Thread #358172
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inuyashiki just because fate two car
let's do inuyashii fate just because
All right. Iiiikaaaa do you think you're going to be running this late most nights for the foreseeable future?
i dunno lets go
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we'll just have to see how things go okay inuyashiki okay lets start
Okey dokes.
Rambo ka yo
A surprising number of people just didn't care at first that he was on the screen.
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Time for a robot battle!
First he starts by killing families. Then he goes on to killing every cop. Now he's killing ever Japanese resident. What's next, the entire planet?
>Sniping from a rooftop Surprisingly, not entirely unaccurate.
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The old man is way worse at this robot thing than Shishigami is.
Well you know how it goes. Kids always adapt to new technology faster than old fogies do.
Yeah this was inevitable. There's really electric screens all over Japan.
If it took him thirty minutes to kill a hundred people, that would still be six hours of straight murdering. Would probably get kind of tiresome.
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They're kinda nonchalant about this stuff.
His bitchy daughter is slowly defrosting. I wonder if she'll live through the series.
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The flags are telling me she will. I think she'll live on as the only person who knows the truth. Maybe Chokko will live and know the truth, too.
This plane is so fucking dead.
He's going to orchestra conductor this shit isn't he.
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It's crazy how crazy things have become just because he wanted to be edgy.
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fate 21! Ika has been quite wow what a typo quiet for awhile oh there he is okay let's start
HEABEN'S FEERU Maybe he fell asleep again.
They ought to make a Caster-type Astolfo for Fate/GO.
He was pretty much created to be a magical battery, it makes sense he'd not have an issue with Astolfo's magic consumption.
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I guess both the sabers ended up on the same team, kinda.
Yeah, kinda. Mordred seems to be set on betraying them with the Necromancer to claim the Grail.
>Small girl >Girl
Mordred just kamikaze'd the bitch.
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Just like that scene in metal gear.
Some times all you need is a fist-to-fist beatdown. It makes for really satisfying fighting.
Chiron is a BEAST though.
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Wow, that is some high level keikaku.
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well we knew she was crazy.
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just because! okay lets start!
Black/Jeanne doesn't have many Servants left. Where as Shirou still has the most of his Servants on his side.
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>>358232 Both sabers are still fighting for the good guys though.
Yeah but one of them's only half a saber and the other's prepared to betray them for the Grail.
I don't really think Morikawa needed to re-do her hairstyle, it was cute already.
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Everyone is losing it over her hair.
>'Cause I wanted to see your reaction He's got a good personality.
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he's right though, that's the same as saying it.
Well she's given him plenty of time to figure out a response.
A lot of people feel like they have to go to university/college because that's what they have to do. It's probably even more so in Japan. Feelings of uncertainty like Natsume's are probably really stressful to deal with.
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It looks as cold there as it is here.
Yeah. Normally anime shows cover long periods of time. But this show has been contained entirely within the January-March wintery season. It kind of helps build sympathy with the characters for me.
Morikawa's friend is a good wingman.
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I hope things go well for photography-chan.
Shiritaaaaii Shiritaku nai
thanks for animes
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thanks for anime!
Yeah, thanks.