I have nothing to do with it. Have you considered that the true villain has been beside you the whole time, and I'm just an innocent blameless onee-chan?
>>329220 She hates you now because you were mean to me! and her But she wants to smother me with a pillow too because you already worked your evil mind control.
the real reason you're mad js because my failure to evacuate endangered fish so you want to kill me and take her and put her in an aquarium to protect her
Ok let me try Uh Assuming you're doing these things you shouldnt try to convert fish into an evil overlord minion and making Kirara put a broom in his pooper is just weird so dont do that
>>329294 That would have been a really effective way to stay awake.
yeah but you could also, were it not kirara, try caffeine, or maybe do some exercises to energize yourself, or do what im doing and look at a box of light, or have an internet argument about shoving brooms in his butt >>329304 yeah because caffeine makes him sleepy dont you remember?
what's a good anime that aired last season (that's complete and not ongoing this season) which didn't require having seen a previous part of the franchise? something that a borderline normie that likes sword art online and league of legends might like but that isn't completely awful
maybe i'll just make him watch ping pong
Ping Pong is great
do the normies like it too though i dont know i dont deal with them very much ive got a big shield around me that keeps them from ever interacting with me so people like this are the closest to normie i can find >>329381 oh he's seen log horizon and likes it i mean the dude likes anime and video games, but that means league of legends and SAO he did say that attack on titan was shit though so there's hope for him
he watches dragon ball super on a foreign ad-based streaming site though like porn-site levels of advertising where you can't click on the page ever but you have to to play the video
for some reason i haven't been able to torrent it's probably bottlenecked on this metered satellite shit so i'm using crunchyroll kill me
Ah, that blows
i donated $10 to a livestream music mix that i really liked and it's at the top of their donations list i donated it like a week ago and it's still there i actually feel bad for them
Damn I bet they're happy about your donation though
i'm about four days in on my antidepressant there's still some interference with it's metabolism because nicotine competitively binds on the same receptors as the bupropion metabolites but i'm smoking less and less each day, down to about one a day atm i really want to get neck deep into a VN or story-heavy video game or a really intense show like Kara no Kyoukai and like bury myself in it
the depression has kept me from enjoying stuff like that, even with anxiety meds or stimulants but this shit that does nothing at all besides put me at baseline makes me crave it so hard
I decided to do READING and got Homage to Catalonia I'm a chapter in and I already really like it >Nobody said ‘Señior’ or ‘Don’ or even ‘Usted’; everyone called everyone else ‘Comrade’ and ‘Thou’, and said ‘Salud!’ instead of ‘Buenos dias’. What a fucking amazing place
What is the deal with the deadheadism I haven't even heard a Grateful Dead song in my life
Better would be like Dopehead Cause dope is good, and so is uh, Dop e
Kirara 🦃
that's not an the greatful dead that comic is from 1880
Oh wow I thought it was some fresh edit cause it says free love, and I figured "Ah, this can't be anti-communist, that's just good shit" Then I remembered the KKK is a real thing and being gay used to be illegal
I wonder how long until Sargon, Computing Forever, and the rest of the community makes a video about this newest shooter person I wonder who gets the blame this time
hey bangu which would you go for a normal pizza or a pan pizza?
pan pizza but the question is very dependent on where the pizza is coming from generally i prefer a pan pizza but some places don't have very good pan pizza
>>329483 amusingly they kinda did this before fridges shipped ice in sawdust and stuff so they could thrown into cold cellars andw hatnot to store cold food and beverages
so you could order a box of ice in some kind of box ment for that whatever they call those in english and it would if flown there be still well relatively icy or snowy
I wonder could you make profit with this... shipping snow to hot places and charging ludacrious amounts for it
Throw some bullshit how it is more green than using a freezer and then sell them some expensive "ice box neo" for 1000 that requires monthly shipments of ice for 100 bucks and just ignore all "umm just ferrying the ice to your customers costs more both co2 and money wise"
>>329505 it implies the best documentary that the "author" of the fictional book or whatever was some practically tinfoil hats idiotic cutting of a book/article on the monster and painting it on some quiote bad sketch of it seems like the best source for monster info is some completely nut bigfoot hunter equilevant
And if you are going to do that go all the way and do it some notebook style font that resembles hasty handwriting with sketches thrown amongst the writing some lines drawn over or blurred from wear and so on
Also this reminds me of that hmm monster files or something thing it had kinda similiar "dossiers" on any "monster like animal" but those were the meh ones the real fun ones were the mythological and cryptid stuff
Is also fun atleast the butteflies, are kinda almost explained so they could even exist here Bite, touch so on all just poison that practically already exists but the wings are too mystic to explain aside from "colour so weird it blows your mind"
>>329524 Something like that but still instant glance is bit too much maybe like watching a swarm of them flutter around their wings could induce that and then they'd go for the kill
Alright let me tellyou a story So a bar opened up in the center city of the empire and it drew folks in by paying them for mercenary work as adventurers. An idol, an alcoholic blacksmith, a // ans a paladin came together to become rookies but ended up fighting a dragon. After that they went into the desert and got spooked by an insanely powerful demon woman, but not before having a half orc cowboy join their roster. At that point they went out and went into a cave where their witch aquaintance helped them help out some skeletons who had their friend turn into a tentacle monster. At that point the party got a ghostbusting request where they made friends with skme ghosts, beat up a freaky demon worshipper, then ran into that demon gal again. After that they learned about a racing tournament so they built a car. Then they visited the dwarf king because he heard about their drunken pal who had sick connections. They went into a cave full of roboraptora and crazy dwarves and beat up a lore spewing dragon, but more importantly they also drove in a race against some rad dudes like an old ass shopkeeper. Then the lich king, by proxy of his skeleton minion they helped earlier, invited them to his pad and was really chill because he liked the idol's music, contrary to the common thoughts about the guy. At that point they returned to the empire city because the lich king had bad vibes. And they were warranted as the city was being attacked by tentacle spookums and their velociraptor friends got infected and had to be put down. Also they had a cute chef who was secretly beelzebub as a friend did i mention that? Anyway they went to the capital and found out the emperor is actually an elder god and punched him by having the half orc merge with their secret armor they forged using plans made by the dwarf king. But it wasnt quite enough so the guards, under control of the false emperor, forced our heroes into exile.
The start of the second arc had our heroes return to their mansion they ghostbusted only to have it overrun by a hellhole. They jumped in and >>329565 ill get to that part
they jumped in and fought through an army of demons oh yeah they met a demon girl named Melinda and fought a t-rex that happened too but anyway they fought past the demons into the base of operations in this hellhole (that was an army base because it centered on the sin of pride) and found the drunk's dad who was a huge asshole so they fought him and Melinda was there too since she's the drunk's half sister. But they did thay and stopped the hellhole. But now they needed more friends to fight the emperor so they went to visit the elf queen. Turns out shes secretly an idol too! So nattially the cuter idol wanted to help her out and so they went to a spooky forest where they found the High Druid corrupted by the super demon lady from earlier. Using that special armor this time with the idol, and doing a duet witb the elf queen, they subdued the druid so they could find a flower that would remind her of her usual self. On the way they ran into some losers like a antipaladin who worshipped the same god as our paladin and the orc lord who was. no longer the orc lord. Oh they also met the archmage and stuff who kinda helped them make that car but that was a while ago. Anyway they fought some frosty nerds to get to a volcano. After making the friend key hot and cold , which first required actually fighting the super demon girl from before finally as well as a super powerful bird woman from another dimension, they got the flower and cured the druid. With elf queen's help secured they actually heard rumors of super weapons from their witch friend. Oh by the way Cagliostro from granblue joined the party a few paragraphs ago and considers the paladin her dad. This is important. So after being led on a wild goose chase they reach Drakenhall, city of monsters. Actually hold up before rhey get there they
>>329560 Okay but what about that bone hurting juice?
run into a hellhole governed by lust so theres strip clubs and shit. so they look around and find the innkeeper they know and love except a paragraph ago they found put shes also a demon prince of envy. Whoops. Also shes yandere for the orc. Double whoops. Anyhow shes just sort of there and is really more an ally of the party. But they dive deep into the hellhole to find both the drunk's dad and the demon lady as well as a huge number of phallic demons and a room literally full of cock. Oh Melinda is there too but shes stopped being angry at the party. So there they are witb the suoer demon lady who insists she has become the demon prince of lust Asmodeus (and shes right) so they have a big showdown with her and douchedad while the drunk uses the plot armor armor. As a result of this though both // the demon gal, douchedad, and drunk all die. So now the party continues to find their ultimate weapons without their drunken berserker. So they go to the city of monsters and find out that the three half dragons they stumbled upon randomly throughout their adventure are actually The Three, a trio of insanely powerful dragons. But they take the plot armor and slam it into their car to become a giant robot to take down the dragons who fused into a super dragon. Afterwards the shopkeeper from forever ago remembers where the ultimate weapons are so they go get them. In the cave where the weapkns are the party fights several beings from other dimensions and are deemed worthy of arguably overpowered items. Now they can finally go fight the elder god. Their friends taking down the mind controlled armies, they enter the god's pocket dimension and strike him down thanks to the idol taking control of a tie fighter. Oh they were kind of in space.
After that the party just sort of chills out for a bit since theres no more immediate threats and they go their separate ways. As the paladin does whatever, the idol goes on tour with the lich king, and the orc lines his brain with eyes with the demon prince of envy at his side, they each receieve an invite to the arena tournament they may or may not have been forced to enter. After refusing to go, a giant tower forms and demons start spewing out of it. Everyone goes "oh fuck" and checks it out. After preventing the lich king from being corrupted by demonic essence, the party enters the tower and climbs upward into an inverted Hell. At the end of it they find the greatest holy dragon to ever live has been corrupted by that demon lady from way back (who still died but left some of her power back here). they fight the dragon to free it from corruption and are aided by the fact that the paladin secretly swapped bodies with the dragon three months ago. Agtsr winning the fight the party dives into the reap hell to stem the tide of demons while the dragon rests up. Upon entering they find that the old douchedad and asmodeus have been reborn and transofrmed by the new demon prince of wrsth, Satan, who as it would turn out is their drunken berserker who died forever ago, tranformed by their hatred of the party for being so not serious
and thus we reach the part of the campaign that is the final battle and ther prt that hasnt been played yet
Also thank you for listening to the story of my campaign
>>329568 >Satan, who as it would turn out is their drunken berserker who died forever ago, tranformed by their hatred of the party for being so not serious I hope he wins Also that campaign has an almost disturbingly large amount of similarities of a very long campaign I've been in. Although on the trope level rather than the details
>>329571 lmao what the fuck what were they thinking I love Sonic Team. They find the best ways to mess up
>>329574 let me tell you something funny mechanically
bahamut, the corrupted dragon they fought, has an attack bonus of +19 that means the highest attack roll it can do is 39 it was hit with paladins challenge, lowering attack rolls to anything but the paladin to 35 Cag buffed the orc's ac by 4 using an encounter power.
My dm is a fucking douche If I have to fight something with an AC above 50 again I'm actually going to quit Hell I'd quit if I have to fight something with an ac above 40
>>329579 No I bought Mania and I really liked that But no way am I gonna buy Forces I hope it flops so that Sonic Team rethinks what they're doing
>>329580 The guy who played the bersekrer is in control of the enemies for the final battle.
yes i can make the orc have that much ac again and yes it will probably upset him
>>329583 >in control of the enemies?. As in he orders them or does the attacks and sstuff?
He orders them completely like I would otherwise He is going to try to party wipe super hard
>>329585 Good Cause if he had to play as them he'd be much less likely to win
I dont follow
(whats the fdifference)
Orders would be he says what they should do and you choose attacks and roll and shit Plays would be he actually does everything Which he woukd be at a disadvantage at because he hasn't played them as much and has much less experience running an encounter So he'd be much more likely to do it inefficiently
Oh no hes doing all that movement choices, what attack (though some are limited)
he also doesnt know what the party can do from being gone from 2 levels of play
he is going to be upset when he finds out his demonic teleport will trigger the orc's armor which causes teleporters to catch fire >>329589 oh yeah he will probably not be super efficient but thats why he gets three cards of bullshit just like each of the party members gets one, though his are specific skills whereas the party's are "do a thing"
Kirara 🦃
i already have a plan to kill owl quick as hell
>>329590 Also my dm (not current one) let me take revenge on the party for them killing my character (who actually did nothing wrong, he was literally killed by religiously intolerant orcs) And while I didn't tpk I did basically end that campaign I'm still kind of proud of it Although it would have ended soon after anyways
>>329591 I cant wait If he gets as beaten up as bad as bahamut he may get an hp boost but i did try to make Satan!Olivia actually scary
Kirara 🦃
you're going to laugh a lot when it happens
Fortunately i have ending lore in either ending situation
Originally kirara if Cordell had kept flirting with women Leviathan would have challenged him to a duel before you fought Hagunemnon. If he died or made unfortunate choices, Leviathan would have sealed herself back in Janette's head and Janette would lose all her memories of the party.
Something similar would probably happen if she killed Cordell.
Also while you ran into mammon and belphegor for a second they were originally going to side with Olivia and fight you before Bahamut.
And then theres the matter of the original final boss being reborn demon douchedad who became the king of hell instead of Olivia
>>329614 If you convinced her after winning by either being sincere or lying about caring about her you'd maybe have ended up with deredere Janette mode with her still being Leviathan.
The outcome you actually gave me I think I like more though
I was hoping the twist of Alack swapping places with the Wyrm would have had a cooler impact but you kicked bahamut's ass so hard he didnt ha e to use anything.
Originally the icons you befriended were supposed to help out with that fight as well, like having the archmage drop meteors and shit. Whoops
I'm about to have to go back out, so I can strangle the fuckers that run my internet. Is it really too much to ask for things to work decently when I get home?
It really is just absolutely terrible tonight. And it barely works so even if I call them they will just give me the runaround and tell me to do stupid things to try to fix it.
Odds are you're not really getting someone that understands the problem anyway. The flowchart they're reading off of is their sole weapon against troubles like this.
But did you try turning it off and on again?
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
getting stood up like a b0ss
Oh no. Keep your chin up, Samu. Maybe there's just traffic issues!
>>329640 But did you try turning on and off again? *turning it
It's my imouto's birthday today, which means for me, I get CHEESECAKE.
i don't really like sweets but cheesecake is different i'll make myself sick on that stuff eating so much
Hands down in my top three desserts without having to think hard about it.
So anyway turns out youtube is feeding kids videos of their favorite cartoon characters doing fucked up shit like being stuck in cages with clowns around them waving knives, or the aforementioned cartoon characters chasing other characters with knives That sorta thing Also some of the videos use sound from this video of a dentist doing a root filling or something on a kid without anesthetic?
Ain't the internet a great place? Aren't algorythms a beautiful thing?
>>329782 i mean i'm inviting but i can't pay for someone else to go bali is super cheap though it'd mainly be flight costs like $800 USD would make for a luxurious week there
i was just thinking about how /moe/ sometime might do a big japan trip and i know i wouldn't ever be able to afford that really i would be feeling really down about it and feel the struggle of how poor i am but i decided to look at trips i could actually do instead and it made me feel a little more hopeful and self reliant
daijobu I'll be there and you'll feel less lonely by comparison All I have is reds on the bird website
feral cat got in my house yesterday through the cat flap and somehow locked itself in because there's a little flip switch on it and he messed with it tried to get him out and the fucker got spooked and ran across the tile kitchen sliding and scratched my leg in the process i dont have health insurance if i have rabies i'm going to give up
depends what it's for i had a $35 ticket for using my brights in a residential zone i had also gotten a ticket that instance for no proof of current registration, which was dismissed, but that particular ticket you still have to show up in court for and pay a $50 court fee so even cheap tickets can be expensive when you have to appear in court for it
>>329799 you can get a ticket for that? well i won't say you can't get one for somethin equally silly but... I doubt no one here would bother to write it for you just say "shut those lights mate"
>>329800 that's usually what would happen but that's a ticket-heavy area they'll ticket for anything there
>>329799 >get ticket that isn't valid >still has to pay 50 dollaroos to get it invalidated logic
gotta pay a court fee regardless of what youre doing
Makes no fucking sense also here if you lack say license or proof or registration whatsoever all you are told is to show up within few days in the nearest police dep and show them there if you fuck that up without a good reason, say can't make it there due to reasons in time and you can prove those reasons to be valid, then you get fined
rural areas have laxer policies cities have their own jurisdiction and enforce traffic policies a lot more strictly, depending on the city you've probably got some big cities there right
rural cops can be morre lax, but they can actually be even stricter, due to general lower work load generally capital region cops don't give a fuck, due to already being over worked as fuck unless you are really doing some law breaking
besides most traffic fines are handed by traffic cameras
yeah, rural cops can be really big dicks too because what qualifies as suspicious activity is a lot higher if you're not local they're going to be questioning why you're there, where you're going, where you're coming from, wanting to search your car because there's often drug trafficking problems or just in general people dont have a reason to be that far away from main highways when there's no destinations there, just rural stuff but if you live there it's pretty lax they're just trying to keep things orderly in a more community-friendly way than city cops
Also in general, cops can't act outside their rulesets which are same for every cm of the land and can't really in general act on their own, but should always follow the rules and they get into quite the trouble if caught giving too harsh fines or not at all
and the other part is, we generally respect our cops and don't give em shit sot hey don't give us shit
it's a useful deterrant here if people stop driving dangerously because they're afraid of a 300 dollar ticket then i'm down i used to not care so much but ive seen too many accidents now and dodged enough accidents because of careless drivers i don't like it
>>329810 traffic cams have made roads safer atleast somewhat eveni f it just >oh shit traffic cam, time to slow down from 90 to 80 >okay past it back to 90
place them in crossroads or near crossings or near general accident sites, lower the limit to 60 and have just a traffic camera box there, be there a camera inside or not no one wants to risk getting a fine
and that is the other thing say there are 20k boxes in finland but there are maybe 2k cameras actually and they switch them around about every few months, so even if you figure a box didn't have a camera inside last time it might now
no i got a ticket for my tail light being out and being 3 days late on a surcharge payment most people go about 10-15mph over the speed limit on highways
But if a militia is a citizen, how does arming the militia help making them well-regulated, which is the purpose of the 2nd amendment? They can't be well-regulated if everyone's packing, not unless the- Oh no the founding fathers were slave owning anarchists
There is a finnish idiom "kahvi hammasta kolottaa" coffee tooth is aching meaning you crave for coffee Some say jokingly that the coffee tooth is one of the wisdom teeth, since people generally start to drink coffee when those start to sprout. Now curiously, past year I have drank really little amounts of coffee compared to prior and also past year is the first wisdom teethless year for me. So, did i lose my "coffee tooth"?
I could prolly brain out what they ment, but just at face value it sounds weird when you think about it. >>329832 I suppose so to modern man "regulation" just always spells out government
Like yeah dude they definitely meant the army had to exist, and that's why everyone needed guns, but now that the government can give guns to the army we don't need gun rights I can't I used to somehow buy this reading, but I can't understand it anymore
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. the "being necessary..." part is just a hmm side thought or clarification maybe more precise? so the actual sentence would be a well regulated militia, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
But really I kinda wish there had been a land invasion of USA say during ww2 both japs an germans through mexicow ith mexican aid just to prove how impossible that is what with the size, population and well how armed good chunk of that population is
Remember in WW1 when Germany tried getting Mexico to attempt an invasion
it is actualyl surprising that didn't happen
Is it? I don't see many ways it works out for Mexico
>>329843 how do you think the war worked for about any of the participants?
>>329844 Poorly for many of them Good luck occupying a state with as many armed citizens as Texas
>>329835 to me, its more like reasoning. "because we believe that <X>, we allow <Y>
of course i am no constitutional authority so i can be wrong.
Okay creepy bug fouuund and I can replicate it with some effort just fus ro dah someone and while they are getting up have them die with fire dmg and then they still continue raising up animation as a corpse and then walk or just trounce around on the spot as a corpse
I dunno what mod gave me this "raise animals as perma companions" spell but its level cap being tied to you and nothing else, despite being novice lvl spell... makes it for interesting schenanigans >pet undead mammoth
oh you might bavw some of the mods i have/had if thats the case
I still regret not using the nvidia shadow capture or whatever this card can do to record that moment a dragon dropped on top of me from blue sky that would have been so good "to be continued"
and I mean dropped it didn't land or anything just dropped in the walking position from waaay high
>>329858 Americium is really easy to get, thorium can also be easy if you're good at chemistry (have the equivalent of at least two semesters of AP chem with lab sessions at least). Mainly since they're both in products you can buy at Walmart.
If someone asked "which poster is the most invincible" everyone would obviously think of me as their first asnwer. Of course they wouldn't say it because this board is full off high level tsunderes.
btw in rika world, anyone who disagrees with her is a tsundere towards her
The new kino has actually had some really good episodes so far. The boat episode and the moving fortress episodes were both top notch. Anyone complaining about the new series is just being overly difficult, I think.
>>329891 I like Net-juu but it's at the point where I will lose patience with it if they keep frustrating me.
If it makes me mad it will be more like the crying otter!
>>329916 annoying thing it dealt around 30-100% with one blow but if it hit, it always ragdolled you and then you didn't ge up before it just came to finish you off also had like a 50hp/s regeneration
Yesterday in class, someone asked me "isn't everything organic?" in reference to a rock being described as inorganic. Sometimes people really scare me. I had to explain why it wasn't organic, and then she was like, "well, diamonds are carbon. are they organic?" And someone else said that diamond weren't carbon. So I had to explain what diamonds are to a group of graduate students.
>>329981 Diamonds are technically carbon. They grow too! Maybe they are organic.
Kirara 🦃
>>329984 Diamonds aren't generally considered organic because they don't behave like organic compounds but not knowing that is pretty reasonable not knowing that diamonds are carbon is unreasonable
Fish really wants to go see The Shape of Water once it comes out Kojima has said it's top tier and it's Del Toro but it's about a girl that falls in love with a fish dude like some monster from the black lagoon looking motherfucker
if youre bored sometime ill open up the gaye though i cant say youll be happy on the other side
I have so many video games to play
Did you ever try using RPG maker yourself? I was making a game in it once and almost had the first dungeon mapped out before my HD died and I lost it all because I was too dumb to make backups
yes ita where some of the cames in my campaign its where some of the cameos in my campaign came from
I made a couple dungeons. Opening it recently showed i had about four hours clocked
Amelia has been pretty strong the whole time. This is the third modifier I've seen, and the highest one. Katarina's evil army must have been holding on to their flags.
What unit do you get from me? Has it just been Amelia all day?
>>330067 You could go do something interesting instead of drinking and shitposting
i can't though my license is suspended until this payment goes through so i shouldn't go anywhere tonight and i have to save money to pay for the ticket and the surcharges now
>>330073 >you can do tonnes of lonely and depressing things at home*
>>330074 i got pulled over a few years ago without insurance and now i have to pay the government 25 dollars a month every month for years and years and years...
i accidentally hit "translate this page" right next to the link on google and it reminded me of when you could use google's translate as a proxy to get past the security at my high school's computer labs
now i remember why i don't use pixiv because i'd have to invest time into learning how
just google the character their japanese name will be on the wiki or something