>>>/watch?v=FglVuYr0BJg Awww man Rei this looks sick. He has a motorbike. what the fuck is happening in this .wad >>271122 if you die in this dream you die for real
>>271109 this can't be happening this has to be a dream
>>271154 Not all otome games are like that. There are some otome games with varied heros, just like you'd find in bishoujo games. There are also some otome games where the heros are all really byronic characters who are mean to the heroine or really possessive over here. That is a popular demographic too.
There are a lot of girls out there who just want games full of refreshing prince types, though. Those are boring, and touken ranbu is one of them.
>>271158 Find characters I like in eroge and genderswap them
>>271159 Oh, I didn't notice the Rene on the tano post >>271160 Sell the same game twice with one being a genderswapped version of the other Then make a third game where the characters from those games meet each other
>>271161 I'm a bit all over the place today I didn't mean to post that twice
i have the night and tomorrow off and i kind of just want to sleep is that sad? i feel kind of sad
>>271164 >sad nigga i'm envious i wish i could just sleep for a long time
i feel like the worst part of working 65 hours in a week is that i don't even want to do anything else anymore i could still do something this very moment it's only 11, i could go to a bar and talkt o friends i haven't met yet i could get drunk and play video games i could shitpost on /moe/ but i kind of want to just sleep
i put in a lot of extra hours to try and maintain clients and i probably do about 65-ish too and i can tell you i always want to do something but it's just one thing cry like all the fuckin time
even poured this big fat cup of alcohol not even a third through fuck
>>271167 life is hard almost as hard as a good dick
like you'd know anything about good dick
oh looks like you ran off sorry for triggering you
that's okay
Samu 🦅 !KW2DbpWwls
>>271158 yeah im gon try to git gud despite the freakin controllers
>>271176 i want something to shoot a couple times a month because it's fun to learn to do things better thinking springfield XD if pistol but i don't even know if i want a pistol or a rifle i don't know what i want but i know i want a gun
you've shot before plenty right i mean you are texas
yeah ARs are fun fun fun but i kind of want a gun i could potentially take hunting and not feel like an asshole i'm thinking a .308 bolt-action maybe just a nothing-special ruger
you could ask quarx if he's willing to sell the panther armalite i sold him err, gave him traded him? dun matter
i really like rugers personally i'm thinking about swapping in my cz82 for a mid-level ruger and then saving up for a redhawk i had a blackhawk but i had to sell it, and it about broke my heart to do that but i had my fun with it and i should try new things
>>271182 my dad had a 10-22 that was my favorite rifle growing up big target bull barrel great optic he put on it was a blast, he still has it thing never misses
he also has an m91 mosin, really straight shooter and some others that i don't care as much for an m&p AR
but the ruger 10-22 is by far the one i like the most
tfw anchovie and mushroom pizza and nobody else eats it
though i think i'd rather a radish and rhubarb pizza
>>271201 I like those pizzas Anchovies are good and so are mushrooms
I don't like mushrooms all that much but I don't remember trying anchovy so I can't say if I don't like it
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>271177 i had an n64 as a kid i know how to play but man controllers have changed a lot since also, the controller i used, at least, had a really stiff thumbstick
fox main but i'll probably try everything and see what works
>>271209 Yeah if they came out with the trident today everyone would call it retarded Most people still call it retrded
>>271219 Goldeneye has a control method that makse more sense to our modern sensibilities. It like uses the control stick to aim and the triggers to shoot and like a button to move or something.
And yeah, Starfox 64 is good. Still the best Starfox game.
>>271221 >>271224 Starfox 64 is a legit great game. I wonder if the 3DS version is better though. I wish Nintendo would just do another straight rail shooter. They just need to stop trying to innovate and do new things with Star Fox.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>271226 yeah the mechanics are the same but the feel is brutal now 20fps and that weird resistance in the stick yeeowch
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>271227 >they need to stop trying to innovate reeee
>>271233 Don't fix what isn't broke Don't introduce new things when they're just worse than the old things Doing new things for the sake of it isn't good
>>271227 >They just need to stop trying to innovate and do new things with Star Fox. that seen=ms l seems like a weird way to word it though I guess I understand
>>271233 Innovation is good, but it can also be good to go back to basics when that innovation isn't working.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>271234 just no easy to say that in retrospect after a bad game but fuck stagnation we must always push the envelope
>>271237 Exactly. Now we have the retrospect where we can say that all the new ideas they tried weren't as good as just making a straight rail shooter. It doesn't even have to 'just' be a rail shooter. You can add new mechanics but you don't have to run off a cliff with bad ideas.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
this is the least nintendo philosophy ever you're gonna get some bad with the good can't tell in advance what's going to work so
anyway if you want the same game just go back and play it
Different vehicles was a good idea. The off-the-rails mode was a good idea too. Them trying to add adventure elements didn't work out, though.
I think the Switch Starfox is going to try to take it back to basics a little bit.
haha this magpie is sneaking my dogs try biscuits
You know what would have been a good and innovative idea. Being able to use the wiimote to aim while moving with the nunchucklike in Sin and Punishment 2. If they did a Starfox like that on the Wii it would have been awesome. Pointing and shooting was the best bit of the wiimote.
Was it Super Mario Galaxy or something that let the second player shoot stars with the wiimote? That was fun.
>>271248 yes pan played the applause sound every time i messed up ot was amazing
>>271248 yeah, that was a fun game I'm excited for Odyssey that game looks awesome >it's the last really great Mario game I can think of What about Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Galaxy was underrated. That game was as good as Mario 64. It's the last really great Mario game I can think of.
Apparently Galaxy 2 took all the elements of the original, polished it up and made it even tighter. Though I've never had the chance to play it, but I'm hard-pressed to think of commentary on it that didn't more or less talk about it that way.
Galaxy 2 did not click with me like Galaxy did. One thing about Galaxy 2 is it tried too mcuh stuff with suits and stuff.
Sometimes the less polished game can be better because it's a more fundamental experience. Kind of like Mario 64. Mario 64 is really basic compared to the games that came after it but it does what it does really well.
Sunshine was really good
Yeah, Sunshine was an honest successor for 64 for me. I really liked what the did with it.
And Oddessy is in that vein of Mario too. Galaxy was good and a lot of fun, but it was still just a course-based set of stages with a fancy, really fun costume.
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>271254 i do like the original galaxy more that hub world was dope the ship didn't do it for me sunshine is great too >>271260 yeah i just wish it had a better camera
>>271357 I'm playing Knuckles the Echidna 2 It's a big improvement over Sonic 2 tbh
>>271358 How does it compare to Knuckles and Knuckles?
>>271359 Well Knuckles is a great game, but Knuckles and Knuckles builds upon the original Knuckles in a way that just has more Knuckles. But of course neither of them can compare to Segas magnum opus, Knuckles the Echidna in Knuckles&Knuckles² That one was the fucking pinnacle of Knuckles
>>271363 One of the first "real" programs I ever wrote was a program that spammed "DESU" in the commandline until you forced it to end. I even gave the exe an icon with some exe constructing tool.
>>271370 Get the computer to spam desu on facebook or something with an embedded hyperlink leading to the desu virus Or generate a botnet that just spams desu
>>271389 At the very least, Koishi, Kokoro, Cirno, Daiyousei, Satori, the three fairies, clownpiece, Tewi, Chen, Akyu, Rumia and the like are not for sexual.
>>271452 I dunno if it's just me but I feel like the glare is huge. Like it could have been better positioned for the clock to cover the sun more. But I don't know anything about photography. >>271453 This old lady looks chill.
>>271471 That it essentially exists to compete with a certain kind of business that the startup named itself after which is already facing competition from larger stores that provide delivery. >Now you
it is, in essence, a machine learning vending machine that stocks the 100 most desired items in its vicinity. But it's still a vending machine so there's lots of bodega things that it's not going to stock like a bacon egg and cheese I've been reading more things about the "economics of vending machines" and it's not a very good look for it in general unless they have INSANE logistics. But it's a pair of former Google people who got Angel funds from Google. And Facebook And Dropbox And Twitter so who knows
So what exactly is it anyway? A literal just... box? Like in a video game, a loot crate, opened with cameras and a credit card, you take what you want and close the box?
Oh my god I mean it's COOL as hell, but really the effects are gonna be insanely bad for everyone in the lower end of the economic spectrum in that area
The system requires you to be employed, and this just removes potential jobs without adding any
no, it's gonna add some jobs. although, those are the logistics ones. ie. who stocks these/drives the truck to stock them, and the like It's likely to hurt those small business owners but at the same time, it requires this kind of thing to be successful first. >>271480 yes. Essentially turning the bodega from a type of business into a business franchise.
I think bringing race into it is kinda meaningless though It's not the fucking cultural appropriation that's the issue here, the issue is they're removing the most vital part in sustaining life in capitalism: your fucking job
CA is more like a pattern. It is not simply that 'they're taking the name' but they're taking the name, making money off of it, reducing the flow of money to its originators, until it eventually becomes the meaning of the name itself. >>271486 Appropriation is never just salt though. That's the thing. We focus a lot on "They're stealing the name!" but the real issue of CA is twofold, both the erasure of a culture and the profitting from it.
I guess I'm just not seeing it I mean I get that having your culture and whatnot reduced to an advertisment sucks and all, but I just don't see the real damage it does
I guess it does fuel stereotypes in some instances, maybe, but I dunno Seems like a less important issue, to me anyway
Most people don't. That's why when you ask people about appropriation, even people from within the culture it's being taken from, they don't really care much about it. CA is a problem in itself, but it's also a warning sign of an even larger problem. Actually, let me find you something good.
There's a problem with a lack of consciousness on a lot of issues in society, I'm just trying to be better
Even a lot of commies have a kneejerk reaction to idpol, though most of them eventually come around to realize it's just... applying your values properly So I realize I might be in the wrong, I just can't force myself to believe things that I don't, is all
i got weighed at the doctor's office i apparently gained 25 pounds in the last year while in tennessee lol i had no idea
>>271489 https://zine.philaprint.com/2017/05/10/you-cant-beat-pablo-if-ya-work-aint-sellin-appropriation-truth-and-capitalism/ A lot of what happens in between the lines of CA is marketing. In which, X thing is BAD until suddenly it's GOOD because of who's on the cover or behind the creation. And of course, it affects pockets. >>271490 Was the food that good or did you just not move around much?
I'm not sure I fully understand this article, but from what I understand a big issue it talks about is that, in Picasso's case, stuff was appropriated and we now remember this as some sort of Western Civilization(tm) achievement, all glory to the white people who made this great artistic expression possible, and that completely shoves the people whose work was stolen under the rug as 'inspiration', because they were in the wrong place, wrong time, not part of the Western Society that allowed Picasso to become as well known as he did
It seems like just an extension of capitalism, really, but not in direct monetary terms exclusively, it's also got a social impact, hailing the great west as fantastic and everyone else as shit and without innovation or real culture
>>271493 Put that in reverse. That those cultures were in the wrong place, wrong time, not part of WS, two things happened, one is that no one respected it, the other is that Picasso had the ability to take it on as part of himself and be seen as the originator. So you have two forces separately working. The approriator, Picasso, taking from another culture to boost himself, and then racism (or any other form of otherism) that allows the general populace to minimalize the value of the actual origin.
I can see the kind of long term effects this type of thing can have now, I think It reinforces some level of racism, if nothing else, on a long time scale
You just have to understand that it's not simply the use of the word that is the problem but the effect of the product can bring, if it were to be successful. They could have named it something else and it would have had a similar economic effect. That's what I mean when I say that CA is a "warning sign" of a much larger problem. It's bad culturally but it's potentially WORSE economically and the people who will HAVE IT worse are the people that it is bad for culturally.
With the way press is going, I don't think we'll see any here. But it's more marketed towards businesses themselves. Your apartment can have one, your gym can have one, your laundromat can add one.
>>271518 Of course they are. It hits really close to a lot of things but they have definitely, perhaps by design, don't nail anything too directly. There's lots of interesting social structure stuff though.
>>271509 I didn't notice most of the posts in reply to the pics because phone.
>>271525 It does have a bit of an issue in that it has the morties be, you know, a standin for minorities And morties are, well, they're dumber than rick's, so even if the system WAS completely meritocratic... they'd be at the bottom
But it does make some attempt to go against that, since even Ricks are suffering, despite having literally the same IQs as eachother. They're literally the same dude.
>>271528 Morty had better CLASS ANALYSIS. he accurately called out to those who had a struggle and also had a power to shift it >>271532 Yeah. The one in the running. The weakness in the running Ricks was that they didn't think those things mattered enough.
I think one of the hardest blows to people it produces is that it highlights the inherent problem with electoral politics invariably turning into a popularity contest rather than being about policy
i dont like that people can see my posts before i post my post
Oh yeah. I'm not saying that he's a good person or anything. What I mean is that he understood the general populace better than the rest of them and actually employed it. The other candidates were just dicking around because lol it doesn't matter who gets voted in we run this shit in a cycle.
>>271537 This last episode is insanely good and deep I've seen reds jokingly say it's like Capital made into a cartoon episode
people see what they want to see it kind of makes me laff
>>271535 Yeah, that's kinda what fascism is It's populism, but blames it on some people in the system rather than the system itself The problem isn't that there are bankers, it's WHO the bankers are The problem isn't that your boss can make your pay shit and get away with it, the problem is who your boss is.
I don't wanna call it "deep", but I will call it very well done. I was talking to TN about it yesterday, I don't want to call it a parody, but it was a really well-done dramatic episode. >>271540 But isn't it just a transition from fascism, then? I won't call the aftermath necessarily good. But their system already "other'd" Mortys. Morty himself calls that shit out. They ask him a loaded question about the "divide between Morty and Rick" which is obvious and prevalent. Morty simply "changed" who the "other" was, which was essentially "those with power who seek to exploit those without". Him pointing out that 'there's literally no difference between your intelligence and theirs but somehow you're a factory worker and he's COOL RICK AYYYYOOOOOO' is him revealing the structure that you, as a Rick, are also likely being exploited by an alternate version of yourself.
>>271542 How do you mean? Their system was already fucking trash, but now they're centralizing power even more Fash morty could easily actually be a good guy, he might improve the lives of everyone but those he has to step over to do it But that's not the point Morty WILL die Someone WILL replace Morty
You can have a swell fascist dictator, fascism isn't inherently bad, it just enables evil more than regular old democratic capitalism And evil people are the ones likely to move up in any capitalist system, especially fascism, because all systems of authority mold you into that kind of person
>>271542 He's revealing the structure, but the problem is he's pinning the problem on the people in positions rather than the actual existence of the positions themselves "Bad people are controlling the economy, that needs to change", not "The economy itself is evil"
>>271549 that's the joke though. Literally everyone who is a problem person, is a Rick. Those Morty's? They already knew about them and other'd them. >>271552 I'm talking about in reference to issues that are structural. Morty didn't tell Ricks that your problem is "other Ricks", it's "those who don't believe in the Citadel". You're not going to find many Morty people in high enough positions to blame structural issues on. Most , if somehow not all of them, were Ricks. What's keeping the general empowered Rick society down isn't the Morties, but the other Ricks who are literally their equals in intelligence and capability but have the power to reduce them to being absolutely nothing special.
Not really Crime is a big problem, and mostly Morty If they do another episode on it, we're gonna see heavy militarization of the police to "keep the peace", we're gonna see more government control of businesses, but not in a way that actually helps out the people at the bottom. It's change in management and intensification of policing
Yeah you're right that the bourgeoisie in the Citadel are probably all Ricks, but his language doesn't point to them any more than anyone else who's a "problem" Sure, economically, pure personal finance, it's the BOUSHIE RICKS But the system itself CREATES crime, which means the Morties are also now a problem to be solved They're causing harm when they steal
>>271554 I think the thing that you're forgetting is that this election isn't happening in a vacuum, they are ALREADY dealing with the Morties. They have Morty ghettos. That's where the loaded question was SUPPOSED to lead. Into a discussion in "How can we fix the Morties and make them more like Ricks" He railroaded that and said "That's not important. What's important is that a percentage of the Ricks are fucking it up for the other Ricks as well as a large amount of the Mortys." They were already negatively handling the Morty crime crisis. Just look at how Cop Morty ended up. He is the embodiment of a self-hater. It's like... oh, I guess if it WERE parodying anything, it'd be like that Denzel Washington cop movie.
Yeah But like ...crime's a constant, every fash in history has had to just continue dealing with it It's not like they created the crime once they got into power, they just clamped down harder on it, and expanded what a crime really was
In any case, when there's a social problem, people are behind it. And it was a specific kind of Rick. He's still pretty fucked up though because he's still pushing with an authoritative regime and removing all of his political opponents w/ force.
Authoritarians suck, but at the very least HE was elected, and they weren't Though really, who knows how that fucking system even worked to begin with I assume they're a council of essentially bourgeois union leaders
They were a council of business owners. You had the schoolteacher, the Simple Rick business owner, the fashion guy, etc. >>271565 Remember what the fashion guy said, it doesnt matter who sat in the chair, they run the Cit. Being President is just a farce. You "run" things, but what does it mean when all the candidates are essentially carrying the same ideas and working with each other to the same end?
A business owner is allowed to legally take a dude, strap him into a chair, replay his favorite memory over and over to produce endorphins and suck it out of his head as flavoring for his snacks and also advertises that fact on television.
Late stage capitalism is really just when the available markets have all been poked into and saturated This begins the next stage, for real, which is squeezing harder on your already established markets
We're seeing this now Things like Uber are a super good example It's cutting down on expendatures and increasing profits by any means possible Automation is part of it
And the end station is... well, it's either fascism or something like their council in the citadel running shit Bourgeois class consciousness is dangerous
>>271572 I thought the end of late stagstage capitalism was pet costumes? Also thanks for spoiling the new Rick and Morty for me.
I thought everybody watched it already. But I guess not.
Honestly I don't really care that much. But some people get super butthurt when I accidentally spoil something for them. Also this episode does not at all sound as ggod as the s2 season finale.
Anyways, I remember someone getting super butthurt when I spoiled something minor from Re:Zero for them. Even though the manga had been out for like half a year
Someone on twitter said something about the anime not censoring something posted with this image
Also I usually read the manga, get bored with it stop reading it. Then the anime gets announced and I don't watch it. Well, that's been it in recent years anime. *anyways
I don't watch shows that I get excited about. Of manga that I love. I've watched about five eps of New game maybe half of Trinity Seven Two episodes of damn, what was it called Sakamoto There are lots of things that I read, get hype about, and then never watch
I just don't have the energy to pay attention to anime after work anymore I can't watch stuff too well cause I get distracted I only have a few hours a day, I can't relax
>>271589 i watch like four shows a season maybe and old anime i've watched 60 episodes of yu yu hakusho in the last 2 months
>>271597 i don't keep a backlog and i've seen yu yu hakusho in its entirety twice already i've been watching it with a friend who has never seen or read it
>>271598 I consider a backlog to be the set of all anime that you are interested in watching eventually and the set of all anime that you would be interested in watching if you knew about it.
i'm saying i don't even have that if i'm interested enough to watch it i do so immediately or forget about it instantly
>>271600 Okay, yeah So by my aforementioned definition, it includes the anime you forgot about. But I get what you mean.
Also my backlog increased by like 50% or so once. When I decided "I should download and rewatch everything I ever watched on a streaming site". Actually, it probably quadrupled or something.
Although I basically don't have a manga backlog. Right now my biggest issue is finding manga to read cause I've already read so much.
It's good because it isn't tied to time, place, or political climate It's not espousing the greatness of the soviet union, it doesn't even mention communism or anti-capitalism
junkrat has always been good he's really great now but i've always done really well with him in fact i wish they wouldn't have buffed him so that people wouldn't play him he was already really powerful
he can instant kill people pretty easy and people always want to play him passive/spammy but really ytou should be using mines to get all up in their back line and two-shotting everyone with well-placed grenades
https://www.pscp.tv/w/1kvKpjRPvnoJE NINTENDO DIRECT
>>271642 >>271643 yeah i know as much, though i didn't play him a ton, the recent changes made him a lot more flexible and fun for me to play i don't feel too unsure about setting up traps or jumping with my conc mine anymore
Tentatively going to pub trivia despite not drinking. My friends kept trying to get me to go earlier this year but that pub closed. They think that I have just the right knowledge to fill the gaps in their team.
>>271690 No but I went to a fundraiser trivia night. I didn't know shit.
>>271694 Git gud Trivia's fun though I used to watch a lot of Jeopardy and other quiz shows when I was younger I also own and have read cover to cover several books of (mostly) useless facts.
I realise both my monitors have different colours. I don't actually know how my image looks on a computer. On monitor the sky is far more visible on the other it is dark and colours are a bit more vibrant.
>>271700 yeah it's like 90 degrees in my house and 80% humidity or some shit i havent slept more than three hours in like a week got school tomorrow too fuck irma
>>271703 I have plenty of those too. Like for example, if you're in a grocery store or somewhere with lots of cleaning supplies If there's an ammonia spill you should pour vinegar or some other acid on it to neutralize it.
>>271701 haha I have this problem too there is a lil bit contrast and brightness difference ebtween my monitors too
>>271703 I also know how to kill someone with just a blow or two yo the nnose. *nose
>>271707 But do you have the guts, kid? >>271710 some contexts are more likely to happen then others. but if you're ever on Jeprody you'll probably make a lot of money.
I still find it weird to have classes on the weekend
yeah well it is
>>271729 Yeah I've never had that before. I guess that's what you get in overgrad >>271728 can you use your phone as an alarm clock? or is there issues with the charging
>>271737 the world is trying to force me to do things that are literally not possible right now and all i want to do is try to relax but i can't because capitalism how was the doctor
>>271738 what sorta performing arts >>271743 I did a few school musicals. They were okay except half the performers didn't want to be there. The ones ran by the scouting organisations were better. >non-white master race >implying :^^) the Scottish will inherit the earth
>>271740 i got my scripts but cant afford meds til payday also i apparently gained 25 pounds in 2017
>>271741 either a community theatre musical called ragtime, which is coming up, and has race themes which is great for me because i'm a non-white master race or whatever shit production my school is gonna put on
>>271741 At my highschool, theater was more pooular than football (partially because our football team was garbage). Although the theater program was also really good. We even had two theaters
66% of my county has power back but they're still hogging all the fucking restaurants even though a ton of us can't cook or store real food
>>271749 Drama was a really popular class because people got to fuck around a lot. What sort of productions did you guys do? We did Little Shop of Horrors at mine which was awesome. The puppet they made for Audrey 2 was sick.
here? not bad at all some crumpled poles and shit like that one or two destroyed trailers elsewhere, it's a hellscape
>>271751 Regular classic theatre stuff, Shakespeare, the sting, guys and dolls, little shop of horror, guys and dolls, fiddler on the roof, westside story stuff like that
i literally just want to eat cooked food all these bastards with their power back are hogging every restaurant all day every day i basically had to fight people to get food yesterday i literally told someone that i would cut them because they were trying to get my food
>>271751 Okay so in my senior year of highschool, i see a poster for the fall musical, Annie. Which is a lovely, heartfelt journey through christmas-time new york and it had huge dance numbers and songs and all this fun stuff. It was the kind of show that could've been done really poorly and still been good, and it was done really well.
So I'm like "wow, i need to get involved
>>271742 Hope everything is alright. I lost a bunch of weight recently 24 pounds in the last month. Hope you get your meds soon.
>>271755 Crazy. Where'd you get that food from? It sounds pretty bad.
>>271756 It was called "The Laramie Project" a very serious play about a hate crime/murder in 80's wyoming, with no song and dance numbers whatsoever. Still a fulfilling experience and I had lots of fun with my theatre family, but I still want to be involved in a SPECTACLE, you know?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>"Carbon pollution" is an oxymoron. Carbon is a basis of all life, but the leftist propaganda has made your brain into a salad. The more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the more plants have "oxygen" to breath. The we are now at 400ppm and we need to raise CO2 concentration to about 1000ppm for it to be on decent levels. The more CO2 plants have available, the less water they need. (which can also help with areas like some parts of Africa, where plants cannot grow because of low amounts of h2o) Historically CO2 in the atmosphere was much higher than it is now and during last ice age co2 levels dropped below 150ppm in higher altitudes, which caused many plants from higher elevations to go extinct, as plants cannot function with CO2 levels smaller than 150ppm. If humans didn't started to put back carbon into the ecosystem, that is constantly being depleted from the atmosphere by organisms making shells (that land below the surfaces and are morphing into fossil fuels in very long period of time) the whole earth ecosystem would start to die out during next period of an ice age. (yes we are during an ice age, in short interglacial period in between much cooler periods) I suggest educating yourself before you start to repeat those absurd lies. We are all build from carbon, carbon is the basis for all life on earth, you exhale 5% co2 in your breath - how can carbon dioxide be a pollutant? Maybe you mean pollution from electric plants, but they have nothing to do with carbon dioxide (besides that they are in the same cloud as pollutants) and thanks to the boost that fossil fuels gave our civilization we were able to advance fossil fuel burning process with every decade, so the pollution is getting lower and lower. I suggest reading some Roger Moore's works and stop believing your goverment. Lack of trust for the govt is what spawned cryptocurrencies in the first place. So if some crypto-currency is using up energy it really helps, not harms the environment.
>>271758 yeah man im carrying around an 8 inch knife so i don't get fucking robbed i managed to get lucky enough to get pizza
>>271759 It's missing the pizazz >>271762 Jesus. Are the police struggling to keep an order?
to be entirely honest, I consider myself a theatre kid 4 lyfe, but I gotta admit non-musical plays are kinda fuckin boring most of the time. And then after I graduated highschool, I kept coming back for the shows, and my faggot ass old director kept picking Shakespeare shit for the spring plays. And shakespeare is J U S T the worst
>>271763 police don't // police well some police are directing traffic the rest are lurking for people to give speeding tickets to instead of actually helping people
The International Olympic Committee has announced Paris will host the 2024 Summer Games, Los Angeles will host in 2028.
>>271764 >non-musical plays are kinda fuckin boring most of the time. Spoken like a true pleb >Shakespeare is just the worst I suggest you sleep with one eye open
>>271766 >people think los angelos will be here in 2028
>>271765 >giving speeding tickets after a hurricane lmao >>271771 >tried to fucking trap me on a damn island indefinitely what
>>271767 >actually typing out quotations instead of copy and pasting
>>271769 fuck the cops man they tried to fucking trap me on a damn island indefinitely
>>271770 I copied and pasted the first one, but copy ing and pasting on android is bad enough, doing it with one hand is suffering
>>271769 i went to the Island across the bridge without any trouble and then the police told me i wasn't allowed to leave and they didn't know why but i couldn't so i had to drive an hour to try to get to another bridge and along the way police checkpoints flagged me down to ask me what i was doing and failed to warn me about the insane amounts of dangerous downed power lines on the road ahead and almost got me fucking killed when i got to the next bridge they still wouldn't let me pass so a bunch of people that were getting pissed off and i drove around the cops across the bridge and escaped
>>271768 The first ever olympic games to be played on an artificial island >>271773 >sir you can't leave >we don't know why but you just can't
>>271774 yeah it was terribly managed >>271776 ??????? i took my real life experiences out of context????????
>>271777 Yeah, by not mentioning the reason people were not supposed to cross the bridges.
>>271776 Well in the context of the cops they're probably struggling themselves and there's probably a lot of confusion with management and stuff But that doesn't make much difference to someone in Kiraras situation.
>>271778 i told the story how it happened the cops did not tell anyone the reason
>>271780 Yeah they didn't tell anyone the reason then. But you shpuld know (cause Rika mentioned it) That the bridges were supposed to be inspected and people were not supposed to be crossing them. The first cop shouldn't have let you cross the bridge over to the island though.
ok sorry i forgot time didnt real it's not a real story about an experience unless you include outside information that was removed from the experience you're being fucking retarded man
>>271781 That's still the fault of poor management and communication on the police then isn't it >>271784 But that still doesn't matter to him. What matters is that it happened and it was a badthing. And like you said the cop shouldn't have let him cross in the first place. It doesn't matter if the individual cop isn't to blame, what matters is that it happened at all.
>>271783 Yes Iylt is *It is But they were under orders, its not like the police decided "let's not let anyone off this island"
who even cares
i told the story as it happened that's the story the background lore isn't part of the story you're nitpicking stupid shit that is obvious to nearly everyone
and there weren't any cops when i crossed the bridge tthe first time
>>271785 And you just love making everything out to be the fault of the police There should have been cops preventing you I guess.
>>271786 this was the fault of the police everything i just complained about was the fault of the police
>>271787 Including the hurricane that may or may not have damaged the bridge that then needed to be inspected that lead to the police being ordered to not let people cross it?
>>271788 holy shit you are fucking obnoxious as hell do you do this on purpose is your goal to be difficult to be around?
>>271788 The point is that it was a situation that was clearly mismanaged. Being a policeguy is difficult and they're probably just as confused and disorientated as Kirara, but they definitely could have done better. Like not letting Kirara cross in the first place, or warning him about all the powerlines, or giving him an explanation at the time as to why he couldn't cross the bridge.
I'm sure the police won't mind if a tired person complains about them on /moe/ for five minutes.
the bare minimum thing aa cop should be able to do is disaster recovery and mitigation failing to warn me about dangers on the road they're giving me the ok to go on is fucking disgusting especially since i could have died
and the bridges too it's fucking ridiculous
>>271791 Al's general antisociety/anticipate rhetoric has kind of made me tired of people bitching about police on /moe/.
>>271793 >Al Who's Al? This is a pretty clear example of the policebeing incompetent. I'm not too big on the general and constant politics either but this is a direct case of it impacting someone.
>>271795 I never said it wasn't, but saying "fucking police tried to trap me on an island" is misleading because it doesn't include "for my own safety as far as they know because they are poorly organized"
yeah that's literally what happened though that's an accurate description of what occurred i was explaining a situation that occurred to me and also the bridge was safe, anyway
>>271799 So it wasn't them actively trying to keep him on an island out of maliciousness and it was poor organization. But I think I can understand being a bit mad given Kiraras current situation. People tend to get a bit antsy when they've had a hurricane go through their place and they've been struggling to eat.
>as far as they know 'but the dude didn't know Which was the whole problem
>>271800 Just because a few cars can go over a bridge without collapsing doesn't mean its safe. It could still be damaged. There's a lot more to civil engineering and bridge's being safe than bearing a minimum load.
I've got one. Who actually LIKES/FOLLOWS/CARES about Xenoblade and explain to me why this new game feels so incredibly cheesy.
>>271803 you're being completely obnoxious that's aall you ever do these days say obnoxious things and butt into stuff and act like a fucking know it all you are completely lacking in tact and it's incredibly annoying
Rei, even if you don't agree with someone sometimes it's best to let things slide for the sake of everyone getting along. I'd be upset in his position too.
>>271805 Because it's got super animu faces. Even moreso than X. Is Xenoblade 2 gonna have pilotable robots like X did? The Dolls in that game were cool.
>>271806 And all you do is bitch about how much your life sucks
>>271809 saying things that aren't true don't make it true just because you want it to be true you're just a you are incapable of understanding even the most simple of things about other people because you choose not to understand it's incredibly difficult to deal with
>>271808 Is this kind of feeling normal? I have never played any of them. But having watched the trailer and various other trailers, I'm just wondering how campy this is. I just don't feel the tension in any of it. It's just REALLY ANIME
>>271811 It's a pretty normal reaction to 2. I've seen a lot of people saying simmilar things. I played a bit of Xenoblade 1 before my old HD died with my save file and it was less campy feeling than this looks like. People had more realistic faces and stuff.
Frankly I didn't feel much tension playing X either because a lot of things looked really goofy. To me the appeal of Xenoblade X was exploring the alien world it gives the player. So if Xenoblade 2 has that, I'll be wiling to ignore the cheese factor.
It's like watching a Kingdom Hearts trailer. You see all these people and things happening and bright colors and random antagonists and SORAAAAA but Simple and Clean is playing in the background. And it feels so melodramatic. >>271816 It's a GREAT song but I just... when I see a KH trailer, I just ... eh, maybe being an observer of things and not an actual player dampens my experience on everything.
Yeah, that's kinda what I get from people who like KH. they sorta EXPECT that silly dramatic blend in their game. I mean, GOOFY shows up. But I just don't know how Xenoblade is. It gives me that KH feel but I don't know if that's supposed to be happening. Also the combat feels stiff in that game.
i hope i can find some cooked food tonight
Simple and Clean is a great song though I love it. >>271814 For me that's part of the appeal of KH. It's goofy as hell and I love it. I think KH1 had a pretty good balance between melodrama and Disney. Like how Kairi sorta tied in with the other Disney princesses.
The MC in Xenoblade 2 has a really dumb outfit tbh I'm willing to suspend my disbelief alot when it comes to dumb outfits and weapons though. >>271817 >Although, the main "blade" did. It's magic, just roll with it.
>jRPG character with a silly outfit is main character You know, I don't even think what he's dressed in even phased me. Although, the main "blade" did.
fuck I really don't like working with this one girl at my work she hates the soul out of me I can tell she's the type of girl that likes manly latino men and that's certainly not me, and it makes her angry how timid I am with my work. Although I only get like that when she's around because she gives me the worst fucking vibes
>>271822 Somewhat, it can kinda slow us down, doubly so when we're doing something that requires the two of us also I'm totally not doing my job well, to the point where I'm considering getting checked by a doctor to see if I have ADHD
>>271825 What sorta job is it? Probably couldn't hurt to see a doctor about that if it's a concern. >>271828 That's pretty important to do well in. I wouldn't say immoral if you're doing your besst though. Is there any concrete things you could do better?
>>271827 I'm a nursing aide So it can be pretty important that I do do my job well, and she probably thinks i'm immoral and an asshole for not doing it well
>>271826 Yeah, Fates was a really good game but it was also incredibly silly and stupid. It feels like one of those things you occasionally see online where people are asked to rate whether they think gameplay or story is important and they put 5 stars into gameplay and 1 star into story.
>>271827 Well I point out ADHD in particular because I have trouble remembering things, and even coming up with things that are needed, like I'll run out to the supply room to grab supplies, run back to the patient room, realize I didn't think of something I totally needed, and have to run back to the supply room again SOOOOO UNINTELLECTUAL Absolutely monkey brain type shit Bad time management skills, I lose things in my mental to-do list, and always fail to remember that I have a paper to-do list in my pocket that I fail to keep updated And then once I manage to clear everything I need done, we're suppose to keep track of all this shit in the computers, so after an hour of running around doing all this shit, I'm supposed to remember that one blood glucose number I had from 4 hours ago and I'm like fuck
>>271830 Fuck, I used to do that sort of thing at KFC. I'd end up having to do two runs for supplies for an order or something because I forgot. Or I'd forget something that the customer added to the order. The stress was real. But in your case it's more stressful since you have a bunch of sick people relying on you. Not being able to remember that sort of thing is a pain. I was diagnosed with adhd as a kid too.
So yeah, talking to a doctor would probably be helpful in some way.
would be nice if i could go to the shop without someone new trying to run me down in their car
damn son
>>271834 frustrating ain't it I fucking hate forgetting things that people have told me about them. Like their jobs. Or family members. My mum will tell me we're having dinner with auntie someone and I'm like, who the fuck is that. And then it's like I had dinner with her just last month.
>>271837 getting alzheimers young would be a bitch
so it's either adhd or alzheimers
it would be UNREASONABLY ironic considering all the old people i work with on a daily basis, who remind me of the neverending entropy of the human body
>>271838 It'll be your superpower, allowing you to relate to the old people better on an unconscious level.
relating to old people is absolutely the #1 thing I want to avoid doing
I appreciate your empathy though maria you're a good /moe/
>>271883 My little brother does this to any shower he uses. He's not even that hairy. How does he do it?
>>271898 dont ask me ive been here for years this doesnt happen often but now its persistent my mom said she cleaned it once with what ma? with the Draino we dont HAVE Drain-o and now its acting up and the only thing I can assume they used is pennzoil because its here BUT IT DONT WORK
I wonder how I'd even clean my current drain it is a bloody hole in the wall
> snake we dont have one of those and they cost money and the last time they came by they were like ddude dont put paper towels and tampons in the toilet. and I had to just accept that.
>>271925 well repeating my initial tip just remove the grill or whatever covering and see if you can remove some of the filth that is down there and if it starts to drain after that sometimes the problem is just the gunk under the drain cover and in the initial piping
>>271925 We got a snake for our toilet at our last place, they're pretty cheap.
>>271927 lmao you what snakes dont have bones but neither do >>271931 snakes are like fillets what
>>271930 the fuck you mean snakes ain't boneless you can't get no boneless snake
>>271925 Also do you have like cocacola or something like that? Pouring it down a drain can help a bit if you don't have draino. Liquid soap also helps.
My friend made fun of me for making a boneless joke once, several months later now, he recounted a story about how in middle school, he opened up a milk carton and there was a bone floating in it
I was FORCED to ASSAULT him with the fact that he should've ORDERED HIS MILK B O N E L E S S
>>271968 That's amazing. Also, who the girl on the bottom supposed to be?
>>271974 This is a moment where I can't tell if you're trolling or not. This must be what talking to me feels like.
There are a lot of reasons, because it will mess your drain and because it is bad for the environment.
just break your fucking drain with snakes, bones and oil so that you won't clog up anymore
>>271981 sometimes. just to go over some truths. I dont drive, dont handle vehicle maintenance, and as such have no idea what pennzoil would do to anything that it doesnt say it does on the bottle.
>>271988 Died way? Died way back? >>271992 Next time he should have the shower running while he does it so it puts out the fire while he's burning away the grime
not gonna lie, my happiness tilted after not being graced with an untimely dash presence and that I still havent taken this shower. so im gonna go cry in the sshower and get clean and come back like that never happened.
>>271998 yeah but do I get access to exclusive memes? >>272002 bye Kirara Have a good one
one must simply say "oh great bang who art heavenly and great, greater than rika for sure - grant me thy blessings for you are the greatest of all
oh great bang who art heavenly and great, greater than rika for sure - grant me thy blessings for you are the greatest of all
>>272016 oh great rika who art heavenly and great, greater than bang for sure - grant me thy blessings for you are the greate >>272021 oh noooooo I mixed up the names now I'm signed up to worship rika instead FUCK
i can get my meds on the 15th i can't wait literally it's been over a year and i'm so tired of it i'm so happy to have my stuff back maybe i can stop being such a crazy bitch
>>272069 are you excited about the robin revival this is a pretty hard infernal map i must say! i'm super excited about the fact that i'll have four robins though it's the dream meme team
please let me know if you succeed i want my robins i have three summer robins left too i like robin
>leveling Sharena
oh yeah now I remember this map. This was "survive an onslaught of at least three mages at every point"
>>272082 tfw i have to level wrys to 5* 40 to do this map
lmao and two of the melee units on here have Distant Def 3, what the shit, I'm livid.
>>272084 dude i'm gonna get this i NEED four robins like you don't understand
I can do this with my cavalry team but only because of my movement skills Like I can do a tap, dance, move, and then reposition and then deal with everyone who gets baited. It's just bringing everyone close up. >>272087 Yeah man. Cav team against Robin. >>272088 So does Ursula. But I can Cav team her map too now.
cav team against robin lol ok
robin fucks horses in the butt for breakfast just sayin
i didn't tell my doctor about planning to live underground with a datamining facility and use a captured falcon to secure my food intake but she mostly thought i was a sane and reasonable person she was happy to see i had gained weight because i needed it fuck i desire to converse
>>272100 about wanting to live underground and raise/train falcons i would have but time ran out but my underground plan is super cool it's gonna be fabulous i even have a startup plan for under 20 grand i can just save up for a few years if i have to
i'm like four days without benzos i'm kinda spazzing sorry i'm really not normally like this it's just any interactiont to help circulate the anxiety
>>272099 is the falcon gonna bring you back rats and stuff? Hunting birds are pretty cool. Dive bombing little animals and grabbing them from out of nowhere. >>272106 Cats are pretty big to catch and pick up for a bird
>>272105 squirrels, rabbits, quails, squab mostly and the occasional cat i suppose but i wont eat that
Ooh, I know a way to decrease my units. I can make a MaRTh?/??/? harem
hawks can actually catch guinea hens and wild turkeys eagles can catch all kinds of crazy shit but i dont feel comfortable with either of those i just want a falcon for ghost rabbit hunting
>>272105 ive seen them pick up piglets you're underestimating them
There's some spiders that eat birds Those are sick >>272110 a little cat then
fuckin inferno copholy dhir that wa aweodmee fjeje
>>272111 a neighbor had their dog grabbed up by a hawk it was a medium sized dachsund
hawks are big dude if i get my license i can trap and raise a falcon, hawk, or eagle eagles have legit grabbed juvenile (not baby) goats and carried them off like 80+ pounds of goat from the mountain side and just carried them away
hello? yes? yeah see i'm bang and stuff i'm the sheriff around these parts i just wanted to check in on you since you're new in town you might want to stop by the residency office, Sherry can help you settle in nice meetin you partner, just stay out of trouble and you'll love it here
>>272190 wow you're fucking loaded on sleep I slept like 6 last night I had a dream that I slept in too late so I woke up early to compensate
>>272191 Well, I didn't get up until 2:30pm. I had set alarms, but thought I set nore than I actually did. So at 12:15 and 11:30 *11:15 and 11:30 I was like "fuck it, ill get uo at noon" but then my noon alarm never went off.
And usually if I sleep or "sleep" past noon my mom will wake me up, but she didn't. Apparently she thought I didn't come home until like 6am. For some reason.
>>272193 do you normally set lots of alarms? I've never slept through an alarm. I'm just too light a sleeper. >>272197 by that point I can't get back to sleep. Maybe that's for the better. >>272194 Where'd you go out that you could have stayed out until 6am? >>272197 have fun. is this the guy with the super messy house
>>272195 I will wake up and turn ut off. *it Or I'm already awake but trying to fall back asleep and turn it off. Sometimes I'm sort of awake and turn off all my alarms or set them for an addional hour or something. >>272195 Friend's house ostensibly. Might do that tonight, he's gonna come pick me up in thirty minutes when he's done sobering up.
the worries that older women have about being lonely old woman and never finding a man to marry
im having those worries right now
>>272195 The whole place isnt super messy. Just the parts him and his brother mainly use.
>>272198 how old is old? I hope I've got a good decade or so before I get to those feels.
>>272198 Well I don't know a thing about having feelings like that at all, but if I did I would say something like that you have to trust that the right person will come along when it is time for them to.
>>272213 That's not very good advice, in the sense that it will make someone feel better.
>>272207 You're one of those fed lovin city folk aren't you Maybe when you actually have to deal with cattle rustlers and that damn Jimmy Georgewell gang, you'll understand the way things work out here in Oak Springs
>>272215 Yeah, well, sometimes saying something like that is the best you can say. Pointing out that it's not terribly encouraging is definitely more harmful than me saying it in the first place.
>>272213 UNSURPRISING, to say the least, that a woman would reply with something like this maybe im so lonely because of my horrible misogynistic tendencies
>>272221 we know portable DOOM is gonna be pretty cool.
>>272243 There's some bad advice! I think he probably has normal self-confidence. He just complains here because there's no downside to telling random people who will never know you stuff. You can be candid here because it really doesn't matter.
>>272246 >women won't date me becayse I'm short >nah guyz, my self esteem is fine
you havent been keeping track of my complaints at all clearly women will date me anyways because they're dating me anyways
its just that things would be much better (for me AND others) if i was tall
>>272248 Okay, I might be thinking of someone else.
well you may still be thinking of me because im sure ive said something along those lines at some point
>>272251 Are you the >there's no point in learning any skills to help me impress women because they'll just pick someone who is tall and has those skills instead of me guy?
>>272257 It's not a meme. I can figure people out very quickly when I try!
>>272252 tbh, this makes sense though i cant really find logic in how girls still willingly accept me into their lovelives
>>272260 maybe being short isn't that big a deal >>272262 there's always gonna be someone better than you If you were perfect height you'd be jealous of guys with bigger cheek bones *better cheek bones whatever
well maybe in my head, theyve always got a better option somewhere in the process of courting them
>>272261 >there's always gonna be someone better than you see thats the thing cant these girls get ANYONE better than me?
So burger King has some sort of lucky charms milkshake thing I might go get it
>>272264 do you just constantly doubt yourself and thus them too? that sounds miserable. they might be capable of people who have 'better' features, but they chose you instead. I think that's something to be proud of more than anything.
>>272269 Then how to you explain the textbook example that we're currently being presented with?
>>272271 isn't love supposed to be a deeper connection than just "this guy has a higher value out of ten than this guy"? Maybe you connect with them on a deeper level or something.
>>272282 the last game i played to completion was the new zelda (which was STELLAR btw) but i havent touched it in a while and i dont have my eyes on any other games
>>272278 yeah but they already invested the time into you if they didn't want you then they would've invested the time into someone else >>272283 That was a great game. I wish Ganon was a better final boss considering that the whole game is prepping for him, but the journey was a lot of fun.
>>272284 i think maybe ive had a hard time believing im THE ONE for any woman, because i cant slip into their minds and see me how they see me i think its time to give up on all life and get back with my ex
>>272290 oof actually, i know what they all think, because they all told me. Post-relationship The one girl who ever really loved me is happily dating some new guy that im sure she's really in love with im think im done chatting for the day guys