Maybe you could take the miniscule brainpower it takes to figure if I was going to show up, I'd already be here.
it's all i have, and i think i'm actually an episode behind because of the festival last week downloading both, i'll watch ep 3 right away and then 4 with you guys
>>326620 I find the fact that you dismiss people that like to appreciate "just liten"ing to the music -- more than just that, even, pretty offensive and ridiculous. Lump them all in a pile of douchebaggery. Of course I've long since become accustomed to those kinds of dismissal from you.
>>326622 I was trolling a bit to get rei. I don't really think discussing music makes someone a douchebag, though discussing music isn't really one of my strong areas. He's been on my case about not remembering band names for awhile so I trolled a bit!
i'm seeing now what happened as i got here rika that was a pretty awful thing to say
This show isnt that good if you two wante d to drop it i'd have no problems
I didn't even watch episode three too.
>>326634 By now I don't even really care. It's something I can kind of pay attention in hopes that it gets more fun. And by now enough stuff has fallen by the wayside that we're not really strained for time.
Well, we can watch this week since we need to kill time while waiting on bang and we've already started. but we can drop it and not watch it next week. We've given it three episodes.
>>326632 All right, all right, I get it. I'm short of shrift tonight since I've been up 24+ hours by now. And I try to take people seriously until proven otherwise.
there's a lot of anime this season
I kinda like this show so I'll probably keep watching on my own if you guys want to drop it, which is fine with me
I wonder if it will be the edgy robot or the nice robot that shows up.
That yakuza guy is crazy tall though. Like even assuming a shorter than average height for the rest of them he's still almost double the height of most people around.
His arm turns into a cannon there we go now he's bringing out the big guns.
Hah hah hah. It's only after his back opens up like a cyborg that they stop and go "wait a minute" Not back when he was getting a few machine guns poured in on him without any blood or noticable damage.
Oh and here he's gone and slaughtered them all. That's probably going to weigh hea-- OKAY NEVERMIND THEY'RE JUST ALL DISABLED AND BLIND. Holy fuck he's taken divine vengeance on them all.
>>326749 On the postive side, that means you won't ever get something as bad!
>>326752 I'd like to believe that I really would but that's what I thought yesterday before today happened and what I thought the last time I dealt with that shit before yesterday happened
Yeah, it's never so bad that it can't get worse. Such is life.
thanks bang okay just because! play okay lets start
but why
Poor Baseball-kun.
Oh right Rika there is a new episode of Fate/Apocrypha. It was out yesterday but I've repeated myself in forgetting about it until halfway through anime again.