This is one of the things I truly enjoy with all my heart in my life. Also... >notYoutube Breakin' muh own ruuules!
Dude...upload already picture... #slowuploading/moe/images >>385090 Hey! You need a music in every post! Fix-it-fix-it-fix-it
...I picked a new image... /moe/ wouldn't let me post Best Dad from Made in Abyss.
>>385117 It helpin' to cut back? I tried for awhile...thought I was fine--then everyone started telling me I was acting a bad way. Got back to one a day...get energy of a fuckin' God for awhile--then crash horribly. Fun-fun-fun!~
it's a little easier to function throughout the day yeah >>>/watch?v=OnqZVcGHFaU or i guess harder to function, but less troubled by the end of the day so easier overall to get through the day no mood swingy
>>>/watch?v=ISee2EefxDk This song is fucking beautiful! Naruto tho'...has to be one of the worst shows I've seen, and one of worst manga I've read in my life.
>>385126 Fuck...I don't know--it'd have to be truly suffering. I mean... Basquash!, Diabolik Lover, Walkure Romanze, Akame ga KIll!, Yowamushi Pedal, Mouretsu Pirates...and Shinsekai yori have all caused me phyical and emotional suffering...but only enough to give them 2-3 out of 10 stars.
The WORST, of the worst... ... I don't wanna think about it...
>>385128 I didn't think Mouretsu Pirates was that bad. I don't think it was good per se either, but I don't think it was bad. I liked the opening a lot. What do you think would be the best?
>>385131 It took so long to get moving...and...dat end.
>>385132 Something that lacks anime cliches? Hahaha. Something with feels and fun... Something that can beat Ippo, Beet the Vandel Buster, Gundam 08th Team, Kaiji, Fate/Zero, Space Brothers, .hack//SIGN...and proably the "lowest" hitter on the list: Digimon Tamers. Something that can beat ALL of those...will be the best--Oh! Also add Ping Pong The Animation on the best-list.
>>385134 >Ippo I actually started watching that recently. I am up to episode 30 currently. The part where Ippo is trying to look after his fist so that he can fight that other infighter. Is 08th ms team your favourite Gundam series?
>>385135 Awww yessss...someone else actually seeing Ippo~ It's gonna be great--I won't ruin it for ya. Gonna need to talk about [THAT] match though...when the time comes. Whatchu think of the characters so far?
Hmm...I can't really say I like it better or worse than G Gundam...even though they are both vastly different. So it's a tie for best Gundam for me. Gotta watch all the other series' to see if something defeats them.
>>385136 G Gundam and 08th ms team are the only ones you've seen? If you enjoyed 08th ms team then I would highly recommend watching more Universal Century stuff. Though I think it might be a good idea to start with 0079. Honestly I really like most of the characters in Ippo. Though I am a bit disappointed that most of Ippo's opponents don't return later on. I tried to see if Oda Yusuke ever showed up again after watching his match with Ippo since I liked his character arc, but it seems like he ends up just giving up on boxing after his loss, which is pretty disappointing given that his arc was about him learning to give his all in boxing again... I don't really understand all of the dick jokes they keep on doing. Why would they bully Ippo for being big instead of small? It is very strange. >>385138 0079 is the 1979 one. It takes place at the same time as 08th ms team, which is the year 0079 of the Universal Century. Personally I thought that 0079 did start of a bit poorly during my first time watching it, and the animation is certainly quite dated, but if you do try it out then please keep in mind that it gets much better later on. I honestly think it's a really great show. Have you read the Gunslinger Girl manga? The anime adaptation had some issues which I dislike, but the manga is really great. It's definitely a favourite of mine. Build Fighters is really good. It's especially good if you've seen other Gundam series, since it makes a lot of references to them. Though I do feel that Gundam Build Fighters Try had a lot of issues and was nowhere near as good, it also clearly had some love put into it, as there are quite a lot of subtle references to other series in it also.
>>385137 I've seen a few. These are the ones on my harddrive at the moment. But 0079, huh? Guess gonna have to start it after I kill off Yakitate!! Japan or Gunslinger Girl S2.
Yeah, abit of fault to Ippo on that. I like it somewhat though...cause that's boxing, it'll eat you up and spit you out (it will also show with someone later)...but it's great everyone isn't all "MUH ENEMY!" "MWHAHAHA I'M EVIL AS SHIT!~". Since I wanted to be a boxer before...Ippo gains some mad love from me. Heh...the dick jokes.There's actually more in the manga. --I don't get it either...I just roll my eyes and go >Japan. They have abit of...strange humor, sometimes. They did make the "joke" about stabbing two finger into someone's butthole...afterall.
Also unno if seen Build Fighters too. That was unexpected fun tho'.
>>385137 The manga? No. Heard it's way better...usually like every anime. So it's right that anime-issues. Try the S2? Not seen it yet...putting off cause seems to focus on most boring character. Dat Red-Head.
>>385139 It is. The anime is nice if you're a fan of the series, but it is still a bit disappointing... There are some anime original stories though, which is nice. I really like the art style of the manga too. Although the ending is a bit poorly done, and I don't think you would like the 'main villain' of the story, I would still highly recommend it if you enjoy reading manga. I also really disliked Sekai. A lot. He honestly brought down the whole show. >>>/watch?v=FZRbbq28SqY
>>385142 Being barely into downgraded in art, characters are out-of-character, villains more interesting than cast...bad signs! Will 100% read manga after.
>>385145 By villains you would mean Pinocchio right? And the two bomb makers. I'm not sure about the anime since it has been a while since I watched it, but I don't really remember Triela or Hillshire acting out of character during that arc. They introduce a new Fratello pairing after the point that season 2 ends at. Their stories are pretty different to the others, with them mostly focusing on reconnaissance and profiling rather than combat. That is quite the hedgehog.