>>358445 There are pre-modded ones out there if you feel like trusting them.
It's the sort of aggravation that's not worth working around for me. I'd just be using a computer in any other circumstance, but no electricity right now.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>358447 I mean, if it were your main source of like, music or something? That would drive you nuts. I don't really get WHY people use YouTube for music though...
Because for people who aren't huge audiophiles, the sound quality is good enough and the quantity to pick from is pretty wide-ranging. You also have pretty much access to any music-orientated video without paying a cent for the app.
>>358449 It's more the "let me stream some video to go along with that audio and waste more data". I also just run Libresonic on an old computer acting like a server at home, so...
>>358452 to have an option with just a single picture running through the length of the video. Or a video of a black background and lyrics, which is pretty minimal in additional data.
>>358453 >heard him scream for 15 seconds after activating the crematory good god
>>358454 Even then, it's still more data, even if not much. I'm not sure how much you can compress a still image for three minutes (and more so with the automated encoding)...
>>358442 Go to settings and check request desktop site. Problem solved.
>>358456 Also it's all moot to me since I have unlimited data on my cell phone plan.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>358459 Must be nice. Went from a grandfathered unlimited to fucking 4 GB shared between two people...
i have unlimited as well but i should downgrade what with having net now
also kirara both aot characters get 100% triple attack rate what the fuck
Kirara 🕎
sounds like it's really something
i hate this youtube rewind shit i just click to go to youtube homepage and it takes me to this garbage how about i rewind your asshole fuckers
I always kind of enjoy the Rewinds, even if I don't like the music they use or don't understand the popular people/videos they derive from. There's a comforting nostalgia in looking back on a year's worth of content.
but they're trying to TRICK ME into watching it it should be illegal to trick people
What the fuck is youtube rewind?
Also the sudden Shooting Stars cut in was great. That song is earwormy/10 for me.
>>358453 dis is fake by the way i figured you put that here knowingly because you like to TRICK US like that too but just in case i'll put that out there
I thought it might be fake when I saw the article author's name.
Although that wasn't neccesarily the best reason to think it was fake. Its entirely plausible that there is a David Foster who rights artickes for abc.
why is ed sheeran a recommended channel for me i've never even
>>358475 someone screaming for 15 seconds, or at all, while engulfed in flames seemed sus to me
>>358480 i don't think screaming is thermodynamically possible in this kind of settingdescribed also the idea that someone asleep being mistaken for a dead person seems pretty suspect too haha who sleeps in // like that and also is ugly enough to get mistaken for a car crash victim >>358484 i don't know if crematoria really heat up i thought they just always ran or just burst the flames up quickly
>>358483 I would think he would've started screamibg before it got that hot. Aside from it being fake I mean.
>>358503 Yeah, but a slow day or a sick day or just time off? Your job seems relatively important. Though it could be slow with the time of year or it could be hella loaded.
it's a slow time of the year since most people wait to get their hair styled and stuff until right before the holidays
>>358514 the thing where trump killed all hope for peace so abbas withdrew Palestinian officials from the us and said peace talks are over and now israel is killing protestors and beating up journalists?
Yes I'm not blaming Abbas But his movement was what truly signified the end. I just wish he'd be willing to wait for Trump to get impeached. Or something I don't kmow *know
>>358521 hope is wasted on the hopeless rip faye ;_;7
Boku no My Hero Academia is getting a movie. I wonder if it's going to be a new plot like most Shounen Jump series movies are or if they'll pull content from the manga. There's some pretty good movie-tier arcs coming up for the series.
I honestly expect the doomsday clock to move closer to midnight again.
I told my clients about my back issue and being unable to walk now I bet they think I'm really fat back problems is a fat people problem it also just happens to be a scleral problem
>>358522 I saw a pretty interesting build for faye yesterday. It uses the guard bow from Setsuna, fury, quick riposte, and the close no the distant def seal and gives her +12 defense against ranged attacks (plus fury)
robin's gronnwolf upgrade kind of sucks, and she's better with gronnraven anyway i'm a little disappointed since i can't do much with the character i've invested the most in and other people have like hp+5 res+5 weapon refinements what the heck
also on that 8% appearance rate banner recently??? i spent 80 orbs and didn't get anything no five stars femblem is being really mean to me lately
I was not able to roll much on the legendary banner because I spent like 200 orbs trying to get a Mia. I got her in the end though. I'm going to try to save some orbs for the next one at the end of December.
>>358540 i didn't get mia either or any of the halloween units or anything on the free summon banners one of the banners i pulled up for my free summon and it was FIVE COLORLESS orbs i think there's a built-in punishment system like how some games do for creative license protection except they're punishing people who dont play for a few weeks instead
>>358543 That's kinda funny since the chance er since the weather in the rest of the country is freaking freezing with a chance of billzard. blizzard, too
A big weather system came through this week and it's even snowing in the south (except florida)
>>358544 Yeah, I had to try pretty hard to get Nowi. She really rounded out my flyer emblem team though! My flyer emblem team is amazing. They cleared Michilis Infernal on the second try.
Kirara 🕎
>>358545 i wish it was cold here we're getting a cold front tomorrow so it will be 60!!! degrees for a day or two
It's a bit cold here, but we're due ot get temperatures below -10C early next week. I'm not looking forward to having to deal with early mornings or late nights with weather like that going on.
it's cold here too i'm in a strange geographical spot where the winds draw all the cold air into the hills and i'm in the valley of those hills we avoid tornados but get even harsher cold in this little spot
i have been seeing deer in my yard the past couple days, they're movin cuz it's cold and the feral cats probably won't make it through the winter unless i make a little house for them which i think i'm gonna do because i'm a sap
Kirara 🕎
>>358549 good night sleep tight don't let the evil cops bite
Toronto generally avoids getting really cold early because of our geographical location and because of the lake we sit against. On top of being a metropolitian sprawl that generates a lot of heat to boot. But we also tend to have drawn out winter endings and cool, dreary weather when a lot of the rest of North America at about our latitude is getting into warmish springtime.
>>358553 So the lake sucks the moisture south? That's like the opposite of lake effect snow.
Well I mean more as a thermal battery. Once it starts getting cold, the relative warmth of the lake helps stay the full chill for a while. But on the flip side once it starts to warm up, the lake is now cold from a season of winter and prevents us from feeling the full effect of warmer temperatures.
It's just generally kind of wet in the spring here always and dryish in the winter aside from the occasional snowstorm. I don't really know what full effect the lake has on that though; I'm no meterologist.
Is that lake ontario? i don't really know where things are
Yeah, Toronto is built along the coast of Lake Ontario. Ontario touches like three or four of the Great Lakes so I guess being vague makes it hard to know which.
midwest coast is the best coast
Kirara 🕎
Xenoblade has such anime cutscenes i fucking love it so good
How have you been playing the combat? I find that things are most effective when I play the healer. The AI isn't smart enough at healing t onot let you die.
Kirara 🕎
i play attacker and find that i generally never die unless im horribly under leveled nia is a great healer i have three healing blades on her
I only have access to two blades, but I do have two healer blades on her. I find that if I can play her, I can pop all the healing on one and then go over to the other and use all the healing there. A few bosses have required tactics like that.
>>358578 Oh, I 'm actually doing arena for my 10 wins.
What's kinda funny is the other Faye person I get a unit from uses Tharja. Well, I guess there's two others. I either get you, a really really really incredibly built
I like units like that, that have multiple purposes. Even if conditions aren't favorable for him, you can use him as a healer. Which I just did in my last voting gauntlet round, since I was being asked to fight a billion blue units.
Lucina is supposed to be good too, but I wonder if people are just assigning more value than she's due to to her being Lucina. With so many good sword users now, I don't really know what it is Lucina does that other characters can't.
Kirara 🕎
lucina is a pretty solid OK but her res is the worst out of all the falchion users alm is very balanced yet very strong and has good atk lucina is basically just fodder now
At the start, Lucina was a good unit with a lot of offensive punch. She wasn't very durable but she was good at killing things fast. But now there are lots of sword units that do that. Mia has crazy offensive power as well as a lot of bulk. All Lucina can do now that those units can't is heal, and both Alm and Chorm are better in that nice than she is because they have bulk.
>>358595 Your Robin is probably still really effective at shutting down Lyn and Reinhardt. That's still really really good since the meta is Lyn and Reinhardt.
>>358596 I like the character. She's cute. She's cuter in FEH though because she doesn't have the stick up her butt that she has in FEA.
She's still relevant anyway, just in the form of lance Lucina. Lance Lucina is a really good unit.
Kirara 🕎
yeah lance lucina is good
i don't find lucina particularly cute though her design in general feels generic to me
Kirara 🕎
>>>/@kotowari/938975974967750656 the new death stranding trailer was wild totally worth waiting like two years kojima really is the master
I mean let's be honest. Metal Gear is a good series and the games are good, but there is a lot of messed up stuff that you let slide just because it's metal gear.
Like what's up with that guy who is a vampire that dies but doesn't really dies but then finally dies again problably. Is it even explained why he's a vampire or why he's seemingly invincible? Or is it just nanomachines? Why do they have nanomachines in the 80s anyway?
But you just let it slide, because it's not really that important.
Kirara 🕎
>>358605 he wasn't a vampire actually and yeah it was nanomachines and them having nanomachines in the 80s makes 100% if you follow the premise of the universe
But you can at least see what I'm saying, right? There's so much crazy and random stuff in the franchise, and half of it is explained away with nanomachines.
It's just like if you take a step back and think about it, it's really weird and random. Like seeing someone you thought was kinda cute without her makeup on.
Kirara 🕎
you're totally being a hipster it's not weird or random it all makes sense within the universe and to say that shit is weird and random after 2017 happened is kind of silly
also seeing a cute girl without her makeup on isn't weird or random i do that every day and it's never seemed even remotely strange to me
this is just like something out of one of my american cartoons
On the girl side of things you want to be like "wow, how do you do that you should show me" but you really can't because the implict other half of that sentence is "how do you cover up all that ugly". Fortunately I don't have to be all that good at makeup.
yeah I can see that must be difficult covered up that much ugly
Anyway I'm going to steer this away from the part where I have to kill anon and back to the fact that metal gear is weird if you think about it for a minute. I'm not saing it's bad weird but it's weird weird
Lately I have been looking at men with beards and trying to imagine what they would look like without them. So far the conclusion I've reached is that men with beards have them for a reason.
maybe there's an app for that like that one app that removes makeup from women
>>358650 As someone with a light beard right now I can tell you the entire reason I have it is because I can't be arsed to shave. I don't even really like having facial hair past the point where it's peach fuzz.
>>358659 That's because I got a haircut. >>358660 It can but a lot of bad things on the face come from beards in the first place. Like bumps and stuff. There are things you don't have to worry about when you don't have them. But also, a nicely done beard makes you look manly. I'm one of the haves so it's not something I really think about but my friends without beards are often complaining about having a babyface and people not taking them seriously or something. There are levels, pretty much. Hiding negative features is one but it's like... If you have a beard, and people think you look better with a beard, then are you really hiding?
I get rid of quite a bit of my body hair partially because it's gross, and majorly because living in such a hot place makes having body hair a smelly death sentence.
If anything, my beard hair actually makes my face look worse. It kind of softens the edges of my jaw, which isn't particularly sharp to begin with. So once I get a bit of a beard going on my jaw/chin start to look kind of rounded. I personally think it makes me look more dopey than I'd like.
But ultimately my personal appearance tends to lose out against my general apathy for doing anything involving unrewarding work.
>>358650 Have you changed your mind about 🐻 ds Wtf android
>>358665 nice beards But no, I have not. I have merely realized that some men have very unflattering facial structures that forces them to have beards. And in the end that only has increased my appreciation for cleanly shaven faces! Men who look good cleanly shaven should feel very fortunate.
I think they are handsome But they need good grooming
I think some people have good beard faces, and some don't. Not even this whole hiding flaws thing either. Some chins and jaws hold a beard better than others.
there's this guy I know that when he shaves his beard he posts "progress pics" of it and usually ends in a hitler stash before shaving it entirely p cool to see
If I don't waste too much time this weekend I want to get cleanshaven again. I'll see if it happens.
>>358675 The amount of time it takes isn't particularly relevant. I'm also kind of obsessively slow about things like this and probably take closer to fifteen or twenty minutes. But it's more about the act of shaving being kind of frivilous and unrewarding for me. I don't need to do it to succeed or accomplish anything, it doesn't make me feel better about myself, I don't think it increases my physical appearance to the point where anything improves. So it's hard to bother doing it when I've wasted time and would rather do things that fulfil one of those conditions.
I can't think of a time when beards weren't popular. Ever.
Yeah, at least in my city, beards have had a rather enduring popularity amongst young men. Though the style has changed from time to time.
during primary and middle school beards weren't very popular, nobody really had them
Kirara 🕎
i knew a guy in middle school with a beard
Like there are some beard styles and lengths that may have been frowned upon but beards themselves have just always been a thing. If anything, the popularity of beards bothers me.
Kirara 🕎
i have to go pick up a package but im lazy and relaxing and also haven't showered
they probably have people come there who smell more than you do now it'll be fine
Kirara 🕎
nah i gotta get it from the parcel box across the apartment community it's also like 30c out
>>358711 it's got three sections, one part is condos, one part is apartments, and one part is townhouses it's pretty big it's like built along four or five streets
holy tits I knew about gated communities, but that still amazes me
Being in the back of a complex like that is the worst. It makes every decision to go outside a big one. Leaving the apartment was called "breaking escape velocity" when I was in Florida.
Kirara 🕎
yeah especially when its fucking HOT
Yeah, I live in a normal neighbourhood, but the street layout puts me pretty much in one of the furthest corners of it from the major streets nearby. To walk out would take me fifteen minutes or so. There is a bus that cuts through the neighbourhood that I can walk to in a couple minutes, but it only runs every half hour.
It's always kind of unappealing to leave the house because of that.
Kirara 🕎
i wish i could just make my girlfriend go get my package for me
You should invest in a drone
give her a bj if she does >>358718 this is a good idea too
>>358726 Oh I see. Well you've got a few hours to work up the courage to go get it then.
Kirara 🕎
I don't have anything defrosted for dinner so i guess we have to go out later anyway
why not defrost it now florida is basically an oven
Kirara 🕎
its bad to defrost stuff with heat
wait how do you defrost stuff then
Kirara 🕎
move stuff from the freezer to the fridge and let it defrost over 24 hours that's the safest way to do it
I guess I must be living life dangerously I feel wild right now
Kirara 🕎
you're an animal
trouble before my presence, mortals I have arrived and just microwave defrosted some chicken
with trouble I mean tremble
Kirara 🕎
yeah microwave defrosting is the worst way to defrost stuff lol
I usually put things in water when i'm defrosting them. Like chicken would be in a bag and then I'd just water defrost. >>358742 Well, I'm gon' bake and smoke that chicken well. Also, it's not Florida heat so that might be a thing.
that's how I usually defrost stuff fuck I'm wild
Kirara 🕎
doing it with water or microwave can breed bacteria fridge is the safest but it takes a while
bacteria is tasty and good for you
Kirara 🕎
how high can you get from smoking chicken
depends how long you deprive your brain from oxygen with it I guess
Like Florida heat made it so my sorrel started growing moss far faster than it should. But I did it exactly how my dad does. So I'm just like "Florida air is fucked up."
I think defrosting things with water is fine.
it's probably fine, but like imats-san says it's not the safest he does actually have a point, it's just that I don't care to wait that long and just chuck it in the microwave
If that bacteria can survive the oven/stove, I was going to get fucked up anyway.
it depends how numerous they are defrosting the "wrong" way may increase their growth rate a lot and the more bacteria there are, generally, the more they multiply other bacteria and form a type of protective shell around other bacteria shielding them from harm, but it depends on the type of bacteria not all of them do that
This boats event has these messed up nodes that are night to day battle nodes. It starts as a night battle and then goes to day battle. And the boss node is one of these nodes.
The boss sequence is a night battle node with a submarine three night battle nodes with PT imps and destroyers then the night to day battle boss node.
it's messed up
>>358764 How can expectations be real when our ToNs arent real
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>358750 >Survive, my brothers, and infect this human!
>>358783 You can, but it's really difficult even on easy!
We are the gods of the new world order, we are the soldiers, the legion of light! We are the center, the death of the sun, fire and flame, we are one!
>>358785 Do I look like I'm even joking? it's funny that you mention it now actually, because a few days ago someone mentioned what bluetooth's symbol came from I don't remember who or where though
Well, I usually talk to her in emails. It's weird calling you Kirara in that setting.
Calling you Kirara while typing is so habitual to me now I don't know if I couldn't. But it's such an annoying name to say that I just default to your name. It's all a matter of convenience.
>>358802 So you're telling me you're giving her #mattitude.
Is that true?
Kirara 🕎
>>358809 i fucking swear there was something ridiculous that happened with that the other day but I can't remember it i must have blocked it out
>>358810 In a sense of you have nothing to worry about, no, it's patently false. But truth is complex and multi-faceted. But I do stress you have nothing to worry about.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>358807 I can't deny my love for Kirara. But it's not as strong as my love for PAN so there's that.
>>358851 These boobies ain't big enough for the three of us...
Kirara 🕎
i HATE boobs boobs make me SICK yuck gross
Same Theyre pretty gross
currently infinitely falling because I fell through geometry and the rubber band that is supposed to bring me back to the surface actually loads me underneath it
sadly for all of you I don't have any hot anime busty babes on this PC
This is a christian liveboard we don't take kindly to those sorta babes round here
she loves japan so much she stopped loving for 5 months before telling me through text it was FUCKED up and she kept up the act of loving me for that long too' and she stopped loving anime and video games and now has a japanese boyfriend because he's japanese and lives in japan so she can be japanese.
damn that's tough anime is fun and all but you're the best
Let us be honest. It is probably better that she left for the non-Anime culture than for the anime culture. It would be 50x more gross otherwise.
oh man this is so fucked up
Kirara 🕎
it was really fucked up
Kirara 🕎
>>358917 yeah love that incredibly sexist and oppressive Japanese culture that breeds the highest suicide rate outside of china, a country where people are regularly worked to death
>>358917 I don't think the reason is that important but more that she did it and only notified the guy via a text
>When you get mad at your boyfriend because he doesn't seem interested in traveling and think he doesn't like your shows when he's interested and then pull a 180 and say that he's not worth investing your time into his hobbies because you can't be bothered.
>>358921 Because she waited so long to tell me I had no way to get a roommate to keep my apartment and job. I was jobless for four months because of her.
Kirara 🕎
so gf (weeb) or gf (gamer)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>358926 I don't know man I had both at the same time for a while and it was really fun
>>358941 interesting you claim to hate words, yet you use words
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>358942 burned because I liked noarms the most really.
>>358942 burned If she's a nice person then the burns probably don't matter But if she has no legs then it's harder to do stuff with her Maybe if she could get some cool robo legs I'd go with legless
A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked on the hand by his soft belly feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of the act; should I go to prison for it?
If you have to go gay, go fish though Because Sharkboy is best boy >>358969 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM >>358970 because you're an idol
I was away for twenty minutes to catch a bus and the fuck are you all doing. I couldn't even last 100 to see what I'd missed because you all had posted too much to be contained in that.
No, see what happened is that you calibrated back into the good timeline where things were happy and we shitposted aimlessly for hundreds of posts until Rika shows up and I have to stop posting borderline lewd things
>>359001 Less of missed and more of didn't expect to catch it. But I can trace that bus's route out of the neighborhood to where I catch the more frequent buses.
sky dandruff is gross, cold, and mean. don't touch it, don't taste it, it is not your friend. There is no meaning to anything that the snowflakes do. -9Snow
"do a barrel roll and that driver did hope they are okay
>>359075 at least their government isn't sinking millions of dollars into a monorail project nobody is ever going to use. >>359078 who would deny a man his right to chug with the boiz
>>359089 wtf did that government never watch that one Simpsons episode?
so i talked to a potential client today unexpectedly i didn't realize i would be doing this before January but i was informed that she would be calling me today, this morning the call came in on my work number so i answered it and we were talking and the lady wants me to make her son stop cursing so i asked about the circumstances under which he curses and what he says so she was purposefully very vague about what he says and i am unmedicated today so it stoked my sadistic heart and i pushed hard on it and she said he says the f word so im like which f word and she like locked up but i was like i need to know what we're dealing with here so eventually i got her to say fuck and after the call i was just like
>holy trinity church v united states [1892] >guying suing the church because he wants to highlight how ridiculous the Alien immigration Act is >the guy funding the suit is one of the kennedys. Multi-millionaire >he made a big part of his money from building railways who was importing migrants in mass?
>>359091 We are the gods of the new world order, we are the soldiers, the legion of light! We are the center, the death of the sun, fire and flame, we are one!
I was finishing "Play With Us!", some philosophy book search, and getting a thing at the factory. Three different ones at once. And now that I've done all three, I got a cutscene.
And while I can't go forward just yet because the ground hasn't loaded and I don't feel like falling into infinity I can see from where I am that the place is on fire.
Is that it? People take photos of everything because they're naturally curious. Is he running through the fire because he's curious about running through fire?
Well, my answer was because life doesn't stop just because shit's on fire. Sometimes you just gotta literally go through it.
I really doubt that's the reason. I mean, normally when you see fire, you at least go around and don't go "welp life doesn't stop so I gotta run through this fire" Usually if people are going to go near fire they need a more compelling reason than that.
he's running because there's fire and he doesn't want to die presumably
I think she's wondering more why is he on the side where there's grass and more fire than on the path where there is less fire. >>359141 Possibly. The path could have also been fire. Fire is everywhere.
Kirara 🕎
probably because the fires are spreading so quickly that he didn't have a chance to not be on that side
You already have the one dude saving a rabbit on the street. You can't expect everyone's fire filled day to be as exciting and filled with objectives. Some people just accidentally drop their keys on the wrong side of the path and have to go around and pick them up. That's exciting enough for me.
Kirara 🕎
that dude saving the rabbit was legit as hell
Kirara 🕎
I'm kind of tired.
Dropping my keys in the park when it wasn't on fire was an exciting adventure.
I saw a chuuni looking guy in a cloak as I was leaving town. I figure he'll be the next party member after vandam dies. vandam is throwing death flags down like crazy so I think he's going to die.
Also, if you want to know why that kid with the googles never smiles. >>>/watch?v=GXptwbuLKeQ It's because tilde is his dad and is in charge of making his lunch boxes.