i posted it on /moe/ a few days ago it was like ice-trainer themed or something ToN said
the only thing close to a new design I can find is on a youtube channel that looks like this
oh was that fake? hmm it looks real and is in a magazine
I can greatly assume that it is fake for the fact that I can't find it anywhere else. It would be really weird for Nintendo to show off a new Lillie that looks like that and then have >>277485 an official poster, where she doesn't look like that at all.
well that's good i guess
i still think the new poster is way too samey
Bad image. Why this
I just want to continue my yuri undertone relationship with Lillie so new characters being on the promo doesn't matter. However, new protagonists make me a little sad.
my problem is that they're just going to release the same game with a different story and charge full price for it which is ridiculous
>>277485 that looks like a sequel >>277501 you didnt play black white 2 did tou that was a completely different game witj the same pokemon and region and its the best pokemon game
>>277501 There'll be new pokemon forms and probably new battle types. This is video games.
I don't know man. RPGs are story and gameplay. New story and new gameplay makes for a new game even with the same assets. I'm not going to say whether or not it'll be adequate or enough but it's got a lot of potential to be more than enough.
I dont understand It's a sequel if its literally the same ill be mad if there's a new story Im super down itll give more stuff with the same charcters I already like
>it's an outsider gets mad that fans are getting what they want episode
>>277511 Making RPGs is expensive. What you're asking for will take many more years and much more money. And Nintendo / Game Freak will undoubtedly push such a thing out.
>>277512 >it's a fan is so mad that he can't even understand the other person's complaint episode
I get what you are trying to say but there is no guarantee that's what is happening
If it's literally sun and moon with like five hours more content ill be pissed if it's another 20-40 hours of new stpry I'm throlled >>277518 do you not see the mystery shadows of new charaters at the top
>>277513 all i'm asking for is some new characters and some new pokemon i don't mind if the setting and gameplay is the same
>>277515 oh boy! two new characters! and two new pokeman! worth $50!
Realistically speaking, we probably won't get new pokemon outside of like three or four. New forms, not included. New pokemon makes the sequels a lot more necessary to play. So if they're new, they're going to be legendary rather than something more "core" developed. They save the new ones for full-on games which I understand. New characters will obviously be in terms of antagonists, any new character to the island would end up being a fly-in. Alola is a lot more secluded and isolated than the other ones. Although, I guess that's what the plot of the game was about. Shifting that stagnation and seclusion.
>>277518 pokemon is a triple a seller that is only 40 dollars
Did the Manga time RPG come out yet?
>>277520 you need to calm down and stop being autistic about pokemon
Our perspectives on this are just too different to hash this out
you're refusing to see my perspective every complaint you're telling me isn't valid for whatever reason you're completely refusing to even consider that my complaints might have even a modicum of validity
Pokémon is super expensive. I have never brought one due to the price
>>277527 Your complaints are valid, but they are completely outside my spectrum because I will eat this shit up. It's what I want (mostly) If it's a pokemon yellow/emerald I'll be disappointed though, but I was already going to replay Sun.
>>277527 >>277529 Yeah, the difference between the two of you is that what Kirara is complaining about is exactly what ToN wants in this game so it's not a matter of "Was this a good business decision or game design?" but completely of taste.
no, that's wrong
ton wants x i want x
i just want a y to go with it
Kirara if you want like more pokemon and a new region that will be like next year or the one after. Pokemon doesn't do yearly If they do it's like black then black 2.
I'm telling you if it's like that it may be more than you're expecting. However, the fact that theyve neen so quiet about it worries me
This is what I mean.
I told you exactly what I wanted. And you're here saying "if you want this and that" despite knowing what I already want. You're arguing that I want things I already said I didn't want.
As I said, you're unilaterally refusing to see my perspective.
"I want x and y" "Well if you want y you might have to wait" "You dont understand"
>wanting X and Y Worst Pokemon versions. >>277532 Then I guess that's the difference between us because I want the old protagonists and you want more new characters.
>>277535 You're being retarded again. I told you guys what I want. The post I said it in is one that you even quoted, ToN. But you're refusing to see it.
>>277539 I can see that you're not really worth discussing this with because you absolutely refuse to understand what I'm saying.
>>277541 Chicken-chan's hat was fucking brilliant, shut up.
>>277542 I am trying really hard and only woke up ten minutes ago please bear with me
I'm not refusing anything at this point I'm just not sure anymore. I scrolled back up to try and see what you said.
Chicken hat was dumb. And the new boy's hat is also dumb. He's a fucking potted plant. It's a bucket that you have in the corner of your science lab in case someone sets shit on fire. Je He's a god damn fireman. I bet he chooses the water starter (lol jk he wont because I will) straw hat is cute.
Alright is your major complaint the full price then?
This is the kind of person who says 'like pottery' instead of 'like poetry'.
How does someone look like a movie and sound like a song? Why are lyrics like this allowed?
We need a state institution that nixes anyone who tries to pass this shit
>>277563 Something is "like poetry" because it gives off a poetic feeling. It exudes a very powerful metaphoric relationship between itself and whatever is happening to it. Also often used in a sense that something is "karmic".
There must be laws against artistic expressions that contain 0 information This is the legitimate role of the state
>>277565 Pottery can also complete that. For example, the pottery of the ancient Greeks or Romans.
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
attack of the font
oh no
>>277568 You mean how their pottery is engraved with the stories of fables? This is possible but it is definitely not how 'pottery' is being related to whatever it's being compared to. But what do I know, maybe people on /tv/ actually are Ancient Greco-Roman researchers. Poetry makes sense in that poems are very well known to explicitly reveal complex or subtle relationships between concepts. Pottery is far and away from giving off this feeling.
wow, you're really passionate about this I'm just playing devil's advocate, I don't really like it either.
You don't understand the depth to which I really hate words.
Time to take up pottery
I looked it up and it was just a meme and I'm very disappointed.
wait, i thought you were mad because you hated the meme
It's hard to hate a meme when you don't know it's a meme. In those instances, you just hate "it" in itself. "like pottery" went into my list of: white people are bad at metaphors/similes.
I haven't seen the new It, so idk if I hate it yet.
>>277577 all things dissolve into memes into the end
>>277578 If you have opinions on clowns, it'll probably match your opinion on IT.
I keep calling it IT even though i know it's just It and it makes me think of tech nerds terrorizing local neighborho- oh wait.
It is a stupid name for a movie because it makes It really hard to talk about.
Don't know why they didn't call it "Stephen King's It" like the book but w/e They could have gone full "Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie" with it.
i really dig the new taylor swift song i don't think i know any of her other songs though
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
annnnd it's furries
>>277612 yeah, that was furry twitter not bdsm twitter
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
i probably could have figured that out from context >>277611 you don't know any other tswift songs? how is that possible in america
i might know some but not know they're tswift i have virtually no exposure to pop culture or pop music whatsoever i heard her new song during the hurricane because it came on my emergency radio
how are you supposed to be an idol if you are so uncultured
Just think blue next comiket we got like arranges incoming wont it be swell?
I hope its impossible to not get a Matara arrange like, the sheer amount of letdown I would have astronomical but then again it took a while to get a good desire drive
I am now Ohio.
>the COMIC FREAKS Last of their kind afyer the subjugation of the COMIC FREAKS Forest?
iron ghost girl.
be evil be cue
Be cue or be nothing at all.
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
we are we are we are are we are all just dead air
have you considered making the font into comic sans
Please no.
it's not a suggestion don't worry it's an alignment test
there was a WarioWare-ish touhou collab game that I didn't know was happening and I'm really sad that I couldn't make something for it.
>>277653 The offices I was working at last year had similar booths. Dunno if they were actually sound-proofed but they were closed off and private enough.
considering he mostly took blue ones, shouldn't the morty think of Rick as a good guy? Sure he took some red ones too, but the majority were blue
All the red ones are still memories of Rick being a total asshole. Just because you're also a terrible person doesn't change the terrible quality of other people.
It's a good day to open Adobe Premiere for people getting rocked in the face.
I've been reading for a while
Reading is fun~da~men~tal
>>277660 Reading is fun, Da mental. A german guy loves reading, its mental.
>>277662 we always used to go reading is fun 4 da mental
>>277644 That looks so fun. I wanna play it. >>277663 I am guessing it is some school reading motto or something
It's actually a whole organization. I just looked it up. >1966
>66 wow get em >666 wow nvm don't get em
>>>/watch?v=Vf9V6AD8blI We had a / this group scholastic. not as snazzy as slogan - "Read Every Day. Lead a Better Life" It makes me think of "Everyday young life Junesu"
Wow the nitori game demo is fun. It is adorable.
>>277660 yeah so get started after like two hours I've made like no real progress
>>277677 ToN can't download any big files right now, so that's probably not an option. Depends what else he has already though.
there is this magical place called library where they let you take these physical text files called books for free as long as you return them in time back
>>277679 Oh, thought you were talking about VN s. I don't know if ToN is into books much >>277682 ToN started it, I decided to be less obnoxiously autistic by not correcting him and then denigrating him
>"reading" vns
I don't know about you guys but I just drop liquid information onto my retinas no time for this "reading" carp
>>277683 Light is almost a liquid, so that's barely different from reading
I'm on what I think is the newest model of bus and I'm pretty sure they've used the changeover to put in less seats than previous models had. Sure it looks like there's more floorspace for standing riders, but I'm not sure if I like that change.
I need to download a few VNs I've been meaning to read. I really love good visual novels.
>>277688 Umineko is described as being a sound novel though Checkmate Athiest
I mean what js a sound novel but a visual novel with a kickin' soundtrack
>>277691 There's stuff with sound effects and what not that add to the experience >>277693 No Partially cause its trademarked
Do people call fate. sound novel
>>277692 by the sub definition you added it is a sound novel that doesnt preclude it from let me use a different word that doesnt exclude it from being a visual novel
>>277694 Anyways, I'll accept that But being a sound novel is more than "having a kickin' soundtrack"
Alright I'll bite What else makes a sound novel >>277697 Alright I've been card games and reading
How are we all doing today?
Isn't a sound novel just a book on tape?
>>277696 That there also be a significant emphasis on using sound effects to enhance the experience >>277700 Sound effects are different from a sound track
Did I not acknowledge that?
is kirara around
>>277699 Yeah but when I said >>277694 I didnt say sound effects werent part of a sound novel or so
Sound novels are generally linear visual novels.
>>277702 I was confused by what you said one sec Yeah, I think we are both misunderstanding/misinterpreting each other right now
So anyways, its basically just a visual novel with a larger than usual emphasis put on the audio, through like foley sounds and stuff.
Ducks and chickens are both birds I'll never understand why people choose to be sticklers over such things
>>277697 Heya, How are you today? I'm alright. Had a bit of a poorly stomach all day
>>277705 I was mainly making fun of Higurashi/Umineko fans Because there used to be some of them on the internet who would get butt mad if someone referred to the games as visual novels and would say "they're sound novels" I know a guy who does it irl
>>277706 I'm okay. I had stomach trouble today! It started rumbling really bad after lunch.
>At baseline, unhappiness was associated with older age, male gender, sickness, living alone, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and belonging to intermediate social class.
lmoa i'll kill myself before i stop drinking alcohol
Intermediate social class means being middle class, so it's time to step it up and become rich, or give up entirely and become broke so you'll be happier
>>277733 I'm sure I'd have already spent them on furnishing our cool condolance.
>>277738 This is exactly why unhappiness and intermediate social class is linked.
>>277739 We'll have a pretty snazzy condolance to give out to everyone.
>>277738 poor people are too busy trying to survive to be depressed
>>277742 They also can't afford to smoke or buy alcohol plus they don't make it to old age, so they can't get depressed about being old and they can't afford to all live alone
>>277731 >lmoa i'll kill myself before i stop drinking alcohol I forgot to give context to this joke
It was an article about suicide that I got this data from So it's ironic that I would prefer to commit suicide than give up something that is considered a cause of suicide get it
>>277746 Why bother when you've only got a few years left anyway.
>>277735 I think the fact that the article was centered around suicide may have something to do with that. A lot of other articles I see here state that women are more likely to have depression/whatever At my work, we have little suicide-risk pamphlets, that also include male gendered people as having a higher chance of commiting suicide WHICH CONFLICTS WITH EVEN MORE INFORMATION THAT I'VE SEEN IN THE PAST ABOUT HOW WOMEN ATTEMPT MORE, BUT MEN SUCCEED MORE
>>277749 >>277746 For the old people feeling that down, there's nothing to look forward to.
If the world was suddenly empty I think most of my problems would disappear. I could travel anywhere and read all the books and play all the games. Surely the path to happiness is to wipe out the human race.
>>277752 But then there'd be no new books or games. What you need is to trap a bunch of creators in a private underground bunker and refuse to feed them until they keep making more things.
>>277753 My backlog is already too big. I think I have enough for a lifetime. unless I discover enternal life. I guess. Upload myself to the wired and live forever with all the pirated content
I need to start planning a new campaign, I need to read stiff, I got all that anime, golly
The beginnings of this fall weather make me want to go be a woodsman in alaska but a wealthy one with an expensive house and a wife who can cook the animals i hunt otherwise it would probably suck also, i'd need to know how to hunt
>>277750 Oh yeah, if it's suicide men are way more at risk.
when are we gonna stop killing ourselves
>>277756 Sakurai wouldn't die even if you killed him
only 2 more hours of class
kirara i brought up all this gender & suicide shit just now because I found it during my research on wealth inequality and reported happiness but then reported happiness brought up this stuff and I find it much more interesting so I'm switching my research topic I'm sorry but you're gonna have to kill yourself now
too late i have permission but gotta finish class first bye
we see here a PRIME example of middle classmenship and it's effect on happiness
>Why are my arms sore >flashback to yesterday >Why is my back sore >Do pushups at various points in the day to make the lazy pain go away oh
huh, I got a letter to take another exam for Train Conductor >Oral Proficiency >please expect to remain at the test site for five hours I hate this
>>277769 >train conducter THat sounds like an awesome job
>>277769 what if they just make everyone wait 5 hours before actually interviewing/testing them to test their patience
>>277771 That's not the reason but that's definitely what the process would be Sitting there for hours to take an oral prof assessment that'll take like 10-15 minutes to do
Also of course, in many states after increasing the amount of money that goes to schools from lottery revenue, they decrease the amount of funding from other sources. Hrrm, Florida puts about a third of their lottery revenue into education. Although it probably doesn't help that much beyond preventing their school system from getting even worse.
>>277784 y-you too >>277783 I think the implication is that they do that hrough tax I t is nice but I don't think highly of anyone just because they pay tax
>>277797 Yes, but then usually a similar amount of money that would have gone to the community without the lottery goes to something else. So its not really additional money, it s just from a different revenue stream.
wow this looks gaudily cool and only 35€
>>277801 You * It's probably a piece of shit. Is it made in china?
Sometime in the near future, I'm going to have to choose a side that will more-or-less determine how difficult the route I'm on is and provide me with different missions, and both sides hate each other.
I know it sounds overdramatic but eventually i will have to go against one of the sides It's like a choice in fucking Skyrim or something It's such a cheap narrative device
>>277861 >picking your soft teeth with hard titanium picks good dental care
>>277859 >not picking the genocide route and killing every side
Ikr Also this company is insane and makes so much titanium crap Like, it may eventually become viable to get scrap titanium from people selling stupid multi tools and shit at yardssles
>>277868 Wow, don't pick evil! If both sides are evil, you choose neither!
>>277868 sure life does havent you heard of life hacks?
>>277870 Both sides are responsible for doing good and bad things. I can't really just not pick a side, unfortunately. It's my own fault I'm going to end up in this position, though.
>>277871 Those don't work for something like this.
At least for once it's my fault and not just RNG
what kind of outfit is that?
a catsuit
Future in-laws hate him! Find out how this idol got rid of an imposing father with this one weird trick!
This isn't related to Fish or her family, although Fish will probably be impacted by my decision.
>>277883 I chose to affiliate myself with both groups. I hadn't considered that I'll eventually have to choose between them until recently. I wanted to find a way where I didn't have to choose, but I don't think that's going to happen. If I try, both sides will hate me for affiliating with the other side.
That's why this is like a crappy RPG.
>econ majour If I get to go into public policy I might get the chance to alienate a tonne of people!
Oh, one of the cobwebs in my head fell away. Is this a choice between chaos and order, by any chance?
Go the neutral route and defeat both sides with your superior demon taming skills
>>277886 That's a big oversimplification. One side is oppressive but technically order. The other side is unoppressive but closer to chaos, although it's also order in a sense.
>>277887 The problem is that then neutral splits into two sides and the problem repeats itself >>277888 can't you just name them and not be cryptic
>>277893 Okay. I don't know if the names of groups matters, though.
>>277895 Okay one of them is the U.S government with all your fbi stuff and one of them is some sorta wacky fringe political group like the socialists. Or maybe the government is about to ban anime and you have to choose between us and them.
>>277895 I thought one of them was something like the FBI and the other was a group of crazy liberals. I know you're involved with both groups.
>>277897 I'm not involved with any liberal groups. At least, not directly. I'm not a part of any liberal circles, really.
>>277896 Obviously I'd choose you over the government!
>>277899 Wow, I'm so touched. I'd choose you guys over the government, but my government doesn't have any sort of influence so I don't have to make any difficult decisions. >>277901 Kirara really hates Pueto Rico
Who wouldn't choose a cat 5 hurricane?
>>277888 is it the juggalos are you quitting the jugg life
It would be a funny twist if that were it, but I'm not and never will be a juggalo.
The juggalo route is the hidden joke ending and also the canon route
what if your doctor was a juggalo or your attorney
I wouldn't care.
what if your mom became a juggalo
People whe like clowns are weird.
You know what the best act at the circus is? Those guys who ride the motorbikes inside a giant sphere and do loop de loops.
I don't care if someone is a juggalo.
Juggalos aren't really related to my problem either way.
My point was just that this choice is basically part of the narrative progression in a fairly cheap RPG.
sorry i was trying to loosen the mood
>>277907 That sounds almost possible from what little I've heard about her.
>tfw put juggalo on my resume but made a typo and now the job I was applying to thinks I'm a whore
Fucking around with that choice can be detrimental. The plants like to say "Act with wisdom" but the full line goes "Act with wisdom, but act."
Yeah. I'll have to make the choice soon, probably.
>>277910 You need other stuff for a RPG too though. Like levels and equipment.
>>277916 Which very well may be here. As a PC, I wouldn't be able to access that information.
well there's still time maybe ill find a way
>>277918 I doubt it. But it's not my life. Not like I know where my life is. But I think I know where I'll generally land.
>>277920 I want to follow my heart, but I know that the other choice will give me a much easier life and more stability. I feel obligated to take that path because I want to do right for my potential family. But I also have friends that may suffer because of that group. I really got myself into a bad spot. I'm not the kind of person that can just drop out of both sides, though.
go after you and your family anyone that's a friend would understand
Choosing a side that's hurting my friends is the same as saying we aren't friends.
>>277924 No you're just saying you value some friends more than other friends
It's saying some people aren't worth protecting which isn't true.
>>277922 There's nothing I can tell you that you don't already know will come out of this post
>>277959 Well, if the videos of a heart attack are to be believed, it'll probably only last a few minutes.
look in 4D
>>277964 depends on the type really but usually it lasts a long time things dont quite work out like an episode of house md where it's really sudden usually takes hours >>277967 ive been getting postural orthostatic tachycardia lately so i'm trying to work laying down but it's not working well
>>277964 I have heart regurgitations sometimes and those are incredibly painful, and then the pain last for a few hours. After I get them, I'm always exhausted and in pain, and it's hard to move around.
>>277965 I want the rest of the game now, I need to know what happens this is me and the devil blues all over again
I hope I live to nothing in common with the hearts of /moe/.
>>277968 i wish i had screencapped the fire extinguisher analysis that was my favorite
>>277971 i just spent a ton on an appointment and meds i'm justy happy to have the meds my brain needs whatever meds my heart's brain needs can wait i worked for it
>>277969 My heart hurts me, but I bet it's one of the healthiest on /moe/.
>>277974 My heart meds are pretty cheap. A cheap beta blocker might help you.
>>277973 you didn't spend nearly as much time caught up in wardrobing and doing all the home investigation as doc did i think i watched him for like four hours not progress the story
If all that is what healthy means, then cholesterol is my friend.
>>277975 if i get a beta blocker then i'll block everyone on /moe/ and never be able to talk to them again
>>277975 no way mine is way healthier >>277976 whenever I know someone is watching me play a game I end up rushing so they don't get bored
>>277979 That doesn't mean mine isn't one of the healthiest!
I'm not gona justify violence But Wearing a nazi insignia in public is not a smart move
it was justified the nazi was harassing people by getting in their faces and screaming at them and also claimed he was armed
He didn't press charges, so I'm not even sure if it wasn't staged
how can he press charges he doesn't know who did it and nobody is going to give the guy up and also >>277999 self defense
Quite an idiot
>>278001 >nobody's gonna give the guy whose face is all over the internet up
show me his face then
Actually I guess it's hard to see from the video Still odd that he doesn't want an investigation at all You'd think that was the POINT of this little exercise, this examination of the relationship between action and reaction
he was shouting racial slurs in that video you can also hear the end of him explaining that black people shouldn't get any government help because white people are more valuable or something like that he'd just spent like an hour harassing people on the bus so ge /// he went too far and got clocked that's what you get
In fairness, we don't know what the fuck he was talking about when it comes to welfare
there's a fuller video floating around somewhere
O there is?
Yeah I'm not exactly shedding a tear I wouldn't be the guy throwing the punch though
>>278012 There was another tweet you linked about brain damage though He's not gonna end up super fucked up for life is he?
>>278014 It's not that it's necessarily justified It's that it's common sense Survival instinct
Exactly. Idiots are gonna be idiots and end up hurt in ways that they could have easily avoided
PRactically I feel the same way when someone goes out of their way to antagonise bikergangs or skinheads or whatever group sure as hell you will eventually get a knucklesandwhich served to your face
if you so much want to get beat, why not make a living out of it instead of being an idiot >>278013 I don't care about justification, I am just talking about idiots doing idiotic things that end up in them getting beaten up and everyone and their mother can go "Told you this would happen"
>>278013 no this guy is a nazi sympathizer talking out his ass about brain damage
>>278015 In this case we know he's a nazi sympathizer because he's literally sympathizing with a guy who wore an SS uniform and a swastika armband, or a Nazi, colloquially Ian "The ant man" Cheong will defend this, watch it fucking happen my man
i think everyone should have the experience of being punched in the face at least once so they do less retarded shit
yeah hopefully this nazi goes home and rethinks his life and decides not to be a retard
i actually mean everybody though not just people with opposing views it should be like a pre-req for job or disability application
>>278015 and then these faggots pop up crawling in from drains andw hatnot to spin the tale to use it as political and power lever be it right, left central religious or any I hate these people lurking around looking for these kinds of events or stories to make use of fucking scum of humanity
Imagine what kind of fucking scum you actually have to be to look for and fabricate ways to take the side of the LITERAL, ACTUALLY GENOCIDAL FUCKING NAZI
Well I guess if you're gonna side with an ideology that's predicated on the use of force you should be prepared to take a punch
everyone should generally be ready to take a punch if they think violence is acceptable in any situation other than self-defense
Yeah, probably
"You live by the sword, you die by the sword"
da share z0ne is such a weird twitter
>>278025 i think violence is always acceptable, which is actually the same statement from a different vantage point self-defense is one's onus, and from that builds the space of regulation
>>278025 what about the guy who punched the guy in the video
self defense isn't a meaningful term because people don't agree what it is
I don't think it's acceptable to punch someone one of the blue no matter how big of an ass they are.
A 20 second meme video clip isn't enough to know if it's justified or not, though.
>>278033 What's he defending himself from. I'm not disagreeing with you, but I think it's a valid question. >>278036 The "claimedt to be armed" thing is what I think constitutes the clear threat. Although again, if you're gonna be a huge cunt in public you just can't complain when someone cunts you back anyway
>>278032 i dont encourage it but i think the person provoking is making // i mean, you shouldn't be surprised when you provoke violence i'm not saying that makes it all right, but if i went running my mouth off i'd expect to get hit whether or not it's acceptable is different than whether it's likely to happen
>>278034 against a violent nazi that claimed to be armed and was harassing people and provoking the attack
yeah in some cases self-defense does count against a credible enough threat I mean, how do you defend yourself post stabbed or shot?
Spreading and normalizing an ideology which stated end goal is the eradication of a population is pretty much violence
>>278034 yeah I mean if you precipitate it, you get what you get
>>278038 if only this was true but that is islamophobia
>>278045 what do they got a lot of sand we got a hot crustacean band each little clam here know how to jam here under the sea
>>278047 I wish I knew a good aladdin song, would have tied better to Islam tbh
>>278048 prince ali yes it is he but not as you know him
If someone thinks Jews should all die, but never tries to incite violence or engage in violence, you really shouldn't hit them.
If they're actively attempting to incite violence, are threatening violence, or engaging in violence, hitting them will probably be permissible.
The same goes for anyone. If someone goes out and starts advocating cop killings and gets hit by a cop in the face, they only have themselves to blame.
i just don't think of a punch as much of an assault i guess i mean it's a punch i dunno
A good punch can do a lot
i mean yeah there's a difference between a firm punch to the face and a devastating punch to the solar plexus we can't consider all punches equal, there's deliberation behind a punch
But I think when it comes to tying it to islam "Oh I come from a land in a far away place where the carava camels ? where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face, it's barbaric but hey it's home"
The punch in that meme video was wit the full weight of the puncher and the victim appeared to be out cold. That's the kind of punch that can mess someone up.
>>278058 the video doesn't but attached information posted here by kirara explains the rest
this is a bit fatiguing i think i will dip good night moe
>>278061 holy shit I've wanted to post this image for ages
>>278058 Since you most likely are too lazy toscroll up the guy was openly threatening people and telling them he was armed and had already been harassing and threatening the people in the video in a bus previously
yeah and then he got knocked the fuck down
Even cops can pick up a person, even here, for just being threatening in a public place can't really fault a person knocking someone down wearing a nazi bandana, acting threatengly? that can't be a word, and telling them he was armed
though knocking him out cold is imo wrong rather take him down and dearm him if he actualyl was armed call the cops and have them pick the guy up
Yeah, if someone is threatening you the reasonable thing is to leave the area and report them. Can't expect some people to be reasonable, though.
>>278065 It'd be better to resolve it in a matter that's less likely to result in permament damage. But sometimes that's harder and riskier than just knocking a guy out.
>>278066 no offense but this is a very rich, white view of things
>>278067 And if the pucn wasn't hard enough and the guy was just stunned and then pulls out his weapon? He could even at that point claim self-defense too complicating the matter.
>>278069 Exactly. If you're too soft they can react with even harder force. >>278066 What if the cops don't do anything?
If he actually discharges his weapon, the cops might do something a few days later So there's that
>>278070 Generally in cases where someone has harassed you, you can get a warrant on them. State might not be able to prove it though.
>>278073 If someone wants me dead amd says they are armed and is harassing me, it's not only my right, but also the smartest thing I can do, to take them down if possible. I'm not going to risk my life by turning my back on this psycho so that the police can come and do nothing about the situation - which is what happened. The police showed up a few minutes later and instead of responding to the call that the nazi was inciting violence, asked him if he wanted to press charges.
>>278073 But more importantly than all that political gunk, anime?
>>278075 Yeah, political stuff shouldn't be a concern. If you can hit a nazi for being a nazi, you can hit a number of other people for advocating against other groups. Political violence is a cycle that feeds itself, and the end result hurts everybody.
>>278076 I'm on the fence, but I don't think I can fault someone for punching anyone who's loudly threatening other people in public. If it was a black guy claiming he was armed and shouting about how whites should all die and being a public nuisance then I probably wouldn't complain too hard if they got hit. It does hurt everyone in the end, but I dunno if I can fault the immediate reaction
>>278074 Well you know at that point they had a >this guy was harassing us vs >guy was clearly punched and knocked out dunno of course how it would build from there >>278080 well a punched guy is still punched guy
my coworker gave me a gift before he left for a roadtrip to colorado
>>278078 they had a bunch of reports which is enough to go off of if they wanted to
>>278074 Like I said, it's fine to defend yourself if you're in immediate danger. You should try to leave the area before it comes to that, though.
the discourse
>>278081 I don't disagree In this situation, I would have felt like I was in immediate danger, though And trying to leave is risky I'm not going to advocate for attacking people that aren't doing anything obviously
Free speech is important, but we don't have any protections for people who use it. People need to be willing to deal with the consequences of what they say.
>>278094 Yeah, but he wouldn't get in trouble for it
>>278095 anyone that's easier to sneeze on than putin?
Hillary Clinton go to her book signings
I don't want to be near her, just looking at her freaks me out. She looks scary and sounds evil.
>>278099 imagine if she gets it and then passess it onto soros?
>>278083 I'm sure countless people left that guy saying his crazy stuff with no problem. I'd also bet my toenails that those gentlemen in the video were sitting around gawking at te crazy guy and not trying to leave.
I'm not really defending him and he should expect to be hit with the way he's acting, but political violence is a threat no one seems to be taking seriously. People these days don't have a concept of just how quickly the bottom can fall out and how hard it is to fix things when it does.
>>278100 if just looking at her on TV makes me uncomfortable, being next to her is probably like getting near the god hand with a brand! no way i can do it!
>>278107 and then get arrested and executed for using a biological weapon on a politician
>>278105 I think political violence is a partisan game where people condemn it when people they disagree are doing it, and ignore it when people they agree with are guilty of it. I don't think many people are taking the position that all political violence is bad.
That's not really a great way for things to be. Political violence in any circumstance is bad.
>>278113 It is bad, but it's only escalating and becoming more common because we don't have any protection from it. If the bad guys are going to be hurting people indiscriminately, there's nothing I can do about that other than hope the bad guys get hurt before they can hurt other people. Until the government actually does something to protect the people, we have to protect ourselves.
People can't trust the police to protect them these days, especially from people like Nazis. The entire system is fucked up and there's nothing we can do about it.
>>278113 That's the majority espoused opinion, actually
>>278113 IN this particular case it wouldn't exist if the cops did their jobs
What are cops supposed to do when threats presented as political platforms are protected by the 1st?
>>278115 >>278118 The police can't have zero response time, though. People need to show some restraint when confronted with someone they disagree with.
This is speaking generally, I am not really speaking to the context of the video.
>>278121 People don't trust the police to protect them because police are allowed to murder people with premeditation and get away with a not guilty verdict. And because cops kill people a lot more often than they should. And because cops have been siding with the ones instigating violence (often but not always).
How can we trust them to protect us? They will probably protect me.
>>278120 In this specific case he's not protected by the first because he's clearly acting like a public nuisance
A bit of the hysteria here is way too much anyway More fash have committed a hate crime like, this year than antifa have actually hurt
A fucking child was lynched by his 'friends' a little while back
>>278122 Well, police killings is a political issue too. Some are justified, some are not.
If enough people don't trust the system and refuse to play by the rules, the system falls apart and most of us die at some point after that. I hope that it doesn't get to that point.
But god forbid the people advocating that as their POLITICAL PLATFORM they intend to institute as STATE POLICY get knocked down a few pegs
>>278126 Most aren't justified. Some are, but those were also frequently due to police being stupid in addition to the victim being stupid. A cop recently was filmed saying he was going to kill someone and then killed them. The video showed the cop appearing to plant a gun on the victim. The cop was found not guilty.
How are we supposed to trust this system?
>>278128 tbf that criminal had stolen the officer's spare, unregistered and unlicensed handgun, put it in his car, and gone back to selling heroin previous to the incident, and they found that gun
That's the story you'd have to buy for him to be in the right, anyway
>>278128 Do you understand what I'm saying about it being a political issue, though It's impossible to make any ground, because the usual suspects will always fall on their side of preference no matter the circumstances. One side will try to say that it was just absolute murder no matter the circumstances, and the other will say that the cop was justified no matter the circumstances.
Discussing politically charged issues is pointless because the battle lines are already drawn and no one is willing to see things from the other side.
But people have to rely on each other because they can't rely on the system. It's a big problem.
Kirara I have a question. If the nazi in this case was instead wearing a swastika and threatening rich people whilst claiming that he was armed, would you have supported him being knocked out? By "threateing rich people" I mean anyone who looks vaguely rich, like wearing a suit. And for the sake of this hypothetical let's say they're pretty explicit threats.
>>278132 Yeah, I'd have no problem with them getting knocked out
what kinda threats exactly?
>>278131 But the system can't be fixed because of the degree of polarization. As things become more polarized, the system becomes increasingly harder to fix without just collapsing the whole thing.
It's a feedback loop.
Police conduct is an extremely complex equation that has been boiled down to a us vs them political issue.
>>278134 "I'm gonna put you in a gulag" "I got a bone to pick with you richboi" "You deserve to
As far as I can see we /// as far as I can see it's just that you don't have a problem with people being punched for acting like dickheads in public and threatening others.
I don't consider the state a means that inherently is justified, that's all it is If you want to use the state to oppress people, and you organize to accomplish that, fuck you
>>278135 I know. We're probably too far gone. Things are going to continue to get worse until it falls apart and someone puts it back together. We should not be in this mess, but the rich have put us here through their carelessness.
I'm quite familiar with police conduct as an issue. I've worked with police very closely as you're aware.
Well, I don't particularly want to see the system collapse around me, so I condemn political violence wherever I see it.
People that haven't been around awhile just don't understand how quickly it happens, and how little idealolgy matters when you're getting shot while waiting in a bread line because you're starving.
I am past caring and just wait for the fireworks at this stage
>>278140 I'd prefer to have no political violence, but I'd certainly rather see bad people get hit before they murder people. There's nothing we can really do either way.
>>278141 It's nice being able to watch from afar ain't it?
>>278143 I dunno we have our own bonfire going on here right now in the south domestic in the east quite many bonfires that will burn us
More like both TN and I will be fine whatever side actually wins out on this one
>>278142 Political violence is a greater evil than anything that anyone in America is currently fighting.
>>278141 i can't wait too! i want to go run off and get killed for my country or whatever!
>>278146 When I'm being thrown into the train, I'm sure you'll be glad that there isn't any political violence going on.
>>278146 I don't even know what you mean with political violence
>>278145 I dunno in our "domestic issue" there is one side that will make it hell for us if they win
>>278144 Well then you can just use Americas to distract you from your own
>>278149 Political violence is when you visit physical harm upon people for disagreeing with you.
>>278148 You aren't going to be thrown on a train. That's just silly.
Actually, I take that back. There is one possible future I see where you're being tossed on a train, and that's the future where the extreme left and extreme right get into such a horrible slapfight that everyone in the middle is forced to take a side and they side with the extreme right out of self-preservation.
That's really the only way I see it happening, and in that instance it is political violence that is the vehicle by which we get there.
>>278156 No, they throw you in the cell for breaking the law.
>>278158 What about the Nazis that have been attacking Jews unprovoked for years and are now escalating their attacks?
Do I deserve no protection from them?
Actually, the train thing makes me curious You seem convinced the nazis WON'T under any circumstance win on this one But what if you're wrong?
>>278158 The law is literally opinion written on paper and enforced
>>278161 No, the law is rules. Rules are not opinions. The law is also passed by the people more or less.
Rules are opinions that are enforced. That's... that's what a law is.
>>278159 hmm, is this something that is all that common? I mean, I don't doubt you or anything, but is it any greater than the number of women who are killed by extreme woman-haters?
I don't see naziism as a rising problem in America.
>>278163 No, laws are rules that eveyone agrees to follow. Surely you can see how insane it is to try and have a society without rules, right?
i don't think it's right to punch somebody just for talking shit but if you're going to talk shit in public you should be prepared to get your ass beat.
>>278164 Jews are the second most numerous victims of hate crimes in the country and have been for a very long time. In the past year, that number has risen considerably. Now we have Nazis walking around wearing armbands and we have "unite the right" rallies where people advocate that I die.
>>278158 The cops can selectively enforce the law and throw innocent people in cells by blurring the lines and abusing laws that aren't well defined enough.
>>278167 Who are the first most group? I bet women don't count as a protected group for the sake of hate crimes though.
Either way, I think everyone should be protected from having violence visited upon them.
Has there been a rise in the number of hate crimes against Jews?
>>278164 If laws were rules everyone agreed to follow, we wouldn't have police
I also think everyone should be protected but nobody will protect me.
Yes, the numbers are rising and are doing so all over the world.
Women are listed in those statistics, too.
>>278170 So what happens when everyone but one person agrees that killing people is bad, and that other guy goes around just killing people? How can you have a society like that?
I mean, I really just don't understand what you are expecting here?
>>278172 I'm not saying you can't have rules I'm saying those rules are opinions. Because that's what they are. That's what politics are.
>>278171 Well, I seriously think you won't be put on a train unless the scenario I described takes place. People wouldn't stand for something like that unless it was a matter of self-preservation.
>>278173 but surely you acknowledge that police are necessary, right?
>>278176 I don't actually, but that's separate from the point
>>278176 I'd like to hope not. But people in my situation are forced into a situation where we have to protect ourselves and each other because the police won't be there for us until we're already dead. And even then, we have to doubt whether or not they'll definitely help.
>>278178 Okay, so what do you do when someone is acting in a way that is keeping society from functioning? Do you just all get together and lynch them without a trial or anything?
>>278183 Let's say I come into your society and just really love burning buildings down so that's what I do. I mean, you don't need police so I can just do that, right?
>>278179 Are lots of jews being killed in Florida? This isn't a socratic question, I'm legitimately curious. I was not aware that hate crimes were happening to the extent where people were afraid.
Yeah, I don't need police for that one, I think we'd all be on the same page when it comes to removing you from the community Or someone might shoot you if you're about to hurt someone
>>278184 It doesn't get reported in the paper often, but Jews are frequently attacked. I've ttalked to about this before, but I've long been the victim of anti-Semitism. Florida also has the second highest number of hate groups in the country.
>>278185 but what if Rika is also armed with a gun? Are you all trained to deal with that specific situation?
>>278185 So yeah, you'd just all get together and lynch me?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
simmer down
>>278187 If there's only Rika and one other person, it's not even a real problem if she lights stuff on fire, is it?
>>278189 Alright Samurai tell me about your favourite Japanese cartoon right now and tell me what's good about it
I'd still like that question answer, but another day I guess
>>278194 What the fuck were those mad men thinking What were
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
lol nice exit
>>278194 This would make a good one of those gifs where you're expecting something to happen but it never happens.
>>278186 Well, I'll do something about it if they ever try to put you on the trains.
>>278198 You're the one who said to simmer down, so
I think this conversation has gone on long enough without going anywhere.
>>278202 I just don't want to die. I'm legitimately afraid of antisemitism. I've been targeted long enough to know how scary it is. I don't even go to synagogue anymore because it's not worth potentially getting hurt.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
My firefox has been extra bad lately. Has 4chan changed something to make it laggy or is it something else? Maybe I should reinstall it.
>>278216 I'd prefer a browser that doesn't spy on me over one that does.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
thanks subway time
>>278221 that isn't an answer to the question. why do you care if you're getting spied on by yo // your browser?
>>278224 Isn't it just a natural human thing not to want people watching you? In fact, it's more than human. Animals get mad at you if you stare at them too. No one wants to feel like they're being watched.
>>278225 there is nobody watching you browse the internet. browsers don't do that. they just collect data.
If a browser is spying on you, that's what it's doing. It's watching you. It's watching your data.
>>278228 no, browsers do not have eyes nor a conscious and cannot process sight or think. the only watching that could potentially occur is a programmer sifting through dumps of text.
Data is a valuable commodity Would you willingly give it up for someone else to sell? Don't let google have it for free
Every time you go outside, you're being watched. Your phone is watching you. Your computer is watching you. Your employer is watching you.
>>278231 I don't like being watched in public, either! I especially don't like being watched in my home.
The FBI can grab data from your phone just by you walking near a park. We don't have any privacy from business or the government.
I'd say it's more normal to be fine with people looking at you than not. I look at hundreds of different people each day. d Directly into their eyes, even, and they often do the same.
My employer isn't watching me though, I can say that for sure. We can barely keep track of the things that it's our job to keep track of, much less spying on everybody.
>>278234 That's a reason to fight harder for your privacy though, not to give up! That's why I'll pick a browser that doesn't spy on me over one that does! I haven't given up!
Firefox spies on you a little, too.
>>278239 You have no privacy. You can't fight for something you don't have.
Because heavily cyberpunk settings have more cyber. We do have some of the staples of cyberpunk like phones that spy on us and stuff, but we don't have heavy use of prosthetics or anything like that.
One of the common cyberpunk themes is the blurring between human and machine, and we're not to that part yet. So you can't really call us anything other than light cyberpunk. We're not to one of the major themes yet.
>it's september 2017 >megabots and Kuratas still haven't had their robot fight yet This future is dogshit
>>278248 I don't think transhumanism is necessary for cyberpunk even though it is a frequent theme. There are a lot of cyberpunk stories without it.
Transhumanism is a big theme in all of the classics, though.
Were more like at prequel number 1 or 2 to a cyberpunk setting
well either way it fucking sucks
we're not cyberpunk until we're literally GitS and i won't settle for anything less
I wanna blur the lines between man and machine
>>278254 We don't have to go full GitS. We could do Blade Runner and still be pretty cyberpunk.
>>278259 We /// Is that even a question Sex is the first thing robots will be made for
>>278258 come to think of it cyberpunk also walks hand in hand with warnings against rampant capitalism and megacorporations
>he didn't watch the /ss/ episode
people are starting to be afraid of sex robots getting hacked and killing people
>>278258 I don't think it has to be like that, though. It's just how the stories are written because it's an edgy medium.
>>278263 Play it off as an asyphixiation fetish accident
>>278263 A quite ridiculous thing anyhow, but just hilights the one thign I have been saying for more than 10 years WHY DOES EVERYTHING NEED TO BE CONNECTED TO THE FUCKING INTERWEBS!?
>>278263 CSI: Neo-Detroit first episode: a hacked pleasurebot goes on a rape spree
I don't see why. It's certainly not the worst image I've ever posted probably not the worst
>>278322 because none of them have ever been shown to have any propensity towards cigarettes or vaping and vaping isn't popular in Japan cathy and mary would dab because they follow overseas pop culture >>278323 it was bad
Why is dabbing a thing anyhow? Where did it even come from? Seems equally retarded as that planking from sometime ago, though less dangerous
>>278355 i wonder is there a species that doesn't like scratches
>>278353 I guess Could as well go// Actually I guess a cbd vape could be used for whatever you wanna
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
>>278358 i think almost all mammals and birds like to // need to be touched often lizards though i don't think they care not sure what the story is with snake boops
nice disconnection I accidentally hataraku mao
>>278360 I think reptiles and snakes can appreciate the closeness, but most likely lack similiar kind of sensitivity as mammals and birds have not to mention that "being pet" most likely has to do with evolutionary grooming based on body hair(feathers being hair technically)
though with animals, I would guess that solitary creatures have less pet reaction than pack and herd animals, though still the "parental grooming" exists for all mammals and birds Reptiles and snakes lack this in most cases, since they kinda tend to just "lay eggs and fuck off and hope they all hatch and survive"
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
hi >>278363 main problem is human males don't get touched enough on the whole
>>278305 shibuya rin isn't in the vaping section this chart is wrong and shit
>>278364 wassup Bang >>278369 Bang I've got to write a 1000 word essay by thursday and I only have 470 words how am I gonna cope :^^^^^(
>>278365 an actual issue, yeah lack of physical closeness can lead to mental health issues and such
i used to wonder why baseball players are always slapping each other on the ass and shi i understand a lil more >>278371 oh haha yeah i can't believe there are that many fonts available for free
>>278365 last night was C R A Z Y wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
>>278366 that's the first thing you picked wrong? damn...
>>278370 that kind of intense closeness was really present in the army too
>>278372 it's the only thing i looked for immediately upon understanding what i was looking at and the last thing i looked for before dismissing the image
almost definitely well austin's food culture has a lot of southern influence so if it exists, it might not do well the popular places in austin are especially barbeque and then 24 hour cafe/diner type places hybrid food projects like korean/mexican mexican/brazilian jamaican/southern really food like that might be difficult to find but i'm sure it's out there
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
wow how did the layout get broken that bad this is bug city >>278408 i'm sure it's around it's trending hard
>suki i didn't know you f-felt that way about me, senpai...
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
uke to seme to DOU DEMO II~N DA YO
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
>>278408 i remember seeing a hybrid mexican/korean place in SF recently er rather i went there when i was looking for jerbs i wonder if that's becoming a Thing
korean/mexican is popular mostly because they share TONS OF CILANTRO as a theme and korean bbq style beef works really well in a taco b u l g o g i
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
this is true i wonder if vietnamese x mexican would be good too
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
ok one exists not far from me HMMM
german/texan is also pretty popular sausage is considered a default part of barbeque, and there are lots of local sausage places, usually in the small towns about 40 minutes to an hour outside of town elgin is very well known for its polish and german sausage packers, and is possibly the best place in the southern half of the US to get kielbasa
sauerkraut is also a popular topping for hamburgers and hot dogs
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
oh man i miss german food there are a few sausage places around and some great german places but it sounds like not nearly as much as texas
germans actually settled a lot of central texas in the 19th and 20th century new braunfels is well known for it oh man the oktoberfest in new braunfels each year is something i'd like to go to beer is a big thing everywhere, there's no denying that, but texas's republican approach to business ownership means there more local breweries than you can keep track of and oktoberfest is all about beer and sausage and big titted blonde women in skirts dancing
>>278422 if Devil's Backbone is available anywhere near you, it's probably the best trippel i've had in my life and my go-to belgian-style beer anything from Real Ale is going to be CHOICE Shiner is a city in texas that makes one of Texans' favorite beers, Shiner Bock I believe that one is pretty widely available but I've also heard that it's not when you get further away from the midwest I like it a lot, it's a damn good everyday kind of beer And this one may be more obscure, but 512 Pecan Porter is a treat, and goes well in things you wouldn't expect to put a beer, like milkshakes and as a cooking ingredient Austin Amber is also a pretty popular one, but not really my style
>>278424 i saw it in a pizza parlor in tennessee but had to go to a specialty beer store to find it in penn
>>278424 ooh i had a trippel for the first time this year, it was rad i will look out for that
shiner bock sounds familiar for some reason
>>278425 I'm somewhat surprised to hear it can be found in PA damn
>>278428 this place was no ordinary beer store dude they had beer from like the middle east and shit too literally all over the world most of the imported beer was not chilled though so i didn't end up drinking the swiss beer i bought
>>278427 Trippels are my beer waifu I don't really like beer unless I'm drinking it on tap but Devil's Backbone (and a few of New Belgium's Trippels and Dubbels) are things I'll consider getting in bottles.
i got to experience a belgian whispering bar too that was fun SHHHHHHHHH
>>278436 they didn't have shiner at Texas Roadhouse which strikes me as sacrilege
here it is this shit's dope
so sleepy 1 i bit my tongue yesterday and it still hurts. this sucks.
Here in central Texas, you can't go to any gas station or grocery store and not find it In fact, at HEB you'll likely find many things that include Shiner Bock in them, like marinated steaks packaged by the in-store butcher, cans of "borracho" beans with Shiner in the recipe, and coupons for meal deals that include Shiner Bock
>>278458 >kosmos what the FUCK i've never seen this shit i've tried the others
It is 8:47
banguTN !PcAPtAiNJo
Agh Kosm or as some say Kosmos grant us EYES
I've always wanted to go to Shiner and tour the Spoetzel brewery maybe that's a thing we can do if there's ever a Texas /moe/ meetup oh and I'll take you guys shooting
>>278476 i'm too fucking stoned to understand what the fuck he's even saying
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
big girls cry
>>278477 i've been around the world AND FOUND THAT ONLY STUPID PEOPLE ARE BREEDING
>>278482 i dunno i guess when you stop having fun i'm fine though i just feel lightheaded because i took dayquil at work before this kind of hard to pay attention what is that video even about
>>278465 I'd be up fofor gogoing sshooting What the fuck
>>278476 yeah no idea what the song is about but the electronics and guitar sound good
mobile posting is a pain.
>>278487 just a short uhh 90 degree angle incline in the middle of your morning walk
>>278488 the lyrics are kind of chuuni but i still think it's cool http://www.plyrics.com/lyrics/horsetheband/amillionexplodingsuns.html
this band is super good, mostly because the way they throw their post-hardcore sound together with 8-bit and 16-bit sounds coming out of their keyboard and sometimes hilarious lyrics sung by a frantic madman they don't take themselves that seriously but they have serious mastery over their instruments and songwriting i don't really listen to bands like i used to ever since I got into EDM, but these guys have stuck with me for almost a decade
>>278491 oh i did like the part where he finally remembered his fucking name
>>278491 EDM can get boring for me i still like acoustic music a lot a mixture of electronic and acoustic sound usually strikes right where i want
part of the reason i like EDM a lot is because the live shows are often less about watching the band and more about getting drunk and meeting people and dancing and the steady rhythms are really good for keeping focus when i'm working on something
a lot of bands just kind of play their music but live i really have to dig the live show to dig the band i never got to see HORSE but the legends are immense also their music is just super fucking good
>>278494 that part at 1:10ish with the cymbals is awesome
and i'll take your spot >>278496 justice needs a little nap
yeah their drummer is a monster
LORD GOLD weaves his keyboard in so nicely they're basically drums, bass, rhythm guitar, and keyboard sometimes the guitar takes the lead but usually it's the keyboard and i fucking love it
by kan-chan bye* have a nice day
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwlsAnno
>>278494 i think this one was better than the first the keyboard and cymbals won me over it's a little easier to understand the vocals too
>>278506 the first one was from their 2nd album this one was from their first full-length try this one from their third album >>>/watch?v=B6xTirrWupE
their first album has slightly better mixing and production their second album has better songwriting on a few songs, not counting lyrics their third album has the best mixing and production by a good bit, and is really fucking good, save for a few kind of weird whatever songs i did have to look up vocals for a lot of the songs he screams on, but that comes with screaming a lot of the time
/moe/ did anyone else look at TGS Sony showed so much good stuff
i did not what did they show?
>>278531 Monster Hunter World got a release date. And a BUNCH of mecha games got shown/announced. The guy who does the metal gear solid art is working with the guys who do Front Mission. There's a new Gundam Battle Operation game They showed Vanillawares new game and it looks gorgeous
>>278535 Yeah January 2018 Was expecting it to be late 2018 at best
oh shit eastghost it's been a while >>278544 not really but it would be a pain figuring out what parts you need I feel like typing on phone has gotten worse somehow
>>278550 actually it'd also be a pain reading things like objectives and item descriptions too
Monhun for pc is happening right?
>>278551 just use the item and you know what it does >>278552 there are a couple monhun PC games
>>278551 I've got all the items I need memorized by their pics and kill/capture quests are color coded so thay wouldn't be too bad >>278552 new one will be on pc yeah
holy shit the monhun world ps4 and controller look great
maybe i could just upload an image to this imageboard instead of saying it
I'm so fucking excited for Left Alive
>>278556 That is such a cool design The colours are so cool
maria what is your opinion on fruit roll-ups
Going bed Oyasumi
>>278558 I love fruit rollups As a kid I never got to eat any because they're bad for your teeth But now I'm gonna go buy a whole box for myself What's your opinion?
>>278560 wtf you should eat candy while you still have disposable teeth
>>278560 i have not had one in many years but just did now and it is pretty amazing i love this shit the way it stretches when you unroll it and bite it is so satisfying it's like mozzarella cheese candy
>>278562 Yeah same but I remember them being amazing >it is pretty amazing Dude I want some now tomorrow I'm buying them Did you guys have fruit straps?
>>278563 i don't think so, looks pretty cool though like dried fruit what's it like?
>>278564 they had them in Australia they're like... straps of tangy fruity flavour Very bumpy too. You could seperate them and eat them one by one or eat them as one big strap.
>>278565 oh, it's like fruit by the foot with actual fruit?
I remember in hgh school I used to do retarded shit and copying the roll up kid from the ads was one of those things *like copying we'd find this rotten food in our bags and I would pile it all together and smash it up
>>278568 yeah, I don't think I've seen anything exactly like this in stores. maybe I could find it if I looked.
>>278570 where do you live? Maybe it's an Australia thing
>>278569 >we'd find this rotten food in our bags and I would smash it up that's hilariously retarded
I remember seeing these adverts for wonka nerd ropes. A kid would spin it and fly like a helicopter. When I got one I started spinning it around and I was SO disappointed that I didn't take off and start flying. >>>/watch?v=zjN-JjixV4U
>>278572 nerds rope was p good I went to a church youth group and all they had was expired food that you could still eat and nerds /// well we had a heap of nerds rope
>>278574 >expired food cheap. Were they poor? Nerds are great. I waste so much money on junk food and I don't even care because it's so good.
>>278575 well I guess they are a church so they need to budget their shit well also I guess it depends what church you go to shit like Hillsong will rake in money so I guess yeah we were poor >>278581 you don't seem like a person with a sweet tooth then
>>278577 i mean it was the normal size rainbow nerds box they only have them in a taller, longer box than the two color nerds
>>278579 how'd you eat it so slowly? I'd eat that in an hour. >>278578 I remember going to a youth church group and we had fish and chips. That was good.
What'd you do in it? I don't remember anything about my church group except veggie tales and fish and chips
>>278580 i dunno i just ate like a little bit every day
>>278578 i guess i probably prefer savory and salty snacks and food i can really tear through some jerky
Toys R Us files for chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Why are they bankrupt?
wow. I remember then from when I was tiny
I remember a toys r us in Australia It was over priced Well the video games were. I dunno about the toys.
>>278582 I do have quite the sweet tooth, then again I have no real moderation for food anyway >>278580 used to fun stuff, even if it was kind of lame then it ended up we just hung out and did nothing
I brought my copy of neverwinter nights at one in France.
all I remember of toys r us was playing ape escape on their demo booth and being blown away by the SONY PLAYSTATION DUAL SHOCK ANALOG STICKS TWICE THE STICKS NINTENDO GOT
Waiting for the forklift 15 minutes have passed
>>278590 Is operating a forklift fun? >>278589 Demo booths were the best I miss them. There was a mall where me and my brothers would play Mario Kart Double Dash against each other while mum was doing shopping stuff >>278587 >we just hung out and did nothing We did a lot of that in Scouts and Venturers That was fun
>>278592 Would you race with them if you got the chance?
>>278591 It's pretty fun >>278593 Lmao that's almost happened here a few times cause people won't stop fucking around
forklifts are a blast but also you might kill someone
>>278592 doing what? we have really strict safety rules in my warehouse so I never do anything fun
Racing could be fun, but the floor would have to be perfectly flat, and the forks can't be there
>>278594 Jumping in front of people, fucking around with the forks, standing behind people Kid shit, except adults
>>278596 Did you guys also have meetings where you did nothing? I remember on our camps we had a no hugs rule because everyone went into the bushes and fugged.
>>278595 hot damn maybe they're just trying to die
>>278602 Yeah loads of girls >>278601 Yeah I remember a lot of pointless shit happening as well They retaught us ropes so many times because we always forgot our knots because no one cared.
My coworkers, loud, annoying: the same joke repeated 15 times each time a joke is made, which is often Me, smart: earbuds on blast so I can't hear a word
That's only a slight exaggeration, but it's made up for by the fact that simply saying "nine pieces" is considered a joke. A joke worth repeating
>>278606 What do they find so funny about "nine pieces"?
It's "<amount of pieces> pieces", repeated a few times accompanied by chuckling It is not a matter of numbers, it's completely irrelevant what the number is
Sometimes the repeat will be in Swedish, which is similar to Norwegian
This is not the only jok, it's just a consistent one
"this will take time" is a popular one, usually in sarcasm A small assignment "oh man this'll take time", "don't you think? An assignment this big", "this won't be done today hahah", "this is way too much", etc Etc Etc. Etc. Etc.
>>278610 is the joke that they finish the assignment in a reasonable amount of time and then pretend to work on it while they dick around?
The joke is that it's a small assignment
>>278611 No, these would all be uttered within the span of maybe 5 minutes That's me giving it more time than realistic
it's a crack in the screen the size of a hair you can only see them from a certain angle really but once you notice them it's hard not to unnotice also I don't know if they lead to worse cracks
Extremely online Extremely slacking
>>278621 they exist in other things too but I'm talking phone screen
An episode on 4chan and internet culture The extremely online DC episode