>leave laptop bag on the train by accident >get interrogated and don't even get back the laptop
>>308031 Nah, you usually get it back Well If something like that happens, more likely than not someone steals it before someone reports it though
>>308032 Thieves are doing a public service by clearing potential bombs
>>308033 That actually happened in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing. Some drinks tried to steal the backpack with the bomb (without knowing what it was) and then out it down because it was too heavy. They ended up moving it enough that it was no longer aimed properly. If it hadn't been repositioned it would likely have been much more deadly.
Holy shit my dudes vermin Supreme replied to one of my tweets
>>308034 Lol That sounds like something from a sitcom
>>308036 The greatest politician ever SK should be very proud of himself >tfw never got that free pony
>>308039 Oh yeah I remember now He runs for shit a lot Right ?
>>308038 That's actually been done before though, they'll make it look interesting so someone picks it up and sets it off. Iirc there were some bombs put in giant Teddy bears like 8 or 9 years ago to attract kids. Also the Nazis while retreating during WWII would rig things with explosives Like chocolate bars, whistles, guns All sorts of stuff
Yeah I thought he ran as a Democrat but I guess he just runs in general
A teddy bear is a little different because it is innocuous.
The problem with the giant yellow Mario box is that everybody is going to remember the person who walks in and sets it down on the subway platform.
>>308051 People don't just stand around all day on the platform It isn't as easy as you seem to think it is to find witnesses Also I see people with weirder things than that on the train on a regular basis
okay mounting it diagonally actually makes a lot of sense looks easy to pull shit out without crouching on the floor or something and it's hueg as xbox so no cramping
Also holy shit NASA is so stingy with their software They must be like the last organization that publicly distributes software for free but also still follows the super anal us export restrictions Like how strong cryptography used to be classified as a munition and American cokpanies couldnt sell software featuring it to overseas customers
I see em on sale for under $100 at the microcenter near me sometimes
This sounds like it was a terrible waste of time to develop compared to other possible solutions to the problem https://software.nasa.gov/software/MFS-33498-1 >This software is only available for use by federal employees and contractors to the federal government working on projects where this tool would be applicable. Y tho
>>308060 O fuk, I thought that was one of those gyro cubes, but also a desktop
Actually I'm gonna go look at their (microcenter) website right now and see all the cheap things on sale that I won't buy because its a pain to get out there and i dont really need any of it
Okay this might actually be a good investment http://www.microcenter.com/product/459891/343_Mbps_8x4_DOCSIS_30_Cable_Modem Since our comcast modem/router is so shitty
Oh wait Shit Is doesn't have an rj-11 jack for our phone
I'm surprised, all I did was sleep for a few hours and suddenly its moe
Or a battery back up option
henlo biches
What the fuck http://www.microcenter.com/product/402309/Level_10_M_Gaming_Mouse_-_Diamond_Black >Level 10 M Gaming Mouse is the first Level 10 gaming peripheral product aiming to extend the Level 10 experience to directly interact with the users. Its emotional design strongly enhances the overall gaming excitement, and that design serves as the agent between gamer and the game, functions as the experience itself. What does that even mean?
I should probably get some of these. http://www.microcenter.com/product/416819/35_HDD_Storage_Case_-_Blue
Holy shit I'd totally get this if not for the fact that it would probably burn out my netbook's usb port http://www.microcenter.com/product/486818/E1659FWU_156_Portable_TN_USB_30_LED_Monitor
The mere existence of this creates many questions.
>black man with bloodshot eyes insists a $100 bill is "all i got man" while holding a fistful of other bills including a $20 in his other hand >for a 99 cent juice and some smokes
>>308129 I told him there ain't no way in hell I'll break a $100 at this time of night and he walked away without his shit. I saw his underwear because he was sagging. They were dark blue. The next person in line was visibly angry about it, too. >>308130 It's not real juice. You can get real juice 2 for $3 though. 16.9oz bottles. >>308134 It's $7.37 after tax for the brand he was going to buy. They are one of the highest, but still less expensive than the most expensive premium brand.
Angry about the guy trying to pay with a $100,or because he could see his underwear?
>>308137 He was angry that the guy wasted "all that fucking time, and didn't even pay for his shit in the end". It was some old white guy. They tend to be grumpy.
>>308141 That sounds horrible. My brand is 2 for $6 or so usually. $6 each I mean.
>>308151 It's cause of the "death tax" Also I think you uave to be 21 and up to buy tobacco in cook county now Or maybe juch Chicago and a few suburbs *just
>>308163 No That's the estate tax, also Trump is getting rid of it (for rich people). The death tax is the tax added onto cigarettes because they kill you.
Oh good Abolish inheritance actually but good luck doing that when you exclusively elect rich white people
>inherits 1000 from distant relative >state takes 250 of it
>>308152 Cigarettes are taxed 0.5 extra cents per dollar to help pay off bonds that were used to buid the AT&T stadium in my city, and another 0.5 extra cents per dollar as of a month ago to help pay for the new Texas Rangers Stadium/outdoor mall/money machine.
In terms of car being inherited it is taxed 3 times >income >VAT when buying it >inheritance tax
Well I mean it's... not like you did anything to earn it Don't get me wrong, it blows, but it would legitimately be better if the state just took all inheritance
>>308186 athat doesn't give the state the right to tax it
>>308182 >you pay more taxes than I pay for my cigarettes when they're discounted
>>308183 I am not talking about big rich people I am talking on average and also capital gains are taxed in almost every state in the world too much less than income, though but still taxed
>>308189 Not as much in the US It got changed back and forth though, not sure about the current status
>>308187 The state doesn't have more or less of a right to tax anything There's no difference really between the state taxing capital gains, your paycheck, or your inheritence beyond what you feel is OK
>>308194 State provides services and you use them and you pay them for by taxing if state provides no services, you can argue it ahs no right to tax it >>308198 you can always leave
>>308196 Holding you at gunpoint and saying "here are some services you'll get though" is still the same no matter what money they're extracting and what services they provide
>>308186 >but it would legitimately be better if the state just took all inheritance It's time to stop
>>308204 Bah I don't trust any state to use that kinds of money wisely though it isn't much better for it to rot in the bank vaults of the rich either
>>308205 Our tax system is really fucked up and hard to keep track of Also there are shit tons of loopholes and what not that people use to get around it
They don't need to use it wisely Fucking, light it on fire or something
Like just removing it from the system is already a BIG plus compared to letting it just accumulate generation by generation You physically can not spend the money some people inherit in a lifetime other than through investment, you just can't do it
Well spoiling shitty parents who give their kids unearned moeny is the problem if you ask me I wouldn't give a kid a bloody cent if they didn't earn it
>>308218 That's why my best friend's younger brother is probably getting a bigger chunk of inheritance
>>308221 No the person and that family has earned that wealth they can do with it as they please be it give it all to charity or all tot heir kids and I do say in case of fairness, big amounts of inheritance should be taxed so it doesn't just keep lying in some forgotten vault but I say that small inheritances should be tax free
State has no right to appropriate the wealth of anyone, be it a living or a dead person they are still protected by the law
You are quite breaking the law if you are selling vlc discs I mean you could argue you don't profit by selling the program, but just the disc but still
>>308251 I don't think you can make very good money like that. You're probably better off picking up quarters from walmart's parking lot.
>>308258 It's not legislation Also it's the fucking gpl Of course you can It's all about freedom Except for the freedom to include gpl code in proprietary software
>>308279 Which is why you see lot of bottle gatherers I myself refund every bottle Ig et
Also there was an episode of Seinfeld about this They did a roadtrip to Michigan because they had a higher deposit amount But they had to do it as part of a postal route in order to make a profit
>>308304 Its bad for the companies who mine aluminum Also because of distribution and transportation and other supply chain nonsense it costs less to use non recycled materials in a lot of places
>>308307 Oh yeah that's true The goddamn economy loses out a little I guess
They could already sell it for other stuff by ramping up production You've just sliced one of their clients Is bad for the business Good for the people, but that's the people-economy dynamic innit
>>308319 Good for some people in some places Depends on stuff
I say fuck the economy short term if it is good for the sustainable long term economy
>>308326 I have no problem with that in general, but it depends on how much ficking over there is. However there are many people who have problems with that cough big oil cough
does recycling even real how much of my trash is actually getting used again how do i know i am even helping and not just contributing to a different kind of pile of waste sitting in some warehouse somewhere
>>308342 Depends on whwhat Electronics recycling (especially crts) often sits for a while Electronics are really hard to recycle at a scale that is profitable
>>308358 the same thing as always probably shoulder to the wheel
>>308356 Do CRTs even get recycled at all? I dunno if there's anything that can be reused in them, since alll the tech is kinda obsolete
>>308361 Uhh a little There was a big thing with a company that was trying to recycle a bunch and they got in over their head and now just have millions of them sitting in warehouses Some other companies do though but recycling them is harder than a lot of other electronics >since all the tech is obsolete Dude recycling is generally about reusing materials Also taking apart a crt and breaking it down into stuff that's not terrible for the environment is pretty good too
I guess there is some value there, yeah But it seems like it's not very economical to recycle, at least now while all of that stuff is still being produced
Anyways it's the lead and phosphors that make them hard to dispose of them >>308373 THATS EXACTLY THE PROBLEM also dumping crts is really really bad for the environment
>>308374 I actually know a guy who still uses a CRT cause of the hz
>>308386 Dude I'd still use one if i had the space There's no better way to play smash melee than on a broadcast studio monitor Plus I need one for time crisis 3
I lifted my share of giant crt tvs and monitors back in the day
>>308398 Wowme2 >>308397 Gets rid of competition Although we can't know for sure whether or not it would have been a successful technology There were prototypes made but they never tried full scale production so their could have been other issues *there
>>308410 Did you not before? They're fun Let you zonk out for a bit and not deal with all of this
>>308404 I don't think you get it They bought the patent to prevent it from becoming a viable competitor They didn't develop the technology further because that would have costs hundreds of millions of dollars
>>308416 Oh, yeah, I think I get what you mean now
R&D is expensive af
Don't a lot of car companies and stuff sit on patents for less gasoline-dependent cars and stuff, too, but they don't make them?
I think the patent has expired by now though But there's no real reason to do it >>308418 That's just conspiracy theory stuff Well somewhat there is some truth in it but not in the "car companies know how to make super cheap super efficient cars but just don't to make more money" sense
Is not really conspiracy theory it is investment they take the patents, delve into them slowly and then release some of the tech on their own when it is a good time
>>308430 They don't but oil corps do and if it is something that can be pumpd into a relatively similiar diesel engine as now what do they got to lose? biodiesel is much more used than oil based diesel here nowadays
>>308431 You are starting to get into "the medical community is hiding the cure for cancer/aids/whatever because they make more money from treatment than cures" tier conspiracy mongering.
Well anyhow most "this uses water to move your car" are fun proofs or concepts or demotech but I doubt any of them could ahve been made practical I maen fusion energy is already a reality but you use more energy to power it up and keep it running safe than it produces
>>308437 Yes but not as much in some industries as others Cars actually break down pretty quickly compared to a lot of other products Even with proper maintenance That's why people get new cars, because it becomes more expensive to maintain cars as they get older and or because "it just doesn't work the same anymore"
with a separate branch, i'll produce models of little sisters. people will have to get the new models of the bike and the new models of the little sister too. i'll make so much money. they'll break after two years, of course.
>>308451 Modern cars simply have so many parts that the likelyhood of something breaking down is much higher than in the past and with the parts being soemthing your average carage mechanic can't fix or replace you need to either use pro mechanics to fix it or get a new car which sometimes is cheaper not cheaper as in really cheaper, but long term cheaper but still modern cars easily have a lifespan of 20 years if you maintain it proper
Like it would cost the car companies even more to design and test and redesign and retest everything And then that would make the car be sold for an even higher price which would mean the consumer would have to pay even more
i was under the impression modern cars were made out of cheap lego shit assembled by trained monkeys in a massive sweatshop near my house, and that's why they break down all the fucking time.
Old cars were in use longer, because they were easier to fix you could with quite little effort become an expert at fixing your own car new cars are not
But there has been a change in ethics of making stuff or ethos? can't remember the right word Sure in the past things were made to last but it was more expensive for everyone the thing was more expensive to produce, it cost a fucking small fortune to buy and a similiar fortune to replace or fix nowadays things are produced more and more cheaply for everyone involved sure it does strain our resources, but eventualyl we will just havet to learn to cope with it by recycling shit
>>308462 Yeah a little bit But the sheer complexity of modern electronics and cars and just fucking whatever makes them in many cases uneconomical to repair most problems
>>308463 Indeed which is why I question why would i need a smart microwave or smart oven or smart fridge don'ta dd shit into it that makes it more likely to break
>>308466 You don't, don't get thst shit Well, maybe a smart fridge but its a slippery slope I only say maybe smart fridge because the reminders of what food to get would be useful But really it would be cheaper to make your own
>>308471 If I called you while you were at class could you tell me everything you had in your fridge and how much of each and what their expiration dates are?
>>308475 "mustard can of rapeoil, bottle of running butter, 1 egg, 1 pot with 1-2 servings of pasta sauce, 1 nearly empty jar of chili, 1 slightly used bottle of lemon juice"
>>308475 No, but who fucking cares? You only need to know that shit when you are going to prepare a meal soon or going to the store. If you are going to the store you can just look before you go. If you are preparing something it's already too late.
I like the brutalism of old electronics They're very boxy looking with just the stuff you need on them my microwave has two dials, it doesn't have a display it's REALLY old, still works
>>308481 I think if you have the need to know, you already know, even without using your smart fridge. I can't conceive of anyone actually benefiting from it.
I would love a new fridge, though Would save me money in power
>>308485 This is why I like OBH nordica products they are cheap and just that simple as fuck
>>308486 They offload the responsibility of keeping track of the contents of their fridge to their fridge It frees them up It's not very useful, but it can be somewhat useful in some cases
>>308485 This, but specfically for video game consoles Well not brutalistic, but I like how boxy they look, with just slight curves
I bet we could even fix this damn thing if it broke down A fucking fan breaks on my GPU and I gotta just throw it away or find a replacement part through some obscure third party website and hope it works out
>>308492 the reliance on pro-fixers and just buying new is what drove replacement parts into raregood territory I would love to tinker with broken machinery, but man do you have to pay a good amount ofm oney to get parts well they are still cheap, but you ahve to buy in bulk
>>308492 Replacing a fan isn't that hard Now if some SMD part is busted then you're sol unless you know an electronics wizard
though they are still limited to that plastic whatever material
>>308499 You can design something and then have shapeways (or whatever they're called) print it and ship it to you >>308501 Abs And also no It depends on a lot of stuff there a bunch of different tyoes of 3d printers that use different methods I assume you're talking about the heated nozzel ones
You can just 3D print a fucking stake and kill someone that way if you really want to argue that angle. Production of weaponry with these things should be illegal.
Yeah but how do you... actually do that? There's no way you can legislate how someone uses a printer, not just "oh you shouldn't do that", I don't see how you'd actually do it
https://www.wired.com/2015/06/i-made-an-untraceable-ar-15-ghost-gun/ It has some non 3d printing stuff involved too iirc
well it was a museum it misses some parts like the hammer or whatever so I am not sure how it worked but basically it was not ment to be accurate just make a loud bang
I can't imagine that's accurate at all though You'd need to rifle the barrel, I guess, and that's hard to do for just a dude in a shed, I'd assume >>308536 Naw the soviets were shit
>>308535 yeah but you think soviets allowed people guns?
Shame the assassin got away so no one really knows how it worked shot poisoned balls with spikes or something killed some guy with it during cold war
>All I needed for my entirely legal DIY gunsmithing project was about six hours, a 12-year-old’s understanding of computer software, an $80 chunk of aluminum, and a nearly featureless black 1-cubic-foot desktop milling machine called the Ghost Gunner. >The Ghost Gunner is a $1,500 computer-numerical-controlled (CNC) mill sold by Defense Distributed "All I needed was some basic skills and $80" "Oh and also a $1500 machine that DEFINITELY puts you on a watchlist"
>>308544 Yee Thanking balls or something Not quite a gun though *thallium
Actually never tried avocado Which i guess means I'll be able to afford a house soon
as someone who grew up with a mexican father i can tell you that spending ~30 cents to make a piece of toast with avocado, sour cream, and a pinch of salt on it is actually delicious
i cannot attest to the efficacy of eating $15 avocado toast though
>>308588 No But usually when people talk about boomers they mean American
I mean of course there were economic booms everywhere else too, but generally, I mean, yeah
Baby Boomers rrefers to the generation if people born between 1940 (it's dumb to consider people born before 45 boomers though) and 1964 1965 or so through 1984 or so is gen x 1984 through 1998 or so is gen y (millennials) and then people born after that are gen z Also many trends and habits that are referred to as being "millennial" are actually gen z trends Because some people misinterpret the term millenial as being "born around 2000" But it really refers to having grown up during 2000-2010
Oh and the generation before the silent generation is the greatest generation Before that was the lost generation
>cut off point is 1984 >good amount of millenials somewhat support a 1984 state
>>308597 But not knowingly Only because they don't understand the ramifications of some things that they think would be good without thinking enough about
>>308626 why sauna is dry untill you start throwing water in I just clicked the stove on and sat down to read the book while waiting for it to warm up by the time I was done the sauna was warm book is short and quick to read through afterall
Oh I see I thought you meant like, after throwing on water and stuff
>>308632 but what about building a railgun on moon?
>>308635 Can you do that in it? I've never actually played it I've only designed ships on paper for people Err rockets Anyways my rockets always worked better than theirs
>>308636 someguy built a "spacegun" and then put it on rocket and sent it to moon and even on moon it could launch things towards earth
>>308637 Noice Let's call it a massdriver though That's the technical term
Also I know how their physics engine works (like down to the math) so I could probably figure out wacky things to do Although actually I remember reading that the dev implented some of it incorrectly And also that he's a fucking douche So make sure to get it on sale or in a humble bundle
>>308641 I don't remember the specifics but he gets super buttmad on the forums when people complain about certain bugs and inefficient implementations of physics stuff
I dunno if I make a product and it is found to have flaws I for one would seek out to fix them unless it would cost me way too much money and time
Some of the bugs might be so deep in there, fixing them would fuck something else up Possibly
>>308651 That's basically how all bug fixing is Except for trivial programs That's what regression testing is for
Yeah but this is like A physics engine If you fix the thing that makes a certain thing wobble, you might make something else just not even work
>>308653 If you you do abstraction properly and some other word that escapes me at the moment no Also no Unless your engine is just kludged together (most are though)
Like there are ways of planning shit out to minimize that sort of problem but generally games, especially indie games just sort of grow rather than really being planned Same with a lot of software though
Well I don't know much at all about programming, I'm really just giving benefit of the doubt by the truckload here I dunno how these things work, but I assume it's not as easy as 'just fixing it'
>>308656 You're right its often not Although there are often lots of problems caused by cutting corners early on that become hard to fix later
But yeah for like a physics engine (sam or blue or someone with lots of programming/game dev experience feel free to cut me iff if im wrong) The engine should be abstracted from the things it operates on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstraction_(software_engineering)
I find it weird that they don't do just object oriented programming for games and such though not that I know any of that shit, but in terms of sounding to layman, you'd think by planning things and following a plan or a guideline fully through the project, you' d get results that are not only better or atleast more cohesive and easier to fix.
>>308661 Eh OOP is used a ton in game dev Also that's not what object oriented programming means
>>308663 No I shit on OOP all the time Right now I'm stating "this is one think I think its actually good for"
Like I normally hate it and hate using it for a wide variety of reasons.
A good summary of my main issue (that should be informative to non programmers) >“The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.” – Joe Armstrong
I mean it would be amusing to make a "kerbal field" around the sun thousands of kerbals in their little ships orbiting the sun like the asteroid field
>>308670 Oh There's probably either a hard coded limit or a machine dependent limit By that I mean, a really large number of kerbals will make the game crash on ine computer, but another computer can handle more without crashing Probably I'm not 100% sure which it is thougg
>>308680 maybe just lie down and close your eyes and don't illuminate yoru face with a phone screen
>>308682 I'm using a color temperature thing that lowers the intensity of blue light (the wavelengths that make you stay awake more) Also I did that for over 8 hours and only slept for an hour and a half It gets boring pretty fast
>>308713 Someone found an exploit in WPA2 encryption. You know, the Wi-Fi standard. THE STANDARD > This can be abused to steal sensitive information such as credit card numbers, passwords, chat messages, emails, photos, and so on. The attack works against all modern protected Wi-Fi networks >The weaknesses are in the Wi-Fi standard itself, and not in individual products or implementations.
ih shiy shit that's bad
i guess we're all fucked
>Note that if your device supports Wi-Fi, it is most likely affected.
so what d
As a proof-of-concept we executed a key reinstallation attack against an Android smartphone. In this demonstration, the attacker is able to decrypt all data that the victim transmits. For an attacker this is easy to accomplish, because our key reinstallation attack is exceptionally devastating against Linux and Android 6.0 or higher. This is because Android and Linux can be tricked into (re)installing an all-zero encryption key (see below for more info). When attacking other devices, it is harder to decrypt all packets, although a large number of packets can nevertheless be decrypted.
Is it safe to assume that me, a glorious iphone having jerk, am still bomed >>308731 jokes on you I was going to opposite
oh yeah
>>308730 >During our initial research, we discovered ourselves that Android, Linux, Apple, Windows, OpenBSD, MediaTek, Linksys, and others, are all affected by some variant of the attacks. >Apple Everything is fucked, ToN. Everything. Android and Linux is just a little more fucked because of wpa_supplicant
the iphone is like the last thing I'd expect to be safe from anything like this
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say someone probably put together an app for this already For getting into the wifi networks? That's part of what it does right?
Well fiddlesticks how am I supposed to host game night like this
All I've got that could have been lost is... twitter I guess? I don't mess with anything sensitive on my phone I guess there's my doctor app thing, but who's gonna hijack that lol
>How did you discover these vulnerabilities?
When working on the final (i.e. camera-ready) version of another paper, I was double-checking some claims we made regarding OpenBSD's implementation of the 4-way handshake. In a sense I was slacking off, because I was supposed to be just finishing the paper, instead of staring at code. But there I was, inspecting some code I already read a hundred times, to avoid having to work on the next paragraph. It was at that time that a particular call to ic_set_key caught my attention. This function is called when processing message 3 of the 4-way handshake, and it installs the pairwise key to the driver. While staring at that line of code I thought “Ha. I wonder what happens if that function is called twice”.
so why did this asshole release the info instead of making sure it got fixed first
>>308759 in some cases releasing the info is the best way to fix it i havent looked at this yet though
>>308759 There's a process of full disclosure that normally happens. People do it when a very serious bug is found but isn't fixed fast enough. His research on this came out in May.
Oh and releasing the info publicly is done to let people know "Hey, shit is fucked and isn't fixed so be safe."
Well it looks OK at least Idunno, I didn't understand much of the plot other than he's about to be king and there's a man who wants to destroy things, so he has to be stopped
wakanda is basically socialist anyway they don't even trade with other nations unless they absolutely have to
there was a story in comics a year or two ago where refugees wanted to get into wakanda and wakanda told them no because isolationism is bad though so idk if they'll do anything weird with wakanda in the movie either way it's like all black people in it which is good
It's also nice to get a notification like "So anyway that account is suspended now thank you for reporting" Cause the people who actually work at twitter.com seem to give a shit, even if management doesn't
apparently ophelia is going to hit every single british territory except england
imperialism confirmed Good
also two dead now
Still a fairly low death count, but I guess it's not a super hurricane, either
it has only been touching ireland for about an hour
Oh fuck, I thought it'd been around a while
they've got a few more hours of this they're not prepared for it either this has never happened before ophelia is the only storm in recorded history to become a major hurricane in that part of the world
>A Canadian man who was recently freed after being held in Afghanistan by Taliban-tied kidnappers for five years said he thought his captors were joking when they told him Donald Trump was president. >“It didn’t enter my mind that he was being serious,” Boyle said.
thats expensive i think but im surprised they havent said anything i thought it was a weird tooth but it definitely has a regular tooth shape if you rotate like 45 degrees >>308839 please do it hurts