I have like... I can't call this a serious desire because who knows it'll probably fizzle in a few days. But I spent a lot of mental hours thinking of making touhou remixes. And I want to make one. I have no skill at digital music creation though
It's going to bother me because it's another great idea but I don't want to spoil great ideas with bad execution. >>274867 I was thinking of how Kokoro's and Koishi's theme are kinda-sorta similar in the beginning. That early melody. It isn't the same, but if you had them at similar speed, you can transition between The Lost Emotion and Hartmann's Youkai Girl's melodies. >>274868 So do I. And a lot of the mixes from it are really nice.
>>274864 being music would be weird What songs would you remix?
I guess Kokoros theme does sound a bit simmilar but slowed down at the start.
>>274867 It's the first three notes. In Kokoro's and Koishi's the melody loops but starts with the same (or close to the same) three notes. So you can go from one to the next as an easy transition. The full songs aren't really similar but I feel like it's possible to mix them. (and maybe a little Lost Remote too) >>274869 Hm. Oh, I didn't know the name of Evening Star. It's been a while since I heard this. >>274871 Listen, I dislike Hartmann's Youkai Girl out of probably all of SA's tracks. Although, I think I like it a little more now? Last Remote is amazing though
Since I've been wanting to discuss this stuff with you since forever, I'll tell you a fun fact: Nuclear Fusion isn't really at the top for me. I like it more for what it is and represents than just the theme itself.
But because of that I'm really picky about arranges for it. You can easily make Nuclear Fusion hard rock or so but it takes skill to make it stand out that way, or even more to give it another genre. There's a Felt one and a jazz one that are super solid.
I really like Zuntars and all the final boss themes from 13 onwards have used them pretty liberally. It's nice, but I like how they can stand out in particular for Lost Emotion and stuff.
Last Remote and Loose Rain are about tied for favorite ex stage music, though Youkai Back Road and other later ones are good in a different way since they are different styles.
I find it disappointing that I can't think of any really good mixes of Sukuna's theme. Except Demetori, that is. Demetori's was pretty good. Although, it wasn't something I played a lot.
I don't think I can off the top of my head now that you mention it. Do you have a preference for last stage themes?
Android 8.0 is waiting to update for me when I get home. Full number version updates always get me a little excited. Though there's probably going to be very little discernable difference.
Hmm, I feel like a lot of EX themes are more my thing than Last Stage. Sukuna's is good. Kanako was last stage of MoF right? Hers was great. And I guess I'm obligated to say Remilia's since Remilia's theme was what got me into touhou
That's fair. I have a thing for last bosses so I'm biased. I like Grave of Being yeah. But I really like Phantom's Boisterous Dance from th2. It's super short though.
I feel Septette is good but stop me if you've heard this before but I feel it's crazy overrated.
Venerable Ancient Battlefield was one of the first touhou songs I ever heard. So I like that one a lot. It's got a lot of good zunpets, like the rest of MoF
I bought a bunch of shirts from Uni-Qlo today. A close to doing weeaboo shit as you can in a perfectly normal activity.
It's also the first time in memory that I've gone clothes shopping in on my own.
>>274877 You always have to take into consideration that classics are part of what makes a series, or any fandom, a reason to be enjoyed. The original Septette wasn't really my thing but it was some piano arrange. Still, I really like it. As a game track, I feel it loops weirdly. But that's more like... game stuff. I should listen to Matara's theme. It's here in my youtube rec
both themes actually, since shes the exboss too >>274885 ROGHT?
I told you man there's a reason i fucking love Matara her theme boss fight and everything she even does meta shit
>>274883 My fondness for Necrofantasia has pretty much nothing to do with my opinion of Yukari and is entirely based on the composition of the song. I love the booming and majestic feel to the song.
There's no SUBTLETY in how good this is >>>/watch?v=lTlyTBP3hS0 It's just really really good
>>274889 I think her last boss theme trumps her ex one, but her extra theme is very "extra" sounding as in it being her super god theme rather than just a last boss
Matara's Stage 6 is the best though It just sounds like so much fun.
I got to ex-Matara's final card once. Her survival is bugged. If you used the c-buttom mechanic she becomes damageable for some reason. The spell is also designed in a way that you have to use that mechanic so...
Aight cool When you play 16 you pick your charcter but you alsp get a choice of what season (there is a default for each) that has different extra bullets based on how much spring or whatever it is you pick up. Pressing C does different stuff but generally removes bullets at the cost of all your spring stuff (or just 1 bar in the case of cirno and the extra stage's>
but the important bit is that Matara commands those seasons and shit so for the final spell she sucks away all your spring juice, your power ups, and a message pops up saying "fight with your own power against your selected season shot type" and so her spell is based on whichever season thing you picked. it's super cool.
There's some fun dialogue in the extra stage where Reimu keeps calling her a youkai and Matara gets increasingly bothered and insistent on being called a god. It's cute.
Yes. I've been so scared that I wouldn't It was terrifying because I don't know what I would do I was able to last a year without just knowing that I'll be able to resume treatment once I'm stable last year without, just knowing* as in without the meds but it was not a productive year i'm excited about all the things i'm going to be able to do and so i don't feel worried about things and don't crave a drink
I have become a corpse this is just awful there are rewards that pop up after consecutive wins in my card game now It is tryhard city and I've been getting thrashed for two hours.
My favourite cookies have been more than 50% off at the store this week. I bought two bags on Monday and another two today.
Though previously I thought it was a little less than 50% off, but it seems the standard price for them is 4.50 CAD lately. Which is an absurd amount to pay for a bag of cookies. Still they get really good sales like this pretty often, and I take advantage of it.
It's not like a big deal but we made a Grease thing in music class at school, and I just don't like that song The rest of the soundtrack is great though
I have only seen greese once when I was in middleschool and boy I loved it and i have never again seen it and I bet it only turns worse if I rewatch it
>>275048 Me and me best friend atleast twice a year we do this routine
though ironically I do Elwood and he does Jake though I am shorter and fatter and he is taller and thiner but he fucking can't remember the litany elwood has to say
>>275084 hmm, why did she hate the saucer I think it was because of something with fireworks. Like she couldn't shoot fireworks anymore and she used to do that with her dad or something.
okay i'm ready
>>275080 i also got into a heated argument with one of my best friends today and we left angry at each other and i have work in 5 hours
morning in paris the city awakes tot he bells of notre dame the fisherman fishes the bakerman bakes to the bells of notre dame to the big bells as loud as the thunder to the little bells soft as a psalm and some say the toll of the city's soul of the bells the bells of notre dame
Beautiful are they not so many colour's of sound so many changing moods because you know they do not always ring by themselves They don't No silöly boy up there high high in the dark bell tower lives the mysterious bell ringer WHo is this ringer What is he
It is a dark and a mysterious tale >>275101 my song or?
But seriously I sang something but it wasn't that challenging So I wanna sing something more gimme ideas >>275107 I just wanna sing so it isn't big investment >>275105 Hey gimme na idea for a sad song then
>>275113' How bad are you at karaoke bars or at karaoke...
>>275114 i just know my friend is gonna go to the fair with her mutual friend who i was just beginning to befriend and talk shit about me now and i requested the day off tomorrow but i wont know the results until im pretty much headed into work and the fair was the whole rEason i requested the day off in the first place
>>275170 thanks i got like two hours of sleep i hope I die on the wway to class
Samu 🎤 !KW2DbpWwls
meowing is the most value I can deliver right now
>>275173 don't die that'd be a really anticlimatic ending >>275174 (*)v()v(_)v(’-’*) (v)(▽)(・∀・)(´∀`)(⌒▽⌒) Wow that ended up fucked up >>275176 do you bleed? YOU WILL
the cops were mad that she didn't run away so they said she resisted a lawful order and arrested her because she existed in proximity to peaceful protestors that were protesting the cop that said he was going to murder a black person on camera, then got found not guilty
Okay hold up, what is the thing that flies across the camera at 0:08? >>275190 what a pointless and stupid waste of time for everyone involved
the class was originally a Monday night class for the whole semester but then something (??) happened and they made it half a semester long and added in weekend classes from 7-1 the class is pretty chill and usually ends early but still
>>>/@CIA/908086359541383168 this tweet has been circulating around Twitter a lot lately and i feel like its really sad this cute excited dog is being trained to be a violent monster that will probably hurt people
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>275248 Would that not also be how you train them to do actual good things, like find people?
the training to find people doesn't include aggression training which these dogs will inevitably go through
yeah they frequently end up in violent situations so they're generally trained to be very violent towards the source of the scent, especially if it's a person
and an agent will take that dog home and let their kids play with it after it seriously maims someone too it's fucking disgusting how we use animals
How can it be Japanese poetry if there aren't any catgirls?
Going to bed Oyasumi Jesus Christ It's almost 5:30
>>275259 >no widescreen >probably wouldn't run 60fps A vita version would be nice. >>275261 night >>275260 >forgetting 猫又
fucking hell a bunch of like 16-18 year olds are discussing music in this Discord im in and talking about these bands that i knew in high school and how that music is so old fuck im getting old guys what do i do
>>275264 Wishful thinking >>275265 Just wait until the next underageb& hits the scene
please no
I'm so out of touch with what's hip with the youth these days
me too i guess apparently communism is pretty hip for some reason there's this super big commie meme, dictatorship of the teen because apparently left wing orgs are getting flooded with like 15-19 year olds that are super radical communists the world has gotten so weird that i have to wonder if it's reality that broke or me
maybe both
I thought that kids were being drawn to the right because of memes
apparently not? idk anymore im not hip enough to know i have to find out what kids like from people that seem hip
the only kind of photography i really have an eye for is with architecture and rock formations you seem like your photography eye is really well rounded though
>>275283 ive taken a few good pics but way more not great ones you've got a lot of really good ones to post I don't have very many photos on my phone i can post though
i like to take pictures of plants and cute doggos and cool lizardos i don't think i'm very good at it though it's just fun to look through pics you took of some random day and relive the memories
there were some pretty good ones in the road trip archive i think but that's like maybe 20 out of 1300
yeah i saw some pretty good ones there
wow i got dropped if I had the time and inclination to go for good quality and proper angles on everything my photos would be a lot nicer but I generally just whip my phone out and do it in 2 seconds whenever I see something neat
Kirara has the same camera as me so can take probably the same or better shots
i couldn't in a million years trust myself with something that costs so much money for photos probably the first time i go hiking i would drop it on a fucking rock
Your computer probably costs more than my camera
it definitely does, but i don't take my computer outside even if i do, it is only en route to another inside location while safely inside of a bag
>>275294 i dunno i think you've got more natural talent than me
i don't have a lot of subjects to practice on bc i have to drive everywhere too so you'll probably be a lot better than me in no time
it's been like four years that i've owned a smartphone and only now has it dawned upon me why i can't access my phone's files without unlocking it first
Security is a nice thing to have!
Should I make breakfast and then go to sleep or sleep and have lunch later.
>>275298 i think if i had actually bought a camera and been mentally prepared for it i could handle it i've dropped my phone like a grand total of 10 times or something but the fragility of such a purchase is scary i'm still scared i'm going to bump into my TV and knock that shit into the floor at some point even though that's literally never happened to me in my life >>275301 do you find it easy to sleep with a full stomach?
>>275302 Sure, at least it doesn't make it harder. Some food puts me in a right sleepy state of being after eating too.
>>275302 yeah i was pretty paranoid about it at first but now im more comfortable moving around with my camera
I'm always really ginger with new stuff right after getting it. When I got my phone I was always putting it down carefully and making sure it didn't slam down. Now I toss it at my bed like it's just a block of metal or something.
yeah me too haha my phone feels indestructible i got a replacement s7 a bit ago btw warranty replaced it
That's pretty nice. Apparently the Nexus 6p model was having some weird issues with it for a lot of people. The battery was lying about how charged it was, or it was getting stuck in bootloops with no discernable cause. Google's solution was to just let people turn in their Nexus 6ps for Pixel XLs.
Though it only goes through if you bought through the Google store, so I couldn't pull that trick. Not that my phone's noticable broke though.
would be nice to get your hands on a pixel haha
>>275304 I'd say you might as well eat now then. If you're hungry it's hard to sleep, at least for me.
>>275306 i flip my phone around in my hand a lot i'm not sure why exactly i think it's just some nervous tic
sometimes i'll do it in front of my sisters and they'll wince every time it's kind of funny to me
I've got to keep my hands regularly occupied so some times my phone is the most straightforward thing to fidget with. Probably isn't that safe for the phone though.
It's definitely a bad habit to have considering I don't have warranty
>>275311 same i am always flipping something in my hands
I know nothing of composing. While nothing about this is particularly original, it still feels daunting. >mix two songs >possibly three songs >persona funk There's a high bar for success here.
I've wanted to fo original music from time to time but thats a lot of work
I think the Persona funk is a matter of not just instrument choice but... vocals... which I definitely won't have wwww >just rap over it koi wwwwwwwwww
Just go belt out a couple sessions of Rivers in the Desert to get into the spirit of things.
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds has surpassed DOTA2's concurrent players record with more than 1.3 million players.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but no not her She's a great singer but wouldn't have the... actually, she's a GREAT singer so she could probably push it out anyway. I have another friend who would probably be better for it though. We already said we were going to do anime karaoke some day. So I feel a lot less weird about giving her really anime lyrics. But EVEN STILL >creating lyrics
I need a stronger grasp on what I want it to feel like. I can see the mechanics of it, but the more I walk around in that, the more options that open and I don't need that.
hi hi moe moe
>>275349 is this image the prequel to the kpishi-cactus image
You know what's really funny? You have a better chance at getting Lyn and Ike now then you did when they were in the special Well, maybe just lyn Well, I DO anyway I wonder where that extra focus percentage goes when you aren't rolling for a character that has focus
there will prob be an ike banner soon too
>no blue orbs this really hurts
at least there are special maps and TT starting soon
>>275385 Click on the button on the left of the banner >>275386 It's divided into 58/36/3/3 right? So if there's no 5* Focus in your color, then 3% is missing Is it just balanced equally or do they dump it into one of them?
it's rolled when you click summon on the banner, and the colors you see are the results of the rolls, but you can't see what they are and obtain them until you spend the orbs once you're on the screen with the colors, it's basically like being at a store and seeing them in boxes that only show their color and you take your pick
this is REALLY important to keep in mind when chasing specific units, and also why you should generally full-roll the panel whenever you do dump // your pity points do get cleared out when you get one 5* because the rest of that panel will still have the 4.5% or whatever that it originally drew from >>275389 yes it does there is really a lot that this makes more complex because now, once it's up there and you're seeing it, you're not asking whether the 3% roll was made for a focus (red, let's say) you're playing the blind odd of "There are X reds in the pool, Y of which are 5* and one of which is 5* focus" and then applying the probability distribution o // to see what your chances of it are this is why rolling for horse lyn instead of choosing her was a bad idea, because the colorless pool is unforgiving i would have told you, but i made the same mistake
for instance, more intuitively if there's a bunch of reds in the pool and only a few blues even though red and blue both have a 3% chance being focus [sic] you have a three percent chance of getting a focus, whether red or blue
but if you've already got a group and it's all blues, that would be a lot more likely to have a focus in it than five reds, just because there's a smaller blue pool
if it was when you selected the orb, then they couldn't advertise a uniform 3% focus chance because you have a 0% chance if you get no focus colors but anyway, it means that they didn't just select colors randomly and you get to choose which color to pull from they've already pulled five heroes, but are putting a mask over them that you gotta use orbs to remove keeping that in mind when you're rolling helps your brain understand what's going on a lot better
I guess this also explains why people end up getting multiple 5*s quite often. Since your rate is higher at the moment of pressing summon, the chance of getting multiple 5s is better than how it would have been the way I understood it.
i had 13 orbs and went to roll this banner and got all colorless orbs this current banner i mean
I wasn't prepared but I'm glad i did it What a few hours that was
>>275394 don't try to get clever with it and do the 120 orb 100% focus thing err 120-roll* like if you don't get shit for 120 rolls you get a 100% chance next summon but that's done externally and forces that color to a 100% chance and overwrites what the old unit was so don't think you can go in and get 5 free 100% rolls by opening a new summon panel at that time
120 rolls, that's 2400 orbs jesus christ what a poor fucker that this happens to
We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since world started turning
>>275397 I don't have that many orbs to even attempt.
>>275403 i gave that kratom to my mom for her pain and coming off of opiate meds i left the whole thing with her i hope that wasn't a big mistake the dose i gave her was helping her a lot i hope she didn't try to take a bunch of it once i left
doctors had her on morphine hcl 60mg twice a day before so i think i'm being paranoid about this being a problem it'd be like if someone brought me a wine cooler or something and said "oh no i hope moon doesn't get drunk" like a little bottle of smirnoff ice or hard lemonade lol
sometimes once she's feeling better and not in as much pain then she gets froggy and starts thinking "oh i want to go up to town and do some shopping and walk and lift things that i shouldn't be" i worry about her getting dizzy or drowsy or something and something happening to her i guess i can't always be worrying about those things though
I've got my meds back. It's not even the function of the meds themselves, it's the release of all that pressure and fear I had of "What if I never get back on my meds?" since i've got some identity problems, living a year enduring through an existence i can't identify with was torturous I just held out knowing I could return to myself eventually
it was just a year of living in this person's body, trying to navigate through the mess of a life that i couldn't understand or function in thousands of pages of scattered notes, plans, algorithms, ambitions that i couldn't even make sense of trying to do their job, their work, their career and i feel so lightweight now like a child at play instead of a depressed husk that's just eternally confused
Hm, I think more than the meds itself is just the fallback aspect. I know that I have the tools to help guide me through uncomfortable scenarios, and that makes them less daunting. I know that I can manage life's other stresses and still be able to focus on work and personal ambition.
I don't have to be as vulnerable to depression or anxiety attacks or having something unexpected in my day ruin my mood I think that's where the improved ability to function comes from -- not having to navigate so tightly between feelings of discomfort and fear
The meds definitely help by themselves, but I've found that I've been in this solid state of motivation even before I took them, once i had them I was so scared that I'd never be able to interface with the healthcare system again and that would be where i dissolve away and start a downward decline
Sorry for the long explanation! tl;dr yeah pretty much
>>275423 Maybe if I say it this way -- You know I have a lot of interests and ambitions I feel like I'm better-equipped to put myself out there when I'm able to keep my mental health in check and have some mental stability, and that gives me more confidence about what i'm doing
It's really hard for me to talk to people about business props or new contracts when I don't know whether I'll even be stable enough to do any of my daily work in the coming day. Something might get in my way and i have a // an anxiety attack, or spending all day navigating my own emotions so carefully to stay focused just saps all my energy being more emotionally deft and lightweight like this, I don't feel so encumbered or suffocated by things -- my own things or external
the meds themselves really do help, but even just being in a safe enough situation where i know i can interface with the healthcare system makes me feel safer and less scared about what's going to happen
i guess it doesn't really need explaining but oh well!
okay so my friend's sister tried to add me on facebook and i just blocked it cuz my friend told me to and now this sister sent me a message saying "you cut me off! what a dick" like what the heck shes crossing some serious social boundaries hete here*
>>275432 shes the older sister too, shes in her mid 20s
is it an online friend? i would be pretty irritated if someone did that
Samu 🐐💨 !KW2DbpWwls
one big happy family comin right up
>>275435 real life friend but, not really friend more like we went on 1 date and are acquaintances now so im sure her sister was excited to meet this handsome young man (me) well too bad
>>275465 Light pants are cooler than jeans too. Denim is kind of a heavy material. I don't like jeans much.
>>275464 Maybe he is coming from something he needed a suit for. Most people that wear suits for a living seem to take their jackets off whenever possible, though.
There is a good bit of choice when it comes to jeans. I don't know what the options are for jeans that keep you cool though. I don't wear jeans often, especially in summer.
I wear jeans almost on the daily. I've never noticed them being hot or anything unless it's like 90+ degrees with high humidity but I might just be used to them.
>>275469 Indeed. I have regained my power. I'm alright. Excited to have power back. It's nice and cool inside now. There was an issue with the kitchen but I was lucky and it was a really simple fix. Long day, though. How are you?
>>275467 The Toronto Uni-Qlo store is really near the university I'm taking night school classes at. I ended up getting a bunch of shirts from them yesterday. I wanted to get some pants too, but I've got kind of short-ish legs and it's really hard to find pants with my leg length.
Even here a good thunderstorm can knockout the power even in the city if it really "crits" last big storm cost my father 5k replacing all the gear tht got fried
Different parts of the hurricane can have different effects. For example, there's part of a hurricane where you get really insane winds but virtually no rain.
though I guess city or someplace with taller buildings would get more surge damage >>275476 yeah and I guess it is just "spicing" on top of everything else really
Also, the northeast portion, or rather, the portion to the northeast of the eyewall, usually gets it the worst. There's significantly more tornadoes and stuff in that area. That's the area that destroyed Houston and the part that hit me, although directly on the eyewall is technically worse than that, I guess.
The red lightning I saw was in the middle of the worst thunderstorm I've ever been in. It was pitch black and the lightning was red. It was pretty scary! This was during the day too, so the clouds were bad enough to block the sun out completely.
Maria might hit Florida as a major hurricane. It's going to hit Puerto Rico as a cat 3 most likely, go down to a cat 2, and then it might increase in power.
>>275508 You mean the whole "we got all the Europeans out of the island minus the people who are technically European because they live on our territory" thing?
I don't really remember a lot about what happened before Sandy because it was so weak and I was so young that I assumed anywhere could withstand it because Florida could. So I mostly ignored it until it started hitting stuff and fucking shit up.
>>275532 Go and have cuddle time with your snugglebunny, mom. >>275533 I am very tired of sitting in hurricane and "hurricane-ish" storms for "the experience".
>>275534 Hurricanes aren't bad experiences usually. I went outside when it wasn't raining but there were like 80-100mph winds during Irma but it was actually really boring.
It's a bad experience when I have to deal with the DUALITY OF MOM >extreme excitement for chaotic events >incredible fear for anyone attempting to fix a problem within one
Would you rather get hit by an Earthquake or hurricane? An
You don't know when the earth is going to crack in half underneath your feet. There are no forecasts coming to tell you to abandon your life and go on vacation There's just you, the ground, and the lack thereof.
>>275539 I've never experienced an earthquake. I want to feel one. A little one though.
>>275543 yeah true the lack of any warning is harsh >>275544 it's quite exciting when it happens and the ground is shaking and stuff. Especially when you're still in bed and it starts rocking >>275546 Well it was exciting for me because it was only a little earthquake I've never felt nausea from an earthquake Were they big ones?
>exciting It's scary as fuck You get a very strange feeling of nausea from even the little ones. Because you know that something is wrong but you have no idea what The world is just incorrect. >>275545 I've been through two.
>>275545 Not where I was. They were both small. There was an EQ in Virginia that could be felt all the way up to New York City. And then a few weeks later, there was one in California. I was there during GDC The first one was just a tremor. Mild shaking. But my dad and I were renovating a house so we IMMEDIATELY left because suddenly all the little things were vibrating and the levels were tilting and I wasn't about to die because some structural thing in the house was fucking up. The second one was weird because I woke up and went to the bathroom and I felt woozy and sick. Apparently, the building was shaking. or swaying. I went on Twitter a few minutes later and everyone was talking about it. I just thought I felt fucked up. Didn't know it was making everyone feel fucked up.
>>275555 Driving around recklessly at 100+mph while swerving in and out of traffic or climbing through dangerous terrain as quickly as possible.
tfw fresh, brand new socks out of the package i love brand new socks
>>275558 I don't think that one's fun because it involves bystanders and there's no competition. Climbing sounds fun though. Although I really shouldn't be encouraging you. >>275557 Now you're sounding like a mum. >>275559 It's the best isn't it? Completely unworn and untouched. >>275562 Yeah except the world isn't competing, it's just trying to get to work or something.
>>275544 one time i was sleeping at like 3 o clock in the afternoon, having a nap, and then my dad woke me up to say "wow, did you feel that? what an earthquake!" i slept through it i guess i was really disappointed
I went out when there were like 100mph winds during the hurricane but it was really boring.
>>275560 The world is never competing. The true competition in life is a competition against futility. The world won't budge no matter how hard we push, but we still want to win. That futile battle, risking your life against that futility, that can be really fun.
I tried out a little editing. No too sure with this one. *not
>>275563 >competition against futility How metaphysical
>>275563 yeah but you're part of the world. By driving recklessly, you're just creating more futility for others. Instead of pushing against the world, it's way more effective to nudge and prod for exploits.
>>275566 It doesn't create any futility. The futility is always there. It's there for all of us equally.
When we battle that futility, we're part of the world, but we're also in opposition to it. The fact that the system can oppose itself is part of the beauty of life and why that battle is so important to me.
>sir why were you 100 miles over the speed limit? Your recklessness resulted in the deaths of two small children >I merely plowed through the worlds futility your honour
>>275603 I've walked around my neighborhood in a Little Witch Academia shirt. and pajamas and sandals made out of dried grocery store deals newsletters. I am an expert in this field.
Kirara, just don't. I'm serious. Crazy Train will make it the worst mistake of your life. You're going to go outside in that shirt and there'll be some kind of shit happening. Next thing you know you're on the news.
>>275693 work that sleep good night >>275691 I was most definitely talking about opening chests in video games and not about breasts. Let me hastily find a chest in a video game so that I may save face.
my head feels so foggy like real bad i dont know maybe abruptly quitting drinking was a really bad idea i don't have any urge or interest or cravings in it but i guess my vesicles are overflowing i really don't even want to drink on my meds i'd just feel annoyed by it
>>275700 Hey, I asked blue this before but I wanted to get your take on it too Have you ever heard of "Saturday night" or "Sunday morning" used as adjectives to describe people's personalities
i'm gonna be no fun and not answer that because i want some naive answers first no offense to the posters it's just in market research terms, naive responses are things not tainted by revealing information prior
>>275711 You wouldn't need to call people sunday morning people if there weren't alternatively saturday night people at least within the community where it's relevant, because it really does embody one or the other
maybe. But just for the sake of the question, I've heard "Sunday morning" being used as a descriptor for people in a way that doesn't really require a foil like "Saturday night".
I think the two ways we were looking at it were both similar but not equal too.
>>275715 There are different demographics that seem to use this or connect with this, but the tying factor is really about communion in neighborhoods whereby community is very important and the neighbors heavily rely on each other -- urban impoverished neighborhoods, country folk in a town of 200 and they're all three miles away from each other, et cetera
it's about how you commune with people, whether your weekly communion, healing, helping each other comes through hanging out on a saturday night, drinking a few beers and possibly (though not necessarily) other substances and doing that necessary communion in a party/escape atmosphere or those who do it through church on sunday morning, earnestly and soberly, healing or helping each other
which i'd mind you, saturday night people do too they just need that kind of atmosphere to get them going and communing and helping each other out
Yeah, the reasoning is easy to understand. I've just never heard any party person described as a 'Saturday night' type. But I've definitely heard church people being called 'Sunday morning'.
I lied about it being used in many demographics or at least i don't know that it does i've heard it both ubiquitously and exclusively in native american reservation communities
it was so pervasive that children would use it i thought it was interesting that i've heard it so sparsely in other places, given how relatable and poignant it is of a saying
i was wondering about that in relation to how native struggles are and how community-dependent they are which i think is a really beautiful thing what i get for having an anthropologist for a sister i guess
I feel better now I had a bit of a spook I really need to watch my mood closely and take my anxiety meds at the right time they're really effective but short-acting, and this functionality is a balancing act
just a PSA to moe if i start acting like a bad moon just remind me to take my meds
>>275762 I'm thinking tuna on toast, or the pre-made dumplings that just need to be fried up we've got in the frige. Fridge even. My cat would like the tuna juice from the tin if I do the tuna.
i used to cook ostrich burgers and give my baby baron tabby a piece of raw ostrich every time he loved that so much i can't think of anything he loved more than that except for me
Ostrich is rather difficult to find around here. My cat just really likes fish juices. Both tinned tuna and salmon is fine by her.
>>275767 you know how beef is red meat and chicken is white meat? it's like a red meat chicken that's the only way i can think to describe it it is a literal red meat, and it tastes more of beef than bird but it tastes birdy on top of that >>275770 yeah, i'd say so if you said chicken = pig, turkey = beef, then ostrich = moose the moose of birds it's literally a red meat as a bird and i've eaten it raw and i gotta say it's real nice
>message old friends i want to reconnect with >message read confirmation >signs out oh yeah i remember why i was depressed now i made everyone hate me as much as i hated myself
okay this is too droll scenario: two aliums invade your home and ask you to show them the pinnacle of human culture so that they may spare your life and treat you as an ambassador you have a choice of showing them some social interactive platform like videogames et cetera in order to appease them or something so captivating that it overhwlms them with strife between each other (like the co-op mario games or smash brothers, et cetera) while you steal their spacecraft
>>275785 i wouldn't say it was me but yeah i guess
>>275784 Could we do board games. 'Cause I'd hand them Risk and the rulebook and tell them the full glory is known when you fully complete a game. That would give me ample time to get the hell out of there.
>>275787 they have to think it's a good-enough sounding game at teh premise or have a short intro period for them to experience it they're not going to spend 11 hours playing risk on your behest if they dont like the way the game sounds they'll sac you on the spot
a board game is totally fine though so are other things, like marco polo, the olympics, hide and seek, kick the can, soggy biscuit, et cetera
If this was back when the game first came out I might pick Journey on the PS3. The way other people could freely come in and out of your game experience, in a game with cooperation as a key factor, is a really nice aspect I think. Says a lot about human beans that there are lots of people that would willingly cooperate with total strangers like that.
>>275792 hey how can i tell if i'm having a switch it's just intrisic confusion of mania to feel a little dissociated but how do i tell when ive flipped back or if i have
my sister really liked that game. She completed it like 10 times or something.
I played through it a few times. Enough to make sure I got all the collectibles and got to walk around with my bitchin' white robe. Some times I'll go put the full OST on, it's really nice how the whole music of the game composes into a mostly uninterrupted fifty minute piece.
Yeah I thought it was gonna be like 4 hours, but I was like, completely out until a few hours ago I think I think I spent like an hour focused on the stuff left over on my desk from rolling a joint, cause it was like, moving
>>275811 Nice. Glad it was a cool experience. In case you didn't know, don't mix amphetamines or other stimulants with it. I'm not sure if you take those anymore but they can make you really paranoid in combination.
>>275811 I've never had any unfortunate vomiting, thankfully. I throw up basically every time if I drink and smoke though.
Well, I actually smoke even more cigarettes while drinking. Taking stims makes me want to smoke more, too. I generally smoke a pack a day on days I work and maybe like a pack and a half on my days off.
I was gonna get 2 tabs, but the guy had fewer than he thought, so I got more weed instead Kinda glad, dunno if this was really my kinda thing, though it was fun as hell for the first few hours >>275821 Oh that's a good point
Yeah, didn't you see >>275804? >>275820 I was just joking. I don't make any money or anything from my voice, and I'll probably still like to sing badly.
My friend had me watch this stream or something of geoguesser, too, and I had no idea what was going on the whole time I was watching the screen but most of the time I got distracted by something else
>>275825 my previous psych, the one i was going to until i moved away to memphis with you [sic] and quarx she was so happy to see me and glad i was doing well and was proud of me for managing without them but was eager to put me back on i was so happy i felt like not hating myself again
>>275826 It's really hard to comprehend things normally while you're tripping. >>275829 The boundary between the screen and reality become confused. >>275827 Looks like she's missed you, then? I'm glad to hear it. I hope you continue to feel well.
My friend was like, actually playing along with the video too, and I was in no way shape or form able to I was experiencing the fucking video, not watching it
I got invested in a mandelbrot video, like I don't know >>275828 Yeah, I thought I was seeing 3D But I wasn't, but sorta I was
I think my friend didn't realize I was not at all sober
>>275829 Should have just been upfront with it. Go like >Dude I am tripping BALLS and this is the sickest shit Ive ever seen Though it will probably have more than a few spelling mistakes
>>275828 i'm sorry that sounded really rude after re-reading it i didn't mean that
I was like, scrolling past this image when it fucking hit out of nowhere, too I thought everything was moving, and I was trying to find a way to pause the gif But it's a jpg
>>275831 I don't know what kind of context you got out that, but I am confused so you probably shouldn't worry about it. I just thought it was nice that she was still thinking about her patient.
Canada is going to move to ban all artificial trans fats from food by fall next year. I wonder if this is going to drive the prices of cheap pastries and fries from burger joints. I kind of like both of those.
>>275833 It's fun to eat a bunch of shrooms and drink orange juice because this happens. The OJ helps break down and metabolize them really quickly. >>275835 What is comprised mainly of artificial trans fats? Won't they just use a similar ingredient as a substitute?
>>275836 They're used in producing pastries, and other things that involve deep-frying. Or well, the oils are that contain the trans fats that get passed on. But if they have to look for a different oil to fry things in, I wonder if prices are going to go up. Since affordability is usually a driving factor in why certain ingredients get used in food prep.