I am going to buy a switch today. I have emotionally committed to it.
Congratulations on joining the flock, brother.
What game should I get. Zelda and Mario?
Those are two I'd recommend a lot. Zelda breaks from the mold of games from its series in the past and fully embraces an open world which is fascinating to explore and full of content to explore. The combat is pretty engaging and weapon durability encourages you to experiment with new weapons and not get too familiar with one consistent playstyle. Mario is also just an absolute treat to play, especially if you have nostalgia for N64-era collectathons like Super Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie. It's an amazingly warm and satisfying game to play.
If you have friends that you have over regularly and want something you could share or even play with on if you want to get a second controller set, ARMS is also pretty fun. And if you want a fresh take on shooters, Splatoon 2 is a blast to play and has a lot of style and passion involved.
>>325876 Congratulations on your new relationship I'm a bit strapped for time and cash so I haven't invested any thought into the switch
>>325880 I found myself in the same situation, but I had the chance to play with the thing hands-on at the airport in florida, all thanks to Tilde. Ever since then, I wanted to get it, but put it off until I had the money and some other games had come out for it. >>325879 ARMS looks really silly. I want to play it with someone.
Yeah it's a shame controller sets are pretty pricey, since the game needs both Joycons to a player to be at its best. Conan O'Brian did a video of him going up against some other guy and it seemed like a fun experience.
Oh the case says you can play it with a single Joycon, so a set of them could go for two players. Wouldn't be as fun though since you wouldn't have the motion controls.
Cold! It is freezing here!
Oh no. Are the cold November winds cutting down into your heart?
That's how much I have in Bitstamp. But there's also Coinbase, LBTC, my personal wallet, and some other service that I need to pull money out of because it won't work for me in NY.
>>325925 oh i don't go to burger king i only go to whataburger because there is one 0.3 miles away from me and the fries are good the burgers are filling but lacking in flavor honestly
>>325936 they're okay they make pizzas and stuff that are decent but little selection and their fountain drinks are like a dollar and a half quiktrip is 69 cents for a 32oz all the time and usually has combos with their sandwiches and QT has the best fuckin foods
looks like it's all over the midwest but not this far south >>325937 QT has the best conbini food for sure 7-Eleven has the best $5 pizza of all time though
Kirara 🦃
they have wawa here now there are like 5 in my county now
basically as soon as october 1st hits everyone on twitter adds the word "spooky" to their name or something and a pumpkin emoji so the joke is like, "normal on september 30th" and then "SPOOKY on october 1st"
now people are christmas themed they're skipping thanksgiving but not me i'm the TURKEY RESPECTOR
I can't wait for all the Alola characters to be more important. Like the Flying E4 girl. and the Fairy leader
>>325970 Apparently, they're Alternate Universe versions where they won in their dimensions I guess this isn't REALLY a spoiler since this is marketed information but this is crazy
>>325963 By the way, have you seen the Donna Brazille article yet? Brazile*
do eggs go bad just from sitting out after being cooked like just for a few hours assume they're stored in the microwave or something closed off but still at room temp
doing internal investigations and disciplinary transcripts is really crazy you get to hear everyone bad mouth everyone else in private and try and sound so self-righteous i get to peer into everyone else's drama it's kind of fun but a little annoying too
The fun of seeing people's two-facedness only goes so far.
It's definitely motivating once you get through one person's interview and you're moving on to the next person's and you get to think, "Okay, let's see how much of a bitch this lady really is to everyone else"
also just how ridiculous some of the complaints and claims are everyone's so nervous and eggshell-walking in the workplace all the time i don't think people are meant to be in such confined social quarters for such long periods of time
And the constant pressure to perform and climb the office hierarchy probably doesn't lift those worries off their heads. I dunno though, I worked in an office for ten months and it wasn't the worst. I'd honestly take it over my current job. I'm pretty good at sliding mental frustrations off my shoulders as long as they don't strike at my one or three fragile points.
>>325985 That doesn't surprise me too much really. To the average bloke, those driven sorts of people can often come off as pestering and annoying, or spark feelings of suspicion because the unmotivated can't possibly fathom someone actually being motivated to do work.
It seems like the people who are the subject of the complaints tend to be the people who are genuinely motivated by their work and trying to get everyone tuned in and motivated about stuff and everyone else is just a big grump who can't get through the work day unscathed so they end up seeing microaggressions everywhere
A lot of it seems to stem from professional-social confusion like everyone's got their roles and you don't know if you're being spoken to by your boss or by Jim, the person who happens to have the role of your boss you sometimes can't even say "Hey, why weren't you at the office party last weekend" without it coming across as a scolding like you're obligated to be there when it's really just your buddy Jim asking what's up since you're usually there and making friendly conversation
and when you're going in there every day for years while trying to maneuver through all your other life stresses, little things like that start to feel like microaggressions and make people uncomfortable
i mean, i like to drop some conversation in here on /moe/ throughout my work day because it helps me clear out some thoughts that are floating around and taking up useful space in my head, and the company is nice not every line of communication has to be so work-oriented
i wish i could send my client an email just to say "Ugh, i'm feeling so overwhelmed this week" without it coming across like an important work notification that i won't be able to do work
>>325986 Yeah, that's a good point. The job I worked, I was just a contract worker so I wasn't really involved with the rest of the company. I did my work, reported to my team lead and/or boss, and that was pretty much it. The most social interaction I had was between my team members, but we were still all responsible for our own independant work.
One guy did quit because he had a spat with another guy he owed like twenty bucks to. I guess that's sort of in line with the sort of microaggressions and tense relations you're talking about.
I think that's why i like working with market researchers so much they're all as autistic as me they'll have a four hour meeting about why the "gritty" cake frosting is so unappealing to some people but appealing to others i don't think they get hung up on the social atmosphere and i bet there's like no PC complaints either because they'll totally just grab one of their female colleagues aside and be like "Hey I need a woman's perspective on this branding" or "Do you think this is gay-friendly"
Oh I totally read that as computer PC the first time around and had to re-adjust there, hah hah.
I think being able to listen in on those sorts of talks would be cool. I don't know what I'd contribute but they probably have a bunch of information sources I don't really get much experience with.
they probably complain about having PCs instead of macs though
>>325990 if market research wasn't so fascinating i wouldn't be able to handle doing this transcription work it's the only thing that keeps me in it i don't like this other stuff really
on the rev.com forums for freelance transcribers (not where i work anymore) there started a pattern recently of some people asking for donations for various things (the work-at-home community is kind of interconnected i guess) like putting up a gofundme to get like 400 bucks for some important thing or another, and sometimes people would help out and all that and they'd slowly pay people back -- that's fine, workplaces sometimes do donation jars and things like that. imo not real professional but if people don't mind, that's fine
i knew something was gonna go bad with that though, and i watched as it happened. some dude came along and said a neighbor's dog attacked his cat and he had to get $800 for a vet to save his kitty, and a whole bunch of people really got hit in the feels and donated to him and then like three weeks later he was still milking it and put up a picture of his cat on the vet table looking a good bit roughed up but someone reverse searched the image and it was from an article somewhere three years ago and the guy got found out probably didn't even have a cat just saw these donation threads and decided to make up a story to milk the pet-lovers the aftermath of that was pretty entertaining to watch
awkward tangent i guess but it tied in from the professionalism in the workplace and why there shouldn't be donation requests
Yeah I bet. Not like I would ever do something like that, but with all the absolute failure stories I've heard of people trying shit like that and getting caught, if I was ever to do it, I'd definitely stick to original content. You can never doubt someone's ability to Google.
I was cynical from when i first saw it it was really melodramatic and overplayed and like, if that actually happened you're not gonna be telling people the sad stuff usually people have the dignity to just say like "I'm in a tight spot and my cat's been wounded and I need this to go to the vet and fix him up" people get real emotional when hearing about animals getting hurt, so usually you spare people that when people humble themselves enough to ask for money, they usually just ask for money and not guilt people into it with a story because they already feel bad for asking
but like, people started donating and, even when they realized that the paypal recipient name didn't match with the forum's mandatory real-person username, they didn't even catch it as a red flag
I don't know how large that forum is, but I don't think I could donate money like that to anyone I didn't know personally.
anyone who's registered to do work through rev has an account on the forum, but most people don't use it there's probably 50 or so people that are super active users and about 300 or so that are lurking and intermittently posting i don't even know why i visit it other than cringe most of the time
every fuckin time without fail in these investigations they're like, "Well I would have never guessed that made them feel uncomfortable. Why would they do this to me? Can I file a complaint against them, because now i feel uncomfortable that they complained against me." it's so funny
Yeah I don't ever remember my parents swearing around me as a kid. Or even as a teenager. It's really only after me and all my siblings have grown up that it's started showing up. I still don't swear --ever-- around my parents.
What about movies, TV shows, books and literature? Were you yourselves restricted from using it (even if you didn't)? Would you have been reprimanded if you did?
Uh. I can't remember ever actually swearing at my parents. So I don't know if I would have been reprimanded or not. Probably, but I can't be certain. >>326022 Even with stuff like that, I've never used that sort of language around my folks, so I honestly can't be certain.
When it comes to media though, my parents kept some stuff away from us when we were younger. Like, my mother really likes Kill Bill, but she never would have let us watch it when we were kids. But once we were teenagers we were pretty much free to engage with whatever media we were interested in. I can't recall any time something was set aside and refused to us.
well not AT them Like if you were working on the car with your dad and struggling to get something loose and you're like "This is such a pain in the ass, argh" or arse in your case
You know what surprises me always about some old er set usa shows. how much you lot have 80s or 70s shit still lying around
Of course at the same time my dad handed off his Xanth books to me when I was like, eleven or twelve. And those books are stuffed totally full of promiscuous lewdity and sexual content. So I tend to err on the side of, my parents didn't really care too much.
Someone was saying it's a trait of low socioeconomic families or something and I'm wondering how much of that is their own perception It's everywhere in my work, in production crews it's just flying around all the time between shots and stuff It seems like a staple of the workplace to throw around profanity (not at people obv, just in general context)
>>326070 Nope, their PTSD usually just kept progressing and destroying their lives even more and people just got more angry because their friends and family were pretending like nothing was happening or being condescending.
>>326071 this one student wrote that you should determine statistical power in order to see if the experiment was ethical lol
Grading these exams is hard. Sometimes these students just say such wrong things that I have to laugh, but it's obvious that they at least tried, so I feel bad giving them no points instead of at least partial credit.
>Effect size indicates how generalizable the findings in a study are to the population
Gothamist and DNAInfo joined a writer's union and the owner of both shuttered them down. And wiped the archives too. So unless the writers saved their own works, they're going to have trouble forming a portfolio.
I've been critical about some Gothamist stuff but DNAInfo was REAL SHIT Like actual things going down in the city concerning money and zoning and law and all kinds of things. This is a serious loss. >>326088 >>>/@NYDailyNews/926197811313602561
Also know that while Gothamist focused on NYC, there were other "ist" pages in the Umbrella like Chicagoist and about six other cities. They're dead too.
>It's important to know effect size because while a variable be especially effective at something, if the size of its effect is miniscule at best, then going through all the work for such a small change wouldn't be worth it. i'm not sure this is even a coherent answer
>>326095 Some of these kids give really spectacularly wrong answers.
>>326093 how long is the actual answer how do you fuck up one sentence this bad i had to do like 90 something pages today and i can't make one error as egregious as this sentence within all of it are they even taking this shit seriously
>>326097 The full answer was two sentences. The first sentence was just, "Yes, indeed it is." lol
yeah idek these people are like idek
>>326098 oh well that makes it okay then i didn't know they did all that other work beforehand they were probably too tuckered out to focus on how to construct a sentence after that
I don't think anybody wants to hear it but it'll be a nagging feeling if i don't and i dont want to make a big issue about it but sorry for spazzing so hard at you i was really triggered all week about some shit
>>326100 The only way to restore your honour is beating me at mahjong
>>326101 reminds me of this >>>/watch?v=zhdBNVY55oM provided you care to actually watch such a long thing >>326102 i'm really swamped at the moment sorry but soon legit i haven't even had the time to take a poop in like four days
>>326100 it's okay. i think i was being a little hostile to you too which escalated it. i'm glad you're still around
>>326105 not work i have to be a full-time caretaker for someone recovering from surgery, also house-sit at another house that's a long way away from the person i'm caretaking, and also try to do a full time job in between and also run everyone's errands because they're all fucking disabled
>>326113 I could be a little better! But I'm not too bad. How are you?
>>326113 I have an exam tomorrow But it's okay they said they're pulling the same questions they used in tutorials so I just gotta memorise the answers to those
>>326120 well I don't mean weary as in "wow I hate this" as much as "this is actually tiring me now" my throat is sore since I have to talk all day and I'm not used to that. It's not bad though.
Yeah, he tainted the case of the NY terrorist from the other day. The guy is // the guy that did it is probably going to get a lesser punishment because Trump called for the death penalty for him.
He's set himself up really well, he can pretty much say whatever he wants to and no one is really surprised. Though some of the credit for this lies with his detractors.
No. I have to answer the questions for myself and check them over a few times to make sure I did everything properly so that I can grade the students. They're all statistics problems and interpretations of t-tests and stuff.
>>326170 if you had a 95% confidence interval that it was like 85-101 but like a 93% confidence interval that it was 85-140 and you wanted to make a statement to the public one might provoke the proper response though i think you're right and that they dunno waddafux is going on
Kirara 🦃
this guy also explained why it's important to determine effect size by saying "Determining what the effect size is will help in determining which way the measure will go. The higher the effect size the more significant the results maybe."
>>326182 It's technically a research methods class. So it's about as easy as a stats class can be.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Ah, Verniy is in Kancarcade and looks good. I am happy.
>>326184 yeah that makes sense i was going to say, i dont see how it's a stats class research methods is broader that makes sense >>326183 tell someone that you care about them
>>326186 Yeah, I guess calling it stats is a little misleading. We just call it stats in the program.
The undergrads have to take two research methods courses and this is the second one.
The mean score on form A of this exam was 66 and 70 for form B and almost all the scores were concentrated between 60-69 for the exam makes me want to cry
one of these students is completely ignoring the p values which are labeled as the significance value and trying to talk about the significance using t crit
>>326205 It's really weird. The question is whether or not the results indicate a significant difference. alpha is .05 and the p value is .005 but this guy is trying shit with t crit and t distribution tables and shit for some reason
>>326217 More-or-less. If the majority of students get a question wrong, we take a look at it and see if we want to eliminate it. A small majority getting it wrong is probably not enough, but 4 questions on this exam were missed by more than 70% of the students.
at my uni we had an online exam system thing that you had to create a username for and submit your stuff and you were told not to use your name because the grades would be released en masse by the username and one person chose the name curvedestroyer69x or something like that it was pretty good
>>326219 what kind of a rating well hmm basis? do you use do you have some kind of Question 1 >thing 1 mentioned >thing 2 mentioned >thing 3 mentioned etc or something else?
>>32622 → 7shit >>326227 do you get a lot of entertainment from doing laundry
wanna go me, cunt try me TRY ME
>>326229 not entertainment but satisfaction yes it feels great to do small things that make your day-to-day less cluttered all in all i think cleaning and doing laundry make me happier
>>326233 not usually i love the stillness and having a chance to take a deep breath i've got enough thoughts in my thought-thinker to keep me from being bored getting an excuse to do nothing feels the best
>>326241 i mean, to be fair, if martians scored anywhere near a human range of normal on a human-developed IQ test i would doubt they were martians too it's so arbitrary and cultural
>>326267 i doubt they'd do that trump is used as an advertising tool for twitter in asian countries twitter posters in japan literally have trump on them
>>326269 maybe trump was playing 2.3 dimensional scrabble and did it himself to spook the new middle-upper chinese class of new money during a critical time
>>326273 well i appreciate the concern but i'm more embarrassed about it than anything there's some really weird things going on and i don't know what's on the horizon i had to delete my email for some stupid reasons but i got a new one if you need it ever sorry about the ruckus i'm such a fuckup
>>326274 I left my computer hours ago while reading jokes about antifa protests coinciding with an EMP to wash dishes and clean the kitchen. Midway through cleaning my mom asked me if I heard about an EMP drill happening on November 4th. I had to make much effort not to collapse into the sink. So, no, it's not irony.
I did t k ow you played granblue blue but yeah theyve been adding emp skills to characters every month or so
>>326276 This is the absolute funniest shit. I'm going to die.
Krang created a fucking monster and it's beautiful. Oh my gosh. The November 4th stuff is so much fun.
>>326275 would you rather hang out with /fit/ from this image or /fa/ /fit/ looks pretty jolly
She also had me listen to some woman talk on Facebook for 10 minutes about an EMP test and how we need to stock up on water and supplies in case things go down and I'm like "Mom. People will die." >>326282 THAT'S WHAT I WAS READING BEFORE I LEFT TO WASH THE DISHES.
>>326280 He's been doing amazing work with this. He contacted like 40 businesses to ask them what they were doing about the antifa attacks and JC Pennys actually answered lol.
I was like "what? what's this EMP shit. Is there really a separate EMP thing happening?" but no it's not a real thing >>326281 National Violet Day but people thought it meant National VIOLENCE Day easy mistake
>>326285 Oh my gawd National Violent Day What a whacky typo
>>326204 How the fuck did you cover p values in highschool but you never took a basic physics class? Like what is wrong with your curriculum >>326257 Yeah, I actually know a guy who knows a guy working on a machibe that does that type of measurement and might hire me to help
>>326289 ??? a lot of non physics things use p values
>>326292 Rei fucked up and qouted the wrong post It's not like P values were hard or anything I COULD have taken physics I just didn't want to because I had no interest in it
>>326291 ?? I'm saying its weird since most people don't take stats classes and most people I know irl who have been to college recently took physics Err took physics in highschool >>326292 >never took a physics class What the fuck Like I find that so weird Did your highschool not have the bio freshman year chem Sophomore year physics junior year track for students inte ding to go to college?
So anyway, for the uninitiated, a few days ago, someone on twitter named Krang made a tweet claiming that Antifa was going to take to the streets on November 4th and "behead all the white parents and small business owners". A bunch of conservative news websites got word and were fucking terrified and thought Krang was an "antifa leader" So then they perpetuated this November 4th story which spread like wildfire and now half of the old white people are horrified about November 4th
So the left, finding this utterly hilarious, has been making jokes about it constantly.
Then a fake press release showed up, claiming to be from the Anti-Fascist Action LLC Co. Inc saying that Antifa would execute all gun owners and trump voters. It was signed by Mohammmed Markstein. The right saw this and said THIS HAS TO BE REAL and started freaking out even more. Then a rumor that Antifa was going to destroy America with an EMP showed up. So now people are terrified that Antifa is going to use an EMP to destroy America so they can stage a violent revolution and execute all small business owners, gun owners, and white parents.
>>326305 Nice I mean I didn't get in on them alone, but they certainly helped a lot
>>326309 what courses did you take in your final year of HS then
>>326311 tbh college is a sham and they don't care what your grades are as long as you're willing to apply for student loans so they can get their gubbament dollards
>>326312 modern American lit, scifi, computer apps, biomedical investigative research, calculus, japanese, and then later dropped some and had several study has *halls >>326313 Nice meme
>>326306 do you think that you need the psych class like actually NEED it Not just because it's a requirement
>>326308 I made a bunch of November 4th jokes today and an anti-antifa pro-trump guy basically sent me a rape threat over it
remember remember the fifth of november when franklin was a dick and screwed over the entire country by implementing daylight savings time and was too autistic to care how many farmers he bankrupt in the process
>>326294 physics isn't a req. Bio and Chem are but not Physics. For NYC High schools anyway
>>326315 Do I need it, I mean no, but I don't mind neccesarily taking it. Although the one I took was pretty shitty. >>326318 That's lame >>326315 Scifi literature Yeah U jelly?
Ah wait I probably also had a history class Oh and philosophy Philosophy was fucking great Our teacher used to teach at the university of chicago so he was really good
"Ampharos would gently shove its head up my ass" ah yes now i remember what I was listening to
>>326319 No not really What did you study in that though Also consider that you are paying for this psych course
>>326323 What movies What books Yeah but you're paying for a course you don't think you even really need I don't think it even is that important. Sure you can get research skills from a history class, but you can get those from a class that's actually related to your degree as well I'd rather take a history of economics class than be forced to take a history class about something else
>>326322 Err I am required to get the credit though We watched scifi movies too What do you mean "what did you study?" >>326322 So is fucking everyone I hope you didn't forget the rant from last night about fhe importance of a well rounded education
>>326322 Well, that argument wasn't the particular one I was thinking of. The critical thinking one and just the better perspective sou have from learming history and literature are mainly what I think are important
>>326331 she's from saint louis she's still alive today but i think her big releases were in the 80s? she was fantasy/scifi so it wasn't always what we consider scifi today it was mostly fantasy but her short stories were what we'd consider scifi today -- but not her big releases
>>326333 >still alive No wonder i haven't read anything by her I probably own something by her though I might have sone of her short stories in one of my asimov magazines
>>326334 Gate of Ivrel was released in 1976 that was her biggest release and had four books it was mostly fantasy-setting but had a scifi feel to it, if that makes sense
i hesitate to say it's a great book because i read it half a lifetime ago and it was great to me when i was 13 years old but i think that she's a really great writer for the target audience, whatever that is supposed to be
>>326335 I'd say on average (weighted of course) Err Of all the scifi ive read on average it came out in like 1960 or so
>>326273 well, I emailed you my new email I don't feel comfortable sharing it here if you choose to email me at it I think I would appreciate it if you don't, no big deal. I don't really expect a lot at this point other than for people to really detest me
>>326337 I don't really "detest" you but sometimes you get on my nerves. But so does just about everyone else so it doesn't matter that much.
>>326346 tell you what give me a number between four and nine i'll give you that many shots of vodka before i play to make it even maria is australian so that's negligible
sorry, new zealand i almost gave him too much cred for a second
>>326357 Anyways on the subject of applying knowledge from a seemingly unrelated field to another It turns out that the types of statistical analysis and problem solving methods learned in physics prepare people pretty well for quantitative finance
This week has been excessively draining for me. Weeks like this really make me want to win the lottery or something and go retire from life. But that isn't going to happen.
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
I confirmed my wrist is officially fractured. i didn't choose the cast life
I broke my leg when I was a kid that took 6-8 months to heal
Holy shit I didn't think that wait would actually work
My dad had a pretty potentially dangerous accident on a bike. He used to bike to get to work when he was younger. So he's biking down a fairly major road in downtown Toronto and he crosses an intersection with streetcar tracks running parallel to him. And it must have been just the wrong angle with enough moisture on the tracks from morning dew, and his bike just slid right out from under him. Thankfully he didn't get hit by any cars, though thinking back I wonder what he did when he showed up at the office like that. Pretty sure he was back to biking to work again within a few days too.
>>326396 I bet you could get your company to get you something like this. http://xkeys.com/xkeys/xkfootRear.php
I was actually almost hit by a car this morning. They ran the red light while speeding It was less than a foot away from me I was actually surprised by how little it bothered me though.
Yee Anyways what happened was that I saw something out of the corner of my eye moving fast and I immediately stopped and the car zoomed by I don't think I had time to step back Someone nearby had actually thought my foot was run over, they said I must have been saved by an act of god
>>326410 wow I didn't know I was friends with a SOURPUSS
Someone's got to be the grinch.
Any of you nerds like Camper Van Beethoven?
well that's an interesting name I haven't heard of
>>326417 They're an interesting band They're a bit hard to describe though Like they've got the regular rock band line up of guitarist, drummer, bassist and having the bassist snd guitarist sing But they also have a violinist in many songs And sometimes accordion And sometimes mandolin Some of there stuff is very influenced by different folk music from all over the world
>>>/watch?v=hY19Q2Wuyzk Listen to that and then this >>>/watch?v=EQt-GvbWYKc It gives a good sense for how much their stuff can vary on even one album Also they have a rock opera about texas and California going to war and then aliens come and help out California
>>326423 I very rarely listen to other people's stuff because I'm always listening to mine. The only person I really listen to stuff from is Bang, but don't tell him that. Did you link trance, house, drum and base, lofi, or something else? If not it's probably not for me.
>>326428 Hrrm It's sort of lofi I actually didn't know you were into lofi
>>326427 It'd probably be interesting to see that kind of data on you.
>>326430 My guess is that it would average at five hours over a month And certainly the last two weeks hace been interesting in terms of sleep Cause two weeks with three days in a row with no sleep each is impressive in its own way
>>326429 I'm somewhat picky about it but I like it.
>>326433 Yeah I get that, lofi isn't a super well defined genre though, compared to many others Guided by Voices is definitely lofi though They're my favorite band and are also from Ohio
>>326436 You need something to do while hiding out in that cave Didn't he have other people around? It might have been for them Holy shit he had retro hentai on his hard drive. Not even regular boring hentai Bin Laden had great taste
>>326441 I let youtube autoplay do the work for me. If I like something, I bookmark it. There isn't enough space in my head to learn band names.
Kirara 🦃
we do live in an odd timeline
>>326443 Okay, but what did you do before youtube had autoplay? Or even before youtube? Do you not listen to music if you're somewhere with no internet access?
Also I'm sure you have room in your head, you might just (if you want to) try harder.
Kirara 🦃
rika needs to save that room so she can remember all the hurricanes i don't evacuate during
>>326466 Well, not evacuating for hurricanes is pretty stupid. I guess that's a free space though. You don't tell me about a lot of the stupid stuff you do. The way you speed so much is kinda stupid since I'm pretty sure you were driving over like 100 and terrifying everyone on your last moe roadtrip. I worry about the kratom use too, but it seems like you've stopped that.
>>326471 It's a waste of brain space. It's also not important or interesting enough to overcome my filtering system. It's not like I asked to have a super picky information filtering system, it's just part of my genius.
>>326469 You didn't get my permission! I don't mind a lot of the stupid stuff you do, but some of it does pop up red flags.
>>326476 >it's a waste of brain space For Yuu Also how would you know if a band you like is coming to town soon if you dont know their names (you won't) What if you lose access to your YouTube account What if youtubes recommendation algorithms get shitty
Live shows don't have don't offer a lot of stimulus. It's just the band playing and that's it. You also usually have to be shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of peasants who have body odor and tattoos and stuff.
I don't mind watching bands playing live at bars or something when you have plenty of room and friends present and stuff, but I don't really get live shows.
>>326486 You said you had permission! You forgot to get my permission. Driving that fast is dangerous!
>>326485 If the tradeoff between the effort to make it efficient and the enjoyment from efficiency is too high, then Yuu pursuing efficiency in music would be inefficient
>>326487 i went to a radiohead concert and we had seats and people crammed me out of my seat a ton of times and i hated it the music sounds better through my headphones with less sweat and mosquitoes and less weirdos getting in my business
>>326488 You know I won't say you're wrong (not enough info to really know) But I bet you woukd have a much better understanding of how to calculate that kind of thing if you knew calculus better
>>326489 That is also true. Call it fake or whatever, but studio-recorded music has all of the levels fine tuned and sounds better. At concerts and stuff the voices don't sound as good, and half the time it's too loud for you to really appreciate the music anyway.
>>326492 It would have been a great inconvienence for me if you had crashed and died. Especially if you had done it with several other posters in the vehicle! In fact, I would say that it would by a much greater inconvienece to me than it would have been to you, because you'd be dead.
>>326491 Wait Why does audio mixing suddenly matter now? I thought you liked lofi?
>>326499 Also just so you know While the leveling may not be the same A live show almost absolutely has better signal quality than a recording barring exceptions like playing mp3s live or something weird like that
>>326503 Of course I would, that's one of the reasons it would be a great inconvienence if you died.
>>326501 Live shows often have terrible audio quality. Vocalists also tend to suck live because many vocalists are only good in the studio. Others will sing their voices out at concerts and then sound bad.
>>326504 I bet there are a lot of smelly peasants at the average RHCP show though.
>>326505 Well, I don't think I can stop going fast.
>>326505 I think we might be using a different definition of quality so I'll explain what I mean By quality in this context I am referring to the "resolution" of the sound Or smoothness of the waveform
Rammstein has great live shows too though
>>326505 It's a different kind of smelly peasant than that's at a Radiohead concert
>>326529 but he's not studying neurosurgery >>326531 never on a hay ride? i've been on a few for church things i wasn't really into the church group but that was kind of fun to be honest i was like 11 probably
>413 Request Entity Too Large 413 Request Entity Too Large nginx/1.10.3 woah I didn't know mow had easter egss
>>326538 i'm allergic to something around here but i don't know what it makes my entire body feel like it's on fire i think it might be either cedar or cats
>>326549 No, that's not really an acceptable compromise.
>>326548 My sneezes are neutral sounding. Just air. Hay makes me really congested and snotty though, so if I'm having an allergic to reaction it's more snot noises than anything else.
>>326574 Okay So here's how I imagine the goes Yuu: hey have you ever heard that song that goes like attemptstomakeinstrumentnoiseswithmouth Other person: No, what's it called Yuu: I don't know Other person: Who is it by then? Guy: I don't know *Yuu
Usually it's just like linking a song and being hey check out this song. And then saying that I like it.
In person I guess I only talk about music if it's playing or something, or something that I happen to know the name of.
but how do you talk about music beyond "I like this" or "I like the part in the middle where it does so and so" without sounding like a douchebag?
>>326577 You ask the other person what bands they like And then think of other bands you might know that sound similar Or have members in common Or ask about a song they really like and then try to think of a song you know that sounds similar in some way
>>326577 talk about the influences on the music talk about the chords and the rhythm and the lyrics try and distinguish how they achieved certain sounds
Music is more interesting to talk about when you understand music theory Which I do not
>>326578 Also for reference, all those things I said "you" should do shoukd also be done by the other person
there's too much music to even care asking if other people like X or not anymore tbh
>>326587 it works for the music you like how often do you actually dive into what other people care about in music with the same intensity and passiona // as you do your own tastes when it's something that's not proximal to yours
>>326586 talking about chords and rhythm and stuff sounds like douchebaggery! Just liten to the music.
>>326592 But it's through talking about its composition that we can make new music and understand why we like what we like That's like calling someone a douche because they talk about symbolism in a book or something
>>326589 I'll listen to things people recommend if that's what you mean
>>326595 what of my recommendations have you listened to
>>326592 Wow fine fuck you I'll just go be a douchebag then.
>>326596 I can't really tell anons apart that well and ive talked about mysic with many people But uhh I can almost remember Negativ Land I really liked that, I generally don't remember stuff that I don't like that much though And also I'm half asleep now so my memory is shot
Also another way of talking about music is talking about music videos Or like, how different guitars sound different and what types of bands you think do well in oicking guitars
your favourite band and the resulting amv can be a fun thread
You can also say things like >Hey, do you know that band that made their guitars sound like bagpipes in the early 80's
Warren Zevon is my favorite band sucks that their lead singer died though :S
Honestly this music vivideo isn't very hood *good It's not bad either Just like average But the song though Oh it's so goos *good >>>/watch?v=657TZDHZqj4
Also at some point someone cut highlights from Bad Taste (super gorey low budget early Peter Jackson movie) and then strung them together and put this song in the video and put it on youtube and called it "in a big country (banned music video)" For some reason
I get this song stuck in my head a lot.
But yeah They made their fucking guitars sound like bagpipes Isn't it fucking awesome or what?
they started out with a few EPs doing spoken word over background instrumentals then moved on to screamed and spoken verses in rhythm with the music he does a lot of storytelling kind of songs like almost all of them are from the perspective of one or a few people
I think I'm going to shower soon
>>326655 have you ever listened to Deez Nuts i'm not memeing it's an actual band
>>326657 This reminds me of some hardcore and not wuite hardcore punk stuff from the mid eighties through like 95
>>326667 AAAH what the fuuuuck that's really fuckin cuuuuute
>>326665 i have not though i have seen Deez brand cashews at the store
Ah I thought of a specific thing this reminded me of Institutionalized by Suicidal Tendencies (I just wanted a pepsi)
>>326668 >>326672 i listened to a lot of their stuff partly just because i was curious for the stories and they way they're narrated but i also dig the music they rock i suggest Wildlife the most, but Vega and Altair is also good
>>326676 Hrrm I can definitely think of some bands that do a lot of narrative stuff Although in some cases they're not as like Uh Explicitly describing every thing Especially Low But like Have you ever read any Hemingway?
hmmmmmmm i don't think i have if i had, it would've been because school required it i'm not good at doing things like that
Well, his thing was like "showing" not "telling" So if it was raining in his story Instead of writing "it was raining" he'd write Like "there was a thunderous roar of like that of thousands of beads falling on a tin roof"
oh also, the reason i posted a live version of something is because i wanted to show that these guys pull their sound off reall y well live compared to on recorde record a lot of bands suck at that >>>/watch?v=Es9vfge3MN0
in fact sometimes the mixing on their live shit is better than on record although audiotree has a lot of credit for that in the earlier video
>>326680 yeah i like descriptive descriptive is good
>>326681 this song is about an accidental murder from a non-accidental murderer
And then in terms of like narratives, there are rock operas and concept albums I can re ommnd a few Like one about texas and California going to war And then aliens come And help california
>>326681 There's a live album from a babd i like They're called Mission of Burma The live album is "The Terrible Truth About MMission of Burma" Or something like that
Also the album is called "Things We Lost in the Fire" Which sets the tone pretty well for the album
Hrrm So like I sort of like La Dispute But the vocalist's uhh I can't think of the right word But like his singing style can be a little annoying sonetimes And while I think they're okay, id really rather listen to something else
I do find their style to be interesting thiygh Also If recordings of their live sets are better than their studio produced stuff Maybe they should try getting a better producer Because that iis almost certainly the problem
Bang you still around or no?
please leavr a message
My battery is aat 69% right fucking now
i was watching anime sorry
>>326747 Oh shit my bad Anyways if you're not still watching try giving >>326699 A listen And tell me what you think Most of the songs on tgst album have a sstory Actually I think all of them do, but i haven't really figured them all out Since like they "show" rather than "tell"
I'll open it up in a tab I've got a bunch of them I need to get to
Ooh I thought of something Oh nvm You're not the restaurant manager anymore right? I was thinking of like making a playlist of reccomendations and giving it to you And then you'd just play it over the speakers Although I don't know how music gets chosen for panera Or if all of them play music
Shit This is bad I'm really tired and don't feel like getting up and showering But I need to get up early again tomorrow And haven't fixed my sleep schedule yet
>>326762 I am but the music isn't decided by me it involves corporate contracts and record labels and agents and all kinds of stuff i have power over the volume though so there's that
>>326772 Huh That much corporate interference sounds like a lot Although I'm sure how much at any given panera depends on the franchisee
it's not interference at all it's hard to explain, and hard not to sound like a dick when i say this so please don't take it that way but the way the system is set up in regards to the music makes a lot of sense from a business standpoint and brand standpoint and any way that involved input from us at the cafe level would be a horrible inefficient mistake basically a device is installed that's controlled remotely to play the music at each panera
>>326775 I mean I can understand that But like That's obviously a big atmosphere difference from a non chain cafe Where you coukd chat with the owner or whomever about the music And they could put something on based on who is there or based on input from customers Like It lacks for lack of a better word "comfyness" Or feels really impersonal
>>326778 i don't want to sound condescending or rude i really really don't so please don't take this the wrong way but that has such little relevance or even possible relevance in this that it's not worth giving thought to i'm thinking you may be a bit naive or inexperienced as to how things work in the world
Going to petition pantera to ban kanye #bangmustfall
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
a panera is not a grad student pub
Isn't there main market college girls or something >>326779?
>>326779 Well yes I definitely am in some aspects But I have been to cafes where there's jjust a stereo and a stack if CDs and people can out stuff on Not that i think that is at all apropriate for panera But there are places with atmosphere sike that I've been to plenty of places like that
I think if someone came into my store and complained about the generic indie pop rock that we play at a very considerate volume level, I would think on the inside "look at this poor retarded lamb, he must be lost" and politely inform them tha t I could lower the volume if they'd like and offer them a cookie for their trouble
And then I'd look at the 3 or 4 people working from their laptops with headphones or the high school students on their iphones and remember that some people can handle themselves in a public cafe
>>326783 Those places exist for that purpose yeah I can think of a few places where I'd go if I wanted that kind of experience Most people don't really care about music though It's why we have an entire genre called "pop"
>>326782 It depends on the area that you're in what the main demographic that eats there is The only common denominator is their income level though Panera is a place for people who drive cars newer than ~6 years ago, and are not below the poverty line
>>326786 Some may argue pop isn't a genre but a demographic inverted towards a type of music Wow I worded that awfully
>>326788 pop is absolutely a genre, and that is a classification that may or may not have to do anything with the fact that it may or may not also be a demographic inverted towards a type of music
pop is a carbonated beverage
I like power pop more than pop though
>>326790 Despite living in tge Chicago area and midwest for most of my life I actually really hate that term
A breadboy is what you get when the Pillsbury doughboy gets baked
>queue the pillsbury doughboy hitting a fat bowl
From what I know about the dough biy's voice actor He'd probably be up for voicing the dough boy and bread boy in a parody film about the character getting high Although you'd probably have to make a decent case that the parody isn't infringement
>>326818 I was only off by one Also we don't have enough trials to support that hypothesis A sample size of 1 is not really indicative of anything
Oh wait I'm getting a car ride to the train tomorrow I have extra time so maybe i can shower in the morning I'll probably end up not shavi g again Also I'm getting up to turn off the lights in jjst a sec then going to bed Although inb4 getting up is enough to get rid of this ibtense tiredness and sleepiness i have right now that mskes me think ud br able ti fall asleep very quickly for the first time in a long time
Oh cool timing this album is almost over It's the one about Texas being at war with California And then aliens
that thing about Bin Laden's HDD having anime all over it that wasn't fake news, was it?