Also half the reason I went out for a walk earlier was to pick up tea. But I forgot that before I got to the store. Today has been a bunch of little annoyances so far.
If you have a room where all the walls are mirrors, and you turn on a light there and say you can somehow remove the light, with the mirror surface intact would it still be bright in the room?
HAHAH it would sell enough with its nostalgia value but can they still make nokium? the indestructible star-material that old nokia phones were made of
Yeah, but it would be amusing to either test or have some physicist calculate it.
Well you can already observe the phenomenon in a less impressive manner with any flashlight that has a reflective backing to the light emitting part of the device. Turning off the light will often have a remaining glow in the part for a brief moment after the actual light turns off.
Yup, but say you ahve a perfect ball room of glass and you shine the light through a minor opening, that is covered by a one way mirror it would glow for a while then I think
I recommend these as super dry but excellent snacking snacks.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what a horrible world this is where we cannot all share snacks
At the same time though, it allows each and every one of us to develop our own sense of snack culture and style. And allows for a flourishing of varied and personal snacking habits. Instead of creating a single snacking hegemony, countless snacking variations emerge and co-exist. Creating a beautiful snacking evolution.
Speaking of snacks though, the outlet store I was at was also selling fudge coated Ritz crackers. I was kind of tempted to get them. Maybe next time I'm there I'll see if they're still in stock.
the other day in class i was flipping my pen around in my hand and i accidentally lost control of it and it went flying across the room and hit someone and the professor just gave me this "oh you" look and everyone was laughing and i was trying to poker face but i just sat there with this shit eating grin it was pretty embarrassing but also funnys
>according to story, TUC crackers were invented when a belgian baker flew over to the States to investigate the unfamiliar salty crackers and bring them over to europe. As he was sitting on a café thinking about what kind of product he would make, he read a newspaper article about Trade Union Corporation. He promplty wrote TUC on a paper and circled them and thus, the logo and shape of the TUC cookies were born.
>>26791 hope it was helpful >>26790 is your mouth easily made dry?
>>26792 He seems to have a hard time making smooth circles if that's the case.
>>26793 Hm, I don't think I know the answer to that question. I eat a lot of salty stuff without much issue though, so I want to say no. But I'm not sure.
>>26793 on yours, did you follow some APA format or some weird thing no offense but that's some ugly formatting
>>26795 Nope, it's just the formatting that looks best on my paper. I have paper with like a design on it. Or I used to, at least. I don't have the paper anymore but I had letterhead that went with the resume so the formatting looked better there.
I was looking for examples and saw stuff like this like how are you even supposed to read this
i don't know how to use words professionally so i'm banking on expressing my design sense professionally instead haha i really ought to try to get into advertising
>>26802 >triple crossover >>26800 when i say "captions videos for trains. hundreds of them" or whatever i laughed pretty hard
Travel videos about trains, yeah. Haha. They were these 30 minute bits about trains of the world and a narrator would take you through the route of the train and all its destinations and scenescape it was really cool the pay was terrible though because rev
i wish you could see the kind of awful shit that rev is there's an on-site forum and the whole community is basically there through like REALWAYSTOEARNMONEYONLINE.BIZ and WORKATHOMEMOMS.COM
they have no sense of professionalism they complain about the content of transcripts all the time, like in the forums complain about having to transcribe something with differing political beliefs, or X or Y, or complain about how the moderator is conducting an interview fuck off idiots that moderator has been doing their job for 30 years and you're someone who doesn't want to go get a real job not to mention that they just openly break the confidentiality agreement and talk about the customers freely on the forum
they complain about boring audio content, as though they're there to be fucking entertained. they get mad at the content because it's something that triggers them and they whine about it, or flat out refuse to do work for things against their beliefs like what the fuck people why are you even here
their whole system is fucked, too. the whole management of the service is the worst model in the industry this is a well-hated company there's no way that any serious company would get upset by that comment i made. The only way I think it might hurt (besides being completely irrelevent and unprofessional) is that they might think i'm prone to bad-mouthing former contracts not that rev does contracts anyway
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh shit i think i remmeber you talking about rev before now
Someone recently sent in a transcript in which they used the speaker tag "Lisp Guy"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh no
they're still working there
>Based on customer feedback, this project has been returned to be completely redone >Grader comments: >Poor formatting, several paragraphs missing at random intervals. >Lots of mishears. "So the pastor doesnt pee itself" should be "So the past doesn't repeat itself." etc
Oh, that transcript I had to do for myself got graded and I got points deducted for not criticizing myself enough I had to comment on what I said during the session and places where I could improve so like, I'd ask something like "did you do this or that" and then i'd comment "i need to stop presenting dichotomies and start asking more open questions" and then i'd do the bad dichotomies again and wouldn't comment on it because i already recognized that it was an issue and i got points deducted for not repeating myself every single time i did it and the TA apparently expects me to be able to critique my performance on something i'm not yet trained in ? ? ?
>>26811 It's confidential, so I wouldn't be able to see it right? I've done roughly 300-ish hours of market research stuff by now i know it's not the same, but there's a specific manner in how they moderate discussions to not influence the answers I've gotten good at noticing it
I could probably give you good critique, too. What are your objectives there? What's the aim in what you're trying to do with the critiques? >>26816 Well let me put it this way what do you mean points deducted for not repeating yourself every time you did it repeating what?
Why is open questions an improvement?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't even know the reason behind the assignment wasn't even explained apparently the professor thought that we had been trained prior to this and we hadn't it's a new professor so i think he just fucked up and now he's just like "haha whatever it'll work out" which it probably will but
oh nevermind i get it now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>26815 repeating the critique that i need more open questions yeah
I know how that goes too. Heck, even just bringing up private conversations with friends over phone or email is nerve-wracking for me. I hate one-on-one conversation.
So.. how is your name not on the electric deal then?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh yeah, moon. I found a somewhat hard to find videogame at a gamestop near you. They only sell it in stores and game stop sells it for like 50% or less of what other vendors sell it for. If I paypaled you the money would you be able to pick it up for me and ship it to me?
also never heard of anyone disputing an electric bill
>>26834 no idea i had to give them proof of identification and stuff >>26836 they actually sent a letter saying it was in error and that billing would be delayed but their automatic system doesn't know that, so it's sending out cutoff notices so i just need to find out what's going on but i can't because my name's not on the account
>>26841 Gravity Rush Remastered, they did not make a very large amount of physical copies. Many of them were bought by resellers and it goes for over $100 new. Around $80 used but sometimes more. Gamestop sells it for $40 used. Also it was only available for purchase through Amazon originally, everyone reselling it had to have gotten it from Amazon.
I found a copy near me but it was reserved by someone else, I called the gamestop and they said that they'd reserve it for me if that person doesn't pick it up before 6pm tonight.
Abe Shinzo had another funny encounter when he shook his hand too. Shook for a long time, then as soon as it was over and he was no longer looking at Trump, gave a noticeable sigh of relief and stretched in his seat.
>are you, a finn born post 2007 familiar with lordi he asked in his complete ignorance
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>26854 I know they won Eurovision, but I have never been to Finland and only regularly talk with a few Finns so I don't really know what random Finnish cultural things every Finn knows. Also I had no idea you were born after 2007. >>26856 nice Anyways they are doing a valentines day concert near me.
though their music, in my opinioni s bit bland is not bad but, kinda something you listen once in a while, but never for a long time.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Huh, they were originally scheduled to play at a music club that just closed down (I unfortunately never went to it), and the place they are playing now says that they will honor tickets bought for the previous venue. Not sure if I'm gonna go, I'm not really into metal.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm also super broke as usual.
Get a jerb.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>26860 Working on it. I'm currently enrolled in a program meant for helping people with autism get jobs. also might go to this just because I've seen Diplo before and he was good
>>26861 Apply to do closed captioning at Even though I just bashed them above, their closed captioning segment is not too bad. It's a different department. It's all done through their interface and after you type it all out, you sit there and sync up the words to when they're occurring in the video. It's, no offense, an autist dream task
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>26862 I've had some wrist strain injuries from typing too much that have been coming and going for several years so I don't think this would be a good idea. If I am able to figure out an optimal ergonomic set up I might do it though. How's the pay?
Awful It's not job-worthy pay it's more like, "Man I wish I had 50 extra bucks so i could buy something this weekend"
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>26864 I probably won't do it then, I have found a few web based employment things that I've considered but I am going to try to get a more conventional job for now. I might do something like that when I go back to school. One of my other ideas is doing math homework for people on fiver. Well obviously I would have a thing that says "I am only doing the problems for people to compare their answers against" but I totally know that people would be paying me to do their math homework for them.
You'd be surprised. When I was starting college, believe it or not, I really didn't understand functions well. I knew algebra well, but the concept of functions as a whole was a little lacking. I skipped a lot of high school. So even though I was doing calc, my understanding of functions made me almost fail, and I went back to the very opening of stewart calc 6 and did all the diagnostic work in the opening chapter, and there was a LOT of stuff I actually couldn't figure out how to do.
I would spend hours trying to figure it out and then I'd go ask /sci/ for help at that point, making sure to point out the work i'd done so far and what i'm having trouble understanding, and that it's not doing homework for me because it was self-learning. Having someone who can work through the problem step-by-step for you (which the back of the book fucking fails at doing sometimes) can be incredibly helpful then again i wouldn't pay someone five bucks for it when you could buy the teacher's edition of the book instead
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I do expect that some people actually would want answers to compare against. Also in terms of understanding function the biggest sort of breakthrough I had was that //functions was that functions weren't just restricted to what you could input into your graphing calculator. This was in highschool though , and I didn't really have trouble understanding them. But I was reading a book on integrals (and fourier series), and there was an example given about the dirichlet function. And it really opened my mind about what functions were.
I really had trouble understanding how to model things as a function i was incredibly quick at math, but not very clever at it i still make a point to improve on it regularly
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh but it would not be $5 per problem. I would probably have a pricing scheme (in terms of problems per $5) based on what type of mathematics it was.
Im gonna record myself speedrunning stewart calc and upload it to YouTube
Its very rigorous and also not as long as Stewart's. Although it doesn't cover multivariate or vector. Spivak did do some other books that cover those though.
I have just rather grown tired of monga using soft yuri to sell
I'd argue New Game isn't really using it to sell. I know there's a lot of series that kind of do, but I think New Game focuses more on game development and office satire/parody than its yuri moments.
Yup but it is a good part of the character interaction.
Oh man this toffee milk chocolate is really good. I'm gonna have to be careful with this stuff around, hah hah.
Also I think it actually helps to look at subtext with a lot of these series. I know that sort of thing gets lumped together with >yuri goggles a lot, but at the same time. When you look and Rin and Kou, and you translate their actions into normal life. How many people have "just friends" that would barge into your apartment while you're still asleep to cook breakfast for you. I think there's a lot that can't be said in these serialized magazines, so the authors fit stuff like this in.
how can i break into UX design without UX design experience? that's not rhetorical i'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of low-key areas where it might be of service but not crucial
>>26885 a chu or confession would pass in any that kind of magazine
Sick and tired of seeing car accidents
>>26890 Yeah, I guess Sakura Trick runs in the Kirara magazine franchises, so it's not an outright "we don't do overtly yuri stuff here". But I wonder if there's pressure for more "normal" series to stay clear of anything blatant.
>>26892 Doubt, but there could be some guidelines take in say hidamari and shit running in kirara, so it would make sense that has blatant "coupling" in it, but all on the subtext elvel
>>26894 Every fucking day A four car collision today Like three ambulances Was late to class because of it
>>26895 I'm scratching my head to think of a non-blatant series that doesn't ship -does ship outside of subtext though. When I see patterns emerge like that, I'm tempted to think there's reason behind it. But I guess that's just human nature.
Also cute picture but nice pantsu.
>>26896 That sounds really frustrating, yeah. I can't remember the last time I saw a large car accident in person. I don't even think news-worthy accidents make it on a daily basis here either.
All I want to do is give her as wide a berth as absolutely possible. She broke up or is breaking up with or is something with her boyfriend of several years recently and is in a miserable state of mind for it apparently. So she's probably going to be even bitchier than she usually is.
Yeah, if you don't remember then just go "prime minister trudeau"
He had a paper in front of him that was probably supposed to brief him on what he was saying too. Shouldn't Justin's name be on there anyway?
Never mind that as the man that addresses the media at the White House on a daily basis, he might really want to consider taking some fucking speaking tutoring.
In all fairness, he did say this >“The media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh yeah miller is fucking INSANE and the trump admin is even crazier but you can't just post a severed head on a spike of miller on your supposedly legitimate news feed
It's okay it's in their Arts section so it must be "artistic".
The article has the bit with Stephen Colbert talking about them dealing with the North Korean missile launch over dinner. The fuck.
Like the fuck. Fuck.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh uhh that's not the worst part of what happened the man who has the nuclear launch codes in a briefcase his name is rick
Yeah got to that part too.
Rick is the man.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fuckin rick fucking trump
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
faggot you're the one leaking shit
>>26929 oh right the "case" but isn't there also the "egg"? Though, I believe that is for like defcon 3
>>26937 Surprisingly little following, despite the punch
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because the alt right is actually a small group that puffs themselves up to look massive
the therapist lady responded to my email and said she's accepting new clients, and to call her to schedule an appointment and i am scared to do that so i'm not going to for a few days and it's going to be really awkward because she's probably expecting me to like today
>>26950 I'm not bullying! In fact, she asked me out of the blue how to pronounce it. The last time I mentioned it was a couple of weeks ago. You must have done something to bring it upon yourself.
What sorts of word we talking about.
Kind of a random curiosity poll Does drinking alcohol make it easier or harder for you to cry, /moe/?
>>26953 I would say there's no relationship between the two.
>>26954 The last time I mentioned it to her was a couple of weeks ago! Is she saying it over and over?
>>26956 same I think the nervous depressant functionality dulls down all the excess action potential and lowers that pressure on the drive to cry I think that it'd be harder but maybe there's no connection at all
Well when you look at the Venn diagram of: -Words Kirara haets being called -Words that are hard to pronounce for non-weeaboos -Words Rika calls Kirara It's pretty narrow.
>>26963 Like I said, I mentioned the word last to her a few weeks ago and she asked me to pronounce it out of the blue! It must have made an impression on her because you are so tsundere. So it's your fault, not mine.
Apparently Kemono Friends has been getting a lot of attention in fanart and talk thanks to the anime. Even though the anime is the epitome of 3D CGI garbage. I don't understand.
the new focus is tonight so its probably the sacred stones if theres enough characters i liek from th ere i might want to reroll i loved sacred stones >>26998 >>27000 nooooo
>>26999 No I don't think you understand when I say it's the epitome of 3D CGI garbage. Like, lowst -lowest possible frame rates, clipping, backgrounds that don't properly proportion in relativity to the movement of the player models. Even the faces look really awkward. Just go and watch the first episode of the show and you'll see what I'm getting at here.
Wait... when the new focus comes out will the 10k feathers go away I know you can still get it now does that mean I should make a new account now and hope i roll sacred stoens characters with my story gems
>>27031 No, not even close. I should try to play through again.
>>27033 Oh, good. Eating fish is one of my favorite things to do with them.
I should play close-ended games again. Pretty much everything I've played in the past year or two are games that don't really have an end condition beyond "I'm tired of this".
do you people want anything speciifc if i get them ill tell you >>27050 you gotta makea new account or all the rewards weill be gone its easy to make a new account anyway just link it to something >>27050
>>27053 They're different things crescent rolls are just literally crescent-shaped rolls the type of dough used and everything else about them is different other than the shape
>>27057 I dunno, I used to think she wouldn't eat fish so I might have said she doesn't like fishing before I knew she fishes Are you going to invite her out on a fishing deito?
I've been seafishing once I didn't get seasick but my heart started acting up and my face went numb and the numbness started spreading to the rest of my body and it was kind of scary but I told my friends I was okay even though my face was numb and they were like "ok fine"
>>27065 yeah how dare i have a legitimate heart condition what a fuckin pussy
I'm trying to add more calories to my diet because I'm exercising again, but it's really hard. Everything is NOW WITH NO CALORIES!! This must be FAT PRIVILEGE.
I wonder how authentic this show is to NYCs stuff like the tunnels and shit cause this shit is cool, I wanna explore these
What show? I've heard there's a lot of tunnelwork beneath the surface of New York and some other major US cities though. Namely New York. There's a bunch of stuff like ventilation shafts and tunnels to release hot air and steam (maybe?). It's why you can often see those kind of haunting, mist-filled streets in some movies that take place in the city. Not to mention all the subway work that's gone into the city and is going into the city.
i want eirika or ephraim or joshua or tana and stuff i might not even get any of them in the end but having the chance is better than not i hope feathers dotn go away
Maybe you should just accept that being that selfish is impossible and you're going to lose out regardless of which option you pick.
>>27159 so is tonight my last chance to roll the marth focus?
Every now and then I need to remind my dumbass self that hot things are indeed hot. And that even after you've poured all the boiling hot water out of a kettle, the outer surface of the empty kettle is still going to be very hot for a short while after the water has left it.
>>27165 possibly but marth might be in the pool still just not focus
Your university's clubs charge you to go to meetings? Do they at least say what they plan on doing with the money? If they don't its pretty suspicious.
>>27175 Hell no. Would a LOSER spend valentines day alone and jacking it to H doujins? I don't think so. >>27177 Some sort of membership fee. I have no idea what they do with the money.
>>27178 >school club charging membership fee That's pretty shady, unless it turns out that your uni gives very little funding to clubs. >>27182 at a normal university in the US unless the club is super large the club should receive enough funding to cover that >>27183 you earn it by doing paperwork and convincing the administration that you need money and won't waste it and that its good for the student body or whatever
>build a wall of 3310s
>>27180 ??? the club plans to do shit anime club takes five bucks a person and probably just buys refreshments
>>27180 you have to earn funding it doesnt just come from having a club you have to work to earn that funding with requirements or pay your own way
I don't think it's too shady. For only $5 it covers the whole year. I have no idea how their club funding works. >>27179 Didn't see one but there probably is. I Have no idea how to play though
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>27184 It's not shady to ask for money and >>27184 oh i thought you meant like a regularly ocurring fee they should have transparency about what they use the money for though
I have to work one of the nights its on anyway. So really.. REALLY they should be charging me 2.50
>>27188 I never went to normal anime club meetings, they mostly watch garbage I would however go to the once monthly 24 hour anime nights, mainly because I often got to decide what we watched I once watched the first 18 episodes of Eva without pausing it once.
Okay Flip Flappers is a good start that was a fun, genki show.
91 Days, Flip Flappers, Re:Zero, ReLife, New Game!, and Iron-Blooded Orphans are all really good. Re:Zero and Iron-Blooded Orphans are both long-form though.
Yuri on Ice and Fune wo Amu are both kind of gay I think. Well Yuri on Ice is really gay and I'm not actually totally sure on Fune wo Ame; I may be mistaking it with another show. Er movie. Potato potahto.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>27194 >re;zero >really good What did he mean by this?
>>27195 I meant it's really good. I'm sorry do you have a valid argument here or are you just too lazy.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I barely watch anime these days. >>27197 Its entertaining but its not I honestly don't feel like typing this out with one hand so we can argue about this some other time. also you have not put forth a valid argument as to why it is good
>>27194 If I join I'll only be able To make it to the Wednesday ones.
I'd recommend showing up late and skipping Yuri on Ice. Unless you want to watch fruitcakes on ice skates.
So like.. How come they call it Yuri if they're all dudes
What's weird is that they've got a bunch of one-cour shows like Flip Flappers and Yuri on Ice, and ReLIFE, and then they put it on the same schedule as Re:Zero and Cowboy Bebop. Are they just going to add more shows in once they end the one-cour shows?
Licenseing issues. Because its a proper club they can't openly flaunt piracy. So its either really old or really new
That's not really what I'm getting at, hah hah. I mean by the time some of these shows are finishing up, other ones will still only be at the halfway mark.
But then I remembered twelve weeks is probably enough time to finish a single semester. So when the semester 2 schedule is released, they'll probably just have the two-cour shows maintain their timeslots.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>27209 They'll put other shows in the slots that become empty after they've finished those series.
>phone tying >ever >>27209 Oh. sorry. I see what you mean. I guess they'll just find other short shows to fill the gap.
Honestly, I'd like to join. It might be fun to meet some weebs in the offline world. I just don't know if I have time.
Well how many weeks is one semester for you?
Well there you have it. Semester two will probably just have new one-cour shows replacing the wrapped up shows and continue the two-cour shows in their previous timeslots.
makes sense.
>>27211 You're in university; I think most people will understand being busy on some nights because of work. In honesty, I think it's something that's at least worth demo-ing for one week. Anime clubs have a certain infamy to them, but they're not all terrible, and even if they're terrible, not everyone in them is going to be terrible. The odds aren't for you here, but it's not like testing the waters for one session is going to lock you in for good.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>27211 >It might be fun to meet some weebs in the offline world I can almost guarantee you that a good number of them will have terrible taste and bizarre behaviour.
Sounds like Marsh would fit right in then.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Have any of you read the Anime Club comics from Gunshow?
Bitch please you only watch moeshit and old shows you can either wank your pretentiousnes or hipsterism to. Or both. And I think "going on a mountaineering trip to India for a year plus" definitely fits bizarre behaviour.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>27221 I meant not having proper hygeine and running like a ninja from naruto a >>27223 okay, whatever
Rei it doesn't matter what you meant this joke has transcended your little off comment.
Anyway. It's not even just work. I'm fucking SLAMMED these days.
A double degree plus extra IT classes at the Tech school Plus I already joined a bunch of other societies. Plus trying to maintain PHYSICAL EXCELLENCE.
There are only so many hours in the day and so many days in the week. And the fact is that unlike Mountaineering, anime isn't something I strictly need a club to do. I can watch it alone in my bedroom at my own schedule.
But --- that said -- I really would like to join. Meet LIKEMINDED PEOPLE. So I'm thinking about it.
>>27226 True. You just need somebody else to fly the airlift chopper back to the hospital after you fuck up.
Well I think you've also proved that mountaineering isn't something you need a club for either.
>>27225 Well like I said, the odds are against you to find pleasant companionship in an anime club. I can speak from experience in this aspect. But at the same time, some of my closest friends from the past were people I met at an anime club. Some times you just have to take a rough gamble to get a decent payoff. And EITHER WAY. It's not like you lose anything by just sampling the crowd for one day at least.
>>27227 I dunno, man. Five bucks can go a long way. That's like four kilos of rice...
But I take your point.
Well who knows you might find one girl there who's somewhat repugnant but becomes infatuated with you and stalks you down on campus to repeatedly publicly nag you for when you're going to show up next. WHO KNOWS.
Not if you view the universe as a manifestation of our shared collected consciousness.
You can view the universe however you want; it ain't gonna give a fuck. It's just going to continue existing in the gigantic and mind-bogglingly massive fashion it has always existed in.
Some times it's fun to not take things easy though. In fact there's a lot of things that are super fun to throw your energy into.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>"I understand there's a guy inside me who wants to lay in bed, smoke weed all day, and watch cartoons and old movies. My whole life is a series of stratagems to avoid, and outwit, that guy." - Anthony Bourdain
I don't know if I'd agree with that life philosophy either. I think a life spent entirely working is not a fulfilled life either.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I found a thing.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>27257 Some people enjoy their work. Also some people's work results in advances in various fields that can lead to new and better technology.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>>27257 but he doesn't even work he just carouses around getting wined and dined
Geez and he has the audacity to tell others to not slack off and commit themselves to avoiding taking it easy.
>>27259 Yeah that's why I don't agree with that life philosophy and not that it's outright wrong. The fun things about life philosophies is that there can be a bazillion of them and they can all co-exist in this wide world of ours.
It still kind of sounds like he's passed the point in his life where he can act like it's his whole life avoiding being a slacker.
Oh shit Claud's queuing up the Lord of the Rings music now.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>>27265 he's definitely gotten to a sweet situation but I guess it does require producing a TV show while he's doing it
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>Known for consuming exotic local specialty dishes, Bourdain has "eaten sheep testicles in Morocco, ant eggs in Puebla, Mexico, a raw seal eyeball as part of a traditional Inuit seal hunt, and an entire cobra—beating heart, blood, bile, and meat—in Vietnam,"
>According to Bourdain, the most disgusting thing he has ever eaten is a Chicken McNugget,[46] though he has also declared that the unwashed warthog rectum he ate in Namibia and the fermented shark he ate in Iceland are among "the worst meals of [his] life."
McDonald's isn't exactly high quality cuisine, but I think even amongst profesional chefs, comparing it to unwashed warthog rectums and your average Scandinavian's breakfast is a bit of an exaggeration.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
He was trained in fine French cooking, he has to say that
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>renowned chef Thomas Keller once served him a 20-course tasting menu which included a mid-meal "coffee and cigarette": a coffee custard infused with tobacco, together with a foie gras mousse.[
That coffee custard might pique my curiousity enough to try it out.
wow, that wasn't even the only student to have sex with their teacher at that highschool that year this one was yuri though
>>27277 >fuck your student >read on the news that the police are investigating a teacher at the school you work at for fucking their student PANIC
Phillip Pullman is working on more books from the world of His Dark Materials.
>pewdiepie makes a video talking about how he's actually NOT a nazi, and then mocks the whole thing by essentially going "If you just read the headlines, this is how you'd think I am", followed by him dressed up in a military costume, watching a Hitler speech
>the clip of him watching the speech while in uniform is used in another article as evidence he's racist This is genuinely amazing
I don't give a fuck about him, truly, I literally have seen ONE video of his because dutchfriend forced me But this shit isn't OK, and demonstrably intentional
You know when you get your bed sheets out of the drying machine and they're all warm and toasty
also apparently Trump has moved ALL the people in the FBI who used to be on the right-wing terror team to the islamic terror team So right now literally not a person in the FBI is giving a fuck about right wing extremism
>>27300 To be fair, trump is making it REAL easy to have shit to talk about And I ain't got much else going on
This part is actually important, too I mean really, the US has a fair amount of right wingers looking to end some lives This ain't good, dude
In other, less political news, the ALT DOJ account on twitter sent me a "thank you" I'm not sure for what, though Maybe it was just the follow, but these alt-whatever accounts are super big
>>27301 it can be a little bit overwhelming of a topic not really a problem but sometimes i'll come check moe out and see it and come back four hours later and it's still goin on
Pay for the cop car? You mean you like hmm how would that work you can't pay for them behind you because you don't know what they'll order and what their bill will be unless it's a two window thing maybe that would work
>>27318 what nah i just asked "hey can i pay for the guy behind me?" while i'm waiting on my food and i see him pull up and she was like "his was just 4.11, is that okay?" and i'm like "sure" and then she swipes my card
you don't take the order at the window, you take it at a speaker box attached to a menu
i know you don't interact with poor people things often
Oh yeah, I forgot that some of them had speaker boxes. It's been awhile since I've used a drive through.
>>27320 haha time for an ojou moment I always walk in and get my food in the rare instances that I get fast food because I cannot understand the unique dialect of the urban youths that work at fast food places over the speaker.
>>27323 I can't understand them over the speaker. So I go inside. Though it's been awhile since I've had fast food. well I actually had hardees the other day but someone else got it for me.
sk phon
I found a new lockscreen and so far it's good
>>27324 are you ACTUALLY this privileged fast food isn't something people want to include in their lifestyle it's a symptom of not being able to have better
>>27329 hmm Unless someone asks to go out to lunch or to pick something up (often fast food) I usually just eat like a granola bar and a little tub of yogurt for lunch. It's not like I'm going out to nice restaurants every day.
i usually only have two meals a day one is sort of breakfast/lunch and the other is sort of lunch/dinner and i almost only eat panera because it's free but if i'm out with friends we try to get something cheap/unique pretty much the only times i spend money on myself are going to shows and then getting food afterwards
the only times i eat that aren't free food at panera or out with friends are fast food or cheap food cooked at home and the only times i cook food at home are when i'm lucky enough to have time
that means i end up getting fast food like once or twice a week there's no other way to get food at 1am after getting out of work
also FUCK yogurt
speaking of privilege, my mom bought a BMW for 4500 one in pretty damn good condition i got to drive it today because if i get pulled over again i'm going to jail and my scooter is really conspicuous i got pulled over the other day because i looked "suspicious"
We have like 15 of these papers showing how the things we make are to be put together and not one of them shows the signifier you're supposed to go by for determining if the nut is tightly screwed in place
>>27484 swordbreaker is good but his other skills would be more suited to a more defensive unit HP+ is nice and all but with his defenses he can't extend too far safely and holy vestments/aegis rarely make a difference plus brave lance's speed debuff means he gets hit twice by a lot of enemies I was hoping he'd be more useful but so far he's the worst character on my B team, his only saving grace is his mobility
I'm starting to have a lot of useful 4* units to swap around my teams I'm trying to level robin up asap before working on other stuff though so I can have a 5* robin/lyn combo
Here are my results. It's the five star I least wanted, but still nice to get one. I wanted Corrin though, so I'm happy to have her. rip my feathers though
I don't know about down there, but the reduced quality for science in the States is starting to make headlines here.
>>27579 Ugh Yeah occasionally here But it's being downplayed so much There's going to be some STEM march
There's a lot of scientists here that would be heavily sympathetic to the cause. Scientists suffered reduced funding and federal pressure to not communicate findings with the public under the previous Conservative government. It's actually something that stuck out to me, since it was actually an issue my dad took pretty severely with them when it came around to voting last time.
>>27580 >Modelled on the popular Women's March in Washington — and dozens of solidarity marches around the globe — a March for Science has been planned for April 22, Earth Day. There are already nine parallel marches planned in Canada in support. This one, right?
Also a right-leaning political cartoonist (I think?) down there tried to float this commentary on DeVos.
Yeah, I have no idea of what that's trying to convey
It's a mimic of this painting Of a young black girl walking past various racial harassment during the volatile times of the civil rights movement. The cartoon was drawn after left-leaning sympathists barred DeVos from entering a schoolhouse; it's trying to draw parallels between systemic racism of the civil rights era and the way everyone shits on right-leaning political figures. In other words they're being kind of a dick.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i had to look through the tweets to understand it >>>/@jbouie/831605800154042368 impressed with tilde's history knowledge
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wait wtf that was the same link weird i can't link the other one oh well
hearing some real spooky noise in the distance
>>27586 In reality I just did my research afterwards. But I'm not American, so I don't know how commonplace this painting might be in history down there. And I try to avoid firstly acting like I'm educating someone on something that's common knowledge.
I feel like I've seen it before but I can't say I recognize it. We - or at least, I didn't learn a lot about the CR movement in school Even in American history >>27588 its a friendly fairy
Does he have to be five-star to have daggers? I have a three-star of him and he's just got a spellbook.
>the massa intermedia is probably not an important structure, because it is absent in the brains of many people. huh i don't see how this follows, book
>>27666 Not going to lie, it may be something to do when PoR properly rolls out. Not just the lords though, I don't really care for Ike and Micaiah. I have so many PoR people that I want.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
What To Do With You?
>Bro, I heard from multiple family sources that ICE raided all the roti shops on Liberty and got a lot of people. OKAY WE ARE DONE This is no longer something I can say hasn't affected me.
Fuck outta here. Before they learn the good methods and then upscale the price of already expensive oxtail. I don't even need this as a reason but this is legitimately antithetical.
Why isn't this a bigger deal The media should be freaking out like they did with the ban People are getting raided and asking for papers Come on
Because they don't see it. The ban came heavyhandedly from some incompetent dude in power. ICE, on the other hand, are "simply doing their jobs". albeit in terrible ways, but that's what their job is. They don't truly understand how to challenge the root of their systems until it directly affects them. And of course, even if it does get blazed, they can just redirect to "Well, Obama had a lot of deportations too."
Ah, I see. I guess he's been around long enough. But still, this is quite a time.
Eight straight years of being a secret service leader is probably as exhausting as it is being a two-term president.
Obama actually went through three directors He started with Bush's who didn't retire until 2013 for some reason, and then went through one, and then had Clancy since 2014 Usually they do retire when there's a new president though It's just kind of like tradition, I guess?
Obama's secret service was pretty poor though so he did go through several
RIP you. At least the snow here will be melting soon.
sk phon
Samu why
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I'll do my best to support your cause. I'll do my best to support your cause. I'll do my best to support your cause. I'll do my best to support your cause.
>People get shot because their phones look like guns >Why don't ... we actually make a gun that looks like a phone? >Let's call it "IDEAL CONCEAL" >>27709 lol, they're trying to gut it before they get voted out of office potentially.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Bill HR861 >The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.
please no
>>27710 Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1] (Introduced 02/03/2017) >FL
These are your people fam
People go to Florida literally to die. Little did they know, it would be because they sank. \
>>27709 They can't disagree with the president's tweets and statements if the organization doesn't exist!
Fuck this.
This is his first term in Congress and the first thing he does is this What a fucking tryhard
>>27709 lol and this is the ENTIRETY of the bill's text and nothing else. >>27718 holy shit. going hard A BILL To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. TERMINATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.
The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018. THAT'S IT
that's it? what a shitty bill
There's no way this will pass
[Bernie reeeeeeeeeing faintly]
>Bernie >Doing anything faintly
He's far away
He's the kind of man that transcends time and space.
>“Our small businesses cannot afford to cover the costs associated with compliance, too often leading to closed doors and unemployed Americans,” Gaetz wrote. “It is time to take back our legislative power from the EPA and abolish it permanently.” ? ? ? Small businesses aren't doing anything that requires any sort of compliance that could be costly
Oh my god they're gonna have this white as marble american civil war fighter become a SAMURAIU and probably be the best SAMURAIU who ever lived, ain't they?
Beats me I haven't watched a single Tom Cruise movie.
Maybe the Republicans figure once the civil war breaks out, they might mitigate some of the damage to themselves by having all the crazies shoot the left-leaning militants.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Reminds me of that classic Aussie skit [Interviewer:] So what do you do to protect the environment in cases like this? [Senator Collins:] Well, the ship was towed outside the environment. [Interviewer:] Into another environment…. [Senator Collins:] No, no, no. it’s been towed beyond the environment, it’s not in the environment [Interviewer:] Yeah, but from one environment to another environment. [Senator Collins:] No, it’s beyond the environment, it’s not in an environment. It has been towed beyond the environment.
No you don't understand Samu. They towed it into OUTER SPACE. THERE'S NO ENVIRONMENT IN SPACE.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>>27745 the best *manly tear* still a kickass movie despite the ridiculousness
[Interviewer:] Well, what’s out there? [Senator Collins:] Nothing’s out there… [Interviewer:] Well there must be something out there [Senator Collins:] There is nothing out there… all there is …. is sea …and birds ….and fish [Interviewer:] And? [Senator Collins:] And 20,000 tons of crude oil
Technically, dumping trash in a city isn't littering since there's no environment left to litter in You can't throw trash on trash and call it littering
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Let's build a mini black hole we can dump all our toxic waste into nothing escapes a black hole well maybe some radiation
Cities definitely have an environment you dope. There are whole ecosystems that develop in urban locations that are distinctly unique from anything you can observe in conventional nature. It's super fascinating, but still a fucking environment.
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
probably half the reason I like that movie is the soundtrack
There's also going to be a BBC television series about the original series. Which hopefully is a more faithful and less cheesy adaptation than the movie was.
First book will apparently pre-date the original trilogy, while the later two will cover events that chronologically follow the original series. It'll explore the aspects of Dust, if you remember what that was from the trilogy.
Oh it's Piers Morgan, the guy who had a Twitter shitfest with J.K. Rowling. So they're tweeting the first Harry Potter book against her.
Oh, right yeah They're memeing because he said the ban that kept 85% of worldwide muslims able to enter the country wasn't a Muslim ban He's literally hitler now
>>27816 This is the first actually decent ad they've had It's actually pretty good
Probably because there's no animal pun or misconceived animal "pun".
>>27825 Yeah I'm surprised they didn't say, "Don't chimp out! There's still time left to take this great deal!" "You'll go bananas for these low prices!" "$29 Flights? What a steal!" "You'll riot over these low prices!"
>>27827 that's just a travel discount thing pretty good product/service actually expands beyond just frontier i think
>>27826 It's only available to Discount Den members
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>The law requires that signs featuring both French and English text must display the French lettering in larger type. Businesses must register with French names — although companies can often skirt this requirement by adding a French word to an otherwise English title. (In Quebec, for instance, Starbucks is officially known as Café Starbucks, and Apple avoids the name game entirely because the Apple Store logo is text-free.)
time to start a startup with an emoji as its name
why are you even there i wanted to ask before but i didn't want to ask
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
a friend invited me and i always heard it was a cool place i don't have specific plans yolo
>heard it was a cool place French canada altogether? or a specific city?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
specifically montreal got the eats, art scene, tech sector
It's alternative timeline Shiroyama where 500 samurai defeat 30K guns, several cannons, and 3 gatling guns
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>27833 this was playing at a cafe the night i arrived
Well they don't win the battle But they succeed
>>27835 ive had many people tell me that this song is exactly what montreal feels like
and then this person commented: >Body is just like car to me, car with only 5 senses. When you leave your body, you are still conscious. And thrue consciousness you can hear... I dont know how, but its truth to me a many people with same experience. For example how can you hear words in your dreams, when there is no sound around you and your ears have nothing to hear?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
no wait nevermind hmm it was a different song whoops
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>27838 car analogies find their way into everything