Thread #330166
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two car
youkai apt
black clover
chuuni taisen
UQ holder
rip bang
no anime
I'm here.
koko ni iru yo
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what do you guys want to watch?
I'm pretty neutral on most of these shows. I'd like two car last, though.
I really, really don't care.
juu ni
Can any out for 3gatsu or Mahou if Jan arrives
can swap any**
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okay, that's fine with me
chuuni taisen
lets start
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This episode should be the one where we find out if they're going to go with the OP kill order or not.
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and by OP I mean ED.
keikaku doori vs brutal strength
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Ox became a hikki.
or ram or whatever that guy was
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Well, I guess we're still following the ED.
That's disappointing, I liked her.
what time?
i got lost
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rat is so silly
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If you believe the ED, he's super strong.
he didnt realize that rat's reading his mind yet
that was a lame death
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yeah, he died in a really anti-climactic way
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black clover
lets start
this show is very predictable
but I don't think it's so bad
I think it's above the "average" shows
by a bit
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This show is okay.
Is everything okay with you, tilde? You've been quiet.
I'm watching.
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Did I do something to make you mad? I think I've been well behaved the past few days.
I'm not mad at you.
you're the expert at making tilde mad at you
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Oh, that's good.
Well I hope whatever it is gets better.
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It seems like this squad is full of people who yell a lot.
So he fits in kinda.
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>his well trained body's super reflexes
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The siscon just say "stay away from my sister"
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Just said, that is
my poor brain
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let's start!
evil papa must be stopped
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He's training her to be a bitch about food.
now she has friends
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I bet her evil dad will try to shut Polar Star down now.
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Well, we all knew Erina was going to win. I guess this is where it starts.
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two car
lets start
more drama
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These two are weirdos.
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So the sadist is actually a scaredy cat and the other one is just crazy.
is the S actually a M
Adrenaline junkie.
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thanks for anime!