Thread #328135
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>>328137 → yeah, he wishes he did
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I was really disappointed in Joko during the campaign. The entire region of Elona is in the state it's in because of him but you play through the story and it's just lol you got got
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Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/04 (土) 23:57 No. 328142
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This is a spoiler but it's pretty much what happened to Joko for the entire expansion. Not like any of you will play it
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>Genuflect, peasant!
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I'm being very particular about something no one else really cares about but whatever I really like how Joko calls out his own titles. I want to redo the mission again just to hear him say "The SCOURRRGE OF VABBI"
lol the wiki lists all of them>Palawa Joko (also known as King Joko the Inevitable, the last Primeval King, Joko the Undying, and the Scourge of Vabbi)
>Alternative styles for Palawa Joko include Joko the Feared, Joko the Beloved, and Joko the Eternal Monarch of All.
2017/11/05 (日) 00:02 No. 328150
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kneel before joko
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>Joko bestows the gift of magic on the races of Tyria. this guy
hey guys you wanna see a video of me being good at a video game
? ? ?
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He gave you some question marks so go ahead and post it.
>>328152 wanna see a video of me caring
spoiler neither of them exist ex dee
my media player says cannot render file i think i fucked something up i'm tryint to use the geforce experience thing i'm gonna give up on this and use OBS instead
>>328157 yeah don't fuck with that it's so retarded
basically i clutched 1v4 because the enemy team wanted to be memes it wasn't special
is this defense of the legends of the old association
aka league of the ancients
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this stuff is good
>>328163 Oi Ocha mate wassup
[despair intensifies]
>>328165 quell thy despair young lad fear not bang is nigh
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I dont think that would do much
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hi are you goijg to enjoy your extra hour of sleep
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You mean my extra hour of wakefulness.
was net-juu good last night? i was busy
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some of us have to BE SOMEWHERE in the morning
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>>328172 Why would that change anything? Go to sleep an hour later.>>328171 It was pretty good.
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>>328173 but sleep schedules
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Falling back is going to mess up your sleep schedule anyway. I mean you're just going to sleep 9 hours instead of 8 because why not?
yeah thats like a whole nother hour of tasty sleep
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Why not just go to sleep an hour earlier on any other night?
wait.... when is falling back.....
Becausde obviously that means you lose an hour of normally being awake!
>>328178 at 2am
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>>328179 You lose an hour of being awake by unnecessarily sleeping an extra hour tonight too. It seems like you're just sleeping the extra hour because you think that's what you're supposed to do. What a sheep!
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>>328181 sometikes extra sleep can feel good if youre tired
oh no.....
>>328184 ??
i thought you'd be happy since it's an extra hour before work at 6am
my plan was to STAY UP ALL NIGHT because i woke up at like 1pm
well like 1230
i guess i'll do my laundry now and plan on napping
fucking rip
this is all rook's fault i swear to god
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the timing on the ice cubes that the divine beast ruta throws at you is really annoying.
>>328192 You wanna know something cool? You can time freeze the ice cubes and redirect them to hit the bossfight in that dungeon>>328194 I like the bird boss the best because I think his little funnels that hit you from different angles are cool and make a challenging fight
i liked the camel boss the most
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>>328193 I noticed I could time freeze the cubes but there didn't seem to be much point in doing so.
>>328195 I was actually disappointed that you can't skip the section with riding on the prince I tried hang gliding onto the elephant but it teleports you away or something
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I got called for jury duty today. I probably won't get to do it though, most people get struck.
oh no
>>328198 if you say something racist, you can get out of it easy
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>>328200 I could never do something like saying something racist, though!
>>328201 I think you're powerful enough to pretend.
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Well, I don't think I'll have to pretend. I think I'll probably just get struck anyway, that's how these things go.
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They'll probably strike me because jurors have to be 18 and no one will be able to believe I'm not 17!
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>>328206 that's an easy out if you're 17 forever
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I wonder if I'm brave enough to say something like that to a judge.
if there was an 18 year old serving on the jury that was trying me i'd probably try and get a mistrial what the fuck can an 18 year old contribute
>>328209 You'd need dauntless guts or higher
>>328210 they probably wouldn't grab just any 18 year old for just any case
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anime tonight?
>>328209 just make a bunch of vaguely racist posts on /moe/ Surely they'll turn up in the background checks
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>>328213 anime never
>>328212 what if you got tried for a case and some edgelord that has watched deathnote like eleven times was serving on your jury
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>>328213 Yeah, we'll be watching anime tonight.
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>>328216 what if you were on the juror for Lights trial and the prosecution told you he used a magic notebook for murder
2017/11/05 (日) 03:30 No. 328221
>>328220 I'd ask for 100 proof
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I broke a fucking bib hose for the slurpee machine. I spent an hour trying to clean it up before I said fuck it and gave up. Everything is so sticky. It's horrible.
That sounds pretty gross. I hate it when I'm stepping around and I can't seem to put my foot down without something sticky getting stuck on it.
"slurpee machine's broke"
i have work in 7 hours OH WAIT 8 hours you know this falling back thing might just be alright
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she was really cute she might be good waifu material if she wasn't the most likely to go crazy on you
>The most likely to go crazy on you What is Tendou Karen.
>>328221 vodka
>>328230 nah karen would probably just get really depressed if things went south maybe depressed enough to cause her to do stupid things in a young girl kind of way
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>>328229 She's also an unrepentant normie!
>>328233 there's only two things i want from you rika and one of them is for you to understand what i mean when i say normies don't real
>>328233 >pot calling the kettle black
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Wow, Rika's not an unrepentant normie.
>>328236 that's not what i said!
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>>328237 It's what Maria said!
who's Maria?
>>328236 she totally is she's successful and went to prom >>328239 Some fucking loser Don't talk to him or you'll catch his loser bugs
>>328240 yeah but she's also a weeb with more nendos than she has friends
>>328241 >implying the nendos aren't her friends See? Totally a normie with all these plastic friends
i have more genders than i have friends
spoiler it's one
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We regret to inform you Stranger Things is also problematic
>>328245 >, “You reacted so strongly to this—I was just joking—and you were so freaked out that I was like well, I gotta make her do it now… that’s why I’m saying it’s your fault.” >it's your fault wtf
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Right? And this is what they're willing to say publicly
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People messing up and tumbling all the way down cliffs is always really funny in BotW.
that is me it just happened 5 mins ago
Oh, congratulations then. It's pretty funny even when it happesn to you.
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okay someone make the anime thread for me please
>>328255 → >>328255 → Anime tread
wow what a hypothalamus
combat sports are so flawed the most exciting thing that can happen in a match is something that causes the match to end and if a match ends indecisively/controversially, it takes them several months to recover and get a rematch and a lot of times, fights end based on the referee's very subjective opinion on when the fight should end
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>>328261 and fight fans love going around acting like luck and performances dont vary if we took something like basketball, and made it so that the first winner of any match between two teams were the winner of the set, we'd have completely different NBA champions for the past 2 years but in basketball it is much more reasonable to rematch in like 2 days, so winners of championships often have 4-3 records against their opponents showing that even inferior teams can beat superior teams 3 times out of 7 which is analogous to fighters being able to do the same but we'll never see that so we just accept that whoever beat who last holds absolute dominance and clear superiority over the loser
>>328267 dying
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I am loving the people who genuinely believe twitter shitposting stopped the communist revolution this week
>>328270 it's been a pretty hilarious shitpost
>>328247 I would never let my nonexistant kids have anything to do with hollywood>>328270 What if it galvanises and improves their morale though Doesn't that just make your opposition stronger
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>>328279 Naw, they're stronger no matter what happens I do think it was a fucking dumb idea by revcom to do this, but what can you do, yaknow Antifascism isn't a proactive movement, it doesn't make any fucking sense
>>328267 I'll join whichever whacky fringe political group is the first to develop mechanical combat armour
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No more occult shit, no more super science, we're going back to basics Prepare my mech suit -Adolf Hitler, Wolfenstein
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Jan are you here?
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>>328285 wtf I'm a nazi now
was the new wolfenstein good
I hear it's really good My PC probably can't run it though
I heard it was good but the length of the game is a bit hard to merit the price investment. But that is a bit of a subjective aspect since different people will blast through some games.
>>328293 remember when rentals were a thing? I'd love it if digital rentals became a thing For all those 90$ AAA games that take 8 hours >>328296 But my PC is shit
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Just pirate it, dude
I haven't played the first Wolfenstein yet anyway, so I'm in no rush to get the new one. I figure next time Steam does a good sale for the series I'll just get the whole set.
Did you hear Crunchyroll got hacked? Piracy is literally safer than legal consumption >>328300 I used to be a streamfag Torrenting was like emerging from platos cave for the first time
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Yeah, someone got into their DNS thing or something, MITM them? Even worse, if you on crunchyroll there's streaming anime there
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An average of ten hours of playtime for an eighty dollar game is a bit rough for me. Especially considering I picked up Factorio for like twenty five dollars and I already have over two hundred in it.>>328303 Eighty CAD, which when adjusted is about the same price as the game in USD.
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>>328303 >eighty That's nothing Try a hundered >>328301 The fact that there's only 1 completionist seems suspicous
well the game just came out it's possible that few people have done it or it could be a problem with the reporting
with only one point of data though it's obviously not a trustworthy number
I think my receipt for Odyssey, after taxes, was over ninety dollars. Steam is nice since the additional chargest tacked on after game price aren't as much as buying physical copies. It's still more tempting for me to get physical copies when possible though.
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Since there's only one though, that does indicate it takes a while
>>328307 I liked seeing a shelf fill up with cases
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I heard the writing in the new Paper Mario was pretty good, though the gameplay and characters are a little uninspired. Apparently Miyamoto pressured the dev team to only use characters from the Super Mario World franchise and not get creative with character designs, so pretty much all the friendly NPCs are bland copypaste Toads.
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twitter group chats are fucking awful tbh SO LAGGY
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even individual DMs are laggy as hell
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I don't understand why they're so shitty It's so dumb
because twitter wants to fix problems that don't exist instead of listening to the users
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Well you know what they say The customer is always right, and unfortunately we're not the customers
>>328312 i was hoping for some paper stuff in Odyssey but oh well
I'm a little hopeful that if the re-release of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga on the 3DS ends up doing pretty well, it might encourage Nintendo to do more RPG-y stuff with the Mario franchise again, like the original two Paper Mario games.
this reminds me i need a Luigi's Mansion for switch it could be so much fun with the JoyCons
Really I'm just excited to finally get Nintendo games in a decent resolution and modelling quality. They have a bunch of great franchises that would work that so well. Like Metroid Prime.
yeah, I'm excited to see where they go with it
And Pooookeeeeemoooonnnnn. Plus Story of Seasons is leaving the 3DS behind at last.
I wonder how they'll try to top SSB4s roster
I'm a little surprised they didn't do something like a Smash Deluxe like they did with Mario Kart. Just lump all the content from the fourth game into a package for the Switch. I guess the 3DS release of the game did well enough that they figure they don't need to do Wii U recover.
Recovery even.
>>328327 that's what I'm expecting A Smash Deluxe with all the DLC included and like 5 or 6 new characters You could stick in someone from Arms, an Inkling, Wonder Red I wish
>>328333 he is no longer allowed in the house
>>328333 You can't tell me to have a good time!
>>328339 you're gonna make me lose my mind
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Fucking water filter salesmen, I swear
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>start a low autobattle run of fire emblem because it shouldn't have reset yet >it did reset because japan didn't change times with us
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actually it ended up being fine. I guess I started the run before the reset so it didn't eat one of my two bonus runs.
actually is it already 2 or ga is it legitimatelt 2 or is it like 1 but my phone wants to stil say 2 i picked a shitty time to wake up
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It's 2 am EST It's 1 AM for the second time CST
this hurts my braim
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I'd have to put in a whole lot of effort to nab Guidance at this point so I pro bably wont>>328442 thank
>>328408 cute granblu
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oh look at that I took a quick glance and it looks like your next kancolle event might encourage using Shigure are you rejoicing, Rika?
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I was aware of that already.
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i still never foudn the source of this image
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>>328464 but are you rejoicing?
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>>328467 I made it just for you.>>328468 Why would I? I already use her every event.
>>328469 not the meme the girl the image itself
>>328470 what makes you think that text isnt the correct one>>328469 fair enough
maybe it is, and that's fine too where the fuck is it from
Since Shigure is my wife and I respect her, I don't use her at all, but I do request her assistance at times.
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you shouldn't use people
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>>328473 She's not your wife, you haven't even married her you trashy secondary.
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I don't think you get to call me a secondary I also have married her
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I think at this point Rika gets to call most /moe/s secondaries when it comes to kancolle no matter what
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>>328477 Okay, open up your kancolle and take a picture of where you've married her.
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why don't you just share her
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even better, here's a picture of her in her wedding dress
>>328480 That is forbidden That is why the fact that there are two Verniys is very fortunate
unfortunately for ToN, neither Verniy would be interested in a cuck
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>>328480 I refuse.>>328481 you're a filthy secondary
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>>328483 Oh, are you actually trying to insult me?
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I just saw an opportunity to say something spicy and went for it I was jest messing around
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>>328482 what are the mobage police going to come and kneecap you for liking the same boat
>>328486 >I was jest messing Heh
>>328487 apparently waifus are exclusive
>>328488 ikr
I totally have work in 4 hours uh oh
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>>328491 oh no
good thing i woke up like 12 hours ago
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>>328486 If thats the case I guess I'll let you live>>328487 I live a dangerous life
>>328493 Yeah it's a good thing alertness is an increasing factor of time spent awake
images are dead wow
>>328494 the only thing you're killing is my sides and the image server
I just wanted to post a goodnight image ;_;
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there I fixed images
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such power!
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goodnight happy /moe/s goodnight beautiful /moe/s goodnight funny /moe/s goodnight friendly /moe/s goodnight my beloved wonderful /moe/s goodnight ToN i can't wait to spend plenty of time with you tomorrow~
2017/11/05 (日) 07:33 No. 328519
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fucking hell
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>>328518 don't forget to say good night to ToN
2017/11/05 (日) 07:34 No. 328522
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 460x594, 47BD2C01-BB58-4EC7-A368-D2B821(…).jpeg )
I dreamed I was in a plane crash and was hospitalized and lost vision in my right eye but it was a cyberpunk future so I got a robot eye but there was some cyber rebel in my eye who wanted to use my body and then I woke up
also thats an image of my wife
I had a weird dream I went on a road trip in America and for some reason Rika showed up when I stopped at a mall and I had a huge sandwich so I gave her some It was a boring trip>>328523 Would make a cool anime /10
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>>328523 Like this?
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>>328523 i would let someone else use my body
>>328526 I have kekkai sense. i just need to watch it>>328527 oh really
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Or more like this.
that Blend S OP is a real meme
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>>328528 yeah if a cyber rebel in my robot eye wanted to use my body for a little while i would let them
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Yeah but they could use your body and get you in trouble and then bail on you while you suffer the consequences
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>>328525 How was it a boring trip if I was there?
>>328533 You only showed up right at the dreams end obviously.
>>328532 they live in my eye, i can kill them
>>328535 what if they just hop to the next electronic you stumble upon
that doesn't make any sense
technoghosts get out
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When I saw this episode of people making fun of internet things was called "My mistress is machine washable" I expected body pillows. I was very wrong
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Now to try to figure out how to change the time on my clock.
dont you just fiddle faddle the back of it or something
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I have a fancy clock.
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/05 (日) 08:29 No. 328543
tonight was kinda crazy
A good kinda crazy?
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/05 (日) 08:32 No. 328545
good and bad good was I met this woke girl bad was I was at the club with my broken wrist like an idiot amd then some idiot girl who was dancing flamboyantly like did a somersault and crashed into me
Hah hah hah. That is kind of absurd. Is your wrist...well, I guess not okay, but not in worse condition?
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/05 (日) 08:37 No. 328547
I think it's fine when that girl hit me she knocked me into some other guy and his drink spilled so then he got mad at me and pushed me over at that point I decided it was time to exit the club
Yeah seems like a sound idea. It's always frustrating when something totally beyond your control cuts the fun short though.
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/05 (日) 08:40 No. 328549
Yeah. Freaking Murphy's law i'venever experienced violence at a club until today
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 08:42 No. 328550
Whoah What a dick.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 08:44 No. 328551
I bought six D&D figures tonight.
oh samu you like botw right
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc_2017-11-05_09-43-21.jpg )
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/05 (日) 08:50 No. 328554
>>328551 what do they look like>>328552 yeah I played it what's up
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc_2017-11-05_09-43-11.jpg )
>>328554 i bought it the other day with the mario odyssey switch bundle this was me earlier tonight >>328248 it's a lot of fun but i'm getting distracted by cooking and mining and catching lizards
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/05 (日) 08:51 No. 328557
>>328555 why are you replying to yourself>>328556 ayy grats i played it on Wii u I caught a lot of those lizards and crickets too
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 08:51 No. 328558
>>328554 Plastic One sec
>>328557 right now i'm trying to make enough dosh to buy a crack house in hatena
you got any tips for me old timer?
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/05 (日) 08:53 No. 328561
stealth clothes, rock climbing clothes. essential
put everything into stamina and nothing into hearts
it's too late my first two wishes were for more fucking health so the big cunts with bats don't kill me in one hit
>>328563 in one of the villages you can find a devil statue that lets you redistribute your points between hearts and stamina if you ever feel like you need to do that.
someone put an actual spoiler behind the spoiler tags what the fuck
Don't look under this spoiler pleaseI thought I could trust you...
i was already looking at it before you finished typing
>>328567 Wow you're a sneaky cunt aren'tcha
>>328568 they call me slippery rick. slickest dick in the west
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 09:08 No. 328570
Search [iqdb] (46 KB, 800x800, D_D_Unpainted_Mini_Human_Femal(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 09:10 No. 328571
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 09:10 No. 328572
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>>328569 Wow, I heard you're the quickest shot in west rick
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 09:32 No. 328574
Also since those are 3d renders they are of course a bit more detailed than the actual figures.
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oh shit waddup
Someone keeps banging around at 2am waddup wit you
Wait no it isn't 2am
yeah it's mid
Yeah midnight
>>328578 not much
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mo no
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good morning
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Oh, it is a birthday today Hurray for them How are you this fine sunday
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Finally, someone!
shouldn't you be at church
heading there right now, bully
have fun at church im going on a date
>>328594 hVe fun
i super will gonna go shooting and shopping a very american day
Hope your friend's able to bring their guns for you. I remember last time that didnt happen
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>>328598 good stuff>>328597 it's fine !
>>328599 good
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this wasnt the cute girl i wanted
>>328602 kaiba is the best>>328603 ill take it
Search [iqdb] (201 KB, 1991x2048, DN15YFHUQAEr4u4.jpg )
>>328604 not for sale
why not
does the pity rate increase if you only summon once? or less than 5?
every five units opened
so if you do 4 in one round and then one in the next the next session you roll will have an increased rate
i feel like a fucking neet i have so much free time and such little money when is this shitty vacation gonna end
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when it's over
ah, it was Sugar Ray>>>/watch?v=xmLv8rfunPo
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so tired but its still early
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good /afternoon/
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Good evening
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hi kannagi ...I wonder if I can still stream. It's been a long time
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Yo! How are ya? You should stream!
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 1991x2048, DN15XBDV4AAt9Gm.jpg )
I'm going to do a quick pass around the house since it's Sunday and everyone always wants to fervently annoy me on Sunday. There's always SOMETHING to clean. Then I'll come back and stream. So either in 20 minutes or X hours
Clean everything! Bathe it in the cleansing light of KOI.
blue have you killed the infernal because wow
All in all you're just another brick in the wall~
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 794x990, 65729929_p0.png )
It's far from over.
>>328621 the what? oh you mean the alm/celica thing? I haven't really bothered. I'm a casual now.
>>328624 yeah alm's pounding my rectum i would like him to stop
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 500x550, DNxZjejUIAYT7Pg.jpg )
well, enjoy it. get Celica to peg you instead Do something All I want to do is roll for cute girls now
Search [iqdb] (421 KB, 566x800, ヤッペン - ハロウィンサクラ (65715206) .png )
I guess neko mata ninja Sakura is cute girl enough I just have to get Nowi
>>328626 But asking celica ro thay is almost gayer I also just want to roll cute girls and thats why im wanting to beat them
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 2620x3634, 榊葉ミソギ - ぱーかーかみっか (65715614) 2ページ.png )
I want to ~lazily~ roll cute girls
That artist's kamikaze is strong
Search [iqdb] (358 KB, 999x942, ideolo@風水演武発売中 - 東方詰め合わせ (6551(…).png )
I like his kois the most. I await the return of koi
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I'm too young to be feeling this old
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1000x1000, DNzP8F1UMAUivzy-orig.jpg )
It's neat when artists accidentally upload the wrong version of an image, and you're able to save it before they delete the post Cause you get to see what kinda changes they made at the very end
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>>328629 This is me too.
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>>328635 ara~ I didn't know you were that cute in a hoodie.
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 400x400, 1309086758031.jpg )
That is also weird considering I am in a hoodie now!
Search [iqdb] (306 KB, 1464x2048, DJM9H5RXUAAhhl8.jpg )
>>328633 flipping back and forth between error images is fun like those "find the six differences">>328637 I take it back. I definitely knew that you were. Sasuga kannagi
Search [iqdb] (250 KB, 2048x1536, DNx7hybUEAE2JUm-orig.jpg )
Yeah It's a lot of fun seeing how small things actually change a lot
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 560x640, C8V68xkUMAERKQK.jpg )
>>328639 I still have the 18 or so iterations of that dancing girl. because I didn't know how annoying it was to blue a gif.
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>>328638 I am the moest.
>>328640 Kumin?
Search [iqdb] (200 KB, 683x1024, 37264d599c8114a18dae3f06be07ef(…).jpg )
>>328641 it can't be helped>>328642 no, it was... I think it was from Tari Tari. The little girl shaking her hips side to side Dancing in front of her TV, I think (but the TV isn't in the gif) I'll find it
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 159x360, dancing-loli.gif )
this one
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 159x360, dancing-loli2.gif )
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 159x360, dancing-loli3.gif )
notice how none of these are getting caught on duplicate detection
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Search [iqdb] (939 KB, 317x360, Continuum Shift.gif )
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 496x464, DMrK0s9VoAAUpYI-orig.jpg )
Oh that one I remember that one, man that was a while back
Search [iqdb] (176 KB, 317x360, dancing-loli2Double.gif )
It was an ordeal. I made a thread saying "I did it!" and everyone was like "oh shit, post it." But I was still finishing the last frame and it got incredibly hype And the first one was messy. So I ended up with like 15 iterations trying to fix it.
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>2012 holy shit
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 409x492, illicit feeling.JPG )
>a folder called Hug I wonder what's in here...
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 906x1277, 63507328_p0.png )
Honestly only watch Jigsaw if you're a fan of the first three movies. Otherwise it's just below average. Putting that out heere
>>328654 >illicit feeling This must happen to you alot with your random folders of images!
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 376x1079, Past 3 Years.JPG )
I found a 4koma I drew for somebody! One that was requested years ago but I kept forgetting so I made one about why I kept forgetting
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I remember all those thread with you discussing Merry. That was a while back!
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 676x451, koi in a natural habitat.JPG )
>Slamsung Dunktop
If you didn't invest in bitcoin I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but being broke aint one
>>328659 Nice hat
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 17:58 No. 328662
Truly I am Ohio
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 845x666, im being set up.PNG )
>>328656 I'm sure you would enjoy this old post about looking at old posts.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 18:00 No. 328664
Happy Guy Fawkes Day
Search [iqdb] (22 KB, 723x310, HOLY SHIT.PNG )
I remember this being the most intense panel
Search [iqdb] (27 KB, 249x266, smilehai.JPG )
the revolution was yesterday though
>>328663 I see a cute girl in this post
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 360x350, what.JPG )
>>328667 I'm sorry but that's /my/ cute girl thanks
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 460x594, 47BD2C01-BB58-4EC7-A368-D2B821(…).jpeg )
But this is my wife
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 1200x1720, Naz_020.jpg )
But that was my wife posting your soon to be wife
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 164x180, IMG_2400.JPG )
What a wife conundrum!
>>328664 Happy guy fawkes day!>>328663 FOREVER LEWD
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Different cities, they demand you.
>>328673 tbis is also a cute girl
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 317x624, the fuck is this and that.PNG )
>>328672 it also can't be helped okay, I was going to play Hob and maybe stream where is OBS
speaking of lewd, what the hell is with that girl in the green/purple outfit? It looks awful
It looks awful AND everyone is drawing fanart of it
Search [iqdb] (205 KB, 707x1000, 65509545_p0.jpg )
Goota love hoe suits sometimes.
>>328676 which one?
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 907x1261, DN3GJctVwAAQqt3.jpg )
tihs one
>>328680 oh i dont onow this one
Search [iqdb] (201 KB, 1100x446, For what purpose.PNG )
It's just really awkward looking. To wear. You got your tits out but your arms and shoulders are restrained. It looks lewd but incredibly uncomfortable. It's like high heels. This is the high heels of outfits.
Search [iqdb] (593 KB, 990x700, 65493557_p0.png )
Meh, just a compant trying to make the most hoe ass outfit in existence. And it succeeded.
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 18:23 No. 328685
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>>328684 yeah but you can make GOOD hoe ass outfits How are you going to make the tits be the only thing that has good range of motion in your upper body?
Search [iqdb] (982 KB, 1200x1697, 62694695_p0.jpg )
Believe me when I say it's just bait for all the good artists.
Maybe that was the point. The only thing with free range of movement are the breasts
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 640x453, 961cb4f3c01447ce526cabf2f6374ca2.jpg )
Artists need to understand that more is more
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 18:26 No. 328691
>>328686 I Don't know what im doing.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1048x957, DN4eKLEUQAEh86S.jpg )
Welcome to existence. 90% of us don't
The other 10% don't but also don't really care.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1240x1432, 65488784_p0.png )
More more more How do you like it, how do you like it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 18:28 No. 328695
Search [iqdb] (879 KB, 1074x1367, Screenshot_20171105-122547.jpg )
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 18:31 No. 328696
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 649x660, wut2.jpg )
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If only a 100 people played a single dice game
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But for real, if that was a real game, I would have 14 bullshit points by the time y\all die off LOL
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check out this cutie
Search [iqdb] (702 KB, 1254x1771, 55514493_p0.jpg )
It's good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 18:41 No. 328701
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1337x1920, _Doki_ Goblin Is Very Strong -(…).png )
This updated
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Those guys fucking suck
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 18:43 No. 328703
Search [iqdb] (662 KB, 1000x800, 1280160047712.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 18:48 No. 328704
>>328702 ? She's level 99 and hangs out in the new adventurer area with all the weak monsters.
Search [iqdb] (652 KB, 787x1165, 65730138_p0.png )
but ppl annoy the fuck out of you? how you deal with that shit tell me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 18:53 No. 328706
>>328705 Me?
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 652x1052, 65645740_p0.jpg )
Imma tell you hoe I deal with guild members talking shit This vibe >>>/watch?v=2QcCFcaSXCs
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 18:57 No. 328708
Dangit now I wanna play more D&D.
>>328708 get to work nerd
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 18:59 No. 328710
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 232x203, Oh.png )
>>328709 Expect me to make a campaign? That requires a lot of effort and Energy Drinks.
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 912x1157, 05adfc50e4647ac248fa9c605bac685d.jpg )
I'm sorry are you telling MEEEEE of all people about the difficulties of making a campaign? Let me tell you, I definitely didnt make up a lot of things the day before
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:01 No. 328712
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 3737x4000, 1322279374948.png )
>>328711 Ye but i'm not you now am I? Also if I did do one i'd want it to be really good before I even showed that shit. I wouldn't wanna half ass it.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 599x773, d241643f79771d75d1fef460716ed6f1.jpg )
I did put a lot of thought into specific parts ill admit like some things were done a few weeks in advance but then put into actual mechanics the few days before
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:04 No. 328714
>>328713 I think if I had the energy to do it I probably could but thats a lot of work. I got the basics in terms of mechanics and shit down cause i've played enough to hopefully know that stuff. It's also the fact i'd have to make up maps enemies etc etc.
Search [iqdb] (383 KB, 1200x619, 61414676_p0.jpg )
>posted the greatest vibe on ?muu? and no1 hears it if only bong was heeereee
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:06 No. 328716
>>328715 What you need is this>>>/watch?v=l7vRSu_wsNc
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 800x1132, 59576879_p0.jpg )
Any Prince song is good as fuck Nice one cap
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:07 No. 328718
>>328717 Grew yo on that shit as a kid. Mom and dad used to listen to a lot of 70s 80s etc etc in the car so I like a lot of it.
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:08 No. 328720
Also I really like Disco and funk music.
BOO back from dinner.
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:10 No. 328722
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welcome back
Search [iqdb] (257 KB, 1024x768, 1303041294552.jpg )
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:12 No. 328726
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 280x440, tumblr_inline_mnzlm6hkQ11qz4rgp.gif )
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1620x1200, 63232471_p0.jpg )
Vibing to all y'all songs be like
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:18 No. 328728
One more before I go do things>>>/watch?v=cAQSZhazYk8
Search [iqdb] (699 KB, 1200x1338, 64085732_p0.jpg )
You be reminding me of >>>/watch?v=2SFt7JHwJeg type of shit tho
Search [iqdb] (796 KB, 1655x1920, meruru3.jpg )
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Oh it's a rika
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 700x913, 65466302_p0.png )
Nothing more humbling than getting one hit 4 times in a row
actually neechang did you beat the infernal map?
CaptainOwl !cMeOwl2pYQ
2017/11/05 (日) 19:32 No. 328734
>>328729 Kool & The Gang you say>>>/watch?v=sTJ1XwGDcA4 Also I lied this is the last one before I go do stuff.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
How are we all today?>>328733 Infernal map?
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 700x1137, 63134310_p0.png )
>>328734 What a hitter. You be dropping that gum commercial to my ears
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 614x692, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>328736 I haven't started work on it yet. I've been dumping all my stamina into Tempest. I'll be done with that in a few runs though.
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Nothing more humbling than just getting straight popped
straight what
Search [iqdb] (4.7 MB, 3543x1993, 54708977_p0.jpg )
Straight all your efforts resulting in you dying
water you playin
Search [iqdb] (855 KB, 1000x873, 61265247_p0.jpg )
A game where you die more than you kill on average
mario party?
Search [iqdb] (519 KB, 650x914, 61369479_p0.png )
Clutching stars on any mario party is easy as fuck tho
i played mario part one as a kid and my sister got that star switch minigame and made me switch my 12 stars with the CPU's 3 stars she didn't even mean to it was just basically a lottery i got mad at her and probably cried
mario party one*
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 2000x1020, 62528484_p0.jpg )
Maybe after a while, you just realise you got fucking wrecked by the AI. It'll always learn in any game
is the switch a ninth gen console? what are the current new/upcoming consoles out there i feel so old and also so poor
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1080x1080, DNPJk8KUMAAu8Ai.jpg )
There are 0 upcoming console, just upgrade your PC my friend
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 689x716, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>328749 The current generation is PS4, Xbox One, and Switch.
Search [iqdb] (633 KB, 685x995, 65537039_p0.png )
tfw your one-shots do nothing rip me
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yay, finally done with tempest trials. That one was probably the most tiring one yet.
im not even to 30k im a lazy boy
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 1400x2000, 1508993062922.png )
You need to get at least 40k for the seal, so get to it. Today is the last day.
Imm aware! But ehhhhhh i guess i can try
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 600x600, 1506046156545.jpg )
That seal is worth having. It's very good.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 797x938, 05d8ce8f7d8f2e95d6f3f3f745c94813.jpg )
I gueeeeessss
>>328751 Wtf was the Wii U then Wait disregard this I read this as eightth gen not "current gen"
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 782x576, 1490032539250.png )
>>328759 I'm not disregarding this post>>328758 If I did the granblue event you can do the FE event.
>>328760 oh did you nab a complete katana?
>>328759 xbone and ps4 are Wii U gen though so either switch is still eight gen somehow or the other two arent current gen
>>328762 Yeah the Switch is still eighth gen imo It's too early to call a 9th gen with how long the one and PS4 have been out Nintendo doesn't really have to care about traditional generations anyway they're doing their own thing
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>>328761 No, but I got full loyalty.
Search [iqdb] (844 KB, 1500x1176, 1425014557765.png )
>>328762 >>328763 Nintendo chose to make the switch while the others did PS4 pro and stuff.>>328766 And even a babby can get a mere 40k points. I'm not telling you to get 99999, just get the 40k.
>>328764 yeah but like even pan can do that step up your gamw
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1072x1283, 1f4d5f14725670642b025df6ab7cacee.jpg )
I'm not telling you to grind forever just get 200 gold badges and 2.5 million honors
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1597x2048, 1509502580085.png )
>>328767 2.5 million honors is a lot, considering that I've been playing it a few days and only have 200k. but you know what, I don't care what you do anymore. Don't get the seal if you don't want it.
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 533x750, cb0f03bfeeee7b8558fec3abbecdc644.jpg )
Just in case I'm only playing I'm not trying to be argumentative here
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It's fine, I'm not mad. We've past my threshold for caring, though.
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What are y'all up to?
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 636x900, 64177673_p0.png )
What the fuck was that? I just missed a 1 shot pretty easily >>>/watch?v=kS3mSJ_3GTM
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>>328771 I'm leveling me new characters in Fire Emblem.
>>328773 broom broom
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My blood may be all over the walls, but at least I aint mad about it
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>>328773 I got bored of Fire Emblem pretty quickly. It is a sort of mobage where I just play it to pass the time really.
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>>328776 I still enjoy it. I like the high frequency of events and challenge maps.
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Huh Auto strats really does trivialize this Too bad it doesnt persist between maps
huh everytime i oversleep an afternoon nao, tgere see,s to be a violent outburst somewhere
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I bet that isn't even competitive.
>>328780 >A2 with long hair Great taste mate.
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Texas again. What a shitty deal.
I had just spoken with a friend in Texas saying they weren't far from where the shooting happened. Pretty weird to hearing from someone close by the one of these incidents that always are in the news
Search [iqdb] (836 KB, 680x965, 60873322_p0.jpg )
If only any real action was taken to prevent that shit.
>>328771 streaming hob
>>328785 hob? I haven't heard of that before/.
It's by the team that made Torchlight. Runic Games. They shut down this weekend
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 21:09 No. 328788
>>328787 Oh fuck Seriously
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 21:17 No. 328789
Ooh New Juan Punch
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There we go
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All done. That seal is really good.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 21:30 No. 328792
That pizza was really good I'm having another slice
Search [iqdb] (235 KB, 907x1563, a89ce8de3671cbfa16fe24e9c0acc09e.jpg )
>>328791 My only problem is my playstyle always makes me choose against teleporting most of the time
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You need to have lots of different teams capable of different things. That seal is a great team building glyph.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 288x431, 2ca3d4a7891c53f34ede3268c7ea1bc0.png )
Maybe ill actually get around to building an armor squad
2017/11/05 (日) 21:50 No. 328796
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 22:03 No. 328797
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>>328798 no stop
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time to sleep now
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this mosquito bite on my lip has been the worst experience
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That's so fucked. All of that above my post
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i look like I got in a fight Eating is annoying I want to stab my mouth but lip scabs are also annoying so I guess I gotta live with it for a while
>>328801 Did it sting you while you slept or something?
worse right before i slept I got to experience the feeling of it swell and get incredibly hot and it kept me up for an extra hour.
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Then just drink all your essential vitamins.
2017/11/05 (日) 22:51 No. 328807
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Eat your vitamins!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 22:51 No. 328808
>>328803 Don't stab it, just slice it off.
Everything about Daylight Savings was lost
2017/11/05 (日) 22:51 No. 328810
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Which would be scarier to you someone smashing through your door with a mallet and poking through the hole and shout EAT YOUR VITAMINS! or someone smashing through your door with an axe and poking through the hole and shout HERE'S JOHNNY
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The latter has more memes.
both sound incredibly annoying to deal with and I only hope I have a non lethal way of handling it because I want to be able to sue for damages
2017/11/05 (日) 22:54 No. 328813
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Original vs Kubrick also how do you smash through a door with a mallet? atleast in the movie it was a solid wooden door, maybe the book's version of the hotel had less brittle bathroom doors
Hit the hinges or have a spiked mallet
2017/11/05 (日) 22:55 No. 328815
>>328813 *more brittle
Search [iqdb] (469 KB, 850x1442, 65563282_p0.jpg )
The fact that you don't carry mace kind of surprises me.
I've never known anyone who carried mace
Who wins in a death fight A guy with a big solid mace or the guy with the spray mace
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Range always win bruh
>>328819 How's the range on mace? I feel like if the mace swing had momentum behind it, it'd carry through regardless
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That piece of garbage only has two arms length worth of range. If you pepper spray them, it has like 5 meters of effectiveness
2017/11/05 (日) 23:20 No. 328822
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>>328818 If both people are relatively matched in physical size, I would wager spray mace if he can combo a "spray to face + take down"
>>328822 If you can cause the physical mace guy to stagger out of pain from the spray mace you can pretty easily take him down yeah
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2017/11/05 (日) 23:22 No. 328825
>>328823 >>>/watch?v=nzdXdvm26No#t=1m15s but spray isn't always enough especially if you aren't taking necessary force immediately after
>>328825 Goddamn that mace did nothing He doesn't give a fuck He just takes the whacky sticks too They don't do shit >woah samurai! class act banter
2017/11/05 (日) 23:22 No. 328827
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>>328826 yeah and fnn cops are restricted due to fear of them getting fined/sued afterwards so... can't go all FUCK YOU like american or well unrestricted cops can
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Personally, I would run like a bitch after the spray
2017/11/05 (日) 23:24 No. 328829
well heis ESTONIAN SAMURAI or smething
2017/11/05 (日) 23:26 No. 328830
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here is a good case example
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What a crazy world we live in
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Laws. sheesh
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>>328830 was he convicted though?
>ladybeard on morning tv
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It's dark so early now.
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yup maybe the answer to life really is sometimes recklessly pursuing your dreams
2017/11/05 (日) 23:38 No. 328838
>>328834 dnno last i heard of it was month ago in october and it was still going on
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>>328839 how was your deito
2017/11/05 (日) 23:41 No. 328841
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>3 dead by cop in 2017 *16>a statistical spike, says chief of cops, no reason for alarm Welp, we live in peaceful times when 3 accidental death by cops is high as fuck
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It was good. I'm exhausted, though.
are you feeling the time change yet? I'm already getting sleepy
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No, my sleep schedule is perpetually broken, so time changes don't affect me much.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 23:44 No. 328845
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I found this really crazy weird rpg book It's fucking great.
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>>328844 oh right
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I didn't sleep much last night.
>>328847 fix it
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Actually, I've barely slept this week.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 23:47 No. 328850
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Part 1
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 23:47 No. 328851
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>>328850 Part 2
2017/11/05 (日) 23:50 No. 328852
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>>328849 enjoy tiredness
2017/11/05 (日) 23:52 No. 328853
>>328850 >>328851 what is this cancer to read
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 23:52 No. 328854
>>328853 It's an rpg bestiary written as if it were by someone from the world in which the monsters reside.
2017/11/05 (日) 23:53 No. 328855
why make it shit to read?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 23:53 No. 328856
>>328855 It's not that hard to read.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 23:54 No. 328857
Well, not those pages anyways.
2017/11/05 (日) 23:54 No. 328858
hard no annoying yes unnecessary definitely
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/05 (日) 23:54 No. 328859
>>328858 Does it really grind your gears?
2017/11/05 (日) 23:55 No. 328860
yes when you have run into similiar shit way too oft and it always is annoying
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hello again
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Well I was in the studio But I couldn't hit the notes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:13 No. 328865
>>328864 You should try aiming better next time.
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Whats uo up
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:15 No. 328868
>>328867 Bitcoin's price
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watching fish play switch and trying not to fall asleep
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:15 No. 328870
I may end up falling asleep soon I've been really busy recently and will continue to be And I think I'm just so out of shape mentally that I don't have the mental stamina Cause I've been used to doing nothing almost everyday for so long
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 2894x4093, 65361174_p2.jpg )
<- This bitch needs to play the switch Worth?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:18 No. 328872
>>328867 >>328869 What did you think of the stuff I posted from the bestiary?
>>328872 huh
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/06 (月) 00:26 No. 328874
>>>/watch?v=XKBjbjZfTiM >>>/watch?v=XKBjbjZfTiM >>>/watch?v=XKBjbjZfTiM
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:33 No. 328875
>>328873 See >>328845 >>328850 >>328851
>Republican Sen. Rand Paul is recovering from five broken ribs after his neighbor blindsided him outside his Kentucky home on Friday, his senior adviser told the Associated Press. >May be life threatening what the fuck why even>>328875 this is some weird shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:34 No. 328877
>>328876 Oh no How will he make anime real if ge dies. *he
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:35 No. 328878
>>328876 Weird shit in a good way or bad way?
good way def
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:36 No. 328880
>>328879 Glad you like it It's called Fire on the Velvet Horizon. It's by the same guy who did that Maze of the Blue Medusa thing I was going on about a few months ago.
2017/11/06 (月) 00:37 No. 328881
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>>328876 I suppose the neighbour didn't like his policies?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:38 No. 328882
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all these boys
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/06 (月) 00:48 No. 328884
>>328883 ToN did you look at the stuff? See >>328882 And the stuff linked in >>328875
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>>328883 Gray is actually pretty good but the horse guy is bad.
>>328884 not really>>328885 i already have gray thoigu!
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>>328886 Ridersbane is really great too though.>>328888 hi, how are you?
Who would i have that hates horsesso much they would eat gray
*I wonder
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>>328889 Incredibly tired. How're you?
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>>328892 What are you so tired about? I'm just taking it easy.
all day deito
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>>328893 I've barely gotten a good night's sleep all week and then I was busy all day today. I had a minor allergic reaction or something, too. And Fish took a lot out of me. It was a great day, don't get me wrong, I'm just really tired.
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Well, I'm glad you had a good day. She had high expectations for it! She must be tired too.
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If only. She's been sleeping well so she's full of energy. If she were tired, I could go to sleep.
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what sorrow like a kiss from a mosquito
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wow, how did you add that image to my hard drive
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I took a bad risk today
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What did you do?
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>>328904 what was it
I overtook a garbage truck on a corner when a car was coming
I bet he fell in love.
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>>328907 nice you're living on the edge now
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You guys are quiet tonight.
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I was just thinking that. But I don't know if it can be helped. /moe/'s been deprived of my light for so long. It's only natural that they'd be quiet. And even though I'm here now, I'm so tired! So that makes it doubly natural that everyone is quiet.
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>>328914 >>328913
2017/11/06 (月) 02:15 No. 328917
Ron Cairy
2017/11/06 (月) 02:15 No. 328918
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>>328914 Drink some coffee and get to it!
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>>328919 Coffee won't wake me up, and what do you want me to get to?
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Fun stuff!
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I wonder if that counts as a lewd image. It's kinda suggestive but Corrin wears weird clothes.
2017/11/06 (月) 02:25 No. 328923
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 413x551, 0d1cbd1dde9a05ff51336b9307af15de.jpg )
>>328920 You need someone to >>>/watch?v=3YxaaGgTQYM#t=1m50s
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>>328921 Fun stuff like what? What fun stuff should I be doing so late?
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>>328924 Making fun for me.
here you go
I am sure this captures your interests
2017/11/06 (月) 02:34 No. 328928
>>328926 quality dubbing
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>>328925 Oh, is that my job, now? I don't think I can stay up that long. Maybe you should do something to keep me awake.
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Like a turing test.
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>>328929 It's everyone's job!
Rika do you wanna hear a knock knock joke
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It's my policy not to say "who's there"!
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>>328931 I'm afraid I can't help you unless you help me, first.
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>>328934 How will I do that?
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>>328935 I don't know. Do something to keep me awake.
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You should eat something to wake you up!
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 515x648, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
I'm not sure if that'll work with how sleep deprived I am! And I need to go grocery shopping anyway, so I don't really have a lot of food that would be good for keeping me up.
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Maybe you should go grocery shopping right now.
2017/11/06 (月) 03:00 No. 328940
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>>328939 I'm too tired.
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 222x227, cirno eating.jpg )
We can order groceries by truck it's glorious Don't gotta drive anywhere or deal with walking through the super market Just click a button and they show up the next day like magic
2017/11/06 (月) 03:04 No. 328943
and cost extra i bet
Should it not?
>>328943 Probably
I rode a motorcycle across town today!
How long were you out on it?
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>>328941 Slap yourself on both cheeks!
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>>328948 Onee-chan is so cruel!>>328946 What kind?
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 800x600, suzuki-sv650.png )
like this but like 10 years older and beat the fuck up my friend just bought one but he doesn't really know how to ride yet so i went with him and rode it back to his neighborhood
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>>328949 Yell "ganbare!" when you do it. It will wake you up.
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is /moe/ ready for SUNDAY NIGHT
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>>328951 I'm going to fall asleep if you don't do something quick!>>328950 Did you have fun?
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>>328953 it was a lot it was a lot of fun! i forgot how much i love being on two wheels it really is an amazing feeling there aren't a lot of ways to feel that fun
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>>328953 Sit on a broom handle! That will wake you up.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 05 [7(…).jpg )
>>328955 You're so mean. You're not giving me much motivation to stay up like that! I'll really go to bed, you knoq! know>>328954 Are you gonna save up for a motorcycle now?
I still want to get one someday It's not a priority though I can just ride his now when I really want to
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i would really like it if the tit that has grown on my lip went away
excuse me
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>>328956 You wanted something to keep yourself up!
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>>328960 >>328957 Is he gonna fix it up?
>>328961 yeah it's functional and not in bad shape just has visible use marks like scratches and duct tape
motorcycle am invincible compared to car in that sense at least
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>>328961 Don't glare!
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fuck u lookin at punk
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what are you guys even fighting about
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Rika wants me to sit on a broom handle.
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 500x429, bigyaoihands.jpg )
now listen here y'all
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It was just a suggestion!
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>>328973 I just realised this girl isn't wearing a shirt
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>>328974 You wanted something that would keep you up!>>328975 She wears one, but it's a really low cut dress that looks like it should fall off at any given time. It has straps too but they're obscured by her hair.
>see cowork er using Viagogo oh no
>>328976 Wow that sounds real dangerous
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>>328978 Saki is full of dangerous characters.>>328979 Don't be so gloomy!
>>328980 Wait is she from Saki? I just started watching that a few days ago Because the hands in that show are hilarious
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>>328982 Make sure to put a condom on the broomstick first or you'll get splinters in your butt.>>328981 Yeah, she's from saki. One of my favorite saki characters!
>>328983 I feel like you'd need a very thick condom for that My favourite character is Nodoka becuase she understands that mahjong is srsbzns and has a great character design
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>>328983 I don't have any of those.>>328984 nodotits
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>>328984 You like boobs huh?>>328985 Oh then you may want to think twice about sticking a broom handle up your butt!
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>>328986 >>328985
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>>328986 I'm not planning on it, you megajerk.
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>>328988 Wow, I'm not a megajerk! Or a regular jerk.
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>>328989 An ultrajerk.
>>328990 that's like the power of a regular jerk but squared how high can her power go?
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>>328990 No way, I'm your super nice friend rika!
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hmmmmmm what?
th e FUCK you looking at
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is /moe/ gonna play official classic wow?
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>>328997 It means I don't believe you!
>>328999 I'm not
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>>329000 Why not?>>328999 Probably not me, but Sugoi will.
2017/11/06 (月) 04:28 No. 329003
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>playing wow
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>>329002 Nice friends don't tell each other to stick brooms up their butts!
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>>328999 I choose death
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>>329004 You were asking for a good way to stay awake!
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>>329006 You're just trying to use me for your sick fantasies!
2017/11/06 (月) 04:29 No. 329008
>>329006 so that is what you do to stay awake when tired?
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>>329007 I think I would come up with a better fantasy than that!>>329008 No, I don't need help staying awake.
yeah wow
2017/11/06 (月) 04:31 No. 329011
>>329009 but you would?
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 02 [7(…).jpg )
>>329009 Then why didn't you?
stick fantasies
deep dark fantasies
>>329002 >literally asking for classic wow experience >won't play it
being the galaxy brain I am, I left a bunch of splinters in my hands and feet now I think I am starting to feel the consequences
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 727x693, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
>>329012 I wasn't coming up with a fantasy. It was just a suggestion. If I were going to come up with a fantasy about you, I'd do a better job!>>329015 When did I ask for that?
my fantasies involving moes also involve things like fancy dinners, music festivals, road trips, and pranks
my fantasies involving internet friends involve forming a super sentai team together
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>>329017 hmmm
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>>329020 Come on, you know me! I could come up with a really good fantasy.
>>329021 don't you tell us what to do I'll make my own destiny, and invoke the courage to frown
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>>329022 I don't know anything about what kind or the quality of your fantasies!
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>>329024 I'm sure you have the general sense that they'd be high level, though.
my fantasies involve a sense of belonging an purpose
haha somene slipped dokidoki spoilers in this video I'm glad I have no interest in that game
>>329026 bang your fantasies are getting too real for me
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>>329025 High level in what way?
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>>329029 High quality and with a grand sense of impressiveness!
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>>329030 I'm not sure if I believe you!
>>329026 sounds pretty plain jane to me
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>>329031 You don't mean that!
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>>329033 Sure I do.
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>>329035 You don't think I have the potential to come up with some high level stuff?
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>>329036 I bet you couldn't come up with anything that'd interest me!
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>>329037 I don't really know if you'd like it or not.
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>>329038 If sticking a broom in an ass is the best you can come up with, no, I wouldn't. That's so boring!
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It would be way bette than something like that.
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I don't really believe it.
>>>/watch?v=orERYdw_JsU >recorddropman reviews a washing machine >8/10
alright then you two give me some fantasies tell me about your perfect day, specifically three things that would happen that day that most contribute to its perfectness
and don't say "lack of bang"
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I don't have anything like that. Anything that can be defined can't possibly be perfect for me because I need surprise and spontaneity.
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>>329041 I'm surprised you have such little faith in my abilities!>>329043 One where I get to stay home and take it easy.
>>329043 dying in a gutter
>>329045 then get as close as possible?
>>329046 you did that today s
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If I could put it into words, it'd immediately cease to be a perfect day. >>329046 You're a pure, little 17 year old. It's natural that I doubt you.
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>>329049 Yeah, today was pretty nice. I'd do it again if I had the chance.>>329050 I have a super powerful imagination though!
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>>329051 Is that so?
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Yeah, I have super high specs.
>>329019 What would be your perfect internet friends sentai team?
>>329054 Alright well first I'd probably have tano and /moe/ be seperate sentai shows then at the end they'd get a cross over movie where they team up and fight the big true evil I wanna be the member who starts out as the rival but later on joins the team permamently to fight a common foe because that's always the coolest member Rika isn't the red ranger that'd be Samurai because he's an admin which makes him defacto leader of the group
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I'd be red, of course.
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hmmm>>329056 No way. You don't have the power to bring everyone together.
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>>329057 I'm totally the one who brings everyone together!
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>>329058 No way. Maria is right, red is Sam.
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>>329055 >>329059 Samurai is the big talking head back at base that tells us what to do!
get me some shitposters with attitude
>>329060 actually this is a good point he'd be mission control Bang would be the cool cocky blue ranger who secretly has a heart of gold
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I'll be the villain.
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Wow, you'll be a villain?
>>329064 Are you gonna betray us halfway through the show?
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It's not a betrayal if I was only helping you ironically so that I could learn your strength and destroy you later.
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>>329067 that's the spirit
>>329067 >ironically there's much better words for what you're trying to say
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You'll be the black ranger that gets converted to the team!
Hey Maria guess what
>>329071 what
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>>329069 And I intentionally didn't use them! I'm the villain!>>329070 No way. I'm just going to be the villain. You can be my henchperson.
>>329072 Hi
>>329074 I'd never have guessed this in a million years >>329073 What's your villainous plot gonna be
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I'm going to turn everyone in the world into alarm clocks!
2017/11/06 (月) 05:08 No. 329077
>>329070 it is usually green that is evil I think
my only weakness is that I'm all weakness
>>329077 yeah I already called dibs on him >>329076 But why? Everyone has phones that already act as alarm clocks >>329078 You can be the joke character
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>>329073 Red can't be working for the villain!
2017/11/06 (月) 05:09 No. 329081
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>>329079 Okay then I will be the face in the tube
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>>329080 You're not red.>>329079 Their alarms will go off but they'll never be able to stop them. They'll have to listen to that sound for an eternity.
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>>329082 I'd totally be red. You know it!
None of us are good enough to be red tbh
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>>329083 You don't have the qualities necessary! When was the last time you ate curry?
2017/11/06 (月) 05:11 No. 329086
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red one is leader blue is nerd yellow likes curry pink is girl and green vomits egs eggs
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>>329085 I had a curry-like meal the other day!
>>329086 Depends on the blue Sometimes blue is a nerd But sometimes blue is also the badboy who's slightly edgy but gets the job done
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>>329087 The fact that you can't proudly say you ate curry proves that you can't be Red!
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>>329089 That's a silly criteria. I like curry though, so I can do fine at that.
I might just make curry for dinner tonight
2017/11/06 (月) 05:13 No. 329092
>>329090 thatm akes you yellow
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>>329090 No, it's too late. You've already shown you're not Red material.
>>329092 you have to be asian to be yellow
2017/11/06 (月) 05:14 No. 329095
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>>329094 and you still risk the chance of being turned into a guy when you assume the ranger form
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>>329093 I'm totally red material.
>>329091 cur ry dess I made some the other night super easy and good
>>329095 We should work this into the plot >>329097 Did you actuallymake it or just buy supermarket curry and mix it in with chicken like I did
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>>329096 Stop spouting lies.
>>329098 I made it with soup milk and curry powder
2017/11/06 (月) 05:17 No. 329101
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>>329098 i think a manga like that already exists
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>>329099 You're just being tsundere! You know I'd be a wonderful red.
>>329101 everything's been done before >>329100 good job anno
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>>329102 You're more suited to be a villain.
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the part that gets me is the word "applications" the most as if she's clearly just happy to have a rolodex of dudes to get fucked by on a particular night
god IGA is such a rip off >>329104 hello 329104
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>>329105 Wow, why do you think that?
>>329104 wassup anno>>329106 >highly melaninated That and the cross lead me to believe she's taking the piss
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>>329109 Because ultrajerks are villains.
anime >>329111 →
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>>329112 Wow, I'm not an ultrajerk!
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you guys are really going at it today
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>>329114 yeah huh
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>>329116 No way!
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5 bucks says kirara is the one who ends up pouting
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>>329118 yeah huh.
2017/11/06 (月) 05:26 No. 329125
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2017/11/06 (月) 05:26 No. 329127
88ball, the new hot item on the alt-right market
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>>329121 How so?
I have alternative rights yunno!
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>>329130 You told me to do something terrible.
2017/11/06 (月) 05:28 No. 329137
>>329132 you have human lefts
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I didn't really tell you to do it, it was just a suggestion!
rika if you don't end up making kirara pout i'm out 5 bucks
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>>329138 You must really hate me!
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>>329143 I was merely suggesting something that would wake you up!
>>329141 put $20 on numero for me as well
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>>329144 No way. You wanted me to hurt. You wanted to hurt me! With a broom! Maybe you're just jealous that I got to go on a date today.
no 3
alright! bets on kirara pouting first are now at 25 dollars any takers? nothing on rika yet
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 730x602, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>329147 I never said you had to do it! I just suggested it.
>>329149 bets on rika being smug
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>>329150 your pants must be burning
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>>329153 Find a post where I told you that you had to do it!
>>329152 rika is always smug no takers
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I'm never smug. I'm always in lovely onee-chan mode.
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Onee-chan is dead!>>329154 You told me to sit on a broom handle. You didn't phrase it as a suggestion. You're such a liar!
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>>329157 I didn't mean it as a command, though!
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I didn't choose the smug life
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>>329161 You told me to do it. You wanted me to do it. You probably wanted me to pull out my intestines with the broom and die.
2017/11/06 (月) 05:35 No. 329166
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if /moe/ was power rangers, rika would be rita
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>>329164 No way, that wasn't my intent at all! I even gave you tips on how to do it without hurting yourself.
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I don't think I have ever watched sentai
>>329149 I bet on Kirara postin a mou... first>>329169 Neither I've watched Kamen Rider before though
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>>329167 You wanted me to die so you could steal my girlfriend! And make her be your lazy maid!>>329169 I watched some of the Pirate Super Sentai and some of the Unofficial Sentai
all bets are on kirara pouting first
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>>329171 You're really paranoid about that! I wouldn't do that. Making her come away from the ocean would be too cruel.
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>>329176 You'd totally do that. You'd probably just get an aquarium with a pond inside and keep her there like some kind of pet! You're a monster!
>>329177 I bet it wouldn't even be salt water
>>329178 so cruel
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>>329177 Wow, I'm a nice onee-chan type! I wouldn't do that!
>>329180 lmao wtf
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abe gave trump a hat that said make alliance even greater and signed it lol and then trump called japan a nation of samurai warriors >>329181 Nice onee-chans don't tell people to shove brooms up their butts!
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>>329183 You asked for help staying awake!
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>>329185 Your other suggestion was for me to hit myself! You're just trying to hurt me.
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I told you to slap your cheeks and yell ganbare! That's something an idol would do.
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>>329188 → >>329188 →
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>>329187 You just wanted me to hurt.
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And now you have my girlfriend threatening me with violence! You're definitely a villain!