Thread #282683
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this thread welcomes all*don't you dare read the fine print motherfucker
I read it
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hi roog
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Hello Bang.
hi anno
>>282683 (OP) Fuck you don't tell me what I can and can't do
>>282710 Don't dare to not read the fine print.
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni(…).jpg )
Culling stuff in my room is proving to be hard, as expected.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:00 No. 282729
Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever.
>>282729 >>>/watch?v=aYmOqPFyJPw
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:03 No. 282736
>>282732 i swear i gotta sit down and watch the damn show one day Ω
>>282736 I don't even watch it myself, haha. Just have friends that do. I don't know what's stopping me, it seems like a fun show.
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>>282710 Don't you dare do what I tell you
Then again, it's in the same vein as a lot of other shows I haven't watched, maybe I just don't like that style.
[X] Genuflect
[x] touch fluffy tail
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:16 No. 282778
>>282757 real-time tactical fluffy tail touch
they call me cuban pete
i'm the king of the rumba beat
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:23 No. 282797
what beer should i pick up
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:24 No. 282803
chick chicka boom
>>282797 colt 45 or hurricane
>>282797 fat tie
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:37 No. 282823
aaa couldn't find em got modelo especiale
>>282797 root beer
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:39 No. 282828
>>282827 how's french canadia
i miss you
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:40 No. 282831
? ? ?
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Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 04:52 No. 282854
There's a skunk that's been skulking about the part of then neighbourhood near my house. Smells like something set it off again.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:04 No. 282874
someone left the leftovers sitting out again
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someone left the cake out in the rain
Did you let her in?
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of course
someone ___________ and because [redacted] and basically you're a fucking meme dude
>>282874 eat them all
where the f you /moe/s at
Vidja Geems.
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i'm hittin the memes a little too deep and i can't stop coughing
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Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:17 No. 282891
>>282889 happens to me too often
>>282889 why
i like how she looks at the hammer like it's the one at fault
>>282892 It's from an infomercial Probably advertising a SAFE HAMMER>>282891 Is this what coding feels like?
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:19 No. 282895
i like how her left hand curls up when she makes the hit though it reveals her lack of KILLING INTENT>>282894 basically except i wish the tools were as clear and reliable as a hammer sometimes it feels more like a robo hammer with voice recognition that's only at 50% recognition
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This one is classic
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>>282896 hello victoria >>282897 hahaha
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>>282896 hello new poster welcome to moe
>>282896 do I know you do you like gundams?>>282898 I love the look on the sister Like "WHAT THE FUCK BRO"
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:21 No. 282902
forty minks died to bring you this post
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>>282900 You're the new poster, not me!
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who is this rook fellow
oh no I've been forgotten rejoice, I've been forgotten
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i bit my lip a few days ago on one side of my mouth and then i bit my lip on the other side of my mouth
>>282906 guy on the left looks dapper>>282905 who tf are you
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:24 No. 282909
who are all these casino avatars
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they're SPIES
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:25 No. 282911
they're fake
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zawa zawa
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are you being mean to me
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Wow, that is a lucky Ooi!
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are you being mean to me
stop they're gone you can't
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always in our hearts
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>>282922 Lobster-chan is around somewhere. She's missing at the moment but I talked to her recently.
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Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:34 No. 282930
fried moon pie + ice cream
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:35 No. 282932
>>282931 welcome to the danger zone
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>>282928 well well tell her that i always appreciated her posting even when i didn't
>>282931 my mind's telling me no but my body
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>>282933 There were times when you didn't appreciate her posting?
>>282935 no but i always got the feeling that lobster might have felt that way sometimes
I miss my dose of straight santa
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this is me right now
>>282938 Bang did I ever tell you how nice your hair looks?
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>>282936 She probably didn't give too mcuh thought to your existence on too many occasions.
that was a terrible idea
This may sound weird but google earth in vr is actually amazing too. You need to try it. The gallery: episode one, space pirate trainer, VANISHING REALMS, Quiver is the best bow n arrow game Ive played so far, Accounting, Project Cars, PavLov if you like multiplayer shooters, it gets intense. hmm that's not quite right
>>>/watch?v=vt1Pwfnh5pc there me rite now
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hello friends Danganronpa V3 is oujt soon are you excited why arent you excited
>>282945 yes preordered on steamu
>>282944 wtf that doesn't look like you
>>282947 yeah it does don't you remember?
maybe I don't maybe I don't remember anything
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just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year
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>>282951 I was listening to that the other day. You know, a guy who could play and sing that would do very well with girls.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 05:54 No. 282953
Search [iqdb] (43s, 6.6 MB, 642x362, V6r1Mw5KyYNJgoUSoSxh8LvetPiW32(…).mp4 )
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>>282952 so that's your type
picks up acoustic guitar breaks over knee
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I don't really have a specific type.
>>282939 ty>>282940 oh maybe i mistook apathy for disdain
now here's wonderwall
>>282956 I thought your type was japanese/chinese with abs
>>282956 i thought you liked gray-haired
old men money ohoho
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>>282956 Oh, I thought maybe you liked lonely guys that feel disconnected from the ones they love
but then riki would be in love with most of /moe/
maybe she did
>>>/watch?v=_FrOQC-zEog I am comfortably numb (with lyrics)
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It's just a really good song.
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it's so ENTRY LEVEL pink floyd i scoff
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>pink floyd or you could listen to something that isn't garbage
yeah like piper at the gates of dawn
like the wriggles
lol bang
>>282971 >>282971 >>282971
that post so bang
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id say it's marginally bang
but on a serious note, The Wall is really good but I never really got into anything else
the division bell is my favorite pink floyd album
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The best Pink Floyd album is the dark side of the moon and the best song is Time.
>>282974 don't post lewd poi like that dude
it's not lewd it's a swimsuit
jk post lewd poi
>>282978 sasuga rika this is so rika
it's poi-son
it's not oh fguck wait wrong image WRONG IMAGE
Well okay.
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>>282982 Sometimes when you guys say that something is "so rika" I get it, and sometimes I don't. How is this so Rika?
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:04 No. 282987
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Thank you for protecting my Christian eyes, Homu.
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it's not lewd, it's a swimsuit!
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:04 No. 282990
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that's the one i meant to post not the other one
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>>282986 it's just very rika a super mainstream and safe opinion very rika it's ok though it's not bad to be very rika
>>282984 shit I missed it post again
>>282988 hitomi is such a LOSER
>>282993 dupe image sry
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>>282994 So you relate?
dang well post another
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>>282992 Mainstream and safe doesn't apply to Pink Floyd. It may be mainstream but doesn't stop it from being one of their best works.
>>282998 WHAT A
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>>282997 i can't post it, it's not allowed
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:06 No. 283001
Search [iqdb] (562 KB, 853x480, unfortunately, no one can be t(…).png )
clock's tickin
>>282998 tbh it's easily their maybe fourth or fifth best album
>>283000 what a lame ass bitch you became
Her eyes look funny.
>>283001 i just count the hours stop trippin i'm trippin off the powder
>>283001 stop the clock
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>>283003 sticks and stones may break my bones but fuck off dude ur gay
/moe/ my phone is dying please forget mr
>>283008 no
>>283007 suck ur dick dude
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rest in piece rook
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Bye Rook I'll always forget you.
you guys remember that low-tier poster? what's his name? rick?
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:09 No. 283015
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i remember
>>283014 I thought it was rock
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he was definitely as smart as a rock
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Sank like one too.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:10 No. 283019
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a memory of
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Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:12 No. 283021
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do you remember
the 21st night of september
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i hate this guy
you hate yourself
yeah him too
anim e
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:15 No. 283027
that guy is useful sometimes, he tracks jades for me
anime >>283029 →
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do you ever wanna disperse
do you ever feel
>>283037 yeah sometimes fortunately sometimes unfortunately
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:22 No. 283043
i cut open my skull take a look
it's a book a reading painbow
>>283037 hahaha
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I slapped a fly dead with my bare hand. While gross it's neat that I'm fast enough to do that. He was on the bottle I use to rinse my mouth when brushing my teeth, so I need to get a new one.
>>283049 But aren't you an ordinary person?
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:28 No. 283055
gimme chocolate
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 06:28 No. 283056
>>283052 stop
>>283048 like a plastic bag.
>>283054 no>>283056 roger
would probably be nice to be ordinary tbh
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Space Patrol Luluco - 08(…).jpg )
I feel pretty ordinary most of the time.
i feel so different from the people around me that it makes me feel alienated
does it make you feel..... euphoric?
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>>283067 no it's depressing
>>283068 that movie was pretty garbo tbh
>>283069 yeah fuckin normies
>>283070 It was a movie.
>>283062 looooooool
>>283073 same
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All together now.
bitch get yo ass on my handlebars
are we gonna go somewhere
>boning a skeleton badum tish
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My timeline kind of looks like a disjointed conversation.
>>283087 but is she really cute or?
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i feel
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My nose has been bugging me all day. It feels like there's a booger I can't blow out.
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Please, I was drinking here.
earlier today i was eating chips and something made me laugh so abruptly that i coughed and a piece of chip got behind my nose it was really really painful
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My waterbottle popped and gave me a heartattack.>>283104 ???
1% left this is it you're all finally free
oh i guess rook was his name
Wait who are you?
Search [iqdb] (♫, 20s, 1.5 MB, 1280x720, 1506236145534.webm )
i'm a racecar
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I thought you were Bang...
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>>283134 Hey sk.
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I keep waking up to bullshit
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Just keep spinning the wheel, at least you get different bullshit.
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okay /moe/ it's time for bang to go to sleep wish him well on his 3rd day out of 8
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bye bang have fun
>>283159 See you later, bye.
Ballroom e Youkoso gets a second Unison Square Garden OP for its second season. They're also doing the OP for Kekkai Sensen's new season this season. What a wonderful time to be alive.
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I was planning on waking earlier but that didn't happen! I am going to hunt dragons that fly. hopefully. I bet won't see a single one>>283224 I love playing the FLCL soundtrack
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playlist with just the pillows is v good
I can't wait for FLCL2 just because it's Ost will be great
Someone in this game just said genuflect
So did you properly genuflect?
of course no
Hey hey what's better than a fennec kemono friend?
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You utter madman.
>>283240 Why not three?
If you keep flooding the market, you'll decrease the value.
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I don't have one with three, and besides it'd \\ wow same joke
>>283244 But they're priceless
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>>283104 Disconnected.
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Fennecs are actually pretty cool
I like Silver Fox and Red Fox probably better.
But the animals are cool too,yeah.
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Time embark on dragonfly friend hunt!
>>283254 Have fun That sounds cool Dragonflies are cool as heck
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>>283260 can it even turn?
>>283261 If the metal can bend up it can probably bend sideways
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good morning moe
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>>283263 Good morning Moon how's your weekend>>283265 A rarity
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what's a weekend
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>>283262 What? It's not about whether it can bend, it'll snap
>>283266 Why would it snap? It just bends sideways and the cart goes along the new sideways path
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 626x1200, DJ6UgBkV4AAxI4l.jpg )
Cause metal isn't that elastic
>>283268 How do you know it's made of metal
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 1004x552, DJ-_470VAAAmAnN.jpg )
For that thing to turn left, the metal on the right side will need to stretch
not if the left side is compressible
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 858x1000, DJ24mNFUEAEnywF.jpg )
>>283271 That's true, yeah Maybe it could be a sort of telescope system
>>283270 Maybe it's a new sort of metal Maybe it's plastic
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>>283272 or something that's molecularly compressible rigidity is rarely your friend for something that's going to handle a lot of wear and tear on our scale
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also won't it fuck up the road real hard?
>>283275 That's what the planks are for Or the driver just might not care
what if instead of wood planks you had big inflatables and instead of driving on the road you were driving on the water
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What if we made the giant wheel out of rubber instead of train tracks
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Alternatively we just give it wheels or regular tracks instead
Fuck that let's give it legs
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Is that what the kids are calling "ITA"?
no way jose
I I don't know if I'll ever understand /cgl/. I'm glad I don't.
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what's there to get? i guess ive been there so long it just seems natural
Maybe. I could be just scared of things outside of my spectrum though.
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i grew up so entwined with Lolita fashion that i didn't even know it was its own thing or had a name i thought it was just normal i mean, not that not being in Lolita was abnormal, but you know
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Space Patrol Luluco - 08(…).jpg )
I thinnk it's pretty cool you held onto something like that for so long. I don't think I've ever held a hobby for anything close to that.
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i dont know if it counts as a hobby or anything i've held on to i just have my own sense of aesthetics and i like cute accessories and things i used to craft little accessories and scarves and plushes but i dont anymore, though i'd love to again sometime
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1059x1031, DJqV4UgVYAABk1N.jpg )
holy shit you guys guys CHOCOLATE PIZZA
>sk has never had chocolate pizza before wtf norway is lagging behind the US by like 30 years
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>>283294 haha that's probably the person's friend that sounds pretty accurate though
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>>283293 This is a common thing?
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>>283296 man it was such a huge trend, right up there with watermelon and bacon sandwiches
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this was actually terrible
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why did you do it chocolate pizza sucks
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bought it on a whim yesterday
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thought it'd be like a pizza, but with some chocolate as well as other things But this is just milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate on like a pizza crust that had chocomilk powder in it I don't like chocolate enough for this
Search [iqdb] (692 KB, 900x1273, 1505251219464.jpg )
yeah it's pretty gross it'd be alright if they used like more bitter chocolate and put it on like not a normal pizza crust but like something less risen and less savory fruit pizzas are kind of popular here -- i dont mean like pineapple pizza, i mean like sweetbread pizza that uses a creme base instead of tomato base and then has kiwifruits and other sweets on top it's like a dessert pizza. i like those, though they're so sweet i can only have a little bit
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my dad's gonna leave soon and then I'll just make another actual pizza
Dragon getto
good morning nags
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red un
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I got so many!
>>283309 that focus is really good i wish i could have taken you to this photography exhibit at the botanical gardens a few years ago you would have liked it
>>283312 I am worried once I get back to my computer I will see the focus is bad or something.>>283314 having a break right now. I am out by the lakes.
are you out taking photographic images right now no way that focus is great i know what you mean though i did some paintings and uploaded them to moe from my phone and when i saw them after my trip the res was so trash but you've got a nice camera
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Yeah it is hard to tell on a phone. only one blue guy so far. lots of reds saw a black one and a yella one but didn't get to snap them
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni(…).jpg )
snapdragons How far away are you from them? I like the blue ones.
>>283315 this one's still good but it doesn't have as great of focus as the other ones those other ones, especially the red guy, are really sharp can you take a picture of the lakes for me i wanna see the scenery that inspired you to go take photographic picture images
Search [iqdb] (862 KB, 1620x1080, DSC_0402.JPG )
>>283317 sure>>283316 Right up close. hard to not spook them
when will you be back home?
Like a metre and a bit? Sorry, I'm just curious.
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>>283319 not sure in 1-2 ... actually not sure.>>283320 well like a fingers lenght away in most cases. he turned his head
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [SHiN-gx] Morita-san wa Mukuch(…).jpg )
Wow, that close. That's impressive. Oh, I was thinking he was turning his head. That's a real nice focus though.
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lake biy bit
>>283323 the greens are so long! are you getting bitten up while out there i'm always getting bitten up and i'm by a lake
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>>283324 I am alright I think. I might home and find I have been half devoured>>283322 It took super long to stay still and inch close!
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i hope not if anyone's going to half devour you it's gonna be me
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I might try find a bigger blue to snap or the elusive greens and yellows
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I like this artist, but there's so much goreshit and eye stuff I can't post.
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you probably shouldnt have posted that
Oh, that panel completely escaped me. I hate when that happens.
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I don't really like Syoko, but still.
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I got super close!
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That's damn good.
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I had to switch to manual focus for really close since auto focus was not working Reds are so easy to find! I want blues and other colours!
tip about bugs especially dragonflies they respond to air pressure moreso than eyesight! as long as you don't make too much vibration on the ground or the air you can get really close trust me i'm country af and ive collected insects many a time
slow your step and approach them at an angle, not directly towards it
>>283333 I like Syoko
got any tips about find blue or different colour dragonflies?
i know that the species name for the blue one is longipennis haha i'm not making that up
>>283341 She's a bit too much in-game.
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 800x580, 88c180581766c9d77a6df0da99badd(…).jpg )
>>283342 Hi
>>283343 norway
>>283345 I found a blue! rare!
Get a good focus and it will look great.
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nags i wish you were home so i could watch primitive technology with you
oh that youtube channel where the guy makes stuff?
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>>283349 I'll head home soonish.
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>>283352 dont on my account i just felt like saying it is all
have you watched a bbc programme called rough science?
I think I remember that. Scientists put on an island or something and they have to complete a task?
yep. making radios and things.
Found the person who took the name Non Non Biyori
Is that so.
>>283358 in GW2?
dammit this is tiring. no other colour dragons
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so many lyns so little time
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But I have lyn This is much better
>Nephenee how nice
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I probably need a macro lens for better detail now gonna get food.
well you can rejoice blue in that I think +hp -def is probably not ideal
at least you can give someone wrath
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put my camera in my bag. took this with phone colourful catpiller
I am tired! sorry for spamming photos.
They're great! Don't be sorry.
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>>283376 wow thats is good.
Bushiroad PR at TGS , I guess.
pubg has enforced first person now, as an option
gonna enforce my face into the skull of the t-rex with the force of a thousand angry locusts #TakeAKnee
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I took way too many dragonfly pictures. I feel too saturated now, I have completely lost interest in them after those couple of hours.
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I think some of my frustration with the world is I used to support it, and that might die off a bit eventually
>>283382 what a way to go
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Have a swan.
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i'm sleepy but my mom wants to clean
I guess i have to buy a tv
>>283387 yours break?
Search [iqdb] (319 KB, 579x803, c3cbce3345d3a5692a6b1a49cb1fcd(…).jpg )
>>283387 how nice
fish was playing games and then the screen went blank and it won't turn on now
how !nice
I'm gonna have a nap but I guess I can pick up the outside garbage first
i wonder what the cheapest tv i can get is mine is like 10 years old
Search [iqdb] (527 KB, 1000x666, 398a8860f3dd02148809e6217217e5(…).jpg )
>>283389 of course. you're invited to naptime everyone is invited to naptime tomato tomato shakira shakira siesta siesta
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this old tiny shit
it's like 28 inches
ugh it's gonna be like $200-300 to get something even slightly bigger why is everything so expensive
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 500x281, Kirin - which is sweeter, the (…).gif )
Sweet sweet /moe/>>283398 because you live in a consumer culture
I can't wait for the revolution
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One can argue that it's already here.
you can't really argue that i mean i guess you can but you'd be wrong
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Some people are just born wrong.
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You can argue anything That's the thing with arguments
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Everything being a commodity sucks so bad Everything's just money and it sucks
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Hello sk, how goes the life?
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It's going Not well, but not excrutiatingly bad
What does sk stand for again?
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>>283370 Or I could just use her anyway I do that with lilina
>>283410 wow what a loser
>>283406 this is my life tbh>>283411 It cant be helped I just really like girla girls
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Also sk is short for scandinavian komrade
See, I always thought it was short for shota-kun
There's also the fact that I am lying. But you are also>>283417 well fine if youre just going to tell them GOSH KIRARA
spaghetti-kun SS killer sam kris Seinfeld Kramer sag krip startled krab
I like Seinfeld Kramer and startled krab
My Elincia is also probably not ideal but who cares cute is kng
secret kapitalist
that would be one hell of a plot twist
there's a video floating around of a kid getting blasted by police it's pretty graphic so try to avoid it if you're not comfortable with watching someone die not trying to start a discussion about it, just warning /moe/
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Well I avoid that stuff anyway, but thank you for the heads up.
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do my eyes deceive me
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>>283422 you are a star. thanks for the warning
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>>283427 np it's pretty bad
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Everything but tweet impressions are up this month I grow
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the impressions are about the most important though, which is annoying That's a lot of profile visits, though
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I'm tired and home!
welcome home i am glad you're enjoying picture taking so much
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I overdid it I think. That was a long time outside!
It's good to have fun
no it's not fun is bad
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>>283437 outside sure was amazig
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holy shit lmao
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Going through the pictures properly. so many of them. I am happy I got a bit of the hexagonal eyes in this one.
Oh shit I forgot about the file size
omg ths iis so cute
What is an english muffin?
I mean yeah it's what's in the video but what IS that
it's like a crumpet
What is the english muffin in itself, if you wanna get all philosophical about it
Search [iqdb] (221 KB, 1870x2432, DKUAlzuUIAA9xcl.jpg )
But is it like a pastry basically? Filled? It looks like one of those buns we fill with jam
it's just like a roll basically but thinner
I made a video Hopefully it works.
English muffin is just a muffin? You cut it in half stick it in a toaster, butter both sides add jam, maybe cotted cream and stick it back together and enjoy your calories
it's nothing like an American muffin
What is an American muffin? like a chocolate muffin thing?
Oh right Cupcakes
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1962.PNG )
!!! u-upload please
cupcakes and muffins are completely different they just look the same
girls who can cook are the best
>>283460 become one
>>283461 Why would I become best girl when I want best girl? That's like narcicism and selfcest.
you have to become the cute girl it's only natural e.g. im a top-tier girl
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I'll just keep my eyes open.
that's how you lose them be careful
What if I actually let Jan make Cordell line his brain with eyes
Aso while I set him up for it I'm surprised he is actually going the stay-faithful route.
cordell will become a gitl
That would be the biggest twist
A security robot. Who would even buy this
>>283471 wear a mask and hit it with a bat nice security or even better steal it lol
itd be nice for checking on your animals while out if you have pets
or just get a few cameras for a lower price
Search [iqdb] (744 KB, 837x1130, 4867072ことりちゅんtafu1722.png )
That's why we won't see security robots in any capacity and time soon, I think. You don't want security that people would want to steal!
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>Do you know mech engineering? No>Do you know someone who does? Maybe>My friend has a son who has a question he can't solve on his homework and needs help lmao
I cant for the life of me find that comparison of the girl who wants food in exchange for a hug or wants a hug in exchange for food and I need it, who is that artist
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>>283475 That's why I could never be a security guard. Everyone will want to kidnap me because I'm so cute!
Would you like me to kidnap you right now
fuck no kimoi
i gotta watch this
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I was going to ask you if people often try to kidnap you, but it seems like we have one interested in that in the audience right now!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 19:31 No. 283483
Ohio /moe/
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>>283482 It can't be helped since I'm so cute and perfect! But they should show some restraint, don't you think?
Nephenee is kinda cute
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I askef if Kirara wanted to be kidnapped, it wasnt a declaration of intent!
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I don't lnpw. If someone kidnapped him, I'd know who to blame.
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As if. ToN isn't strong enough to kidnap me.
Kidnapping is a crime so I cant do it anyway
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Kirara might be a bundle of fun, but please send a cute cook my way instead.
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Wow, I'm suddenly not good enough for you, huh?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 19:45 No. 283492
>>283481 I went to highschool with one of the VA's in that.
Yeah there are some hardware conflicts in what i'm looking for and what you've got, Kirara
>>283492 was it jaden smith?>>283493 i don't understand
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 19:46 No. 283495
>>283494 No You should be able too figure it out if you read the Wikipedia article s on the va's you aren't already familiar with Or already know who all of them are
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 750x1206, 1f85e25b6963b148fc501f76a20b29ca.jpg )
>>283494 You have a Y chromosome
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 19:47 No. 283497
Wait What the fuck It was created by Ezra Koenig from Vampire Weekend?
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 706x1000, DFnbkBgUwAAj9cs.jpg )
yeah lol>>283496 You literally don't know that.
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I've been watching Fish play Yakuza Kiwami and there's dude that just runs around and wants to fight the MC constantly named Majima he like hides in trash cans and inside cars and giant traffic cones and shit just to fuck with the MC and pop out and fight him and he staged a fake zombie apocalypse to make the MC fight him and dressed in drag and went on a date with the MC at a hostess club and did a strip show for the MC at a strip club and he just wants to fight so bad and he's always so happy i fucking love this dude he shows up in cop outfits or with a baseball bat or just starts break dancing and shit he's so good i would straight up marry this dude if i were a girl maybe i am a girl though and i will marry him>>283500 no you already maybe misgendered me
>>283498 If you are actuallt a girl and you are interested, hit me up. You've got a good personality for me for the most part.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 19:50 No. 283501
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beep boop
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>>283501 Oh, that's a robot isn't it? It fooled me at first glance. They're getting better at making them.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 19:51 No. 283503
>>283501 Sup Sammu
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 1098x1316, DKFv_CUVoAAtUl3.jpg )
a restaurant i like apparently got a bunch of new stuff on the menu so we're gonna go get dinner out today
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 19:51 No. 283505
>>283471 we fire the whole bullet that's 65% more bullet, per bullet
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 19:52 No. 283506
>>283502 um maybe
Search [iqdb] (607 KB, 500x698, mitama.png )
she's not a robot why are you being so mean
>amazon currently wont take pre orders for etrian odyssey 5 holy shit
>>283508 ??
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 243x231, question5.png )
She looks like a robot, is she not a robot?
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 19:58 No. 283511
Let's just say she's a robot and call it a day!
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 920x720, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
you're trying to dehumanize that cute girl I won't allow it>>283510 she doesn't look like a robot look at her
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 19:58 No. 283513
Ooh New chapter of Oddman 11 is out
Search [iqdb] (155 KB, 1065x939, 1348114902808.jpg )
>>283512 She moves like a robot though. They're making robots look really realistic these days.
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 683x641, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
>>283514 You move like a robot. You're being rude!
>>283509 Its up for pre order but you cant pre order it
>>283516 sounds like it's not up for pre-order
>>283517 that doesnt make sense it WAS up for pre order before
but not anymore
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 507x625, 1442645950667.png )
>>283515 Is there are particular reason you're arguing so passionately that she isn't a robot?
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>>283501 woah Does she come with the game in the background?
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>>283520 I'm pretty sure it's just a person pretending to be a robot!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 20:06 No. 283523
>>283518 Maybe they got the maximum amount of preorders already
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 515x632, 1505449683754.png )
>>283522 Maybe I should believe you since you're the expert here!
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>log-in server is kill hi moe how are you
>we're your back up plan
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 20:09 No. 283528
>>283526 Blue New chapter of Oddman 11
Sam is hosting a login server? What is the IP>>283528 neat I can read it as I cry.
Search [iqdb] (279 KB, 1680x1050, gw012.jpg )
All my guild wars screenshots are mostly of me dead for some reason
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 20:15 No. 283531
>>283530 Noice
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>>283530 You're not dead there though!
Search [iqdb] (725 KB, 1912x1012, gw018.jpg )
>>283532 I probably will be!
>>283523 hence my surprise
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 1920x1080, DKfp2hMVYAA5tGa.jpg )
>>283530 >514 nice damage>>283533 >failing tequila dragon >Super Adventure Festival I miss it
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>>283533 Oh, and the new expansion actually has a decent amount of normal giants. So if you want Giant Slayer without it taking years to accomplish, you can do it now.
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philosophytube is real good shit
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 311x315, DKetg0PW0AE03lX.jpg )
gonna sleep now though goodnight sleep tight
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/24 (日) 20:25 No. 283540
>>283539 Oyasumi I may also attempt to nap despite knowing its apmost impossible *almost But I'm way more tired than usual So I have a bit of hope
Search [iqdb] (795 KB, 909x650, 色谷あすか@秋例大祭&紅楼夢 - 【秋例大祭・紅楼夢】Fav(…).png )
oh, the server might be good now>Network Error aw
Search [iqdb] (665 KB, 1920x1080, gw301.jpg )
I really like the colors of the desert
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and you get cool pets \
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 20:33 No. 283544
pretty cool lookin game
Search [iqdb] (524 KB, 1920x1080, gw285.jpg )
Yeah. I love how everything looks at night The sky is super colorful and bright.
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>>283537 You've gone and made me cry with your terrible accusations!
2017/09/24 (日) 20:46 No. 283547
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 418x510, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>right wing AfD gains 13% of seats in german parliament that should be amusing though hwy on earth do they still keep re-electing Merkel?
AfD are fuckin nazis them getting power isn't amusing at all
2017/09/24 (日) 20:48 No. 283549
everything is nazies right of extreme left in europe
let's not discuss politics but i would recommend you read up on them if that's your response i gotta go anyway i have dinner date
2017/09/24 (日) 20:50 No. 283551
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 493x505, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Well is not like the moderates didn't try to stop this clash from happening most of them are just now watching the buildup of fireworks
>>283547 Because it's a democracy, not a presidency, and even if people don't like her, perhaps her party in general has done well enough by the country to continue winning leading votes.
2017/09/24 (日) 20:52 No. 283553
in most countries you have about 2-4 parties that kepe changing the baton of power however in germany CDU has been in control for over a decade already you'd have thought that SDP or some other party would have gotten enough support on just lobbying as "opposition" for more points but I guess all the othe roptions are too small to win or too likeminded for most oh well the populists will just gain more support in europe as a trend not that they actually want to change anything most of them are empty rhetorists with just political carreer in sight
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/24 (日) 21:23 No. 283554
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 437x369, WDxMf.png )
2017/09/24 (日) 21:24 No. 283555
what is that?
It looks like a fusion of Bidoof, Ho-oh, Regirock, Entei, and parts from at least one source I can't quite figure.
2017/09/24 (日) 21:29 No. 283557
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 473x442, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
I bet it has shit stats
Nah man it's three Legendarys involved.
2017/09/24 (日) 21:29 No. 283559
(sum of parts)/amount of pokemon fused the few shit statters bring it down a lot
I'm fairly certain Bidoof is the only non-Legendary or other low-stat Pokemon involved.
2017/09/24 (日) 21:30 No. 283561
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 463x576, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
but what type would it be Fire atleast, since it has two fire leggies
so pyroar
Only it can use some Flying-type moves like Gust because wings.
2017/09/24 (日) 21:32 No. 283565
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
I wonder when they make a three typer?
you can technically become three types but please dont make that a constant thing because holy shit the balancimg
2017/09/24 (日) 21:55 No. 283567
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 306x315, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
I think it is a missed opportunity wit hthe megaforms
>>283556 Arceus
Yeah, that's one I was considering but I hadn't seen Arceus in a long time, so I was a little fuzzy on it.
2017/09/24 (日) 22:25 No. 283570
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 433x478, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
nabe yarube
Search [iqdb] (3.2 MB, 1920x1080, sonoko10.png )
want to die
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 658x1000, 46246269_p0.jpg )
Oh no, you want to die?
>>283573 ah fuck
>>283574 yes because i can't have a normal, peaceful evening out with my girlfriend
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1920x1090, 1505450029082.png )
Oh, sounds pretty wild!
Search [iqdb] (622 KB, 900x983, Nazuna.png )
I guess. Every time I interact with her in public, I wind up humiliated. It really pisses me off. Dinner would have been perfect without her ruining it. We had a great waitress that was the perfect level of clumsy moe. ugh
What the fuck man
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 650x650, 56228890_p0.jpg )
It wouldn't be any good for the viewers if nothing happened so it can't be helped.
2017/09/24 (日) 23:13 No. 283581
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I dunno, in terms of animu don't feel good sols sell better than average?
Search [iqdb] (397 KB, 1024x1024, o10241024pri_l_44791.png )
I dunno. I'm not a SoL anyway.
They really fucked the pacing with one dramatic episode after another. I mean after a while there's just nothing to be invested in
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 814x1000, DI9zJ2CUEAQQbbk.jpg )
Maybe they'll cancel my show and I can live a normal, peaceful life.
>one shot to get born into a Mecha anime >get a shitty 4koma instead For what purpose
Search [iqdb] (314 KB, 900x850, 51259596_p8.jpg )
I just want to go a few days without drama I just want to enjoy a meal at a restaurant with my girlfriend
2017/09/24 (日) 23:21 No. 283587
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1500x844, __original_drawn_by_yuushoku__(…).jpg )
Hope for better writers then
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 1200x1600, C2uQastUQAE5nyc.jpg )
Maybe someday. Oh well, it's over now. I should go on vacation to somewhere without any people for a few days That'd be drama free
Reschedule hawaii
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I can't. I have school and shit.
Tell the professor it's a field trip
Search [iqdb] (350 KB, 583x414, 1505930612155.png )
things sound rough i wish they were easier
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>>283591 That wouldn't work.
>>283592 tbh i don't mind the difficulty it's that i never get a break that fucks with me
yeah, i know how you feel i just want a break
2017/09/24 (日) 23:44 No. 283596
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 2560x1440, 0cb1f977cf5ec29e.jpg )
>>283588 drive somewhere and camp for a day or two
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 515x632, 1505449683754.png )
tfw you have precious few hours to goof off before the work week begins and you're bored and can't find something fun to do
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here's a dumb image for you then
Search [iqdb] (906 KB, 1336x2141, perrine2.jpg )
That doesn't really help anything. It does remind me that I saw a guy with a guy fawkes mask hanging from his rear view mirror the other day though.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 740x638, 1505875842728.jpg )
here's another one
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 00:03 No. 283601
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2357.JPG )
i've seen butts you people wouldn't believe
Search [iqdb] (936 KB, 2800x1400, 1506179601699.png )
and here's some egl lasagnacats
2017/09/25 (月) 00:04 No. 283603
>>283600 >juice demon
Search [iqdb] (350 KB, 583x414, 1505930612155.png )
>>283599 maybe it was this guy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:08 No. 283605
I'm glad my fedora phase only lasted a week or so.
i have a fedora but it's a really formal one i'm not really a hat person either way
i kind of want a cowboy hat though and some cute boots
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 00:10 No. 283608
i have a panama a cheap one tho not the crazy weaves
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 407x608, 1307037186836.jpg )
I have a reporter sort of cap.
i wear a flatcap
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:11 No. 283611
>>283610 Oh yeah, your twitter feed is pretty good I was looking through it earlier
Search [iqdb] (498 KB, 800x800, 2017-Autumn-girl-font-b-newsbo(…).jpg )
Whatever this is called? Reporter's cap/ News cap.
thats cute
2017/09/25 (月) 00:14 No. 283615
Search [iqdb] (478 KB, 525x840, 1497518655038.jpg )
I have my "fishing hat"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:14 No. 283616
>>283613 Something like that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:15 No. 283617
All I have are miscellaneous ball caps, a red military surplus beret that no longer fits and a bucket cap somewhere
2017/09/25 (月) 00:16 No. 283618
Search [iqdb] (730 KB, 1165x1176, 1498358856319.jpg )
>doesn't have a service beret
>>283611 arigato!>>283613 i have one of these in addition to my flatcap only wear it in winter though
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:17 No. 283620
>>283618 I need a soviet hat thing yo go with my kgb uniform though *to go
2017/09/25 (月) 00:17 No. 283621
Search [iqdb] (416 KB, 1124x1600, img000001.jpg )
beret is a really moldable hat, though you can mold it when wet into a lot of shapes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:18 No. 283622
Oh yeah and also a ski hat.
2017/09/25 (月) 00:19 No. 283623
Search [iqdb] (313 KB, 837x600, __mika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_(…).jpg )
everyone has a ton of hats, but which do you actually use?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:19 No. 283624
>>283623 The hat that I did wear a lot up until recently started falling apart because it was a cheap piece of shit. But it was my most recent in a long line of hats owned by me since the 90's of Florida Gators hats.
2017/09/25 (月) 00:21 No. 283625
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I don't usually wear a hat but if it is a sunny day, I'll wear one because the sun burns my hair and also if I need to keep my hair out my face. I have been wearing it more with photography because it keeps my hair out of my eyes
i'll wear you as a hat
2017/09/25 (月) 00:22 No. 283628
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 850x1202, 1497201300864.jpg )
I should get some finer or atleast finer looking hat I lost my black flatcap I wore always with my suits did replace it with a gray one, but it just isn't the same. man I should have ordered a custom made hat back when there was an actual hat store near my
I watched an anime without /moe/ telling me what to do so now what do I watch?
>>283629 >>283629 >>283629
>>283629 >>283632 y'all talking shit about me wtf
it's more like>white people hair
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:29 No. 283636
>>283629 Get Jheri Curls and then you too can wear a hat
ya hat's not hot
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:29 No. 283638
>>283635 Also there is such a thing as a Jewfro.
uta wa ai
>>283638 oh shit I had no idea please enlighten me to this eldritch knowledge friend
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 500x500, 1469464964795.jpg )
I don't really like hats to be honest. I only wear mine to keep the sun from burning my hair and to keep the hair outta my face. otherwise I avoid wearing anything on my head
can't hold on or life won't change
well that was fucking stupid
oh sorry
sorry I finally finished the ntr anime I don't know what I expected/10
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 00:40 No. 283646
i just saw at least 100 bare butts andozens of naked people yay SF
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 515x632, 1505449683754.png )
I can't remember the last time I wore a hat.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:41 No. 283648
>>283646 How was the orgy?
>>283645 ntr lover
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 00:41 No. 283650
>>283648 lots of leather
>>283649 But I dont understand who this anime was for the ntr is secondary to the shitty love story of a retarded lesbian who doesnt know she's a lesbian until episode 10.
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It's like I am mad but I only have myself to blame
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1093x1077, 1506291901078.png )
Why would you even be mad? Didn't you get exactly what you expected?
>>283653 I dont know what I expected
a dead bird
here we go again
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:45 No. 283658
Kirara, do you like French Toast?
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 638x703, 1505517730937.jpg )
>>283655 It should have been clear to you that it was going to be yuri NTR.
>>283659 yeah but like it was also just dumb and boring but still I dont know what i was expecting like I think deep down I wanted everything to go really dark and horrible or something
>>283658 yeah it's pretty good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:47 No. 283662
>>283661 Have you ever made it with challah? It's really good.
>>283662 oh hell yeah i love it I was thinking about making some soon actually
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 00:48 No. 283664
i also saw at least two fursuits and a pen of dog roleplayers
>>283664 thank you for this refreshing dose of reality to cleanse my palette
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:49 No. 283666
>>283664 Absolutely disgusting
>>283663 i had a kratom omelette
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 00:50 No. 283668
>>283665 glad to be of service a ton of ropes and whipping too
>>283667 why
bc i was hungry duh
Search [iqdb] (514 KB, 1200x2312, 1469325744061.jpg )
sleepy. Nighty moes moes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:51 No. 283673
>>283672 Oyasumi
sweet dreams
>>283672 bye bye
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 00:55 No. 283676
Fuck The $15 check I deposited yesterday still hasn't been transferred into my acvount. *account
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1300x2000, 1504678055856.png )
>>283672 bye bye!
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 00:56 No. 283678
>>283672 cyaaa
2017/09/25 (月) 00:58 No. 283679
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Search [iqdb] (1s, 338 KB, 1000x556, hyper ooichi.webm )
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:01 No. 283683
hitsumon ga aru yo
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:03 No. 283684
>>283686 thank
my neck hurts so bad i think i'm gonna cut it off
what's the worst that could happen
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:14 No. 283691
Fuck There was something I was going to mention or ask and now I can't remember it.
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Jill is pretty cool yeah
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Hifumi is prettysolid
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Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 679x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
can't believe daisuke ono is playing some one-episode soldier in pripri
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:30 No. 283699
honk honk
no honking
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 663x703, 1500702326900.png )
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:35 No. 283702
Search [iqdb] (19s, 1.7 MB, 264x480, trim.0655C7AB-8437-4F5D-90AC-9(…).MOV )
choo choo
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>283701 DO NOT HONK
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1300x2000, phantom thief.png )
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:42 No. 283705
are you not entertained
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:42 No. 283707
>>283706 wait what other forms does it have
>>283706 so cool let's go steal it
>>283707 it has a bunch of armor parts that open up and move around and stuff it's really cool
Search [iqdb] (869 KB, 400x600, 1440189812167.gif )
>>283707 Unicorn mode and destroy mode>>283709 It'll be unlocked with no password JUST LIKE A REAL GUNDAM
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:43 No. 283711
damn i wanna do installation art what a cool job
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:44 No. 283712
I just had to explain to my sister why Deen is a shitty anime studio.
2020 those madmen will make the gundam walk>>283712 Never forgive Log Horizon S2
>>283712 Months after the second season finished airing, Kaiji season 3 was revealed to be in the works. Due to the high budget of the previous season and lack of successful ratings and sales, Madhouse has announced it will not be animating this season and instead leave it in the hands of Studio DEEN. The project will not be headed by Yuzo Sato this time, but Chiaki Kon, director of DEEN’s popular thriller Umineko no Naku Koro ni. “I have utmost faith this season will be in good hands,” commented Sato, “Kon-san has a knack for atmosphere and bringing new material to the table…as well as cutting back on all the unnecessary meat of the source material!” “I think fans will be very happy with where we will be taking their beloved manga,” said Sato, “Popular characters like Bocchan will appear much sooner, and we’re thinking of maybe removing less-loved characters like Muraoka in favor of return of fan favorites like Andou. We might even have time for a hot spring episode!” Character designs will be produced by Hisashi Hirai.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 787x787, DKfn6N4U8AEMRVg.jpg )
the last episode of pripri is fuckin lit
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:47 No. 283716
number one change i should make to doushio go
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:47 No. 283717
Search [iqdb] (259 KB, 320x180, CpXoqMT.gif )
Anyways I told her about the cabbage thing.
grammarly is spending so much money trying to advertise their bloatware to me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:47 No. 283719
>>283716 LaTeX support
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:47 No. 283720
>>283718 are they the ones with those youtube ads with the cute hispanic girl
yeah dude and not only youtube but everywhere on my normal google account it's just everything i do, my real person account amazon ads and youtube ads and youtube banners every single ad is grammarly and i dont fuckin want that garbage
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:48 No. 283722
>>283719 try again>>283721 yeah i kind of know how you feel i get tons of ads for startups i used to work at damn retargeting
they got cool ads though i dont mind it as a person who's interested in marketing i enjoy the ads
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:49 No. 283724
>>283722 Full support for text only webbrowsers like Links/Lynx
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 491x176, fire.gif )
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:50 No. 283726
>>283724 i already render HTML serverside what more do you want
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:51 No. 283727
>>283726 To be able to post from Lynx/Links
oh dang was it folsom street fair this weekend i was gonna tell you to go but i was too late
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:51 No. 283729
>>283728 yeah man i decided i should check it out i'm 90% straight but it was still interesting
how was it
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 300x360, sakigif.gif )
>>283715 We'll be watching that tonight.
>>283729 i think i shitposted at you like three or four years ago to go to the folsom street fair not thinking you would you finally did funny how time changes
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1300x2000, dorothy.png )
>>283731 Dorothy is so hot blooded. It's really great.
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:52 No. 283734
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2354.JPG )
>>283727 what a waste of time, also basically impossible to prederve the experience >>283732 man this old friend of mine visited SF during folsom but i forgot it was happening but dude is super straight edge and christian it would have been perfect #regret
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:53 No. 283735
>>283734 Yeah, you're right I would actually use LaTeX
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:54 No. 283736
>>283734 Okay, what about a lisp interpreter?
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, KAIJITEARS.jpg )
>>283714 If this wasn't a joke I would have killed myself
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:55 No. 283738
KAIJI KUUUUUNNNN>>283736 less memes more real feedback
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:55 No. 283739
>>283738 Italics that don't break when you do this italic_text .
>>283738 >>>/watch?v=WMTnjDXG2OE
>>283738 Dude check this box I found It's an awesome box
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:56 No. 283742
>>283741 🌝🌝🌚🌚 you lost me
Search [iqdb] (844 KB, 1300x2000, princessage.png )
i wouldn wouldn't mind proper pngs
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:56 No. 283744
>>283743 thumbnails?
>>283742 you'll lose your fingers
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:56 No. 283746
>>283744 Would be greatly appreciated Although you shot it down last time I suggested it
Search [iqdb] (656 KB, 1300x2000, princess3.png )
>>283744 yeah
also the android problem persists
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 01:57 No. 283749
i never did get that phone
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:57 No. 283751
>>283749 Oh and escapes for the asterisk, caret and double pound sign
there is NO ESCAPE
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 01:59 No. 283753
>>283752 4U
how about a feature like vapor but instead of vapor it's comic sans
i want to be a professional vaporware developer
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 696x716, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Wow, there isn't much to watch tonight. It sure is the end of the season.
i want to be a professional
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 525x350, wmelon and bacon.jpg )
>>283757 here you go hope this helps
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 697x649, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
season 2 of pripri fucking when
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 02:01 No. 283760
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 1414x440, Screenshot_20170827-233309.jpg )
Fixing the glitch that occurs when I tyoe and submit this *type* π
what's the glitch
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 297x443, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
life is a glitch
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 02:03 No. 283763
>>283761 Type it and see what happens
This next season looks lit Is anime time gonna be at the same time next season
they put lusamine in the pokeman sm anime she's a whacky fun loving lady
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 02:04 No. 283766
>>283765 Lusamine is basically one of maybe four things in Pokemon that have genuinely interested me in half a decade or so.
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 700x900, pokemon21.jpg )
Both her and Lillie were really good.
i hope lusamine is in usm
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
Either die a queen or live long enough to see yourself become the peasant
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
live free or die hard
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 959x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
fish keeps giving me shit for saying our clumsy waitress tonight was moe i guess her level isn't high enough for her to view reality through the filter of anime yet
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 685x966, original image owned by me.jpg )
2017/09/25 (月) 02:12 No. 283774
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 564x543, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_d(…).jpg )
>>283772 maybe she jelly?
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
>>283772 You know how girls are, though.
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>283775 You'd totally understand, though. Your level is definitely high enough to see other people from an anime filter. I just have to raise Fish's level until she gets. Time for grinding.>>283774 Yeah, but she shouldn't be. The fact that I'm referring to the waitress like I am means that I don't view her like I view Fish.
2017/09/25 (月) 02:13 No. 283777
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1000x1500, __rumi_girls_und_panzer_drawn_(…).jpg )
>>283769 I still love to this day, that guillotine was invented as a "humane execution method" Really? fucking french
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 02:13 No. 283778
calling other girls moe? idk man you're treading on dangerous territory
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 403x650, 1505959554042.jpg )
>>283776 Yeah, but that is that and this is this! Women are jealous creatures.
2017/09/25 (月) 02:14 No. 283780
>>283776 'deed, but that is hard for women to understand
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 755x719, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>283778 it can't be helped, though! when you see a clumsy moe waitress, you have to admire it! that's the law! i don't make the rules!
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 02:14 No. 283782
what if it could be helped
>>283777 It's pretty quick isn't it?
2017/09/25 (月) 02:14 No. 283784
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1500x750, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_(…).jpg )
>>283781 It is almost like getting jealous of a cat>>283783 'tis and not so humiliating as hanging, for the aristocrats but still it is brutal as fuck you just have a more complicated axe in essence in the end
>>283782 what is this blasphemy
>>283784 yes exactly
>>283784 Death is pretty brutal Better to die from one clean cut than possibly 5 because the axeman sucks at his job
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 02:15 No. 283788
you ever been beheaded in VR? shit is super scary
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 712x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>283779 i want to share everything with her including my love for observing other people as if they were anime characters she'll understand someday>>283788 i actually want to do that now
2017/09/25 (月) 02:15 No. 283790
>>283788 is that a thing in some simulator? must be really disorienting if they can actually do it well especially seeing your own body even if it is some pixelthing
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Princess_Princi(…).jpg )
>>283789 Well then, the proper way to approach that subject is to say something like: "That waitress is really moe, right? You're more moe though."
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>283791 That's more-or-less what I said!
2017/09/25 (月) 02:17 No. 283793
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 447x598, __alucard_and_red_hellsing_pok(…).jpg )
I wonder how true the "stays conscious after head is cut" is? Sure beheaded people have still made grimaces and such but how conscious you really are after you know BEING BEHEADED AND BEING IN SOME KIND OF SHOCK?
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 02:18 No. 283794
how macabre and edgy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 02:18 No. 283795
>>283793 Iirc there was an experiment done where the person was told to blink if they were still conscious after the beheading.
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>>283792 You have to be careful in those situations since your relationship is so young! Once you guys have been together for awhile you can perv out over girls together without her seeing it as a threat.
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>>283796 I wasn't perving over anyone. I don't see people as even potential romantic partners. I was viewing the waitress as an anime character.
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>>283797 You don't have to see someone as romantic partner to think they're moe and want to kidnap them!
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>>283798 Wow, don't project your criminal tendencies on me. I've never even considered kidnapping anyone (for reasons like that).
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Well anyway she'll probably be more able to follow along with these kinds of things once she's a little more confident. The relationship is still young so it's normal that she sees other girls as threats.
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That's why I said we gotta grind out some levels.
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harpy helowen
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 02:25 No. 283803
>>283797 this can only be communicated through your actions
>>283797 and nobody would be attracted to an anime character that's just dumb
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She must have only been moderately moe if you didn't want to kidnap her.
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>>283805 You're just a potential criminal. You're the only kidnapper here!>>283804 Exactly.>>283803 I think that's hard to do. Not taking any action doesn't prove anything!
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 02:30 No. 283807
not taking action is an action in itself oh no i'm drunk sunday evening
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 02:30 No. 283808
Have you told Fish that she's the most moe girl you know?
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 617x649, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>283807 why are you drunk sunday evening
Samu 🌈💕 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/25 (月) 02:32 No. 283810
>>283809 i went to the gay parade
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 02:32 No. 283811
All this talk about action has me thinking about integrals.
>>283810 did you meet any cute guys
Search [iqdb] (686 KB, 800x1122, im6482279.png )
>>283810 what are you drunk on
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/25 (月) 02:35 No. 283814
Huh Super tired suddenly Gonna try hoing to sleep Yasumi
>>283814 night
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>>283817 → >>283817 → >>283817 →