Thread #281953
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altair made in abyss bahamut jigoku shoujo 18if the order i would choose is bahamut made in abyss jigoku shoujo 18if
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okay bahamut okay lets start!
Demon fangirls
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Poor humans All they wanted to do was kill bahamut and the demons and angels are teaming up on them again.
what time
Really. 3:40 3:45 3:50
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That's kinda the opposite of the usual death flag.>you stay here and take care of these guys, i'll go ahead
This little shitstain is still relevant, huh.
Man, really.
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He really went full scoundrel.
Oh damn ojii-san is pretty fucking GAR.
Well he went out with a pretty pathetic whimper. How suitable.
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You kinda have to feel bad for the king and his green knights.
They're all stripping down right now.
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That's kinda messed up.
But very zombieppoi.
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Wow, he's riding in on a wave of zombies.
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Wow, I guess the rest of him is going to have to be a zombie.
Poor Rita ;_;
why did he save the king
Because he's too good of a person.
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I knew I was going to do that, he never stopped referring to him as king. Okay, let's do made in abyss okay lets start
New characters this late on, huh.
this was the omake chapter in the manga strange that they would include this
casualties being only 5 seems like a change
i like this track
>For them, a life without longing is a fate worse than death I feel this feeling. I feel this feeling deeply.
Oh we're back in the main plot now.
yeah the sickness storyline kinda just pops out from time to time in the omake
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It's just drooling on her a bit a lot
It does look pretty mud-like.
hes bullying the floop
She was a fair bit upset over that.
that floop has already been too bullied by life
that blinking sound effect was a bit too much
So it's just a weird gas.
suicide by choking
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I guess that's why it gets worse if you ascend quickly.
That's, uh. Something.
it was a bit more graphic in way originally and as a flashback in a different point in time
Guess despite its weird -his weird human bits he's still robot enough to not worry about the ven- Oh he got mad.
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smug bunny not so smug anymore
i wonder if they will show the parts of the flashback they skipped next episode or just at a later poin in time they probably could have done it this episode if they didn't decide to do the sickness sidestory
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The bunny is the best character even if she is dangerously furry.
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This is kind of an odd thing to say but let's move on to something happier and watch jigoku shoujo orange okay let's start!
Well Jigoku Shoujo has a theme of just desserts usually.
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>>282086 Yes, the suffering doesn't usually make you feel bad. Jigoku Shoujo is merely melancholy where Made in Abyss is pure despair.
Oh my how forward.
It was a single yen. That's like losing your shit over someone being short a penny.
Hah he can't even riibenji because he never bothered to learn the man's name.
Hah hah hah.
>Why don't women in abusive relationships just run away? That really is a naiive view. Though I have been wondering if there might be a twist of this all being abuse play and the two of them are using the kid as a component.
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I would argue that it's the opposite of a naive view. She understands that she doesn't want to run away despite the fact that it's an abusive relationship and she's pointing that out.
In the end he ignores her too and tries to force his will on her.
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Wow where are they going to plug that microwave
This episode had a couple rather silly bits amid its story.
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That didn't really work out for him.
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ijay okay 18if>>282124 >>282125 MAL says 13 episodes okay let's start!
Thinking with your dick can only end in tears.>>282125 Probably?>>282123 Huh, don't get too many full thirteen episode one-cours these days.
is this the final 18if
Here's all the witches. Ones that are still alive at least.
that's not a lot of living witches
Oh there's the other ones.
well he was insane but now he lost it completely
he's gonna wake up to ahwole harem
Oh shit the virgin protecting Eve is his imouto. What a nice intertwining of that plot thread into the climax plot.
what ane xplosive start
He's even sillier with the cheap goggles on.
oh it's that guy his eyes are kinda fucked up
Real life Haruto!
did he always have that belt
another idol how awful
sugoi isn't quite the world word
Oh fuck it's a LITERAL GHOST.
i don't know why i laughed at that
just knock yourself out oh she's still in witch form
Hah hah hah they're all going to team up to save Haruto. They're really good at falling asleep quickly.>If we sully that purity WOAH HOLD ON A MOMENT.
don't coma rape the sister
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Not even perverts can win
Hah hah hah. Poor onii-chan.
mad cat
Geez louise this show is so QUALITY. It's almost a shame.
saving the world with rape
>you don't have to be an idol anymore >SING
that was a really quality cat
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>>282157 He still is. Well, everything is quality. But he's especially quality.
what did that acomplish really
>Chalice of water explodes into a fountain that rains blood
Oh this isn't nearly as intense an ED as last week's. All the EDs from this series are getting released on an album. I kind of want to listen to full versions of a couple of the tracks.
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super quality cat
>Finale PV ends with a zoom-in shot of a sheepbutt I didn't know Sugoi was the intended audience for this show.
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Thanks for anime!