Thread #282426
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cthulhu OOC ic >>282424 →
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everybody has their skills regenerated and shit and as a special gift because we didn't play for so long everyone gets +2 stability (if they want it) you're welcome to not take the stability regen if you want to for some reason
Free stability means free hints im game
I'll take it, definitely.
i assume rika will also take it
Rika returned to her home planet
Rikaseijins are naturally fleeting.
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such a shame
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What a time to disappear.
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I was honestly expecting a reminder of "yeah we are playing" to make sure rika and I kept around.
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hi! I didn't think we were playing tonight since no one said anything about it. I'm here, though.
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Sorry, I guess that's my fault. If you already have plans, that's fine.
I am a WIZARD HOO HAH My only plans are sleeping eventually
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>>282452 No, I don't. I just wasn't watching moe as closely as I would have been.
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That's okay. Tonight will probably be a shorter session anyway, for narrative purposes. Did you see >>282431 ?
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No, that's nice though!
Im going to be a greeter at church tomorrow woo
Sounds fun. Do we have a particular direction to start with for the game or have we just been milling about.
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>>282456 Oh you know me, so generous. >>282458 Yeah, I'll make a post in a second. I was just about to make sure Rika was ready.
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I'm here and ready.
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The ever trustful heart of aThomas O'Neil
Oh of course.
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any business before you go to the planes?
Probably not. Thiomas would make more kaboompops but we are going to a safe space.
Did Sicily leave with Eddie or is she still skulking about the estate.
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She's waiting with the pilots. Or more accurately, she's sleeping in the plane's cargo again,
How consistent. Archibald keeps a stock of weapon ammunition about, right. Is it all right to raid that to make sure weapons are topped off.
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Yeah, you can take your weapons with full ammo. Including the tommy gun.
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Im sure if needed Thomas can whip up something
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The fictional tommy gun?
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Didn't you have a real one too? that you brought out of the dreamlands?
Yeah, she had a tommy gun and a tommy GUN in dreamworld. The tommy gun was created from sheer willpower but I guess it was still real.
yeah she emptied the tommy gun into SB so she definitely had one
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>>282515 Uh yeah but I made that one with my mind.
>>282518 well i let you kill SB with it in the waking world so you can still have it if you want
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Yes, I'll bring it. I'll also bring a rapier or a sword or something if available.
Something more dignifying than an axe I guess.
no axe?
yeah you can bring a rapier or sword if you want
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I'm going to miss axe-crazy VV
You know I completely forgot about them
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A rapier is a much more suitable weapon for a lady than an axe.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:50 No. 282531
give her a lightsaber
an eldritch lightsaver
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:52 No. 282539
how about a ball and chain
that's pretty dignified
nothing more elegant really
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 02:54 No. 282543
the platonic ideal sailing through the air on perfect orbits
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I'm with the group! I just don't feel like talking to the help.
but its battler he's like the best and stuff
We talking archelogical dig site or- Well I guess they don't really call mines or strip mines dig sites. For some reason that popped into my head when it came up first.
The mystery rolls begin
They're all DEAAAAD.
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poor VV is so broken
She spent all her free time between leaving Wyoming and now reading Gothic horror.
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>>282584 She just knows how this will end!>>282585 She doesn't need to read it when she is living it.
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>>282591 Does she?
does anyone know how this will end when our author is actually a psychologist
What does that have to do with a story being predictable.
He'll read your mind and rewrite the story my friend he's got mind powers
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I don't want to rewrite the story.
I mean if something happens that I have had in my head forever Thomas will be a sad sack. But it's doubtful>>282605 It amounts to anything bad with Archie but considering that you were willing to have me do something that would get them killed or so last session that is doubtful
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What do you think that is? or rather, what's the thing in your head?
>>282598 No one can read my thoughts. My emotions, maybe, but my thoughts are a complete mystery to everyone.
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>>282604 Oh, gacha
Of all things, a chemist having a hydrocarbon in his bag of things is actually a little less weird than it seems at first.
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finally entering the tunnel
Only took us an hour!
ah yes this body that is breathing could not possibly be dangerous
If something is alive it means that nothing killed it recently!
is that what it means
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What if it was a zombie?
Tony you took the free Stability points Thomas should be acting LESS crazy, not MORE so.
He's not crazy, just very self aware.
Well no he is also crazy
Felicity's Credit Rating grants her spending a bit of money right.
>$15.00 in 1934 had the same buying power as $274.35 in 2017 how generous
Oh dear. Let's just put that on my total lack of conversion.
haha donmai donmai
I was actually planning on twenty at first but I figured that might probably be really, really rich in the time period.
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>It won't be as easy as he said
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We're not back yet.
Who woulda thunk it.
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ready to head back, everyone?
Yup yup.
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I bet the plane is going to crash and we're going to have a horrible time in a swamp.
you already did the swamp level
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Yeah, I guess we already had a horrible time in a swamp. So maybe a forest or a mountain.
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The swamp level was a little foresty.
And the dreamworld level started us right off in a deep forest.
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We haven't been in a cold forest though.
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Oh no we got SCAMMED.
someone can spend an evidence collection to examine the book closely
Okay, Felicity's holding the book at the moment, so I'll do it. Got plenty of those anyway.
Wait what if that teceipt is from the 15 dollars felicity gave him
WELL IT SURE IS A GOOD THING I HAVE MORE GASOLINE IN MY BAG i am not pulling that and also >>282718
you can't fuel a plane with gasoline
VV sees the universe and loses 6 stability
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Yes. that's more or less what I expected.
no not really haha
>>282723 wow what lame thats my tjing
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is everyone going with Felicity?
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I don't see why not!
oh no
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Don't worry.
>Don't worry
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haha oh VV
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Well, his boss is some kind of weird thing so you never know.
oh everyone roll stability
Was waiting on that.
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>>282766 Yeah, so?
>6 Thomas, who in charcter would be the most disturbed, is just fine.
felicity and VV lose 1 stability
>>282772 Seen so much shit nothing fazes him anymore.
Though you'd figure him more torn up over Archibald being, y'know, FUCKING DEAD.
he was fine when that fish thing got shredded maybe thomas has always been a sociopath
That was kind of part of his original character concept. He wasnt going to care too much if his pals got torn up and wouldve been curious about seeing it really. But I guess I got in the way of my own characterization.
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oh well now that hes a corpse ill say that i was expecting Archie to be the big bad all along if that's somehow still the case I will both be surprised but also not
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Who knows what will happen?
[BAD END - THE WORLD IS LOST] just kidding
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when you have to explain to a foreign head of state while you're standing in a room decorated with his friend's blood
With any luck Archibald has been keeping Hoover informed, including the part where we previously SAVED THE MAN'S LIFE.
idk if that's actually how hoover spoke
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i'm ending with a cliffhanger tonight because i'm a sadist
And because you aren't due for another hurricane come next weekend.
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can you imagine
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Thomas is going to spend time in the lab once their conversation finishes.
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Wow, what a time to leave off!
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i actually thought everything would go a little quicker so i'd have more time to loredump and then have Q&A but i don't think 20 minutes is enough time if i do the loredump now you'll forget it by next week haha>>282839 No, I got worried about the pacing and made that part take longer than I originally thought it would. I got worried that if it went too quickly, you'd figure out there was something fishy!
Sorry we were so sketchy about the hole.
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>>282838 It's certainly possible that I might forget.
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What were you going to do if we figured it out?
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>>282844 Yeah. I wanted to make sure you guys didn't read it yet. If you had, I would have just had Sicily get mad that you were hanging out with the creepy dude.
I kind of get the feeling that's why he had Sicily grab the book ASAP.
I cant believe you killed my husbando Also I thought about trying to read it after Sicily snatched it but didnt feel like causing heck for the party at the time, given what usually happens.
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I figured you guys would know something was weird but I didn't want you to figure it out until you were already in the plane. I mean, you could have figured it out sooner and went back and found colleague-chan bleeding from the ears while laughing and crying but you would have eventually had to go back home without any leads anyway.
I thought it may have been possible that that simply wasnt rthe coleague but just someone else
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Can you figure out what happened to him?
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I think something probably crawled out of Samuel's back but my medical roll was bad.
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I mean what happened to the creepy dude that gave you the tome. Samuel's insides were all over the study.
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>>282852 That doesn't mean something didn't crawl out of his back.
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That's true. Do you think such a thing would still be in the mansion?
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I don't know, but I think the possibility that it might be is a good reason that we should pack our bags and go back to enjoy our posh life in England.
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Oh, is VV inviting Thomas and Felicity to England?
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No, I was using the royal we.
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Oh, I see. Well, you can't run from this! This is in your blood!
Literally. This creature is in your blood.
Hey I want to come hang out with vv in england and eat scones or whatever it is she was doing every day
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i did talk about an arapahoe legend about someone getting knocked up by a spirit when they jumped over a river once
Oh no.
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I wonder if it's worth worrying about or if I'm just saying it to mislead you
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>>282860 That motivation is only so strong!
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>>282867 It costs stability to disobey your drives!
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>>282868 It costs stability to obey it too!
Well it more gambles Stability to obey it.
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Only if you see crazy stuff!
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>>282871 And it seems like I can't help but see crazy stuff.
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You can beat the final boss without losing stability if you're quick enough!
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But it's hard to kill anything when Thomas is just trying to blow up his teammates and Felicity is shooting and missing over and over.
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Good thing your team has such a born fighter like VV!
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I don't even have the skills necessary to roll for weapon damage!
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You can still win!
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I guess we'll see what happens.
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Don't worry!