder is deaccelerating in the force of the siege beam; it's not likely a surefire shot that he'd even hit it, or be fast enough to cause damage.
>>385752 she still sacrificed the whole rebellion on the off chance it wouldn't have worked she had 100% chance rebellion dies vs "some chance rebellion doesn't die" also how did she even figure out a tech like "Oh no one has ever figured out or even thought to track down someone post hyperspace jump, but I can now think of it working like this and that so I can disable it"
Kirara 🚗
because she got a hint from someone who knew something about how it really worked
>>385755 and her post is "guarding escape pods from deserters" a real top priority mind
Kirara 🚗
lol no? she was there because she was depressed and she kept stopping people because that's what she wanted to do she was an engineer
It's almost as if people don't always tell the absolute truth when asked a question.
nonetheless she still somehow just figured out a tech that no one even conceived to be possible before it was mentioned to her just our of that
' though we never did see would she have been able to disable it in all fairness BUT STILL
I really wish that Finn was allowed to sacrifice himself. I think it would have been a nice resolution to his character and given him a good arc. Goes from a coward who tries to run away from danger to someone who's willing to sacrifice himself in the name of a cause that he cares deeply about.
>>385762 We could get into a very long debate over the ethics of that. So I'm just gonna say that in the context of Finns perspective he had to make a choice between his own life or something greater than himself, and that I think him choosing something greater gives a good payoff to his character, and I feel like Roses action cheapens this emotional payoff somewhat. especially since she had no way of knowing Luke would show up
>>385761 I strongly disagree, but that's because I tend to see suicidal sacrifice as something more of a cowards choice than something noble.
>>385763 There's a difference between putting your life on the line and choosing to enact a situation where your life is almost certainly forfeit.
and rey is still a fucking mary sue even if they finally gave her some character development
which was actually quite nice she had somewhat a decent arc, even if it was quite rushed
also the EDITING fucking why did you have so fucking RUSH HURRY to get from one scene to the next constantly despite having like 40 minutes of rose+finn filler in it that served no point
>>385766 I feel like they wanted to do the RISKY and SUBVERSIVE thing but they also wanted to play it safe That would have been a really cool twist and I love the throne room fight where they work together
>>385784 Yeah. I'm on Lissa's team and got victory feathers.
THE GUY PERSONALLY HATED THE SCRIPT and what they did to his character
>>385787 Not true. People have taken his words on that subject way out of context and we've ended up with what you're claiming now. He didn't agree with how it was taken at first because it was out of line with what he had envisioned Luke as in his time away from the franchise. But got over his pre-conceived notions and ended up really liking the script.
I'm gonna be honest As much as I enjoyed TLJ Jumanji was a better movie And I'm glad it's doing so well God bless Dwayne the Rock Johnson
>>385796 It's just such a solid little adventure movie Where all the characters learn a lesson And work together and grow as people And all the jokes hit really well
Jack Black was really good playing as a woman
>>385791 It was such a great "blink-and-you-miss-it" moment.
>>385793 It was so funny! Jumanji is my #2 film of 2017. Hands down.
>>385793 >Jack Black was really good playing as a woman As someone who knows practically nothing about the new Jumanji this is NOT what I was expected -expecting to see.
>>385800 If you see it you'll get what I mean >>385799 What was #1 I'm guessing get out for some reason
Jumanji doesn't have a single bad joke It's surprisingly a really good example of 'video game humour' working out really well
>>385802 I honestly can't think of a single flaw in Jumanji It's all just so perfect The Rock is a really legit actor in this That fucking stare of his
>Because if I was just another benevolent Jedi training young padawans, we've seen it! I really like that he gets this. Cantankerous hermit Luke is a great thing.
>>385804 still doesn't explain how rei is doing all dis shit with no training
I dunno, how is the the kid at the end of the movie moving the broom with no training?
>>385806 in TLJ she had training And she didn't even do that much she just fought over a lightsabere with kylo and moved some rocks
>>385809 Enough to move some rocks Though frrankly this is something that ESB does better Since it takes Luke a long time to learn how to lift the Xwing out of the water. I would have liked if we saw Rey do more training on the island. She has like 3 lessons with Luke and I don't remember her doing that much practical training with the force. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but idk I like the force best when it requires a lot of training to git gud at and some people just happen to have more potential than others
>>385810 The Prequel Trilogy is also bad I wouldn't use that as a bar of quality either
>>385808 how many hous? hours how many days the movie treats like all of it happens in real time and gives NO SENSE OF TIME
even anakin was using the force as a child without training
you need training to be precise with it but not to use it
The Force has never been something that NEEDS training to do simple, boring-ass things like pulling stuff to you. Lifting rocks and pulling stuff towards you is easy.
>>385810 he didn't lift any rocks also THE CHOSEN ONE
Kirara 🚗
many force sensitive people in the EU could lift rocks before being trained
luke couldn't lift the X-wing despite yoda's training of X to Y weeks Rei in her first lifting lifted X-wing or more amount of rokcs by just going "okay lifting rocks"
Yeah because Luke is a shitty Jedi.
One of the KEY POINTS of The Last Jedi is doing away in part with the hero mythology that Luke is some walking god amongst men. He's an ordinary guy at heart who's had to deal with a lot of shit because of his family situation.
why do you defend it so fervently?
Kirara 🚗
because it makes sense for the most part and you're talking out of your ass for a lot of your criticisms
Kirara 🚗
luke was a horrible jedi the entire point of the prequels was to establish that luke wasnt the chosen one he was just some guy that happened to be instrumental in the prophecy he was a nobody
very well I'll just go back to not giving a fuck but I will remember this
>>385816 You're right Luke wasn't a god he was a dude who trained a lot You could argue that he didn't have Wait Hol up I just remembered that he force pulls a lightsaber before he trains with Yoda
>>385819 Luke was a decent Jedi given the circumstances he was in Dude had a total of like A few hours training with Obiwan on the Falcon and a month or two with Yoda The rest was him going by ear and his feats aren't actually that great It's like if I /// if there was some amazing asian martial art or something And you're expected to save the day with it But your first master only gives you a few hours with it Then he dies and you only get like a month or two with your next teacher And then you're expected to teach a new generation and save the day Luke did astonishingly well considering
>>385822 Yeah his feats weren't that great The death star shot implies that obiwan helps him guide it In ESB he force pulls a lightsaber and lifts an Xwing post training The issue people has is that Rei does stuff that's more impressive with far less training Which cheapens the force somewhat since it's less like a disciplined martial art and more like a super power
>>385821 I mean, I'll hand it to you that he likely trains a lot after the end of the original trilogy. Up until he cuts himself off from the Force after failing Ben. But within the original trilogy he was a shitty Jedi and really only had a higher-than-average Force sensitivity.
>>385821 pulls up said light saber with a lot of difficulty but rei she can outpull kylo ren who was trained in jedi arts somewhat by having just earlier that day learned she can use the force
Kirara 🚗
luke was never actually like a jedi tbh >>385823 rey is stronger in the force than luke
>>385826 but anakin is billiomn times stronger in the force
Kirara 🚗
ok but they weren't having a small contest based on force strength they were having a large duel the circumstances were different
so why did rey beat kylo in a duel to death
He underestimated her because Kylo is/was an egotistical maniac.
obiwan and anakin did a force push duel it ended in tie
Kirara 🚗
the circumstances were different
>>385821 I get their issues, but Rey doesn't do much that -strictly- involves being a Jedi to accomplish. She's good at fighting because she's lived on fucking Jakku her whole life and needed to learn to protect herself. As a pilot, again, she's learned to be self-sufficient and can probably fly places because of that. It's like how you've got to know how to drive if you want to be self-sufficient in America.
>>385833 I'm fine with Rei being good at fighting and before you say anything I'm fine with her beating Kylo at the end of TFA Dude was bleeding to death >she's learned to be self-sufficient and can probably fly places because of that Where was this established. Rei is a junk dealer not a pilot. She knows how to pilot a speeder because she uses it to get around. This is fine because it's clearly established in the movie That's like saying all Americans know how to fly a plane No way could Rey afford a plane
Kirara 🚗
>>385834 because they were using different force powers between the two scenarios
Also why is rey stronger than ben? rey is nobody ben is from skywalker family and even snoke the allmighty said that they are made to match eatchother however ONE HAS TRAINING other has 1 hour of lightsaber flailing
>>385835 Let me finish my metaphor before you start picking at iiiitt.
Kirara 🚗
why was anakin so powerful when his parents were nobodies
Anakin blowing up a trade federation ship at the end of TPM because muh force is also bad writing I'm not going to give them a pass either they deserve to be shitted on
>>385839 I think there's actually an explanation for that. I remember hearing about it from a friend, its sort of like the will of the force doing things to balance stuff or something
>>385841 >Darkness rises, and the Light to meet it
>>385843 however this was actually not something just like that the sith tried to make the ultimate tool but accidentally made anakin
and now just force poops ouit champions of one side into the force because it does so no previous mention of that but now it does that cause we need heroes
Anakin in AotC and RotS is powerful because of a combination of potential and training which is fine Even if Anakin wasn't the chosen one that'd be fine Anakin in TPM is dumb because he's like 10
>>385851 I don't think he was that exceptionally strong and he turned quite logically dark side in the end
>>385839 I don't have any problem with a nobody like Rey having a high force potential, but for the sake of this question I think it's worth mentioning that it's somewhat implied that Sheev created Anakin
>>385846 Another one of Anakin's issues throughout the prequel trilogy is that he's a sloppy student. He enjoys the physical training but doesn't excel in learning the complexity of using the Force. But he doesn't need to because he's so strong in it.
>>385856 well yeah the first sith emperor is 100% imbalanced zone he is like "no way you can ever defeat him" zone nope he is like "you wrote so powerful character even one punch man will struggle defeating him" zone
But Darth sidious may still have been stronger in force than that emperor sol... yeah
Kirara 🚗
chewbacca is the strongest sith
>>385857 >sloppy student When was this established He was definitely reckless But we never see his training Which is another problem I have with the narrative of the prequels
>>385864 also he had like 5 years or what of constant warfare to practi e his skills
I think his delinquent nature is also reaffirmed in the extra content too. Stuff like the Clone Wars cartoons.
I also read a bunch of extended universe books written for kids at about that time, and while their canoninity has probably been thrown out the window by now, Anakin was consistently characterized as a bad student in them as well.
just fucking watch that cartoon it makes the attack of the clones and nesxt movie so much better when you see the slow development of anakin over the years of constant warfare on galactic scale
A movie shouldn't need a cartoon that was released after the movie came out to be good
>>385869 Star Wars is like an orphan that keeps getting passed around by shitty foster parents and can't find the right one
>>385870 pretty much it was birthed by lucas who gave it to more guiding paretns who made it great and then it was given back to lucas who while not raped it made it quite bad and now it has been given to new set of "parents" who haven't really done it greaty
Kirara 🚗
kotor 3 when
Never. EA isn't interested in single-player content anymore.
>>385873 This is the worst thing to come out of the Disney deal
>>385875 Am I wrong? I thought that happened after the Disney deal and that before then lucasarts held the liscenece to make starwars games When did Lucas Arts die was that before or after disney >On October 30, 2012, LucasArts was acquired by The Walt Disney Company through the acquisition of its parent company Lucasfilm in a deal for $4.05 billion. A Disney representative stated that its intent at the time was for all employees at Lucasfilm and its subsidiaries to remain at their present positions. A LucasArts representative said that "for the time being, all projects are business as usual" >On May 6, 2013, it was revealed that Electronic Arts would develop Star Wars games, through an exclusive multi-year license, for the core gaming market.
What? EA has had the exclusivity to Star Wars games long before Disney bought the franchise.
just make jedi academy 2 and acknowlede that EU exists in alterante unifverse or shit fucking GIVE US BACK KYLE KATARN!
Kirara 🚗
nintendo switch lightsaber duel game
Easy two-player content. They could even make it like a "hold a blaster in one hand, lightsaber in the other" for the solo campaign.
Kirara 🚗
and duel wielding lightsaber in single player sometimes
>>385877cool as that may be you just limited that game to like 15% of the potentional customer base
Kirara 🚗
pvp lightsaber duels with friends would make me so happy
>>385881 was in jedi outcast and academy already though
>>385874 Yeah, sorry, I simplified but wasn't entirely incorrect. Before Lucas Arts was dissolved by Disney, both them and EA produced Star Wars games.
I guess the real crime here was that they didn't give a successor to Lucas Arts so by elimination all we have is EA now.
>>385883 And now it's just Disney They used to have devs like Factor 5 make star wars games I don't care if EA happens to drop a bad Battlefront or two The problem is that it's just EA doing starwars games
>>385886and you just lost like I said before largest share of MONEY there is to be leeched off of
Kirara 🚗
the switch is going to be the most popular console in the US soon so
>>385889 Do you mean fastest selling or most popular one
>>385893 because at the moment quite good amount own both some form of previous gen consoles and pc
Kirara 🚗
>>385894 both it's already the fastest selling console in history
>>385896 Wow really? Are you implying it's almost outsold the PS4 total sales in the U.S? That's really impressive considering Nintendos position with the Wii U before Good for them
>>385896 and this means by 2020 100% of gaming population will own it?
>>385891 This is a statement which doesn't really cover the complexity very well. Most people own some kind of laptop or PC that they might play simple app games on. But in terms of powerful PCs that can play cutting edge games vs. console owners, consoles outweigh the number of PCs by far.
Most people own a laptop for word office and internet browsing Not pcs that can play triple A new releases
Mobile devices are the most commonly used platform for playing games
>>385903 I don't see you providing statistics for you claims; I wasn't aware it was mandatory.
>>385906 I don't see you providing statistics for your claims; I wasn't aware it was mandatory.
>>385905 "they use to play games" I ALSO NEVER SEE YOU FUCKING EVER EVER NEVER disprove me with sources of numbers
>>385904 However you know what they could do They could just release a game with like 5/10 graphics It doesn't NEED to have an amazing triple AAA graphics that needs a pentum 14 titan quad core gpu or whatever It'd just need to be a good starwars game
>>385908 It doesn't even have to be stylized they could just put out something with 7th gen tier graphics and most computers would be able to run it I would accept that
Kirara 🚗
>>385907 they could do stylized cell shading as long as resolution is good it'd be solid visually
Just use the artistic style of the Clone Wars cartoon. That looks pretty cool.
Oh my god there's going to be a new starwars movie every year for the next 20 years
Kirara 🚗
solo is next i think
Rian Johnson, the guy who directed The Last Jedi, already has a Star Wars trilogy greenlit for the future. Though we don't know what the content is going to be yet.
Equally hard to cast someone who looks the part BUT THE CHARACTER HAS MUCH MORE RICH POTENTIONAL BACKGROUND than just "oh I won a ship and am good pilot aI am han solo"
i'd probably watch lando the rest of this i can't bring myself to care
remember when McDonald's has the treasure planet toys and you could put them together to make the map? i wanted it so bad but my mom wouldn't let me go to McDonald's enough to get them
I can even sing that song karaoke I ahve 3 versions of it
Kirara 🚗
McDonald's had good inspector gadget toys
i remember the burger king dbz toys they weren't even toys but they were all right collectibles but holy fuck the commercial made me cringe and i was only 7 or something at the time
Has anyone here seen Zoids Are any of those shows good?
>>385959 >>385958 I'm trusting Kirara here Kirara which zoids do you start with