According to my roommate I was fully convinced with bloodshot eyes when he came home briefly while I was looking for it didn't even try to talk me out of it
>>276757 how did that happen, were you really drunk i get visual hallucinations sometimes but only in the in-between stages of sleep and wakefulness, never to a point where i'd be functioning and moving around and once i am functioning i understand what happened
>>276762 I wasn't drunk don't even remember had i been drinking on the day before i don't even really remember the thing, I just remember waking up "goat staring at me" and then at some point snapping out of it and inbetween is bit of a blur
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
time to go get a patient's recommendation for some CBD yoo
I just woke up shouted "there is a goat in this house and it is staring at me!" and then started looking for it I even took a shower thinking the goat was constantly behind the curtain and hid somewhere whne I tried to look
judging all finnish culture with a sample size of just you, i wouldn't be surprised if your roommate(s) actually brought in a goat to your room and then pretended that they didn't
>>276783 The article was actually somewhat interesting, on that. There were even some maps about the legality of things that I didn't even know had distinct meaning s . But I didn't feel like reading about the difference between them because my curiosity had been sated.
>>276801 katarina did the most work innes was niche just for handling that blue mage brave lucina for the buffs and to handle spear guy, also swap to keep innes alive and then olivia for the tap dance reposition i still need to get the sharena reward now for my fourth robin and then my team will be complete
>>276802 I used 4 star Selena Olivia Delthea Horse Lyn
it's annoying how many resources i had to pump into it had to train two heroes to 40 and then grind sp on innes to get fortress res 3 it's so dumb because he's a +atk/-res IV and i have fortress res on him
>>276822 Everything is going smoothly here. It was mostly small, precise damages from tornadoes here, and stuff like, paneling being torn from houses, or leaks forming. So everything is mostly okay. Everyone should have power by tomorrow evening over in my area, I think.
I brought a pizza home but it ended up getting cold. Or, well, lukewarm, I guess. Pizza is never as good as it was fresh once it cools down. Fate is so cruel.
>>276830 I guess the west coast got a lot of damage, though.
>>276827 Also, I was expecting you to say like "fallen trees everywhere" or something. >>276833 Most of family in Florida in up in the panhandle, which didn't get too much damage iirc. *is up in But I saw some pictures of a nearby bay I'd been to and it had been emptied out a lot.
cold pizza is basically the left overs eaten on the next day pefect for a hangover morning especially
I really don't like cold pizza. If a pizza starts cooling I just toss it in the oven for like, three or five minutes. It's warm and doesn't get a weird taste because of the microwave.
But between eating fridge cold pizza and adding extra toppings and spices to it and then tossing it into the oven to warm up I definitely go for the latter
was trying to take pictures of damage while driving so a lot of them didn't come out great the sign here says "homes of merit" although it wasn't destroyed by the hurricane, that's looked like that for years
The Hero Academia manga has been really phenomenal lately. I hope it continues to get animated and we can see the current arc animated. Mirio is insanely cool. It'd probably be like season 5 or 6 if it did happen, though.
If we get another two-cour season three we could probably get it in the later bits of a season four.
Now that I think about it, Hero Academia is pretty much nonstop cool shit especially after the tournament arc.
Bakugo and Deku vs All Might is going to be amazing animated.
Yeah, it's a really good point to end the season on too. Since the student-teacher fights are a bit of a mini-arc between two larger story bits. It'll be easy to pick back up when they start on season three.
>>276868 I think the current arc in the manga is probably the best arc yet. It's so intense, and it's like a nonstop assault of awesome heroes doing awesome stuff. I really can't get over how cool Mirio was in the last two or three chapters. I hope he'll be okay, though.
I don't know about my favourite arc, but there's some particular moments from the series that I really enjoyed reading. Stuff like Todoroki's origin chapter. There's a particular one coming up when they get the third season that I'm really, really anticipating.
The adaptation's been so good. I bet they'll capture the oppressive despair of certain scenes really well.
Yeah. I'm excited to see more of All for One too. They got Ohtsuka Akio for his seiyuu and that's one of the best choices they could have gotten. Those deep, level tones for his voice are so perfect.
>>276882 the hard part was doing it without having to put way too much time/resources into skill inheritance i had to train up two new units to 40 just because i didn't have what i needed and then farm like 400 sp on innes for fortify res he's a fuckin +atk/-res IV and i had to put fortress res on him
Straight up, though, S Corrin made the map incredibly easy. It was like child's play. After I figured out my team, it only took me one try. None of the other infernals have given me so little trouble.
I used Olivia, Horse Lyn, Delthea, and a 4 star Selena. Selena bottnecked everything by tanking the green axe users really gracefully but dealing little damage, while Delthea and Lyn sniped all the other units down as they sat in the traffic jam.
/moe/ im sick but its okay because i like the person who made me sick
>>276888 I just pulled everyone in by killing the red mage with Corrin and then had Xander bottleneck while Corrin and Sophia killed everyone else. Any red unit would have worked in place of Xander, though. I chose Xander because he had a lot of SP so I could just throw hone speed on him without any trouble.
i also went to work today and gave EVERYBODY ELSE your cold
Maybe so. It's weird because the only thing up here is my front door. Nobody could have set it down there as they were walking by or anything. Someone went out of their way to put that there.
Thanks to it, those cats that won't let me pet them have been crowding around my door. They still hiss at me even though they've been following me around for a year. Animals really seem to dislike me.
>>276903 >following me around for a year >still hiss at me Those cats are so tsundere for you
There was a time when my cousins had a dog. I hadn't visited them for a long time. Then after that period stopped and I started showing up to family things, the dog got big and I wasn't a trusted individual. And so, I never went in that house or visited them on my own accord until... well, I WANT to say until the dog died but really I never go there to visit on my own desire to visit. Most people moved out of the house anyway. That dog is the reason I'm not very in touch with my extended.
>>276912 clearly the dog just fell in love while you were still young and innocent, before you turned to the darkside. >>276913 did the dog bite you or something?
They're kinda cruel these days the cruelty of the world and the perpetual loneliness and fad-based culture seems to be what they're all about now the clips ive seen makes them seem surpringly real
although we watched a mickey mouse cartoon in a hotel room and it was just about mickey doing meth or something
Some people that make cartoons have gotten around to knowing a considerable chunk of the audience are older and more aware than their targeted audience of kids. Like you've got to assume a good amount of people watching a Sonic cartoon are going to be adults and young adults that grew up on the games and/or previous cartoon.
>>276931 If you stick something memeworthy in it, people will pass it around and go "zomg this was in a cartoon for kids" I think that sort of thing garners a lot of attention.
My brain's autopilot has been kind of screwy lately. I usually make a big, 1.7L pot of tea and then make up my individual mugs with sugar and milk afterwards. But just now I caught myself adding sugar to the pot itself. At least it was before I'd added teabags and water so I could just wash it all out. But it's a little annoying that i can't trust my head to do things right while I'm thinking on other things.
/moe/ the transition from world's biggest winner to world's biggest loser is so easy
/moe/ did you know that 1 in every 1 people are gonna get an std at some point in their life
>>276946 I'll escape by getting into decimal points
now im not insinuating that i got an std but the statistic "1 in 2 people will get an std before age 25" blew my mind and im planning on getting tested tomorrow
how awful would it be if i turned out to have some awful disease
I fucked up and drank an energy drink hours ago. It is gonna be challenge to sleep.
>>276948 Is that a real statistic? If 1 in 2 people are getting stds, then there must be some really minor stds out there. Just get tested tomorrow and deal with the results as they come out.
>>276953 hope you feel better sorry i couldn't hang out this weekend, i was pretty loaded with work i looked at your pictures though, i do that when i get overwhelmed sometimes they are very nice photography, rather, not pictures
>>276950 there are indeed some minor stds out there but i dont want any of them
Going // That's kind if incredible resolve to not spend rolls when you dont have a set goal. I can't save for beans
>>276957 better a minor one than a majour one though
im not tired at all /moe/ and i think its partially because i havent exercised today but i dont wanna shower 2 times in one day
>what we'd really like to be able to do is to be able to move this plan into a position that enables us to be able to do the things we weren't able to do okay
>>276968 it happens when people are feeling their way through a sentence, which is a very fast I/O interaction very similar to emphasing key words, but some people really overdo it it's easy to start a thought with context, because it's a response "Well, what we want to be able to do..." is pretty to the point in addressing the tone of the response and to prime the recipient's receptivity to the messaging and from there it just kind of comes in waves like if you were lifting/carrying something heavy and then had to stop to reposition your grip on it and then you heave-ho again with a new breath
hello my sexy moe friends how are you all getting down on this divine sunday night
>>276971 I'm spending my monday afternoon doing the same thing I do every monday afternoon nothing
>>277002 Oh I see. I actually have a lecture at that time on mondays, which is the only day I watch anime with you guys. >>277005 yeah tuesday is fine at four I think. Well, my time it's four.
Oh no. What about that exact time the day after? For a single consistent show we can probably work moving it to a day later.
nooooooooooooo i missed the S and now it looks like jackie chan was singing it
>>277012 I think it's just a matter of speech. We're moving it back a day, from monday to tuesday. Moving it forward a day would be moving it from monday to sunday.
>>277012 moving it forward means moving it closer, usually
Yeah but when you move forward in time you're advancing.
i wish my family respected my time more they're all disabled and don't work so me having my own business, people just think "oh we'll just send moon to the store it'll only take a couple hours, it's not like a strict employment job" fuck yall i work harder than most employed folk
then again i can't be a condescending jerk and let everyone rot and feel haughty about actually having a job >>277048 usually, yeah we're deep in the sticks and even my family and neighbors are still miles away from me even going up to check the mail and bring it to them takes pretty much an hour, so may as well take the extra hour to get to town and back and pick up dog food and all that crap these people can't lift a bag of dog food but they have several dogs above 80-90 pounds i don't know how anyone can live that way really, i couldn't and then sometimes someone needs a vehicle or a trailer hitch or this or that, and that essentially means driving to one location to get the thing, hitch it on, drive somewhere else, have them drive me back home because i'm bringing them the vehicle they need, and it takes them about four beers and an hour of rest before they're ready to make the drive back because their bones are so messed up all of which i sympathize with but it's no environment for me to be trying to run a day-in-day-out business where i've got clients with deadlines i mean, some of my transcript orders are from news agencies and they need that in order to reference things on their 4:00 news hour or whatever it is
i'm not complaining so much as trying to grapple with this tricky situation and figure out how to resolve it i dont mind the added work of caring for people but there aren't enough hours in the day, you know
>>277045 are they too disabled to go to the store though?
>>277053 it's hard for me to have an appetite most mornings, or most of the time really i force myself to eat but i never really want to digestion is such a chore
Oh Netflix is going to produce new stand-up from Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld and Ellen DeGeneres.
>>277056 To be honest he always kind of slouched his way through it all.
Oh yeah Dave is straight up ripped now That guy's been working out, man
>>277057 >>>/watch?v=FUXX55WqYZs i dont know why i'm linking this but i really like dave and it reminded me that tyler the creator has a pretty great sense of humor
I always really liked Seinfeld as a show. But I think the comedy in that was more Larry David's qualities more than Jerry, even if Jerry played a great him in character for the show.
>>277066 seinfeld is the lens through which larry david saw jerry seinfeld and larry david has always been good at seeing the humor in things that aren't very funny
I got Seinfeld as a character pretty personally though. Out of all of them he was the normal one. Relatively speaking. The kind of normal that's so normal it gets absurd. I totally get that experience.
>>277070 he always seemed so thirsty like half the episodes were about his dates why's someone that busy spending so much time dating i suppose it's meant to be relatable to TV-viewers but even the slutty people i know never dated that much >>277073 who dat boy who him is
>>277080 i'd rather be homeless in san fran than live here tbh i knew an engineer in orange county who went homeless i went out there and helped him foreclose his home and move shit his sister offered him a place to live but he said fuck that and was homeless for a year in OC and said it was way better than living in shitty wiscansin
He might be homeless but he's still living in California.
If someone took my cat, i'd be happy to live out of a vehicle i'd just migrate with the good weather and visit people membership at a gym for $15 bucks and i've got a nice place to shower it'd be fun
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
i was trying to be all cool and humble by saying "homeless" but i see that has backfired im staying at an airbnb until i can find an apartment >>277082 it does seem to be a popular way to live hard as heck of course but the culture is pretty kind... no slash that some people are total dicks still but it seems like people make it work here
>>277091 it's a tossup when it comes to homeless folk probably depends on why they're homeless in the first place >>277096 you buy a year package and not a monthly recurring fee
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
>>277089 whoa whoa wait where the fuck do you get a gym membership for 15
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
whoa whoa where do you get a gym that lets you do month to month
ive never done month-to-month i just assumed it was a thing i figured that's how they make most of their money is recurring charges costco has like wholesale health club and gym packages that you can buy and it turns to like 15 dollars a month or so maybe 20 i guess? it's less than a month's rent and lasts like 15 months or some shit so it's all right
Probably about 5/10. It was a tiny Tokyo apartment, about a fifteen-twenty minute walk from Akihabara. But we also crammed five guys into it to save money and prevent having too many residences for our ten or eleven person group. We were all gajin too so that didn't help.
It was a lot of fun though. I'd totally go that route again if it was less expensive than a hotel. I'd maybe even swing for it if it was a little more expensive than a hotel if the next place was as convenient as the previous one was.
'Course in Kyoto I roomed at a capsule hotel and that was a pretty awesome experience too. The quality of the hotel was amazingly good, for only like 2000yen a night. I want to travel againnnn.
cram everyone into a capsule just need centilation vent that's the problem with guys their body temperature is too high it is unnecessary
>>277126 Yeah the apartment might've been a bit lonely with just one person to it. I think the place was set up for maybe three people staying ideally. There was a two-person bed and a large enough couch to double as a bed, and a couple futons. When they picked out the place they were planning on four people and there was still plenty of space for that. I was a last-minute add-on sort of.
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
girls are cool to the touch and usually don't smell clown car potential is way higher
>>277131 this sounds like bad data i don't believe you
>>277128 Well it was also the winter when we were doing this, so there wasn't as much odor involved. Plus I think the most of us involved were pretty hygienic people.
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
>>277133 yeah it's propaganda you saw through me >>277134 sounds like you had a fun setup then
i mean most girls don't have a very low sweat threshold and sweat way less so they just store up all that body heat and girls smell too it's usually kept in control but if you are clowncarring women there's going to be a couple that are air drying
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
yeah they sweat less cause they're cold all the time
sammy's just never dated a hot woman
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
haha sucker the last girlfriend i had was so hot i had to take her to the emergency room several times a week and they had to give her a saline IV
>>277220 i would love a snooze party jan came to visit me in saint louis and i spent like half the time sleeping i've never slept so well it was great except someone pulled the fire alarm and it woke me up jan wouldn't wake up for shit
can you set autofilters on /moe/ to change a specified word to something else
aaaah oh no i feel like i'm actually a little witch in an academic setting
HOLY SHIT THIS is SOo magical
I'm losing track of what's going on now.
>>277307 This is easy for me to read but it is like 120% size I usually have /moe/ zoomed in a little bit
>>277308 Something about having to look at all the different font makes reading difficult for me. I can't translate more than one style of writing at a time I guess.
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
gosh there are just so many nice fonts
>>277309 This shit almost looks like my handwriting. Only gayer.
let the thread-starter decide what font to use through the thread hue hue
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
oh boy
im sure that will work out fine is this font getting TALLER as we go on wtf
>several different fonts on the front page fucking fund it open that gofundme samu
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
/moe/ front page suddenly balloons to 50 MB
yeah if by 50 MB you mean 50 moist bitches
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
50 mega bucks dude
were gonna be R I C H
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
clams over ere clams over dere
fill a swimmin pool with gold coins an jump in scrooge mcfuck style
>>277376 one time i caught a fish, i think a pike, and i cut it open and it had a belly full of clams i wasn't aware that fish ate clams there was like three dozen clams in its belly
>>277378 maybe they dont maybe thats why his belly was still full of clams
stupid fucking fish
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
>>277378 what a delicacy what did you do with the clams
>>277392 OH. it's YOU. it's been a looong tiiiime. how have you been?
>>277394 Okay I guess I might've been happy today for a bit. I was zoned out while listening to classical music while under my covers Felt relaxed for the first time in a while
Also, daily reminder that the typeface designer Eric Gill had sex with his dog and his sister, and i think also his daughters. So use futura instead of gill sans.
that's really something i could have done without hearing but okay
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
Also I fucking love Futura, its a really nice typeface.
>>277444 Played videogames at my friend's house Also read some manga, but not enough to really satisfy me.
>>277446 what manga and vidya? >new kaiji chapters today is a good day
>>277448 >dead or alive for the excellent gameplay right?
>>277447 The new chapters of maid dragon, the new chapter of maou jou de oyasumi, the new chapter of Yuuragi yuuna , two old chapters of yuuragi yuuna, two new chapters of ninja shinobu no junjou, the first chapter of the new rurouni kenshin series and dead or alive 5 on ps3 I might have read some other manga too, im tired so i can't recall 100%
>>277447 Yes actually, its gameplay is quite different from most other fighting games
Also it was $5
>>277449 Is it actually a really good fighting game? I've never seen anyone talk about anything other than the girls.
>>277451 It's also in continuity with Halo. Uhh, I'm not really good enough at it yet to determine how good it is. Better than a 7/10 though.
Also my friend was going on about how honoka from doa looked just like honkers from rub ribe
>>277452 >it's also in continuity with Halo what the fuck Did they do a canon crossover?
>>277454 Yes, in one of the games there's a spartan who somehow teaveled back in time along with a space station, she's guarding it to prevent changing the past by people getting te cheers from the future *tech from the future