Thread #308079
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fate imouto mahou ballroom in no o rder
Guess it's easy when you already have a list queued up.
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these are probably the best shows maybe not fate but its fun
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Is that all we have? let's do fate mahou ballroom imouto But this is what you guys want to do?
no we have a lot more
No, what we have is Animegataris, Ballroom, Code Realize, Umaru, Houseki no Kuni, Imouto, Mahoutsukai no Yome, Ousama game (?), Altair, Two Car, and Fate. But yeah I'm fine with the list for tonight.
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okay fate okay lets start
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It's surprising that some of the moralfags ended up on Kotomine's team.
>I wish for all children to be loved I feel that's the kind of wish the Grail would gleefully twist and rend into something horrific.
>>308094 the grail would kill all the kids and leave like one then make that child loved
Even as Servants, the French and the English just can't get along.
Oh I was wondering if we'd ever get some development for the Necromancer.
wait so Siege uses command seals to transform?
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I don't know if he did it before, but he used one last time against the golem to transform.
Necrodad is pretty great. Him and Mordred are a good duo.
Chaos chaos I wanna chaos
Aw yessss Best Boy William Shakespeare.
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Oh, I was wondering where he ended up.
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okay on to mahou okay let's start!
This OP has a kind of Latin feel to it. A little weird for a series taking place in the English countryside.
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Wow he should use his magic all the time.
Did that human mask land in your strike zone?
Got a liiiittle carried away.
fuck i missed mahou
gonna kms
;_; Sorry Jan I didn't know you were going to be around.
you're only 16 minutes late hop in! also we have ballroom if you want thats pretty fun too
>>308121 are you usually around today
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We can push this to later on this night for you. Next week.
They do some clever things with the camera in this show. Like if Chise's looking down and not at someone's face, they intentionally hide the face of the person if they're a stranger.
Goatdad isn't really good at this whole apprentice thing.
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wow a cliffhanger.
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okay ballroom so is jan watching ballroom with us?
ballroom>>308154 get it and are you usually around today we can postpone mahou til later next week>>308156 i think we were supposed to do mahou around now but we missed a show or something nevermind we can do ballroom first nexxt week>>308156 are you watching
>>308125 i don't have it
you're so demanding
>>308150 yes but i didn't get home until very late today because someone was late also i started early too so i worked 12 hrs
>>308150 i am currently absorbing the data stream
okay absorption complete
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orange okay let's start
orenji `
All right.
so is this about dancing or what also are you wating imouto
Yeah, ballroom dancing. It gets pretty hot-blooded at times but this might be a calmer episode. And yeah we'll be doing Imouto Sae Ireba Ii after this.
bad boy
It also has a Unison Square Garden OP.
the OP was good yes
Wow they're making the two rivals dan- Oh I guess not. How disappointing.
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dang that dude has a tough face
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motherfucker looks like a picasso masterpiece
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Protagonist-kun needs to learn how to not be a cuck.
This guy's voice wasn't quite what I was expecting for him. I guess it matches the character personality but visually I was expecting it deeper.
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what a loser
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I don't like that bone cracking noise.
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that made my back hurt to watch
Tatara, Chinatsu, and onii-san are starting to feel pretty buddy-buddy.
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Whenever I see Sengoku now, I think of how he's the keikaku that Gabby wishes she was.
Oh wow he's jumping ship from Sengoku's dance studio.
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I think Sengoku won't let him get away.
i'm sure this would be really touching if i knew who any of these people were
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I guess Sengoku really did let him get away.
i like the art style though
this feels rather hotblooded for a ballroom dancing show though
Yeah the manga runs in Shounen Jump, so it's got to be pretty intense to keep the attention span of shitty pre-teens.
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yeah ballroom dancing actually is really hot blooded.
He's going to get his shit kicked in again, trying to compete on Hyodo's level.
now the creepy one
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okay imouto ireba let's start!
What the fuck dude.
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Rehearsing your lines before you say them is a good practice. This girl is smart.
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>>308299 guy*
I try to rehearse so lines- OH HE'S COMPLETELY NAKED. -some lines when I'm worried about making too much of a fool of myself. My tongue trips up a lot when I try to talk so it's good to know what I'm saying before hand.
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>>308302 That guy is just a weirdo.
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She called him a pervert for being naked in his own bathroom.
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>walk in on some guy >call him a pervert
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wait maybe she was talking to white saya
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I think she was probably talking to him. but yes White Saya is the one most deserving of being called a pervert.
is this show worth watching
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>>308321 it's pretty hilarious so far
It has some really good moments and cute girls.
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>he's probably some creep the jeering kids talking about the MC were fucking right for once
>>308323 this is a response i like to hear>>308330 this is a worrisome response
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>>308332 Well he was in the back writing imouto novels so
>Why was he able to use magic once he kissed his little sister Hey if you're going to emply shitty fetishes into your magic system at least make them still work mechanically. Also shit man you're kind of going over the top there.
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haha, everyone treats that girl like she's a slut. That's funny.
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He doesn't even know her and he's just calling her a slut over and over.
Just like my Internet imageboards.
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No one here really called me a slut that many times.
no one said they did damn
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oh this girl is a lot more likable than I thought. I guess she has a crush on imouto man too.
That's more than a little eccentric.
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well that's a bit awkward
Hah hah hah. His friend is pretty scheming. I like him.
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oh she knows
How forward.
How convenient.
Maybe she is a little slutty in the end.
>They aren't really all that great PREACH, BROTHER.
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wow gay
>Nyanpasu Wow that's a reference I wasn't expecting.
Wow how menacing. I guess that makes him a good foil. Itsuki writes interesting but weird siscon stories, but he writes the kind of standard fare LNs that sell well but aren't really amazing.
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These characters all have a bit more depth than you'd expect from this sort of thing.
holy shit squeaky imouto
That little speech about how the grass is always greener on the other side was a good conclusion to the story threads of this episode. This was another really good episode.
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the most realistic imouto of alltime everyone go home the battle has been won
>The otouto has actually secretly been an imouto this whole time
a few seconds in and i'm really worried
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>>308399 the first few minutes are a bullshit dream
Hold tight through the first couple minute and it'll get all better.
>>308400 i figured as much, that doesn't worry me any less
>What you want, someone else always has. >And usually, it means nothing to the person who actually has it >It's pretty much a miracle when you have what you want >and most comedies and tragedies happen due to the absence of that miracle. I like this little bit.
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okay after this episode I like this girl best. Saya is still fine but this girl is best.>>308395 It looks like they're actually going that route, wow.
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>>308403 what are you worried about>>308395 >secretly i called it last week
Yeah I mean from within the story. Her being a reverse trap was pretty obvious.
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This series has been much better than I expected it to be. With the kantoku character designs I figured it would at least be cute, but the characters are a lot more than I expected.
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i give it four thumbs up out of five.
this otouto doesn't look like he has a penis
>>308429 i do not believe he has a wang.