Every Hard level has been increasing my rank by about 2k 39k now I guess it'll probably correspond with potions. If I do another 5, I'll probably be at 20k
im super tired ive gotten like 2-4 hours of sleep for the past week because of hurricane and then it being 85-90 degrees in my house at all times
good night then
it's too hot to sleep it'll be 84 in my house in like an hour or so ill be able to sleep then
yes, youtube, when i am on your website and watching a video and i press spacebar i fully intended to do that to scroll down the screen but if i use the up or down arrow keys, obviously i want to adjust the music volume what the hell is wrong with you
yeah breaking 10k will be too much effort Doing one extra run after 50k is good though. Lots of people stop right around it and you get past the rank barrier just with that
>>273376 idk if i would they've been really violent recently someone got arrested recently at one for trying to run over a bunch of people again they keep turning into violent skirmishes and then police beat the crap out of everyone except the nazis
fisicks >>273380 NIGEROUUUUU oh man rick's voice morty sounds like a super normal protag >>273379 oh sounds like a tough scene
>>273380 i saw this earlier haha i was gonna post it but i didn't
>>273381 yeah i mean i don't necessarily think what's happening is completely bad but i worry that people will get hurt in the crossfire police have been indiscriminately flash bombing and pepper bombing people
>>273382 I // youtube is a devil of a thing if I wanted to watch this I could just pop in the dvd but being in my reccomended makes it so easy
I got a new high score in a game I only play to pass time.
run or just hang out but I haven't been able to do any of that forever because of the accident and then the hurricane and im sick and there's no food and there's no electricity and people are trying to pressure me into marriage and i have school and it's just building up also i can't sleep because it's always 86 inside basically things are just getting overwhelming because I'm getting hit nonstop for so long with no time to relax and i can't run yet because of my ribs
don't fret the things you can't control i have to remind myself of that a lot just endure and persevere a sense of earnestness has helped me a lot in that respect
I'm just spitballing here, but do you still enjoy being creative?
>>273491 im not really fretting about anything the only worry i have is the situation with fish's family which is partially under my control
>>273492 yeah and it's a good distraction i drew a map today and worked on ecoregions but when the sun goes down i can't distract myself anymore and i have to go scrounge for food
sounds like you need to hurry up and get married to school
>>273493 family is always fuckin dumb even if you can control the situation you can't control the fact that family is fucked up all families are fucked up
i really don't want to have to be in a situation where i have to hurt people but that's where it's going probably not physically but yeah it was really bad today im being threatened now
was he being irrational seems kind of fucked up that he treat you like that after you took in fish like that treated I mean it's only natural that you did so but still
he thinks we've been together a year because fish lied to him when she moved in with me and he said today that a year is enough time and that fish is too old to not be married and that if i am not going to marry her, he'll find someone else that will he thinks he can brute force me into marrying fish or brute force fish into marrying someone else
>>273505 I'd enquire, but it's rude to ask a ladys age!
yeah she's my christmas cake she's young though
so anyway he is basically threatening us and he's never been like that to me before i guess when you get down to it, rich folk are all like that
>>273506 tbh anything younger is still basically a kid so much development to be done still 25 is when things start getting interesting
>>273509 a 24 year old isn't really a kid. wait how old are you moon. >>273508 could you ask Fish to tell him to tone it down it'd probably be a bit much with her anxiety I guess but he might be more willing to listen
it's not a real problem because I have all the power here and he will have no choice but to abide by fish and my pace but it's still very stressful especially the threat to force her into marrying someone else it won't happen but thinking about it bothers me
Oh wait, it was between 1990 and 2002 I misremembered the date, thought it was 2010 or something https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Colombia-Coca-Cola-Accused-of-Funding-Terrorist-Paramilitaries-20160901-0005.html
Well, innocent until proven guilty I guess, but eh
>>273585 No it doesn't If it did, why would there even BE anarchist commies? If communism was "a big state led by staling that kills Ukrainians", why would any anarchists even touch it?
hello howdy hi Bluester rooster how you doin this mornin
>>273597 ot is like fascism most embrace it to get a piece of the powercake, but forget that good third will get purged anyhow when they gain power do ya reallynwanna take the gamble?
>>273592 oh, latin america that's pretty believable then
>>273598 I'm alive. >>273599 This sounds like every power grab. >>273603 Did you get another Nephenee. Or Elincia. I'd appreciate hearing such simple nice things.
>>273616 Seeing how one of the main issues of Direct democracy is that "not everyone is able to go to or fit in a town hall and be informed on everything", even DD can become an oligarthy with enough steps.
I love how she, in the same book, says Bernie stole all his policy from her, AND his policies are pie in the sky, impossible policies Also wanting to not die is like asking the government to buy a pony for everyone
Also I love how quickly she pumped this book out Didn't fucking hesitate Lost the election, immediately began writing what amounts to a full book of whiny tweets
I accidentally downloaded Jeff Dunham cause I wanted something funny I recognized the name, but it didn't click I open the fucking video and I'm like "Oh... fuck, I got this"
Yeah true I can sort of understand it if the thought is "well it's democratically chosen to remain where it is, so that takes precedent" or something >>273678 Well technically... the majority wants the state around
but it's not you'd have to be retarded to think so
>>273677 sure but most people aren't satisfied with the state the current system isn't here because people want it to exist as it does
Yeah, the system today isn't something anyone here chose You have to accept the democratic right of the dead to rule the living to respect the state as an anarchist, I think And then you're not an anarchist
>>273709 Most likely >I was asked to do a good job. And now I'm at the White House and I'm gonna do a good ass job. As a kid, you're probably like "oh shit, it's the president, I can't not do a good job right now."
i should write to the president and ask if i can dust the oval office
People keep saying like "we gotta use the dotp to oppress the boushies" But like, can't we just.. stop propping them up with the dotp instead? Like you don't gotta use the state to TAKE their stuff, you can just... not use the state to protect their stuff
Maybe that's what they mean but it's a dumb way to phrase it
mine is filled with my bitching at nintendo I don't know why cheese is so large "mario, trash, nintendo, cheese, games, fuck, lol" are the largest "Nephenee" is also in there >>273789 Scholar
Found a good manga, its about the hero who defeated the demon king trying to find a girlfriend/wife. https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=139030
Blue, are there any particular cards (sub $10) from Kaldesh block or Amonkhet block that you particularly want? Cause I still owe you for that art. Alternatively I could just give you some full art lands.
>>273807 Cool Rather than asking "hey have you heard of the band $band" like eight times, I'll post a list of bands and want to know if you've heard of them, and if yes, then also if you like them. Is that something you'd be up for? Also feel free to do the same for me, like make a list of bands or whatever.
not to tell you guys how to do things but you could just hop in a shared listening platform like synchtube, wavelength, et cetera and just plop up some songs and listen
>>273809 We could, and might do that later. But right now I'd rather not cause i need to get up and do something in like 30 minutes.
Ha ha look at me, I'm evil, but I'm aware of it so that makes me relatable and cool
>>273815 Wilco, XTC, Low, Camper Van Beethoven, Sonic Youth, Hüsker Dü (RIP their drummer ;_;), The Replacements, They Might Be Giants, The Fall
i remember wilco from the girl interrupted soundtrack i bet kannagi would too after hearing it
>>273818 Jeff Tweedy (the main guy from Wilco) is from Belleville Illinois. Which is this dinky little town near the Illinois Missouri border. But there have been a bunch of great musicians from there.
yeah i know belleville
>buy a sandwich for lunch >someone tries to get me to give them my food through intimidation I fucking swear this state getting food isn't any easier for me dude
Apparently Peter Sarsagard is from there. Also after reading his filmography I'm confused as to why I recognize his name since he's barely been in any good or any really popular movies.
Fucking Ken Bone is from Belleville
Why does he even have a wiki article? I should not have done big text. I apologize
>>273819 Okay nevermind, there weren't a bunch of great musicians from there. My dad had given me some list of like three or four but they're apparently not from there except for Tweedy. Or the "notable people from Belleville" article needs to be overhauled.
>>273825 shoulda slashed those tires broken a window
No, but if it's found out it was you, you're in shit >>273832 That's not important, the threat's there People have lives they don't want ruined over this kinda thing
how they gonna find out
>>273827 >>273828 I think you guys seem to forget that two wrongs don't make a right holds pretty true in general.
slashing their tires is less about morality and mor about sending a message that people will fuck with your shit if you act like an inhumane fucking asshole
Like you can say two wrongs don't make a right, but on the other hand another wrong won't negatively impact the guy whose tent got fucking smashed because this asshole thought he'd get away with that
>>273841 Yeah, until the cocops decide iit must have been the homeless guy who did it as revenge.
>>273841 Also if somebody catches you slashing their tires, you'd better hope they aren't bigger than you or carrying a gun.
My brain has told me that it would be cool if someone mixed Lost Remote, The Lost Emotion, and Hartmann's Youkai Girl. And I have spent about an hour mixing notes in my head.
To be fair it's not the kind of thing you do in IDable gear
you could just put smoke bombs in their exaust pipes lol
>>273845 By catch I mean walks up behind you and hits you on the head with a brick, or kicks you in the head while you're bent over digging the knife in.
You're acting like this is a fucking procedure or something Dude literally take a look around and do it and take off how'd I change side on this one exactly
>>273846 pour sour milk on their floor board tbh this is what i do
There's only one place in this area where people spray paint stuff, and it's this really short tunnel Even the rebellious teens here don't spray on anything someone actually owns
could just wait for the guy to come back to his car and jump him and ask him if he thinks it's okay to run over homeless people's tents
I wonder if it'd be possible to track her down and like make a documentary or something
>>273880 I think her real name got surpressed since she was 11 Probably just wants to forget it ever happened >>273883 Want and can are two different things
>>273817 Barely heard of any of these to be honest.
Nevada-tan came out of what ever she was in a number of years ago. I remember reading about with with /jp/ a while ago now
if she's even alive which i honestly doubt
>At the March 18, 2005 Okubo Elementary graduation, students were given a graduation album with a blank page on which they could place pictures of Mitarai, the killer, or class pictures containing both in honor of Mitarai's death. Mitarai was posthumously awarded a graduation certificate, which her father accepted on her behalf. The killer was also awarded a certificate, as one is required in Japan in order to enter junior high, and the school believed it would assist in her "reintegration into society". Dude Japan is wild
>>273896 Yeah I think it was mentioned in the last birthday thread I remembered to make on /a/
She has been under watch most of her life. she didn't even go to "junior high" she was in one of those schools for criminals thing. She is still under observation , I don't think she has commited sudoku. She probably would be on the front of the news as a troubled child. since japan loves news stories like that.
But seriously there would be a big lawsuit on microsoft if it was a finnish company for blocking rival software ie. ps3 not working on its stuff, without going on big workarounds.
i maen good example of such bullshittery happened even inside EU where you can somewhat easily sue a government for fucking you over as a private person or as a business when Germany closed down all its nuclear powerplants, with three of them or more being owned by swedish power company, also built by them, Wattenfall answer from the courts "though luck"
same would be here not that there even is a legal framework for private finnish citizens or finnish customer protection agency to sue foreign governments
>>273911 And what is the result? in finland but nowhere else, they have to provide microsoft version that doesn't infringe on our law? Guessw hat happens then No microsoft products in finland
>>273926 holy shit btfo Recently there was a shool cshooter, and one of his victims said "I always knew you were gonna be the school shooter" while he had a gun against him. The balls on that kid.
>>273923 just fyi don't try to use kratom with powerade
well I dunno mix it into a shotful and just gulp and then washd own *down with something better
isn't that the same strat as witht hose older horrible tasting cough medicines?
yeah that's what i said some people say should do but it's not a great idea to do it like that because the powder turns into paste when mixed into a liquid and it can cement in your throat
Well my governing ethoses are spiritualism foremost and authoritarianism well "collectivism" secondly it used to be individualism vs collectivism now it is authoritarianism vs some word for democracy wait what was it they used eqalitarian
Basically though the governing model is "enlightened monarchy" because of some trait i took rather than some divine religiousness though I started with pope model "one ruler for lifetime and elected upon death of previous" but to appease he royalists party, I switched to monarchy
>>273955 actually i can but I rather enslawve them to further my fungal growth "all life exists to further the growth of the shroomrace, for we were chosen byt he divine fungal network to work as its sporespewers"
>>273975 You should invent it. Got a kite and a key?
>>273976 You have a comfortable home and a computer and stuff. You have plenty of things worth bashing you over the head and pawning off for some drugs.
Oh yeah, I was reading that shit about how if you have solar panels in Miami but your normal electricity is down, you're not allowed to use your solar as a backup
>>273993 Wow, you were quite a bit more lucky than I was. I can't really complain though, as I walked away from the last orb with both an Ike and a Lucina with good IVs with relatively few orbs. by last orb I mean last banner
God I hate this tech system >roll 3(+tech modifier) options of research each time a tech is researched it can take fortever with you beinga t like tier 8 tech level to get some tier 1 tech...
I turned on the music in FEH again. I love the PoR music.
>>274003 I don't even think I particularly like the music but that the music in PoR is just so iconic to me. Hours of sitting in front of a television trying to not get anyone killed. It's exhilarating.
I also really enjoy the reenacting of the Black Knight showing up in the port town. I was almost completely fucked up on the Normal mode of that map because I had a unit in front of that house and BK spawned right there and boxed Ursula in. But he warped away trying to kill someone else.
haha no i mixed it with milk but i did do a tongue taste with a finger dab first and it tastes p much like raw cacao does bitter yeah but not terrible i bet you could make it into dark chocolate bars and it wouldn't be terrible
oh yeah i guess that's not wrong just shoveling kratom into your mouth would probably be gross though
my doctor wrote my current address on my rx and submitted it to the walgreens near me and the walgreens saw that i had tennessee still on record for my address so printed it with the old address with the note "change address??? local address on Rx" and wouldn't give it to me because i confirmed the local address instead of the tennessee one and then their system wouldn't accept my debit card even though there was money on there and i had to go leave, use an atm, come back, wait in line again, get it again just to have the same problem again when i tried to buy a case of water at the front of walgreens and they were getting fussy with me it's their system. my card worked at the atm, worked at the gas station it was so fucking embarassing i had to leave my shit on the counter at ring-up, go out to my car, get cash because they wouldn't accept my card
it was so trashy and embarrassing and not even my fault and wasted like two hours of my work day i'm so miffed
>you got something filled at a walgreens in tennessee a year ago >but this rx script has a local address and you're at this local store and this script was written locally just two days ago >which address do we use????
>>274038 it's embarrassing when there's already about 10 minutes of confusion before i can even get rung up and then have my card declined yeah like i've got a stack of cash in my account there's no need for it to be declined but collectively it makes it look like i'm trying to commit fraud using someone else's info in a different state to get their scripts
>>274058 I don't really think it's a loophole. It's just something that bad people don't do.
Kind of like how birds don't sleep in rabbit holes. They don't do it! But if a bird were to sleep in a rabbit hole, it wouldn't make it a rabbit. Just an exception to the rule.
>>274071 someone i know who is to still remain nameless took a bunch of shrooms, called the cops on himself, and then tried to kill a cop using a stand >>274072 yeah do you want one
>>274076 See this is what telling people their IQ does to them
>>274077 let's go admit ourselves to rehab for ibuprofen abuse we're just fuckin addicted to it and can't stop that's what we'll tell them ibuprofen and estrogen pills
doc I just can't stop using vick's vapo-rub please help me
Fuck, looking at my photographs has made me realise my monitors are different colours and now I'm fucked - I'm so bothered by if they are both off and my monitor is all a lie. >>274085 I stopped using flux for a while, it made my eyes super tired. I can't tell if it works properly. what if Ithink it is good but infact it is just shit
>>274084 That's not even something a bad man would do. That's just over the top. The only person who would actually throw a baby is a recently pregnant woman suffering from severe postpartum depression!
>>274083 there should be color calibration on your machine
these chicken parm balls turned out real good I'm happy also I got the promotion
It was cringey at the start and then was just disturbing mid way onwards.
thousands of nitrous oxide bottles scattered throughout elevators, halls, hot tubs lol that's what got me the most someone just brought that much nitrous with them it's so surreal
at least they got blacklisted from every hotel in seattle
>diaper guy sent out the letters Maybe he purposely sabotaged it at the con to crash the longterm degeneracy
There are way too many ridiculous things about this event. There's the weirdness in being a furry. And then there's this shit. Literal shit. In the swimming pool.
>>274115 I waste a lot of time learning how to make music.
>>274131 most important thing with it is proper interfacing really trying to do something structured by instructions or guides really isn't nearly as helpful as having an interface that's fun for you to mess around in for me that's renoise ableton is shit for me and cubase is just weird >>274134 i told you no
i like pretty much everything besides zucchini and bittermelon
>>274197 O've read the original is the thing, and I agree with you. I want to reread it, partly because I want to convince blue to read it. >>274196 I love cheese on sandwiches. However moe makes fun of me because I prefer plain burgers
>>274211 I can't all my strength has left me I can't go on anymore it's time to end it
>>274206 nope i'm not big on cucurbits in general, not sure why do squashes count as cucurbits? i'm not really sure i like butternut squash and acorn squash but my stomach always gets upset by them the first time i had zuccs i got really sick and threw up from it so ive never been able to tolerate them even though i think zucchini bread is pretty great, i just can't eat much of it
>>274217 i think a lot of moes cant cook i know rook can i think rika can i can cook and stuff but i can't bake can't do cakes or pies i always fugg em up
>>274224 There's a difference between not. Eing able to cook and "burning tomato sauce". I probably shoukd have mentioned that though.
>>274228 The party and the outward expression of commitment
I can cook eggs, pasta, beef, stew, soup (from stock instead of a mix), vegetables, stirfry, pancakes, waffles, muffins, brownies, cookies, chicken (don't have as much practice as with beef) Like basic stuff I can di *do
>>274232 curry is definitely one of those things you have to make over and over again and then by the end you have gone from edible curry to god-tier mouthwatering curry
>>274232 curry is my jam have you read addicted to curry it's a manga about making curry i read it when i was like 14 and started making curry and got real good by the time i was an adult
>tortures and brainwashes wife >rips her from her family >gives her to the Russians
I can chicken, fish, beef, and uh... I guess other poultry meats like turkey
>>274246 well if you'd rather watch, i can record myself reading it doing voices for the characters and upload it to youtube and then we can group watch
>>274271 It's not anti-spice propaganda. It's truth. You heavily season bad meat. Seasoning good quality meat very heavily is just murdering a great cook of meat. Don't you try spice memes on me, I love spicy thai food.
>>274269 Yeah, I know how to make that. I like it a lot.
>>274288 I don't want to break your bones if I'm your fam! Fam doesn't treat fam like that!
I mostly buy chicken chicken is mostly all the same quality as i buy it
>>274288 it's for when you're creating a taste palate like when you're making a stir-fry and including flavor sponges like eggplants, potatoes, squash or when you're using a blander meat like white meat poultry then some hoison and turmeric go a long way
I am not used to eating meat. I once ate a whole bunch at this fancy Brazilian place and it was actually tiring. all the different flavours just was fatiguing.
>>274290 See, I told you that you were a good person.
>>274292 You don't use high quality cuts of meat when making a stir fry though.
Are you and I fam, kirara
please no fam on /moe/
>>274294 yeah i agree i do use thigh instead of white meat for curries though, depending unless it's like chicken korma but just butter chicken curry i'd use some thigh
i pretty much always buy boneless chicken breasts sometimes skin-on but i almost always buy boneless chicken breasts unless i'm specifically making something else like barbeque or something
>>274306 you misunderstand the dish itself is what matters meat is cheap and there's no need to save good cuts for special purposes you can add as much spice to your meat as the dish calls for and you can use as nice meat as you're willing to purchase
>>274307 that depends on the curry my man japanese curry, for instance, aren't as interested in absorbing the flavor of the spices into the meat, but properly treating the meat and broth so that the flavors complement the meat, rather than cover it japanese are really crazy about their curry and it's good
>>274312 Seasoning so heavily that you can't taste the meat well.
>>274313 i'm not surprised charts dont mean shit it's way easier for a show to drop something like this and have it explode than for a band to promote a song the promotion is already free
>>274314 sometimes the meat is simply a part of the dish, not the focus of it a meat is not some holy god that can be disgraced it is just an ingredient
>>274314 i'm real confused what unfortunate conditions did you grow up in that people didn't respect the spices and smothered everything in it did you grow up around smokers? smokers do that all the fucking time and just smother it because they can't taste anything anyway
>>274321 No, I'm not. I'm just saying that you shouldn't overseason good cuts of meat.
>>274323 but what is overseasoning? yes when the plate is literally a new york strip served as the centerpiece of the meal, you shouldn't dump your peppercorn grinder onto it but sometimes the plate has more going on to it, and you might just end up using what was once a new york strip as part of something else
if you're white, you don't have the right to use any seasoning
>>274363 Only in the sense that nothing is important. But for example the term "common vernacular" is part of the common vernacular, while "common vocabulary" is not.
>>274349 Well, even if he is a loser bitch, the person with the raccoon avatar is not bullying him on valid grounds. There is nothing wrong with having a big vocabulary. The fact that the troll couldn't find valid grounds to bully him on just speaks to his inability.
su🍆k my fu🍆kin di🍆k, dude🍆
holy shit i can use emojis in my transcription editor fuckin i'm gonna start sending my clients eggplants
perchance > mayhaps
>>274373 i actually say perchance a lot it's not my fault
I'm gonna watch this kancolle movie and probably be disappointed
>>274370 lol you're acting like that fucking nerd now holy shit
>>274378 No way, I'm just pointing out that it's an embarrassing image for both of them. If you're going to prey on the weak, make sure not to mess it up.
>>274393 I don't dabble with jerk that much honestly. It's far too dangerous. I've had some bad experiences. Curry, stew, and barbecue are more of my thing. But I do like peppers. It's just that jerk is sometimes used a lot more in quantity than the really hot peppers and I've messed up the amount a number of times.
>>274403 I just have a high verbal IQ and appreciate when people don't need 🍆e🍆m🍆o🍆j🍆i🍆s🍆 to fully express themselves.
>>274402 mayhaps is an archaic word that isn't used with any regularity in modern English using it unironically displays a complete lack of wit and social intelligence and is literally chuuni as shit
>>274405 *tips fedora* sorry ma'am i didn't notice
>>274401 Way too many ways I can mess with that post. Dammit blue >>274404 I wouldn't mind but I don't think I'd be interesting, I don't have much interesting music to be honest.
I can't WAIT to get hit by a hurricane and enjoy all that cool weather and girls in hoodies and disaster relief all over the place and not being able to charge phon- oh wait i've got THREE (3) batteries! Disaster Ready AF
>>274426 A basic b*tch is a generic college white girl You see with LOVE PINK yoga pants and ugg boots and they have their hair did Basically just watch that one movie with selena gomez where she goes on spring break Usually basic b*tches are white
My stepdad was wearing underwear tht had words on it the other day, they were funny They said "I'm not a lawyer but I'll get you off" I complimented him on them
Or maybe it's a girl who wore a suit to prom. Can't really tell.
that's his prom picture oh my god
I wore a suit to my friends wedding :) I got very drunk and so did the brides cousin that she set up for me She was wearing this romper though LOL and then she wasnt
>>274447 i knew some girls that did that i thought it was actually pretty cute lesbians were the only group i could befriend in high school
although, honestly, I should have gone to prom because I remember that night being incredibly boring. more than usual Everyone said it was great the next day, but that's expected because my grad class was awesome
>>274472 Weird I saw someone here use mayhaps recently....
>>274471 the ones that i knew that did yeah i didn't know a lot of people at the school and i didn't go to prom my friends were mostly lesbians though they were the only cool people
>>274471 It's gonna be extra fun cause I'm not paying for drinks
>>274474 I was a meme at my school One of my friends was a lesbian but I only found that out after I asked her out Prom was okay at mine but it got boring Except you should have showed up anyway for the food and then left
>>274482 That would mean Rika's in like her 40s. >>274486 Oh okay so the 90s
teachers literally encourage kids to go alone if they don't have a date and so do other kids the event needs to be INCLUSIVE
I didn't go to senior prom because they rescheduled it to be on the weekend of ACEN. Which I of course went to instead.
>>274486 i don't know if we can be fams anymore even fish never went to prom
i would never have went to something like that alone i would have been terrified but nowadays, if we had adult proms, i probably would i wouldn't mind really it'd just be fun
More than two is high. Like there's middle school prom (which is PUSHING IT) and then HS prom. Where's the third? I really don't know where the third comes from
>>274498 what the max number of proms you could go to at my school was two
>>274511 neither have i you're not missing out really it can be magical if you're a giddy teenage girl with a happy family life where you get to be excited about boys but for most people it's a huge and unsatisfying chore that just ends up miserably for everyone
there are adult proms? someone post a question mark girl for me
>>274509 are you going to address the fact that you're a normie
So I went to two proms as a junior and one prom as a senior. Because we went to different schools and met at church. We broke up before the second senior prom though.
Also at the convention center where ACEN was, some highschool was having their prom. It was pretty funny. I think the senior prom my senior year was on a boat in lake michigan or something.
i spent my junior and senior year at home, mailing in my work assignments and doing self-study a lot of people at my school didn't even know who i was but i'd show up on exam days and they'd lose their shit like "wtf who are you"
>>274519 you went to three proms with DATES that's so normie i feel so betrayed
>>274527 It's pretty high level, honestly. First off, you have a junior prom. That's extra fancy We only get one. Going twice because you dated a senior while junior and then your own junior is common. but three? wow That's the high life.
which moe has the most kidneys
i worked at HEB and they call all of their employees Partners
>>274527 It's absolutely fucking normie as hell I literally skipped prom to go to an anime convention. So you don't get to call me a normie ever again.
My school had its prom on the top floor of the highest building in town but let's not get into that too much. The other school's prom wasn't nearly that nice.
>>274538 are anime conventions proms for abnormies?
>>274545 Sort of I think they rescheduled it to be during the con on purpose though. >>274544 So what, like six floors?
>>274544 i think you need to make a public apology for this ordeal
>>274549 well I've never talked to a stranger at a convention so I guess it's the same experience >>274550 Sometimes it's cheaper to buy stuff there than deal with postage. >>274546 Why would they do that?
the word normie was propogated by a group of people upset that they weren't having sex, used to demean those who were normies don't real
The best thing about proms is those girls who wear thick makeup and when they get their grades back they are in tears because they fucked up and spent shittons on a fancy dress. black eyeliners down their faces.
at least that is what my art teacher told me. She was pretty fun.
>>274603 I've never participated in a one night stand and never will. You should only have sex with people you think you have a decent chance of ending up with permanently.
It's okay. I don't watch anime anymore so I'm practically a normie. >>274618 >bang >gentleman
>>274619 no i just hate commitment relationships are garbo friendships are best sex shouldn't be taken so seriously
>>274621 >I just hate commitment Is that why you can't watch anime?
long term relationships are great imo i wouldn't want to be with someone i don't think i can go the distance with
>>274612 I hate seeing jobs advertised like that since they just fucking hire regardless of work experience. >>274620 >don't watch anime anymore wow don't go into that dark nomieness. rage rage against the dying of the light.
you're all fucking normies
Sorry but I lied to make a joke Truth is I slept with b*ng for almost a week
>>274658 Dresses are expensive but once you have a few you can just re-use them on the later proms. The first prom is the most expensive because you go all out.
>>274678 that's true, rika convinced fish to get a maid outfit
>>274677 oh that reminds me i got paid today and ordered you and fish a pack of four of these https://www.google.com/shopping/product/6436736513866278064 should arrive in two days
>>274710 actually gamers is a pretty good show don't hate
I haven't been keeping up with anime very well School and work :( Now I got predeployment training coming up too Man no time for cartoon
>>274712 I probably couldn't run 6 miles so that's very good >>274714 You've got your life all wrong then. School and works only function is to facillitate the consumption of Japanese cartoons.
>>274705 >>274717 I don't know if this correlates. Kirara said he wouldn't post Hifumi anymore and then he posted her for hours. This is not a complaint.
>>274722 That whether it was a good or bad experience, you'd probably still post related images. Either that or maybe you're a glutton for things that you didn't ask for but that wasn't my original thesis.
Who even is maria? Sugoi?
>>274725 >talking shit Wow I paid you a high compliment and you make ME look like the bully Gosh you're so insecure
>>274731 I don't really get much of an inside scoop. I'm just helping a little bit.
>>274730 Am I being deceived? Are you not actually Bang at all? Are you one of those commie spies? >>274733 are you having trouble paying it back? can't you just block their number
>>274736 I posted all but one of them before i said i wouldn't anymore! After I said i wouldn't anymore, i didn't have my laptop because you got me GROUNDED
>>274745 There is no way you're going to bed before I can tell you that you're the best. You know what you did. I see it. I saw it. The best. That's you Kannagi. Work that sleep schedule girl. You earned it. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
>>274777 She did it mostly on her own. My only real contributions were the semi-purposeful creation of the original conversation and confirming that you do like maids. She did everything else.
The rest of that stuff is all her, too. You know, rich girls are used to getting what they want.
Kirara, I don't know if you actually want to read this, but I think just the tweet itself would be entertaining to you >>>/@FioraAeterna/908800096313122816
>>274779 Fish is way too straight for something like killing you and taking her to work. That strategy might work with someone who was more like Dash, but it totally won't work on Dish.
Okay name my first Shroomy conquest of war a whole wopping new sector with plenty of lebensraum to spread my saint shroomy networks
>This complex legal proceeding recognised the people of the Tuatha Dé Dannan (now known colloquially as 'Fairies', or more properly as the 'Aes Sídhe' - the People of the Mounds ) and their rights to live within Ireland alongside the previous inhabitants, the Fir Bolg. wow