Thread #271187
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Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/13 (水) 04:11 No. 271190
Aho Girl Isekai wa Smartphone Nana Maru New Game Shoukoku no Altair Tsuredzure Children
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Oh ika is here already okay isekai cellphone nana maru tsure aho girl new game sound good? Or do you want to do kakegurui instead of something ika doesn't watch?
that is ok
Oh I missed Kakegurui ...Oh no. The stupid titling is back.
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okay isekai cellphone okay lets start
All right.
tildes favourite show
>>271204 Yeah, you bet. Ugh I forgot it was even the beach episode on top of it. Why this.
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So he used gate to bring every girl he knows there and then he used magic to just straight up create tents None of these bathing suits are very flattering.
They're also awfully modern bathing suits.
>>271211 I bet he made them
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The petite girls actually have cute swimsuits.
he literally can do anything
>Brings his harem to a beach >Has no interest in playing with them and just wants to work
This is one of the few characters that actually plays off the meagre personality he has.
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Wow, he can't breathe underwater. There's actually something he can't do!
For now.
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Not really what I expected.
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Oh yeah, he used slip. It looks like he's using a weird slip chain.
Of course.
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>hide them with sand what just put your top back on
These beings of incredible strength are awfully pathetic.
It's pretty clear who the harem ringleader is.
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Wow, a new girl what a surprise! And she doesn't wear underwear.
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okay nana maru okay lets start
Maarumaru maru maru ma
Oh this is more or less what I expected.
MC doesn't look so shrimpy when everyone around him leans over. Man he's even more obnoxious when he gets dressed up like a girl.
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>chase the annoying guy out >he shows back up dressed as a girl
Yeah, I kind of figured he'd take heavy advantage of the point rules to sabotage as much as possible.
What a question.
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Everyone in the room was staring at him while looking smug.
What a tense bit of history trivia.
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okay tsureze okay lets start
Tsu re dzu re
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I like Ayaka's voice.
I hope this pairing gets conclusion before the end of the season. Their arc has been pretty cute.
Oh no.
ruh oh
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Crying on it is just going to add to the problem!
It's always a little weird how whacking things can some times fix thi- Oh WAIT YES THESE TWO.
Oh these two are friends huh.
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okay thanks ika! let's move on to aho girl okay lets start
Aho gyaru
okkk thanks
What a horrifying nightmare. Poor Akkun.
So more than being another aho girl she's just totally dame dame.
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>Dick High Some how I'm not even surprised. KUYASHI
Wow that's one hell of a school.
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yankee arc
There's some rather decent animation here. Sasuga anime shorts.
Her seiyuu has a pretty good range actually. Sounded nothing like usual Yoshiko there.
Oh no
What a hard-working dog.
Oh, flashback episode.
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new game okay lets go
Samu 🌉 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/13 (水) 05:45 No. 271310
world 1-1
Doo doo doododoo do
Red light green light.
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Momo is a fun ruiner.
I don't think that's right. She did point out a pretty important consistency flaw with the minigame.
I can kind of relate with programmer intern-chan a bit. It can get pretty frustrating when you have a clear goal in mind and every time you get close to completion, someone comes in with a complication or add-on into the project. Especially when you've got a pre-established time frame to work in.
Nene is wandering around with nothing to do. What a recipe for disaster.
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I'm sure it will be fine.
That spin of the hand was pretty well-animated.
She names all her games after herself. How Nenecchi.
It sounds like she got really carried away with her Hard mode.
Umiko really does kind of dote on Nenecchi.
Candlelit dinner huh.
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A Nene episode was a great idea.
I guess Kou is going to DIE.
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okay thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.