One of my coworkers has a kid, and sometimes she brings him to work after he gets out of school. And he has a water bottle with this emoji on it. It looks like the shitpostiest water bottle I've ever seen.
Anyways, if its fine for rika to look down on "normies" and "normie culture" Why can't I look down on the use of emoji?
normie here. I'm looking down on all you dumb nerds
Now this is a letter
>>272365 Wait, I thought your steam name was he who fucks?
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>272361 not that bad of an idea, pretty compact representation pain to type though
my steam name is he who fucks but my ubisoft name is from years ago
>>272370 Okay nvm, that'd be a pain Anyways, given a hash function (such as md5 or sha1) are there values within their range such that if you were to do md5(md5(...md5(x)...)) that it would return the original value? Like are there "cycles" in them? And the answer is "I just dont know"
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>272369 oh well i don't give a i mean i think emoji serve a vital function that has been missing from unicode for a long time sometimes i feel like i should just redesign doushio to not be an imageboard since i don't feel like i agree with imageboard dogma like barely at all
>>272373 yeah i wouldn't be surprised if there were an md5 fixed point somewhere
>>272374 Would that involve removing the ability to upload and share images altogether?
>>272376 This wouldn't be a fixed point for md5 though, it would be a fixed point for md5n where n is the number of times you need to apply md5 to the value to get ut again. FUCK
hey samu you should make a secret way of enlarging ##your entire post oh woops but i mean like instead of just the text the namefield and date and everything just so i can be as annoying as possible
Fixed points are cool though Like, quines are fixed points in programming languages.
Did you ever use MacOS before OSX came out?
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
yeah they had it in our schools
>>272392 Noice I actually never owned a non Macintosh until after Windows 7. My house was mac only until I was 17.
Oh yeah, I had another silly idea. Bitcoin miner for TI-83 and TI-84.
People have written miners for IBM mainframes on punchcards. Writing a mining program for a machine might become the next "porting doom to random machines" like meme.
>>272416 yeah I like the colour scheme with Homura and I like the clunky look that Verdict Day ACs go for. >>272419 those are some sick landings considering how high up some of those jumps go
>>272457 Hey, blue, interested at all in helping me with a project this weekend? it's nbd if you aren't but I've got some overflow if you're interested
>>272461 oh yeah weekends are family time for you aren't they i forgot about that i forgot about being a normal person sometimes
i'm resting up now but i'll check out what i've got later and if you could use the scrap cash i can set you up but if not i can manage just // man i need my meds i can't think straight today
I have be become Ohio.
moon this is what i need it's only 600,000 too i'd probably have to expect to budget a million though with getting it usable and the costs of maintenance
now i can manage by just winning the mega millions jackpot instead of the powerball those only cost a dollar instead of two dollars that's a 50% savings on my investment budget
i'm not sure what i'd do with a comms tower i do need a ton of bandwidth, like what chattanooga's got with that google fiberop i dont think i can make a comms tower do that though i could send out radio broadcasts to all the cows in the neighboring 500 km
ive become like a broken record parody of myself like a damned cartoon character
discord sent me an email asking me for feedback so i gave them UX feedback suggestions and they filed it as a support ticket through customer support and then customer support is reviewing it as an open complaint ticket? haha this is surreal and they needed my permission to say that the complaint is resolved so the support ticket could be closed
They don't separate complaints and suggestions. how shitty That short of thing is annoying when your boss wants you get certain data but the data is a mess.
The interfacing of a live messageboard is really brilliant and I think it really hit an unmet need for me The whole thing is a pleasant experience
you don't have to answer now, but if you'd have any insightful comments that I can use for market research I'd be willing to give you a $10 amazon giftcard lol this industry is so dumb
None of the books I have for my literature course tomorrow are ones I've actually read. Or even own for that matter, though my mother might have a copy of Jane Eyre possibly.
>>272499 I might have a copy if Jane Eyre. I haven't read it though. What other books do you need for the course?
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Shakespeare's The Tempest.
>>272501 I also have those two, and have not read them. Well, I have a big complete works of Shakespeare thing.
rather, it's not a legal issue but it's so that it's not considered a fraudulent report it's so easy to just make up respondents and "Oh yeah Jane Doe said this" it's bad data and isn't acceptable
>>272157 (OP) i have dreamed a deeam and now it is gone from me
one day i'll reach my dream of living underground in a converted bunker i found a really neat one for only 600 thousand dollars in kansas! it even comes with a 177 foot comms tower that's only like 40 thousand hours of work assuming i spend nothing and dont pay taxes
yup i'll have my anxiety meds and my other stuff back tomorrow my doctor was very eager to put me back on my regimen she was very concerned about me being gone so long while i was in tennessee she's so sweet i was paranoid about nothing
Also holy shit I accidentally tapped "update now" for android when the thing popped up. Took forever. I'd been doing "update later" every day since april. So I'm on Android 7 now.
this winter is gonna be rough out here in the sticks being snowed in so far from town could be bad the school district around here closes for like a week at a time when the snow is bad
tbh i haven't noticed any stimulation maybe i didn't take very much i notice some vasoconstriction and the opiate receptors are pretty active though i'm currently on a benzo lapse though and waiting for my new scripts tomorrow so it may be difficult to gauge the effects properly i think that it has helped alleviate some of the distress i was feeling about not having my meds and i'm not panicking
it's a decent experience but it's not particularly good for getting work done
well it's probably white if you ordered white those guys are really good kratom isn't really something you can use for productivity though
oh it's their special house blend i couldn't decide so i think i went with that >>272631 about a teaspoon and a half pretty mild gotta allergy test and all, you know don't wanna find out it's triggering my immune system to eat all the collagen in my veins or something like that
oh, okay how much did you take?
>>272630 yeah you won't get real stimulant effects with that, but yeah, gotta start with a little with the special blend, you'll probably want 2-3 teaspoons to get a stimulating effect but it's still going to be a little more relaxing than stimulating
i'll have my damphs tomorrow so i'll be fine i have so much work to do this is helping me relax and rest up for sure though
>>272667 Maybe a little. He was being really ridiculous and said some fucked up stuff, though.
I haven't slept more than 3 hours in a night for a week, am underfed, and stressed out, so if someone comes to me and starts trying to fuck with me, I'm going to get really mad.
>>272676 I know a little about it. She may need to stick up for herself a bit on this one.
The price of bitcoin fell sharply after Chinese regulators announced a ban on organizations from raising funds using initial coin offerings (ICOs).
ICOs allow start-ups to raise investment by selling new cryptocurrencies, which are similar to bitcoin, in return for cash. However, the People's Bank of China says this practice, which has become popular around the world as well as in China, constitutes illegal fundraising.
>>>/@pbpost/908495760026750976 lol >>272678 Maybe. If she doesn't, though, I will. I don't plan on letting anyone manipulate me or try to control my life, or the life of someone I love.
But it will resolve itself. He thinks he can intimidate us, but I know he's all bark and no bite. He wouldn't do anything to hurt Fish and I am willing to support her either way so in the end, there's really nothing he can do except go at the pace we want to go at. He can't take her from me, so I'm in power in this argument.
I found a few more that are doing well Like this one
>>272680 sorry things are rough drama can be so taxing
>>272683 I think it'll work out. He needs me and I don't need him at all, so he'll eventually agree to play by fish and my rules.
Yeah. It's really tough for her, I think. I'm a /// sort of involved in a way that makes it hard for me to really productively do anything other than be there for her, though.
>>272688 Yeah. I'm not going to allow anyone to fuck with my relationship, though. If he tries to get her to do something like he threatened, I'll just make sure anyone involved doesn't want to be involved.
>>272688 i was wondering what it'd take to make something like that but i don't know what it is
>>272687 are you talking about the see-through crotchless not-actually pants?
wow, this is like, the least helpful thing that danbooru has ever given me >detached_pants what the fuck guys >like detached_sleeves but for the legs What the FUCK guys
>>272700 His real problem is that he thinks he has a chance at manipulating me to do something I don't want to do. He thinks I can be pressured, but I'm fucked up and my immediate reaction to any kind of pressure like this is to exert my dominance by doing the opposite and trying to crush the person pressuring me.
>>272706 Oh, I think those have a name. Lemme think for a little but. *bit
>>272703 thanks what should i expect from the kratom comedown i am having some sweats but it's from the benzo lapse i just need to watch those symptoms so i don't want to get confused about what's doing what
>>272708 the comedown is pretty smooth, you just start feeling a little tired if you try to sleep while coming down you'll be out like a light but you can power through it sometimes i get a little jumpy during it like noises will startle me more easily, for like, 30 minutes but that's it
>>272706 Yeah, I think those are just harem pants with a big hole on the crotch. Don't know if there's a word for it.
>>272714 It's more diverse than it looks. Most of those tribes, even if from the same language stock, have their own dialects and many their own languages which only share a base with others.
I really hate this wait period. I feel like there's stuff I should do ...oh wait, there is lol good job me I cracked the code
>>272720 yeah, pretty interesting stuff although all the stories Americans made up for them are probably more interesting than the mounds themselves in some ways this is really cute
wow it really is
it gets cuter and cuter and cuter
Going outside really tires me out these days. I don't even figure myself agoraphobic but just being out of the house for three to five hours and I want to lay down and nap.
same i've been fairly agoraphobic recently, which is strange i used to always feel claustrophobic it's fairly natural to dip into those periods though i don't think they're bad
im the opposite my capacity to leave the house has diminished being at home exhausts me i want to live my life
although right now outside is exhausting too
>>272737 Have you been spending a lot of time inside?
>>272740 Whenever I don't have anything that needs doing outside.
>>272741 I'm neither of those anymore so eh. There's comfortable qualities to it though. Whenever I'm inside for extensive days at a time I wish I got more sun though. My house barely gets any sun at all.
>>272743 Seems nice to me! I would take it easy every day if I could.
Probably has something to do with not going farther than two blocks from my house in about two or three weeks
come to florida blue
>>272750 It's hard to take it easy when you're depressed and stressed out about not having done things you should have (finishing college) and things you ought to fo (finding a job).
If you like being inside, and have resources to not worry about, you can stay inside and enjoy life all you want.
my power just flickered on and back off please please cross your fingers for me /moe/
>>272754 it's nice having a job i can do from home for that reason but i don't do much taking it easy it just means i see work everywhere i go inside the house bc it's also my office
the only solution is to crush the system before it crushes you when you play by society's rules you become society's fools i heard that in a devo song so it must be true
>>272772 where are you gonna get four falcons and an underground bunker
>>272774 you trap the falcons yourself though i think i will have two falcons and two hawks i think i might die if i try to tame an eagle though they're fuckin scary >>272776 >>272776 >>272776
>>272774 For real though, you can buy abandoned coldwar military facilities, like missile silos and recon stations and what not. Moon found one for $600,000
tfw you order a bunker on amazon and it doesn't get here in time even though you chose prime shipping
yeah they're actually pretty cheap too that was a primo one that i found for 600k it has a 177 foot comms tower and is 8,000 square feet on 25 acres there are some pretty good ones for sub 300k too
>>272779 Well, that's in part because they're all in terrible condition.
>>272779 It will require aot of cleaning and general tepairs though >>272783 My parents were born in the 50's Although we haven't actually been living in a place we didn't rent since the 90's...
>>272781 dude i've got it all planned out i just have to win the lottery or hope someone takes my business prop seriously
>Nephenee is on the banner kill me please fuck Lyn
oscar is shit his art is bad and he has no useful skills
the new flier has guidance but for fliers
neph has like moonbow every single turn with +10 damage to it thanks to -1 cooldown weapon and wrath
Elincia is cool. Nephenee is my desire right now
i actually need to be underground to silo the data storage from the elements because it involves having like a ton of equipment and data servers and i'm going to crawl around this fucking datafarm interfacing with the information like a damned mole a technocratic mole
I think I'm going to go for the new flyer. I have 100 orbs right now sooooo
neph is gamebreaking i plan to get a few of her put wrath and heavy blade and wo dao on someone with moonbow for moonbow every single turn with an additional +20 damage
I'm not going to get anything and I'm going to be bitter about it forever.
>>272803 If you're lucky there might be rails for moving stuff around.
I swear if they, for whatever reason, made Wrath a C skill. I'm sure it's B though >>272811 I knew it. I knew they'd allow you to do this. >Fury/Vantage/Wrath it's just like old times
>>272808 it's my lottery plan i'm aware this isn't feasible but i have fun putting business proposals together even if they're a joke it helps me feel less scared about when i try to present a real one that i took serious though tbh it'd still be my dream to live like that
but man wrath and wo dao together fuck gonna be insane i bet you're going to need neph for black knight since black knight will apparently have like 40-50 def lol
>>272848 I like it. She looks like she doesn't know what she's doing, but it's cute!
>>272852 yeah, folks were protesting outside of DEA HQs nonstop for weeks it was really great >>272853 see >>272851 that explains everything
>>272847 idk it's really unique feeling to me it's really amazing i wish i could use it often but it's addictive so i am really careful because i don't want to lose kratom like i lost alcohol
valerian root is p great try it in between no op receptors but its really calming
I tried valerian tea a few times a while ago but it didn't do anything for me im pretty sure i need those opioid receptors activated
Elincia not knowing what she's doing is pretty on character for her anyway. Combat-wise that is. I don't think she's a playable unit in FE9 at all. Only in 10. Oh wait no, you can play as her. But she comes in super late and she's like a Nino almost.
This Oscar shit really makes me angry. He had two brothers. One with an axe. One with a bow. Literally either of them would be fine. I'll just wait for a CYH to come up. I'm sure they'll put her on one some day. I won't have the orbs for this at all.
well at least they're permanent additions
hopefully i will be able to get at least one because i need por characters for the TT
I can't wait for my free roll to have no blue orbs.
oscar looks to easily be one of the worst characters in the game no matter what iv
Time to just autobattle my way up to more orbs.
>>272856 i can feel it acting on those receptors but i can't actually tell if it's changing pain response at all if so it's mild
for three hours
>>272867 You won't get any real pain reduction until you're at 3-4 teaspoons or 2-3 teaspoons with red vein
i don't really need pain relief i was just curious i am wondering whether it would help my mom or not though if it just sedated her but didn't help the pain idk
it helps with my ribs a little bit but not my arm which is neuropathic
>the SMT phone game is basically SMT GO This is gonna be neat as heck
>>272871 most of my pain is neuropathy i do have some bone pain but tbh i never pay attention to it the neuropathy is the only thing debilitating
yeah i know what you mean neuropathic pain is so hard to ignore sometimes and nothing really effectively deals with it
That reminds me that my toe hasn't been hurting lately. Way to go, toe!
vasodilators help me a lot with neuropathy alcohol is the obvious one i use but in times that i don't drink, i just use l-arginine but the pills are fucking gigantic l-arginine with stimulants is great because it counteracts the vasoconstriction which helps lessen the stress on the vessels some people additionally take ibuprofen to reduce oxidative stress but i'm not doing intense workouts like those people are so i usually dont
ive found that the pain is less troubling to me with kratom it still hurts but my mind is so clear of background noise that the pain stops being as distracting or like it's easier to ignore
that's just sort of a pleasant additional effect though
i hope i don't sleep all day tomorrow from this second dose ill be in a bad bind if i backlog my work
it usually puts me to sleep really easily and i sleep better but i don't have trouble waking up or getting up or anything doesn't affect my sleep more than that i get more hours in deep sleep (according to my fitbit)
do you get good dreams i mean not the content of the dreams but the quality of dream sleep i know i get crazy vivid and emotionally positive dreams with moderate benzo doses (but my dosing is usually small) but like some things you just don't dream on
i can't remember having any dreams when I've used kratom I mean, maybe i can, but atm i can't remember any dreams ive had with it
fuck does this shit work on histamine receptors i'm getting that brain fog like i'm going to have a histamine headache gross
it might be the benzo gap then it's been a few days
chug the skooma
Sip the skooma in a dignified and elegant fashion,.
>>272885 maybe ive never experienced any kind of brain fog with kratom
although the first time i took it basically cleared out my negative emotions to the point where i couldn't even imagine what it felt like to be sad
by brain fog i don't mean thoughtspace i mean a kind of dull pressure on one hemisphere and that kind of migraine aura >>272888 that's pretty crazy
it actually ended up stressing me out because i was trying so hard to figure out how to feel sad and i just couldn't fucking do it it was really weird i haven't gotten anything like that since my first time though
>>272888 That sounds fun I might (probably won't) try it.
i think it's really good for depression but only in short bursts like you can get 6-8 hours of relieved depression but if you take it daily, you can build tolerance really quickly and end up addicted i try to be really careful with it
i like changing things up regularly so i don't worry about addiction too much imo i can't do the same thing day in day out because i've got other mental and emotional maintenances to balance if i've been taking klonopin (50 hour half life benzo) for a few days and managed that, then i'll be looking to stim up and manage my ambitions and organize my mind after a long rest klonopin sucks though i am really excited to get my loraz tomorrow because it's out of your system within like four hours so instead of being groggy and sluggish for 50 hours i can pop one when i have an anxiety attack and it's out before morning and i'm energized
i find that my brain is so used to these kinds of transitions that it will still functionally do it even without the substances. they help smooth that transition, but my brain has travelled those pathways plenty and knows its way around them functionally what it can't do is still have the substance present to interface with a new environment, though, so there's some limitation
Any of you nerds like the band Low?
i dont know of them or tbh a lot of the things you mention i'm not sure if we have many /mu/ type posters on /moe/ who are really big about it some of the other liveboards seem to talk about music a lot, you might have more relatable experiences there bang is kind of a music nerd though
>>272893 i can dig it i gotta have a biochemical routine pretty much since ive been on routine for like 10+ years i can introduce stuff like kratom without interfering with my routine though, pretty much whenever kratom interacts a little with stimulants though it's not really noticable i usually won't take kratom within 5 or so hours from when i took my Vyvanse (if I did) i find the kratom much better on days i don't take my Vyvanse
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
nananana work work work HRRRRGH STAHP >>272898 oh i just hate the song
work is fairly :partyparrot: so far
>>272897 are you havin fun with your new work oh i take that as a no
>>272897 sounds fun i'm glad you found something fun >>272896 dude i hecking love stimulant sleeps like the feeling of taking a damph and immediately laying down and sleeping for 10 hours is so amazing
>>272895 There are a couple of anons who seem to know like 70-90% of the bands I mention. Anyways, Low is a slowtempo band with really depressing lyrics but their songs are often hauntingly beautiful.
>>272901 sometimes i will work without stims just so i can be tired enough to do a stim sleep it's really the best
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>272899 well it's just my first week we'll see after a few months
>>272902 i can't sleep much with stimulants because my heart problems my body can't slow my heart enough so it fucks me up
>>272905 yeah i used to I don't anymore i could use coffee to sleep when i was like 18 but my heart's gotten worse and it just messes with me now tea helps me sleep i think tea has just enough caffeine to help without fucking my heart
>>272904 you do on coffee don't you yeah i have heart problems too so i know what you mean but valerian root helps with that for me
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
acid is good for depression or so says my friend
>>272906 microdosing or superdosing? i've heard the same from both i don't have much space in my routine for existential revelations though
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>272907 my friend has tried both, micro dosed at a wedding and otherwise did day trips
>>272927 That suto-battle thing worked really well for me. I just did my two bonus runs per day paying attention and auto-battled with the rest of my stamina.
stop licking your ice cream and give me my fucking ice cream kaede goddamnit
the wise man built his house upon the rock
>>272982 remember when i was gonna come down on the 1nd of september and we were gonna film the keys that was gonna be a thing tbh i would have waited until hurricane day and died for that footage of the hurricane from the sea bridge
out of fuel? i've had that happen before you just take like a napkin or tissue paper and strike it a whole bunch of times and the filings from striking it fall onto the paper, then you kind of roll it up and the spark can light the paper up with the filings boom no fuel needed but it's not a particularly fun task
>>273193 It's more random I'm really just meming at sam though
how so i dont doubt it i'm just curious
>>273199 This will take a sec to explain, I need to go refresh myself on it But basically, computers are bad at generating random numbers
>>273206 Like that old Maxis game SimAnt. Only with centipedes.
>>273204 this is kind of what i was working with already, i'm more curious what's going on that hardware is doing differently or what the limitation is if you happen to know it's nbd if you don't
>>273211 I think I do, I just need to think a bit before answering.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
PRNGs make a stream of random bytes from a small random seed, or mix in bits of entropy over time, whereas hardware is like a source of entropy
im thinkin caeda would be best though high res and good def 40 spd with +spd damage is low as shit but with wo dao and wrath it won't matter because she'll be shitting out glacies or whatever you want like every other turn with an additional 20 damage
this would probably bait the shit out of people in arena too
>>273302 that's not nearly as romantic as screaming into another human though
The new Pixel model is pretty much absolutely not going to have a headphone jack. And it was only last year they were mocking the Apple movement to remove it too.
I guess it's a good thing I don't probably have any reason to get a new phone for a few years. Hopefully there's some kind of understanding reached or the industry stops trying to remove them. I kind of like being able to have headphones and wired charging available.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
The year is 2020. A network of fiber optic spans the globe connecting billions. And they're still using the same analog flimsy as headphone wires like what that standard is over fifty years old really I thought they would have headphones implanted into their skulls by now
>>273310 I like wired things! If stuff is wireless it usually needs to be charged periodically.
headphone wires are a statement "fuck off"
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
The year is 2030 people are still doing that stupid dance with USB-A plugs flipping them over all puzzled like like goddammit can we get futuristic already
If phone manufacturers and headphone manufacturers want to come to an agreement on designing headphones using USB-C jacks and convince the rest of the major players in computing hardware to get on board and promote more accessible and numerous Type-C ports, then yeah, I'll go along with that. But as it stands that feels like a pretty titanic undertaking and it's going to be an inconvenience for me until everything gets smoothed over.
>>273322 well it's happening and frankly i'm glad apple is pushing for this stuff imagine if microsoft were stewarding new tech oh god backwards compatibility foreva we'd still have optical drives standard and shitty TN screens
Well I'm also a little worried about the wider field. Like for example, my current PC headphones set up feeds the 3.5mm cable into my USB mic, which feeds into my PC. And if three years down the line I need to replace my headphones, but headphones now come with Type-C jacks. I'd have to find an adapter, or upgrade to a new mic that has a Type-C port.
Or what about PC tower cases. General manufacturers and motherboard manufacturers would also have to get on board, putting more Type-Cs both on the motherboard and on the front panel for PC towers.
Moving away from the 3.5mm cable is more than just phones and headphones and that's sort of why it's a concern for me.
interview with a 2040er "why are you-- what happened where are the holograms"
"well fucking Amazon wanted us to buy holocubes and we just couldn't be bothered so we nuked seattle
>>273332 i had a teenage girl ask me what kind of memes we had in the 90s
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
>>273330 are you worried about DVDs too USB keys like let it go the new cable is much better
>>273334 Not really because they're not as relevant to my interests.
>>273334 It's not a matter of it being better it's a matter of it being accessible.
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
suck it up buttercup we have to move on it's gonna be inconvenient here or there but it'll be worth it
I don't disagree with that. My problem is that I can't be confident manufacturers as a whole will.
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
sooner we kill USB-A the better i just hope they figure out the weird incompatibility story with USB-C soon
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
the year is 2050 we were going to have peripherals made out of pure light but Dell didn't wanna so i guess we'll keep untangling headphone cords like idiots