Thread #281532
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「Dear /moe/,」 Koi- 2017/09/22 (金) 17:51 No. 281532
I am playing the new expansion If you don't see me in a long time, I have probably not died. It is time to go kill a god. See you soon, Koi.
come home blue please
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:01 No. 281535
It's like 93°F outside right now. Which is about 34°C For you non imperialists
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>>281534 no i'm gonna save the world
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:07 No. 281537
>>281536 >And then blue went on a long journey
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:08 No. 281538
Also Blue I found a manga you might like.
>>281536 i will save you i promise you ill bring you back someday
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no i'll save you i'll save you all
;_; he's too far gone
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Bernie's getting more and more A+ by the day my man
nah he isn't changing
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overthrowing a government isn't hard
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:25 No. 281545
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fucking love the flavor text on this.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:26 No. 281546
>>281544 >this is what communists actually believe
>>281544 neither corbyn nor bernie will overthrow the government
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I know, but he's at least seeming more cool by what he's saying lately
well, it IS easy for some people like america has overthrown what 18 governments?>>281548 he's saying what he always has
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Then he was always real cool and I 'm only just becoming aware how cool
yeah basically
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/09/22 (金) 18:36 No. 281552
yea kirara what that anon said cardcaptor sakura collab in october get hype as fuck
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/09/22 (金) 18:42 No. 281554
also there are drop rate bugs going on right now it's making some people very happy and others very sad
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>>281538 i read some of this it's okay hi. the login server is acting up but i'm loading back in i think my build is really hard to manage.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/09/22 (金) 18:48 No. 281557
>>281555 I managed to get that game going when do I roll for cute girls
in chapter 2
ah, I crashed
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:50 No. 281560
Blue Which MTG characters do you consider to be waifu tier?
>>281556 >>281559 rip
Tamiyo Anyone can be a waifu Tamiyo is simply the best
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:54 No. 281563
>>281562 Phage >> Tamiyo
if you like dying, I guess sure
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:56 No. 281565
>>281564 She's not real so thats not an issue. Also Rabbits eat their own poop
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 18:59 No. 281566
Oh, and Tamiyo is married and has kids.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 19:15 No. 281568
This sounds amusing
>>281569 nice his johns got jimmied
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 19:19 No. 281571
>>281570 Sup kannagi
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>>281573 hello? hello Kirara
>>281574 what/how/where do you do, friend?
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>>281575 I am Looking at what shitty photos I have taken today right now. I am alrighty, just a bit knackered. Busy day! But work is over! The weekend awaits! In my room in the gloomy south of England! How/why/who/what/where/when do you do tomo yo?
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>>281576 you take good pictures! i am okay. i am also tired. i haven't had a day off in i think 12 days. i have Sunday off though so that's nice i am watching fish play vidya right now
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I was thinking about it, I feel like if I had not as nice a camera I probably wouldn't be able to take the pictures that are alright. But I am learning a lot I learnt how to deal with light levels by adjusting Aperture and Shutter speed. The faster the shutter speed the less light. The higher the F number the less light and as the the aperture get smaller and every comes in view The lower the F number the more light and the aperture gets bigger and only the foreground comes into focus as the rest gets blurred away I think I got that right.>>281579 Enjoy your nap. I hope you don't have too much anxiety. Anxiety sucks
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 19:30 No. 281579
Hrrm Might take a nap I have a thing I need to fo to get some extra money but really don't want to do because of anxiety *need to do
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>>281578 it's good that you're having fun!
>>281578 hey nags happy friday👭
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TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
2017/09/22 (金) 19:49 No. 281583
>>281582 cute
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yeah im the cutest
does anyone wanna learn about simplicial complexes with me this weekend
i have classes this weekend
2017/09/22 (金) 19:58 No. 281587
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>two refugees sat ont he stairs leading to the parliament house and then stabbed themselves in the stomach well that is new
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owning the westerners by stabbing myself in the tummy
2017/09/22 (金) 20:07 No. 281589
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Well they migth have done it inorder to get residence or extend their stay
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:11 No. 281590
>>281585 Maybe Also I'm back from my "nap" abd feel surprisingly refreshed My guess is that my meds fully kicked in while I was laying down
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:12 No. 281591
Also, do you have a curricula in mind already moon or no? Also I already do know some about them. But I'm always up for learning more.
2017/09/22 (金) 20:13 No. 281592
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tn engine is rumbling
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:13 No. 281593
>>281592 That's a really good Suwako.
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>>281581 Happy Friday !>>281580 My best snap of the day. Not as good as it could have been. I wanted to capture how it looked like the leaves were covered in diamonds. DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE.
actually it's the best suwako
2017/09/22 (金) 20:15 No. 281596
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:15 No. 281597
It's still 93°F out right now. (34°C) Fuck, it's gonna be hot at FNM tonight.
>>281594 very nice
2017/09/22 (金) 20:18 No. 281599
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2017/09/22 (金) 20:20 No. 281601
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>>281600 >Breaking Now I guess there will be a lot of breaking in California!
2017/09/22 (金) 20:21 No. 281603
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oh this might be good too
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:22 No. 281604
>>281600 Just texted my sister about it, wanna check if she felt it in Cupertino or not.
2017/09/22 (金) 20:22 No. 281605
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or good old toast king
2017/09/22 (金) 20:23 No. 281606
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or original content don't steak
2017/09/22 (金) 20:26 No. 281607
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or a classic for profile pic
>>281602 wow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:28 No. 281609
>>281602 Not at that magnitude, also it was in a relatively unoccupied area.
2017/09/22 (金) 20:28 No. 281610
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I should make a pic that says who even verb noun
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:32 No. 281612
>>281611 Noice That's potentially a pretty sophisticated prank since tv broadcast is all digital now. It really depends on hiw they did it though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:34 No. 281613
>cable Lol It was probably done by someone at the cable company
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:36 No. 281614
Oh yeah, that reminds me. My friend's dad saw the Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion. Cause he's been into Doctor Who for a good fourty years or so. He also like FMA and Code Geass.
2017/09/22 (金) 20:38 No. 281615
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fma or shit old version?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:39 No. 281616
>>281615 He liked both, not sure which he liked more.
always get it was really hoping for some time tomorrow but i didn't get a chance to look at the same time thanks again for your help and then I will kill the Hypercube
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:44 No. 281618
>>281617 You too
2017/09/22 (金) 20:45 No. 281619
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>>281617 que
i feel like I'm talking to my house
>>281617 Lmao!
>>281621 i will be your doom
2017/09/22 (金) 20:51 No. 281623
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2017/09/22 (金) 20:51 No. 281624
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2017/09/22 (金) 20:51 No. 281625
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2017/09/22 (金) 20:51 No. 281626
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>>281622 doctor doom?
Kirara how was your shitty seminar
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/22 (金) 20:54 No. 281628
>>281627 pretty good but probably because i wasn't sober
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Is Kratkom a lot better than your normal medication?
>>281629 attaboy
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krattatatom sounds fun
kirara be suee to make that new chart
>>281630 no they do different things kratom can't be used everyday and has a very short half life>>281633 ???
>>281634 >kratom can't be used everyday yeah if you're a nerd>>281636
you'll get addicted addiction isn't funny
>>281635 what
>>281637 My internet cut out and I forgot what I was gonna say
well anyway kratom acts on opioid receptors and can lead to addiction if you use it daily you also build tolerance to it quickly you have to be careful with it
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hello rika-chan how are you doing and how was your day
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I'm doing quite well since the weekend is here!
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sounds nice
>>281634 there was a chart you thought you might make today since you were taking kratom or whatever
>>281645 oh idk
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>>281644 It is nice! Are you off for the weekend too?
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>>281647 I'm afraid not. I only have Sunday off.
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>>281648 Wow, no easy saturday?
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>>281649 Unfortunately, no. I haven't had a day off since the 14th or something. And all my days off prior to that were without power or in a hurricane, wwww. At least I get Sunday off, though.
2017/09/22 (金) 21:41 No. 281651
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>>281650 How come no time off? Are they making you just use all your time catching up?
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>>281652 No, I don't have to make up any classes. This is just how my schedule is.
2017/09/22 (金) 21:46 No. 281654
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We'd have a strike if teachers were forced to go to work on weekends
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This professor chose to. For make-up classes, too, it's the professor's choice.
2017/09/22 (金) 21:47 No. 281656
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Does he get weekend pay then?
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How should I know? Professors are on salary, so most likely not.
2017/09/22 (金) 21:49 No. 281658
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Here unless you are shifted to wokr on weekends and your "weekend" is say monday and tuesday you always get extrapay unions are useful at times
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People on salary don't get extra pay. They just do their job and get paid an amount.
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psych said i should get a hobby
2017/09/22 (金) 21:50 No. 281661
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>>281659 you clearly need socialism
salary is fine these people are paid more than they should be as it is for my professors at least
2017/09/22 (金) 21:52 No. 281663
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Well people work with salary here too, but it is just simple "overtimepay" you put in extra hours, you get extra pay
2017/09/22 (金) 21:52 No. 281664
but I bet your professors and lecturers make more than ours, though private universities and all that
>>281660 what sorta hobby
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a hobby
2017/09/22 (金) 21:53 No. 281667
start fishing
>>281664 not all unis are private here - most aren't mine is though>>281666 what do you want to do
2017/09/22 (金) 21:53 No. 281669
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>>281668 they are not all yes, but the existing of such does always cause competition for the brighest minds therefore wages most likely reflect that
>>281666 learn mahjong. Then play mahjong with me
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>>281668 I don't really know If I could hook up with some sorta lefty group in the area and do shit with them, that'd be cool
2017/09/22 (金) 21:54 No. 281672
But I bet we have better wage elementary to high school teachers
>>281671 go for it or start a gang a gang of roving dog-eating socialists
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>>281653 Oh, well, your schedule sucks!
>>281671 isn't it tiring to constantly think about politics
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>>281674 NAZBOL GANG rides in Norway
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>>281675 What! I didn't even notice! im just trying to enjoy my evening watching fish play vidya
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>>281676 It's tiring to exist in this reality
2017/09/22 (金) 21:56 No. 281680
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>espoo fucking boushies
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>>281678 I'm glad I could open your eyes to the true nature of your schedule. I hope that it isn't too big a shock.
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>>281681 It really is a shock. What should I do now? I feel so lost.
2017/09/22 (金) 21:57 No. 281683
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Hmm same range I guess
the almighty schedule
>>281683 if you're a teacher in Florida for 20 years you might make $26-32k if you're lucky
2017/09/22 (金) 22:02 No. 281686
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But if I ever have kids, I know where i'll move back toe spoo *espoo gotta have quality teachers if they pay most in the country or maybe they have most SJW teachers...
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>>281682 You should make sure your schedule is better in the future!
2017/09/22 (金) 22:04 No. 281688
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well how do you do that if a course you need to take has a shitty schedule planned for it?
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>>281687 This wasn't my plan. They changed the schedule to this a week before classes started.
>>281689 reeee
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Well then the only thing you can do is get revenge on those who inflicted this schedule upon you.
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This class is the easiest A I've ever gotten so i don't want to do that
bureaucracy is a difficult word to remember the spelling og
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>>281692 Revenge is more important, don't you think?
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>>281695 No. I'm a merciful person.
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Mercy doesn't preclude revenge. Just let them live when you're done.
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>>281697 Sometimes mercy means forgiving.
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mercy is the rejection of justice in favor of humanity and it's good as hell
it's not justice if you have to reject humanity
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Yeah but the word's been corrupted
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>>281698 You can forgive while getting revenge. Sometimes you beat someone not because you're angry, but because you want them to understand that they can't mess up your schedule again!
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>>281702 Are you yakuza or something?
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No, they don't take gaijins. Well, I guess some of them do take gaijin brides. But still, no, I'm not.
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Then there's no need to be so ruthless!
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They won't do it again if you rough them up a little bit.
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They might.
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They'll at least think twice about it.
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Maybe. I guess I'm just much kinder than you.
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Someone teaching someone is an act of kindness.
2017/09/22 (金) 22:33 No. 281711
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so I guess matt's lecturer is the kindest person
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>>281710 Not hurting someone that teaches me is kinder than hurting them.
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gonna sleep bedtime was long ago though I don't gotta get up early
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>>281712 But pain is an effective teacher.
>>2817134 >>281713 see you buddy
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>>281714 To think your knowledge of learning is so lacking...
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No way, I know lots of stuff.
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>>281717 But not about this!
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>>281719 I know tons, I'm a genius.
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>>281721 If you say so.
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Well, all I know is that I have tomorrow off! Coincidence? Or may not.
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may not, huh
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I'm tired so my brain isn't working at 100%.
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Wow, I've gone longer than you without a break and you don't see me breaking down! Get a hold of yourself!
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My brain works super hard though. It can't go at 100% all the time or it will overheat.
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I didn't realize you were so weak!
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It's not weakness. The most powerful drill in the world needs to be constantly lubricated and needs to take frequent breaks because of the risk of overheating. The powerful have to be careful about these things!
>>281728 sounds like you need an ECSU
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did someone mention overworking
its guild wars time in granblue again
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They need to hurry up and spit out some fun events.
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im sure the game were 90% of the content is recycled will put out something fun soon
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I enjoy the story events most of the time. The last few have been boring though, some short haired dragon slut event and then touken ranbu. Touken ranbu is so boring.>>281737 i hate that map
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>>281736 idk they're all boring gbf is super boring
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That reminds me, what do you guys think of these two builds for summer Corrin: blade tome fury desperation that one is cookie cutter i know or anti-colorless tome iote's shield maybe desperation or something B is an easy slot to fill Not really sure if I should just go full blade tome meme with her, or do an anti-colorless/archer build to help her deal with archers when I'm running my flyer emblem team.
iote's shield is a waste especially on corrin who has very low def
if you did blarraven i'd even suggest triangle adept because you have two color advantages i dunno what her stats are though i dont have one
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>>281740 I guess that's a good point. She won't be able to take hits from the strong archers anywya. Well, I am using the +def flyer skills though.>>281741 Will she be able to blow up archers with that, though? Another alternative I'm considering is Iote's shield on Cherche and letting her tank and kill archers. She has very good defense.
maybe not innes or someone with cancel affinity or giles but everyone else should be easy maybe not lyn because she's fast but if you had quick riposte that's an easy bait kill
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 402x419, 1503263347664.jpg )
Basically my flyer emblem team is really good and does really well in arenas, but horse Lyn is memeing on me. I need an answer to her.
seems inefficient to use quick riposte just for one hero when she's already got that speed though raven + triangle adept is really strong against archers though, you could use bowbreaker one for security if you need? i dunno who else is on the team
>>281744 well blade tome certainly won't help against lyn, so
Blade Tome is what she counters lol
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 500x500, 1504492580934.png )
Yeah that was just the general meme build not really thinking about horse lyn. But horse lyn is really ruining my run.
my sophia one-shots every lyn
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 225x350, 298641.jpg )
my julia usually baits and doubletaps them and only takes a few points of damage err not julia fuck robin it's really crucial to take lyn down on one turn because if you don't kill her ninian will always pop in to refresh her and she'll target someone weak
idk dancers never work in arena maybe like 1/10 games a dancer will actually refresh an enemy
Search [iqdb] (266 KB, 600x800, 1504931321124.png )
>>281749 Well, my Elise kills horse Lyn with ease too. The issue is that I am trying to figure out how to make my flyer emblem team deal with her gracefully!
>>281752 that's probably not going to happen unfortunately unless you get distant counter or something and have a flier with a ton of hp because corrin will die and also can't double attack lyn
/moe/ guess whose birthday it is Protip: it's mine
happy birthday maria
>>281755 shine on crazy moon
>>281754 what is this a spoiler to
>>281757 The game of life
oh im not caught up on that
>>281759 it's been pretty hectic lately. Hope next arc is slower paced
>>281760 feels like the writers aren't even trying anymore tnh
>>281761 I feel like they don't know how to end it so they'll go with the edgy nuke ending
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>>281753 That's a shame! I do have a really good Cherche who would be suited to that kind of thing. But I would put distant counter on my armor units before I did flyers.
just wait until we get our archer fliers
>>281753 what's wrong with bowbreaker it seems pretty good for covering the biggest weakness to the flyer team does lyn one hit her
>>281766 you can't put Bowbreaker on a flier
oh lyn's easy to bait just like rein blarraven triangle adept quick riposte should always finish a lyn off and be situationally useful still
her res is high, it won't work with corrin corrin just isn't strong enough especially if you use iotes shield
it works with robin and robin has wimpy atk
robin just has gronnraven but not triangle adept
sure but corrin can't bait lyn
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i bought some mega millions lottery tickets just for fun i can't wait! the drawing is tonight i bet all of my tickets win the jackpot
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Lyn is really annoying.
Just use someone physical really. I can't wait for a flying archer
you can't really do flier team anymore
>>281775 same
>>281774 who's on your flyer team screw the naysayers i bet you can make it work
you can make it work by sacrificing someone to use as a weak ass bait stick caeda with iotes shield for example will she die to lyn? no will you be playing arena with a three-person team? yeah
basc need honoka for a proper flier team too it's retarded
armored tome users when
2017/09/22 (金) 23:46 No. 281782
Search [iqdb] (669 KB, 1000x1000, Mugi (111).jpg )
oh yeah mats have you heard about the coming doc who christmas special? I might actually watch it
i dropped dinner on the floot
floor>>281782 no, i don't watch who or pay attention at all anymore
oh no
2017/09/22 (金) 23:47 No. 281786
>>281784 >>>/watch?v=oNUOLxfOUes#t=2m30s
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>>281778 Palla, Summer Corrin, Cherche. I hope to get the new flyer girl eventually and use her too.
wasted steak ugh>>281786 im not really interested in who
2017/09/22 (金) 23:48 No. 281789
2017/09/22 (金) 23:48 No. 281790
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 1000x700, Mugi (100).jpg )
Yeah the show just gradually became so bad but still
>>281734 new story event after guild wars, and cardcaptor sakura event in october, so hopefully those will be fun
2017/09/22 (金) 23:54 No. 281792
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 561x750, Mugi (103).jpg )
Have you ever put something in the oven, come back X minutes later thinking food and you notice you jsut turned the light on and not actual heat
no i dont usually use the light
>having ovens with lights fucking boushies
i don't think there are ovens without lights
2017/09/22 (金) 23:57 No. 281796
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 186x271, Jakimat - Police Occasion.png )
wat yeah
2017/09/22 (金) 23:59 No. 281797
Search [iqdb] (660 KB, 1920x1080, Mugi (4).png )
btw everytime I put something in the oven I make a post on moe abotu something to note down the exact time I put it in and then base on that when it is ready
>>281795 somebody didnt have an old gas stove for their youth
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 1074x1352, Screenshot_20170922-200025.jpg )
unfunny people really bother me when they try to make jokes>>281798 ????? all stoves have had lights since like the 30s man
nah bro im pretty sure this stove we recently got replaced had no light it was old as dirt>>281801 nah
it was probably broken dude
2017/09/23 (土) 00:02 No. 281802
Search [iqdb] (697 KB, 500x468, Mugi (14).gif )
Yeah the light bulbs in ovens are a fuck to change
2017/09/23 (土) 00:02 No. 281803
or a replacement might not even exist anymore at times
i may be seemijg contrarian or something hut i honestly believe our opd stove didnt have a light in it
i just can't believe it
>>281799 like this>>>/watch?v=aT9VvcbalO4
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my candles always get weird
2017/09/23 (土) 00:09 No. 281808
Search [iqdb] (278 KB, 600x600, Eila (153).jpg )
How so?
uhh like in the pic
2017/09/23 (土) 00:10 No. 281810
i think that is quite normal
that only happens in my kitchen it's definitely not normal
2017/09/23 (土) 00:10 No. 281812
Search [iqdb] (232 KB, 549x791, Eila (136).jpg )
is your stand twisting chance
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i always end up with shit like this
2017/09/23 (土) 00:11 No. 281814
>>281813 okay that is weird
like fuckin tetsuo
2017/09/23 (土) 00:11 No. 281816
Search [iqdb] (344 KB, 800x1200, Eila (155).jpg )
How is there a layer of are those stearine candles, is that the word in english? or something else
2017/09/23 (土) 00:12 No. 281817
layer of the candlestuff on top of the flame?
it dripped like it is in >>281807 and then just didn't melt that part as the candle burnt lower
2017/09/23 (土) 00:12 No. 281819
Search [iqdb] (4.2 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1804.JPG )
I should buy candles I loved making "with cauldrons" like we call them packing stearine of the candles into the cup and having it burn with a big flame
haha imagine being bill nye here
anyone want to confess to me before the world ends tomorrow?m
2017/09/23 (土) 00:20 No. 281822
>>281820 "not again"
2017/09/23 (土) 00:21 No. 281823
>>281821 why to you?
2017/09/23 (土) 00:21 No. 281824
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 655x596, Mugi (130).jpg )
the thing about the end of the world prophets is "where is the thousand year kingdom" also while rebirth of israel is a sign of the end times, it is not an immediate sign I havn't read revelation in years but if memory serves israel was said to reappear when the thousand year kingdom was born or was still young
idk why to anyone
2017/09/23 (土) 00:22 No. 281826
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 870x720, Sako (44).png )
Also "anyone claiming the know the day of the return is a false prophet" or something among those lines is in the FUCKING BIBLE said by Jesus of all people
nothin false about these profits
2017/09/23 (土) 00:23 No. 281828
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>>281826 yeah but only the parts of the Bible that make me money are real
2017/09/23 (土) 00:24 No. 281830
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Christians themselves are the reason I never became an active member of church communities I hate organised religion
2017/09/23 (土) 00:25 No. 281831
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 500x610, Eila (116).jpg )
I should have just becoem an orthodox Hah I would have years ago, but the incense they use makes me feel ill
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lotto drawing in two and a half hours in case i win 50 million dollars you should make your requests before the drawing not afterward it's too late if you don't ask until after you won!>>281833 i think the legal cost of getting a million dollars to finland would be a lot how about keep it to something purchaseable
2017/09/23 (土) 00:26 No. 281833
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 600x800, Eila (114).jpg )
gimme a million
2017/09/23 (土) 00:26 No. 281834
Search [iqdb] (22 KB, 560x400, Eila (113).jpg )
>>281832 hwo would it even go does USA have gift taxation? we have it would be almost 50% at that since it comes from a stranger
>>281830 yeah organized religion is fucked
2017/09/23 (土) 00:27 No. 281836
Legally you can give anyone 4000€ every three years before it becomes taxable
i just omit large gifts from my taxes it's illegal but fuck the feds this is my money
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i think the first thing i'll buy is some really nice silk pajamas like really good ones like screw good will, i'm goin to walmart for these
2017/09/23 (土) 00:28 No. 281839
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 826x822, Eila (26).jpg )
We don't do taxes here state does it for you and also you can't cheat the tax office they are too good
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2017/09/23 (土) 00:30 No. 281841
yerr not a cat
im a cat
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>>281840 do you have silk pajamas i want silk pajamas
2017/09/23 (土) 00:31 No. 281844
Search [iqdb] (442 KB, 1491x2101, Eila (25).png )
You have a high cat score, but not full
im a cat and a penguin
2017/09/23 (土) 00:32 No. 281846
Search [iqdb] (643 KB, 1800x2400, Eila (23).png )
2017/09/23 (土) 00:32 No. 281847
I wouldn't know what animal to compare myself to am a human afterall
are you are you
2017/09/23 (土) 00:33 No. 281849
I am totally Hugh Man
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i'd be like maybe an ant eater i think that suits me pretty well
2017/09/23 (土) 00:33 No. 281851
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 500x500, Eila - playing.png )
You can't define yourself, is agaisnt the rules
huge assman
fine then i will let you guys do it
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this is you
is the ass facing the front or the back i can't tell
oh it is the front then yeah probably
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when the thing went quack quack quack you men was ducking
2017/09/23 (土) 00:46 No. 281858
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folk dresses
2017/09/23 (土) 00:47 No. 281859
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this one is quite neat
2017/09/23 (土) 00:48 No. 281860
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Espoo where I used to lvie
2017/09/23 (土) 00:48 No. 281861
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Helsinki where I was bron
2017/09/23 (土) 00:49 No. 281862
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Kirkkonummi where I live
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>>281854 Wyh is that show suddenly a meme?
>>281863 because the fanbase crossed the threshold into incredibly obnoxious losers
The same reason anything is a meme. Because it's popular.
2017/09/23 (土) 00:53 No. 281866
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 306x800, muolaa_np.jpg )
man the woman is scary looking I think muolaa is from where my mother's father came from
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>>281864 It seems like it suddenly happened!
>>281867 posts from them were posted somewhere and spread quickly so everyone started making fun of them suddenly
2017/09/23 (土) 00:54 No. 281869
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 312x800, hausjarvi_np.jpg )
completely white this is a rare design
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It's weird how ideas spread like that.
that's what a meme is
Ideas are the most effective virus.
fish has a new necklace and she's not used to wearing necklaces around the house i just watched her necklace get caught on a faucet and she tried to pull away and but then slammed her chin into the faucet instead and made a really cute sound it was pretty good
2017/09/23 (土) 00:59 No. 281874
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 238x727, kiikka_np.jpg )
this is a rare one too
Oh no. That sounds both funny and concerning at the same time. I would have a hard time not laughing while asking if she was okay.
2017/09/23 (土) 00:59 No. 281876
Search [iqdb] (972 KB, 962x1032, Eila (7).png )
Oh yeah what I am doing is
2017/09/23 (土) 00:59 No. 281877
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1450x800, Eila & Sanya (2).png )
seeing if these are based on actual finnish folk dresses
2017/09/23 (土) 01:00 No. 281878
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 406x800, munsala_np.jpg )
>>281877 this one i found instantly
>>281875 im still laughing tbh
She okay though?
sounds like her chin is strapped
2017/09/23 (土) 01:02 No. 281882
Search [iqdb] (447 KB, 476x621, Eila - Wave.png )
>>281873 that is a low hanging necklace did she get it or did you buy it for her?
yeah she's okay i bought it for her yeah
2017/09/23 (土) 01:03 No. 281884
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 330x470, Eila (1).gif )
what kidna necklace is it?
>>281883 So that indirectly means you're the one catching Fish.
2017/09/23 (土) 01:03 No. 281886
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 699x800, Eila (121).jpg )
Speaking of jewlery, do /moe/s have any and do you wear them?
>>281884 stirling silver with a fish charm or whatever you call it
>>281886 I have a silver necklace I got as a twentieth birthday present from an aunt/uncle. It's just a chain, no pendant attached.
2017/09/23 (土) 01:04 No. 281889
>>281887 afish shape or a plate with fish carved on it?
it's a fish shape kind of generic fish shape i saw it and got it on a whim
Sounds like the kind of thing that's on the cute side of a little gaudy. Accessories are fun though; I wish sometimes it wasn't so weird to have
2017/09/23 (土) 01:08 No. 281892
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 240x800, janakkala_np_vuorelma.jpg )
>>281876 I don't think this one exists at all
>>281891 stuff like that as a guy.
2017/09/23 (土) 01:09 No. 281894
Search [iqdb] (237 KB, 730x1032, Eila (130).jpg )
I wear two silver rings and I carry my silver cross always on me
2017/09/23 (土) 01:10 No. 281896
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 450x600, Mugi (4).jpg )
I have maybe taken off my cross for a total time of dunno 2 hours since I got it 11 years ago
2017/09/23 (土) 01:12 No. 281897
Search [iqdb] (660 KB, 1920x1080, Mugi (14).png )
>>281877 So points for this author the design actually exists though Eino Ilmari Juutilainen was from KARELIA not ostrabothania where the dress is from so ab ig minus there>>281876 this doesn't exist it does follow a tavastian or a karelian design overall, but that apron pattern never heard of it the stripe colours on the skirt are something that could exist, but blue-yellow-blue on red skirt, is something more from the western parts of the nation
2017/09/23 (土) 01:14 No. 281898
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 400x400, Mugi (12).gif )
that was TN autisming about finnish folk dresses used in random anime art tune in next time on TN being weird in five minutes
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the desert is vast and dangerous
I guess the ios version of terra battle 2 is garbo because it constantly gets stuck loading
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I was expecting tn to have that reaction first really
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I don't think iphones can do any fun things.
Japanese mobage are generally aimed at iPhones first, or even only for iPhones some times. iPhones are dominant in Japan.
don't the new iphones only do blue tooth earphones?
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2017/09/23 (土) 02:15 No. 281907
Search [iqdb] (24 KB, 175x198, Jakimat - munch.jpg )
>>281902 My work is done when you imagine me reacting to it without me needing to SHAME
>>281905 They only have one port to plug things into on them. Adapter cables that convert the USB-C port (or is it still some weird Apple exclusive port?) to a 3.5mm headphone jack exist and they might even come with the phone.
>>281908 Oh that's alright then
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1946.PNG )
>>281909 Google is getting on board with the same concept too. The next Pixel phone will have a single USB-C port, which means you'll need a similar conversion cable. I don't know if the phone will come packaged with one though. Either way this makes me feel like we might start seeing a manufacturing trend towards making headphones with the Type-c Type-C jack instead of the 3.5mm.
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Yeah, tech people want a cordless world.
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someone called me anorexic today ahh
2017/09/23 (土) 02:49 No. 281914
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 480x360, Nuuskis (4).jpg )
are you? well thin?
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i dunno i have mixed feelings
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>>281754 Happy birthday!
>>281913 Didn't you say you had bulimia? How are you coping with that?
/moe/ I've just been told the most horrible story of my entire life, and im gonna share it but i need to hype this shit up first with a couple pre-posts
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 738x680, 1505186180368.jpg )
okay I read your pre=post feel free to continue
2017/09/23 (土) 03:26 No. 281921
Search [iqdb] (499 KB, 1111x1438, Sako (54).png )
>>281919 horrible in what way
>>281921 SIN
2017/09/23 (土) 03:27 No. 281923
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 208x238, Sako (52).jpg )
everything is sin
/moe/ this was the most foul act of malice ive ever heard take place on my lovely planet
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 727x960, bep2.jpg )
>>281924 okay you have my permission to get on with it.
/moe/ I'm with this girl i havent seen in a long time, and we're telling stories about people from our pasts, and i bring up a certain guy who had a crush on her, and hated me because i dated her and she replies "oh, i shitted on his life recently, actually" / m o e / what youre about to read is not for the feint of heart, please stop now if you're planning on having a peaceful night's rest so context this girl, lets call her katelynn to secure her identity, just broke up with a so-called asshole boyfriend, and was apparently very distressed over it, to the point of needing to spend the night at a friends house to vent so she calls this poor guy, lets call him ed, and asks if she can spend the night. his mom says no, (yes we're adults but this guy is still under his mom like this) but he says "well my friends have their own apartment and they might let us crash" they do, and chrystal comes because she knows these friends well and knows theyre cool fuck katelynn anyways, so, the owners of the apartment almost immediately leave to go do something, leaving ed and KATELYNN alone. ed knows katelynn doesnt like weed because she had a bad experience with it once katelynn knows ed is not into weed at all But suddenly, ed offers katelynn some weed. he got the pipe, weed, and lighter from his friends for tonight as a special occasion, of course and katelynn refuses, and wants to vent about her ex. Ed is like "nah lets forget about that and watch death note on netflix" so katelynn starts falling asleep, and ed is trying to lay his head on her lap. Katelynn isnt having it. So she goes to sleep and ed is all upset about it. The next morning, katelynn leaves before anyone wakes up, and WALKS TO HER EX'S HOUSE Ed is upset she left before anyone work up, and texts her about it. Katelynn replies by sending him a picture of her riding her ex's dick, with the caption "text her later, she's busy" /moe/, i really didnt think this kind of shit happened in real life. I thought
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 800x800, DKQrt6hVAAE6-mN[1].jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 03:39 No. 281928
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 250x251, Sako (50).png )
>>281926 >vents about breakup and shit ex >goes fuck him next day the fuck
>>281926 i really only thought this sort of evil existed in the minds of those sick fucks who put cuckholding captiona over regular porn on 4chan
>>281926 i think you could use /adv/ for this or something i don't know if it's really good here
well i dont need advice, im more just relaying a story that i thought was interesting and gross, and sometimes gross things are good for catharsis
>>281928 This messed my shit up pretty badly too H U G E red flag
2017/09/23 (土) 03:42 No. 281933
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 268x237, smugi.png )
also why katelynn? how do you come up with that name on the spot ed is kinda normal name to pop up with but katelynn?
katelynn is the name of some OTHER girl i hate so it fits
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x216, images(3).png )
i'm just saying that post might not get much attention on /moe/ not telling you to take it elsewhere but there's prolly not much discussion for it here
>>281926 Crystal is a slutty gil name anyway
>>281935 oh well thats fine, i really just needed to vent this to some people i feel like i know now im gonna go fuck my ex
>>281936 leave her alone
2017/09/23 (土) 03:46 No. 281939
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1280x720, [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZ(…).jpg )
haa downed almost a fifth of rum, but don't even feel it try to drink without trying to get drunk and I get nowhere and try to drink to get drunk and I go overblown
>>281937 oh okay vent away
Search [iqdb] (3.1 MB, 1654x2339, warspite9.jpg )
>>281926 Ed probably should have seen this coming. He should work harder so that in the future he can recognize the difference between a girl who is mad at her boyfriend and a girl who is "mad" at her boyfriend.
2017/09/23 (土) 03:56 No. 281942
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 1920x1080, [FFF] Love Live! - 12 [BD][108(…).jpg )
And also to just fucking disregard people like her
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>>281941 what is the difference?
>>281942 THIS
2017/09/23 (土) 04:03 No. 281945
Search [iqdb] (638 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Denki-gai no Ho(…).jpg )
I wonder is people scanner a skill you need to actively develop or something you are born with? Some people seem to lack it completely
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 1020x1447, harusame8.jpg )
>>281943 It means she wasn't actually mad at her boyfriend and had no intention of arguing with him for very long. She just wanted to rant about him for awhile and she was always planning to go back. Ed didn't want to listen to her rant and wanted to hang out or whatever which was a totally wrong read. So it made her mad at him and then she was mean to him.
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 193x200, __noel_vermillion_byronyu2___b(…).jpg )
that's pretty mean i would be really hurt if i were somehow in that situation ------ on a different note and not at all in the context of this stuff, what does it mean if a friend keeps sending you messages that they miss you but don't engage is that trying to tactfully create some distance
2017/09/23 (土) 04:13 No. 281949
>>281947 attention desire?
>>281949 naw
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 850x837, gangut.jpg )
>>281947 yEAH, oh caps Yeah, it's bitchy behavior. Ed was just being thirsty though.
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>>281951 water you doin with your friday
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 850x1065, suzuya2.jpg )
>>281952 I'm about to watch some anime. anime >>281953 →
hifumi a cute a CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE
2017/09/23 (土) 04:21 No. 281957
Search [iqdb] (422 KB, 620x800, 471cda202c46158bf50fb7d5001cd632.png )
bang one of the "this girl in this pic is cuuute" creep posters
Search [iqdb] (251 KB, 1000x1000, 1501472639201.jpg )
excuse me?
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 580x493, 1505935013504.jpg )
if you don't think hifumin is a cutie pie you can hop right on this dick
Search [iqdb] (628 KB, 757x670, unknown.png )
That's just his way of asking for attention.
Search [iqdb] (232 KB, 1920x1080, 1505910114066.jpg )
Oh it's rika i feel like i haven't seen rika at all wait no that's because i wasn't here
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 1261x696, DKYY9OwWkAAVQed.jpg )
i'm kinda surprised GW2 is still putting out content i wish i had the kind of time to play it with you, blue-san
i wish i eere were a better person
i think most people do i'm already the best and i still wish i was
2017/09/23 (土) 04:30 No. 281971
Search [iqdb] (241 KB, 715x861, 6849ec0261c124e03fe1169ff4561b9a.jpg )
>>281962 in your world, everything everyone does is that
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1434x1821, DKQNG1OU8AA429K.jpg )
The desert is cruel.
Search [iqdb] (805 KB, 1000x1758, 1470628500763.png )
>>281963 Yes, how have you been?
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 900x1058, DKVjwO4VwAEIUKZ[1].jpg )
>>281972 are you having fun? sometimes the best fun is cruel winky face
>>281974 i had a really good 3 days off me and my friends played more than a responsible amount of video games now i get to work 8 days in a row
that is to say, 8 days in a row for 10-11 hours each
Search [iqdb] (649 KB, 718x1013, 1443159577725.jpg )
>>281980 Wow, eight days of work huh?
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 550x677, DJ74hYXV4AAFHGy.jpg )
>>281979 I'm on an adventure that's fun I really want to get my rabbit mount Also the new Engineer spec is okay. I'm having a hard time settling into a good build for it though.
>>281980 what vidya games good luck bangster
>>281982 yeah lots of work but then when i am off next saturday i get to go to Dallas to see Alison Wonderland and Elohim work hard play hard>>281985 Is there anything cool for Thief or Necro? I always liked being a daggerman>>281990 Divinity Original Sin 2 Playerunknown's Battlegrounds Rainbow Six: Siege ty maria udabest
Thief Elite Spec is Deadeye, which is essentially sniper rifle shenanigans I don't know much about how the necro spec works except it has this sand portal thing
>>281992 I was gonna say something but then I remembered I haven't played any of those games
Oh, and Warriors can use Daggers now
i wish i could take it all back
in both hands. they gained off hand and main hand dagger
fucking warriors they always get the best shit in every game
bang doesn't feel so good guys this could be bad
i don't want to be sick please no no no no no
i can feel it in my stomach i only feel like this once or maybe twice a year at most
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 600x666, kuma5.jpg )
Did you drink too much?
i haven't had alcohol except maybe twice in september i really don't drink i had pizza that was left unrefrigerated for a few hours about 10 hours ago
are you gonna vomit vomitting is the worst
i hope i don't but i can definitely tell my stomach feels the way it does prior to vomitting
2017/09/23 (土) 04:56 No. 282020
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1024x1280, 47873428_p0.jpg )
>>282015 that dfoesn't seem that bad though in your temperatures it could already be bad, now that I think of it
2017/09/23 (土) 04:56 No. 282021
>>282019 drink water
i am already sipping my room temp bottled water
Search [iqdb] (22 KB, 480x480, 1492049905340.jpg )
I had an upset stomach this week too.
2017/09/23 (土) 04:58 No. 282026
Search [iqdb] (467 KB, 1280x1200, a1ba24702dc23e7127db2b16084d584d.png )
>>282022 well then I say if you can eat something salty and soft or drink yoghurt aside from that not really much advice I can give I can do tn magic though
i don't think i can eat anything right now this sucks oh well if i'm sick i'm sick i'm not really supposed to work when i'm sick but i probably will anyways
2017/09/23 (土) 05:00 No. 282031
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 600x600, c3d50692c129e84afc7a60e466722129.jpg )
I bet you will feel fine soon enough
i hope so
>>282023 who is she going to hurt with those torpedoes tell her that american sailors have families too
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 720x452, DKHJw7rUEAAZQvy.jpg )
i kinda wanna watch gamers and i kinda wanna sleep
i also kind of want to make myself throw up so that i feel better
2017/09/23 (土) 05:05 No. 282042
>>282037 >>>/watch?v=czLYl4fM8yk
2017/09/23 (土) 05:05 No. 282044
Search [iqdb] (241 KB, 560x600, c9ff60028f01d75897a11d1f6ebd8703.jpg )
>>282038 salt water or finger into throat
i had a friend who tried the salt water thing and they didn't end up throwing up so they had to go to the hospital because they were worried about salt poisoning and all the hospital staff were like "you really shouldn't do that"
2017/09/23 (土) 05:06 No. 282047
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 615x600, df19bfcb773a5408dda9d50db7f8545b.png )
dependso n the amount of salt and yeah not all react to it like that in the army on long summerm arches we were actually required to drink salt water once an hour
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 4500x4500, __suzukaze_aoba_and_takimoto_hifumi.jpg )
hifumi is definitely best girl
Search [iqdb] (423 KB, 766x866, __takimoto_hifumi.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 500x700, _hifumi_.jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 05:12 No. 282057
Search [iqdb] (985 KB, 1111x1600, f76cc80796bb037bf268c426f3e5d258.jpg )
didn't hifumi mean something?
Search [iqdb] (467 KB, 836x1132, takimoto hifumi.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 850x1301, wo1.png )
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1018x645, 1506142995328.jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 05:14 No. 282061
Search [iqdb] (473 KB, 888x888, [Maromi (AM97)] 59057641.png )
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 1280x720, 1503854612161.jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 05:15 No. 282064
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2017/09/23 (土) 05:15 No. 282066
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 768x1024, __suzukaze_aoba_and_takimoto_h(…).jpg )
what kind of person watches To Love Ru?
yeah i should've figured as much i guess
i haven't watched it at all I'm just wondering why I can't focus on my game's window and am checking to see if my keyboard is being dumb which it isn't
you said something at a really incriminating time! i just feel like it's the kind of lewd that isn't lewd enough to be good for being lewd and doesn't really have anything else to it so it's just kind of useless
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 600x600, 1506046156545.jpg )
I tried a few episodes of to love ru but it was really bad.
you might as well just watch real hentai instead of beating around the bush with to love ru
yeah exactly, except that hentai anime is usually garbiglio
TLR is essentially the quality of hentai that you want but doesnt give you the fullness of what you want and most hentai is the opposite
>>282077 but isn't TLR also gabiglio
>>282080 yeah it's even worse than garbiglio
something is indeed wrong here though
i've had trouble with GW2 sometimes when using multiple monitors are you using multiple monitors? you might try duplicating the displays and then extending them again and then relaunching GW2
Ah, I fixed it. It was something with my mouse everything wants to suck today
someone posted a picture of Uiharu from railgun getting railed by a knight in armor and it made me kind of unhappy i'm going to look at webms of kittens
Search [iqdb] (432 KB, 483x507, 1464795918217.png )
That's kind of a strange thing.
2017/09/23 (土) 05:24 No. 282091
>>282068 you?
was it a white knight or something
the drawing was a monochrome sketch so i guess the knight was white but so was everything else
2017/09/23 (土) 05:28 No. 282095
Search [iqdb] (495 KB, 500x513, 0f54b4455453039847a91f354d370d75.gif )
here bang have this
don't do drugs!
2017/09/23 (土) 05:30 No. 282098
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 284x258, 17c0d3a8af2e5def17aba69bd6b6e407.gif )
lol then have this
2017/09/23 (土) 05:30 No. 282099
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 380x228, 7ca4c0632d2501f2bf0ff24cbe9cf3da.gif )
or this
cute animals are cute
Search [iqdb] (15s, 2.3 MB, 720x404, CATXMAS.webm )
2017/09/23 (土) 05:30 No. 282102
Search [iqdb] (650 KB, 350x204, 1237930018.gif )
and now have this
2017/09/23 (土) 05:31 No. 282104
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 315x231, 1238561921.gif )
adn this
2017/09/23 (土) 05:32 No. 282105
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 245x166, 844cc55bd6775487c6fc78096eaba7e2.gif )
2017/09/23 (土) 05:32 No. 282106
Search [iqdb] (492 KB, 450x252, 327dff0f5bf7d3ed205093e0e72097f8.gif )
2017/09/23 (土) 05:32 No. 282107
Search [iqdb] (1022 KB, 338x234, 77368676acb0d91ad38267c26c1858d6.gif )
2017/09/23 (土) 05:33 No. 282108
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 400x337, 339042f90037fcd98ca9341277f7fa1e.gif )
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, 1502485704478.jpg )
i keep telling myself to watch GitS and John Wick and Gamers and I keep not doing it
2017/09/23 (土) 05:38 No. 282114
Search [iqdb] (476 KB, 400x300, 1385179516320.gif )
Start with john wick do it you won't regret it fuck watch it now and I will join you BOO
2017/09/23 (土) 05:41 No. 282116
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 480x270, 1386997777277.gif )
But seriously John Wick is one of the best action movies to come out this decade and most likely will remain so is like Taken of this decade but better
i'll watch it soon i'm sure
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1155x1392, wink.jpg )
okay my wonderful beautiful amazing /moe/ friends i will see you tomorrow night i hope! goodnight
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 541x685, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
bye bye
>>282134 Bye bang don't die
2017/09/23 (土) 05:58 No. 282138
Search [iqdb] (398 KB, 632x987, 0a4d04bd591198438e05ee68932e349c.png )
>>282134 hyvästi
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
tfw sleepy
2017/09/23 (土) 06:20 No. 282167
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 688x1000, 91e4816306e9da3bf419988f2d41508e.jpg )
sleep around
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 854x480, DJyuFCvVoAMDJTy[1].jpg )
Will I sleep tonight #flip (true)
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1920x1090, 1505450029082.png )
>>282168 I'll leave that to you!
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 660x960, DKNk5JxUMAE0TLC[1].jpg )
you have more experience
>>282169 #8ball (0.1%)
#8ball (0.1%) #8ball (lol) #8ball (My condolences) #8ball (Maybe) #8ball (0.1%) #8ball #8ball
#8ball (Praise be) #8ball (git gud) #8ball (git gud) #8ball (git gud) #8ball (Maybe) #8ball
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, 1444699063132.jpg )
>>282172 Don't be modest, you're the real pro here.
Im just a neet detective
>>282174 (lol)#8ball (My condolences)
#8ball (Ara ara) #8ball (My condolences)
Search [iqdb] (433 KB, 2048x1248, DKBNe7UUEAAXkPP[1].jpg )
>>282180 #8ball (100%)
2017/09/23 (土) 06:46 No. 282182
#8ball (0.1%)
2017/09/23 (土) 06:47 No. 282183
hey #8ball (Maybe) you are my pet still, right?
2017/09/23 (土) 06:47 No. 282184
good girl #8ball (lol)
2017/09/23 (土) 06:52 No. 282186
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 365x207, Hazuki (1).jpg )
>>>/watch?v=K15-5aL62HI so did you havet his as a show?
2017/09/23 (土) 06:56 No. 282188
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 600x338, Hazukin.jpg )
ever heard of that character?
2017/09/23 (土) 07:01 No. 282189
the fucking finnish thing>>>/watch?v=Sso1gWHjxjQ is identical what language is that show originally I wonder
Search [iqdb] (21 KB, 385x294, 1448252117658.jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 07:02 No. 282191
Search [iqdb] (262 KB, 390x635, Hazuki - relieved.png )
rika pippi?
2017/09/23 (土) 07:03 No. 282192
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
added question was Moomin a thing in your childhood?
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 410x529, question6.jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 07:09 No. 282194
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
>>282193 Pippi Longstocking was she a character you heard of read of was read to etc when as a kid
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 515x632, 1505449683754.png )
nO. No, even.
2017/09/23 (土) 07:25 No. 282196
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
>>282195 kay okay so never heard or just no childhood show?
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 730x719, noukome126.jpg )
I've never heard of it.
2017/09/23 (土) 07:30 No. 282198
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
Really? Astrid Lindgren is not a big name to you?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 07:32 No. 282199
Rika's weird for not having heard of Pippi Longstocking. Bang or Blue still around?
2017/09/23 (土) 07:33 No. 282200
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
Is not weird I just want to know what the extend is and so on
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 07:34 No. 282201
Also Moomin is cool Although I will admit I had not heard of it until I was like 15 or so.
2017/09/23 (土) 07:36 No. 282202
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
Aösp ALSO you havve never heard it proper only real way of moomin is to finnish dub
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 07:36 No. 282203
>>282202 I've watched the first episode in German and Finnish.
chewy chilly trycyclics
2017/09/23 (土) 07:37 No. 282205
>>282203 >>>/watch?v=e7fvZspfirQ
2017/09/23 (土) 07:38 No. 282206
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
And finnish understanding is just the first step then comes the MEMES
Search [iqdb] (233 KB, 566x800, 1435395562733.jpg )
>>282198 Don't know that one either.
How's the morning going moe I just woke up and I don't even mind being awake
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 08:26 No. 282209
>>282207 That's the author of Pippi Longstocking.>>282208 Just got back from FNM and the Ixalan prerelease. I got one of the cards that blue seemed to really want.
I assume that's an mtg thing Maybe I'll nap for another hour being in bed is nice
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 08:30 No. 282211
>>282210 Yee
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 08:31 No. 282212
>>282210 I know right, I'm in bed a lot of the time. It's comfy Well, compared to other places. Its still hard for me to get comfortable and stay that way. Although earlier when I took my "nap" I was super comfy in a position that isn't normally that comfortable.
I used to have a real hard time sleeping until I got another pillow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 08:37 No. 282214
>>282213 I have a special pillow that cools off faster.
2017/09/23 (土) 08:38 No. 282215
Search [iqdb] (5.2 MB, 4224x5666, c33f5f31c19f7d36c8607b515d798dd7.jpg )
mats is gonna have a bad morning
very distant lol
2017/09/23 (土) 08:38 No. 282217
Search [iqdb] (3.8 MB, 4200x5674, e7442be631e803667c4ac1f416ec57db.jpg )
>>282216 if you wanted me to predict your shit you should have rented a time
just one time?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 08:38 No. 282219
I probably need a new mattress.
2017/09/23 (土) 08:39 No. 282220
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 500x800, df885b3ea880ab9690419dbb44959cb3.png )
>>282218 one or multiple times or multiple people around you my shit isn't predictable
VERY nearby lol
2017/09/23 (土) 08:39 No. 282222
Search [iqdb] (920 KB, 800x1200, c06e138a08c505628962de1e375bcbe2.jpg )
I know but mats will have a bad morning or something like that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 08:41 No. 282223
>>282222 Nice digits
2017/09/23 (土) 08:42 No. 282224
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 400x561, cdcbd74a4658994a39ffb5a4ebc4d4ac.jpg )
>>282223 NOW make it 100% my instal station
2017/09/23 (土) 08:46 No. 282225
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 300x300, c732d45a0b5af06cc3979ffed1a37206.jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 09:02 No. 282226
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_01_[D909(…).jpg )
Good news everybody I invented a format for all of /moe/ to not care about any of the outside shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 09:04 No. 282227
>>282226 Cool
2017/09/23 (土) 09:05 No. 282228
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_01_[D909(…).jpg )
>>282227 do a kick flip faggot
2017/09/23 (土) 09:06 No. 282229
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 646x925, Sakura (53).jpg )
2017/09/23 (土) 09:07 No. 282230
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 772x747, Sakura (66).jpg )
You lot have crossreference of shit and status and wait what am I doing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 09:07 No. 282231
Going to bed Oyasumi /moe/
2017/09/23 (土) 09:07 No. 282232
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 944x1080, Sakura (76).jpg )
weakling not gonna happen anytime soon
2017/09/23 (土) 09:08 No. 282233
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (51).jpg )
Well I guess Ic an do this Hello "ghost people" also the fuck what is wrong with shit, I think usually something else should have surplanted the stuff before me Is it just time or is it just something else
2017/09/23 (土) 09:10 No. 282234
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (48).jpg )
Oh I am in the now that is why
>>282231 Night
2017/09/23 (土) 09:15 No. 282236
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (186).jpg )
>>282236 This desu
Search [iqdb] (574 KB, 960x1080, DKU41FmU8AASLyE.png )
this to be desu
Search [iqdb] (435 KB, 900x900, 1503295814852.jpg )
heymats how things
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 430x430, 20170917-065516.jpg )
>>>/watch?v=KYXQuKxe0aI lmao
holy shit
2017/09/23 (土) 10:11 No. 282245
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 925x1080, Sakura (284).jpg )
cybermen are communists
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 760x1211, IMG_20170920_073717.jpg )
>>282242 hello i gotta go to class soon
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 922x845, IMG_20170923_063750.jpg )
asanagi: man of the people
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 505x506, DKOJPJpUIAATtqC.jpg )
couldn't he just use patreon?
kannagi where you at holler back
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 1024x768, me.jpg )
>>282252 Cute
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 500x723, IMG_20170428_230811.jpg )
don't feel like going to class but i gotta
>>282255 Don't be a hee you ho
too late
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 670x710, DKODuQtU8AA4Zli.jpg )
ableism on my tl and it's from an idol?
oh no what did i do
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 1004x552, DJ-_470VAAAmAnN.jpg )
i actually thought it was p funny but you deleted it
oh about mccain?
yeah i thought maybe it was too mean pee pee poo poo act of 2018
i am the painguin
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 626x1200, DJ6UgBkV4AAxI4l.jpg )
I was like "wow that's a bit harsh" But like, senile people aren't reading your tweets so
you never know my stepdad is basically senile now he doesnt read my tweets though
>>282074 CUUUTE
oops, I left steam on my phone open and spammed moon with Japanese and a new york times article
Do you speak Japanese?
>>282268 uh excuse me it was a new yorker article not new york times
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 500x562, DJR22TZUQAEM16b.jpg )
I'm watching Neo Yokio because I'm actually THAT bored
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 716x707, DJ6rgdCXoAIs1Ka.jpg )
Dude is it written by or mocking Jaden?
Search [iqdb] (572 KB, 1000x906, 7e71c42d4a771e6a581640f1336eec0c.png )
hello yes this is to
Search [iqdb] (333 KB, 800x600, 7dabfc8db8ab5549a955edb1a4e17a(…).jpg )
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good morning
Search [iqdb] (198 KB, 600x960, f1ce74f564f636f69596829b9651a04c.jpg )
cute potato incoming
118 photos taken today! It always feels like way fewer.
wow that's a lot
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 400x400, 1307722267703.jpg )
In 12 days I have taken 1033 photos. and thats like 15.7GBs of space but I have this portable dedicated to my photography so it should be fine in the long run.>>282279 Hope you weren't too perturbed by the pocket posting >>282281 I am more amazed I some how almost installed disney stickers on my phone and managed to copy and paste a news article into steam I wonder if it was interesting.
haha i figured out what was happening right away it's fine
Initially thought I had a virus or something on my phone but it would have been a hella selective virus. deciding to spam you alone and determined to get disney stickers on my phone. it was my screen being on and lock being just swipe left. lucky it didn't call someone!
Search [iqdb] (3.1 MB, 2975x1392, DSC_0203.jpg )
All my pictures are mostly out of focus or super blurry. What a shame. I took a bunch of dragonflies but they all turned out pretty poor
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 17:49 No. 282284
I have become Ohio!
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 998x992, 1505948148564.jpg )
I butt dialed someone the other day. It's embarrassing when it happens.
Afternoon /moe/s
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 18:15 No. 282287
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1152x908, photo_library_management_2x.png )
>>282283 Kannagi
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 462x665, tenshi.jpg )
I am so frustrated with firefox. For the past week if has been running terribly, so I reinstalled it and used that refresh option. Now the thread expansion options are just mysteriously missing on 4chan. When I click "settings" instead of expanding as a window, the settings box just appears at the bottom of the page instead of being a pop-out box. I don't understand why nothing is working, I have enabled all of the necessary scripts. I don't know that firefox's performance will improve, either. I'm going to have to stop using it if it it doesn't. To make things worse there is a fly in my room. I hate flies so much. If I had the option to remove flies from the world completely, I would do so even knowing that the ecosystem would collapse and we'd all die. I hate flies so much.
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 750x1206, 1f85e25b6963b148fc501f76a20b29ca.jpg )
That sounds weird. I hope your problems go away. The amount you hate flies is pretty moe though.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 403x650, 1505959554042.jpg )
I don't think there's anything moe about my relationship with flies.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 18:57 No. 282291
>>282288 This will help you with flies
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1920x1375, 20170917-DSC_0008.jpg )
>>282288 Firefox can be a pain at times. I use a custom script for 4chan since I try to keep the 4chan X 2.2. still alive with ugly cludges since I hardly know what I am doing with javascript. Also flies can fuck right off. I hate them anywhere near me. I hate getting them out of the house.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/23 (土) 18:59 No. 282293
>>282292 >>282292 >>282292 >>282292
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 368x674, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
Maybe next summer I'll set up a fly zapper.
Search [iqdb] (3.2 MB, 2528x2400, DSC_0164.jpg )
After combat with a fly. The area smells of deodrant and has rolled up papers everywhere. I can't sleep in a room when I know a fly is flying around.
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 768x717, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
Yeah, flies are pretty much the worst creatures there are.
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 763x974, DKXxErnVYAEjvGf.jpg )
I'm t at a really long loading screen. How are you today
loading done. bye
My game crashed. How are you today
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1000x1000, DIg2PEAWsAAiOWv.jpg )
I'm doing alright
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 19:54 No. 282302
too much boozre get me a twofer
>login server is down looks like I'll just be here crying all afternoon
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 19:56 No. 282304
>>282303 i am sorry for your lots i felt the same way when bliz servers were down and it was my last day with my gaming PC
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 19:57 No. 282305
woo woo all major browsers now support WebAssembly js get rekt
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 225x350, 223755.jpg )
>>282302 you drink a lot of caffeine don't you do you find the comedown pretty harsh it's worse than having a hangover for me
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 19:59 No. 282307
>>282306 um i'm a little different i don't even really notice the buzz that people talk about i just get sleepy if i had too much caffeine
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 19:59 No. 282308
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 2328x572, wasm.png )
green lights across the board i'm ready for action
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 510x673, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
>>282300 Are you enjoying your game?
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 1415x2048, IMG_20170919_225229.jpg )
okay, I'm back in. bye
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 20:23 No. 282313
>>282310 WOOMY
Is this Guild wars your into Blue?
>>282311 welcome home
>>282314 Yup Path of Fire is LIT
>>282316 It might be interesting to get it. I haven't played in a bit.
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720, lemon.jpg )
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 20:54 No. 282319
we will never be royal (jelly)
royale (jelly) with cheese
today has been extremely slow
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/23 (土) 21:56 No. 282322
heyo send those nukes
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
>>282322 Fire ze missile
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>>282317 It's pretty cool
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welcome home again?
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How are we all this evening?
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>>282332 I am alright. Just reading about photography and thinking of buying a tripod.
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>>282334 Sounds like you're having a lot of fun with it. It's quite hot and windy today, I hope we don't have much trouble with fires.
>>282336 KUYASHII
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 390x520, this is fine.gif )
>>282336 I am sure everything will be fire. It is fun taking pictures, it is like having a project to work on. I am gonna try and capture snaps of dragonflies. I might go out tomorrow and try again, see if I can get better pictures instead of blurry terrible pictures!
I don't know much about photography but macro stuff is pretty cool. So is tilt-shift, I always thought that was cool too.
>>282339 I don't know much either. I didn't even know about tilt-shift. I just looked it up now. wow, it looks like it makese everything look like little models.
I think that's what it was called, I have no idea how it works. It is insane. It doesn't even look real
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Today was a nice comfy Saturday.
>>282342 People make animations too, I wonder if that is stop-motion>>>/watch?v=LSmgKRx5pBo
Search [iqdb] (254 KB, 1280x851, topc97c01b.jpg ) People use their figurines with tilt shift Some interesting photoshopping.
>>282345 That's crazy I bet you could stick a godzilla toy into a place that got hit by an earthquake or something and make it look like he's stomping around
Wait I'm retarded I didn't realise it was a model city
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 100x100, 1452137788223.png )
It is a real city thought.
tilt shift is some crazy shit
Oh there is a tilt-shift maker website
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>282343 Sounds nice.
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Princess_Princi(…).jpg )
Tomorrow will be comfy too.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 437x719, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
I should be able to relax a little tomorrow m
>>282354 hope you get a nice rest from things
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 524x654, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
Thanks. I hope so too.
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i did it
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kannagi you here?
I've done it this cat loves me and me alone
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 500x500, 1502312312244.jpg )
>>282362 Awoop
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kannag stol my img
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Bushiroad should be releasing details of that game soon.>>282367 Night.
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anyway im gonna sleep
>>282367 good night. >>282364 >>282362 moon, knaggi would you guys be interested in playing Mahjong?
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 210x210, 2342782722258.jpg )
>>282365 It is a nice image.>>282367 Nighty
>>282364 water you up to>>282368 possibly
>bugged drop rates in tier 2 raids >everyone farms them like candy >even when theyre fixed slightly >still going >now the raids are unable to be played >everyone is sitting in pants shitting fear of whats going to happen as they do maint myself included
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 887x850, 1307496297216.jpg )
>>282370 Lazily reading manga. >>282368 Probably not.
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 714x1000, DKZZ61mUQAALkd6.jpg )
>>282372 okay
>>282372 did you wanna watch videos with me
Search [iqdb] (203 KB, 439x550, 1308212669504.jpg )
>>282375 My hearing is a little off right now. I think I have a little bit of a cold. so >>282377 Having my hearing off is super depressing in a lot of ways. Music doesn't sound right and people's voices sound deeper. It is just horrible. I'm pretty tired right now. I don't even know why I'm awake. I think I got caught up reading manga.
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 193x200, __noel_vermillion_byronyu2___b(…).jpg )
>>282376 it's okay the sound isn't very important! but i understand it's still irritating to the senses yeah i think i have a sinus infection it's pretty rough to do some things
Search [iqdb] (11 KB, 158x216, images(3).png )
>>282376 okay there's something i'd like to watch with you when you've got the time! no rush
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 301x267, 1292741669296.png )
>>282378 Definately, I am gonna be free for most of the week as a I have it off for the doctors. so we have plently of time to do stuff.
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okay time to settle in and really get comfy. How are we all doing tonight?
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 210x240, images.jpg )
im relaxing hard because i worked really hard this week how are you doing tonight
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 802x783, 20170912_094749.jpg )
I have an urge to go run but I just ate.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 675x650, inou2.jpg )
>>282382 I also worked hard and am relaxing hard.>>282383 You'll puke!
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 800x1120, 1505661770626.jpg )
have you got black knight yet? i set up a good team for afk tempesting and i got a whole bunch today while doing nothing
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>282384 I doubt it. I might get a cramp, though.
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>282385 I haven't played at all today. I finally after 150 orbs trying to get the new flying girl got Ike. Ike is good but I wanted the flyer. I guess I should grab my phone and at least use my AP.>>282386 You'll puke if you run hard!
i haven't been having good luck either
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>282387 Probably not! That's never happened to me.
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>>282387 have you ever watched the primitive technology videos on youtube they're really cool
Search [iqdb] (774 KB, 1000x1200, 1443963528927.png )
>>282389 There's always a first time!>>282390 I think I saw a couple one time. I think they were linked here!
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>>282391 It'll probably be fine. I might go in like 15 minutes.
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 998x992, 1505948148564.jpg )
I guess I'm lucky for getting red Ike though, since he's one of the boost units for this tempest trials.>>282392 You should wait awhile before running!
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If I wait a while, I'll have to worry too much about time.
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 262x269, 1503597342038.jpg )
>>282391 did i do that and forgot i did it
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>>282395 I don't know but it's been some time since I've seen them so don't worry.>>282394 You may have to worry about barfing otherwise!
oh okay i was making sure i didn't just link a bunch last night and forget i did i get worried when i forget things like that
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>282396 I'm sure it'll be fine.
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 700x989, DKXZxT8UQAE5-yl[1].jpg )
All I know is that one Australian guy, who is kind of popular.
Oh, his actual channel name is Primitive Technology. Now I feel silly.
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 267x602, sonoko15.png )
>>282397 No, it has been awhile.>>282398 Well, be careful!
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 760x1211, IMG_20170920_073717.jpg )
>>282401 Have I ever been anything other than careful?
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 225x276, sonoko11.png )
>>282402 Oh that reminds me that I owe you a lecture. We'll take care of that this weekend.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 625x719, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
I forgot, too.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 1280x720, 1383786333008.jpg )
Now we both remember.
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 466x542, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 601x850, DKab2adVwAEbgBk[1].jpg )
Criticism is just another part of life.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>282406 You're the one who reminded me.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 632x712, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 1940x2975, 1505711078856.jpg )
Aren't you glad that you did, though?
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 985x720, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
something like that
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 638x703, 1505517730937.jpg )
Something like happiness?
Search [iqdb] (281 KB, 1207x1603, DKaecUdVAAAdyd6[1].jpg )
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 500x375, *BWONG*.gif )
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Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 1280x720, 1422155797900.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 700x990, IMG_20170813_125009.jpg )
>>282412 Something like that.
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 838x488, 1142f5f56e1e06b85d5ff2c8a0a7cfbf.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1500x2040, C0JNR0rVIAABcuR[1].png )
Going back to the love live rhythm game feels weird.
imagine being this much of a loser
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 977x1058, DHSsnbRUIAAecte.jpg )
That was my first real run since I got hurt. I was only able to keep a run going for 4-5 minutes without stopping because it's still painful to breathe. I'm really tired now.
you gotta go back and re-sue
Suing wouldn't do much good.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 960x1080, waifu.png )
>>282418 oh I found a picture for you
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 596x957, 4b259168e138224aff374a6918fdeb5f.jpg )
Wow life is already hard enough as is without you TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE GAG GAH EVEN I might try to remedy that.
Remedy Rika telling you how to live your life?
Thank you for pointing out that I needed to clarify Remedy my double waifu problem*
solar salmon
>>282426 → cthulhu
>>282420 laterally bang
>>282436 bang no
I want a friend named book thanks for the idea for next campaign kirara
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1000x1414, CzFQTKzUAAA14-7[2].jpg )
Oh no.
no problem
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 1920x1080, gw306.jpg )
little by little
what exactly constitutes a bad image, oh upload button
>>282470 means there's a problem with the file
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 250x250, spoiler5.png )
>>282470 It means the spirit of /moe/ is judging you
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 532x616, 84c9d2fbe5b872363bd90c386df41b11.jpg )
>>282480 maybe theres a problem with the upload button's face!
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:37 No. 282490
bad image eh
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1024x1024, o10241024pri_l_40419.png )
>>282489 For example, if you have a png that is saved as jpg, you'll get the bad image error.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:38 No. 282493
Search [iqdb] (400 KB, 1536x2048, DKSse2HWsAAHEbi.jpg-large.jpeg )
lemme try something>>282496 can you make the error happen again
>>282493 no
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 532x492, eb432691afecd575d3efb324ab3f9b4c.jpg )
this version of the image works at least
let me try to upload the full soze one oh cool thats differnt
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:39 No. 282499
>>282498 what's it say this time
apng detector problem
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 495x364, 1506158941526.png )
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:39 No. 282503
>>282500 hmm it's saying 'not a PNG'
called it
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:40 No. 282507
i should probably just make the server auto detect the format eh
i think apple products always save things as jpgs even if theyre pngs
Search [iqdb] (220 KB, 1200x1200, DKZ2rBnVwAADk6g[1].jpg )
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 1418x1075, C9xurw5UAAA1ye8[1].jpg )
toga pls love double
toga did nothing wrong
aside from not making out with double
they're gonna be OTP it'll happen
>>282558 what's up rook are you at home wanna jam to musics
>>282561 playing vr and drinking 40's but I'm open to music suggestions
I read moon as rook and got really confused at rook replying to himself
uh I am moon though rook left /moe/ roughly a year and a half ago this is just moon keeping up the facade
>>282567 go to the local bar and play the boys are back in town on repeat on the juke box until you get kicked out
I could try playing it here until my roommates kick me out becsause I'm not in condition to drive
jan started singing that shit while we were in saint louis i about konked him in his face for it
oh shit did he text you that image
nah jan don't text me SHIT
we went up to the hotel rooftop to have cigarettes and there was like this black wedding party or some shit going on there were a ton of fuckin people and they were blazin it up up there jan flashed some gang symbols at then and they rolled over to us and wanted to take pictures with the white couple and like right at that time, like 20 minutes later, jan's mom texted him saying "dont join any gangs while you're up there" and he texted her back that photo of us with a whole bunch of black folk throwin gang signs it was sick>>282587 i think it was but it was something bigger than just a birthday i think they set the bridesmaid party on the birthday or something they pulled fire alarms the next morning and it was really loud at like 8am
Search [iqdb] (622 KB, 900x983, Nazuna.png )
i think jan told me it was a birthday party or something the pics were funny
part 3 of 3 video game intensity
colt fotie five
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 500x700, DKZumb-VYAAusfR[1].jpg )
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I am covered in malt liquor
Drinking a 40 in the Death Basket.
>>282683 → >>282683 → >>282683 →