Thread #272131
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Yes anime
sagrada youkoso point system kakegurui sakura wars quest not wars whatever
Probably Sagrada if we need to do something without Squid.
lets reset tmr i need to watch last weeks ep i dont hate this arc
Then Altair, then everything else?
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I guess so. Which episode of Altair is it?
Episode nine.
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okay altair 9 okay lets start
i might have to restart comp trying to fix stuff message me on steam if im slow or something
A book I read yesterday used that exact same trick. Keeping your eyes closed to blind others in the dark while you can still sort of see.
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okay so Ika needs a minute?
no i can watch on my phone
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Are you sure you don't want to restart your computer?
yeah i dont have to restart yet its gonna maybe later lets go
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okay well then youkoso point system okay lets start
i heard people dont like this show why it has good designs and they characters are ok
I haven't seen much buzz about the show. It seems to have a small bit of people that talk about it but not much.
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I don't like it as much now that it's turned into survivor.
people also hate gamers i can kinda understand cause the constant misunderstandings i like the designs in that too though
At least she's straightforward about it.
these guys are cool i want to be C class
The ones with the beach party? That's class B.
>>272177 no thats class C class B is umbrella girl
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are these guys even high school students They look middle aged.
>>272179 This isn't class C. The subs even said this was class B as it panned across it.
>>272181 no she said what is class C doing
What class is Lots of points-chan from B too?
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I thought B was the one with lots of points, and C was the one with the mean guys.
>>272186 yeah that sit Umbrella and lots of points are classmates then unless Umbrella is A
Okay that answers it Umbrella is A Baldy wanted to become a student council but failed and lost power in his class or something
Someone's trying to ruin them, huh.
Oh no poor 50%-kun. And he just stuffs it in his pocket. 'Cause that's a reasonable solution.
it was probably another class person
Oh they also do guys for the ED.
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okay kakegurui okay let's start
This is not 720p.
h-heh family heads
Oh right she's playing her trump card.
What is that card
is the vice pres a manm
Yeah that wasn't quite the voice I was expecting from them.
Its a voice changer I think
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Yeah, I think it's a voice changer. She's way too full bodied to be a guy.
Well it's pretty noticable modded. But there ought to be a reason why.
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This guy seems like a planning type.
What tipped you off, huh.
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Dismissing her behavior as simply being eccentric seems like a mistake. Yumeko is usually up to something, we've very rarely seen her act crazy for no reason.
>Acting like Jabami cares about your personal life story. Girl just wants to gamble.
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So this was her plan.
hahahahaha yumeko i s so mean
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Now Yumeko is gambling with people.
It's really just the next step up.
What was with that pose.
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Yumeko really had fun with all that.
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okay sakura quest okay lets start
If all he is know once as was just young and foolish, and he's no longer young and no longer foolish, then what is he. People got to have defining characteristics.
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Isn't their culture fine if they keep it alive? Culture is about people, not what municipality you belong to.
Oh no Riri.>>272303 It's not like they've been particularly driven to maintain the uniqueness of their culture. I mean we've had story arcs about them de-mystifying the dragon song and finding the artifacts of the festival. Their whole community up to this point has seemed content to just let the unique aspects of their culture slide into genericness. Or I guess I should say community as a whole.
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Their real problem is that they are not reproducing, like the rest of Japan. Their town is drying up! They should put their young women to work making babies instead of trying to save culture.
Nearly all their young people, including women, are running off to the big cities. They've not got the necessary elements for your plan to work in the first place.
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They have a bunch of cute girls, but they really only have one guy who is a good deal and he's a gaijin.
So it sounds like your plan can't really work out with how things are anyway.
>Spending a hundred and fifty minutes a day on cleanliness
Is this the last eepisode
Odds are one more.
Fall in love
watashi no roots
Waow What a coincidence. So they're going to kidnap a foreign mayor and force him to make sister cities.
Sandaru's English is pretty good. As expected of best boy.
We follow each other
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okay thanks for anime!