Yeah in Ukraine I think they'll beat your ass for it
tovarischch lenin
>The term became popular in some internet forums in .ru and .su domains where users called each other literally камрад (kamrad), probably to avoid any connotations with tovarishch.[citation needed]
Oh yeah the only thing I'm actually watching this season is Girls Last Tour, but are there any other good shows happening? I can't be bothered to watch one episode of each show
It's gonna be either so fuckin' cool, or such a fuckin' letdown
Yeah the biggest fear of mine is that the two robots are so slow and there's so many rules that it ends up with them both sorta just awkwardly fondling each other
Heyo Kiddos
Heyo Kannagi. How's the hurricane.
Wait I'm not Kirara! England doesn't get Hurricanes! You can't fool me
I was about to be productive after finishing making lunch and taking a short rest but I got an angry phone call telling me to clean the kitchen so I had to look at little nazrin again to uplift my day that has been spent nearly entirely in the kitchen >>>/@tyukke/919718389387370496
Wow Rei, You stole my reply. >>308916 I hope you someday escape the kitchen. and make yourself to a bright future free of kitchens and angry calls. >>308922 So boring! Taking the low road is generally more fun unless it is super low then that is pretty bad. but it is important to insult people people regardless!
>>308919 I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I'm just giving a general reminder.
>>308920 what the hell kannagi you too? 8 was going to say it but i took the high road
>>308958 >PC Engine I meant the PC98, which was a line of computers The PC Engine was a good console though. I liked Rondo of Blood a lot. Castlevania games get great sprites for bosses and enemies
>>308960 Oh I see. I tried playing YUNO but idk if an English patch even exists for the pc98 version PC98 Touhou is good but I miss holds hit for focus fire and I find a lot of the bullets are really small and blend into the background
Yunos background art is godly
>>308962 I think I first heard of Yuno in a /vr/ thread How far back does Warosu go?
I know what you meant, I was just adding in a bit of weird way I guess that PC engine pixel art games I have personally played were goo d
I haven't played any PC98 except touhou to be honest
>>308959 I had the windows YUNO but I do think there was a patch for PC98 version, I remember a lot of stuff going on for YUNO on /jp/ It is a good thing the /jp/ archive is kept and not dead with warosu since the /a/ archives have lost everything for the older days.
>>308959 There's a pc98 patch I have a prepatched rom on my comp and several old backups
>>308961 Yeah it'd suck if it just ended up with them grinding against each other I just hope it's a big enough success that people will invest money into bigger and better mecha fights
>>308959 Warosu is great it goes back to 2008 when /jp/ was split off from /a/ and formed. so it has inherited everything from greenoval/easymodo
It is ashame that foolfuuka gave up and didn't provide a suitable replacement. the replacements now are all broken. They all got too many boards. it used to be just /a/ and /jp/ and that was all it needed and then the archive got well known on 4chan and every board wanted an archive just fuck off. they should have kept it to /a/ and /jp/ like it had been for years and years.
>>308965 They gave up cause the admin accidentally deleted a bunch of shit I think there were still back ups though, but he was no longer confident in his ability to manage it
>>308967 Woxxy? I think they had some major issues with space and dealing with all the boards they kept adding to be honest. they had so much trouble managing the database. >>308969 Foolzfuuka and foolz are the same system, I think it was // well it was originally woxxy or whatever his name is. they transferred to some other group which barely lasted a few months and then it had a few fuck ups.
>>308968 Not sure Are tools and foolfuuka different? *foolz
>>308968 Same system as in software but are they the same wwebsite? I think foolz might have been like an offshoot or something
The import on fireden is super low and has a lot of failures. it is pretty sad to lose a lot of history.
>>308987 Wow! I am not that bad! I could certainly last longer than that! and in any case anything is fair in love and war! It would be silly to confront you in open conflict! I'd prepare a decisive trap! and since I am so smart I'd definately win.
>>308992 I am just gonna say if you have iron legs I'm going to be mad if you walk into my leg meant to trip you up and I end up just get bruised because you have stupidly dense legs. People who are too strong are terrible.
I walk pretty far everyday! about 8-9 miles everyday, although I don't run because my body isn't made for running. >>308996 You gotta, you don't want to be scared of clots or have weirdly pale skin because you don't get enough sunlight. I have really pale skin especially since my hands look like they have gloves on them since they are the only part of body that really gets any sun.
>>309005 You'll never suceed, I'm super well trained for tickling people. I have a little sister Brute strength is nothing when you know how to deal with imoutos.
>>309011 With me in the picture, life is just a 無理ゲー You'll never know when I'll strike! I could even try and get Rika to help me, and Rika has the all the connections on the inside!
Oh yeah Kirara did you catch that they had the Philly Love sign in New York?
I can compromise! I'll just break your cold water tap so it shoots out icy cold water or something like that! or break your hope in humanity by leaving you a picture of a really normie tweet
Apparently the original is in Indianapolis, and there's a bunch of recreations and translations of it all over the world. So New York City might have one too.
>>309018 That love sign is in Japan too. In Tokyo. >>309019 Welcome to my life! I have lived in flats with terribly cold taps. when I go to other people's houses and their taps are normal cold it is too weird for me!
especially if their hot doesn't go as hot as mine does either! I spend ages waiting for it to heat up! and then I realise that their hot taps only go so hot!
But fine then! I'll think up something worse than mattitude and circulate it around your students! How devious and devilish I am
Now I kind of want to travel the world and visit every commonly known location of them.
I didn't know that the LOVE sign was everywhere to be honest. I thought it was only in Japan.
>>309024 Probably not! but It wouldn't... well it shouldn't be too hard! I just need to enlist the help of a normie! I mean everything a normie says is generally painful! so I'd just need to work with one long enough to avoid tell them to bakuhatsu *telling
Even you should shudder in fear from exposure to the horrifying normieness.
The Philly one is a little famous since the park it's located in is a well-known spot. Helps that the city is the "City of Brotherly Love" and all too. I didn't know it wasn't an original though.
>>309045 I'd share the stage with you because you are my tomo. I'll definately have the best aidoru aura. Everyone loves Hikikomori aidorus, I'd make my own You work you Lose t-shirt!
>>309057 it's okay do you want me to post the silhouette of an image of Patchouli I was drawing where the arm and wrist made the silhouette look like a giant penis?
>>309074 Wow your steaks are so thick the ones I get are really thin compared to that! >>309079 Never heard of those before. >>309080 Eggs are pretty vegetarian. they are like a staple of veggie diets.
>>309081 I only know of ribeye steaks. well I know a few of other types but ribeye is the closest sounding to round eye I usually get sirloin or rump steak
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
ok neato are they more expensive
no not really 24 for $6
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
That's pretty expensive compared to the cheap ass eggs I get
you must get bad eggs these ones have no growth hormones or antibiotics and aren't fed chicken
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>No growth hormones or antibiotics but how will I grow big and strong
those hormones actually just ruin your metabolism and make you fat
>>309122 Glad to see you changed your stance. I did too.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>309123 Specifically it comes out the 17th, and I've got a pre-order ready for it thanks to my kind aunt. The undub has been going around leaked for a while apparently. But P5 reminded me that being able to understand exactly what you're hearing can be nice from time to time. Though in order for Kirara to not tear me limb from limb I'll be changing the audio on a second playthrough.
>>309125 Well, I guess that means the 18th here. Took them more than a year to release it.
>>309132 Is it better than EO4s? Because that was great.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>309131 EO5's ost is super strong you have no idea.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
EO4's is pretty solid, but I'd argue that 5 has some really good tracks. Its 5th stratum is on par with the Porcelain Woods. Sixth stratum is weird as all hell, plus EO5's locations are hype
>>309130 Fish must just not be able to relate well to Myaa.
Myaa won me over almost immediately and then just kept winning points. I do that thing where I awkwardly practice what I'm going to say before walking into a room like that.
>>309130 I wasn't won over by her either! This week's episode was really good for her but Nayu is still the favourite in my heart.
>>309144F Fish may be more like Silver Saya than Myaa. Myaa is the charitable kind of nice, she seems to give people chances they might not deserve (like how she befriended the crazy siscon) I don't think that Fish is particularly charitable with giving random people chances.
Silver Saya is a high effort type, and Fish is too!
>>309145 Yeah. I guess I didn't think about it fully.
I really liked how they tied all the story threads of the episode together at the end. Especially with the ED playing in the background and the shots of the snow outside, it felt a little depressing, in a comforting way.
>>309167 I thought the tweeest at the end of EO1 was pretty neato
I still need to finish EOIV. I went on hiatus at around the library dungeon. Main game. I couldn't figure out how to get past the FOEs. I really like their stealth gimmick though.
I wish I hadn't lost my EO1 cart, but at least I played untold. >>309168 oh, you didn't finish? Main game or post game?
Library of Puppets is pretty boss. You gotta trick em!
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
You're the delicious fleshy bait for their mechanical jaws.
I forget if they're the type that go to where they last saw you or something or not.
Misty Ravine is my favourite dungeon song in that game. What party set up did you have? I have a medic, a dancer, a landskecht, an alchemist, and a tank protector. Dancer is really cool in this game you can stack up her followup attacks with the Landsknechts elemental chain links
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Uh, I started with uh Landsknecht, Fortress, Dancer, then Medic and Runemaster. Then I swapped the Dancer for an Arcanist Then I swapped the Landsknecht for the class you'll unlock after dungeon 4.
land snake
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I didn't know how chain landshark worked at all but in EO5 it's less strong but I used it and it saved my skin.
Imagine doing a permadeath run of EO. Every time a party member dies you have to go make a whole new one And if you get party wiped you have to erase the whole save file
>>309183 You're supposed to watch old anime until you have a good base to work from and then watch seasonal anime. A viewer who never makes that transition is like a caterpillar that never becomes a butterfly.
>>309188 But why? Why watch an airing 6/10 when there's so many already aired 8/10s
>>309229 Right now you're acting like the kid no one wants to play with because their action figures or whatever are always immune to everything when you play superheroes
My first friend punched me in the face for beating him in a Hotwheels game and then I beat him up and never spoke to him again. My second friend stole from me every time he came to my house. My third friend broke my N64. And then in middle school, I wasn't allowed to hang out with my friend because I was Jewish. So I stopped having friends until I was in high school.
>>309241 yeah they told me that the chicken went to another farm
>>309242 Wow what a salty loser I had a friend who always borrowed my DS without telling me when he came over What's with the fourth one
>>309242 That fourth story always pisses me off >>309244 Fundy or something
my teacher in high school basically showed us a bunch of destroyed vaginas and penises and told us our dicks would get destroyed if we had sex before we were married
That's really messed up Our sex ed was super normal. We just laughed while they talked about dicks and stuff
>>309263 In primary school we had a van with a giraffe hand puppet come around and tell us to eat healthy and don't do drugs It was the best Until the final year in priamry school where they revealed the puppet was not a real magical giraffe and I cried so hard I got the teacher fired
mine was a charter school actually so they could customize their curriculum a little
>>309264 Wow Charter schools are fuckin awful by the way They're trying to make a ton in the city, but they are still tax funded but not public schools So it takes away money from the other public schools
i wouldn't have been able to go to college for free if it weren't for charter school i also wouldn't have gotten any A/V experience or graphic design experience my charter school was really good, too
it's pretty weird to see someone having sex in the bathroom like every time you go
I remember one teacher told me a story about how he was looking for these kids wagging class and he found them in a shed doing it. The guy looked the teacher right in the eye and shouted "FUCK OFF" It was hilarious
>>309280 He probably has five kids drinks too much and works in a coal mine by now Or whatever you mine in Australia Is the blue sky mine still open? Maybe he works there
>>309281 >has a wife, kids, and a steady job Living the dream Yeah Australia mines a lot of coal I dunno what a blue sky mine is
>>309282 Being a coal miner is actually a really really shitty job >>309284 Yeah, about an asbestos mine that was particularly (even amongst asbestos mines) hazardous to the health of its workers and visitors.
>>309319 No real choice as if I was going to download it I would have needed to go to Pan's and he was busy last week. I'll play it in jp another run >>309321 *no real choice without waiting which would be boring
Like can't you go to a library and use their internet?
I want you to consider that thought more carefully this time
>>309324 Fun fact: libraries usually have internet access available for free as well as electrical outlets And also often have rooms with TV's that you can use if you make an appointment
I want you to think about the other parts of everything you just said
Also i have a library card and know what my library looks like
Yeah i know the jp one is amazing I get it thats why im listening to it on another run >>309332 I disagree wih you but thats to be expected because im familiar with a lot of these voices
the english one has one good voice
you're welcome to disagree but morgana is the only good english voice
Also I do not and never expected you to follow my suggestion. I only wanted you to know of another way you could escape your shackles of English dubbing in order to truly be free But like many, you seem complacent in your situation. Do you think a real phantom thief would give up on doing something they know would be good for them just because its a pain in the ass?
die the death sentence to death great equalizer is the death
Also I believe that you aren't actually enjoying it You're only deliding yourself into thinking that you enjoy it. *deluding As some sort of coping mechanism Not unlike Stockholm syndrome
great my codename will be DANCER >>309366 i will wear something super edgy but also really cute and a little flashy and let's steal shia lebouf's heart
Kirara what's your phantom thief outfit Whose heart are we stealing
>ask specifically to get stationed at a no name base in Australia so I can be lazy and not do any work >get hit by Zeon remnants plus a mobile armour I was just one day away from retirement too BANAGHER SHE IS MELTING BABIES TAKE THE FUCKING SHOT
>>309411 I love it when you can do this >>309413 Nothing at all?
i want to be cold
I don't. It's also pretty much nighttime here by seven in the evening. I miss having daylight already.
let's swap weather
It's best to be warm but within the context of cold weather
I can't dress comfortably and stay warm once it gets proper cold here. So my options are either become immobile or be cold. And my fingers and legs from the shins down are going to be cold even if I'm indoors. Winter is dreadful even before it starts to snow.
>too cold with jacket off >too warm with jacket on
>>309475 I slept really deeply for the time I was asleep.
>>309476 is it? i dunno anything about it they said it'd be good for me with the way i work and stuff because the grindy bits are just macromanagement kinda like when you play tempest trials on autobattle
Oh fuck off. You don't even have a limited number of attempts at it. Just brute force your way through it.
>>309489 Oh nvm That's dumb Well, I guess it s a good idea but poorly implemented >>309491 I wasn't complaining about bruts forcing a grammar test *brute
Also don't banepost unless it's amusing. I don't understand how you can complain about brute forcing a grammar test while you're brute force baneposting.
Also in the context of my comment I only wrote it as 4U because bane, but I truly did mean "it's easy for you" as a constructive comment, because just because a test is easy for you does not mean it is easy for everyone
>>309494 I don't give a shit about your constructiveness, this is objectively easy and basic grammar. People that fail it are poor at grammar. That doesn't make the test hard.
>>309496 The point of the test is to prevent people who are poor at grammar from being able to chat. It's hard for people who are bad at English So if people who are shitty at English fail the ttest, then its a good thing.
Yeah, and walking fifty metres is -hard- for someone who's paraplegic from the waist down. That doesn't make walking fiftre metres an objectively hard task. It just means it isn't hard for them.
>>309498 Yes it is I never said it was an objectively hard task.
Well I was.
>>309498 Well yeah in this case the whole point is to keep people who are paraplegic out unless they're good enough to walk fifty metres anyway
It would be nice if they had a test on computer knowledge and technology you had to pass before you could post on /g/.
That's as stupid as having a kana captcha for /jp/. Creating gated and elitist communities is backwards to an anonymous imageboard's basic concept.
>>309506 well I guess in this context yes you are correcy *correct But only because anonymous imageboards basic concept is not particularly conducive towards constructive and high quality discussions in the first place
Fuck I found a funny P5 comic but I just realized it has spoilers hidden in the corner so I won't post it
Is there a single person with an internet connection who hasn't already been spoiled on P5?
>>309528 I actually didn't get much spoilers for it Only one of the like minor major spoilers
I legitmately don't know anything about the game aside from it being about Phantom Thieves invading people's mind palaces. And I guess I have a grasp of some of the character's personalities because of the OVA episode. But beyond that I have NO CLUE what the game is about.
I watched my friend play through a good cchunk of it though
That may have been a joke but I hope you dont feel actually spoiled by it
I mean I watched the television series I know Homura is a raging lesbian. And I'm familiar with the "Local girl ruins everything" meme. But beyond that I'm completely blank.
>>309545 did you play higurashi or just watch the series? you played it right? >>309549 i mean my literal profession is being a grammar nazi and i dont even use punctuation or extended grammar in my /moe/ posts like someone just sayin
would you rather distance yourself from the things you need to do to survive or distance yourself from the things you cherish most deeply
>>309566 Ignoring the wider context of money in this question, I'd pick 2, but with a lot of reservations. It's hard to appreciate those things when you're constantly struggling to survive. The constant stress and fear of death is awful.
>>309566 Distance myself from the things I need to do to survive.
>>309563 because i'm burning out i work too much i'm sick of it >>309565 the only reason i didn't walk out when i found out my vacation doesn't reset until march is because my boss said he'll try to fix that then i called my district manager and he's coming tomorrow to talk about my work schedule
>>309567 >>309568 explanations and excuses are void in this game
>>309579 Well, don't do anything too rash. Fatigue is the kind of thing that comes and goes.
fatigue has been steadily building for a while now i just can't do 60-70 hour work weeks anymore i can't
and as for doing something rash i know the consequences of quitting i have a resume strong enough to land me a similar paying job, probably with a team that won't destroy me like this one is they just keep telling me to hold on and i can't just keep holding on forever
there is a bus line 911 operating here
>>309583 how do i get through it i don't feel like this one's gonna go
>>309584 That's a huge work week I'd die Ideally you'd have something else lined up before quitting, but if you can't take it then you can't take it
>>309594 In some ways I'm barely human so I don't know how to advise. I guess rest is what you would do.
like right now i really just don't want to go in and do the truck i already worked 10 hours today why the hell should i drive back there and move boxes for a couple hours
If I don't go in with the mindset that I'm going to hardline, then the option might not even make itself available. I'm at the point where even just having a week without work is worth quitting.
It's also a lot harder to value a job now that I have savings. I don't want to quit, it's an option of last resort, but the point at which to use the last resort is near.
Instead of outright quitting, you should put in your two weeks notice if you are dissatisfied.
That scenario is probably more likely than outright quitting yeah, and the scenario where they negotiate with me is the most probably scenario, but I'm absolutely willing to walk out.
i lost every single round of siege i played last night and i've only won one round of destiny 2 tonight i'm so fucking sad and frustrated right now and i have to go in to work i am gritting my teeth so fucking hard right now i swear on the graves of my ancestors i'm going to fucking kill myself tonight
even if I get the vacation I want, I'm still looking at two more weeks of managing an understaffed store, and then a FOUR DAY VACATION and then another two weeks >>309649 the vacation i want is for a music festival so it's not like i'll be resting
there isn't any i get literally 4 hours maximum free time every day except for whichever two i have off those are the four hours i'm supposed to be doing laundry, grooming, any errands i need to run and then i get to play video games or hang out with friends only when there's time left over which basically means only on my days off
oh well i have to go do manual labor for two hours and commute for 40 minutes total at midnight after i worked ten hours when i work ten hours tomorrow fucking fuckity fuck fuck fuckaroo
>>309737 It's 2:48, I had like 3 hours of sleep at most. Also Tuesday is the day I am actually obligated to get up and do shit in the morning. At least my dream was cool.
>>309739 My dad and I fought a spear wielding skeleton in a hotel room. We both had shields of some sort. Then later I was fighting a tomato monster that planted more of itself (they grew quick but not instantaneously). And when you killed the one it planted it would split into two smaller ones, tgen when you killed those they would split too. Don't think those last ones split though.
Last night I had a dream I played an online arcade game about tanks and I continuously lost because it was totally P2W and everyone else had better tanks.
>>309740 That's pretty cool. Did you kill the skeleton?
>>309745 A policy brief for aiding in the development of small island states. I'm writing about agriculture in Fiji. I fucked up a little because I only looked up New Zealands actual aid program for Fiji and it turns out we're already doing it. So my brief is pretty much "yeah do more of that"
>>309747 Yeah,it's nice to actually apply economics stuff.
>>309746 Cool That's actually kind of interesting.
>>309750 I don't actually know much about Linux. What's the joke?
>>309751 There isn't really one aside from Err BSD is just a sort of similar but parallel OS family with a different license. Well, there might be more of a hoke in there but im too tired to figure it out snd explain it.
Also I can tell thought from experience that it is generally not a good idea to put small frogs in your pocket. *tell you from experience
>>309753 heh >from experience Do tell In Australia I remember in the ponds near us I could always hear tonnes of frogs croaking, but I very rarely ever saw any They hide themselves very well
>>309755 Oh my god Don't tell me you put it in your back pocket and sat on it
>>309754 When I was like 8 I put a small frog (like it could sit on a quarter and not go over the edge) in the pocket of my jeans. It ended up getting mangled.
A frog the size of a 50 cent piece could probably be fine though >>309754 What, no I'm autistic, not retarded.
>>309756 How'd it get mangled if it was just in your pocket then?
>>309758 ;_; >>309757 Uhh, I can easily imagine it but not easily describe it succinctly But basically when you move your legs it puts different stresses on the things in your pocket Some things can handle that Very small frogs can't
God damnit now I gotta like Wait, and be awake, until my doc gets back to me Kinda wanna just go back to sleep and not deal with being so dizzy
now tired after running around. waitin' for my lift to work.
I need to work on a uni application soon. I can't put it off this year
Honestly at this point I wish I could just be at work instead Much rather sit there for å few hours and talk shit in the breaks than either be in bed or in front of my pc because walking is terrible
>>309789 Poorly. I got about 30% on the listening segment and for the other two it was a bit lower. I had studied for about a year My Japanese has regressed since then
>>309791 I should! I went on hiatus when I had a job. I picked up vocab again but I've started slacking after learning mahjong
>>309791 Alright I dunno how useful I'll be but I'll do my best anyway
> The equivalent mass of 25 Jupiters was converted into gravitational waves. The collision also ejected 50 Jupiters’ worth of heavy elements such as gold and silver. Wtf it looks like a giant blue peanut