Thread #274940
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i see altair bahamut jigoku shouojo made in abyss anything else?
bahamut last
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LAst? Is that because you don't want to watch it?
because its best
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Oh, I see. Any idea where Tilde is?
here now? Yes I'm here now.
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okay the order made in abyss jigoku 18if bahamut so lets abyss OKAY lets start
>>274942 18if.
Ready. Eeeeeeeekaaaa
did they have recaps like this before
I think this is the most we've seen of a previous episode in a later one. They did have the bit at the start where it showed Nanachi watching them and some kind of brief flashback. But the rest was just honest recap.
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Riko is really messed up.
hollows are from bleach
Oh geez, Riko's arm REALLY took a beating from this. That's the sort of injury most people don't really easily recover properly from
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Riko in general is pretty beaten up.
Yeah, since I wasn't entirely sure if she was going to keep her hand or not, one of the things I've -I was wondering was if she'd get some cool hand-tool replacement. That would have been a fine turn of events.
big ears
Bully the robo-shota.
it does have some cuteness to it once you get used to it
>While retaining my humanity I'm not entirely sure if what Nanachi is can be called retaining humanity.
awesome signature she's relatively human compared to mitty
And a gorilla is relatively more human than a snail. That doesn't make it a human.
smol rabbit
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Another white whistle coming up I guess.
It kind of seems that most people that get to white whistles end up, preferably or not, residing within the Abyss itself.
He probably just brought Nanachi dinner or something.
Geez that is some WEIRD science.
choroi na
This rabbit is fun
i think the skin color got a bit better
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>what'cha doing >just hallucinating a bit
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okay jigoku shoujo okay lets start
Okey dokes.
Wow they just dropped her cut-out into a big mud puddle. Poor annoying whiny brat.
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Clever use of no budget!
Oh shit someone's gonna get TRUCK'D this episode.
Or I guess not. How disappointing.
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Wow, truck guy managed to stop even though he was going fast and enjoying music.
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And he was helpful and gave him a ride. This guy must be the best truck driver in Japan.
This old man is entertaining. He had a pretty good episode in the new content too.
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Roads are dangerous. Especially when people are shooting them with arrows.
hey btw you guys are fucking normies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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I guess truck guy is going to revenge on homeowner.
Haven't you watched these older seasons already?
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I watched the old ones a long time ago. I remember bits and pieces of the ones I really liked but not much past that. Jigoku Shoujo was one of the things I watched when I first got into anime.
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when you're hitchiking and the driver is a murderer
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I guess he's going to get revenge the old fashioned way.
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That's pretty good luck for him. It would suck to take revenge on someone who died like 30 seconds later. I guess he doesn't see it that way though.
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That was a good one. It definitely deserved the spot on the greatest hits list.
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okay 18if okay lets start
Open za red doors
literal red doors this time
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he looks like he came here to laugh at you.
cultists huh
Oh shit happenings.
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>the last witch is you
for a cult they have a fancy church
evangelion time
he's a cat person dreaming of being human
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That was the best episode. The one where the girl died at the end.
It would be hard for me to pick my favourite. There's been a lot of really good episodes.
i guess he might be adam
guess this is just gonna be a recap
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It's sorta recap but there's new information too.
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That revenge girl's episode was crazy. It reminded me of my dreams.
enter the red doors exit the blue doors
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Yeah but why is this guy wearing a helmet out of lotgh?
this show is werid
It's one of my favourite things this season.
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okay bahamut also 18if is pretty good very unique it seems like episodes were either good or they were weird enough to be interesting it was a good idea of them to do weird and crazy stuff with the episodes they didn't have much budget for orange for bahamut okay lets start
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Jeanne is the kind of person who always goes overboard.
She's got no chill.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shingeki no Bah(…).jpg )
this is not the face of someone who is going to listen to reason.
>Does this look like the face of mercy
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That must be a really heavy whip if it's taking out guys in armor.
She could probably whip it still. Not that she really needs it.
Niiiinnaaaaaaaaa She can't bring herself to do it.
Pft old man.
Secretly a good guy all along huh.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Koi to Uso - 05(…).jpg )
Wow, he was good looking before he got self-inflicted keyaids.
nina noo
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 07 [7(…).jpg )
Next episode is going to be good.
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yeah, thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.